The program of additional education in artistic gymnastics. General developmental gymnastics program


"Additional general developmental program in artistic gymnastics" - is an additional program of physical culture and health improvement.

The program was drawn up in accordance with the Federal Law of January 1, 2001 “On Education in Russian Federation”and on the basis of the Orders: the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001 No. 000 “On approval of the features of the organization and implementation of educational, training and methodological activities in the field physical education and sports"; No. 000 dated 01.01.2001 “On the approval of federal state requirements for the minimum content, structure, conditions for the implementation of additional programs in the field of physical culture and sports and for the terms of training for these programs.

The program of the municipal budgetary institution of additional education of the Youth Sports School No. 1 "Athletics" of the department of artistic gymnastics is designed to combine the interests of the child, family, society and the state, which is the main social customer. The program is designed taking into account the needs of children, parents, educational institutions, society.

The program is compiled taking into account the best practices in teaching and training gymnasts, the results of the latest scientific recommendations in this type of additional education, practical advice in age-related physiology and medicine, in theory and methodology physical education, pedagogy, psychology and hygiene, as well as taking into account the existing sports base and the teaching staff.

The program ensures strict consistency and continuity of the entire process of training gymnasts, continuity in solving the problems of strengthening the health and harmonious development of young athletes, instilling moral and strong-willed qualities and a strong interest in classes, diligence, developing physical qualities, creating prerequisites for achieving high sports results.

1. Features of the sport Artistic gymnastics

Artistic gymnastics is rightfully considered one of the most spectacular and popular sports. Russian gymnasts have achieved great success in the international sports arena. Gymnastics included in the program Olympic Games. The program of competitions for men provides for the implementation of exercises in six types: floor exercises, exercises on a horse, on rings, on uneven bars, on the crossbar, vaults.

Floor exercises are a combination of gymnastic elements (acrobatic jumps, small acrobatics, balances, choreographic elements), performed individually on a special gymnastic carpet.

Exercises on a horse (swings and jumps with one and two legs, crosses, straight and reverse, circles with one and two legs, dismounts) are considered the most difficult of all types of gymnastic all-around. They are complicated by the introduction of turns, exits and transitions, changing the conditions of support on two and one handles, inside the handles, on the handle and body of the horse, on the body, and can be performed longitudinally and across.

Exercises on the rings are one of the most difficult types of gymnastic all-around. Combinations consist of a combination of various exercises, an indispensable condition of which is a combination of various power movements, complex static postures, sharp transitions of swing exercises into static positions. To master such exercises, a combination of a well-developed muscle strength, flexibility, orientation in space and a sense of balance, emotional stability, determination and courage.

Support jumps are short-term movements that are complex in coordination and require a high concentration of muscle effort, orientation in space, attention, determination and courage. They are performed with a run, as a rule, with a push of both legs about gymnastic bridge, with obligatory intermediate support with hands on the projectile.

On the uneven bars (height 175 cm from the surface of the mats), flywheels, static and dynamic exercises in stops and hangs, across and longitudinally in relation to the projectile, on one and two poles, with alternate and simultaneous interception of hands, in the middle and at the ends of the poles, facing out and in.

Exercises on the crossbar have great potential for developing coordination of movements, muscle strength, flexibility, stability of the functions of the vestibular analyzer to the action of accelerations, orientation in space, courage, accurate calculation and caution when performing complex exercises.

The main type of training for gymnasts is sports training. It is a long-term, year-round process aimed at developing in them the abilities necessary to achieve sportsmanship. Workout in gymnastics is built on the basis of common For sports activities principles:

Specialization and orientation towards the highest achievements - systematic work on mastering more and more complex exercises, program material of higher sports categories. For this purpose, special exercises and methodological techniques are used. Their selection is carried out in accordance with the general and special physical fitness, functional capabilities of the body, motor and mental abilities, orientation and attitude of young gymnasts to classes.

The unity of the common and special training provides for the promotion of health, an increase in general and special physical fitness, physical and mental performance, mastering the necessary knowledge in the field of gymnastics and related disciplines, developing abilities for successfully mastering the program material of a given and more complex sports category, studying the degree of flexibility of abilities for development (trainability).

Continuity training process follows from the didactic principle of systematicity and consistency. Mastering a large volume of movements, sharply different from each other in structure, energy and sensory provision of exercises, connections, combinations, requires many years of year-round training. Weekly, monthly, annual, biennial and Olympic four-year training cycles are being developed. They take into account the complexity of exercises, the volume and intensity of physical and psychological stress, rest, a combination sports training with studies at school and other interests of gymnasts.

The unity of the gradual increase and the desire for maximum loads logically follows from the previous principle. Reasonable dosing of the load for the development of the functional capabilities of the body and the psychological readiness of gymnasts to bring exercises to a high level of performance, virtuosity, artistry, is based on a good knowledge of the state of health, the functional capabilities of the body, and the abilities of young gymnasts.

The wavelike dynamics of training loads is manifested in a periodic increase and decrease in their volume and intensity. This allows you to better manage the processes of fatigue, recovery of the gymnast. Increasing and decreasing the load is regulated by the number of completed elements, connections and whole combinations during the training lesson.

These principles are consistent with the principles of education and upbringing. In accordance with them, they are built as a separate training session, and the long-term process of training gymnasts of all levels of sports qualification.

In the process of training, general and special physical, technical, tactical, psychological and theoretical training of gymnasts is carried out. Training is carried out at educational, training sessions, competitions, extracurricular and out-of-competition events and other types of classes.

Purpose of the program– to provide conditions for promoting a comprehensive harmonious physical development young men and the formation of vital skills and abilities.

Expected results of the implementation of the Program at the sports and recreation stage:

- Strengthening health and harmonious development of the forms and functions of the organism of those involved;

Instilling interest and need for regular classes gymnastics, education of discipline, accuracy and diligence;

- Mastering the preparatory, leading and simplest basic elements;

- Formation of a gymnastic style ("school") of performing exercises;

Identification of the inclinations and abilities of those involved, in order to select promising children in artistic gymnastics.

The main objectives of the Program implementation are:

Formation and development of creative and sports abilities of children, satisfaction of their individual needs for physical, intellectual and moral improvement;

Formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle, strengthening the health of students;

Formation of vital skills and abilities.

Identification and support of children who have shown outstanding abilities in sports.

In Youth Sports School No. 1 "Athletics" the composition of the recruitment committee, the deadlines for accepting documents, selecting and enrolling applicants are posted on the official website of the educational organization.

The main indicators of the effectiveness of the program implementation are:

Fulfillment of control standards for general and special physical training;

Fulfillment of regulatory requirements for the assignment of sports categories of the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification;

Participation in competitions of the corresponding level;

Transfer of students to groups of initial training of the 1st year of study

The work program is intended for practical use in institutions of additional education, sports schools. The program was developed with the aim of training and educating students of various levels of preparedness and creating conditions for the formation of students' needs for sports and healthy lifestyle life. The work program in artistic gymnastics for sports and recreation groups was compiled on the basis of an additional general developmental educational program with elements of artistic gymnastics for the category of 5-6 year olds.







Work program in artistic gymnastics for a sports and recreation group - girls



Trainer-teacher: Kozhanova K.Yu.




Work program forgymnastics for sports and recreation groups,compiled on the basis of an additional general developmental educational programwith elements of artistic gymnastics for the category of 5-6 year olds

Program implementation period:


group composition (person)

The maximum allowable quantitative

group composition (person)

Program completion period

5-6 years

1 year

over 7 years old and up to 17 years old

10 years

The program was approved by the Pedagogical Council of the State Budgetary Institution of Education for Children and Youth Sports School Olympic reserve No. 3 of the Belgorod Region" (minutes No. 1 dated August 31, 2015)


Purpose of the work program.

The working program is intended for practical use in institutions of additional education, sports schools. The program was developed with the aim of training and educating students of various levels of preparedness and creating conditions for the formation of students' need for sports and a healthy lifestyle. General developmental educational programwith elements of gymnasticsdeveloped in GBU DO "DYuSSh No. 3 of the Belgorod region",regulates the scope and content educational material, divides it by years of study. The duration of the program is from 5 to 17 years.This work program contains theoretical, methodological and practical material for the preparation of those involved in sports and recreation groups for 5-6 years.

In the sports and recreation group (hereinafter referred to as SOG), special attention is paid to the basic physical training of gymnasts.

In the process of working on work program data from new scientific studies and work experience were taken into account the best coaches in artistic gymnastics, Belgorod region and other regions of Russia.Changes made to the program are dictated by the prevailing conditions modern education, the need to improve the educational and training process due to the growing requirements for the training of gymnasts and changes in the rules of the competition.

The work program for the SOG (girls) is designed for 168 training hours (42 weeks of training sessions)

Distribution of educational material in SOG (girls):

2 hours to master ttheoretical educational material;

82 hours to master general physical training;

40 hours for the development of special physical training;

40 hours for the development of sports and technical training;

2 hours - for control and transfer tests (hereinafter referred to as tests) necessary for the transition to an additional pre-professional program in the field of physical culture and sports for the sport of gymnastics or a program sports training by sport gymnastics;

2 hours - participation in competitions.

The program has been developed and is being implemented in accordance with and taking into account the main provisions and requirements:

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation";

Federal Law No. 329-FZ of December 4, 2007 “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2013 No. 1008 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional general education programs”;

Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation of September 12, 2013 No. 730 “On approval of federal state requirements for a minimum content, structure, conditions for the implementation of additional pre-professional programs in the field of physical culture and sports and the terms of training for these programs”;

Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 No. 691 “On Approval federal standard sports training in the sport of gymnastics.

The study load for this group is 4 hours per week.

Distribution of educational material in SOG (girls):

Name of the subject

The period of development of educational material

(calendar month number)


UE 1.1. "Theory of physical culture and sports and the sport of gymnastics"

UE 2.1. Physical training

UE 2.2. Elements of gymnastics and acrobatics

Control tests and tests and competitions



(in academic hours)

Program structure

The program includes sections: explanatory note; stages of learning;the content of the educational material of the program in artistic gymnastics; requirements for the level of preparation of students at each stage of education; annual schedule for the distribution of educational material by stages of training; calendar-thematic planning, control standards; forms and means of control; list of educational and methodical teaching aids.

Stages of learning

All those involved in the department of artistic gymnastics are accepted intosports and recreationgroups taking into account age, gender, general physical and sports fitness from 5-6 years old (girls)

Classes in the SOG are held 2-4 times a week, the number of students in each group is from 10 to 15 people;

The main task of the Youth Sports School at the health-improving stage is to develop the abilities of students, improve their health, identify capable children and involve them in systematic gymnastics.

General tasks of the work of sports and health groups : increasing the functional capabilities of the organism of those involved, strengthening health, hardening, improving the technique of performing gymnastic elements, participating in competitions, preparing for the implementation of standards for 3 youth categories.

The training material is designed for a consistent and gradual expansion of theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Considerable attention in the preparation of a gymnast is paid to the development of general and special physical training and the study of the basic elements of sports and technical training: gymnastic elements, acrobatics and choreography.In order to increase emotionality and interest in this sport, each lesson includes outdoor games with educational elements, drills, acrobatic elements, general developmental exercises, tasks for attention, etc.

Theoretical teaching material:

1. The history of the development of artistic gymnastics in the Belgorod region.

Hygienic knowledge and skills. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements during classes in the hall. The use of natural factors of nature: the sun, air and water in order to improve health and hardening. Meaning morning exercises for a young gymnast

2. Gymnastic apparatus and inventory. Rules for the use of equipment and inventory. Safety rules when working on projectiles.

Practice material:

General and special physical training . Especially with execution type exercise, their sequence, rest periods, intensity, the value of multiple repetitions of each exercise.

Practical lessons. Combat exercises: Stands and turns on the spot and on the move, rebuilding gymnasts on the spot, on the move, changing the direction of movement. General developmental exercises in complexes with an increase in the number of repetitions of the proposed exercises and complexity.

General developmental exercises without objects. Exercises for the muscles of the hands and shoulder girdle. Simultaneous, alternating and sequential movements in the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints(flexion and extension, abduction, turns, swings and circular motions), flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position.

Exercises for the muscles of the body. Tilts forward and backward, to the sides with various positions and movements of the hands,

Exercises for leg muscles. Direct and bent leg, squats on two and on one leg, swing movements, lunges with additional springing movements, jumps on two and one leg in place and in motion. Exercises on gymnastic equipment (low bar, bars). Running with different positions of the legs (raising the knees, lunges, side steps; running with a change in direction and speed, running, raising the knees high, cross step).

Exercises with objects. Rope: jumping with the rotation of the rope forward and backward, on two and one leg, jumping with turns, jumping in a semi-squat and in a squat, running. gymnastic stick: tilts and turns of the body, swinging and circular movements of the arms, turning over, twisting and twisting the stick, jumping over the stick. Exercises with stuffed balls (0.5 - 1.0 kg): up and back throws. Exercises with dumbbells (0.5 kg) for various muscle groups of the shoulder girdle and arms.

Outdoor games, ball games, with running, jumping, throwing, games for attention and speed of reaction, relay races.

Acrobatic exercisesto strengthen the muscles of the neck, abs, hands, feet, for stretching. Somersaults forward, back, stand on the shoulder blades, “bridge” from a supine position, from a standing position with lowering back, deep lunges, half splits, splits.

Track and field exercises. Running with an acceleration of 20 m, 30 m, oncoming and circular relay races with stages of 10 m, high jump from a place and from a run, long jump from a place, long jump from a run, jumps from two legs over a gymnastic bench or beam.

Special exercises. Comprehensive development of physical qualities in specific modes of work (holding an angle in a hang on a gymnastic wall, climbing a rope, turning over by force in an emphasis on the lower pole, a handstand near the wall, a headstand in a tuck, etc.).

Teaching methodology

Compliance with the principle of sequence in training - from simple to complex, from basic to secondary. Comprehensiveness of physical, moral-volitional, technical and psychological preparation to improve athletic performance.

Practical lessons. Determination of errors in the technique of performing basic elements in general and in certain types of all-around events, work on correcting errors.

Equipment and inventory

Training sessions and competitions are held in gym on the basis of the educational and sports complex BelGUS. Khorkina and the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Education "Youth Sports School No. 3 of the Belgorod Region".

Equipment and inventory: gymnastic equipment and small inventory, gymnastic uniforms, jump ropes, stuffed balls, dumbbells, mats, gymnastic benches, gymnastic wall, choreographic machine, trampoline, small trampoline, gymnastic sticks.

Forms and means of control

1. Participation in competitions in OFP and SFP in accordance with calendar plan sports events for the academic year (in May), participation in competitions (March), but no more than two starts per year. Fulfillment at competitions of the requirements for the implementation of control and transfer standards for children 6 years old and 3 youth categories

2. SOG students take a test once a year, consisting of physical exercises to identify the level of development of strength, endurance, coordination, speed and speed-strength qualities. Control tests are carried out in May. A scoring system is applied. For SOG 9 test exercises are used. (See Attachment)


Control exercises to assess the quality of mastering the Program by students fortransition to an additional pre-professional program in the field of physical culture and sports for the sport of artistic gymnastics or a sports training program for the sport of artistic gymnasticsto the stage of initial preparation of the first year of study (NP-1)

Assessed physical quality

Control exercises (tests)


Speed-strength qualities

Shuttle run 2x10 m

(no more than 10.1 s)

Running 20 m (no more than 5.0 s)

Standing long jump

(at least 130 cm)


Pull-ups from the hang on the gymnastic pole

(at least 5 times)

Flexion-extension of arms in emphasis on parallel gymnastic benches (at least 5 times)

Raising the legs from the hang on the gymnastic wall to the "corner" position (at least 5 times)

Holding the position "angle" in the hang on the gymnastic wall

(at least 5 s)


I.P. - sitting, legs together Forward tilt Fixing the position 5 counts

Exercise "bridge" from the supine position (the distance from the feet to the fingers is not more than 30 cm, fixation 5 s)

technical prowess

Mandatory technical program 3 youth categories

Schedule for the distribution of work material in hours per year

No. p / p



Theoretical information

The history of the development of artistic gymnastics in the Belgorod region.

Hygienic knowledge and skills. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements during classes in the hall. The use of natural factors of nature: the sun, air and water in order to improve health and hardening. The value of morning exercises for a young gymnast.

Gymnastic apparatus and inventory. Rules for the use of equipment and inventory. Safety rules when working on projectiles.


Practical lessons

general physical preparation

Special physical training

Sports technical training

A) gymnastics:

B) acrobatics

B) choreography

Control and transfer standards

participation in competitions


Planning of educational material by periods








From a running attack on a hill of mats at close range, crouching


From a running start to a hill of mats on straight legs (height of the hill is 80 cm)

Jump on the stomach on a hill of mats



pull up


Flip to the stop n / f and lowering to the vis


Sweep horizontally to the floor on the n / f

Grips top, bottom

Throwing swings n/w

Hanging holding the "corner" position



High and variable pitch


Gallop 2 right + 2 left

Running on half toes


Jumps in III position with a change of legs

Jumping from a squat


Turn 180 about


Somersault forward low log

Rack on the shoulder blades

Dismount: Leap while arching a high log


Roll forward and backward



Lowering into the bridge

Rack on the shoulder blades








Handstand in somersault forward


flip back

Flip forward


Wheel, rondat




Pistol jump

step jump

Positions of arms and legs

Goat jump

Turn 180 on one leg

Complex "Parterre choreography"


Twine jumping

Seds, stops

Jumping with turns


P - first trial run





Agashev F.A., Biomechanics of shock movements, M. FiS. 2007

Anokhin P.K. Biology and neurophysiology of the conditioned reflex. M. Medicine 2008

Arkaev L.Ya., Suchilii N.G. How to prepare champions. - M.: FiS, 2004.

Barchukov, A. A. Nesterov; Physical culture and sport: methodology, theory, practice: textbook. manual for universities in the direction of "Pedagogy" / I. S. Barchukov, A. A. Nesterov; ed. N. N. Malikova. – M.: Academy, 2006.

Gaverdovsky Yu.K. Technique of gymnastic exercises. - M., Terra-sport, 2002.

Volkov V.M. Recovery processes in sports M. FiS. 2006

Volkov V.M. Sports selection M. FiS. 2007

Gaverdovsky Yu. K., Matveev A. P., Malofeev A. Yu., Nepopalov V. N., Petrova T. V. Exemplary program of primary general education in physical culture. – M.: Bustard, 2000.

Gaverdovsky Yu. About swings, throws, revolutions. Gymnastics: Yearbook. - M.: Soviet sport, 1989.

Lyubomirsky L.E. Age features of movements in children, M. 1997

Lyakh V.I. Improving physical abilities. Manual for teachers IFC M. FiS 2006.

Matveev A.P. Main physical qualities, Theory and methods of physical education. Textbook M. Enlightenment 2006.

Matveev A.P. General theory sports. Textbook for teachers M. Education 2006.

Nazarenko L.D. Physiology of physical education, Ulyanovsk, 2000

Nazarenko L.D. Prerequisites for the study of motor coordination qualities, Ulyanovsk, 2000

Khrushchev S.V., Kruglyi M.M. To the youth coach

Kholodov Zh.K., Kuznetsov VS, Theory and methods of physical education and sports. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional – M.: Academy, 2002.

List of Internet resources:

  1. Official website of the Artistic Gymnastics Federation of Russia [Electronic resource]. URL: .
  2. Official site of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]. URL: .
  3. Official site of the scientific-theoretical journal "Theory and Practice of Physical Culture" [Electronic resource]. URL: .
  4. Official site of the International Gymnastics Federation [Electronic resource]. URL:

Municipal budgetary educational institution

additional education for children

"Kirsanov Children's School of Arts"







Compiled by: Tretiak Yu.V.

Kirsanov 2014

    Explanatory note……………………………………………………………………………………. ...3

    Goals and objectives of the subject "Gymnastics"……………………4

    The term for the implementation of the subject…………………………..... 5 - 6

    Requirements for the level of training of students…………...................... 12

    Forms and methods of control, grading system…………………....12 - 13

    Methodological support of the educational process………………..14 - 17


The program of the subject "Gymnastics" was developed on the basis of the "Recommendations for the organization of educational and methodological activity in the implementation of general developmental programs in the field of arts.

The subject "Gymnastics" is designed to prepare students for the successful mastering of classical dance movements.

The main advantage of gymnastics, as a means of physical education of students, is that it has a wide variety of physical exercises and methods with which you can provide positive impact on the child's body, promote the development of the motor apparatus and form the necessary motor skills.

Given the physiological characteristics of the human body, ballet gymnastics must begin with early age when the child's musculoskeletal system is already strong enough to physical activity but still flexible and receptive to develop the necessary skills and abilities in the field of choreography.

During the training, the child's body gets used to physical exercises, develops and consolidates flexibility, coordination, accuracy of body movements.

An important element of the lessons is the presence of musical accompaniment. This creates a special atmosphere in the classroom, bringing up the musicality and expressiveness of the performance of complex exercises. This performance takes away from the dry performance and helps more freedom in the execution of movements.

Goals and objectives of the subject "Gymnastics":

Target: teaching and mastering by students of special knowledge and skills of motor activity, developing flexibility, endurance, speed and coordination of movements, and contributing to the successful mastering of technically complex movements.


    mastery of knowledge about the structure and functions of the human body;

    techniques training correct breathing;

    teaching a set of exercises that contribute to the development of the child's motor apparatus;

    enrichment of students' vocabulary in the field of special knowledge;

    the formation in children of the habit of consciously studying movements and mastering the knowledge necessary for further work;

    development of the ability to analyze motor activity and coordination of one's body;

    development of tempo-rhythmic memory of students;

    education of organization, discipline, clarity, accuracy;

    education of the most important psychophysical qualities of the motor apparatus in combination with the moral and volitional qualities of the individual - strength, endurance, dexterity, speed, coordination.

The subject "Gymnastics" is inextricably linked with the subject "Fundamentals of classical dance", as well as with other subjects of the additional general developmental program in the field of choreographic art "Choreography".

Deadline for the implementation of the subject:

The term for mastering the program for children enrolled in an educational institution in grade 1 at the age of six years, six months to nine years (EP with a 4-year development period) is 1 year (grade 1).

The amount of study time, envisaged curriculum educational institution for the implementation of the subject "Gymnastics":

Duration of training / number of hours

1 class

Number of hours

Number of hours for classroom workload

Number of hours for extracurricular (independent) work

Weekly independent work

Form of conducting classroom training: small group (from 4 to 10 people), the recommended duration of the lesson is 45 minutes.

The small-group form allows the teacher to get to know the students better, their capabilities, ability to work, emotional and psychological characteristics.

Intermediate certification schedule.

Type of certification

interim certification schedule

Classes / semesters

Type of intermediate

K.U. - control lesson.

The amount of time for independent work of students in gymnastics is determined taking into account the individual abilities of students with the involvement of parents and under the supervision of a teacher.

Types of extracurricular work:

Doing homework in the form of a set of special physical exercises for the development of the musculoskeletal system.

Self-study should be regular and systematic.

Teaching methods.

To achieve the set goal and implement the objectives of the subject, the following teaching methods are used:

    methods of organizing educational activities (verbal, visual, practical);

    method of stimulation and motivation (formation of the child's interest);

    method of active learning (formation of the child's creative abilities);

    reproductive method (repeated reproduction of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities);

    heuristic method (finding the optimal implementation options).

The proposed methods of work in gymnastics are the most productive in solving didactic problems and are based on proven methods and many years of experience.

Description of the material and technical conditions for the implementation of the subject.

The material and technical base of an educational institution must comply with sanitary and fire safety standards, labor protection standards.

Classrooms for small-group classes in the subject "Gymnastics" are equipped with ballet bars, wall bars, mirrors 7m by 2m in size, a musical instrument (piano or button accordion) is required for conducting classes.


This program reflects the diversity special exercises to develop a large number of new increasingly complex motor skills, as well as the possibility of an individual approach to each student

The teacher in the work should take into account that most of the exercises are intended for execution, and the rest - for class work or just familiarization. Consequently, the teacher can set the degree of completion of the work on mastering the movements of gymnastics.

In gymnastics, certain body skills are required, such as:



    muscle strength;

    speed of reaction;

    movement coordination.

First grade.

Target: familiarization of students with the work of the musculoskeletal system, strengthening the general physical condition of students.


- strengthening the general physical condition of students;

Development of elementary coordination skills;

Development of turnout of the legs with the help of special exercises that will help students master the basic positions of classical dance.

1. Exercises for the feet .

1 . Steps: a) on the whole foot; b) half toes.

2 . Sitting on the floor, cut and stretch the feet alongVIpositions.

3 . Lying on your back, circular movements of the feet: stretch the feet alongVIpositions, cut byVIposition, slowly turn the feet so that the little fingers touch the floor (abbreviated 1 position), stretch the feet in 1 position.

4 . Releveon half toesVIpositions: a) at the machine; b) in the middle;

c) with simultaneous lifting of the knee (facing the machine).

5 . From the position - sitting on your heels, rise on your fingers (the rise should "fall out"), switch to half-toes, lower your heels to the floor. Do everything in reverse order and return to the starting position.

6 . Sitting on the heels, the back is round, go to the position - sitting on the rise, hands resting near the feet.

7 . Facing the barre: from position 1, put the right foot on the "half toes" (the knee is in the eversion position), move the foot "on the fingers" and return the foot to its original position.

1 . Lying on your back, turn your legs outVIpositions in 1.

2 . "Frog": a) sitting; b) lying on your back; c) lying on the stomach;

d) sitting on the floor - put your hands on the inside of the lower leg and, clasping the hands in a "lock", pull the feet towards you, while straightening the body, take your knees as far as possible away from the body; e) "Frog" with an inclination forward.

3 . Sitting against the wall: bend your knees, pull them to your chest. Grab the toes of the feet with your hands so that they maintain 1 position, and straighten your legs forward.

4 . Lying on your back, raise your legs 90º in 1 position with simultaneous contraction and extension of the feet.

3. Forward flexibility exercises.

1 . "Fold" byVIposition with the arms around the feet.

2 . "Fold" byIposition: sitting knees bend and pull to the chest, feet in the eversionIpositions,hold the feet with your hands, trying to spread them apart. Stretch your legs on the floor with a simultaneous tilt forward, arms and feet are extended.

3 . From the crouching stop position (squat, knees together, hands resting near the toes on the outside), stand in the stop position, bent over (stand on straight legs with support of the hands near the toes, the body is bent in hip joints).

4 . In deepplieByIIposition, pass your hands through the inside of the lower leg and take hold of the feet, keeping the position of the hands, straighten the knees while tilting the torso.

5 . Back to the machine: "kitty", i.e. a consistent wave-like deflection from a standing position to a forward bend. The deflection starts from the upper links of the spine. The movement is done in reverse order.

4. Development of back flexibility.

1. Lying on the stomach,port de brasback with support on the forearms, palms down - the pose of the "sphinx".

2. Lying on the stomach,port de brason outstretched arms.

3. "Ring" with a deepport de brasback, at the same time bend your legs at the knees, touch your head with your toes.

4. "Basket".

Lying on your stomach, grasp your feet with your hands. Bend strongly, lifting your hips and torso up (make sure that your arms are in the same position as in the "bridge" exercise).

5. "Bridge", kneeling: in the prone position, grasp the feet with your hands. Bend strongly, lifting your hips and torso up (make sure that your arms are in the same position as in the "bridge" exercise).

6. From the "standing" position, lower yourself to the "bridge" and return to the starting position.

5. Strength exercises for abdominal muscles.

1. Lying on the mat, raise your legs 90º (to the ceiling) and lower, arms to the sides, palms down:

2. "Corner": a) from a sitting position, pull your knees up to your chest

b) from a position - lying down.

3. Stand on the shoulder blades with support under the back.

4. Lying on your backbattements releve lenttwo legs 90º. Lower your legs behind your head to the floor, spread apart and throughrondcollect in 1 position.

1. Lying on the stomach, lifting and lowering the torso (arms forward or to the side, legs in the eversion position).

2. Lying on the stomach, raising and lowering the legs and lower body (legs in an eversion position, head on hands):

3. "Airplane". From the position - lying on the stomach, simultaneous lifting and lowering of the legs and torso.

4. "Boat". Rolls on the stomach back and forth.

5. Push-ups from the floor (exercise for boys due to exercise No. 4).

6. "Monkey".

standing byVIposition, raise your hands up, lean forward, put your palms on the floor in front of your feet. Alternately stepping your hands forward, take a position - emphasis, lying on your stomach. Then, reverse the movement to the starting position.

7. Exercise in pairs: lying on the stomach, lifting and lowering the torso (hands inIIIpositions). The partner holds the knees.

8. Standing in position 1, raise your arms up, make a deep bend forward, place your palms on the floor in front of your feet. Alternately stepping your hands forward, take the position of "lying emphasis". At the same time, try to keep your heels in 1 position on the floor. Bending at the hip joints, pull the legs in 1 position, as close to the hands as possible. Rise to starting position.

1. Lying on the floor,battements releve lent90º 1 position in all directions.

2. Lying on the floor,Grand Battement jet1 position in all directions

3. Lying on your backbattements releve lenttwo legs at 90º (to the ceiling), slowly spread the legs to the sides to the twine, collect the legs in 1 position up.

4. Splits: straight, on the right, on the left legs.

5. Sitting on a straight "half-twine", turn the torso to the right, and, with a maximum inclination to the right leg, grab the foot with the left hand. The right hand is placed behind the back.

6. Sitting on a straight "half-twine", tilt the torso sideways to the right, and, with a maximum inclination towards the right leg, grab the foot with the left hand. Right hand on left thigh:

7. Sitting in the "frog" position, grab the right foot with your left hand and straighten your leg forward.

8. Sitting in the "frog" position, take the foot of the right leg with the left hand and straighten the leg to the side, the right hand on the floor.

9. Sitting on the floor with legs in 1 position, spread your legs to a straight split, lie down forward and, turning your legs at the hip joints, transfer them into a "frog" on your stomach. Do everything in reverse order.

10. Lying on your side,Battement developperight leg, with a shortened foot. Grab it: a) with your right hand, b) with your left hand.

11. Balance with capture right hand ankle joint right leg:

a) forward, b) to the side, c) back.

8. Jumping.

1. Temps saute byVIand 1 positions.

2. Jumps in place and with advancement.

3. On the spot jumping from foot to foot.

4. "Penguins". Jumping in 1 position with shortened stops.

5. Jumping with legs tucked in.

6. Jumps with advancement in half-twine with alternating change of legs.

7. "Goat". Performedpas assembly, kick jump.

8. Split jump.

9. Punch jump into the "ring" with one foot.

10. Jump into the "frog" with a change of legs.


The level of training of students is the result of mastering the program of the subject "Gymnastics", and involves the formation of a complex of knowledge, skills and abilities, such as:

Knowledge of the anatomical structure of the body;

Knowledge of proper breathing techniques;

Knowledge of safety rules when performing physical exercises;

Knowledge of the role of physical culture and sports in the formation of a healthy lifestyle;

The ability to perform exercises of morning and corrective gymnastics, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body;

The ability to consciously manage your body;

Ability to distribute movements in time and space;

Possession of a set of exercises for the development of body flexibility;

Movement coordination skills.


Certification: goals, types, form, content.

Assessment of the quality of mastering the subject "Gymnastics" includes ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of the student at the end school year. As a means of monitoring progress, control lessons, surveys, and views can be used.

The current control of the progress of students is carried out at the expense of the classroom time provided for the subject.

Intermediate certification is carried out in the form of control lessons. Control lessons are held in the form of views.

Control lessons within the framework of intermediate certification are held at the end of the academic year at the expense of the classroom time provided for the subject.

Upon completion of the study of the subject "Gymnastics", based on the results of the intermediate certification, students are given an assessment, which is entered in the certificate of graduation from the educational institution.

Evaluation criteria.

An educational institution develops criteria for assessments of intermediate certification and current monitoring of students' progress.

For attestation of students, funds of evaluation tools are created, which include control methods that allow you to evaluate the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. Evaluation funds are developed and approved educational institution on one's own.

Based on the results of the demonstration at the control lesson, an assessment is made on a five-point scale:


Performance Evaluation Criteria

5 ("excellent")

technically high-quality and artistically meaningful performance that meets all the requirements at this stage of training

4 ("good")

the mark reflects a competent performance with minor flaws (both technically and artistically)

3 ("satisfactory")

version with big amount shortcomings, namely: undertrained movements, poor technical training, poor artistic performance, lack of freedom of performance, etc.

2 ("unsatisfactory")

a complex of shortcomings, which is a consequence of the lack of homework, as well as poor attendance in classrooms

"offset" (no mark)

reflects the sufficient level of preparation and execution at this stage of training.

Depending on the established traditions of a particular educational institution and taking into account the expediency, the assessment of the quality of performance can be supplemented by a system of "+" and "-", which will make it possible to more specifically note the student's performance.

When deriving the final grade, the following is taken into account:

    assessment of the student's annual work;

    assessment at the control lesson.

Grades are given at the end of each quarter and semester of the academic year.


The main form of educational and educational work is a lesson in the classroom, which usually includes checking the completed assignment, the joint work of the teacher and the student in performing gymnastic exercises, and the teacher's recommendations on how the student can work independently. The lesson can have a different form, which is determined not only by the specific tasks facing the students, but also largely due to their individualities, as well as the relations between the students and the teacher that have developed in the course of the lesson.

In working with students, the teacher must follow the principles of consistency, gradualness, accessibility, visibility in mastering the material. The entire learning process should be based on the implementation of known rules: from simple to complex, from easy to difficult, from known to unknown. The content of the learning process in kiil gymnastics lessons, in accordance with the fundamental principles of pedagogical science, should have an educational character and be based on the didactic principles of consciousness and activity, systematic and consistent mastering of the fundamentals of the subject being studied.

One of the main tasks of gymnastics as a subject is the upbringing of the most important psychophysical qualities, the development of the motor apparatus in combination with the formation of the moral and volitional qualities of the individual - strength, endurance, dexterity, speed of reaction, courage, creative initiative, coordination and expressiveness.

When starting teaching, the teacher should proceed from physical abilities child. Necessary condition for successful learning in gymnastics lessons is the formation of the student at the initial stage correct setting body, arms, legs and head . From the first lessons, it is useful for the student to talk about the anatomical structure of the body, about the role of physical culture and sports in shaping a healthy lifestyle.

The teacher in the classroom with the student helps the students to see the image of the movement. The student absorbs, like a sponge, all the impressions of the teacher's actions, so all the teacher's behavior in the lesson should be built as a positive example of the right attitude to the common cause, and the display should be accurate, detailed and of high quality. The display must be used skillfully - that is, not abused in cases where it is not necessary. There is no point in showing a movement that is well known; this reduces interest in classes and does nothing for the development of the memory of students.

Technique is a necessary means for the execution of any gymnastic exercise Therefore, it is necessary to constantly stimulate the student's work on improving his performing technique.

A special place is occupied by work on the coordination of movements, therefore, from the first years of training, it is necessary to develop dexterity, as one of the most important motor qualities needed in gymnastics lessons. Without dexterity, no exercise can be mastered. It allows you to avoid injury when performing complex movements, which requires the ability to distribute attention.

The correct organization of the educational process, the successful and comprehensive development of the student's data depend directly on how carefully the work is planned, therefore, preparing for the lesson, the teacher must, first of all, determine its focus.

An important method proper organization lesson is a thoughtful, planned placement of students. When performing movements at the machine, it is necessary to arrange the students so that they do not interfere with each other. When performing movements in the middle of the hall, it is better to place the children in a checkerboard pattern so that the teacher can see them better, and after 2-3 lessons, the lines should be changed.

For self-control of exercises, it is necessary to conduct classes in front of a mirror. However, classes in front of a mirror should be alternated with classes without a mirror, so that students learn to control their movements only with the help of muscle feeling.

One of the most important methodological tasks of the teacher is to teach the child to work independently. Creative tasks develop such important personal qualities for any kind of activity as imagination, thinking, dedication, hard work, activity, initiative, independence. These qualities are necessary for the organization of competent independent work, which can significantly intensify the learning process.

The volume of independent work is determined taking into account the minimum cost of preparing homework (in parallel with the development of the basic general education program by children), based on the existing educational institution pedagogical traditions and methodological expediency, as well as the individual abilities of the student. The following principles should be adhered to in organizing independent work:

    the student must be physically healthy, classes at elevated temperatures are dangerous to health and inappropriate, since the result of classes will always be negative;

    self-study should be regular and systematic;

    the frequency of classes - every day or every other day, depending on the complexity and laboriousness of the task;

    the amount of time for self-study per week - 1 hour;

    individual homework can take place in several steps and should be built in accordance with the recommendations of the gymnastics teacher.

1. Exercises for the feet.

The purpose of these exercises is to develop the flexibility and strength of the foot, stretching the Achilles tendons. This is necessary for jumping and in movements on the "half-toes".

2. Exercises for eversion.

These exercises develop the supinators of the thigh, lower leg and foot, increase the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus and the mobility of all joints of the body. The eversion of the legs in classical dance is caused by anatomical and aesthetic reasons. Eversion makes it possible to take the leg very high. Only with the eversion of the legs is a line and pattern of classical dance created that meets the laws of aesthetics.

3. Forward flexibility exercises.

The task of the exercises in this group is aimed at developing the flexibility of the muscles of the back and the inside of the legs.

When performing these exercises, special attention should be paid to:

a) the correct position of the body when bending forward;

b) maximum elongation of the knees.

4. Back flexibility exercises.

This group of exercises develops the flexibility of the abdominal muscles and the outer part of the legs. When performing the exercises in this section, it is necessary to ensure that the child, before leaning back, is stretched up as much as possible. Failure to comply with this condition develops a violation of posture, leads to injuries of the spine and back muscles.

5. Strength exercises for the abdominal muscles.

In strength exercises, active contractions (tensions) of the muscles to overcome the force of gravity of the body are predominant. Exercises should begin with light short loads, gradually including the muscles in the work. Perform each exercise without interruption several times in a row, but the number of repetitions should be such that it does not cause much fatigue. It is advisable to use different versions of the same exercise.

6. Strength exercises for the back muscles.

When developing flexibility, it is useful to combine stretching exercises with strength exercises. The development of the strength of the muscles of the back is necessary not only to eliminate active insufficiency, but also in order to avoid weakening lumbar spine and thereby protect it from injury.

7. Step development exercises.

The task of this group of exercises is to prepare the legs for complex dance movements with a large amplitude. This is the hardest part of the lesson.

By the nature of the exercise, stretching can be:

a) slow, which are both strength and stretching exercises, this group includes the so-called "puffs";

b) fast - sharp throwing of the leg with tense muscles, with maximum application of force (grand battement jete).

8. Jumping.

The exercises of this group are aimed at developing the spring function. foot, "balloon", that is, the ability to linger in the air in a certain position. To do this, you need to learn to reach the ultimate jump point, which helps to hang in the air.

When preparing for a lesson on the subject "Gymnastics", it must be remembered that exercises for the development of strength must be alternated with exercises for the development of flexibility, since they are a rest from strength exercises.