Swimming with a 3 year old. Children's and family inflatable pools Intex

A child who cannot swim is at risk near bodies of water. Meanwhile, even a four-year-old kid who has completed the initial training course can stay on the water. At our school, teaching your child to swim in the pool is safe and fun.

Children's activities in the pool

Qualified coaches conduct individual and group swimming lessons for children. We not only teach technique and swimming styles, but also give positive emotions from being in the pool. Children who attend classes regularly easily master the fascinating process of moving through the water, while strengthening the health of the muscular “corset”.

With our help, the older guys overcome their fear of being in the water, and some express a desire to develop skills. We are preparing them for competitions to receive sports category. The trainer conducts training for children in accordance with higher requirements for technique and style, conducts psychological preparation and provides support in competitions.

Choose our school

ABC of Swimming is one of the few schools that offer swimming lessons for children from the age of 4. We understand that every baby is different and we try to find an approach even to the smallest ones. We are sincerely happy when they start to succeed.

Our school also runs group swimming lessons for older children and teenagers. Classes in a group are a great opportunity to show yourself and your achievements, and what could be more important for a growing man? In training, we, in addition to teaching basic skills, develop in students the desire for leadership.

Our advantages:

  • personal training schedule;
  • decent prices for education;
  • convenient location - SVAO, next to VDNKh.

If you have been looking for a first-class swimming school for children for a long time, but without success, sign up!


  • For classes in the pool, the child must have: a medical certificate, a swimsuit or swimming trunks, a hat, glasses, pool shoes, a towel, soap, a washcloth.
  • Entrance to the pool: 15 minutes before the start of classes.
  • Groups up to 12 people.
  • If a child missed a lesson, then with a medical certificate, the lesson can be rescheduled for the next month or attend a workout during the current month with another group.
  • Children change in comfortable changing rooms with lockers, wash in clean showers and can use our hair dryers.
  • Boys and girls change their own clothes from the age of six.
  • Parents are not present at the lessons. But we look forward to seeing you open training and competitions.
  • Training of children takes place immediately in deep water - according to the methods of sports schools.
  • The pool has a shallow entry into the water.
  • We provide students with all the necessary sports equipment.

The benefits of early learning to swim have long been convincingly proven by physicians. Pediatricians agreed that swimming in infancy and in children a little older:

  • improves blood circulation;
  • develops the lungs and helps to increase their volume;
  • gives a hardening effect, so "floating" babies practically do not get colds;
  • beneficial effect on the development of the musculoskeletal system.

Features of teaching swimming to kids

The main condition is that learning should give the child pleasure. Therefore, elements of the game are constantly used in the course of classes. A set of exercises is compiled for the baby, which should preserve and develop the innate swimming reflex that is initially present in each child, gradually disappearing by the third month of life. Therefore, if the time to start classes is missed, and you did not dare to start teaching the baby to swim at such an early age, a completely different technique is used later.

The child in the pool should not feel forced. If he does not want to do some exercise or he is tired of being in the water, you cannot insist on continuing the lesson. Both the baby and his mother should receive only positive emotions from visiting the pool. Each lesson begins with gymnastics, which takes about half the time - 15 minutes. This is followed by a fifteen-minute swimming session.

Swimming pool "Children's Period Park": perfect cleanliness, safety and lots and lots of joy!

The Children's Development Center "Children's Period Park" is a place where children spend time useful, fun and interesting different ages and their mothers. Our center also has a wonderful pool for children up to a year and older, in which classes are conducted by competent instructors with extensive practical experience. The trainer, who himself is the father of four children, deals with the smallest ones. All instructors are very kind, friendly and charismatic, they easily manage to find an approach to the most capricious "swimmers". Children visit our pool up to and including the age of eight. The form of classes can be group or individual.

The pool itself complies with Russian and European standards for the arrangement and equipment of structures of this type. It is shallow, always filled with clean water at a temperature comfortable for the child - 30-32 ° C. In the pool, the strictest control over compliance with hygiene rules is carried out, and all rooms are cleaned regularly.

By the way, now a swimming pool certificate for a child can be obtained directly in the Park (this service is provided by our partner: the Children's Clinic "Child"). The doctor will arrive at a certain time, take an analysis from the baby, and the very next day the therapist will examine the child and write out a certificate! The cost of such a service only for clients of the Park of the children's period is 1500 rubles 🙂!

Registration for an individual lesson with a teacher is possible with a 100% advance payment, since the teacher comes exclusively for classes with your baby and we will not be able to record other people for this time. In case of non-arrival or cancellation individual lessons we leave this payment as a guarantee of payment to the teacher. You can make an advance payment in any way convenient for you (on-line or in our children's center in cash / by card).

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Olympic Avenue, 16

One of the largest pools in the city

One of the largest swimming pools in the city offers swimming lessons for children from 7 years old. In the "Olympic" they work with the guys professional athletes and master of sports. If you want to teach your child the technique of swimming, you can definitely do it here. In group lessons, they will teach you how to stay on the water, breathe and move correctly, and also show the basics of all swimming techniques. In the "Olympic" there are 3 swimming pools: two swimming pools 50 m long and one jumping pool 25 m long and 6 m deep. Competitions and even theatrical performances are constantly held in the pool.

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Talalikhina, 28

Mineral water pool near the city center

This pool is worth going to for the water. In "Atlanta" it is mineral, as close as possible in properties to the sea. This is the only pool in Moscow where water is renewed in three stages: first, it is run through a filter system, then through a disinfectant unit that purifies water by electrolysis, then brine is added to the water - concentrated sea water. In the pool there are classes for babies from 2 weeks and older. In addition to the pool, Atlanta has a sauna, a solarium and massage rooms.

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Ibragimova, 32

Swim school with history

This is the largest center in Moscow aquatic species sports. The pool is divided into 2 parts - for swimming and for diving. For children, classes are held in swimming technique, water aerobics and water polo. Children over 7 years old can swim in the adult pool. For toddlers from 3 to 7 years old, there are two swimming pools (3-5 and 5-7 years old). If your child is under 3 years old, you can choose family swimming with a coach. The advantage of the pool is the qualification of trainers, they can not only teach a child to swim, but also prepare him for victories in sports competitions.

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Staromonetny per., 18

Lessons for the little ones

The center works according to the "burtlight" system, the main idea of ​​which is to support the physical and mental well-being of families during pregnancy and after childbirth. Much attention is paid to communication and joint work of children and parents in the water. This is the best solution for those who want to start swimming with a child from infancy. Swimming classes are held for babies from 1.5 months to school age. You can go to classes with your child or send him to a mini-group and watch the lesson “on land”. The center's specialists also offer baby yoga and developing massages.

Every parent at one time asks the question: in which section to enroll their child? IN childhood it is very important that the baby has the opportunity to communicate with other children, so that he learns the world around him, reveals and develops his creative abilities and talents. Parents are faced with the task of maintaining health and strengthening their immunity. Of course, sports, including swimming, will become important for these purposes.

At what age is it better to send a child to the swimming section? We will tell in our article.

Swimming training for children from 3 and 4 years old - features

Children up to a certain age have fearlessness in front of things that it is difficult for an adult to decide. Of course, it will be much easier for a child to learn to swim than for an adult, if only because children do not yet have clamps, fears or phobias.

The age at which it is better to start learning to swim, each parent chooses for himself. Some have three years, some have four. Practiced even classes for babies. However, the best age for regular workouts in the pool is the age of 4-5 years, depending on the level of perseverance of the baby, his ability to perceive and assimilate information, concentrate for a long time in one lesson. In addition, if a child really likes swimming, it is from this age that a habit and a stable interest in this type of activity are formed.

Speaking about children's training in the pool, you need to pay attention to safety precautions, the decisive role of which is assigned to the coach. His task is not only to conduct the lesson, but to especially closely monitor the health and safety of each student. plus in training process this is the stay of the coach in the water with the children. Firstly, this is how children see with their own eyes all the exercises and tasks that they need to complete. Secondly, in the water, the coach can, if something happens, insure the child and help him cope with possible fears and clamps.

Well, since we are talking about activities with children, it is extremely important to conduct them in a playful way. This will increase the child's interest in training, contribute to the development of teamwork skills and give a healthy competitive spirit.

Where in Moscow are swimming lessons for children from 3 and 4 years old

Looking for a swimming school for your child?! Sign up for training. We also spend in comfortable and clean swimming pools in Moscow. And our qualified coaches will teach your baby to swim sports styles swimming and instill a love for this sport. In the classroom at our school, each student is given an individual approach, everyone is equally given attention, and the priority in training is the safe stay of the child in the water in compliance with all safety rules and standards.

Cost: from 500 rubles/subscription lesson, from 600 rubles/single lesson
Age: from 1.5 months to 5 years

The Second Birth Family Health Center specializes in preparing families for gentle natural childbirth in maternity hospitals, and also teaches parents hardening methods and conducts swimming classes for babies. There are groups for babies up to 1.5 years old and baby groups. Children swim with their mothers in specially equipped pools. For example, in the pool Timiryazev classes are held in a special mini-pool for babies. And in general, they tried to take into account the needs of young swimmers to the maximum: in the locker rooms there are pots and changing tables; a multi-level water purification system is used, the temperature regime necessary for babies is observed (32-34 degrees Celsius).

2. Brightfamily Positive Lifestyle Center

m. Polyanka, Tretyakovskaya
Cost: 1,000 rubles/subscription lesson, 1,100 rubles/one-time lesson
Age: from 1.5 months

The main direction of the center's work is the soft parental practices of Birthlight (Bertlight), developed by the anthropologist and mother of 4 children Francoise Friedman. Practices include yoga classes, as well as early swimming training and aqua yoga for pregnant women using the Birthlight method. Children go swimming with their mothers. The program offers a gentle approach and special movement and relaxation techniques that aim to strengthen the emotional bond between mother and child. Classes are held in a pool designed specifically for children. The water temperature is maintained at 32-34 degrees. All instructors of the center have been trained in the UK and are holders of Birthlight diplomas.

3. Child Center"Dolphin"

6. Children's sports and health club "Semitsvetik"

m. Strogino, SC "Yantar"
m. Yugo-Zapadnaya, Olimpic village, 2
Cost: 775 rubles/subscription lesson, 1,200 rubles/single lesson
Age: from 3 months

IN children's pool sports complex"Yantar" babies are gently and gradually accustomed to water. Coaches use the Russian-Finnish method of training: games in the water, counting rhymes, songs and individual exercises on a progressive plan. At the School, I believe that this is the most effective way to achieve the improvement of the skills of finding a child in the water; while the instructor monitors how their development proceeds. Interest in classes is stimulated by various floating devices - rollers, boards and toys. Each group has no more than 8 families. Both parents are encouraged to attend.
A branch of the School operates in the "Sports Complex Olympic Village - 80".