The parable of the hungry man and the fishing. Parable

An ancient Chinese proverb says: “Give a man one fish and he gets food for a day, teach him how to fish and he gets food for a lifetime” .

In other words, this story is about the following. One man approached a fisherman and begged him to give him a fish. The old fisherman replied: “Instead of giving you fish and food for once, wouldn't it be better if I showed you how to fish? Then you could feed yourself.". However, the man replied that he was not interested in learning how to fish. The hunger in his stomach quelled his thirst for knowledge.

The same story can be told in another way. It happened at the great river when a huge tree fell into the rushing waters. The tree was so big that a person could walk on it and fish for food. One day, after some time, the great sage decided to sit on this log in order to collect his ration of food for the day.

The wise man fished for quite some time, and finally caught a fabulous big fish. With great satisfaction, he placed her carefully on the log beside him. This was seen by a young man passing by with his wife and two children. He cautiously approached the sage and asked for a fish, explaining that his family needed food.

The old sage happily offered to teach the young man how to catch his own fish, but was immediately rebuked for such an offer. The young man was not interested in learning the skill. He just wanted to get some food.

The old sage remained firm in his decision to offer only training and sent the young man on his way. Meanwhile, he continued to fish and soon caught even more fish than before. Seeing this, the young man hurried back to the log. He begged the sage to give him a fish, for the sage no doubt now had more than enough of them.

The sage was confused, wondering if it makes sense to give the young man a fish. After all, he now indeed had more than enough fish.

While the sage was considering what choice to make, a light appeared at the end of the fallen tree. At first, the greatness of this light frightened the sage, because he only heard about such manifestations from ancient legends passed down by teachers from generation to generation. The light began to fill him with an energy he had never felt before. Filled with awe, the old sage heard a low, resonant voice speaking to him. The light spoke to him with such peace and beauty that the sage immediately realized that he was in the presence of a great and wonderful teacher.

And the world spoke.

“Old sage, let me express my thought. If you choose to follow her, it will change your life forever.

“First, take out of your pocket the sharpener that you have been carrying with you for so long. As we speak, start sharpening the hook you have tied to your line. Sharpen your hook like no one else in this world. Make it so sharp that when the fish takes it in its mouth, it won't feel pain. Then, when you are ready, pray with me in this way:

I call on the Creator to help me find the oldest fish in the river, ready to leave this dimension, having experienced everything that was destined to be experienced. In this Light, show her the way to my forest. Knowing that the fish's life plan is complete and that I have sharpened my hook so well, we will unite to carry out our journeys.

When the light finished speaking, the sage threw his newly sharpened hook into the water and in a moment pulled out a huge fish. Without waiting for the sage to celebrate his newfound clarity, the light spoke again.

“If you look at the shore, you will find an easier forest. By attaching a hook to a lighter line, you can cast it into the deeper parts of the river and catch even larger fish.

The old sage did as the light suggested. His efforts were again rewarded, and he pulled more fish out of the water. And then another and another.

He thought that he had already achieved the best possible results, but then the light gave the sage another instruction - to concentrate on his wrist. By bending his wrist more when casting the line, he could send the hook even farther.

Soon the pile of fish became so large that the sage felt satisfied with his accomplishments. He set aside the fish for the day's food and released the rest back into the water.

Then the sage remembered young man who asked him for fish. He noticed him not far away on the shore, of course, thinking that the young man would again ask him for fish.

To the sage's astonishment, the young man was vigorously sharpening his own hook.


The moral, my friends, is that you should never teach another person anything that he or she already knows at some level. Instead, focus on sharpening your own hook. By mastering what you already know, you will no doubt improve the world in your own way.

Natalia: Hello! With the coming of you .. I'm trying to find an alternative to sugar - I'm interested in syrup. and Jerusalem artichoke. and date, well, it doesn’t reach me at all - fructose after hydrolysis and fructose in Jerusalem artichoke - it goes directly into the cell. ??
Natalia, the difference is in technology and in the naturalness of the product.

Principle: the simpler and less technological operations conducted with the product, the less non-natural ingredients are added, the more natural and useful it is.

I am not a biochemist by education, but even a non-professional can evaluate the "naturalness" of the technology.
As they said in the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus": "In my house I ask you not to express yourself!", so I’m posting a production scheme on the blog, details and other schemes are at the link.

In the production of Jerusalem artichoke syrup, only THREE ingredients are used: Jerusalem artichoke tubers, water and freshly squeezed lemon juice. No chemical compounds. Technology: extraction and thickening of the syrup at a temperature of about 55 C.
The content of sugars (fructose, glucose, mannose) in Jerusalem artichoke syrup remains in a natural ratio.

"and turns into fat faster"
have you tried stevia? it is suitable for this parameter, in the sense of low-calorie content.

The principle I have cited should be regarded as a fishing rod (from the parable of a fish and a fishing rod), with the help of which, without going into the details of scientific research, one can evaluate the usefulness of a product.

The rest is a consequence of this principle.

Parable about fish and fishing rod

Once upon a time, there lived two brothers. One was a fisherman, he fished, sold in the market and lived well. The second brother was a laborer. He worked hard and hard, but could not make ends meet. In the end, exhausted and seeing the hardships of his family, the farmhand decided to go to his brother, a fisherman, to ask for money.
"Hello brother, I did not come to you from an easy life! Please help me, you are my BROTHER! My children do not go to school, they have nothing to buy notebooks and pencils! My wife cannot leave the house because her clothes dilapidated! Our hut is all crooked and about to collapse! We haven't eaten anything for three days, and there's still no work!" - said the farmhand and wept. The fisherman took pity, gave the farmhand fish and money so that he could improve his affairs.
A couple of months passed, and again the farm laborer came to the fisherman asking for help. And again the fisherman helped his brother. The next time, the laborer came a month later, with a plea for salvation! But the fisherman answered him -
"Come on, I'll give you a fishing rod and teach you how to fish!"
P.S. biochemists' comments are accepted

The Parable of the Fishing Rod

A hungry man sits on the bank of a river. A good fisherman gives him a fish. The poor rejoices, but then a liberal appears and with the words “What are you doing! The hungry should not be given a fish, but a fishing rod!” he takes the fish and puts it in his bucket. The poor man twitches, trying to return his supper. But the liberal, smiling dazzlingly, takes a folding plastic fishing rod out of his pocket, and solemnly hands it to the hungry, with the words “For some unfortunate fish you got a wonderful tool! Now you will be able to catch many, many fish, feed yourself and your family, and then, you see, you will break into people ... The main thing is to work harder, get up early, sit for a long time ... hehe.”

Hungry takes a fishing rod, sits on the shore. An hour sits, another. Sits for a day. There is no fish at all. Straining his memory, he realizes that the fishing rod is without fishing line.

The next day, the liberal reappears. Hungry rushes to him and shouts something about fishing line. The Liberal shrugs, "Actually, your stupid fish wasn't worth half my fine rod. But… okay.” He pulls a fishing line out of his pocket and hands it to the hungry man with the fishing rod. “Remember, there are no free lunches. Fishing line at a commercial price. You have ten fish. If you don't catch it, I'll come with a bailiff. But don’t piss, ten fish is not such a big price… hehe.” The hungry one realizes that ten fish are really not God knows what, joyfully ties a fishing line to a fishing rod and sits on the shore.

Hour. Two. Three. The day has passed. Fish are not caught.

In the evening, the kind fisherman who once gave him a fish passes by the poor fellow. Carefully looks at the hungry man with a fishing rod. Then he asks if he forgot to tie the hook.

The next day, the liberal appears, accompanied by a bailiff. The starving man screams that he was deceived, and that no fish can be caught without a hook. The liberal and the bailiff make stone muzzles and draw up the case according to the law. Finally, the liberal, after waiting for the bailiff to step aside, whispers in the ear of the desperate, hungry man: “Okay ... I feel sorry for you, you fool ... If you sign these papers, you will be hooked ... hehe.” The poor fellow, who has nothing to lose, and the hunger is not an aunt, without looking, signs everything that was given to him, and receives the coveted hook.

Tomorrow a car with barred windows will drive up to the shore. The poor fellow, crouched on the shore, will be lightly taken under the mitts by two hefty Chechens and dragged into the car. He does not resist: he does not care anymore. The handcuffs will click hard. The hungry one will be thrown face first into the body, where several of the same as him are already lying side by side. With the words “you will have dinner in the zindan”, the door will slam.

The liberal picks up the abandoned fishing rod, carefully unhooks the hook from the line, and the line from the rod. He folds the rod, puts the whole household in his pockets. Wipes sweat from forehead. He looks at his watch: soon he will have to go to the fishing club. Where he will put on white gloves and a shoulder strap, listen to the sermon of the Great Master, have dinner with his brothers…

And, of course, she will praise the greatest of the goddesses of this world. Knowing its secrets is the main thing in the fishing business - it does not matter whether you catch tailed or bipedal fish.

Her Highness the Bait.

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    Even a sympathetic look. And indifference kills. There is a proverb: "It is better to give a fishing rod than a fish." The fishing rod is good, but if there is no river nearby or...
    ... or a person does not know how to fish, then what? In my opinion, sometimes to get to...
    ... to the river, strength is also needed and the fish will not hurt either. And then a fishing rod will come in handy. "Mercy...

    In the town of Zang, King Wen-wang met an unusual fisherman who was fishing with a fishing rod, but as if he had not been fishing at all: he simply held the fishing rod in his hand, as if not noticing it. Wen-wang wanted...

    They didn’t even give a fish - a small fish, instead of teaching them how to fish. There are always different ways. You can teach a person to be strong...

    What happens if you look at the well-known parable about the fish and the fishing rod in this way? It turns out that a cruel person did not give the suffering fish ...
    ... fish! :)) The value of parables, and this site, in my opinion, is...

    And they believed that they thereby helped the person (I hope you remember the parable about the fish and the fishing rod), and therefore people are good and spiritual ...

    A certain pious bishop saw in a dream a young man who was fishing from icy water with a golden rod with a silver rod. And with this fishing rod, the young man pulled a certain woman out of the water. This...
    ... that the soul of that woman was delivered from torment by the prayer of her son: with a golden rod - the Lord's prayer "Our Father", and with a silver rod - Psalm 50 "Have mercy ...

    Once he met a full hungry man and asked: - Brother, what happened to you? "I haven't eaten for a whole week," the man replied. - Tell me, how did you get to this point? - I was so stupid that I wanted to get rich...
    ... then the wise thought that best help- give a man a fishing rod and teach him how to fish, how to feed him daily. So he...
    ... he did - he went and bought the most expensive fishing rod and began to teach the poor fellow how to fish. By evening they are...
    ... to that pond to preach to them and teach them how to fish. But few people went to study with him, because most ...

    The son of the ruler of the domain, Ren, made a huge hook and a thick black line, baited five dozen gobies for bait, sat down on Mount Kuiji and threw his fishing rod into the East Sea. So he fished a day for ...
    ... during the day, but for the whole year I did not catch a single fish. Finally, some giant fish took the bait, dragged the hook onto...
    ... the creatures were frightened by the thunder, as if vomited by divine forces. Having caught this fish, Prince Ren cut it up, dried it and fed everyone who lived...
    ... If, taking a bamboo stick and a thin fishing line, go fishing to a roadside ditch, you will not get giant fish, but unless...

    A fishing rod in a pond and caught some fish, he understands more than someone who even studies fishing all his life, but ...

    One evening Master was walking along the river bank and saw an old man sitting with a fishing rod and looking at the float. The teacher stood behind the old man for about an hour and noticed that during this time he had not caught a ...
    ... one fish. The old man turned around and looked at the Teacher with interest: - You don't...
    ... time, and for this there is no need to sit here with a fishing rod! The teacher thought for a while and suggested: - Boredom ...
    ... during this time, the old man did not pull out a single fish. The teacher shrugged his shoulders and said softly, “Are you fishing?! AND...

    Jiang Ziya, also called Jiang Tan Gong, left the capital and settled on the banks of the Wei River, a large tributary of the Yellow River. This area was under the rule of Ji Chang from the Zhou clan, an enemy ...
    ... advisers. To get Ji Chang's attention, Jiang Ziya started fishing in the Wei River. But he fished in a completely unusual way. His...
    ... held the hook a good three feet from the water, raised the rod high into the sky and loudly uttered the phrase: “A fish that is tired of ...
    ... has to grab the hook herself.” Ji Chang soon heard about this rare method of catching fish. He found this fisherman to be funny...

    Understand. Anyone who studies fishing may not be engaged in fishing rods - he can manage the fishing of ships with trawls from the office ...

    One day two men from the village went fishing. It was summer. The day is hot and sunny. They sat on a raft, reached the middle of the lake and cast their lines. They sit and wait for the bite. Hot. ...
    ... fish. Already fishing became unbearable. And how else a fish splashes on the water, so they only lick parched lips. - Drink! - again...
    ... the mouth is dry, the tongue does not toss and turn. “Now,” says the first one, “I don’t even need a fish, just to find a sip of water.” And the second one is just...

    And it has happened more than once!) "There is no point in giving fish. You have to give a fishing rod." Do you think they can't...

    Children are not easy anyway. There is a proverb: "It is better to give a fishing rod than a fish." On the other hand, not always a person has ...
    ... have the strength to reach the river with a fishing rod. Going with the flow is a thousand times easier...

Or how to help Komsomol members in a difficult situation to get back on their feet.

An ancient Chinese proverb says: “Give a man one fish and he will get food for a day, give a fishing rod and teach him how to fish and he will get food for a lifetime.” Such a kind of fishing rod can be a social contract. Examples of the fact that this form of state assistance to the poor and citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation, works, there are in our area.

Life began to improve

- Thanks to social support, I was able to buy two desks for the children, a sofa, wallpaper for renovation in the children's room,- says a mother of many children from the village of Sedelnitsy Evgenia Ushanova.Before the beginning school year helped to get the children to school.

The social contract is called upon to help get out of a difficult situation not on paper, but in practice, to enable the family to provide itself with a decent life.

There are three children in the Ushanov family, Evgenia Alexandrovna, raising them alone, was registered at the employment center:

- I learned about the social contract, I decided to accept help. With the allocated money, she bought building materials, built a corral for cattle in the yard, and began to breed chickens and piglets. And what a good crop of potatoes I have harvested! I also bought seeds with social money. She made flower beds near the house, and in the fall she got a job as a sales assistant in a store in Piscovo. I am very grateful to the department of social protection - life began to improve.

The department is also satisfied with the result.

- This type of assistance has been provided to the population since 2011: not only the first experience was successful,- speaks Elena Popova, senior inspector for families raising children, department of social protection of the population in the Komsomolsk region. ­ - All seven families that have benefited from the support of the state have found their place in life, got on their feet. Some citizens apply for support themselves, and we are working to identify families in need through local administrations, through the media.


Families enter into a contract on a voluntary basis. To do this, you need to contact the territorial department of social protection of the population with a statement.

The social contract provides for an active life position of the applicant: looking for a job, if there is none, being registered with the employment service, caring for children (they must attend school, be registered with a local healthcare institution), cultivating a garden, raising livestock, poultry ... With the money allocated by the state, you can buy tools that will help the family solve material problems.

- For example, the Gladkovs, who live in Koromyslov and are registered as a large family, are raising three children and a granddaughter, - Elena Borisovna continues. ­ — The main source of income was not enough. The family signed a social contract. Lumber was purchased for the extension of the household yard, young cattle, mixed fodder, seeds. But most importantly, this family had a desire to work. Now the Gladkovs are doing well: they have enough food for themselves and for sale, which helps to ensure a stable income.

In a word, the social contract is a struggle not only with poverty, but also with a dependent attitude to life.