Regulations on the conduct of cross-country skiing at the school. Cross-country skiing rules

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Organization and holding ski competitions At school

Skiing competitions play an important role in popularizing skiing and attracting a large number of students. They are inextricably linked with academic and extracurricular activities. skiing and with proper preparation and organization are of great educational value, providing positive impact to improve the discipline and academic performance of schoolchildren. At school, competitions are held during the educational process in ski training and according to the plan of extracurricular activities, being one of the ways to sum up and take into account the progress of students. In addition to control competitions during the training

Cess, all other types of them should be carried out only after school hours. Compliance with this requirement is supervised by the headmaster or his deputy for teaching and educational work.
In the process of educational work on ski training, it is necessary not only to give marks for mastering the technique of skiing, studied in this class, but also to adopt training standards. Acceptance of standards is carried out at control lessons, which can be held as competitions for the class championship in skiing.
These competitions are held in one of the last skiing lessons, preferably in normal gliding conditions. In addition, the championship of a class (or several parallel classes) can also be organized on Sunday, timed to coincide with the delivery of norms. Pupils must be warned about holding such control (training) competitions in advance so that they can check and prepare the equipment accordingly. All students of the class allowed by the doctor take part in the competition. The distance, if possible, is laid close to the school (in the forest, in parks or on the territory of stadiums). When holding competitions in rough terrain, it is necessary to lay a distance accessible to students of these classes; its difficulty depends on the requirements of the program, as well as the age and preparedness of the students. For judging these competitions, you can involve high school students (if they are held on Sundays) or schoolchildren of the same class involved in the ski departments of the Youth Sports School.
When compiling calendar plan competitions for schoolchildren, it is necessary to take into account all the requirements for the calendar of adult skiers, providing, however, large quantity mass competitions on the ground. The school usually holds competitions dedicated to the opening and closing of the winter season, for the championship of the class, all parallel classes and schools, classification competitions, mass ski crosses dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, competitions for passing norms. The calendar plan of the competition should be colorfully designed and posted on the bulletin board.
Competitions for the school championship are recommended to be held on the day of the traditional winter holiday. For schoolchildren who are part of national teams, the number of intra-school competitions is somewhat less, but the number of district, city and regional competitions increases accordingly. To hold the school championship, it is necessary to create an organizing committee, which should include the school principal, physical education teachers and teachers of the course "Fundamentals of

Life safety”, physical culture asset, parents. It is very important to involve class teachers in the organization of competitions, having familiarized them with the regulations on competitions and some points of the rules. It is necessary to prepare inventory and equipment in advance (transformers "Start" and "Finish", flags for marking, numbers of participants, etc.). It is advisable to involve schoolchildren themselves in its manufacture.
Intra-school competitions of any scale (the championship of parallel classes or schools, classification, qualifying, mass passing norms) should be well advertised in the school through announcements, wall printing, radio, etc. Equally important is the colorful design of the competition venues, their grand opening and closing. Holding a parade, hoisting the flag and other festive events create a festive mood and increase interest in competitions to which parents and representatives of sponsoring organizations are invited.
The first stage of skiing competitions at school is the class championship, where the winner (champion) of the individual championship is determined. Based on the results of these competitions, a class team is completed for various intra-school competitions.
School championship competitions can be held according to different programs: 1) between parallel classes (VIIA, VIIB, VIIB, etc.); 2) between groups of classes (adjacent classes -III-IV, V-VI, VII-VIII, IX-X, X-XI); 3) between all classes of the school. The composition of the class teams by gender and the number of participants is determined by the position. In the second and third cases, the calculation of team results is carried out according to the score tables, which allows you to correctly evaluate the results of participants in various distances and, regardless of the gender and age of students, determine the winning team for the school championship. In the individual championship, school champions are determined in each age group at various distances.
When preparing cross-country skiing tracks, it is necessary to pay attention to the compliance of the track profile (its complexity) with the gender, age and preparedness of young skiers. When drawing up a calendar plan and a program, it is necessary to take into account the gradual increase in the load both in terms of complexity and the length of the distance. At the beginning of the season, it is recommended to hold competitions on slightly rugged terrain and on tracks of shorter length. So, for example, older girls are allowed to compete at distances up to 10 km, but at the beginning of the season they should be limited to distances up to 3 km; young men are respectively allowed up to 20 km, recommended no more than 5 km. In other age groups - in boys and girls -
teenagers and younger girls and boys - distances are also reduced by about half of the maximum allowable for each age. Here is a table of allowable distances:

At mass competitions, distances that are the maximum allowable for a given age, even in the middle of the season, are not recommended.
At school, you can hold biathlon competitions for high school students with small-caliber or air rifles. They can be considered as one of the forms of pre-conscription training of young men; teachers - organizers of the course "Fundamentals of Life Safety" should participate in their organization, preparation and conduct. If there is a shortage of small-caliber rifles for all participants, the competition can be held according to simplified rules. Participants go through the race stage with mock weapons or training rifles, while target rifles and ammunition are located directly on the shooting range. The young man, coming to the shooting range, takes off his training rifle and starts shooting from the one located at the turn. Having shot, he leaves it at the turn for another participant, and he puts on his training and goes further to the distance. Young men are very interested in participating in such competitions. Training can be conducted during the section. In addition, there may be several specialized shooting drills on the move.
When organizing such competitions, it is necessary to pay the most serious attention to safety when shooting. The line for shooting should include a high shaft, a cliff for bullet-catching. The appearance of people in the direction of the shooting is excluded.
During competitions in cross-country skiing temperature must be taken into account. In the regions of the middle and southern strip of the Russian Federation, it is impossible to hold competitions at temperatures below -20 ° C; in the northern and equivalent areas - not lower than -30°С. In case of strong wind (6-10 m/s) competitions are also prohibited.

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APPROVE Deputy Head of the Administration of the Leninsky District V.A. Kosolapov "...."………….. 2011


on holding competitions in cross-country skiing in the Leninsky district

Goals and objectives

Competitions are held to revive and preserve traditions active rest, promotion of physical culture and sports, formation healthy lifestyle the life of the population, the development of friendly relations between enterprises and organizations of the Leninsky district, the improvement of sportsmanship and health promotion, the development of skiing.

Management Competitions are held according to the plan sports events administration of the Leninsky district for 2011. The general management of the competition is carried out by the administration of the Leninsky district. Refereeing rests with the main panel of judges.Venue and date The competition will take place on March 13, 2011 at the PSTU ski complex ( tennis court on st. Professor Dedyukin). Collection and registration of participants from 10-30 to 11-30 hours. Competition starts at 12:00 pm. For all questions about the competition, please contact: Perm, st. Kirova 59, administration of the Leninsky district, department for culture, sports and youth policy. tel. Fax. 2-12-12-52. Members All willing residents of the Leninsky district and the city of Perm, who have passed registration on time, take part in the competition. Terms and conditions and determination of winners Competitions are cross-country skiing: 3 km for women; for men 5 km. The move is free. Start general: for women at 12-00 o'clock; for men at 12:30 p.m. Winners are determined in the categories of girls and women: under 18; from 18 to 30 years old; from 30 years old and older boys and men: up to 18 years old; from 18 to 30 years old; 30 years and older Rewarding Winners and prize-winners in all categories are awarded with cups and diplomas. Expenses

The expenses for the organization of the festival are carried out at the expense of budgetary funds allocated for holding regional cultural and mass sports events Leninsky district.

  1. Regulations on holding a sports festival of skiing in the Leninsky district of the city of Perm


    The sports festival is held with the aim of reviving and preserving the traditions of outdoor activities, promoting physical culture and sports, promoting a healthy lifestyle for the population, developing friendly relations between enterprises and

  2. Objectives: to ensure a strong and conscious mastery of the system of mathematical knowledge and skills necessary for application in practical activities, for the study of related disciplines, for continuing education


    The federal component of the state standard for elementary general education establishes compulsory subjects for study: Russian language, Literary reading, Foreign language, Mathematics, World around, Visual

  3. Information on holding events in the city of Mogilev and the Mogilev region for the Year of Health for 2008


    Action plans for the Year of Health in the city of Mogilev (Leninsky, Oktyabrsky districts) and Mogilev region were developed and approved. Similar plans have been prepared in departments of city enterprises and village councils, enterprises


    All-Russian competition among students of educational organizations in cross-country skiing for the prizes of the newspaper " Pioneer Truth” (hereinafter referred to as the Competitions) are held in order to organize physical culture and sports work in educational organizations.

    The main tasks are:

      involvement of schoolchildren in regular classes physical culture and sports, strengthening their health;

      further development of mass skiing;

      preparation for passing the standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP).


    Competitions are held in three stages.

    Istage - competitions in municipalities Russian Federation(January 2019);

    IIstage - competitions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (February 2019);

    IIIstage - All-Russian final competitions are held in the city of Pervouralsk ( Sverdlovsk region) from March 26 to March 31, 2019, including March 26 - the day of arrival, March 31 - the day of departure.


    The overall management of the organization of the Competitions is carried out by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Ministry of Sports of Russia), the All-Russian Public Organization "Federation of Ski Racing of Russia" (hereinafter - the Federation of Ski Racing of Russia), the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization "Editorial Office of the Newspaper Pionerskaya Pravda" (hereinafter - the newspaper "Pionerskaya true”), with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia).

    The powers of the Ministry of Sports of Russia, as the organizer of the Competition, are carried out by the Federal State Autonomous Institution "Department for the Organization and Holding of Sports Events" (hereinafter - the Federal State Autonomous Institution "USM").

    Direct competitionI And IIstages is assigned to the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sports, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that manage education, regional branches of the Russian Ski Racing Federation.

    Direct conductIIIstage of the competition is assigned to the Federation of Ski Racing of Russia and the main panel of judges.


    Competitions are held among boys and girls in two age groups: 11-12 years old (2007-2008), allowed until 2009 (at the time final stage must be 10 years old), and 13 - 14 years old (born in 2005 - 2006).

    The composition of the team in each age group - 6 people, including 5 participants and 1 coach-leader.

    On IIIcompetition stage allowed teamsIIstages depending on total participants in competitions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the total amount of time of five participants of one team.


    Program IIcompetition stages:

    Day 1 - arrival day, official training;

    2nd day - classic style 3 km - boys born in 2005-2006

    classic 2 km - boys born in 2007-2008

    classic style 2 km - girls born in 2005-2006

    classic style 1 km - girls born in 2007-2008

    Day 3 - free style 3 km - boys born in 2005-2006

    free style 2 km - boys born in 2007-2008

    free style 2 km - girls born in 2005-2006

    free style 1 km - girls born in 2007-2008

    Program IIIcompetition stages:

    26 March - day of arrival, placement of teams, official training, work of the commission for the admission of participants.

    classic style 3 km - boys born in 2007-2008

    classic style 3 km - girls 2005-2006 b.b.

    classic style 2 km - girls 2007-2008 b.b.

    free style 3 km - boys born in 2007-2008

    freestyle 3 km - girls born in 2005-2006

    free style 3 km - girls born in 2007-2008

    relay race (4 x 2 km) - boys born in 2006-2007

    relay (4 x 2 km) - girls born in 2004-2005

    relay (4 x 1 km) - girls born in 2006-2007

    The first and second stages in the relay are classical style, the third and fourth stages are free style.

    31 Martha departure day.


    Individual-team competitions are held in accordance with the rules for the sport of cross-country skiing, approved by the Ministry of Sports of Russia.

    The individual championship is determined by the best result in individual races.

    The team championship is determined in each age group separately among boys and girls according to the highest total points scored by all team members (Appendix No. 1).


    Participants who took 1-3 places in the individual championship and relay racesIIIstage of the Competition in each age group separately among boys andgirls are awarded diplomas and medalsMinistry of Sports of Russia.

    Teams that took 1-3 places in the team championshipIIIstages of the Competition in each age group separately among boys and girls, are awarded with commemorative cups and diplomas of the Russian Ski Racing Federation.


    Costs associated with holdingI And IIstages of the Competitions are provided by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sports, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that manage in the field of education, and the conducting organizations in the field as agreed.

    Ministry of Sports of Russia, Federation ski racing in Russia and the Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper provideequity participation in financingIIIstages of the competition as agreed.

    The Ministry of Sports of Russia provides financial supportIIIstage of the Competition in accordance with the Procedure for financing from the federal budget and the Norms for the expenditure of funds for holding physical culture and sports events included in the Unified calendar plan for interregional, all-Russian and international events and sports events.

    Travel expenses for participantsIIIstage of the Competition (travel to the venue of the Competition and back, daily allowance on the way, insurance of participants) is provided by the sending organizations.

    The insurance of participants of the Competitions is carried out at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and extra-budgetary funds, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


    Ensuring the safety of participants and spectators is carried outin accordance with the requirements of the Rules for ensuring safety during official sports competitions, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 18, 2014 No. 353, as well as the requirements of the rules for the sport of cross-country skiing.

    Competitions are held at sports facilities included in the All-Russian Register of Sports Facilities in accordance with the Federal Law of December 04, 2007 No. 329-FZ "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation", and the availability of acts of readiness sports facility to carry out activities approved in the prescribed manner.

    The provision of emergency medical care is carried out in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated March 01, 2016 No. 134n “On the Procedure for organizing the provision of medical care to people involved in physical culture and sports (including in the preparation and holding of physical education and sports events), including the procedure for medical examination of persons wishing to undergo sports training, engage in physical culture and sports in organizations and (or) fulfill the test standards (tests) of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense".

    Regulations on holding competitions in cross-country skiing for the prizes of the Honored Master of Sports, bronze medalist of the 21st winter Olympic Games Alexey Petukhov

    1. General Provisions

    Competitions are held for the purpose of:
    - further promotion and development of cross-country skiing in the city of Murmansk;
    - attraction to regular classes skiing;
    - increasing the importance of the role of physical culture and sports and involving children in skiing;
    - strengthening sports ties and identifying the strongest athletes;
    - patriotic education of the younger generation.

    2. Venue and dates

    Competitions are held on March 25, 2016 in the park on the Five Corners Square (Murmansk region, Murmansk city).

    3. Event organizers

    The general management of the preparation and holding of competitions is carried out by the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports of the Administration of the City of Murmansk (hereinafter referred to as the Committee). The direct holding of the competition is entrusted to the federation of ski races of the city of Murmansk and the main panel of judges, approved by the order of the Committee.

    4. Competitors

    One team from the municipality of the Murmansk region, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and foreign countries is allowed to participate in the competition. The organizer reserves the right to change the number of participating teams.

    Team sprint:

    Junior age group: 2002 - 2003 year of birth;
    Average age group: 2000 - 2001 year of birth;
    Senior age group: 1998 - 1999 year of birth.

    5. Competition program

    March 24, 2016
    09.00 - 15.30 - arrival of teams from other cities;
    16.00 - 17.30 - meeting of the panel of judges.

    16.45 - 18.45 - competitions:
    - Team sprint (mixed). Distance 800 meters free style.

    Junior age group:

    Sports competitions in skiing are of great and multifaceted importance in the physical education of schoolchildren. Covering various types of skiing, they contribute to the expansion of mass sports work within the school, involve students in systematic physical education, are inextricably linked with the educational and training process and are a continuation of educational work. At the competitions, the results of work for a certain period are summed up, its positive aspects and shortcomings are revealed, the strongest athletes of the class, schools and best teams. At the same time, skiing competitions have a great educational impact. Schoolchildren have increased discipline and an irresponsible attitude to training appears, courage, diligence, a sense of mutual assistance and collectivism are brought up. Competitions are an organic part of the training of qualified athletes. Participation in competitions allows you to achieve high loads, brings up strong-willed qualities. Great importance have sport competitions as a school for the transfer of experience. Well-organized competitions, solemnly and colorfully decorated start and finish places create a festive mood among the participants.

    The types of competitions in skiing are varied. Cross-country skiing competitions for various distances are especially popular. Competitions in ski jumping and alpine skiing (slalom, giant slalom, downhill skiing), biathlon and Nordic combined are very popular with spectators.

    The organization and holding of competitions in skiing is preceded by a lot of preliminary work, which is complicated by weather conditions and terrain. All this requires special knowledge and experience, which will allow holding competitions on high level attracting a large number of spectators.

    Competition classification

    The whole variety of skiing competitions is classified according to various criteria. At school, competitions are primarily divided into intra-school and out-of-school competitions.

    nye. The main task of intra-school competitions is to attract most participants to promote skiing. Out-of-school competitions for students, depending on the scale, are divided into grassroots, district, city, regional, all-Russian and international.

    Depending on the significance, scale and objectives of the competition in various types skiing can be divided into the following groups:

    1. Spartakiad of the peoples of the Russian Federation, territories, regions, autonomous republics, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Championships, cups, championships, youth and youth games of these territories. Championships, cups and championships of the DSO and departments, as well as all international competitions and CIS competitions held on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    2. Competitions of district, district, city and other administrative divisions located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    3. Competitions in sports schools, sports clubs and collectives of physical culture.

    By tasks competitions are classified:

    1. Championships in which the champion is determined (the winner of the class, school, district, city, region, republic, country, as well as sports clubs of the DSO and departments).

    2. Qualifiers, where the strongest skiers in the class, school, etc. stand out. to participate in teams various competitions conducted by higher organizations.

    3. Control competitions are held during the educational and training process in the form of "estimates" to monitor the growth of fitness and sports results. In addition, such competitions are held in the classroom. ski training at school when summing up and taking into account the progress of students.

    4. Mass competitions are held to popularize skiing among the population.

    5. Demonstration competitions are most often held in the most spectacular types of skiing - ski jumping and slalom in order to popularize skiing. With appropriate organization, they can be carried out with no less effect in other types - biathlon, relay races and races.

    6. At cup competitions, athletes compete for the established prize (cup) of various sports or public organizations or territories.

    7. Targeted competitions are held according to a special program (“Festival of the North”, etc.).

    8. Classification competitions - for the fulfillment by skiers of the category norms of the Unified Sports Classification.

    9. Test competitions - for students to fulfill the standards of educational programs (at school, university, etc.).

    By form of organization There are the following types of competitions:

    1. Closed competitions - only skiers of this team can take part in them: class, school, sports club, etc.

    2. Open competitions- with the participation of teams of skiers from other teams that can fully compete for the winners' medals and prizes, etc. Everyone is allowed to these competitions (open start) with the permission of a doctor or the strongest skiers of other schools, teams by special invitation.

    3. Friendly (match) meetings of two or more teams are competitions by prior arrangement between teams of classes, schools, sports clubs, teams, etc.

    4. Correspondence mass competitions are held between schools, sports clubs, teams in the city, region, etc.

    By offset conditions may be the following competitions:

    1. Personal, where places are determined for each participant, and team results are not summed up.

    2. Individual-team, when both personal results of skiers and places for all participating teams are determined.

    3. Team - in them, the results of each participant are counted for the team to determine its place in competitions (for example, in relay races). Winners and places of all participants in the individual championship in this case are not displayed.

    Competition Planning

    Preparation for the organization of competitions in any kind of skiing begins long before the onset of the winter season with the preparation of a calendar plan for competitions and competition regulations. from timely and careful preparation These documents largely depend on the success of the competition.

    Competition calendar

    The calendar plan of the competitions is developed by the organization responsible for their holding, together with public organizations (Ski Federation or Council for physical education schoolchildren at the departments of public education). The plan of sports events for schoolchildren, including skiing, is approved before July 1

    current year and sent to schools and public education authorities. Timely receipt of the calendar plan will allow grassroots teams to plan their competitions in time and carry out all the preparations for them.

    The calendar plans of schools are drawn up in accordance with the plans of the public education authorities, while it must be taken into account that for the majority of students the most important competitions are intra-school. During the season, it is necessary to regularly hold intra-school competitions with possible a large number participants. This makes it possible to identify talented young skiers from among schoolchildren, contributes to the growth of results and the development of mass work in skiing, helps schoolchildren to prepare for passing the norms and pass them.

    When drawing up a calendar plan for any organization, the following basic requirements must be considered:

    1. A gradual increase is envisaged physical activity taking into account the age characteristics and gender of the participants, as well as the level of fitness and qualifications of athletes, the type of competition and the time of their holding. At the beginning of the season, it is recommended to hold competitions on less rugged terrain and shorter distances. Then, gradually from start to start, you should move on to more difficult routes, while increasing the length of the distances. Similar requirements apply to alpine skiing competitions.

    2. Taking into account the climatic conditions of the area, the first competitions of the season must be planned no earlier than 12-15 days after the snow cover is established. In case of early snowfall, the dates of the planned competitions should not be brought closer, you can additionally include 1-2 competitions in the grassroots teams in the calendar plan. This will allow athletes to conduct systematic training in a timely manner and test their fitness in these competitions.

    3. For the whole winter season, the optimal number of competitions for a given age and qualification is included. A schedule overloaded with competitions can lead to overworking and even overtraining of athletes. This should be especially taken into account when planning the number of starts for teenagers and young men. At the same time, an insufficient number of competitions will not allow athletes to achieve the highest results.

    4. The main competitions are planned for the middle of the season. The duration of the period of the main competitions should be equal to the approximate time for the skiers to be in sportswear (2.5-3 months). It is not recommended to appoint the first

    The main competitions are earlier than January (less responsible starts can be planned in December).

    5. From year to year it is necessary to maintain the stability of the calendar plan, holding the same main competitions at regular times. Thanks to this, coaches and athletes over the course of a number of years will be able to improve the methodology for planning the training process and achieve the highest results during the main competitions of the season. It is necessary to include in the calendar as many competitions as possible at the same dates and with a constant program and schedule of starts.

    6. During the period of the departure of the strongest skiers for major competitions on the ground, it is necessary to plan grassroots competitions, match meetings, mass competitions, etc., so that junior athletes can also regularly go to the start and improve their skills.

    The calendar plan of the competition is compiled in the following form:

    Regulations on competitions

    Regulations on competitions are drawn up on the basis of the calendar plan and the rules of skiing competitions. It is the main document regulating the procedure and conditions for their implementation. All main sections of the provision must be carefully thought out, clearly and clearly stated, so that there are no questions or different interpretations of their content on the points.

    The regulations must be sent to the participants in advance - for competitions not higher than the regional scale no later than 2 months, and for republican and all-Union - 3 months before the start of the competition.

    The regulation of any competition always consists of the following sections: goals and objectives of the competition; place and time of the event; management of preparation and conduct; participants; program and conditions; the procedure for determining the winners of the individual and team championships; awarding the winners of individual and team championships; conditions for admission of participants; terms and procedure for submitting applications for participation in competitions. Depending on the scale and type of competition, the content of the sections of the regulation may vary somewhat. In domestic competitions

    without going to another city, the point on the reception of participants is usually excluded, the deadlines for submitting preliminary and final applications are changed, etc.

    When determining the place and timing of the competition, the length of routes should be reduced to a minimum when teams move from home to the city where preliminary and subsequent competitions are planned. This will significantly reduce the cost of funds, reduce the time of separation from *:<*бы и работы и сохранит силы участ­ников. Кроме того, необходимо учитывать климатические условия местности, где предполагается провести соревнования, сроки воз­никновения постоянного снежного покрова (в начале сезона) и тая­ния его (весной), температуру воздуха, возможные перепады пого­ды и т.д. Выбирая местность для прокладки дистанции, следует учитывать ее соответствие масштабу соревнований и уровню под­готовки участников. Время начала соревнований зависит от про­должительности светового дня, длины дистанции и количества участников на каждой из них, удаленности старта и финиша от мест размещения и питания участников, пропускной способности столовых, где питаются участники, и организации транспорта.

    When drawing up the regulation on major individual-team competitions with the participation of a large number of participants and various teams of DSOs and departments, it is necessary to carefully consider and set out in detail all sections of the regulation, primarily the following points: “Competition participants”, “Competition program and conditions”, “ The procedure for determining the winners in the individual and team championship.

    When setting out the section “Participants of the competition”, it is necessary to accurately indicate the conditions for admission of individual participants by age, qualification, belonging to a team, society or department, as well as documents that a team representative must present for each participant to confirm his data. It also lists which organizations or teams and for which groups are allowed to participate in these competitions; in addition, the conditions and possible restrictions on the admission of athletes to competitions for individual championships are given.

    The section "Program and conditions for the competition" lists all types of skiing and individual distances included for all teams and for all ages, provides for the distribution of distances by day. With a large number of starters, a group draw and distribution of athletes into groups is planned. Here you should also give a description of the terrain and the route where the competition will take place.

    When compiling this section of the provision and establishing the length of the distance for each age group, it is necessary

    Be guided by the relevant paragraph of the competition rules. In any case, the length of the distance should not exceed the established rules for each age group. Participants of each age group are allowed to start in the competitions of the nearest senior age group with the special permission of the doctor and coach, but the length of the distance in this case should not exceed that established for this age. In some competitions at different distances, participants can compete only in one age group, and during the day - only at one distance.

    Particular attention is drawn to the section of the regulation “Procedure for determining the winners of the individual and team championship”, where the composition of the teams and the number of test participants for individual distances and types of skiing and the conditions for summing up the results of the team championship should be indicated very clearly and clearly.

    Team Championship Winner defined in several ways. The choice of method depends on the purpose and scale of the competition, the number of participants and their qualifications:

    1. By the smallest sum of places occupied by all valid participants at all distances. This scoring system is most often used in mass competitions with a large number of scoring participants. The disadvantages of this system include the fact that sometimes significant gaps in the results of participants in time are not taken into account.

    2. According to the smallest sum of time of all valid participants of this team at separate distances. The winner in the team championship for the entire competition program is determined by the sum of places (points) occupied by the team at individual distances or in types of competitions. It is unacceptable to add the time of all scoring participants (men, women, boys, girls) for all types of programs due to the different length and complexity of the distances and, as a rule, a different number of scoring participants in certain types of competitions. The procedure for identifying winners by the smallest amount of time is quite often used in competitions in cross-country skiing, biathlon, as well as in alpine skiing, while achieving high results is stimulated. Such a system is the most objective, but in mass competitions with a large number of scoring participants, it slows down the final calculation of results (summation of results in hours, minutes and seconds is slower than in whole numbers - points).

    3. By the highest score. Under this system, first place is valued by a number of points equal to the number of scoring places; one point is given for the last place. The total number of scoring places at each distance is given in the regulations.

    For example, the position indicates that the number of test places at a given distance is 30. In this case, the skier receives 30 points for the 1st place; for the 2nd - 29, for the 3rd - 28, etc., for the 30th place - 1 point. All participants who take subsequent places do not bring credit points to the team. Sometimes, in order to further stimulate high results, winners and prize-winners receive bonus points: with this system (also with 30 credits), the winner receives 36 points for 1st place, 32 for 2nd, 29 for 3rd, for 4th - 27, for 5th - 26, etc., for each subsequent place - 1 point less. For the 30th, as in the first version, 1 point.

    4. According to the evaluation tables, the results of cross-country skiing. In such tables, all results for all currently used distances are converted into points. The corresponding results for different distances for men and women in the table are estimated at approximately the same number of points. The winner of the team championship is determined by the highest sum of points of all test participants. When summing up, it is recommended to use tables approved by the Ski Federation.

    Preparation and organization of competitions

    Preparatory work for holding competitions, especially on a large scale, begins long before they begin. In this work, in addition to the organization responsible for holding the competitions, various public bodies are involved - the relevant ski federation, a panel of judges, and an athletic asset.

    For the preparation and holding of major zonal, republican competitions, a Organising Committee, the quantitative composition of which depends on the scale of the competition and the amount of work. Under the Organizing Committee, special commissions are created, which carry out all economic, organizational and mass propaganda work, cultural and medical care for participants and sports and technical training for competitions. The Organizing Committee and its commissions begin work 2-3 months before the competition.

    The Organizing Committee appoints a credentials committee and a panel of judges. Job mandate commission consists in checking the compliance of the declared participants and teams with the requirements of the competition regulations. The direct conduct of the competition is entrusted to panel of judges, approved by the respective federation of referees. During the competition, the organizing committee makes the final decisions on protests and issues that are not under the jurisdiction of the panel of judges.

    To attract a large number of spectators and popularize this type of skiing, it is necessary to widely advertise the competition in advance through print, radio and television, as well as by distributing invitation cards. It is also necessary to coordinate transport issues with city organizations in connection with the possible influx of spectators. The choice of the venue for the competition largely depends on the availability of premises for the accommodation of athletes and the judiciary, as well as servicing spectators. An important role in the final approval of the competition venue is the availability of an approved cross-country skiing track that corresponds to the scale of the competition and the qualifications of the participants.

    The presence of specialized ski bases in the selected area greatly facilitates the solution of a number of economic and organizational issues. When there are no such bases, other premises are adapted for this purpose: schools, clubs, children's holiday camps, tourist stations and bases, or, in extreme cases, residential buildings.

    At the starting point, it is necessary to provide rooms for undressing participants(if possible, separately for each team), for the panel of judges and separately for the competition doctor, for buffets serving participants, spectators and judges; allocate a room for storing clothes (cloakroom), a sufficient number of washbasins and toilets, a room for storing and lubricating skis, etc. Skis should be stored in a cold room.

    Medical care is one of the most important sections of the preparation and holding of competitions. Competition Doctor is the deputy chief judge, his task is to check applications with doctors' visas for the admission of skiers to competitions. No athlete can be allowed to start without a medical examination. In addition, the doctor provides medical care for competitions and monitors the health of participants in multi-day competitions, accommodation and meals for athletes and the condition of the competition venues. At the start in a warm room, it is necessary to equip medical station. Ambulances should be on duty near the start and finish points. Together with the head of the distance, the doctor must provide ways and means of evacuation of injured participants from any point on the route. On remote and difficult sections of the distance, it is necessary to equip medical stations, providing them with radio or telephone communication with the starting point. For possible evacuation of the injured, the doctor should have snowmobiles of the Buran type with trailers, stretchers, ski drags and warm blankets at his disposal. Before the start of the competition

    The competent doctor must instruct the controllers and provide them with individual medical packages. The chief judge has no right to start the competition without a doctor, without making sure that the medical staff is ready.

    Preparation of competition sites

    Work on the preparation of competition sites consists of two stages: laying and preparing tracks for cross-country skiing, biathlon, slalom; equipment of start and finish places - starting camp. All this takes a lot of effort and time.

    Area starting camp must be at least 50 m wide and not shorter than 300 m. Its width depends on the number of starters in the first leg of the relay (approximately 2 m per team). The town is fenced with a picket fence or ropes and decorated with flags, slogans, posters and sports banners. Near the start and finish behind the fence, places for spectators are equipped where the snow is well compacted. Double-sided banners with the appropriate inscriptions are posted at the start and finish sites, and the corridors leading to the start and finish gates are fenced off with garlands of flags or flags. For the convenience of the participants, portable hangers for clothes are installed on the launch site, and permanent or portable booths with heating and wide windows for viewing the start and finish are equipped for the judges. The starting town must be radio-equipped. The places of start and finish in the relay race and the transfer zones of the relay race are fenced off from the audience, marked and equipped in accordance with the rules of the competition. At the place of permanent holding of major competitions, it is necessary to equip a stationary starting town or a whole ski stadium with stands for spectators and a fully equipped ski base with all ancillary facilities.

    Much of the preparation work trails cross-country skiing, biathlon and slalom are held in the summer. To do this, you can attract skiers from various grassroots teams, assigning a certain section of the future distance to each sports club. This approach will significantly reduce costs and speed up the preparation of the route. Work on the preparation of the route - clearing the ascents and descents from stones and stumps, cutting down bushes, filling ditches and pits - can be included in the summer training of skiers as a means of general physical training. Ski tracks are laid, as a rule, in suburban recreation areas, so all issues related to cutting bushes

    or undergrowth, must be coordinated with the leshoz or other responsible organizations.

    Work on the selection and preparation of tracks for future competitions can only be entrusted to experienced skiers who have a lot of experience and are well aware of the modern requirements for the technique and tactics of skiing. Naturally, the head of the future route should know the area of ​​the upcoming competition well. Cross-country skiing tracks must meet the following requirements: during their passage, the athlete must demonstrate the entire arsenal of equipment, skiing tactics, and physical fitness; overcoming the tracks should be a test of skiers' skills. The route, if possible, is laid in the forest and should combine ups and downs with flat areas, be more natural and non-monotonous.

    The difficulty of the course must correspond to the skill level of the participants. The height of the height difference on one ascent or descent, between the lowest and highest points of the course, the sum of the height differences on the entire track must comply with the rules of the competition in accordance with the length of the race, the age and gender of the participants. The most difficult climbs should not be in the first 2-3 km, and the longest descents should not be in the last kilometers of the distance. Too abrupt or sudden changes of direction are unacceptable, they are recommended before descents. The descents on the track must be safe even on icy tracks and at high speeds. It is forbidden to lay rises that are overcome by the "ladder" or "herringbone" method. Icy turns, narrow passages and sharp corners should be avoided when laying the route.

    In principle, in a cross-country skiing course, uphills, downhills and flats should be in equal proportions of the total length of the track. When laying trails for women, boys and girls, the monotony of open flat spaces and long climbs should be especially avoided. On the last 50 m of the course there must be no slopes. It is forbidden to lay a distance crossing railways and highways, as well as roads with heavy traffic, through poorly frozen rivers, lakes and swamps. It is not recommended to include areas that are inconvenient for movement - long slopes, dense shrubs and large settlements; The course must be safe for the participants. Several route options are planned in advance. Distances, depending on the required number of laps, the loading of the route by participants, the terrain and the nature of the terrain, can be of the most diverse form (Fig. 38).

    Rice. 38. Schemes of distances of cross-country skiing

    The most convenient for participants, coaches and spectators is laying the distance in the form of one or more loops approaching the starting town, which creates favorable conditions for watching the progress of the struggle for spectators and the work of coaches, facilitates the maintenance of the track. The finish area must be located so that the participant approaching it is visible at least 50 m away. with a turn and return back along a parallel track, one circle in another, etc. If the starting area is large enough, you should not divert the track immediately to the side, it is advisable to increase the segments of the distance passing along it both from the start and at the finish.

    Moreover, it is possible to lay a track with a return to the starting area 1-2 times along the course, which will significantly increase the interest of the audience, who will see the participants several times and at the same time receive information about the course of the race organized in the starting town. If ski tracks inevitably intersect at the same time, it is necessary to build wooden flyover bridges that ensure the transition of skiers from circle to circle at different levels without interfering with each other. Bridges fall asleep, indicate

    They poke and lay a ski track. It is advisable that skiers return to the starting town after passing distance segments that are multiples of 5 (in 5, 10 km), which allows reporting the results of passing these segments. All this will significantly increase the entertainment of the competition, attract more spectators and promote the popularization of skiing among the population.

    The head of the distance at the places of possible departure of participants from the track outlines the checkpoints. They are installed in places where there is a sharp change in the direction of movement, at crossroads of ski tracks, where skiers and spectators can gather, on difficult sections of the track, etc. In addition, locations for medical care, meals for participants and communications are being specified. Points are established whenever possible in the place closed from a wind. In small-scale competitions, the steepness of the slopes can be measured by the head of the course himself and his assistants using a goniometer made from a large protractor. At major competitions (regional, zonal, republican and all-Union), the distance profile is taken by topographers.

    Scheme And distance profile on the day of the competition are hung on a large shield. The diagram should indicate all ascents, descents and difficult or dangerous places, food and medical care points. Different distances are marked on the map with colored lines corresponding to the color of the marking of the given route. The distance profile shows to scale the length of all flat sections, ascents and descents, indicating their steepness in degrees.

    The final preparation of the tracks begins a few days before the start of the competition, so that the laid track is tightly packed. The track rolls well - for this, at least 10-15 skiers must pass along it, in addition, places are prepared for repulsion with sticks. The width of the track should be 15-18 cm, the depth of the track for each track should be at least 2 cm. A well-prepared track in advance retains its strength during all competitions and with a large number of starters. The track, laid directly on the day of the competition or even the day before, breaks down pretty quickly.

    Currently, snowmobiles of the Buran type are widely used for laying ski slopes, which allow you to quickly compact even deep snow, while rolling the ski track with a special trailer. By changing the trailer, you can quickly loosen too dense and icy snow and lay the track again.

    The distance of the competition is marked with special flags of bright color (red, orange, blue) no less than 16x20 cm in size. At all-Union and republican competitions, the color of the flags for marking the tracks must comply with the rules of the competition (by age, gender of the participants and the length of the distance). On the flag, you must print a number indicating the length of this distance. markup on the cross-country skiing track, it is partially set in advance, which allows participants to view the distance on the eve of the race. The final marking is carried out early in the morning, as a night snowfall or a blizzard can close the preliminary marking. Flags are set 1-1.5 m from the track on the inside of the distance, especially on turns, in order to prevent a possible reduction in the length of the distance. If necessary, markings are also installed on both sides of the ski track in the form of a corridor. This is done in difficult places of the course, where participants can choose the wrong direction. For this purpose, a garland of flags can be hung on the turns or forks of the ski track or branches can be additionally installed to “cover” the foreign ski track. The distance between the individual flags depends on the curvature of the track, the terrain and visibility in the trees and bushes: it is important that the competitor, passing by one flag, clearly sees the other. On average, at least 100 flags must be placed per kilometer of the route.

    In the course of the distance, the participants should not have the slightest doubt about choosing the right direction of movement. Kilometer signs are installed along the track every kilometer. The width of the track must be sufficient for laying two pairs of ski tracks and the passage of a snow compactor. On the track after tamping, there should not be a trace from the pedestrian's shoes.

    In the morning on the day of the competition, the head of the distance leads the general column of controllers to the points, at the same time he finally marks the track. Controller judges must have red armbands and bibs corresponding to the checkpoint number. There must be a straight, well-visible section of the track (25-30 m) in front of the control point so that the controller can record the number of the passing participant. It is not advisable to place the controller on a winding track or a section where skiers go at high speed, for example on a downhill, otherwise the controller will not be able to record the numbers, especially if the athletes go downhill one by one. The duties of controller judges, in addition to recording numbers and monitoring the participants' compliance with the rules for passing the distance, include ensuring order on the assigned section of the ski track, which

    The spectators and fans would not interfere with the athletes. Supervisors are also required to monitor the safety of the ski tracks and markings on their site and, if necessary, pour snow into the potholes and correct the markings. Movable controllers can be allocated, especially in difficult areas where falls are possible and, in connection with this, pits that are dangerous for other participants are possible. These controllers do not keep records of the passage of participants.