Schedule of broadcasts of the final stage of the World Cup in Tyumen. Broadcast schedule of the final stage of the World Cup in Tyumen Biathlon broadcast schedule of the 9th stage of the World Cup

Six Russians. Last race. And only one third place

Such a fun and endlessly creative slogan could be invented for the men's mass start as part of the ninth stage of the Biathlon World Cup. Tyumen said goodbye to the season with incredible spectator records, after which no Canada or the United States should ever get the right to host biathlon. Is it only possible to give these countries the right to boycott it for life. Better yet, sell it for a high price.

Okay, this is not as important as Anton Shipulin's fight for third place in overall standings World Cup. He could enter the top three for the fourth time in a row - a powerful result, hitherto inaccessible to either Soviet or Russian biathletes. And everything was in his hands: take any place in the top 15 and do not look back at Peiffer - the only one who could interfere.

Among the leaders

And Anton came out on top from the start and slowly dragged everyone along with him. The leader of the Russian national team did not last long, by the cut-off of 2.4 km he was already eighth, but Alexander Loginov was approaching the group of leaders. Before entering the line, Shipulin was already 7 seconds behind the leader, made a miss and, together with Loginov, went to one penalty loop. Babikov became the best of ours, he, like Malyshko and Tsvetkov, worked to zero.

Peiffer, by the way, got everything and came out in ninth place. He definitely needed to finish in the top three, otherwise the German lost even the theoretical chances for third place in the overall standings. However, Arnd somehow very sluggishly moved along the distance and by the cut-off of 4.5 km he lost even to Tsvetkov, and he, together with Babikov, finally caught up with the leading German Doll.

The same funeral

And not only did they catch up - they led the race after the second frontier. Tsvetkov was the first, Babikov gave him half a second. Lindström, Christiansen and Peiffer immediately rolled. Shipulin shot well and was in 16th place. So far, his overall bronze was not particularly threatened. By the cut-off of 7.5 km, Loginov also crept up to the group of leaders, but he had a miss. 12 biathletes arrived at the “rack” at the same time, any of them, with successful and fast shooting, could come out on top. And Loginov did it. Tsvetkov fired a little slower, he was sixth at the exit from the line. And then Peiffer finally lost that same third place to Shipulin. His two misses against the perfect shooting of the Russian - and now Anton is already the tenth, and the German - the 19th. This is the funeral...

Or maybe a medal?

Now you can fully worry about Russian medal. Loginov was in the lead, but five seconds later he was followed by seven rivals, including Tsvetkov. Shipulin was 14 seconds behind Loginov, and in the old days he would still have remained one of the favorites and would almost certainly have eaten this gap even before the quadruple shooting

But not today. Even the neighborhood with Johannes Boe did not give anything to the Russian: the Norwegian himself was, to put it mildly, not in ideal shape. That is - all hopes were associated only with Loginov and Tsvetkov. And, first of all, with their perfect shooting on the second "rack".

Or maybe gold?

Loginov missed twice, but Tsvetkov hit everything. And, taking into account the fact that they smeared everything with all their heart, Maxim turned out to be the leader of the race. Together with the Norwegian Bjontegord, they ran away from the shooting range, in ten seconds Yakov Fak hurried after them, he was eaten up by the Boe brothers. Naturally, Tsvetkov did not have any medals in his pocket, because the backlog was small, and the rivals were serious.

With 15 km to go, we simply had to believe in our medal. Tarja Boe and Fak fell off, only the younger Boe remained, but he played almost nothing and was 10 seconds behind. Tsvetkov came out on top and rushed forward.

By a centimeter, by a second, Tsvetkov eluded Bjontegard. Half a kilometer before the finish line, his advantage reached 3.5 seconds. Max remained strong, it was a victory. Unexpected, beautiful. Long awaited, but belated. Shipulin retained his third place overall, and now he may best biathlete in the history of the USSR and Russia. At least, no one has been able to do this before. After all, a personal medal at the Olympics or the World Championships is just one race. And four years to be in the top 3 of the best of the best is a level. It's cool that biathlon ends just like that. It's sad that it ends now.



I support you about Anton Shipulin and agree that our debutants will be afraid to tell the truth, as they have not yet strengthened their base.

You also upset me very much, saying that Shipulin would have a losing streak, I was not interested in watching biathlon, because I think this is a great injustice. I think Anthony was right. But TS did not take any measures in time when complaints were received from athletes. Anton is a scapegoat. that should be punished by fate. Moreover, this is a person with a big soul, he is engaged in charity work, which cannot be said about others. I respect this biathlete.
And if Anton is still right? .. then fate will judge differently.

Oh, it seems to me that articles about what to plow and plow, which means to shut up and be silent, and the money has generally corrupted you, it seems clearly custom-made. Be silent, be afraid, and then with things on the way out.

Where did Winnie the Pooh and Piglet disappear to on the photo intro to the blog? I was so diligent in choosing the photo to match the text. KAI, put my bear and pig back in their place!

And I support Shipulin, maybe a person has boiled? After all, the season, consider it down the drain without the World Cup, and if the "jambs" get away with it at the stages, then at the World Cup it's already chaos! and Sasha just “gets sick”.

And I support Shipulin.
It is the tallest and heaviest, so most likely it suffered the most due to this weather. I think he didn’t want to make rubbish in the media, but if for the whole season there was no sense from internal showdowns, what was left to do?
I think that not every athlete dares to voice problems, Shipulin and Zaitseva have been at the base for a long time, they can afford it.
And yakk, sorry, the same Garanichev or Malyshko about the cold preparation of skis - and it is quite possible that Zhenya’s rifle will fly to Finland instead of the Hunts, and Dima will be sent to Moscow for an urgent examination of a wisdom tooth enlargement ... Who knows whose there are interests in the service, whose matchmaker, brother or former neighbor on the site, Barnashev's illegitimate grandson, or some other connection.

Sasha, no, everything will be fine with him, but words are words, you upset me

Sasha, you are right! I respect!

Tatyana M., no, I won’t conjure him. No need to blame someone, he himself is to blame for choosing such skis. I hate those who are looking for something to blame but not in themselves. compared how Shipulin spoke after the mass start and how Korovina spoke after her relatively poor performance in the sprint in Altenberg. shipulin says that the oilers ruined everything for him, that is, they are to blame, and the cow says that they did not manage to guess with the skis, that is, she is to blame. do you hear the difference? From now on, Shipulin will go on a losing streak because fate sees everything and punishes.

Well, finally, 26-year-old Klyachin and 28-year-old Korovina made it to the KM, I really want to see them in the race.
Sasha, you don’t need forecasts for men, it’s better to work hard so that Tohe skis are smeared

All of our people are in place, they will perform! And it pleases:))

Sasha, we should remember your forecast and then compare it with the results, I wonder what the accuracy will be. Yes, but what is the prognosis for men?

According to Cherezov, she was really looking forward to it, but Vanya is a very fair guy, since he is not ready as it should be, there is nothing to take the last places in favor of. Wish I could learn some from him...

Sasha, is it from theory that she will show a good result out of spite?) Well, I can’t approach her differently! It's freezing already!

Tanyuhi, Katya, don't cheer against yana. Right now I'll try to predict the scenario of the race. in the sprint, our girls will not take medals. the best will be Vilukhina and Zaitsev, followed by Sleptsov and Korovin. the rest of us will also be selected in pursuit. in pursuit, Zaitseva will have a medal, bronze.

Tanyui, I will be with you with all my heart!))

Sasha, Yes, exactly, especially according to Romanova, they pushed through after all. Not a supporter of Bogali, but personally I prefer her, because her departure does not look as ghostly as the first one.

Tanyuhi, Volkov has a chance, but oh, very little. He is now in thirtieth place in the OZ. After the sprint and the GP, of course, he will be pushed back, but he will still be in the distant contenders. Maybe a lot of people won't run a mass start.

Katya, well, that's what I grilled. gyyyy. explain this cho bogali sick. gyyy. everything is known in advance.
but it will still be interesting to compare the newcomers with the first races of the old ones in km.
I guessed by the composition of the men, but by the women, Romanova replaced the bogaly. not a cow.

AIBT will run in the mass start, it is indicated on the RRF.
Let Yana run, I will really root for her failure against the background of the rest of the girls (may her fans forgive me)
Also on the RRF it is indicated that Volkov has a chance of getting into the mass start, but he does not run a bunch and I don’t understand, what kind of chance are we talking about?

thought up
The men's team included Anton Shipulin, Evgeny Ustyugov, Dmitry Malyshko, Evgeny Garanichev, Timofey Lapshin, Andrey Makoveev, Maxim Burtasov and Sergey Klyachin.

The women's team will perform as follows: Olga Zaitseva, Svetlana Sleptsova, Ekaterina Glazyrina, Yana Romanova, Olga Vilukhina, Anastasia Zagoruiko, Ekaterina Shumilova and Marina Korovina, who will make her debut in the main team, replacing Anna Bogaliy-Titovets.

Anka was removed, the whole era of ABT is coming to an end. But Romanov's "UNSinkable" is something! Probably it is worth calling her the most successful biathlete in the world!

Luytzija Bagautdinova, and the younger one is not yet qualified for km. he competed in the youth at the Junior World Championships, and not in the juniors.

SASHA, what about the younger Be? they promised to put it in Khanty, didn't they?

Yuri Shcheglakov, not at home but at the last stage of km. you can apply in addition to the quota plus two people but no more if they are in the top 10 of the Aybyu Cup.
By the way, what did the Norwegians do? They included enga (5th place in aybia) and did not include kokkin (7th place in aybia). But the labelunda was placed in eighth place. that is, here you can not necessarily bet those who are in the total 10 on abiya, just plus two places, and who will be at the discretion of the nat. federations

At the home stage, 8 people can be entered in the sprint.
If not, please correct.

Tatyana M., you can say seven can only run 6. six of the base are shipulin garanichev ustyugs makoveev malyshko lapshin. let the rest fight

Sasha, and instead of whom they will make a rustle, at the stages of only 6 people you can declare, then someone from the squad will be unhooked, I'm afraid that it will be Malyshko and Shipulin.

Tatyana M., flower logins have not yet made their way to km according to any rules. they're in next year will start making noise. and why, according to the sports principle, there should not be a bronze medalist at the World Championships? Shipulin has been selected from ours for the next year by km. I think there will be Makoveev Ustyugs and Garanichevs, both from the top15 total. but the logins of flowers through wolves, baby lapshin will fight for the remaining three vouchers

All the athletes have arrived! Opening today!

Tatyana M., you will not please ... Few promising, like women - darkness, a lot like men - there will be none. Now what to guess on the coffee grounds?

Sasha, they are darkening and scratching their turnips, but what to do with Loginov, Tsvetkov, there will still be Cherezov, Volkov should be put in, because he is local. By the way, according to the “sports” principle, Shipulin should not be, which means he will fly out of 10, and Malyshka and Garanichev need to gain a foothold at 15 in order to get into December without selection, it’s scary to think what the guys will have next year when Cherezov returns and (God forbid Maksimov) They will hang out like cards and there will be none for the World Cup. With women, complete darkness.

And, not all the cat is Shrovetide :)) The whole season, do not sleep at night, this is not a pound of raisins for you!

Tatyana M., no no. I think it's getting dark again.
smari cho. ours can put eight people in a sprint for men and women.
men must be Ustyugs, Makoveevs, Shipulins, Garanchevs, Malyshkos, Lapshins. only 6 is obtained. Burtasov and Klyachins were selected for Aibiya. That means it's already eight. and where to put the wolf? and what to do with Semakov7 was selected for the World Championships and figs those rules don’t allow aibiya. from which they thought.
women should be Zaitseva Vilukhina Sleptsova Bogaliy Glazyrin. Only 5 who qualified for the World Championships. but the glaze didn’t run, so it should be. besides that, Korovina and Shumilova were selected for aibiya. in total it turns out 7. but also selected for the world championship and zagoruiko. means 8. and what to do with Romanov? she is what she is already on the 17th I was a chol in ig at the world championship. from here they think how to please Barnashov and not become fools.
it infuriates me that they are all muddy there in tsh. it is clear that the glaze should be. she is higher than Romanova in the total and, according to the results, she is better by km. Korovina can’t be put, but Romanov’s is generally high, because how is it that Romanova has one first place for aybia in total, and Korovina already has five. so it won't work. Zagoruiko to change for Romanov chool? but she also has one first place in Aybia and she also qualified for the world championships. won't go. who then remains to be replaced by Romanov Shumilov. She does not have the first place for the current two second. but she is fifth in total aibiyu, that is, in the top ten and has the right to start in Khanty. in addition, she was selected for the World Championships.
so what to do? for whom to change Romanova? no one. from and waiting for someone to get sick. Romanov needs to be sure her rating has dropped a lot and she does not get into the first team for the off-season. then Barnashov is useless and Omsk will kick him out. so what? am i talking right?

either Guba, or someone of their coaches completely lied and gave out that the opponents are afraid and nervous when they run with our guys. Let them be more nervous)

Sasha, after all, ours have a rotation, they think how to observe the sports principle and not miss the Cup of the Nation

The coaching staff of the Norwegian national team has named the team for the ninth stage of the World Cup, which will be held this week in Khanty-Mansiysk.
Women: Tura Berger, Tiril Eckhoff, Bente Losgård Lanheim, Ane Skruve Nossum, Elise Ringen, Sinneve Sulemdal.
Men: Lars Helge Birkeland, Ole Einar Bjoerndalen, Rune Brattsveen, Tarjei Bo, Martin Eng, Henrik L'Abe Lund, Alexander Us, Emil Hegle Swensen, according to the official website of the Norwegian Biathlon Union.

question to tsh. we will always be the last in the world to know the composition of the Russian national team?

Tin! Now watch only in the recording, when the result is known!
We urgently need to make a track on Sakhalin! So that those who can’t sleep live can watch it ...))

The coaches of the French national team named the composition of the team on The final stage World Cup in Khanty-Mansiysk.
The team's application for the Russian stage almost completely repeats the application for the World Cup - with the exception of Vincent Jay, who ended the season ahead of schedule.
France squad
Women: Anise Besko, Sophie Boyly, Marine Bollier, Marie Laure Brunet, Marie Dorin Habert.
Men: Jean-Guillaume Beatrix, Alexis Boeuf, Martin Fourcade, Simon Fourcade, according to Ski-Nordique.

The coaches of the Slovakian national team have named the squad that will perform at the final stage of the Biathlon World Cup in Khanty-Mansiysk.
Men: Dusan Shimochko, Pavol Khurait.
Women: Anastasia Kuzmina, Yana Gerekova, Martina Khrapanova.

For some it's time, but for me it's a disaster! Do not watch the last starts in the sprints, where the issue of SC will be decided, live?! .. Oh-yo-yo-yo... Something needs to be done!
Today I will either change shifts or ask for leave with further work (you just need to come up with some “family circumstance” that is weighty)

they will cheer for ours to break into the mass start at least 7 people each.

well, they showed the pig, which means that in Khant-Mantiysk the piggy will continue the World Cup

november, thanks))

It's the best time for me :)

Denis, you know that Spartak is the champion! And our biathletes are not magicians, they are just learning: they threw such a pig at the last World Cup in Ruhpolding, so there is a piglet on TV.

And why is Spartak on TV? They scored like, rejoice! :))

Such a fun and endlessly creative slogan could be invented for the men's mass start as part of the ninth stage of the Biathlon World Cup. Tyumen said goodbye to the season with incredible spectator records, after which no Canada or the United States should ever get the right to host biathlon. Is it just the right to boycott him for life.

Biathlon, World Cup. Maxim Tsvetkov won the mass start. How it was

All events on March 25 at the Biathlon World Cup in Tyumen. News, Interesting Facts, chips of the day, photos and videos - in our timeline.

Okay, it's not as important as the fight. Anton Shipulin for third place in the overall World Cup standings. He could enter the top three for the fourth time in a row - a powerful result, hitherto inaccessible to either Soviet or Russian biathletes. And everything was in his hands: take any place in the top 15 and do not look back at Peiffer - the only one who could interfere.

Among the leaders

And Anton came out on top from the start and slowly dragged everyone along with him. The leader of the Russian national team did not last long, by the cut-off of 2.4 km he was already eighth, but he was getting to the top Alexander Loginov. Before entering the line, Shipulin was already 7 seconds behind the leader, made a miss and, together with Loginov, went to one penalty loop. The best of ours was Babikov, who, like Malyshko and Tsvetkov, worked to zero.

Peiffer, by the way, got everything and came out in ninth place. He definitely needed to finish in the top three, otherwise the German lost even the theoretical chances for third place in the overall standings. However, Arnd somehow moved very sluggishly along the distance and by the cut-off of 4.5 km he lost even to Tsvetkov. And Max, together with Babikov, finally caught up with the leading German Doll.

The same funeral

And not only did they catch up - they also led the race after the second frontier. Tsvetkov was the first, Babikov gave him half a second. They rolled right there Lindström, Christiansen and Peiffer. Shipulin shot well and was in 16th place. So far, his overall bronze was not particularly threatened. By the cut-off of 7.5 km, Loginov also crept up to the group of leaders, but he had a miss.

12 biathletes arrived at the border at the same time, any of them, with successful and fast shooting, could come out on top. And Loginov did it. Tsvetkov fired a little slower, he was sixth at the exit from the line. And then Peiffer finally lost that same third place to Shipulin. His two misses against the perfect shooting of the Russian - and now Anton is already 10th, and the German is 19th. This is the funeral...

Or maybe a medal?

Now it was possible to fully worry about the Russian medal. Loginov was in the lead, but five seconds later he was followed by seven rivals, including Tsvetkov. Shipulin was 14 seconds behind Loginov, in the old days he would still have remained one of the favorites and would almost certainly have eaten this backlog even before the fourth shooting.

But not today. Even the proximity to Johannes Boe nothing gave the Russian: the Norwegian himself was in, to put it mildly, imperfect shape. That is, all hopes were associated only with Loginov and Tsvetkov. And first of all with their perfect shooting on the second "rack".

Or maybe gold?

Loginov missed twice, but Tsvetkov hit everything. And taking into account the fact that they smeared everything with all their heart, Maxim turned out to be the leader of the race. Together with the Norwegian Bjontegaard, he ran away from the shooting range, in 10 seconds he hurried after them Jacob Fak, he was eaten by the Boe brothers. Naturally, Tsvetkov did not have any medals in his pocket yet, because the backlog was small, and the rivals were serious.

But 1.5 km before the finish line, we simply had to believe in our medal. Tarja Boe and Fak fell off, only the younger Boe remained, but he played almost nothing and was 10 seconds behind.

Tsvetkov came out on top and rushed forward ...


By a centimeter, by a second, the Russian eluded Bjontegard. He held on and puffed, but could not catch up. Half a kilometer before the finish line, Tsvetkov's advantage reached 3.5 seconds. Max's strength remained, the movements were light and effective, so it was a victory. Unexpected, beautiful. Long awaited, but belated.

Shipulin retained his third place overall and is now arguably the best biathlete in the history of the USSR and Russia. At least, no one has been able to do this before. After all, a personal medal at the Olympics or the World Championships is just one race. And four years in a row to be in the top three of the best is a level.

It's cool that biathlon ends just like that. But it's sad that it ends now.

From 22 to 25 March Tyumen will host the ninth stage of the Biathlon World Cup. The program of the stage includes sprint, pursuit and mass starts.

This is the final, final stage, following which the Big Crystal Globes - World Cups, as well as small ones - in the standings of sprints, pursuit races, mass starts and Cups of Nations will be awarded.

Also, the final stage of the World Cup is distinguished by an expanded list of participants - two athletes from each country, included in the TOP-10 of the IBU Cup.

IX stage of the Biathlon World Cup, Tyumen, Russia:

16:10 - Sprint, men. Match TV (live)

16:30 - Sprint, men. Eurosport (live)

16:35 - Sprint, women. Match! Our sport (live), Eurosport - 2 (live)

18:45 - Sprint, women. Eurosport (recording)

14:40 - Pursuit, men. Match TV (live)

15:00 - Pursuit, men. Eurosport (live)

16:45 - Pursuit, women. Match TV (live)

16:45 - Pursuit, women. Eurosport (live)

14:40 - Mass start, men. Match TV (live), Eurosport - 2 (live)

16:50 - Mass start, women. Match TV (live), Eurosport - 2 (live)

18:45 - Mass start, men. Eurosport (recording)

19:15 - Mass start, women. Eurosport (recording)

NOTE: broadcast start time is Moscow.

19:00. The first competitive day at the World Cup in Tyumen has ended. Martin Fourcade won a landslide victory in the sprint and won the "Small crystal globe". His main rival Johannes Boe failed the race, becoming 14th with two penalties. This concludes our broadcast. See you tomorrow at the women's sprint!

18:55. Pyotr Pashchenko, who became 45th in the sprint, explained the drop in speed in the last season.

18:52. Martin Fourcade was pleased with his performance.

I am happy with the result that I have achieved today. I tuned in to fight Johannes, but he failed. I am now in a good position to fulfill the main task of the season - to win the Big Crystal Globe. I was determined to win the Olympics, but from the first start of the season, Johannes gave me such competition in the fight for the World Cup. It was an exciting competition. I can’t say what he made a mistake today, but I tuned in to my race and felt in good shape. But the struggle continues, and I should not relax. I don’t think about Bjoerndalen’s records and I don’t count my victories, but I think that for a couple of years I will have enough motivation to compete and win.

18:50. "It's a beautiful day. The season is long, but only at the end of it I was able to climb the podium. Glad to be with Marten on the pedestal. My shooting was not as good at the start of the season as it is now. I had a good finish lap and gave my all for this podium. Today, the skis of the whole team worked well for us, for which I want to thank all our servicers, ”said Simon Destier.

18:45. Sprint bronze medalist Fredrik Lindström shared his impressions of the race.

Today was an unusual race. The track was prepared perfectly and the skis just carried me. I felt the support of the fans throughout the distance. In general, I am satisfied with how I spent this season. We won gold in the relay at Olympic Games and it was great.

18:40. Igor Malinovsky: "The body is not used to starting at seven o'clock in the evening - it affected."

18:35. Here comes Martin. The press conference begins.

18:30. Martin Fourcade is delayed. At the press conference, he is replaced by a journalist who tests the sound.

18:25. Igor Malinovsky commented on his speech.

The sensations are very heavy, I am very tired. From the first meters the race was difficult. The body is not accustomed to start at 7 pm and the weather conditions affected. In order to justify the hopes of the fans, you have to work hard. I know my cons. It is difficult to guess when I will be able to become a world champion. I hoped that there would be gloss in the last starting group, but it was only on the descents. It was the noisiest race of my entire career. There was something similar at the summer world in Tchaikovsky, but this only adds to the emotions. In the warm-up, you can be a little scared, but in the race you don’t feel it.

18:22. Dmitry Malyshko shared his impressions of the race.

18:20. To endure… Why Shipulin will be very hard to become third in the World Cup. Andrey Ivanov - about the men's sprint.

Endure... Why Shipulin will be very hard to become third in the World Cup

Anton Shipulin is out of shape and made it difficult for himself to fight for third place in the World Cup. Peiffer advances while Fourcade celebrates. He is a champion again.

18:15. The failure of Johannes Boe allowed Martin Fourcade to win the Small Crystal Globe in sprint races. The Frenchman outscored his opponent by two points.

18:10. Alexander Loginov and got into the top 15 in terms of speed. And the best today was Martin Fourcade.

18:05. Alexander Loginov expressed his disappointment in connection with the miss, which did not allow him to fight for a place on the podium.

18:00. The men's sprint race is over! The run was won by Martin Fourcade, who was out of competition today. The second result was shown by Desthieux. Third time at Lindström.

17:45. Malinowski finished 51st. Whether it will be possible to get into the pursuit - we will find out very soon. Martin Fourcade, Desthier and Lindström - this is what the trio looks like. Nobody will move them anymore.

17:35. Lesser passed both milestones cleanly - there is a chance to compete for the top three. The Russians are holding high at the finish line - Tsvetkov, Loginov and Shipulin are in the top ten.

17:25. Fourcade rushed to the finish line with the best result! Marten has an advantage of 33 seconds over the closest pursuer. And Johannes Boe smeared twice at the first line. It seems that the Frenchman is no longer available.

17:15. Fourcade knocked out 10 out of 10. The Frenchman has a huge advantage. Let's see how Johannes Boe responds. Loginov smeared the last shot on the “rack”, but he could compete for a medal. Tsvetkov and Shipulin passed both milestones cleanly, but they lose a bit too much to the leader.

17:05. Fourcade took aim for a long time, but in the end he hit all the targets! The Frenchman broke into the lead, ahead of Loginov by two seconds. Shipulin passed the prone with zero, Anton had the seventh time.

16:55. Tsvetkov passed the first frontier cleanly and took the lead. Garanichev has two misses in prone.

16:45. The race has begun! You can follow its progress with the help of our text translation. Emilien Jacquelin was the first to leave the track.

16:35. Johannes Boe spoke about the upcoming races at the stage in Tyumen and the features of the track.

Y. Boe: I will try to show everything that I am capable of. It is my goal

16:30. 15 minutes before the start of the race - the stands are already full.

16:25. Analysts consider Martin Fourcade to be the main favorite. The coefficient for his victory is 2.25, for getting into the top 3 - 1.50. Johaness Boe is next (the odds for his victory are 2.75). Rounding out the top three is Julian Eberhard (6.00).

The fourth in the list of contenders is , you can bet on it for 26.0. The finish of Shipulin in the top three was estimated at 6.00.

Bookmakers estimated Shipulin's chances to win the sprint at the World Cup in Tyumen

16:15. Ivan Cherezov shared his thoughts on the intrigue in the overall World Cup standings.

16:05. Ole Einar Bjoerndalen shared his opinion about the fight in the overall standings of the World Cup. The legendary Norwegian is confident in the victory of Martin Fourcade.