Simple exercises that will help you quickly warm up in cool weather and improve your well-being. Warming the hands: exercises to improve blood flow in the palms To properly perform the exercise of the palms

Exercise "Palms"

Starting position: stand up straight, bend your arms at the elbows, while the elbows are lowered down. The palms are directed towards the "spectator". Take noisy, short, rhythmic breaths through your nose and at the same time clench your palms into fists, making grasping movements. At the same time, the hands should remain motionless, only the palms are compressed. After an active inhalation, exhalation is freely carried out through the nose or mouth, the fists are unclenched at this time. You should not spread your fingers when exhaling, they relax just as freely after contraction, as exhalation occurs freely after each breath.

After taking 4 sharp noisy breaths through the nose, lower the arms and rest for 3–4 s. Take 4 more short noisy breaths and again stop for a respiratory pause.

Norm: 24 times 4 breaths through the nose, or 12 times 8 breaths, or 3 times 32 breaths.

Exercise "Palms" is performed while standing, in case of severe diseases - sitting or lying down.

The rate of performing breaths-movements depends on the general condition of the body. It is determined by a doctor and a respiratory gymnastics instructor.


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Breathing exercises

Games and game exercises for the development of speech breathing

Proper speech breathing is the basis for normal sound pronunciation, speech in general.

Some sounds require an energetic strong exhalation, a strong air jet.

Regular classes breathing exercises contribute to the education

correct speech breathing with an extended gradual inhalation, prevention of respiratory diseases.

Proper nasal breathing contributes to the training of the respiratory muscles,

improves local and cerebral circulation, prevents the growth of adenoids, protects against hypothermia.

When practicing, the following rules must be observed

Air must be drawn through the nose, do not raise the shoulders.

Exhalation should be long, smooth. It is necessary to ensure that the cheeks do not puff out (at the initial stage, you can press them with your palms).

Then complicate the exercise: while exhaling, let the tongue lie on the lower lip.

Do not overdo it! 3-5 repetitions are enough. Repeated performance of such exercises can lead to dizziness.


Roll a ball out of a piece of cotton. This is a ball. Gate - two cubes.

The child blows on the "ball", trying to "score a goal." Cotton wool should be between the cubes.


For this game, you need a toy - a windmill from a sand set or a turntable. The child blows on the blades of the toy, the adult accompanies his actions with a poetic text:

Wind, wind, you are mighty, You drive flocks of clouds! A. S. Pushkin


Make snowflakes from cotton wool (loose lumps). Invite your child to arrange a snowfall at home. Put a “snowflake” on the child’s palm. Let him blow it right.

Snow, snow is spinning, The whole street is white!

We gathered in a circle

Rolled up like snow. A. Barto

leaf fall

Cut out autumn leaves from thin colored paper of yellow and red colors: oak, maple, birch (real tree leaves can be used).

Invite your child to arrange leaf fall at home, blowing leaves like snowflakes from the palm of your hand. .


Cut out several butterflies from paper. Tie a thread to each butterfly at the level of the child's face. Say the Russian folk saying together with the baby:

Butterfly-box, Fly to the cloud, There are your children - On a birch branch!

Then offer to blow on the butterfly with a long smooth exhalation, "so that it flies."


When launching a paper boat in a basin of water, explain to the child that in order for the boat to move, you need to blow it smoothly and for a long time. Finishing the game, say together with the child:

Wind, breeze, Pull the sailboat! Drive the boat to the Volga River! Russian folk saying

living things

Take any object (pencil, typewriter or wooden spool from used threads). Lay the object of your choice on a flat surface (such as a tabletop). Invite the child to gently blow on a pencil, typewriter or coil. The object will roll in the direction of the air stream.

Blow out the candle

Invite the child to blow out the burning candle. During the exercise, it is necessary to monitor the smoothness of exhalation and, at the same time, its sufficient intensity.


The exercise is carried out outside during the flowering of dandelions (if there is no allergy). An adult offers the child to pick a faded dandelion and blow on it so that all the fluffs fly off. Follow the correct exhalation!

Storm in a glass

You need a straw for a cocktail and a glass of water. A straw is placed in the middle of a wide tongue, the end of which is lowered into a glass of water.

The child blows through a straw to make the water bubble. Make sure that the cheeks do not swell, and the lips are motionless.

Whose boat hums better?

Glass bubbles are required for the game. The adult takes one vial for himself and gives the other to the child. An adult shows how you can buzz into a bubble. It is necessary to slightly stick out the tip of the tongue so that it touches the edge of the neck, the bubble touches the chin. The jet of air should be long and go in the middle of the tongue. After the show, the adult offers to portray the beep to the child. If the beep does not work, then the child does not comply with one of these requirements.

(approximate complex)

Each exercise is performed 3-10 times.

Deep breath in through the nose - long exhalation through the mouth.

« Freeze the chin» - pull the lower lip under the upper one and blow cold air down the chin for a long time, perform silently and on one exhalation.

« Freeze your palm» - stretch closed lips, substitute the back of the hand under the chin, blow for a long time on one exhalation along the chin to the back of the hand. Repeat exercise 2.3 with the addition: whisper a syllable F in one forced exhalation.

"Warm your hands" - arms bent at the elbows, palms in front at a distance of 15-20 cm from the mouth, blow warm air on the palms.

Repeat the previous exercise with the addition: pronounce the syllable in a whisper on one forced exhalation HA.

Prolonged pronunciation of vowel sounds on one exhalation, first in a quiet, then in a loud voice: A (E), U (O), S, I.

The sequence of pronunciation may vary. For several days, the sounds are pronounced together with the adult, but it is necessary to control the position of the articulatory posture (lips) in the mirror. In the future (in a week, two, a month ...) the participation of an adult is reduced only to silently showing the child the articulatory position of the vowel sound.

The child guesses and pronounces independently.

Pronunciation on one exhalation of combinations of 2, then 3 vowel sounds:

AU, UA, AO, OA, AI, IA, UI, IU ...


Pronouncing the same syllables on one exhalation:

FA - FA, HA - HA ... FA - FA - FA, HA - HA - HA ... FA - FA --------- FA - FA - FA… HA - HA ---------- HA - HA - HA Pronunciation on one exhalation of syllables with different vowels: HA - HO - HE... HO-HEE-HA... Hee-ha-ho… FA - FO - FU - FU ... FO - FU - FA - FA ... FU - FA - FA - FO ... FA - FA - FA - FU ...

Note: sounds are taken X, F since they are the easiest to pronounce and almost always almost always flawless.

From centuries of inactivity, our hands have forgotten how to exude energy, and we need to work a little to return this skill to them.

There are a few simple exercises, which will not only restore the patency of the energy channels of our hands, but also, thanks to the effect on the active zones of the palms and fingers, will begin to establish the correct movement in our body vital energy.


Hand exercises- these are a few exercises that will restore sensitivity to our hands and clear the energy channels. Start learning a new exercise only after you have mastered the previous one.

Little finger exercise

It is necessary to connect the little fingers of the right and left hands with pads, then massage the tip of the little finger of one hand with the tip of the little finger of the other hand in circular motions: first, clockwise with the right little finger, the left one, and then counterclockwise with the left little finger, the right one.

The exercise is performed for 2-3 minutes. This exercise relaxes and calms our body, taking away fatigue from it.

Finger exercises

All the exercises that are described below are familiar to all of us from childhood.

First exercise . Interlock your index fingers, bending them in the form of hooks. Stretch your arms with force until your fingers open. It is necessary to interlock the fingers very tightly and pull very strongly in opposite directions until the fingers themselves open, unable to withstand. Repeat this two or three times.

Do the same with the rest of the fingers, interlocking each of them with the same name. When you have finished stretching your fingers, massage each finger, starting from the base to the tip.

Second exercise. Interlock the fingers of both hands in the castle in front of the chest, while palms should be turned to the chest. As in the previous exercise, slowly, with effort, stretch your arms in different directions, holding tightly with your fingers and not allowing your palms to open by this until the fingers are jerked free.

Third exercise. Pinch your index finger right hand between the index and middle fingers of the left hand. And now make such movements as if you are stretching and at the same time slightly twisting the index finger of the right hand with the fingers of the left holding it.

Do this action with the middle finger, ring finger and little finger.

Then change hands and with the index and middle fingers of the right hand, do the same action with the fingers of the left.

Fourth exercise. Lie on your back on a hard surface. Now imagine that you put on tight rubber gloves on your hands: “pull” the glove on the little finger, then on the ring, middle, index and thumb and on the whole hand. Take your time. Count to seven, working with each finger.

Then do the same with the other hand.

Palm exercise

With the thumb of the right hand, massage the center of the left palm first clockwise, then with the thumb of the left hand - the center of the right palm counterclockwise.

After that, you need to massage all the tubercles located at the base of the fingers, first with the index finger of the left hand - the right, then with the index finger of the right hand - the left.

The preparatory work has been done. We warmed up our hands, cleared the energy meridians. Now you can charge your palms with healing energy.

Exercise "Charging the energy of the hands"

This exercise is performed while standing. Relax your shoulders, lowering them down - back, stretch your crown up. Place your right hand on the navel, the left on top of the right. Now we take three full breaths and exhalations. You will feel how the energy from the navel (and in this place the most powerful energy center of our body) begins to be transferred to your hands.

Change the location of the hands. Put them in the middle of the chest, but swap places: first put the left one, and the right one on top. Listen carefully to the sensations in your hands to determine where the energy is flowing from. Perhaps it will be a feeling of increased warmth or a slight trembling of the hands. Leave your hands in this place and take three full breaths.

Return your hands to the navel area to charge your hands again.

The next place for our hands is the neck. Hug your neck with your palms so that your fingers lie on the cervical vertebrae - and your palms near the throat. All attention to your feelings. In this place is the center of communication, and you awaken its energy.

Return your hands to the navel area and charge your hands by taking several full breaths in and out.

Fold your palms like a boat, as if scooping up water with them, bring them to your forehead at a distance of about 3 centimeters. You do not need to touch the forehead with your palms. Feel the flow of energy and take a few full breaths in and out.

Again, return your hands to the area near the navel to charge them. Raise your arms above your head, turn your palms towards the top of your head. Feel the flow of energy from the top of your head.

Well, now your hands can already feel the flow of energy and you need to do exercises that will teach your hands to distinguish between the shades of sensations: these are heat and cold, tingling and vibrations. Everyone can return this knowledge to their own hands. True, depending on how lost this knowledge, this sensitivity will take one less time - and the other much more. But if you train your hands simple exercises daily, you will return to your hands the sensitivity given to them by nature.

Exercise "Heat"

Raise your hands to chest level, keep your palms parallel - vertically, fingers pointing up. Perhaps not the first time, but you will feel the warmth coming from the opposite palm.

If the first time you can’t feel the heat, rub your palms strongly against each other. After warming up your hands, press your palms tightly against one another, as if gluing. Now begin to slowly spread your palms, without opening your fingertips (to the “house” position). When you feel warmth emanating from your palms, open your fingertips, placing your palms parallel, and very slowly move them away from each other until you feel warmth.

Every day you will be able to move your hands further apart, which means that your hands are becoming more sensitive and the energy exuded by them is more and more powerful.

Exercise "Heat - cold"

Stand with your arms down, relax your shoulders, lowering them down - back, stretch your crown up. Close your palms together in front of your chest. Slowly spread your palms a short distance so that the feeling of outgoing heat is not lost.

Imagine that you are sculpting a ball of their clay or dough: rotate the energy ball with your palms, which gradually condenses and becomes more and more tangible. Hold your palms in different positions: vertically, horizontally, one under the other, etc.

And now mentally heat the ball: imagine that it is getting hotter and hotter. After you clearly feel a dense hot ball between your palms, start mentally cooling it. Here it is no longer hot, but warm, has already cooled down to cool, and is completely frozen. You have an ice ball between your palms. You clearly feel it. After the feeling of coldness in the palms becomes stable, start mentally heating the ball again.

After you have regained the feeling of warmth in your palms, gently release the hot ball into space.

Exercise "Rotation"

Stand with your arms down, relax your shoulders, lowering them down - back, stretch your crown up.

Raise your hands to chest level with your palms facing you, fingers of one hand towards the fingers of the other and slightly apart.

The exercise consists in rotating the fingertips around the tips of the fingers of the same name. First rotate the little finger of the right hand around the little finger of the left. The rotation must be continued until a stable sensation appears in both little fingers: it can be warmth or tingling, vibration or some other sensation, but it must be stable, the same in both fingers and understandable to you. After that, begin to rotate the ring finger of the right hand around the ring finger of the left and then alternately with all fingers. Don't move on to the next pair of fingers until you get a distinct sensation.

When you are done with all the fingers of one hand, switch hands and begin to rotate the fingers of your left hand around the fingers of your right.

Finish the exercise by rotating one palm around the other - first the right around the left, then the left around the right. Each time, try to get a steady feeling in your hands.

As you can see, the hand exercises are very simple, but they will very quickly help your hands regain their natural sensitivity, which means that your natural personal healers, who are always with you, will be ready to provide immediate assistance.

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I have created a set of exercises based on yoga poses that can be performed before the five ritual actions as a warm-up workout and in order to enhance their rejuvenating effect. Some of these exercises correspond to certain Rituals. If you find it difficult to perform this or that action, warm-up exercises will help you develop the strength and flexibility necessary to perform it. Many of these stretching exercises can be done throughout the day. If for some reason you cannot perform one or more ritual actions, they can be replaced with appropriate warm-up exercises. Some of the suggested exercises are yoga postures, others invented by me or other yoga teachers use its principles. The entire complex takes 8 to 10 minutes to complete.
These warming, stretching and strengthening exercises relieve excess tension, which helps prevent injury and focus on bodily sensations. In this way, you will be able to perform the Rituals with greater ease and efficiency without overexerting yourself. These are calm and gentle movements that most people can perform regardless of their age or physical condition.

I suggest doing these warming and stretching exercises in the order in which they are described, because the complex is designed in such a way as to optimally prepare the body for performing ritual actions. You can do all the exercises or choose only those that you consider necessary for yourself, but do not change their sequence.

Always do this warm-up workout before the Five Rituals. (Before each exercise, you can review the instructions to get a feel for the sequence of movements.)

Lie on your back and place your hands on the floor, palms up. Take a few slow and deep breaths in and out.
While inhaling, slightly raise your lower back off the floor, keeping your shoulders and buttocks off the floor.
As you exhale, relax your abdominal muscles and return to the starting position.
As you do this exercise, mentally scan your body, starting at the head and moving slowly down, paying attention to each part of the body.
Each time you inhale, focus your attention on the next part of the body.
Each time you exhale, dissipate the tension and completely relax the next part of the body.
Repeat this sequence for 2 minutes.
rocking chair
Lie on your back, pull your knees up to your chest and wrap your arms around your legs under the knee sockets.
Press your chin to your chest, round your spine, and rock back so that your shoulder joints approached the floor. Then rock forward until your tailbone touches the floor.
Breathe naturally and keep rolling back and forth. Do this exercise several times.
In addition to or instead of this exercise, you can do the following:
When you pulled your knees up chest, slightly swing your legs to the sides and back several times. Breathing is normal, try not to tear your back off the floor.
Do this swing for 15-20 seconds.


This exercise will prepare you for the Fourth Ritual and can replace it if necessary. It relieves tension in the lower back and pelvis.

Lie on your back and place your arms at your sides, palms down. Bending your knees, place your feet on the floor near your buttocks.
Inhale and lift the pelvis up 5-10 cm above the floor.
As you exhale, slowly relax and lower your pelvis to its original position.
Do this exercise 10 times.

Strengthening the abdominal muscles

Strengthening the abdominal muscles will prepare you for the Second Ritual and can replace it if necessary.

Lie on the floor, stretch your legs forward and, leaning on your elbows, raise your head and upper part torso. Forearms should be on the floor, palms facing down.
Inhale and raise your legs 15 cm above the floor. Try not to bend your legs, continue to hold them in this position for 10 to 20 seconds. As you keep your feet off the floor, breathe normally. Keep your eyes open and
look at your toes.
As you exhale, lower your legs to the starting position on the floor. Pause.
Do this exercise 3-5 times to strengthen your abdominal muscles.

Strengthening leg muscles

This exercise relieves tension in the legs and strengthens the hips.

Lie on the floor and, leaning on your elbows and forearms, raise your upper body, just as in the previous exercise.
Take turns lifting your legs off the floor, slightly bending them at the knees, but keeping your heels on the floor.
Breathe naturally, keep your eyes open and look at your feet.
Do this exercise for 15-20 seconds.


This exercise will help loosen tension in your back and hips and strengthen those areas.
Get on the floor on all fours, resting on the floor with your palms, knees and balls of your toes. The shoulders should be above the palms, and the pelvis - above the knees.
Inhale and arch your back. At the same time, stretch your chin up and lift your tailbone up.
As you exhale, round your back, press your chin to your sternum and lower your tailbone down.
Repeat this sequence three times.


The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, however, the balls of the toes do not rest on the floor, and the feet are turned up.
Sit with your buttocks on your heels without changing the position of your palms and knees.
Exhale and tuck your chin into your chest.
As you inhale, extend your arms as far forward as possible, sliding your palms across the floor. Stay in this position for 15 seconds, breathing deeply and slowly.
Relax and return to the starting position.


This exercise is a good preparation for the Fifth Ritual and can replace it if necessary.

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, only the feet are bent so that the balls of the toes touch the floor.
With an inhalation, straighten your knees and lift your buttocks up so that your body resembles an isosceles triangle with the apex at the pelvis. The legs should be completely straight and the arms in line with the back. Stay in this position for 15 seconds, breathing deeply and slowly.
With an exhalation, return to the starting position.
Do this exercise only once.


From a standing position, lean forward, bending at the waist.
Remaining in this position, allow your torso, head, and arms to hang down freely. You will feel light and relaxed. Legs should be straight or slightly bent at the knees.
Stay in this position for 15-20 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position.
Do this exercise only once.


This exercise relieves tension in the upper back, shoulders and neck. It is a good preparation for the First Ritual and can be performed in its place if necessary.

Start from a standing position, feet firmly pressed to the floor, the distance between them is 30 cm, eyes are open.
Spread straight arms to the sides to shoulder level, palms facing down.
Turn your torso to the right-back and left-back so that your arms make rhythmic swings. Spine
should twist right and left, arms relaxed.
As you turn to the right, slap your left hand on your right shoulder and your right hand on your back.
As you turn to the left, slap your left shoulder with your right hand and your back with your left hand.
Let the legs follow the movements of the trunk and arms - when you turn to the right, the left heel should come off the floor, and vice versa. But you should not completely tear your feet off the floor.
When you turn to the right, turn your head to the left, and vice versa.
There should be one inhalation or exhalation for each turn.
Complete 20 rotations.

Head rotation

This exercise relaxes the throat, neck, upper back and shoulders. It helps to avoid neck tension.

Stand up straight and take a deep breath.
With a slow exhalation, gently tilt your head towards your right shoulder. Stay in this position for 5 seconds.

With an exhalation, gently tilt your head forward, pressing your chin to your sternum. Stay in this position for 5 seconds.
Inhale and return to starting position.
With an exhalation, gently tilt your head to your left shoulder. Stay in this position for 5 seconds.
Inhale and return to starting position.
Exhale as you slowly tilt your head back. Stay in this position for 5 seconds.
Inhale and return to starting position.
This sequence is executed only once.

Shoulder rotation

This exercise will help you relax your shoulders and upper back and prevent tension in these areas.

Stand straight, arms hanging freely at your sides, breathing is free.
Do a slow circular rotation shoulders forward Zraz.
Then slowly perform 5 rotational movements back.
At the end of the exercise, take a few deep breaths, trying to use the entire volume of the lungs.


This exercise strengthens the hands and helps relieve tension in them. It will prepare you for the performance of the Fourth and Fifth Rituals.

Stand straight, put your palms together and raise them to chest level so that your forearms are almost parallel to the floor, and your elbows are apart.
Open your fingers to the sides to make a "fan". The pads of the fingers of both hands should touch, while the palms should not touch each other.
Push both hands towards each other so that they touch the entire surface of the fingers. The palms should still not touch.
Then spread your arms back to the starting position and relax your hands.
Slowly repeat this clenching-unclenching of the hands 10 times. The eyes are open, the gaze is directed to the hands, breathing is normal.

Wrist shaking

This exercise will strengthen your wrists and relieve tension in them. It will prepare you for the fourth and fifth ritual actions.

Stand straight and grab your left wrist with your right hand, keeping your hands at face level. Breathing is normal.
Thumb right hand should be on inner surface left forearm.
Grasping your wrist tightly, gently squeeze it 10 times.
Change hands and repeat the procedure.

Strengthening the hips

This exercise will prepare you for the third ritual action and can replace it if necessary.

Stand with your back to the wall, at a distance of 30-45 cm from it. The distance between the feet is about 15 cm.
Keeping your feet on the floor, tilt your torso back until your buttocks touch the wall.
Take a breath. As you exhale, begin to squat down, bending your knees and sliding your buttocks along the wall. Stop
when your thighs are parallel to the floor, as if you were sitting on an invisible chair.
Press your back completely into the wall. Take a deep breath and exhale.
Stay in this position for up to 15 seconds. If you are in the right position, you will feel trembling in your thighs.
Inhale as you slide up the wall. Before repeating the exercise, take a few deep breaths in and out.
Do this sequence 2-3 times.

After completing these warm-up exercises, take a break for a few minutes and rest. This will help you relax before starting the Five Rites.
