Programs for outdoor fitness clubs. Fitness under the sun, or How to diversify outdoor workouts

OUTDOOR workouts. Kinds. Benefit. Peculiarities

It is already clear to the naked eye that the summer of 2015 is about to come and will delight us with its warmth. Quite often, many people who take care of themselves in a fitness club do not “go” for a workout in the summer, because they want to be in the fresh air, and not indoors. What to do in such a situation? How to achieve all desires at the same time? The way out is simple and very pleasant - OUTDOOR workouts!

Outdoor training is what we need in the summer to satisfy two of our strong requests - physical exercise+ spend more time outdoors.

What are they? There are several types of such training:
- sports walks
- running training on a given route
- cycling
- functional training using your own body
- training with TRX loops
- Stretching
- workouts that combine the above types of loads

The choice of the OUTDOOR type depends on the desire of the athlete and his physical data. Everyone, from beginner to professional, will get the effect he needs from training.

What are the benefits of such training?

It's simple:
1) workouts can be identical both in the gym, in terms of load, but in the fresh air.
2) training more often using your own body - which gives a huge effect of feeling and "owning" your body.
3) Of course, with a competent approach, the result will come extremely quickly (decrease in the fat component, increase general endurance, increased coordination)
4) Outdoor training (of course, if the route and place of training is chosen deliberately)
5) opening of new places in the city:) - how without it?!

Can I practice on my own OUTDOOR?
Yes, sure! You will need to choose the type of program and choose a place or route.

Can you work with a trainer? - Need to! Since the coach will choose a place, a route, a type of training suitable for his ward, the equipment necessary for training and a system for “supplying” the correct load and recovery after training.

Will there be OUTDOOR programs at the WG Sinitsa Club? - Undoubtedly! many coaches are waiting for this moment! Follow the news!

The newfangled fitness practice Outdoor Training is nothing more than outdoor workouts familiar from childhood. It helps to get away from boring, monotonous activities in stuffy gyms, get enough oxygen, restart the exercise regime, significantly improving the result. A variety of fitness loads allows you to feel muscle joy throughout your body, and the company of friends and like-minded people will make outdoor training positive and energizing.

Training can take place both in urban environments: in parks, nearby groves, on rooftops, on sports grounds or lawns, and in scenic places around the world, where you can go with a group of ProTrip professionals, which will include experienced instructors and nutritionists.

In the mountains or on the seashore, Outdoor Training fitness practice becomes the most exciting and effective, breathing techniques help oxygenate every cell of the body, and a circle of like-minded people helps turn the process of losing weight into a fun game.

What is the advantage of outdoor training fitness practice

It often happens that training in city halls at some point becomes ineffective due to the fact that the shallow breathing of people involved in fitness does not provide the process of thermolipolysis (fat burning) with enough oxygen. Most athletes in fitness clubs equipped with split systems or air conditioners are forced to breathe dry air, which does not allow them to take a deep breath and provide:

  • full ventilation of the lungs;
  • enough oxygen to burn fat;
  • a high level of energy for muscle work;
  • noticeable fitness success.

The modest results of many fitness athletes are often associated with shallow breathing in enclosed spaces and a lack of oxygen - the main catalyst for the breakdown of fat cells. In addition, the supply of air without humidification also reduces the strength indicators of muscle work.

Fitness practice Outdoor Training helps to solve all these problems.

Classes in a group of like-minded people eliminate the embarrassment that most people who exercise on their own experience when it comes to increasing the intensity of their workout outside.

The abundance of oxygen good mood, attentive instructors and a friendly environment are the advantages that Outdoor Training gives. It helps to diversify workouts and repeatedly increase their results.

Do I need a special level of training for fitness practice Outdoor Training

Suitable for all levels of outdoor training physical training. Even those who find the usual run too difficult will like dynamic walking or Nording Walking - Nordic walking with sticks, which today is enjoyed by both old and young. For more experienced athletes, the program will include intense runs with jumps. Of course, during the tour, ProTrip instructors will conduct a warm-up workout to determine the level of physical fitness of each participant and create conditions for the most comfortable and effective disclosure of his abilities.

Outdoor Training fitness practice lessons include stretching, aerobic and strength training. In mode circuit training cardio, low-intensity and high-intensity exercises are performed, which allows people of all fitness levels to train side by side, having fun talking and cheering each other on.

Necessary Equipment for Fitness Practice Outdoor Training

The list of necessary fitness devices for outdoor activities or for a fitness trip should be clarified with the organizers. If Nordic walking is provided, participants will need telescopic poles(or whole for hiking in the surrounding area). Cycling tours will require appropriate transportation, and beach games- ball.

  1. Shoes should be comfortable, breathable and absorb moisture. New shoes (running shoes) are better to break in a little or leave at home, as during intensive training they can rub your feet and create problems.
  2. Clothing should be selected according to the weather so that it does not hinder movement, absorbs moisture well.
  3. Outdoor gear must include sun protection products - creams with SPF. Sunburn while moving penetrates the skin no less than when lying on the beach.
  4. For the head, you need a light-colored bandana or a baseball cap. Even in the morning, the sun's rays can cause burns or thermal shock.

You can also get in shape with outdoor activities at home. When there is sorely not enough time for long walks around the neighborhood or fitness sessions in the gym, use morning jogging and the usual benches in the park for cardio training and strength training: push up from them, climb up, jump up, stretching your muscles. But don't forget to warm up beforehand. observe safety precautions while jumping.

Most people have a playground near their house, which is probably deserted in the early morning. Try turning it into a mini-gym! Low benches are great for step aerobics or push-ups. At the same time, children's facilities are safe from injury.

Contraindications for fitness practice Outdoor Training

Before you go on an active fitness tour or include Outdoor Training in your schedule sports activities must be approved by a doctor. If healthy people such loads are beneficial, then for people:

  • suffering from mild cardiovascular diseases, is selected optimal load, and in the severe stage, running, jumping, strength exercises are prohibited;
  • having serious diseases of the spine and joints, sports are prohibited;
  • with frequent dizziness, cancer, acute viral infections and influenza, training is contraindicated;
  • with scoliosis, severe myopia, hypertension, osteochondrosis, aerobics and shaping cannot be used, and with varicose disease- step aerobics;
  • with diseases of the respiratory tract (asthma, bronchitis) and severe myopia, it is necessary to abandon bodyflex.

Contraindications for Outdoor Training fitness practice mainly relate to chronic diseases, severe forms of illness and intense exercise.

Activities such as Nordic walking or walking in the fresh air will benefit anyone.

Fitness practice Outdoor Training is an important component of the active, organized by a team of experienced ProTrip professionals. Wherever you go with the organizers of the trip, to Sochi or Cyprus, Georgia or Montenegro, other unique corners of the planet, with the help of individual program a variety of outdoor workouts, you can easily adjust your figure, improve your well-being, get a boost of energy for the whole year.