Rules for holding the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren. On approval of the procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren



On approval of the procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

Document as amended by:
(Official Internet portal of legal information, 04/09/2015, N 0001201504090008);
(Official Internet portal of legal information, 01/25/2016, N 0001201601250033);
(Official Internet portal of legal information, 07.12.2016, N 0001201612070013);
(Official Internet portal of legal information, 03/20/2020, N 0001202003200018).

In accordance with Part 3 of Article 77 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Collection of Legislation Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, article 7598; 2013, N 19, article 2326; N 30, art. 4036) and clause 5.2.48 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2013 N 466 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 23, art. 2923; N 33 , Art. 4386; N 37, Art. 4702),

I order:

1. Approve the attached Procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren.

2. Recognize as invalid the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:

dated April 23, 2008 N 134 "On approval of the list of general education subjects for which the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is held" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 22, 2008, registration N 11732);

dated May 19, 2008 N 151 "On approval of samples of diplomas of winners and prize-winners of the stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 10, 2008, registration N 11832);

dated December 2, 2009 N 695 "On approval of the Regulations on the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 20, 2010, registration N 16016);

of February 7, 2011 N 168 "On Amendments to the Regulations on the All-Russian Olympiad for School Students, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 2, 2009 N 695" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 18, 2011, registration N 20173).

D. Livanov

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation

registration N 31060

The procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

I. General provisions

1. This Procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) establishes the stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (hereinafter referred to as the Olympiad), the timing of the Olympiad, as well as the list of general education subjects in which it is held, determines the organizational and technological model for holding the Olympiad, participants in the Olympiad, their rights and obligations, establishes the rules for approving the results of the Olympiad and determining the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad, samples of diplomas of the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad.

2. The Olympiad is held in order to identify and develop students' creative abilities and interest in scientific (research) activities, promote scientific knowledge, select individuals who have shown outstanding abilities in the national teams of the Russian Federation to participate in international olympiads in general subjects.

3. The Olympiad is held in the following general education subjects:

mathematics, russian, foreign language(English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Italian), computer science and ICT, physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, geography, astronomy, literature, history, social studies, economics, law, art (world artistic culture), Physical Culture, technology, the basics of life safety for students in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education;

mathematics, Russian language for students in educational programs of primary general education.
by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of December 17, 2015 N 1488.

4. The Olympiad includes school, municipal, regional and final stages.

5. The organizers of the Olympiad are:

school and municipal stages - the local self-government body exercising management in the field of education;

regional stage- body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, exercising state administration in the field of education;

the final stage - the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia).

6. The organizers of the Olympiad have the right to involve educational and scientific organizations in the Olympiad, educational and methodological associations, public corporations and public organizations in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7. The individual results of the participants in each stage of the Olympiad, indicating information about the participants (surname, initials, class, number of points, the subject of the Russian Federation) (hereinafter referred to as information about the participants) are entered in the rating table of the results of the participants in the corresponding stage of the Olympiad in a general education subject, which is a ranked a list of participants arranged in descending order of their points (hereinafter referred to as rating). Participants with the same number of points are placed in alphabetical order.
by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249.

8. The Olympics are held on the territory of the Russian Federation.

9. The working language of the Olympiad is Russian.

10. Charging fees for participation in the Olympiad is not allowed.
Part 2 of Article 77 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326; N 30, Art. .4036).

11. During the stages of the Olympiad, each participant of the Olympiad must be provided with a separate workplace, equipped in accordance with the requirements for holding the corresponding stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject. All workplaces of the participants of the Olympiad must provide the participants of the Olympiad with equal conditions to comply with the sanitary epidemiological rules and norms in force at the time of the Olympiad.

12. A representative of the organizer of the Olympiad, organizing committees and the jury of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad, officials of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, as well as citizens accredited as public observers in the manner established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia may be present at the venue of the Olympiad.

13. Before the start of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject, the representatives of the organizer of the Olympiad instruct the participants of the Olympiad - they inform about the duration of the Olympiad, the procedure for filing appeals about disagreement with the points given, about cases of removal from the Olympiad, as well as about the time and place of familiarization with the results of the Olympiad.

14. The parent (legal representative) of the student who has declared his participation in the Olympiad, at least 10 working days before the start of the school stage of the Olympiad, confirms in writing that he has read this Procedure and provides the organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad with consent to the publication of the Olympiad work of his a minor child, including in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the Internet).
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249.

15. During the Olympiad, the participants of the Olympiad:

must comply with this Procedure and the requirements for holding the corresponding stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, approved by the organizer of the school, municipal stages of the Olympiad, the central subject and methodological commissions for general education subjects in which the Olympiad is held (hereinafter referred to as the central subject and methodological commissions of the Olympiad);
by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249.

must follow the instructions of the representatives of the organizer of the Olympiad;

do not have the right to communicate with each other, move freely around the audience;

the right to have reference materials, means of communication and electronic computing equipment permitted for use during the Olympiad, the list of which is determined in the requirements for organizing and holding the relevant stages of the Olympiad in each general education subject.

16. In case of violation by the participant of the Olympiad of this Procedure and (or) the approved requirements for organizing and holding the corresponding stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, the representative of the organizer of the Olympiad has the right to remove this participant Olympiad from the audience by drawing up an act on the removal of the participant of the Olympiad.

17. Participants of the Olympiad who have been removed are deprived of the right to further participate in the Olympiad in this general educational subject in the current year.

18. In order to ensure the right to an objective evaluation of the work, the participants of the Olympiad have the right to file an appeal in writing about disagreement with the points given to the jury of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad.

19. The participant of the Olympiad, before filing an appeal, has the right to make sure that his work has been checked and evaluated in accordance with the established criteria and methodology for evaluating the completed Olympiad tasks.

20. Consideration of the appeal is carried out with the participation of the participant of the Olympiad.

21. Based on the results of consideration of the appeal about disagreement with the points given, the jury of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad decides to reject the appeal and keep the points set or to satisfy the appeal and adjust the points.

II. Organization of the Olympiad

22. The Olympiad is held annually from September 1 to June 30.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on March 31, 2020 by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 17, 2020 N 96.

23. Coordination of the organization and holding of the Olympiad is carried out by the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad under the leadership of the chairman.

24. The Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad:

makes proposals to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on the composition of the central subject-methodological commissions, the jury of the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject, the dates and venues for the Olympiad for each general education subject at the regional and final stages, the number of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad who scored the required number of points at the regional stage Olympiads for each general education subject, for the improvement and development of the Olympiad;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249.

establishes quotas for winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad, which make up no more than 45 percent of the total number of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, while the number of winners of the final stage of the Olympiad should not exceed 8 percent of the total number of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject ;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249.

listens to the reports of the central subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad on the results of their work, on the basis of which it makes proposals to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on the extension or termination of the powers of the compositions of each of them.

25. The composition of the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad is formed from representatives of educational organizations higher education, organizations additional education, additional professional education, federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments that manage education, central subject and methodological commissions of the Olympiad, public and other organizations, the media and is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.
by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 17, 2016 N 1435.

26. Organizational, technical, information support for the activities of the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

27. For the scientific and methodological support of the Olympiad, central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad are created.

28. Central subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad:

before August 1, they prepare and send to the organizers of the school and municipal stages of the Olympiad methodological recommendations on the development of requirements for the organization and conduct of the school and municipal stages of the Olympiad for each general education subject, defining the principles for compiling Olympiad tasks and the formation of sets of Olympiad tasks, a description of the necessary material and technical support for the performance of Olympiad tasks, a list of reference materials, means of communication and electronic computing equipment permitted for use during the Olympiad, criteria and methods for evaluating completed Olympiad tasks, the procedure for registering participants in the Olympiad, displaying Olympiad works, as well as considering appeals from participants in the Olympiad;

before December 1, develop, approve and send to the organizers of the regional and final stages Olympiad requirements for the organization and holding of the regional and final stages of the Olympiad in each general education subject, which determine the description of the necessary material and technical support for the implementation of the Olympiad tasks, the list of reference materials, communications and electronic computers allowed for use during the Olympiad, criteria and methods for evaluating completed Olympiad tasks, the procedure for registering participants in the Olympiad, showing Olympiad works, considering appeals from participants in the Olympiad, the start time of the regional stage of the Olympiad, taking into account time zones, the rules for filling out, registering and accounting for diplomas of winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad;

compose Olympiad tasks for each general education subject based on the content of educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education of an in-depth level and the corresponding focus (profile), form sets of tasks for the regional and final stages of the Olympiad from them;
by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of December 17, 2015 N 1488.

ensure the storage of Olympiad assignments in the relevant general education subject for the regional and final stages of the Olympiad until they are sent to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, bear responsibility for their confidentiality established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

no later than 30 calendar days before the start date of the regional and final stages of the Olympiad, they submit to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia sets of Olympiad tasks for each general education subject for the corresponding stages of the Olympiad on electronic media in encrypted form;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249.

form and submit proposals to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the composition of the national teams of the Russian Federation for participation in international Olympiads in general education subjects;

has the right to selectively recheck completed Olympiad tasks of the regional stage of the Olympiad;

annually submit to the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad a report on the results of their work;

annually submit to the Russian Ministry of Education and Science analytical reports on the results of the Olympiad in the relevant general education subject.

29. The composition of the central subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad is formed at the suggestion of the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad from among pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical workers, senior workers of educational organizations, graduate students, residents, assistant trainees, as well as specialists in the field of knowledge corresponding to the subject of the Olympiad, and are approved Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 18, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 17, 2016 N 1435.

30. For an objective check of the Olympiad tasks performed by the participants of the Olympiad, at each stage of the Olympiad, an Olympiad jury is formed for each general educational subject (hereinafter referred to as the jury of all stages of the Olympiad).

31. Jury of all stages of the Olympiad:

accepts for evaluation coded (impersonal) Olympiad works of the participants of the Olympiad;

evaluates completed Olympiad tasks in accordance with the approved criteria and methods for evaluating completed Olympiad tasks;

conducts an analysis of the Olympiad tasks and their solutions with the participants of the Olympiad;

carries out, at the request of the participant of the Olympiad, a display of the Olympiad tasks completed by him;
by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 17, 2020 N 96.

presents the results of the Olympiad to its participants;

considers in person the appeals of the participants of the Olympiad using video recording;

determines the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad based on the rating for each general education subject and in accordance with the quota established by the organizer of the Olympiad of the corresponding stage, while the winner, prize-winner of the final stage of the Olympiad is recognized as a participant who has scored at least 50 percent of the maximum possible number of points based on the results of evaluating the completed Olympiad assignments;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249.

In case of an equal number of points of the participants of the Olympiad listed in the final table, the decision to increase the quota of winners and (or) prize-winners of the stage of the Olympiad is made by the organizer of the Olympiad of the corresponding stage.

presents the results of the Olympiad (protocols) to the organizer of the Olympiad for their approval;

draws up and submits to the organizer of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad an analytical report on the results of completing the Olympiad tasks for each general education subject.

32. The composition of the jury of all stages of the Olympiad is formed from the number of pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical workers, executives of educational organizations, graduate students, residents, assistant trainees, as well as specialists in the field of knowledge corresponding to the subject of the Olympiad, and is approved by the organizer of the Olympiad of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 18, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 17, 2016 N 1435.

33. The composition of the jury of all stages of the Olympiad must change by at least one fifth of the total number of members at least once every five years.

34. The main principles of the activity of the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad, the central subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad, the jury of all stages of the Olympiad are competence, objectivity, publicity, as well as compliance with the norms of professional ethics.

III. Conducting the school stage of the Olympiad

35. The school stage of the Olympiad is carried out according to the tasks developed by the municipal subject-methodological commissions for general education subjects for which the Olympiad is held (hereinafter referred to as the municipal subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad), based on the content of educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education of an in-depth level and appropriate orientation (profile), for grades 4-11 (hereinafter referred to as Olympiad tasks).
(Paragraph as amended, entered into force on April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249; as amended, entered into force on February 5, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2015 N 1488.

36. The specific dates and venues for the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject are established by the local government that manages education.

The deadline for completing the school stage of the Olympiad is no later than November 1.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249.

37. At the school stage of the Olympiad, on a voluntary basis, individual students of grades 4-11 of organizations implementing educational activities on educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on February 5, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2015 N 1488.

38. Participants of the school stage of the Olympiad have the right to perform Olympiad tasks designed for older classes in relation to those in which they are studying. In the case of passing to the next stages of the Olympiad, these participants perform Olympiad tasks designed for the class they chose at the school stage of the Olympiad.

39. Organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad:

forms the organizing committee of the school stage of the Olympiad and approves its composition;

forms the jury of the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject and approves their composition;

forms the municipal subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad and approves their composition;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249.

approves the requirements for the organization and conduct of the school stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, which determine the principles for compiling Olympiad tasks and the formation of sets of Olympiad tasks, a description of the necessary material and technical support for completing Olympiad tasks, a list of reference materials, communications and electronic computing equipment permitted for use during the Olympiad, criteria and methods for evaluating completed Olympiad tasks, the procedure for registering participants in the Olympiad, displaying Olympiad works, as well as considering appeals from participants in the Olympiad;

ensures the storage of Olympiad assignments for each general education subject for the school stage of the Olympiad, bears responsibility for their confidentiality established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

informs in advance the heads of organizations engaged in educational activities on educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education located on the territory of the corresponding municipality, students and their parents (legal representatives) about the dates and places of the school stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, and also about this Procedure and the approved requirements for organizing and holding the school stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on February 5, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2015 N 1488.

ensures the collection and storage of applications from parents (legal representatives) of students who have declared their participation in the Olympiad, about familiarization with this Procedure and consent to the publication of the Olympiad works of their minor children, including on the Internet;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249.

determines the quotas of winners and prize-winners of the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject;

approves the results of the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject (the ranking of winners and the rating of prize-winners of the school stage of the Olympiad) and publishes them on its official website on the Internet, including the protocols of the jury of the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject.

40. Organizing Committee of the school stage of the Olympiad:

determines the organizational and technological model for holding the school stage of the Olympiad;

ensures the organization and holding of the school stage of the Olympiad in accordance with the requirements approved by the organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad for holding the school stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, this Procedure and the sanitary and epidemiological requirements in force at the time of the Olympiad for the conditions and organization of training in organizations engaged in educational activities in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on February 5, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2015 N 1488.

carries out coding (depersonalization) of the Olympiad works of participants in the school stage of the Olympiad;

is responsible for the life and health of the participants of the Olympiad during the school stage of the Olympiad.

41. The composition of the organizing committee of the school stage of the Olympiad is formed from representatives of local governments that manage education, municipal subject and methodological commissions of the Olympiad, pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical workers.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249.

42. Municipal subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad:
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249.

develop requirements for the organization and conduct of the school stage of the Olympiad, taking into account guidelines prepared by the central subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad;

compose Olympiad tasks based on the content of educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education of an in-depth level and the corresponding orientation (profile), form sets of tasks for the school stage of the Olympiad from them, taking into account methodological recommendations prepared by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on February 5, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2015 N 1488.

ensure the storage of Olympiad tasks for the school stage of the Olympiad until they are transferred to the organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad, bear responsibility for their confidentiality established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

43. The composition of the municipal subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad is formed from among the pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical workers.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 20, 2015 by order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science of March 17, 2015 N 249 by order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science of November 17, 2016 N 1435.

IV. Holding the municipal stage of the Olympiad

44. The municipal stage of the Olympiad is held according to the tasks developed by the regional subject-methodological commissions for general educational subjects in which the Olympiad is held (hereinafter referred to as the regional subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad), based on the content of educational programs of basic general and secondary general education of an in-depth level and the corresponding orientation (profile), for grades 7-11.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249.

45. Specific timing municipal stage Olympiads for each general education subject are established by the state authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, which carries out state management in the field of education.

The end date of the municipal stage of the Olympiad is no later than December 25.

Specific venues for the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject are established by the local government that manages education.

46. ​​At the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, individual participation takes place:

participants of the school stage of the current Olympiad school year those who scored the number of points necessary for participation in the municipal stage of the Olympiad, established by the organizer of the municipal stage of the Olympiad;

winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad of the previous academic year, continuing their education in organizations that carry out educational activities in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education.

47. Winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the previous year have the right to perform Olympiad tasks designed for older classes in relation to those in which they are studying. If they pass to the next stages of the Olympiad, these participants of the Olympiad perform Olympiad tasks designed for the class they chose at the municipal stage of the Olympiad.

48. Organizer of the municipal stage of the Olympiad:

forms the organizing committee of the municipal stage of the Olympiad and approves its composition;

forms the jury of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject and approves their composition;

sets the number of points for each general education subject and class required to participate in the municipal stage of the Olympiad;

approves the requirements for the organization and conduct of the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, developed by the regional subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad, which determine the principles for compiling Olympiad tasks and the formation of sets of Olympiad tasks, a description of the necessary material and technical support for completing Olympiad tasks, criteria and methods for evaluating completed Olympiad tasks assignments, the procedure for registering participants in the Olympiad, displaying Olympiad works, as well as considering appeals from participants in the Olympiad;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249.

ensures the storage of Olympiad assignments for each general education subject for the municipal stage of the Olympiad, bears responsibility for their confidentiality established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

informs in advance the heads of local self-government bodies exercising management in the field of education, heads of organizations engaged in educational activities on educational programs of basic general and secondary general education located on the territory of the relevant municipalities, participants in the municipal stage of the Olympiad and their parents (legal representatives) about the timing and venues for the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, as well as on this Procedure and the approved requirements for organizing and holding the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject;

determines the quotas of winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject;

approves the results of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject (the ranking of winners and the rating of prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad) and publishes them on its official website on the Internet, including the protocols of the jury of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject;

transfers the results of the participants of the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject and class to the organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad in the format established by the organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad;

awards the winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad with encouraging letters.

49. Organizing Committee of the municipal stage of the Olympiad:

determines the organizational and technological model for holding the municipal stage of the Olympiad;

ensures the organization and conduct of the municipal stage of the Olympiad in accordance with the requirements approved by the organizer of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for holding the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, this Procedure and the sanitary and epidemiological requirements in force at the time of the Olympiad for the conditions and organization of training in organizations engaged in educational activities in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education;

carries out coding (depersonalization) of the Olympiad works of participants of the municipal stage of the Olympiad;

is responsible for the life and health of the participants of the Olympiad during the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject.

50. The composition of the organizing committee of the municipal stage of the Olympiad is formed from representatives of local governments that manage education, municipal and regional subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad, pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical workers.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249.

51. In the cities of federal significance Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol, the municipal stage of the Olympiad is held taking into account the specifics of the organization of local self-government established in these constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on February 5, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2015 N 1488.

V. Holding the regional stage of the Olympiad

52. The regional stage of the Olympiad is held according to the tasks developed by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad, based on the content of educational programs of basic general and secondary general education of an advanced level and the corresponding orientation (profile), for grades 9-11.

53. The specific dates for the regional stage of the Olympiad are established by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.

The end date of the regional stage of the Olympiad is no later than February 25.

Specific venues for the regional stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject are established by the state authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, which carries out state administration in the field of education.

54. At the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, individual participation takes place:

participants of the municipal stage of the Olympiad of the current academic year, who scored the number of points necessary for participation in the regional stage of the Olympiad, established by the organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad;

winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad of the previous academic year, continuing their education in organizations that carry out educational activities in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education;

students of grades 9-11 of organizations that carry out educational activities in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and foreign institutions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation that have specialized structural educational units in their structure.
Students participate in the regional stage of the Olympiad at the place of their registration on the territory of the Russian Federation.

55. Winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad of the previous year have the right to perform Olympiad tasks designed for older classes in relation to those in which they are trained. If they pass to the final stage of the Olympiad, these participants of the Olympiad perform Olympiad tasks designed for the class they chose at the regional stage of the Olympiad.

56. Organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad:

establishes the format for presenting the results of the participants of the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject;

forms the organizing committee of the regional stage of the Olympiad and approves its composition;

forms the jury of the regional stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject and approves their composition;

forms regional subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad and approves their composition;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249.

sets the number of points for each general education subject and class required for participation in the regional stage of the Olympiad;

ensures the storage of Olympiad assignments for each general education subject for the regional stage of the Olympiad, bears responsibility for their confidentiality established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

informs in advance the heads of local self-government bodies exercising management in the field of education, the heads of organizations engaged in educational activities on educational programs of basic general and secondary general education located on the territory of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation, participants in the regional stage of the Olympiad and their parents (legal representatives) about the timing and venues for the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, as well as on this Procedure and the requirements for organizing and holding the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject;

determines the quotas of winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject;

approves the results of the regional stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject (the ranking of winners and the rating of prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad) and publishes them on its official website on the Internet, including the protocols of the jury of the regional stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject;

publishes on its official website on the Internet, taking into account the requirements approved by the central subject and methodological commissions of the Olympiad for holding the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, the Olympiad works of the winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad, indicating information about the participants;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249.

transfers the results of the participants of the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject and class to the organizer of the final stage of the Olympiad in the format established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia;

awards the winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad with letters of encouragement;

carries out from the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation and (or) funds of legal entities organizational and financial support for participation in the final stage of the Olympiad of participants in the regional stage of the Olympiad who scored the required number of points established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for participation in the final stage of the Olympiad, as well as persons accompanying them (insurance life and health of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad, travel of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad and their accompanying persons to the venue of the final stage of the Olympiad and back, payment for meals, accommodation, transport and excursion services for accompanying persons).

57. Organizing Committee of the regional stage of the Olympiad:

determines the organizational and technological model for holding the regional stage of the Olympiad;

ensures the organization and conduct of the regional stage of the Olympiad in accordance with the requirements approved by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad for holding the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general educational subject, these Procedures and the sanitary and epidemiological requirements in force at the time of the Olympiad for the conditions and organization of training in organizations providing educational activities on educational programs of basic general and secondary general education;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249.

provides, if necessary, participants of the regional stage of the Olympiad with accommodation and meals for the duration of the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations in force at the time of the Olympiad;

carries out coding (depersonalization) of the Olympiad works of participants in the regional stage of the Olympiad;

is responsible for the life and health of the participants of the Olympiad during the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject.

58. The composition of the organizing committee of the regional stage of the Olympiad is formed from representatives of the state authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, which carries out state administration in the field of education, regional subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad, pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical workers.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249.

59. Regional subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad:
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249.

develop requirements for the organization and holding of the municipal stage of the Olympiad, taking into account the methodological recommendations prepared by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad;

compose Olympiad tasks based on the content of educational programs of basic general and secondary general education of an advanced level and the corresponding orientation (profile), form sets of tasks for the municipal stage of the Olympiad from them, taking into account the methodological recommendations prepared by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad;

ensure the storage of Olympiad tasks for each general education subject for the municipal stage of the Olympiad until they are sent to the organizer of the municipal stage of the Olympiad, bear responsibility for their confidentiality established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

60. The composition of the regional subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad is formed from among the pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical workers.
(Paragraph as amended, entered into force on April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249; as amended, entered into force on December 18, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 17, 2016 N 1435.

61. Delivery of the Olympiad tasks to the organizers of the regional stage of the Olympiad is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on electronic media in encrypted form. The deadlines for deciphering the Olympiad tasks are set by the requirements for holding the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, including taking into account time zones.

VI. Holding the final stage of the Olympiad

62. The final stage of the Olympiad is carried out according to the tasks developed by the central subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad, based on the content of educational programs of basic general and secondary general education of an advanced level and the corresponding orientation (profile), for grades 9-11.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249.

63. The specific dates and venues for the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject are established by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.

The deadline for the final stage of the Olympiad is no later than June 30.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on March 31, 2020 by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 17, 2020 N 96.

64. At the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, individual participation takes place:

participants of the regional stage of the Olympiad of the current academic year, who scored the number of points required for participation in the final stage of the Olympiad, established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia;

winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad of the previous academic year, who continue their education in organizations that carry out educational activities in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education.

If not a single participant of the regional stage of the Olympiad of the current academic year scored the number of points required for participation in the final stage of the Olympiad, established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia in the general education subject and class, by decision of the organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad, one participant of the regional stage of the Olympiad of the current academic year, who scored the largest number points (but not less than 50% of the number of points established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) in the relevant general education subject.
(The paragraph is additionally included from February 5, 2016 by order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science dated December 17, 2015 N 1488)

65. Winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad of the previous year have the right to perform Olympiad tasks designed for older classes in relation to those in which they are trained.

66. Ministry of Education and Science of Russia:

establishes the format for presenting the results of the participants in the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject;

approves the composition of the organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject, formed taking into account the proposals of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and educational organizations where the final stage of the Olympiad is held;

forms the jury of the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject and approves their composition;

sets the number of points for each general education subject and class required to participate in the final stage of the Olympiad;

informs in advance the heads of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising state administration in the field of education, the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad, the central subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad, the organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, the participants in the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject and their parents (legitimate representatives) on the dates and venues for the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, as well as on this Procedure and the requirements for organizing and holding the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249.

claims final results Olympiads for each general education subject (ranking of winners and rating of prize-winners of the Olympiad), publishes them on the official website of the Olympiad on the Internet, along with the protocols of the jury of the final stage of the Olympiad, indicating information about the participants;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249.

awards the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad with diplomas, samples * of which are given in the appendix to this Procedure;
* Samples of diplomas of the winner and prize-winner All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in "RG" are not published.

the paragraph was excluded from April 20, 2015 - order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249.

67. Organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject:

determine the organizational and technological model for the final stage of the Olympiad;

ensure the organization and conduct of the final stage of the Olympiad in accordance with the requirements approved by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad for holding the final stage of the Olympiad in each general educational subject, this Procedure and the sanitary and epidemiological requirements in force at the time of the Olympiad for the conditions and organization of training in organizations providing educational activities on educational programs of basic general and secondary general education;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249.

provide participants in the final stage of the Olympiad with accommodation and meals for the duration of the final stage of the Olympiad in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations in force at the time of the Olympiad;

ensure the storage of Olympiad tasks for each general education subject for the final stage of the Olympiad, bear responsibility for their confidentiality established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

carry out coding (depersonalization) of the Olympiad works of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad;

bear responsibility for the life and health of the participants of the Olympiad during the final stage of the Olympiad;

Together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, they ensure the publication on the official website of the Olympiad on the Internet of the Olympiad works of the winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad (except for the general education subject of computer science and ICT) with information about the participants.
(The paragraph is additionally included from April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249)

68. The composition of the organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject is formed from representatives of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on whose territory the final stage of the Olympiad is held, the central subject and methodological commissions of the Olympiad, pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical workers, executives of educational organizations, as well as representatives of public and other organizations, mass media and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.
(Paragraph as amended, entered into force on April 20, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 249; as amended, entered into force on December 18, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 17, 2016 N 1435.

69. The delivery of the Olympiad tasks to the organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on electronic media in encrypted form. The deadlines for deciphering the Olympiad tasks are set by the requirements for holding the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject.

70. Scientific and methodological support for the school, municipal, regional and final stages of the Olympiad, as well as financial support for the final stage of the Olympiad (with the exception of the costs of life and health insurance for participants in the final stage of the Olympiad, travel of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad and accompanying persons to the venue the final stage of the Olympiad and back, the cost of food, accommodation, transport and excursion services for accompanying persons) are funded from the federal budget.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on February 5, 2016 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2015 N 1488.

71. The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject have the right to raise additional financial resources for holding the final stage of the Olympiad from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets, and funds of legal entities.

Application to the Order. Sample diploma of the winner of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

to the Procedure
All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

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Sample diploma of the winner of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

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Revision of the document, taking into account
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JSC "Kodeks"

"On approval of the procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren"

Edition of 11/17/2016 - Valid from 12/18/2016

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dated November 18, 2013 N 1252


No. 249 dated March 17, 2015, No. 1488 dated December 17, 2015, No. 1435 dated November 17, 2016)

1. To approve the attached Procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren.

2. Recognize as invalid the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:



(As amended by the Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2015 N 249, dated December 17, 2015 N 1488, dated November 17, 2016 N 1435)

I. General provisions

1. This Procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) establishes the stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (hereinafter referred to as the Olympiad), the timing of the Olympiad, as well as the list of general education subjects in which it is held, determines the organizational and technological model for holding the Olympiad, the participants of the Olympiad, their rights and obligations, establishes the rules for approving the results of the Olympiad and determining the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad, samples of diplomas of the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad.

2. The Olympiad is held in order to identify and develop students' creative abilities and interest in scientific (research) activities, the promotion of scientific knowledge, the selection of individuals who have shown outstanding abilities in the national teams of the Russian Federation to participate in international Olympiads in general education subjects.

3. The Olympiad is held in the following general education subjects: dated December 17, 2015 N 1488)

mathematics, Russian, foreign language (English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Italian), computer science and ICT, physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, geography, astronomy, literature, history, social studies, economics, law, art (world art culture), physical culture, technology, the basics of life safety for students in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education; (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2015 N 1488)

mathematics, Russian language for students in educational programs of primary general education. (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2015 N 1488)

4. The Olympiad includes school, municipal, regional and final stages.

5. The organizers of the Olympiad are:

school and municipal stages - the local self-government body exercising management in the field of education;

regional stage - a state authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, exercising state administration in the field of education;

the final stage - the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia).

6. The organizers of the Olympiad have the right to involve educational and scientific organizations, educational and methodological associations, state corporations and public organizations in the conduct of the Olympiad in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7. The individual results of the participants in each stage of the Olympiad, indicating information about the participants (surname, initials, class, number of points, the subject of the Russian Federation) (hereinafter referred to as information about the participants) are entered in the rating table of the results of the participants in the corresponding stage of the Olympiad in a general education subject, which is a ranked a list of participants arranged in descending order of their points (hereinafter referred to as rating). Participants with the same number of points are listed in alphabetical order. (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 249)

8. The Olympics are held on the territory of the Russian Federation.

9. The working language of the Olympiad is Russian.

10. Charging fees for participation in the Olympiad is not allowed<1>.

12. A representative of the organizer of the Olympiad, organizing committees and the jury of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad, officials of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, as well as citizens accredited as public observers in the manner established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia may be present at the venue of the Olympiad.

13. Before the start of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject, the representatives of the organizer of the Olympiad instruct the participants of the Olympiad - they inform about the duration of the Olympiad, the procedure for filing appeals about disagreement with the points given, about cases of removal from the Olympiad, as well as about the time and place of familiarization with the results of the Olympiad.

14. The parent (legal representative) of the student who has declared his participation in the Olympiad, at least 10 working days before the start of the school stage of the Olympiad, confirms in writing that he has read this Procedure and provides the organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad with consent to the publication of the Olympiad work of his a minor child, including in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the Internet). (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 249)

15. During the Olympiad, the participants of the Olympiad:

must comply with this Procedure and the requirements for holding the corresponding stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, approved by the organizer of the school, municipal stages of the Olympiad, the central subject and methodological commissions for general education subjects in which the Olympiad is held (hereinafter referred to as the central subject and methodological commissions of the Olympiad); (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 249)

must follow the instructions of the representatives of the organizer of the Olympiad;

do not have the right to communicate with each other, move freely around the audience;

the right to have reference materials, means of communication and electronic computing equipment permitted for use during the Olympiad, the list of which is determined in the requirements for organizing and holding the relevant stages of the Olympiad in each general education subject.

16. In case of violation by the participant of the Olympiad of this Procedure and (or) the approved requirements for organizing and holding the corresponding stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, the representative of the organizer of the Olympiad has the right to remove this participant from the audience by drawing up an act on the removal of the participant of the Olympiad.

17. Participants of the Olympiad who have been removed are deprived of the right to further participate in the Olympiad in this general educational subject in the current year.

18. In order to ensure the right to an objective evaluation of the work, the participants of the Olympiad have the right to file an appeal in writing about disagreement with the points given to the jury of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad.

19. The participant of the Olympiad, before filing an appeal, has the right to make sure that his work has been checked and evaluated in accordance with the established criteria and methodology for evaluating the completed Olympiad tasks.

20. Consideration of the appeal is carried out with the participation of the participant of the Olympiad.

21. Based on the results of consideration of the appeal about disagreement with the points given, the jury of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad decides to reject the appeal and keep the points set or to satisfy the appeal and adjust the points.

II. Organization of the Olympiad

23. Coordination of the organization and holding of the Olympiad is carried out by the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad under the leadership of the chairman.

24. The Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad:

makes proposals to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on the composition of the central subject-methodological commissions, the jury of the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject, the dates and venues for the Olympiad for each general education subject at the regional and final stages, the number of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad who scored the required number of points at the regional stage Olympiads for each general education subject, for the improvement and development of the Olympiad; (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 249)

establishes quotas for winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad, which make up no more than 45 percent of the total number of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, while the number of winners of the final stage of the Olympiad should not exceed 8 percent of the total number of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject ; (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 249)

listens to the reports of the central subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad on the results of their work, on the basis of which it makes proposals to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on the extension or termination of the powers of the compositions of each of them.

25. The composition of the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad is formed from representatives of educational organizations of higher education, organizations of additional education, additional professional education, federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments that manage education, central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad , public and other organizations, mass media and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2016 N 1435)

26. Organizational, technical, information support for the activities of the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

27. For the scientific and methodological support of the Olympiad, central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad are created.

28. Central subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad:

before August 1, they prepare and send to the organizers of the school and municipal stages of the Olympiad methodological recommendations on the development of requirements for the organization and conduct of the school and municipal stages of the Olympiad for each general education subject, defining the principles for compiling Olympiad tasks and the formation of sets of Olympiad tasks, a description of the necessary material and technical support for the performance of Olympiad tasks, a list of reference materials, means of communication and electronic computing equipment permitted for use during the Olympiad, criteria and methods for evaluating completed Olympiad tasks, the procedure for registering participants in the Olympiad, displaying Olympiad works, as well as considering appeals from participants in the Olympiad;

before December 1, they develop, approve and send to the organizers of the regional and final stages of the Olympiad the requirements for organizing and holding the regional and final stages of the Olympiad in each general education subject, which determine the description of the necessary material and technical support for the implementation of the Olympiad tasks, a list of reference materials, means of communication and electronic computing equipment permitted for use during the Olympiad, criteria and methods for evaluating completed Olympiad tasks, the procedure for registering participants in the Olympiad, displaying Olympiad works, considering appeals from participants in the Olympiad, the start time of the regional stage of the Olympiad, taking into account time zones, the procedure for filling out, registering and accounting for diplomas of winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad;

compose Olympiad tasks for each general education subject based on the content of educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education of an in-depth level and the corresponding focus (profile), form sets of tasks for the regional and final stages of the Olympiad from them; (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2015 N 1488)

ensure the storage of Olympiad assignments in the relevant general education subject for the regional and final stages of the Olympiad until they are sent to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, bear responsibility for their confidentiality established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

no later than 30 calendar days before the start date of the regional and final stages of the Olympiad, they submit to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia sets of Olympiad tasks for each general education subject for the corresponding stages of the Olympiad on electronic media in encrypted form; (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 249)

form and submit proposals to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the composition of the national teams of the Russian Federation for participation in international Olympiads in general education subjects;

has the right to selectively recheck completed Olympiad tasks of the regional stage of the Olympiad;

annually submit a report on the results of their work to the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad;

annually submit to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia analytical reports on the results of the Olympiad in the relevant general education subject.

29. The composition of the central subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad is formed at the suggestion of the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad from among pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical workers, senior workers of educational organizations, graduate students, residents, assistant trainees, as well as specialists in the field of knowledge corresponding to the subject of the Olympiad, and are approved Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2016 N 1435)

30. For an objective check of the Olympiad tasks performed by the participants of the Olympiad, at each stage of the Olympiad, an Olympiad jury is formed for each general educational subject (hereinafter referred to as the jury of all stages of the Olympiad).

31. Jury of all stages of the Olympiad:

accepts for evaluation coded (impersonal) Olympiad works of the participants of the Olympiad;

evaluates completed Olympiad tasks in accordance with the approved criteria and methods for evaluating completed Olympiad tasks;

conducts an analysis of the Olympiad tasks and their solutions with the participants of the Olympiad;

carries out in-person, at the request of the participant of the Olympiad, the display of the Olympiad tasks completed by him;

presents the results of the Olympiad to its participants;

considers in person the appeals of the participants of the Olympiad using video recording;

determines the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad based on the rating for each general education subject and in accordance with the quota established by the organizer of the Olympiad of the corresponding stage, while the winner, prize-winner of the final stage of the Olympiad is recognized as a participant who has scored at least 50 percent of the maximum possible number of points based on the results of evaluating the completed Olympiad assignments<1>; (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 249)

<1>In case of an equal number of points of the participants of the Olympiad listed in the final table, the decision to increase the quota of winners and (or) prize-winners of the stage of the Olympiad is made by the organizer of the Olympiad of the corresponding stage.

presents the results of the Olympiad (protocols) to the organizer of the Olympiad for their approval;

draws up and submits to the organizer of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad an analytical report on the results of the Olympiad assignments for each general education subject.

32. The composition of the jury of all stages of the Olympiad is formed from the number of pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical workers, executives of educational organizations, graduate students, residents, assistant trainees, as well as specialists in the field of knowledge corresponding to the subject of the Olympiad, and is approved by the organizer of the Olympiad of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad. (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2016 N 1435)

33. The composition of the jury of all stages of the Olympiad must change by at least one fifth of the total number of members at least once every five years.

34. The main principles of the activity of the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad, the central subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad, the jury of all stages of the Olympiad are competence, objectivity, publicity, as well as compliance with the norms of professional ethics.

III. Conducting the school stage of the Olympiad

35. The school stage of the Olympiad is held according to the tasks developed by the municipal subject-methodological commissions for general education subjects in which the Olympiad is held (hereinafter referred to as the municipal subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad), based on the content of educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education of an in-depth level and corresponding orientation (profile), for 4 - 11 classes (hereinafter - Olympiad tasks). (As amended by the Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2015 N 249, dated December 17, 2015 N 1488)

36. The specific dates and venues for the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject are established by the local government that manages education.

The deadline for completing the school stage of the Olympiad is no later than November 1. (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 249)

37. At the school stage of the Olympiad, on a voluntary basis, individual students of grades 4-11 of organizations carrying out educational activities in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education take part. (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2015 N 1488)

38. Participants of the school stage of the Olympiad have the right to perform Olympiad tasks designed for older classes in relation to those in which they are studying. In the case of passing to the next stages of the Olympiad, these participants perform Olympiad tasks designed for the class they chose at the school stage of the Olympiad.

39. Organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad:

forms the organizing committee of the school stage of the Olympiad and approves its composition;

forms the jury of the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject and approves their composition;

forms the municipal subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad and approves their composition; (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 249)

approves the requirements for the organization and conduct of the school stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, which determine the principles for compiling Olympiad tasks and the formation of sets of Olympiad tasks, a description of the necessary material and technical support for completing Olympiad tasks, a list of reference materials, communications and electronic computing equipment permitted for use during the Olympiad, criteria and methods for evaluating completed Olympiad tasks, the procedure for registering participants in the Olympiad, displaying Olympiad works, as well as considering appeals from participants in the Olympiad;

ensures the storage of Olympiad assignments for each general education subject for the school stage of the Olympiad, bears responsibility for their confidentiality established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

informs in advance the heads of organizations engaged in educational activities on educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education located on the territory of the corresponding municipality, students and their parents (legal representatives) about the dates and places of the school stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, and also about this Procedure and the approved requirements for organizing and holding the school stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject; (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2015 N 1488)

ensures the collection and storage of applications from parents (legal representatives) of students who have declared their participation in the Olympiad, about familiarization with this Procedure and consent to the publication of the Olympiad works of their minor children, including on the Internet; (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 249)

determines the quotas of winners and prize-winners of the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject;

approves the results of the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject (ranking of winners and the rating of winners of the school stage of the Olympiad) and publishes them on its official website on the Internet, including the protocols of the jury of the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject.

40. Organizing Committee of the school stage of the Olympiad:

determines the organizational and technological model for holding the school stage of the Olympiad;

ensures the organization and conduct of the school stage of the Olympiad in accordance with the requirements approved by the organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad for holding the school stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, this Procedure and the sanitary and epidemiological requirements in force at the time of the Olympiad for the conditions and organization of training in organizations engaged in educational activities in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education; (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2015 N 1488)

carries out coding (depersonalization) of the Olympiad works of participants in the school stage of the Olympiad;

is responsible for the life and health of the participants of the Olympiad during the school stage of the Olympiad.

41. The composition of the organizing committee of the school stage of the Olympiad is formed from representatives of local governments that manage education, municipal subject and methodological commissions of the Olympiad, pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical workers. (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 249)

42. Municipal subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad: (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 249)

develop requirements for the organization and conduct of the school stage of the Olympiad, taking into account the methodological recommendations prepared by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad;

compose Olympiad tasks based on the content of educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education of an advanced level and the corresponding orientation (profile), form sets of tasks for the school stage of the Olympiad from them, taking into account methodological recommendations prepared by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad; (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2015 N 1488)

ensure the storage of Olympiad tasks for the school stage of the Olympiad until they are transferred to the organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad, bear responsibility for their confidentiality established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

43. The composition of the municipal subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad is formed from among the pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical workers. (as amended by the Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2015 N 249, dated November 17, 2016 N 1435)

IV. Holding the municipal stage of the Olympiad

44. The municipal stage of the Olympiad is held according to the tasks developed by the regional subject-methodological commissions in general educational subjects for which the Olympiad is held (hereinafter referred to as the regional subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad), based on the content of educational programs of basic general and secondary general education of an in-depth level and the corresponding orientation (profile), for 7 - 11 grades. (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 249)

45. The specific dates for holding the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject are established by the state authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, which carries out state administration in the field of education.

Specific venues for the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject are established by the local government that manages education.

46. ​​At the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, individual participation takes place:

participants of the school stage of the Olympiad of the current academic year, who scored the number of points necessary for participation in the municipal stage of the Olympiad, established by the organizer of the municipal stage of the Olympiad;

winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad of the previous academic year, continuing their education in organizations that carry out educational activities in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education.

47. Winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the previous year have the right to perform Olympiad tasks designed for older classes in relation to those in which they are studying. If they pass to the next stages of the Olympiad, these participants of the Olympiad perform the Olympiad tasks developed for the class they chose at the municipal stage of the Olympiad.

48. Organizer of the municipal stage of the Olympiad:

forms the organizing committee of the municipal stage of the Olympiad and approves its composition;

forms the jury of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject and approves their composition;

sets the number of points for each general education subject and class required to participate in the municipal stage of the Olympiad;

approves the requirements for the organization and conduct of the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, developed by the regional subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad, which determine the principles for compiling Olympiad tasks and the formation of sets of Olympiad tasks, a description of the necessary material and technical support for completing Olympiad tasks, criteria and methods for evaluating completed Olympiad tasks assignments, the procedure for registering participants in the Olympiad, displaying Olympiad works, as well as considering appeals from participants in the Olympiad; (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 249)

ensures the storage of Olympiad assignments for each general education subject for the municipal stage of the Olympiad, bears responsibility for their confidentiality established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

informs in advance the heads of local self-government bodies exercising management in the field of education, heads of organizations engaged in educational activities on educational programs of basic general and secondary general education located on the territory of the relevant municipalities, participants in the municipal stage of the Olympiad and their parents (legal representatives) about the timing and venues for the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, as well as on this Procedure and the approved requirements for organizing and holding the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject;

determines the quotas of winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject;

approves the results of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject (the ranking of winners and the rating of winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad) and publishes them on its official website on the Internet, including the minutes of the jury of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject;

transfers the results of the participants of the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject and class to the organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad in the format established by the organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad;

awards the winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad with encouraging letters.

49. Organizing Committee of the municipal stage of the Olympiad:

determines the organizational and technological model for holding the municipal stage of the Olympiad;

ensures the organization and holding of the municipal stage of the Olympiad in accordance with the requirements approved by the organizer of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for holding the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, this Procedure and the sanitary and epidemiological requirements in force at the time of the Olympiad for the conditions and organization of training in organizations engaged in educational activities in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education;

carries out coding (depersonalization) of the Olympiad works of participants of the municipal stage of the Olympiad;

is responsible for the life and health of the participants of the Olympiad during the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject.

50. The composition of the organizing committee of the municipal stage of the Olympiad is formed from representatives of local governments that manage education, municipal and regional subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad, pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical workers. (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 249)

51. In the cities of federal significance Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol, the municipal stage of the Olympiad is held taking into account the specifics of the organization of local self-government established in these constituent entities of the Russian Federation. (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2015 N 1488)

V. Holding the regional stage of the Olympiad

52. The regional stage of the Olympiad is held according to the tasks developed by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad, based on the content of educational programs of basic general and secondary general education of an advanced level and the corresponding focus (profile), for grades 9-11.

53. The specific dates for the regional stage of the Olympiad are established by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.

Specific venues for the regional stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject are established by the state authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, which carries out state administration in the field of education.

54. At the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, individual participation takes place:

participants of the municipal stage of the Olympiad of the current academic year, who scored the number of points necessary for participation in the regional stage of the Olympiad, established by the organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad;

winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad of the previous academic year, continuing their education in organizations that carry out educational activities in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education;

students of grades 9 - 11 of organizations engaged in educational activities in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and foreign institutions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, which have specialized structural educational units in their structure<1>.

<1>Students participate in the regional stage of the Olympiad at the place of their registration on the territory of the Russian Federation.

55. Winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad of the previous year have the right to perform Olympiad tasks designed for older classes in relation to those in which they are trained. If they pass to the final stage of the Olympiad, these participants of the Olympiad perform Olympiad tasks designed for the class they chose at the regional stage of the Olympiad.

56. Organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad:

establishes the format for presenting the results of the participants of the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject;

forms the organizing committee of the regional stage of the Olympiad and approves its composition;

forms the jury of the regional stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject and approves their composition;

forms regional subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad and approves their composition; (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 249)

sets the number of points for each general education subject and class required for participation in the regional stage of the Olympiad;

ensures the storage of Olympiad assignments for each general education subject for the regional stage of the Olympiad, bears responsibility for their confidentiality established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

informs in advance the heads of local self-government bodies exercising management in the field of education, the heads of organizations engaged in educational activities on educational programs of basic general and secondary general education located on the territory of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation, participants in the regional stage of the Olympiad and their parents (legal representatives) about the timing and venues for the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, as well as on this Procedure and the requirements for organizing and holding the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject;

determines the quotas of winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject;

approves the results of the regional stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject (the ranking of winners and the rating of prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad) and publishes them on its official website on the Internet, including the protocols of the jury of the regional stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject;

publishes on its official website on the Internet, taking into account the requirements approved by the central subject and methodological commissions of the Olympiad for holding the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, the Olympiad works of the winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad, indicating information about the participants; (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 249)

transfers the results of the participants of the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject and class to the organizer of the final stage of the Olympiad in the format established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia;

awards the winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad with letters of encouragement;

carries out from the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation and (or) funds of legal entities organizational and financial support for participation in the final stage of the Olympiad of participants in the regional stage of the Olympiad who scored the required number of points established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for participation in the final stage of the Olympiad, as well as persons accompanying them (insurance life and health of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad, travel of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad and their accompanying persons to the venue of the final stage of the Olympiad and back, payment for meals, accommodation, transport and excursion services for accompanying persons).

57. Organizing Committee of the regional stage of the Olympiad:

determines the organizational and technological model for holding the regional stage of the Olympiad;

ensures the organization and holding of the regional stage of the Olympiad in accordance with the requirements approved by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad for holding the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general educational subject, this Procedure and the sanitary and epidemiological requirements in force at the time of the Olympiad for the conditions and organization of training in organizations that provide educational activities on educational programs of basic general and secondary general education; (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 249)

provides, if necessary, participants of the regional stage of the Olympiad with accommodation and meals for the duration of the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations in force at the time of the Olympiad;

carries out coding (depersonalization) of the Olympiad works of participants in the regional stage of the Olympiad;

is responsible for the life and health of the participants of the Olympiad during the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject.

58. The composition of the organizing committee of the regional stage of the Olympiad is formed from representatives of the state authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, which carries out state administration in the field of education, regional subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad, pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical workers. (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 249)

59. Regional subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad: (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 249)

develop requirements for the organization and holding of the municipal stage of the Olympiad, taking into account the methodological recommendations prepared by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad;

compose Olympiad tasks based on the content of educational programs of basic general and secondary general education of an advanced level and the corresponding focus (profile), form sets of tasks for the municipal stage of the Olympiad from them, taking into account the methodological recommendations prepared by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad;

ensure the storage of Olympiad tasks for each general education subject for the municipal stage of the Olympiad until they are sent to the organizer of the municipal stage of the Olympiad, bear responsibility for their confidentiality established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

60. The composition of the regional subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad is formed from among the pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical workers. (as amended by the Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2015 N 249, dated November 17, 2016 N 1435)

61. Delivery of the Olympiad tasks to the organizers of the regional stage of the Olympiad is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on electronic media in encrypted form. The deadlines for deciphering the Olympiad tasks are set by the requirements for holding the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, including taking into account time zones.

VI. Holding the final stage of the Olympiad

62. The final stage of the Olympiad is carried out according to the tasks developed by the central subject and methodological commissions of the Olympiad, based on the content of educational programs of basic general and secondary general education of an advanced level and the corresponding focus (profile), for grades 9 - 11. (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 249)

63. The specific dates and venues for the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject are established by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.

64. At the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, individual participation takes place:

participants of the regional stage of the Olympiad of the current academic year, who scored the number of points required for participation in the final stage of the Olympiad, established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia;

winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad of the previous academic year, continuing their education in organizations that carry out educational activities in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education.

If not a single participant of the regional stage of the Olympiad of the current academic year scored the number of points required for participation in the final stage of the Olympiad, established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia in the general education subject and class, by decision of the organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad, one participant of the regional stage of the Olympiad of the current academic year, who scored the highest number of points (but not less than 50% of the number of points established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) in the corresponding general education subject. (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2015 N 1488)

65. Winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad of the previous year have the right to perform Olympiad tasks designed for older classes in relation to those in which they are trained.

66. Ministry of Education and Science of Russia:

establishes the format for presenting the results of the participants in the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject;

approves the composition of the organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject, formed taking into account the proposals of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and educational organizations where the final stage of the Olympiad is held;

forms the jury of the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject and approves their composition;

sets the number of points for each general education subject and class required to participate in the final stage of the Olympiad;

informs in advance the heads of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising state administration in the field of education, the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad, the central subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad, the organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, the participants in the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject and their parents (legitimate representatives) on the dates and venues for the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, as well as on this Procedure and the requirements for organizing and holding the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject; (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 249)

approves the final results of the Olympiad for each general education subject (ranking of winners and rating of prize-winners of the Olympiad), publishes them on the official website of the Olympiad on the Internet, along with the protocols of the jury of the final stage of the Olympiad, indicating information about the participants; (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 249)

awards the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad with diplomas, samples of which are given in the appendix to this Procedure;

67. Organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject:

determine the organizational and technological model for the final stage of the Olympiad;

ensure the organization and conduct of the final stage of the Olympiad in accordance with the requirements approved by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad for holding the final stage of the Olympiad in each general educational subject, these Procedures and the sanitary and epidemiological requirements in force at the time of the Olympiad for the conditions and organization of training in organizations providing educational activities on educational programs of basic general and secondary general education; (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 249)

provide participants in the final stage of the Olympiad with accommodation and meals for the duration of the final stage of the Olympiad in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations in force at the time of the Olympiad;

ensure the storage of Olympiad tasks for each general education subject for the final stage of the Olympiad, bear responsibility for their confidentiality established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

carry out coding (depersonalization) of the Olympiad works of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad;

bear responsibility for the life and health of the participants of the Olympiad during the final stage of the Olympiad;

Together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, they ensure the publication on the official website of the Olympiad on the Internet of the Olympiad works of the winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad (except for the general education subject of computer science and ICT) with information about the participants. (As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 N 249)

68. The composition of the organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject is formed from representatives of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on whose territory the final stage of the Olympiad is held, the central subject and methodological commissions of the Olympiad, pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical workers, executives of educational organizations, as well as representatives of public and other organizations, mass media and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. (as amended by the Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2015 N 249, dated November 17, 2016 N 1435)

69. The delivery of the Olympiad tasks to the organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on electronic media in encrypted form. The deadlines for deciphering the Olympiad tasks are set by the requirements for holding the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject.

70. Scientific and methodological support for the school, municipal, regional and final stages of the Olympiad, as well as financial support for the final stage of the Olympiad (with the exception of the costs of life and health insurance for participants in the final stage of the Olympiad, travel of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad and accompanying persons to the venue the final stage of the Olympiad and back, the cost of food, accommodation, transport and excursion services for accompanying persons) are funded from the federal budget. (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2015 N 1488)

71. The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject have the right to raise additional financial resources for holding the final stage of the Olympiad from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets, and funds of legal entities.


Drawing (not shown)
All-Russian Olympiad

Back cover

Drawing (not shown)
winner of the All-Russian Olympiad
Ministry of Education and Science This diploma confirms that
Russian Federation
student (student)
Drawing (not shown)
DIPLOMA All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren
All-Russian Olympiad
Registration number
date of issue Minister
education and science
Place of issue Russian Federation

Registration N 31060

In accordance with Part 3 of Article 77 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326; N 30, article 4036) and paragraph 5.2.48 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2013 N 466 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 23, article 2923; N 33, item 4386; N 37, item 4702), I order:

1. To approve the attached Procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren.

2. Recognize as invalid the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:

dated April 23, 2008 N 134 "On approval of the list of general education subjects for which the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is held" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 22, 2008, registration N 11732);

dated May 19, 2008 N 151 "On approval of samples of diplomas of winners and prize-winners of the stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 10, 2008, registration N 11832);

dated December 2, 2009 N 695 "On approval of the Regulations on the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 20, 2010, registration N 16016);

of February 7, 2011 N 168 "On Amendments to the Regulations on the All-Russian Olympiad for School Students, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 2, 2009 N 695" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 18, 2011, registration N 20173).

Minister D. Livanov

The procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

I. General provisions

1. This Procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) establishes the stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (hereinafter referred to as the Olympiad), the timing of the Olympiad, as well as the list of general education subjects in which it is held, determines the organizational and technological model for holding the Olympiad, the participants of the Olympiad, their rights and obligations, establishes the rules for approving the results of the Olympiad and determining the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad, samples of diplomas of the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad.

2. The Olympiad is held in order to identify and develop students' creative abilities and interest in scientific (research) activities, the promotion of scientific knowledge, the selection of individuals who have shown outstanding abilities in the national teams of the Russian Federation to participate in international Olympiads in general education subjects.

3. The Olympiad is held in the following general education subjects: mathematics, Russian, foreign language (English, German, French), computer science and ICT, physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, geography, astronomy, literature, history, social science, economics, law, art (world art culture), physical culture, technology, basics of life safety.

4. The Olympiad includes school, municipal, regional and final stages.

5. The organizers of the Olympiad are:

school and municipal stages - the local self-government body exercising management in the field of education;

regional stage - a state authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, exercising state administration in the field of education;

the final stage - the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia).

6. The organizers of the Olympiad have the right to involve educational and scientific organizations, educational and methodological associations of state corporations and public organizations in the conduct of the Olympiad in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7. The individual results of the participants of each stage of the Olympiad are entered in the rating table of the results of the participants of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad in a general education subject, which is a ranked list of participants arranged in descending order of their scores (hereinafter referred to as the rating). Participants with the same number of points are listed in alphabetical order.

8. The Olympics are held on the territory of the Russian Federation.

9. The working language of the Olympiad is Russian.

10. Charging fees for participation in the Olympiad is not allowed 1 .

11. When conducting the stages of the Olympiad, each participant in the Olympiad must be provided with a separate workplace, equipped in accordance with the requirements for holding the corresponding stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject. All workplaces of the participants of the Olympiad must provide the participants of the Olympiad with equal conditions to comply with the sanitary epidemiological rules and norms in force at the time of the Olympiad.

12. A representative of the organizer of the Olympiad, organizing committees and the jury of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad, officials of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, as well as citizens accredited as public observers in the manner established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia may be present at the venue of the Olympiad.

13. Before the start of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject, the representatives of the organizer of the Olympiad instruct the participants of the Olympiad - they inform about the duration of the Olympiad, the procedure for filing appeals about disagreement with the points given, about cases of removal from the Olympiad, as well as about the time and place of familiarization with the results of the Olympiad.

14. The parent (legal representative) of the student who declared his participation in the Olympiad, at least 10 working days before the start of the school stage of the Olympiad, in writing confirms familiarization with this Procedure and submits to the organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad consent to the collection, storage, use, distribution (transfer) and publication of personal data of your minor child, as well as his Olympiad work, including on the Internet.

15. During the Olympiad, the participants of the Olympiad:

must comply with this Procedure and the requirements approved by the organizer of the school, municipal stages of the Olympiad, the central methodological commissions of the Olympiad, for holding the corresponding stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject;

must follow the instructions of the representatives of the organizer of the Olympiad;

do not have the right to communicate with each other, move freely around the audience;

the right to have reference materials, means of communication and electronic computing equipment permitted for use during the Olympiad, the list of which is determined in the requirements for organizing and holding the relevant stages of the Olympiad in each general education subject.

16. In case of violation by the participant of the Olympiad of this Procedure and (or) the approved requirements for organizing and holding the corresponding stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, the representative of the organizer of the Olympiad has the right to remove this participant from the audience by drawing up an act on the removal of the participant of the Olympiad.

17. Participants of the Olympiad who have been removed are deprived of the right to further participate in the Olympiad in this general educational subject in the current year.

18. In order to ensure the right to an objective evaluation of the work, the participants of the Olympiad have the right to file an appeal in writing about disagreement with the points given to the jury of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad.

19. The participant of the Olympiad, before filing an appeal, has the right to make sure that his work has been checked and evaluated in accordance with the established criteria and methodology for evaluating the completed Olympiad tasks.

20. Consideration of the appeal is carried out with the participation of the participant of the Olympiad.

21. Based on the results of consideration of the appeal about disagreement with the points given, the jury of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad decides to reject the appeal and keep the points set or to satisfy the appeal and adjust the points.

II. Organization of the Olympiad

23. Coordination of the organization and holding of the Olympiad is carried out by the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad under the leadership of the chairman.

24. The Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad:

submits proposals to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on the composition of the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad in general education subjects for which the Olympiad is held (hereinafter referred to as the central subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad), the jury of the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject, the dates and venues for the Olympiad in each general education subject at the regional and final stages, the number of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad who scored the required number of points at the regional stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject, for the improvement and development of the Olympiad;

establishes quotas for winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad, which make up no more than 30 percent of the total number of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, while the number of winners of the final stage of the Olympiad should not exceed 8 percent of the total number of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject ;

listens to the reports of the central subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad on the results of their work, on the basis of which it makes proposals to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on the extension or termination of the powers of the compositions of each of them.

25. The composition of the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad is formed from representatives of educational organizations of higher education, federal government authorities, government authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments that manage education, central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad and is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

26. Organizational, technical, information support for the activities of the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

27. For the scientific and methodological support of the Olympiad, central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad are created.

28. Central subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad:

before August 1, they prepare and send to the organizers of the school and municipal stages of the Olympiad methodological recommendations on the development of requirements for the organization and conduct of the school and municipal stages of the Olympiad for each general education subject, defining the principles for compiling Olympiad tasks and the formation of sets of Olympiad tasks, a description of the necessary material and technical support for the performance of Olympiad tasks, a list of reference materials, means of communication and electronic computing equipment permitted for use during the Olympiad, criteria and methods for evaluating completed Olympiad tasks, the procedure for registering participants in the Olympiad, displaying Olympiad works, as well as considering appeals from participants in the Olympiad;

before December 1, they develop, approve and send to the organizers of the regional and final stages of the Olympiad the requirements for organizing and holding the regional and final stages of the Olympiad in each general education subject, which determine the description of the necessary material and technical support for the implementation of the Olympiad tasks, a list of reference materials, means of communication and electronic computing equipment permitted for use during the Olympiad, criteria and methods for evaluating completed Olympiad tasks, the procedure for registering participants in the Olympiad, showing Olympiad works, considering appeals from participants in the Olympiad, the start time of the regional stage of the Olympiad, taking into account time zones, the procedure for filling out, registering and accounting for diplomas of winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad;

compose Olympiad tasks for each general education subject based on the content of educational programs of basic general and secondary general education of an advanced level and the corresponding focus (profile), form sets of tasks for the regional and final stages of the Olympiad from them;

ensure the storage of Olympiad assignments in the relevant general education subject for the regional and final stages of the Olympiad until they are sent to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, bear responsibility for their confidentiality established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

before December 1, submit to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia sets of Olympiad tasks for each general education subject for the regional and final stages of the Olympiad on electronic media;

form and submit proposals to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the composition of the national teams of the Russian Federation for participation in international Olympiads in general education subjects;

has the right to selectively recheck completed Olympiad tasks of the regional stage of the Olympiad;

annually submit to the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad a report on the results of their work;

annually submit to the Russian Ministry of Education and Science analytical reports on the results of the Olympiad in the relevant general education subject.

29. The composition of the central subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad is formed at the suggestion of the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad from among pedagogical, scientific, scientific and pedagogical workers and is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

30. For an objective check of the Olympiad tasks performed by the participants of the Olympiad, at each stage of the Olympiad, an Olympiad jury is formed for each general educational subject (hereinafter referred to as the jury of all stages of the Olympiad).

31. Jury of all stages of the Olympiad:

accepts for evaluation coded (impersonal) Olympiad works of the participants of the Olympiad;

evaluates completed Olympiad tasks in accordance with the approved criteria and methods for evaluating completed Olympiad tasks;

conducts an analysis of the Olympiad tasks and their solutions with the participants of the Olympiad;

carries out in-person, at the request of the participant of the Olympiad, the display of the Olympiad tasks completed by him;

presents the results of the Olympiad to its participants;

considers in person the appeals of the participants of the Olympiad using video recording;

determines the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad based on the rating for each general education subject and in accordance with the quota established by the organizer of the Olympiad of the corresponding stage 2;

presents the results of the Olympiad (protocols) to the organizer of the Olympiad for their approval;

draws up and submits to the organizer of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad an analytical report on the results of completing the Olympiad tasks for each general education subject.

32. The composition of the jury of all stages of the Olympiad is formed from among the pedagogical, scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers and is approved by the organizer of the Olympiad of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad.

33. The composition of the jury of all stages of the Olympiad must change by at least one fifth of the total number of members at least once every five years.

34. The main principles of the activity of the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad, the central subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad, the jury of all stages of the Olympiad are competence, objectivity, publicity, as well as compliance with the norms of professional ethics.

III. Conducting the school stage of the Olympiad

35. The school stage of the Olympiad is carried out according to the tasks developed by the municipal subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad, based on the content of educational programs of basic general and secondary general education of an advanced level and the corresponding focus (profile), for grades 5-11 (hereinafter - Olympiad tasks).

36. The specific dates and venues for the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject are established by the local government that manages education.

37. At the school stage of the Olympiad, on a voluntary basis, individual students of grades 5-11 of organizations engaged in educational activities in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education take part.

38. Participants of the school stage of the Olympiad have the right to perform Olympiad tasks designed for older classes in relation to those in which they are studying. In the case of passing to the subsequent stages of the Olympiad, these participants perform the Olympiad tasks designed for the class they chose at the school stage of the Olympiad.

39. Organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad:

forms the organizing committee of the school stage of the Olympiad and approves its composition;

forms the jury of the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject and approves their composition;

forms municipal subject-methodical commissions for each general education subject and approves their composition;

approves the requirements for the organization and conduct of the school stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, which determine the principles for compiling Olympiad tasks and the formation of sets of Olympiad tasks, a description of the necessary material and technical support for completing Olympiad tasks, a list of reference materials, communications and electronic computing equipment permitted for use during the Olympiad, criteria and methods for evaluating completed Olympiad tasks, the procedure for registering participants in the Olympiad, displaying Olympiad works, as well as considering appeals from participants in the Olympiad;

ensures the storage of Olympiad assignments for each general education subject for the school stage of the Olympiad, bears responsibility for their confidentiality established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

informs in advance the heads of organizations engaged in educational activities on educational programs of basic general and secondary general education located on the territory of the corresponding municipality, students and their parents (legal representatives) about the dates and places of the school stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, as well as about this The procedure and approved requirements for the organization and conduct of the school stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject;

ensures the collection and storage of applications from parents (legal representatives) of students who have declared their participation in the Olympiad, about familiarization with this Procedure and consent to the collection, storage, use, distribution (transfer) and publication of personal data of their minor children, as well as their Olympiad works, including in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the "Internet" network);

determines the quotas of winners and prize-winners of the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject;

approves the results of the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject (the ranking of winners and the rating of prize-winners of the school stage of the Olympiad) and publishes them on its official website on the Internet, including the protocols of the jury of the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject.

40. Organizing Committee of the school stage of the Olympiad:

determines the organizational and technological model for holding the school stage of the Olympiad;

ensures the organization and holding of the school stage of the Olympiad in accordance with the requirements approved by the organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad for holding the school stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, this Procedure and the sanitary and epidemiological requirements in force at the time of the Olympiad for the conditions and organization of training in organizations engaged in educational activities in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education;

carries out coding (depersonalization) of the Olympiad works of participants in the school stage of the Olympiad;

is responsible for the life and health of the participants of the Olympiad during the school stage of the Olympiad.

41. The composition of the organizing committee of the school stage of the Olympiad is formed from representatives of local governments that manage education, municipal subject and methodological commissions for each general education subject, pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical workers.

42. Municipal subject-methodical commissions for each general education subject:

develop requirements for the organization and conduct of the school stage of the Olympiad, taking into account the methodological recommendations prepared by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad;

compose Olympiad tasks based on the content of educational programs of basic general and secondary general education of an in-depth level and the corresponding orientation (profile), form sets of tasks for the school stage of the Olympiad from them, taking into account the methodological recommendations prepared by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad;

ensure the storage of Olympiad tasks for the school stage of the Olympiad until they are transferred to the organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad, bear responsibility for their confidentiality established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

43. The composition of the municipal subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad for each general education subject is formed from among the pedagogical, scientific, scientific and pedagogical workers.

IV. Holding the municipal stage of the Olympiad

44. The municipal stage of the Olympiad is held according to the tasks developed by the regional subject-methodical commissions, based on the content of educational programs of basic general and secondary general education of an advanced level and the corresponding focus (profile), for grades 7-11.

45. The specific dates for holding the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject are established by the state authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, which carries out state administration in the field of education.

Specific venues for the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject are established by the local government that manages education.

46. ​​At the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, individual participation takes place:

participants of the school stage of the Olympiad of the current academic year, who scored the number of points necessary for participation in the municipal stage of the Olympiad, established by the organizer of the municipal stage of the Olympiad;

winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad of the previous academic year, continuing their education in organizations that carry out educational activities in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education.

47. Winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the previous year have the right to perform Olympiad tasks designed for older classes in relation to those in which they are studying. If they pass to the next stages of the Olympiad, these participants of the Olympiad perform Olympiad tasks designed for the class they chose at the municipal stage of the Olympiad.

48. Organizer of the municipal stage of the Olympiad:

forms the organizing committee of the municipal stage of the Olympiad and approves its composition;

forms the jury of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject and approves their composition;

sets the number of points for each general education subject and class required to participate in the municipal stage of the Olympiad;

approves the requirements developed by the regional subject-methodological commissions for organizing and holding the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, which determine the principles for compiling Olympiad tasks and the formation of sets of Olympiad tasks, a description of the necessary material and technical support for completing Olympiad tasks, criteria and methods for evaluating completed Olympiad tasks , the procedure for registering participants in the Olympiad, displaying Olympiad works, as well as considering appeals from participants in the Olympiad;

ensures the storage of Olympiad assignments for each general education subject for the municipal stage of the Olympiad, bears responsibility for their confidentiality established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

informs in advance the heads of local self-government bodies exercising management in the field of education, heads of organizations engaged in educational activities on educational programs of basic general and secondary general education located on the territory of the relevant municipalities, participants in the municipal stage of the Olympiad and their parents (legal representatives) about the timing and venues for the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, as well as on this Procedure and the approved requirements for organizing and holding the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject;

determines the quotas of winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject;

approves the results of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject (the ranking of winners and the rating of prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad) and publishes them on its official website on the Internet, including the protocols of the jury of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject;

transfers the results of the participants of the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject and class to the organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad in the format established by the organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad;

awards the winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad with encouraging letters.

49. Organizing Committee of the municipal stage of the Olympiad:

determines the organizational and technological model for holding the municipal stage of the Olympiad;

ensures the organization and conduct of the municipal stage of the Olympiad in accordance with the requirements approved by the organizer of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for holding the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, this Procedure and the sanitary and epidemiological requirements in force at the time of the Olympiad for the conditions and organization of training in organizations engaged in educational activities in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education;

carries out coding (depersonalization) of the Olympiad works of participants of the municipal stage of the Olympiad;

is responsible for the life and health of the participants of the Olympiad during the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject.

50. The composition of the organizing committee of the municipal stage of the Olympiad is formed by representatives of local governments that manage the field of education, municipal and regional subject-methodological commissions for each general education subject, pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical workers.

51. In the federal cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, the municipal stage of the Olympiad is held taking into account the specifics of the organization of local self-government established in these constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

V. Holding the regional stage of the Olympiad

52. The regional stage of the Olympiad is held according to the tasks developed by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad, based on the content of educational programs of basic general and secondary general education of an advanced level and the corresponding orientation (profile), for grades 9-11.

53. The specific dates for the regional stage of the Olympiad are established by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.

Specific venues for the regional stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject are established by the state authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, which carries out state administration in the field of education.

54. At the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, individual participation takes place:

participants of the municipal stage of the Olympiad of the current academic year, who scored the number of points necessary for participation in the regional stage of the Olympiad, established by the organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad;

winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad of the previous academic year, continuing their education in organizations that carry out educational activities in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education;

students of grades 9-11 of organizations that carry out educational activities in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and foreign institutions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation that have specialized structural educational units in their structure 3 .

55. Winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad of the previous year have the right to perform Olympiad tasks designed for older classes in relation to those in which they are trained. If they pass to the final stage of the Olympiad, these participants of the Olympiad perform Olympiad tasks designed for the class they chose at the regional stage of the Olympiad.

56. Organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad:

establishes the format for presenting the results of the participants of the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject;

forms the organizing committee of the regional stage of the Olympiad and approves its composition;

forms the jury of the regional stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject and approves their composition;

forms regional subject-methodical commissions for each general education subject and approves their composition;

sets the number of points for each general education subject and class required for participation in the regional stage of the Olympiad;

ensures the storage of Olympiad assignments for each general education subject for the regional stage of the Olympiad, bears responsibility for their confidentiality established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

informs in advance the heads of local self-government bodies exercising management in the field of education, the heads of organizations engaged in educational activities on educational programs of basic general and secondary general education located on the territory of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation, participants in the regional stage of the Olympiad and their parents (legal representatives) about the timing and venues for the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, as well as on this Procedure and the requirements for organizing and holding the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject;

determines the quotas of winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject;

approves the results of the regional stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject (the ranking of winners and the rating of prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad) and publishes them on its official website on the Internet, including the protocols of the jury of the regional stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject;

publishes on its official website on the Internet, taking into account the requirements approved by the central methodological commissions of the Olympiad for holding the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, the Olympiad works of the winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad, indicating the personal data of the Olympiad participants;

transfers the results of the participants of the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject and class to the organizer of the final stage of the Olympiad in the format established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia;

awards the winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad with letters of encouragement;

carries out from the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation and (or) funds of legal entities organizational and financial support for participation in the final stage of the Olympiad of participants in the regional stage of the Olympiad who scored the required number of points established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for participation in the final stage of the Olympiad, as well as persons accompanying them (insurance life and health of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad, travel of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad and their accompanying persons to the venue of the final stage of the Olympiad and back, payment for meals, accommodation, transport and excursion services for accompanying persons).

57. Organizing Committee of the regional stage of the Olympiad:

determines the organizational and technological model for holding the regional stage of the Olympiad;

ensures the organization and conduct of the regional stage of the Olympiad in accordance with the requirements approved by the central methodological commissions of the Olympiad for holding the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general educational subject, this Procedure and the sanitary and epidemiological requirements in force at the time of the Olympiad for the conditions and organization of training in organizations engaged in educational activities in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education;

provides, if necessary, participants of the regional stage of the Olympiad with accommodation and meals for the duration of the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations in force at the time of the Olympiad;

carries out coding (depersonalization) of the Olympiad works of participants in the regional stage of the Olympiad;

is responsible for the life and health of the participants of the Olympiad during the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject.

58. The composition of the organizing committee of the regional stage of the Olympiad is formed and representatives of the state authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, which carries out state administration in the field of education, regional subject-methodical commissions for each general education subject, pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical workers.

59. Regional subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad for each general education subject:

develop requirements for the organization and holding of the municipal stage of the Olympiad, taking into account the methodological recommendations prepared by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad;

compose Olympiad tasks based on the content of educational programs of basic general and secondary general education of an advanced level and the corresponding orientation (profile), form sets of tasks for the municipal stage of the Olympiad from them, taking into account the methodological recommendations prepared by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad;

ensure the storage of Olympiad tasks for each general education subject for the municipal stage of the Olympiad until they are sent to the organizer of the municipal stage of the Olympiad, bear responsibility for their confidentiality established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

60. The composition of the subject-methodical commissions of the regional stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject is formed from among the pedagogical, scientific, scientific and pedagogical workers.

61. Delivery of the Olympiad tasks to the organizers of the regional stage of the Olympiad is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on electronic media in encrypted form. The deadlines for deciphering the Olympiad tasks are set by the requirements for holding the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, including taking into account time zones.

VI. Holding the final stage of the Olympiad

62. The final stage of the Olympiad is held according to the tasks developed by the central subject-methodological commissions, based on the content of educational programs of basic general and secondary general education of an in-depth level and the corresponding focus (profile), for grades 9-11.

63. The specific dates and venues for the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject are established by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.

64. At the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, individual participation takes place:

participants of the regional stage of the Olympiad of the current academic year, who scored the number of points required for participation in the final stage of the Olympiad, established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia;

winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad of the previous academic year, who continue their education in organizations that carry out educational activities in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education.

65. Winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad of the previous year have the right to perform Olympiad tasks designed for older classes in relation to those in which they are trained.

66. Ministry of Education and Science of Russia:

establishes the format for presenting the results of the participants in the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject;

approves the composition of the organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject, formed taking into account the proposals of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and educational organizations where the final stage of the Olympiad is held;

forms the jury of the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject and approves their composition;

sets the number of points for each general education subject and class required to participate in the final stage of the Olympiad;

informs in advance the heads of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad, the central subject-methodological commissions, the organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, the participants in the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject and their parents (legal representatives ) on the dates and venues for the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, as well as on this Procedure and the requirements for organizing and holding the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject;

approves the final results of the Olympiad for each general education subject (ranking of winners and rating of prize-winners of the Olympiad), publishes them on the official website of the Olympiad on the Internet along with the protocols of the jury of the final stage of the Olympiad;

awards the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad with diplomas, samples of which are given in the appendix to this Procedure;

publishes on the official website of the Olympiad on the Internet, taking into account the requirements approved by the central methodological commissions of the Olympiad for holding the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, the Olympiad works of the winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad, indicating the personal data of the Olympiad participants.

67. Organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject:

determine the organizational and technological model for the final stage of the Olympiad;

ensure the organization and conduct of the final stage of the Olympiad in accordance with the requirements approved by the central methodological commissions of the Olympiad for holding the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, this Procedure and the sanitary and epidemiological requirements in force at the time of the Olympiad for the conditions and organization of training in organizations engaged in educational activities in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education;

provide participants in the final stage of the Olympiad with accommodation and meals for the duration of the final stage of the Olympiad in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations in force at the time of the Olympiad;

ensure the storage of Olympiad tasks for each general education subject for the final stage of the Olympiad, bear responsibility for their confidentiality established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

carry out coding (depersonalization) of the Olympiad works of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad;

are responsible for the life and health of the participants of the Olympiad during the final stage of the Olympiad.

68. The composition of the organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject is formed from representatives of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on whose territory the final stage of the Olympiad is held, central subject and methodological commissions, pedagogical, scientific, scientific and pedagogical workers and are approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

69. The delivery of the Olympiad tasks to the organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on electronic media in encrypted form. The deadlines for deciphering the Olympiad tasks are set by the requirements for holding the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject.

70. Financial and scientific and methodological support for the final stage of the Olympiad (with the exception of the costs of life and health insurance for participants in the final stage of the Olympiad, travel of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad and their accompanying persons to the venue of the final stage of the Olympiad and back, expenses for food, accommodation, transport and excursion services for accompanying persons) are carried out at the expense of the federal budget.

71. The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject have the right to raise additional financial resources for holding the final stage of the Olympiad from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets, and funds of legal entities.

1 Part 2 of Article 77 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326; N 30 , item 4036).

2 In case of an equal number of points of the participants of the Olympiad, listed in the final table, the decision to increase the quota of winners and (or) prize-winners of the stage of the Olympiad is made by the organizer of the Olympiad of the corresponding stage.

3 Students participate in the regional stage of the Olympiad at the place of their registration on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Sample diplomas of the winner and prize-winner of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren are not published in "RG".

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1252
"On approval of the procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren"

With changes and additions from:

presents the results of the Olympiad (protocols) to the organizer of the Olympiad for their approval;

draws up and submits to the organizer of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad an analytical report on the results of completing the Olympiad tasks for each general education subject.

32. The composition of the jury of all stages of the Olympiad is formed from the number of pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical workers, executives of educational organizations, graduate students, residents, assistant trainees, as well as specialists in the field of knowledge corresponding to the subject of the Olympiad, and is approved by the organizer of the Olympiad of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad.

33. The composition of the jury of all stages of the Olympiad must change by at least one fifth of the total number of members at least once every five years.

34. The main principles of the activity of the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad, the central subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad, the jury of all stages of the Olympiad are competence, objectivity, publicity, as well as compliance with the norms of professional ethics.

III. Conducting the school stage of the Olympiad

35. The school stage of the Olympiad is carried out according to the tasks developed by the municipal subject-methodological commissions for general education subjects for which the Olympiad is held (hereinafter referred to as the municipal subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad), based on the content of educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education of an in-depth level and appropriate orientation (profile), for grades 4-11 (hereinafter referred to as Olympiad tasks).

36. The specific dates and venues for the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject are established by the local government that manages education.

37. At the school stage of the Olympiad, on a voluntary basis, individual students of grades 4-11 of organizations carrying out educational activities in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education take part.

38. Participants of the school stage of the Olympiad have the right to perform Olympiad tasks designed for older classes in relation to those in which they are studying. In the case of passing to the next stages of the Olympiad, these participants perform Olympiad tasks designed for the class they chose at the school stage of the Olympiad.

39. Organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad:

forms the organizing committee of the school stage of the Olympiad and approves its composition;

forms the jury of the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject and approves their composition;

forms the municipal subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad and approves their composition;

approves the requirements for the organization and conduct of the school stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, which determine the principles for compiling Olympiad tasks and the formation of sets of Olympiad tasks, a description of the necessary material and technical support for completing Olympiad tasks, a list of reference materials, communications and electronic computing equipment permitted for use during the Olympiad, criteria and methods for evaluating completed Olympiad tasks, the procedure for registering participants in the Olympiad, displaying Olympiad works, as well as considering appeals from participants in the Olympiad;

ensures the storage of Olympiad tasks for each general education subject for the school stage of the Olympiad, carries out the established by law

informs in advance the heads of organizations engaged in educational activities on educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education located on the territory of the corresponding municipality, students and their parents (legal representatives) about the dates and places of the school stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, and also about this Procedure and the approved requirements for organizing and holding the school stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject;

ensures the collection and storage of applications from parents (legal representatives) of students who have declared their participation in the Olympiad, about familiarization with this Procedure and consent to the publication of the Olympiad works of their minor children, including on the Internet;

determines the quotas of winners and prize-winners of the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject;

approves the results of the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject (the ranking of winners and the rating of prize-winners of the school stage of the Olympiad) and publishes them on its official website on the Internet, including the protocols of the jury of the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject.

40. Organizing Committee of the school stage of the Olympiad:

determines the organizational and technological model for holding the school stage of the Olympiad;

ensures the organization and conduct of the school stage of the Olympiad in accordance with the requirements approved by the organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad for holding the school stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, these Procedures and those in force at the time of the Olympiad to the conditions and organization of training in organizations engaged in educational activities for educational programs of primary general , basic general and secondary general education;

carries out coding (depersonalization) of the Olympiad works of participants in the school stage of the Olympiad;

is responsible for the life and health of the participants of the Olympiad during the school stage of the Olympiad.

41. The composition of the organizing committee of the school stage of the Olympiad is formed from representatives of local governments that manage education, municipal subject and methodological commissions of the Olympiad, pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical workers.

42. Municipal subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad:

develop requirements for the organization and conduct of the school stage of the Olympiad, taking into account the methodological recommendations prepared by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad;

compose Olympiad tasks based on the content of educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education of an in-depth level and the corresponding orientation (profile), form sets of tasks for the school stage of the Olympiad from them, taking into account methodological recommendations prepared by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad;

ensure the storage of the Olympiad tasks for the school stage of the Olympiad until they are transferred to the organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad,

43. The composition of the municipal subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad is formed from among the pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical workers.

IV. Holding the municipal stage of the Olympiad

44. The municipal stage of the Olympiad is held according to the tasks developed by the regional subject-methodological commissions for general educational subjects in which the Olympiad is held (hereinafter referred to as the regional subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad), based on the content of educational programs of basic general and secondary general education of an in-depth level and the corresponding orientation (profile), for 7 - 11 grades.

45. The specific dates for holding the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject are established by the state authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, which carries out state administration in the field of education.

Specific venues for the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject are established by the local government that manages education.

46. ​​At the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, individual participation takes place:

participants of the school stage of the Olympiad of the current academic year, who scored the number of points necessary for participation in the municipal stage of the Olympiad, established by the organizer of the municipal stage of the Olympiad;

winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad of the previous academic year, continuing their education in organizations that carry out educational activities in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education.

47. Winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the previous year have the right to perform Olympiad tasks designed for older classes in relation to those in which they are studying. If they pass to the next stages of the Olympiad, these participants of the Olympiad perform Olympiad tasks designed for the class they chose at the municipal stage of the Olympiad.

48. Organizer of the municipal stage of the Olympiad:

forms the organizing committee of the municipal stage of the Olympiad and approves its composition;

forms the jury of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject and approves their composition;

sets the number of points for each general education subject and class required to participate in the municipal stage of the Olympiad;

approves the requirements for the organization and conduct of the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, developed by the regional subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad, which determine the principles for compiling Olympiad tasks and the formation of sets of Olympiad tasks, a description of the necessary material and technical support for completing Olympiad tasks, criteria and methods for evaluating completed Olympiad tasks assignments, the procedure for registering participants in the Olympiad, displaying Olympiad works, as well as considering appeals from participants in the Olympiad;

ensures the storage of Olympiad assignments for each general education subject for the municipal stage of the Olympiad, bears responsibility for their confidentiality established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

informs in advance the heads of local self-government bodies exercising management in the field of education, heads of organizations engaged in educational activities on educational programs of basic general and secondary general education located on the territory of the relevant municipalities, participants in the municipal stage of the Olympiad and their parents (legal representatives) about the timing and venues for the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, as well as on this Procedure and the approved requirements for organizing and holding the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject;

determines the quotas of winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject;

approves the results of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject (the ranking of winners and the rating of prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad) and publishes them on its official website on the Internet, including the protocols of the jury of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject;

transfers the results of the participants of the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject and class to the organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad in the format established by the organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad;

awards the winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad with encouraging letters.

49. Organizing Committee of the municipal stage of the Olympiad:

determines the organizational and technological model for holding the municipal stage of the Olympiad;

ensures the organization and holding of the municipal stage of the Olympiad in accordance with the requirements approved by the organizer of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for holding the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject, this Procedure and the sanitary and epidemiological requirements in force at the time of the Olympiad

carries out coding (depersonalization) of the Olympiad works of participants of the municipal stage of the Olympiad;

is responsible for the life and health of the participants of the Olympiad during the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject.

50. The composition of the organizing committee of the municipal stage of the Olympiad is formed from representatives of local governments that manage education, municipal and regional subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad, pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical workers.

51. In the cities of federal significance Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol, the municipal stage of the Olympiad is held taking into account the specifics of the organization of local self-government established in these constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

V. Holding the regional stage of the Olympiad

52. The regional stage of the Olympiad is held according to the tasks developed by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad, based on the content of educational programs of basic general and secondary general education of an advanced level and the corresponding orientation (profile), for grades 9-11.

55. Winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad of the previous year have the right to perform Olympiad tasks designed for older classes in relation to those in which they are trained. If they pass to the final stage of the Olympiad, these participants of the Olympiad perform Olympiad tasks designed for the class they chose at the regional stage of the Olympiad.

56. Organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad:

establishes the format for presenting the results of the participants of the municipal stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject;

forms the organizing committee of the regional stage of the Olympiad and approves its composition;

forms the jury of the regional stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject and approves their composition;

forms regional subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad and approves their composition;

sets the number of points for each general education subject and class required for participation in the regional stage of the Olympiad;

ensures the storage of Olympiad assignments for each general education subject for the regional stage of the Olympiad, bears responsibility for their confidentiality established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

informs in advance the heads of local self-government bodies exercising management in the field of education, the heads of organizations engaged in educational activities on educational programs of basic general and secondary general education located on the territory of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation, participants in the regional stage of the Olympiad and their parents (legal representatives) about the timing and venues for the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, as well as on this Procedure and the requirements for organizing and holding the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject;

determines the quotas of winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject;

approves the results of the regional stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject (the ranking of winners and the rating of prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad) and publishes them on its official website on the Internet, including the protocols of the jury of the regional stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject;

publishes on its official website on the Internet, taking into account the requirements approved by the central subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad for holding the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, the Olympiad works of the winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad, indicating information about the participants;

transfers the results of the participants of the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject and class to the organizer of the final stage of the Olympiad in the format established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia;

awards the winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad with letters of encouragement;

carries out from the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation and (or) funds of legal entities organizational and financial support for participation in the final stage of the Olympiad of participants in the regional stage of the Olympiad who scored the required number of points established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for participation in the final stage of the Olympiad, as well as persons accompanying them (insurance life and health of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad, travel of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad and their accompanying persons to the venue of the final stage of the Olympiad and back, payment for meals, accommodation, transport and excursion services for accompanying persons).

57. Organizing Committee of the regional stage of the Olympiad:

determines the organizational and technological model for holding the regional stage of the Olympiad;

ensures the organization and conduct of the regional stage of the Olympiad in accordance with the requirements approved by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad for holding the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general educational subject, these Procedures and the sanitary and epidemiological requirements in force at the time of the Olympiad for the conditions and organization of training in organizations providing educational activities on educational programs of basic general and secondary general education;

provides, if necessary, participants of the regional stage of the Olympiad with accommodation and meals for the duration of the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations in force at the time of the Olympiad;

carries out coding (depersonalization) of the Olympiad works of participants in the regional stage of the Olympiad;

is responsible for the life and health of the participants of the Olympiad during the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject.

58. The composition of the organizing committee of the regional stage of the Olympiad is formed from representatives of the state authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, which carries out state administration in the field of education, regional subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad, pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical workers.

59. Regional subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad:

develop requirements for the organization and holding of the municipal stage of the Olympiad, taking into account the methodological recommendations prepared by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad;

compose Olympiad tasks based on the content of educational programs of basic general and secondary general education of an advanced level and the corresponding orientation (profile), form sets of tasks for the municipal stage of the Olympiad from them, taking into account the methodological recommendations prepared by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad;

ensure the storage of Olympiad tasks for each general education subject for the municipal stage of the Olympiad until they are sent to the organizer of the municipal stage of the Olympiad, bear responsibility for their confidentiality established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

60. The composition of the regional subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad is formed from among the pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical workers.

61. Delivery of the Olympiad tasks to the organizers of the regional stage of the Olympiad is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on electronic media in encrypted form. The deadlines for deciphering the Olympiad tasks are set by the requirements for holding the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, including taking into account time zones.

participants of the regional stage of the Olympiad of the current academic year, who scored the number of points required for participation in the final stage of the Olympiad, established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia;

winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad of the previous academic year, who continue their education in organizations that carry out educational activities in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education.

If not a single participant of the regional stage of the Olympiad of the current academic year scored the number of points required for participation in the final stage of the Olympiad, established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia in the general education subject and class, by decision of the organizer of the regional stage of the Olympiad, one participant of the regional stage of the Olympiad of the current academic year, who scored the highest number of points (but not less than 50% of the number of points established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) in the corresponding general education subject.

65. Winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad of the previous year have the right to perform Olympiad tasks designed for older classes in relation to those in which they are trained.

66. Ministry of Education and Science of Russia:

establishes the format for presenting the results of the participants in the regional stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject;

approves the composition of the organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject, formed taking into account the proposals of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and educational organizations where the final stage of the Olympiad is held;

forms the jury of the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject and approves their composition;

sets the number of points for each general education subject and class required to participate in the final stage of the Olympiad;

informs in advance the heads of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising state administration in the field of education, the Central Organizing Committee of the Olympiad, the central subject-methodical commissions of the Olympiad, the organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, the participants in the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject and their parents (legitimate representatives) on the dates and venues for the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject, as well as on this Procedure and the requirements for organizing and holding the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject;

approves the final results of the Olympiad for each general education subject (ranking of winners and rating of prize-winners of the Olympiad), publishes them on the official website of the Olympiad on the Internet, along with the protocols of the jury of the final stage of the Olympiad, indicating information about the participants;

awards the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad with diplomas, samples of which are given in the appendix to this Procedure.

67. Organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject:

determine the organizational and technological model for the final stage of the Olympiad;

ensure the organization and conduct of the final stage of the Olympiad in accordance with the requirements approved by the central subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad for holding the final stage of the Olympiad in each general educational subject, this Procedure and the sanitary and epidemiological requirements in force at the time of the Olympiad for the conditions and organization of training in organizations providing educational activities on educational programs of basic general and secondary general education;

provide participants in the final stage of the Olympiad with accommodation and meals for the duration of the final stage of the Olympiad in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations in force at the time of the Olympiad;

ensure the storage of Olympiad tasks for each general education subject for the final stage of the Olympiad, bear responsibility for their confidentiality established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

carry out coding (depersonalization) of the Olympiad works of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad;

bear responsibility for the life and health of the participants of the Olympiad during the final stage of the Olympiad;

Together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, they ensure the publication on the official website of the Olympiad on the Internet of the Olympiad works of the winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad (except for the general education subject of computer science and ICT) with information about the participants.

68. The composition of the organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject is formed from representatives of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on whose territory the final stage of the Olympiad is held, the central subject and methodological commissions of the Olympiad, pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical workers, executives of educational organizations, as well as representatives of public and other organizations, mass media and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

69. The delivery of the Olympiad tasks to the organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on electronic media in encrypted form. The deadlines for deciphering the Olympiad tasks are set by the requirements for holding the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject.

70. Scientific and methodological support for the school, municipal, regional and final stages of the Olympiad, as well as financial support for the final stage of the Olympiad (with the exception of the costs of life and health insurance for participants in the final stage of the Olympiad, travel of participants in the final stage of the Olympiad and accompanying persons to the venue the final stage of the Olympiad and back, the cost of food, accommodation, transport and excursion services for accompanying persons) are funded from the federal budget.

71. The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the organizing committees of the final stage of the Olympiad in each general education subject have the right to raise additional financial resources for holding the final stage of the Olympiad from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets, and funds of legal entities.

Diploma sample
winner of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

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Diploma sample
winner of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

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Reverse side of the title

Department of Education of the city of Moscow

About the order of the school,
municipal and regional
stages of the All-Russian Olympiad
schoolchildren in Moscow
in 2016/2017 academic year

In accordance with the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2013 No. 1252 “On approval of the Procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren”, the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated August 29, 2014 No. 741 “On approval of the Regulations on the stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in city ​​of Moscow"

6. State Autonomous educational institution additional professional education of the city of Moscow "Center pedagogical excellence"(hereinafter - GAOU DPO CPM):

6.1. To carry out organizational, technical, informational and financial support for the preparation, holding and summing up the results of the stages of the Olympiad.

6.2. Ensure the development of Olympiad tasks and requirements for the school and municipal stages of the Olympiad.

6.3. To carry out, within the framework of the state task, a set of measures for the continuous (during the year) preparation of students in the city of Moscow for participation in the municipal, regional and final stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren.

6.4. To carry out, within the framework of the state task, a set of measures for the continuous (during the year) training of the organizers and jury members of the stages of the Olympiad in the city of Moscow on the preparation, conduct and summing up of the school, municipal and regional stages of the Olympiad.

6.5. Ensure replication, acquisition and delivery to the "Basic Schools" of the Olympiad materials of the municipal stage of the Olympiad, replication, acquisition and delivery to the venues of the Olympiad materials of the regional stage of the Olympiad, as well as scanning of the Olympiad works of participants in the regional stage of the Olympiad and publication in personal accounts participants of their results and copies of the Olympiad works.

6.6. Ensure the transfer of the results of the participants of the regional stage of the Olympiad to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia in accordance with paragraph 56 of the "Procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren", approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2013 No. 1252.

6.7. To ensure participation in the final stage of the Olympiad of participants of the regional stage of the Olympiad in the city of Moscow in the 2016/2017 academic year, who scored the required number of points established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for participation in the final stage of the Olympiad, winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad of the previous academic year, continuing their education in educational organizations the city of Moscow, carrying out educational activities on educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, as well as persons accompanying them.

7. To the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education of the City of Moscow "Center for Pedagogical Excellence" together with the Department for the Implementation of State Policy in the Sphere of Education:

7.1. Provide organizational and methodological support for the activities of the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad.

7.2. On time until May 25, 2017 ensure the issuance of incentive letters to the winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad.

8. Heads of educational organizations - chairmen of interdistrict boards of directors of educational organizations:

8.1. Ensure coordination of the school stage and holding the municipal stage of the Olympiad on time and in accordance with the requirements for holding the school and municipal stages of the Olympiad.

8.2. Ensure the operation of the "Basic School" in the relevant territory.

9. Heads of educational organizations - "Basic schools" according to the approved list(Annex 5) :

9.1. Ensure the work of "hot lines" on the organization and conduct of the school and municipal stages of the Olympiad.

9.2. On time until August 10, 2016 appoint a representative responsible for coordinating the school and municipal stages of the Olympiad and for interacting with the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad and SAEI DPO CPM.

9.3. On time before September 1, 2016 send proposals to the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad on the venues for the municipal stage of the Olympiad and the places for checking the Olympiad works of participants in the municipal stage of the Olympiad.

9.4. On time before September 1, 2016 summarize the proposals of educational organizations on the composition of the organizing committee of the school stage of the Olympiad and the jury of the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject and transfer it to the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad.

9.5. Ensure that the heads of educational organizations are informed about the dates, places and procedures for holding the school and municipal stages of the Olympiad.

9.6. On time until October 1, 2016 summarize the proposals of educational organizations on the composition of the organizing committee of the municipal stage of the Olympiad and the jury of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject and transfer it to the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad.

9.7. To create conditions for ensuring the safety and confidentiality of the Olympiad tasks of the municipal stage of the Olympiad, as well as the timely delivery of the Olympiad materials of the municipal stage of the Olympiad to the venues of the municipal stage.

9.8. On time until April 1, 2017 ensure registration and issuance of diplomas and certificates to the winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad.

10. To the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education of the City of Moscow "Moscow Center for the Quality of Education" :

10.1. Provide scanning of title pages and Olympiad works of participants of the municipal stage of the Olympiad in all general education subjects in which the Olympiad is held, except for computer science, on the next calendar day after the Olympiad round (within one day).

10.2. Ensure the transfer of electronic copies of the Olympiad works of participants of the municipal stage of the Olympiad to the SAEI DPO CPM.

11. Heads of educational organizations carrying out educational activities on educational programs of basic general and secondary general education:

11.1. Conduct the school stage of the Olympiad on time and in accordance with the requirements for holding the school stage of the Olympiad.

11.2. Inform students and their parents (legal representatives) about the procedure for holding the stages of the Olympiad, about the place and time of the school and municipal stage for each general education subject.

11.3. Ensure the collection of applications from parents (legal representatives) of students wishing to take part in the Olympiad, about familiarization with the "Procedure for holding the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren", approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2013 No. 1252 and on consent to the publication of the Olympiad work his minor child, including in the information and telecommunications network "Internet".

11.4. On time until August 25, 2016 prepare and submit to the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad proposals on the composition of the organizing committee of the school stage of the Olympiad and the jury of the school stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject.

11.5. On time until September 21, 2016 prepare and submit to the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad proposals on the composition of the organizing committee of the municipal stage of the Olympiad and the jury of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for each general education subject.

11.6. Ensure the issuance of identifiers (individual registration codes) to students who have declared their desire to participate in the Olympiad.

11.7. Provide conditions for passing additional professional education courses “Development of schoolchildren's talent in subject areas. Organization and conduct of the stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren and other intellectual competitions "by teachers who are:

Members of the organizing committee and jury of the school stage of the Olympiad;
- members of the organizing committee and jury of the municipal stage of the Olympiad.

11.8. On time until October 10, 2016 transfer to the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad in accordance with the requirements for the school stage the protocols of the jury of the school stage of the Olympiad in an educational organization - for Olympiads held until October 3, 2016.

11.9. On time until November 4, 2016 transfer to the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad in accordance with the requirements for the school stage the protocols of the jury of the school stage of the Olympiad in an educational organization - for the Olympiads held from October 10 to October 29, 2016.

11.10. On time until October 10, 2016 transfer, in accordance with the requirements for the school stage of the Olympiad, data on the winners and prize-winners of the municipal, regional and final stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren of the 2015/2016 academic year to the City Organizing Committee of the Olympiad.

12. To the State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow for additional professional education (advanced training) of specialists, the city methodological center of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow:

Ensure that the school stage of the Olympiad is held in each general education subject in the format of an Internet stage for students who have expressed their desire to participate in the Olympiad and who have not received the opportunity to participate in the Olympiad in educational organizations that carry out educational activities on educational programs of basic general and secondary general education.

13. State autonomous institution of the city of Moscow "Moscow Center for Technological Modernization of Education" to carry out operational interaction with educational organizations located on the territory of the city of Moscow and GAOU DPO CPM to update information about these organizations and their students who have declared their desire to participate in the Olympiad.

14. Recognize invalid the order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated August 21, 2015 No. 2038 "On the procedure for holding the school, municipal and regional stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the city of Moscow in the 2015/2016 academic year."

15. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the deputy head Vasiliev T.V.