Onions: classification, composition and cultivation. Botanical characteristics and biological features of onions Common varieties of onions

Without onions, it is difficult to imagine some dishes, for example, a salad. Yes, and a herring decorated with an onion looks more appetizing on the table. When buying a “teary” vegetable in a supermarket or on the market, not all housewives pay attention to the name of the onion variety, because they don’t really understand the difference, but, by the way, there is one.

Onions are classified according to some parameters.

Depending on the growing season, it can be:

According to the size of the head, they are distinguished: small (fetal weight less than 50 g), medium (weight - 50-100 g), large (weight - over 100 g).

By the number of bulbs in the nest:

  • small nested (1-3 pieces);
  • medium nested (4-5 pcs);
  • multi-cavity (more than 5 pieces).

By taste: spicy, sweet, semi-sharp, shallots, the taste of which is delicate sweet-sour.

Given all these and some other characteristics, onions, like any other vegetable, have varieties. The most interesting quality for housewives is taste, so we will consider varieties of onions and hybrids in accordance with this criterion.

Sharp varieties of onions are represented by fruits covered with several layers of husks. All are early maturing, but their productivity is low. This species can be safely used for storage, as it is long-lived. It is the spicy varieties of vegetables that have big amount dry matter, essential oils and sugars. Harvesting is done both manually and with the help of agricultural machinery.

  1. Arzamas local - a variety of onion with a spicy taste. Root crops are medium in size. Refers to small nested (2-3 bulbs), mid-season. Differs in the increased productivity. Good for storage.
  2. Bessonovsky local - an old variety of onion. It has a sharp taste, there are 4-5 bulbs in the nest, it can be stored well for 8-9 months, but the main advantage of Bessonovsky is that it is great for growing on greens.
  3. Chalcedony is the most famous of the sharp ones. Belongs to the category of mid-season. There is usually one bulb per nest. Chalcedony is versatile, suitable for fresh consumption and for processing, also suitable for drying. Keeps well.

There are also hybrids of sharp varieties. The two most popular are:

  1. Golden Semko F1 is a sharp, small-nested representative. Refers to the early maturing. Under the golden husk, it has juicy white scales. This hybrid has a particularly high yield and disease resistance, but the crop can be stored for no more than 6-7 months.
  2. Siberia F1 is the best hybrid of the Dutch selection for winter storage. Refers to the early maturing. Edible scales are juicy.

Sweet varieties of onions are distinguished by their taste qualities, for which hostesses appreciate this culture. This type of vegetable is very productive, but the only drawback of the root crop is that it mainly grows in the southern regions.

Music F1 is a very sweet white hybrid. Ideal for preparing salads, but even more so for meat dishes. Not suitable for storage, which is a disadvantage of the root crop.

Candy F1 is a representative of large-fruited early hybrids, which is not intended for storage. It is better to eat in salads. Has the ability to produce high yields. The main value of Candy for gardeners is that it is unpretentious in cultivation.

Semi-sharp varieties of onion are fruits with a small amount of husk. Its structure, in comparison with sharp relatives, is loose, which exposes the root crop to injury during harvesting. Its main purpose for consumption is to be a component of dishes.

If we talk about the storage of such a bow, then it is considered medium-leaved. In addition, it is this species that gives a good harvest.

  1. Danilovsky 301 - a variety of onion with a semi-sharp taste. Danilovsky's main use is in salads. It is very well kept, has 1-2 heads in the nest, belongs to mid-season.
  2. Zolotnichok - semi-sharp, mid-season, belongs to domestic selection. In comparison with other representatives - a new variety. The average yield is up to two kilograms per sq. meters. It is allowed to be stored.
  3. Carmen is a semi-sharp variety of onions, the color is purple. According to the period of maturation, it belongs to the middle late. It is valued for its high palatability and ability to be well stored. Suitable for processing, but can also be consumed fresh.

Among the hybrids of the presented type of onions, there are also hybrids.

  1. Albion F1 - a hybrid of onion varieties, white. Housewives appreciate it, because it is used not only for fresh consumption and in salads, but also for dressing dishes. Suitable for drying. Not suitable for long term storage.
  2. Spirit F1 is another representative of peninsular hybrids. Spirit is distinguished from the rest by super-earliness and high quality harvest. It belongs to the late ones, but it also keeps well.

A relative of onions - shallots - is distinguished by a peculiar taste. In addition, it is valued for early greens - tender and fragrant. The taste of fruits when used in dishes does not drown out the taste of other products. This species is called the "gourmet onion". Shallots keep well, which is facilitated by high density. Shallot refers to the early ripening.

  1. Kuban yellow is a semi-sweet high-yielding variety. From 1 sq. meters, you can collect 3-4 kg of fruit.
  2. Kushchevka Kharkiv - peninsular onion. Considered early. Although the yield of this shallot is low - 1.5 kg per 1 sq. meters, but it is well kept. Use the root crop fresh and for conservation. The juiciness of its edible scales is especially distinguished.
  3. Asterisk - early (early), sharp. The average yield is 1 kg per 1 sq. meters. Its purpose is salads and preserves.
  4. Russian violet is a semi-sharp variety of fast ripening. Differs in high productivity. Suitable for storage. Considered amateur.
  5. Siberian yellow is a spicy shallot, the cultivation of which is recommended in the Siberian regions, in the Urals.

Shallots also have hybrids:

Bonilla is a mid-season plant with a semi-sharp taste. The yield is low - 1.5 kg per 1 square meter, but suitable for storage.

Seryozhka is a mid-early hybrid with a high yield. Taste is semi-sharp. Suitable for storage.

Onions of any variety are a healthy product that should be present in the diet of every person. The agricultural technology of this vegetable is not difficult, so anyone who has a plot of land can grow it. It should be noted that, by and large, even its growth occurs in any soil with good aeration. It is only necessary to take into account the predecessor plants, among which are preferred: cereals, legumes, early potatoes, cucumber. The “teary” vegetable is moisture-loving, but does not tolerate excess water. Of course, each variety has its own growing characteristics, adhering to which you can get a good vitamin harvest not only for the coming day, but organize storage in the winter.

Onion will become not only a “home healer”, but also a wonderful decoration for any dish, thanks to the variety of colors inherent in it, which range from pure white and yellowish to pink, red and even purple.

In this short video, an overview of several new varieties of onion sets.

They have a high nutritional value. They contain a lot of essential oils (thiosulfate, allicin), which cause phytoncidal properties, vitamin C, carbohydrates, as well as procatechinic acid, which has antibiotic properties.

Carbohydrates are represented by sugars - sucrose, manose, raffinose, xylose, arabinose, ribose; pentosans (up to 0.5%): hemicellulose (up to 0.6%) and pectin substances (up to 0.6%).

Onion proteins make up 50% of nitrogen-containing substances and contain 18 amino acids. In small quantities there are vitamins A, B, B 2, B 6, PP, E, H, folic and pantothenic acids; the share of minerals accounts for up to 1.5%.

Bulb onions is the most common in this group. According to its chemical composition, it is conditionally divided into spicy, semi-sharp and sweet. Acute is distinguished by a high (up to 15%) content of dry substances, including sugars (up to 12-L 5%), essential oils (up to 155 mg / 100 g) and glycosides. A less pronounced sensation of sweetness of onion varieties with a high content of sugars is explained by a smaller amount of water in them and a significant amount of glycosides, the bitter taste of which reduces the sensation of sweetness.

Acute varieties include Mstersky, Rostovsky, Strigunovsky, Bessonovsky and others.

The semi-sharp onion occupies a middle position between spicy and sweet. Common varieties - Krasnodar, Samarkand,

Danilovsky, Kaba and others. Sweet onions contain more water, significantly less glycosides, so the sensation of sweetness is more pronounced even when not in large numbers Sakharov. Varieties - Spanish, Yalta, etc.

The chemical composition of onion vegetables depends on the variety, place of growth, conditions and terms of storage.

Bow-batun forms a false stem and succulent leaves richer in vitamin C, carotene, potassium, magnesium and iron than onion.

chives(chisel) - perennial, forms tubular tender leaves.

Leek- perennial, forms a long juicy stem and leaves, coarsening as they age.

Tiered Bow forms a rosette of narrow leaves and arrows. Rosettes of leaves also grow on the arrows, and so on in several tiers.

Altai onion(mountain) forms a large bulb of thick juicy scales; as it ages, it becomes tough and is suitable only in boiled, fried or canned form.

Garlic- a complex bulb, consisting of cloves that have individual and common shells. The high content of allicin, protocatechin and pantothenic acids, vitamins, minerals determines the phytoncidal and antibiotic properties of garlic and its widespread use in fresh form, in cooking, canning industry, and medicine.

Garlic is distinguished by non-shooting (spring) - the teeth are small, there are many of them; arrowed - there are fewer teeth (5-10 pieces), but they are larger. Shooting varieties - Gribovsky, Yubileiny, Fly others; spring - Bryansk, Vitebsk, etc.

Cheremsha- young tender leaves and onions are eaten. Smell of garlic. Used fresh and canned.

onion vegetables are modified shortened shoots with an underdeveloped stem with and without leaves and are subdivided into bulbous edible part in the form of an onion (turnip, garlic) and green onions with leaves and a poorly developed bulb (leek, batun, chives, slime, shallot, multi-tiered, etc.).

Onion vegetables are valued due to the presence of a large amount of nutrients, taste and aromatic substances. The pungent taste and specific smell of onion vegetables is given by essential oil (for onions - thiosulfate, for garlic - ala-tsin), which have phytoncidal properties.

The chemical composition and energy value are presented in table. 5.

Bulb onions. Of all onion vegetables, it has the greatest distribution and nutritional value.

The bulb consists of the bottom and fleshy scales. The bottom is a shortened stem, roots go down from it, and modified leaves in the form of fleshy scales go up. The outer scales dry out when ripe, they form the so-called shirt and protect the bulb from evaporation in the area of ​​mechanical damage and microbial lesions. The narrowing point at the top of the bulb is called the neck.

On the bottom of the bulb, covered with juicy scales, there are vegetative and generative buds (rudiments, babies).

The chemical composition of onions. Onion contains sugars from 6-14% (sucrose predominates), nitrogenous substances 1.0-2.8%, fiber - 0.8%, minerals - 0.7-1%, organic acids -0.1-0, 5%, essential oils - 0.01%. The composition of nitrogenous substances contains about 18 amino acids, organic acids are represented mainly by citric, malic, and succinic acids. Of the mineral substances, a special place belongs to potassium compounds - up to 175 mg%. Onions are rich in iron, manganese, zinc. Purple-colored onion scales contain cyanadin, and yellow - quercetin, which has a capillary-strengthening, anti-inflammatory, anti-sclerotic effect. Onion essential oils have antibacterial properties. The content of vitamin C in onions is low.

Varieties of onions are classified:

♦ according to the shape of the bulbs: flat, round, flat-round, oval and elongated;

♦ depending on the color of the outer scales: yellow, white, brown, red-violet of various shades;

fleshy scales can be white, white with greenish or lilac hues and with purple rings;

♦ size, small (weighing up to 50 g), medium (60-120 g) and large (more than 120 g);

♦ ripening time: early-ripening (80 days), mid-ripening (80-100 days) and late-ripening (more than 100 days);

♦ chemical composition and taste, spicy, semi-sharp and sweet varieties.

Sharp varieties of onions contain more dry matter, sugars, essential oils and glycosides than sweet varieties, ripen well and are preserved.

Semi-sharp varieties contain less sugars, essential oils, their taste is semi-sharp, the bulbs are less dense and less stale.

Sweet varieties are characterized by low content of sugars, essential oils, sweet taste, low keeping quality.

Economic and botanical varieties of spicy onion: Arzamas, Bessonovsky, Terehovsky local; peninsular: Ka-ba. Danilovsky, Gribovsky annual, Golden ball; sweet: Yalta, Spanish, etc.

Economic and botanical varieties have been released in Belarus: Vetraz, Kryvitski Ruzhovy, Shtudgart, Terekhovsky local, etc.

When examining the quality of onions, they determine appearance, taste and smell, the size of the bulbs, the length of the neck, the presence of bulbs with an insufficiently dried neck, bulbs of less than the established size, with mechanical damage, germinated. Bulbs rotten, steamed, damaged by stem nematodes and mites, germinated during spring-summer sale with a feather length of more than 2 cm are not allowed for harvesting and sale.

Onions sold in the retail network, depending on the quality, are divided into commercial varieties: selected and ordinary.

Onion-batup. Perennial onion, does not form an onion, young leaves are used for food, contains up to 105 mg% of vitamin C.

Green onion. The leaves are tubular, hollow, 20-30 cm long. Greens have a lower content of sugars and essential oils than bulbs, but contain 2 times more vitamin C.

Shallot. Many-child onions, similar to onions, but the bulbs are smaller, and in one nest there are up to 20-30 small bulbs. The bulbs are dense, well preserved.

Economic and botanical varieties: Russian violet, Kuban yellow.

Tiered bow. Perennial onion, forms an ordinary bulb on arrows, which are arranged in two or three and even four tiers, spicy in taste. Air bulbs are used for reproduction, basal - for food, contains vitamin C up to 40 mg%.

Chives. Perennial onion, does not form bulbs, has delicate, thin, early-growing leaves, vitamin C content up to 100 mg%.

Fragrant onion. The leaves are flat with oval-rounded tips, dark green with garlic aroma. The plant is rosette shaped as the leaves form at the base of the bulb.

The slime onion is similar to the fragrant onion, but the leaves are shorter, wider, lighter, with a garlic smell.

Leek has a delicate, slightly spicy taste and is a dietary product. Improves digestion, activity of the gallbladder, liver. Useful for many diseases: kidney stones, rheumatism, salt deposits, obesity, atherosclerosis. It is used for cooking soups, various cheese salads, sauces, meat. Leek is rich in vitamin C (up to 80 mg%).

Leek is a biennial plant. The height of the plant is 40-80 cm, the leaves are ribbon-like and look like broad-leaved garlic. In the first year, it develops green leaves and a thickened false stem or "white leg", which is the main edible part. The bulb is small, the diameter is not more than the thickness of the false stem. Leek is harvested in a green state, not earlier than October, stored at a temperature of +1 to -3 ° C. The plant is carefully dug up, cut off the roots so as not to damage the bottom. In storage, the plants are placed close to each other at an angle of 50-60°. Each row is sprinkled with a layer of sand, the temperature is about 0 ° C, the humidity is up to 85%. Leek is stored until April without losing its qualities.

The most common varieties are: Bulgarian and Karatan winter.

Cheremsha. Perennial bulbous plant with two or three large leaves and flowers collected in a spherical inflorescence, conical-cylindrical bulbs with grayish-brown shells. The plant has a strong garlic odor. Bulbs, leaves and flower arrows are used for food in fresh, salted and pickled form, the content of vitamin C is about 100 mg%. Wild garlic phytoncides have a stronger bactericidal effect than garlic.

The quality of green bulbs (except for leeks) is evaluated according to STB 791 "Fresh green onions". Requirements for procurement, supply and sale. When assessing the quality, the following are taken into account: appearance, smell and taste, the length of the bulk of the leaves from the neck of the bulb or the cut point, the size of the bulbs by the largest transverse diameter, the permissible mass fraction of plants with bulbs by the diameter and length of the leaves.

The quality of leeks is assessed according to the PCT BSSR 375 "Fresh leeks". When assessing the quality, the following are taken into account: appearance, smell and taste, stem size according to the largest transverse diameter, length of the stem with leaves, length of the roots. Permissible deviations - slightly withered leaves with slight pressure, mechanical damage, cuts, slightly coarsened, with arrows, stems with leaves, stems with roots.

Garlic. Garlic has a complex bulb, consisting of small onion-cloves with a common bottom and covered with three to four layers of common integumentary scales. Each clove is also covered with thin dry scales, the number of teeth can be from 4 to 25. The leaves of garlic are narrow, long, dark green in color, form a thin false stem below, and are not eaten.

Garlic is arrowed, with a dense flower stalk - an arrow in the center of the bulb and non-arrowed (ordinary) without a flower stalk.

According to the chemical composition, garlic differs from onions in a high content of solids (35-42%), nitrogenous substances (up to 8%), sugars and essential oils; Sugars contain mainly sucrose. Garlic is distinguished by the content of iron, manganese, zinc, rich in iodine and copper. Vitamin C contains up to 20 mg%, has a higher content

zhaniya vitamin B 6 and nicotinic acid (vitamin PP). The antimicrobial action of garlic is due to the presence of antibiotics - allicin and harmicin.

Varieties of garlic are classified:

♦ according to the method of cultivation: spring, winter;

♦ mass: small, medium, large bulbs;

♦ shape: rounded, flat-rounded;

♦ the number of cloves: with a small number (3-5 cloves), medium (6-12), large (13-25);

♦ taste: spicy, peninsular, slightly spicy;

♦ density: dense, medium, loose;

♦ strength of covering scales: thin and easily torn, strong parchment-like;

♦ according to the color of dry scales: white, pink, light purple.

Spring garlic, medium-sized, dense, has the best keeping quality.

Economic and botanical varieties of garlic: Bryansk, Vitebsk, Snezhok.

When assessing the quality of garlic, the appearance, taste and smell, size, content of bulbs with fallen cloves, with minor mechanical damage, sprouted, are taken into account. Bulbs that are rotten, no more than 10 mm long, steamed, frostbitten, affected by nematodes and mites are not allowed for harvesting and sale.

Garlic sold in the retail network is divided by quality into commercial varieties: ordinary, selected.

The main diseases of onion vegetables include gray neck rot, bottom rot, bacteriosis, black rot.

Onion vegetables include: onion, leek, shallot, batun, multi-tiered onion, green onion, fresh garlic. Onion vegetables are high in phytoncide. Since ancient times, onions and garlic have been used as a medicine. Onion vegetables contain sugars (2.5-14.3%), whites (1.5-2.2%), essential oils, vitamin C and group B. The presence of essential oils and glycosides gives the onion a sharp taste, aroma and strong bactericidal properties. There are more vitamins in onion leaves than in the bulb.

Of all the onions, the most common. Bulb - a modified stem, consists of a bottom and fleshy scales (Fig.).

Rice. The structure of the bulb: 1 - dry scales; 2 - fleshy scales; 3 - conical scales; 4 - bottom; 5 - heel with roots; 6 - kidney

Roots go down from the bottom, and up - modified leaves in the form of fleshy scales, in which reserve nutrients and water are deposited. The outer scales dry out when the bulb matures, forming a “shirt”. Dry scales protect the bulb from moisture evaporation and damage by microorganisms. In a well-dried onion, there can be up to 2-3 dry scales, during storage their number may increase.

According to the color of dry scales, the bulbs are straw-yellow, white, purple. The bulbs are distinguished by shape as round, oval, flat, flat-round; to taste - spicy, semi-sharp, sweet.

Spicy onions contain more dry matter, including sugars and essential oils, than sweet onions. It is better transported and stored longer. Sweet onions do not store well. The most common varieties of onion are: Kaba, Krasnodar, Arzamas, Strigunovsky.

The leek has long, broad leaves and a slightly spicy taste.

It is used as a seasoning for salads, various dishes and in the canning industry.

Shallots produce a large number of small bulbs, grown for greenery and early harvest of small bulbs, common in the southern regions. Batun onion is a perennial plant, gives a lot of leaf mass. Batun is more productive, but differs from onion greens in taste, which is somewhat worse. Onion leaves are rich in vitamin C.

Garlic has a complex bulb, which consists of 3-20 cloves. Bulb-cloves are covered with a common shell-shirt of white or pinkish color. Garlic contains less moisture than onions, but more nitrogen (6.5%), mineral (1.5%) and essential oils (2%).

Garlic phytoncides have strong bactericidal properties. Garlic is arrowed, with a dense flower stalk-arrow in the center of the bulb and non-shooting without a flower stalk, with a thin dry neck, false stem and dry scales.

Common varieties: Ukrainian, Sochi, Yuzhny, Krasnodar, Kharkov, etc.

Diseases of onion vegetables

Onions and garlic are most often affected by neck rot.

The bottom of the bulb is affected by Fusarium rot, as a result it darkens, becomes covered with a white or pink bloom, softens and rots.

Black mold (sooty fungus) - the bulbs are covered with dark spots with a dusty coating - spores of the fungus. In storage, spores can infect healthy bulbs.

Ticks infect onions in the field and during storage. They grind the roots and bottom, turning them into dust, then penetrate the bulb. Damaged bulbs rot.

Onion vegetables are stored in dry, well-ventilated rooms at a temperature of 0 to 10 ° C at a relative humidity of 75-80%.

Requirements for the quality of onion vegetables

Onions are divided into classes: the first and second.

The bulbs must be healthy, ripe, clean, whole, without damage or disease. Shape and color typical of the botanical variety. The upper scales are well dried, the dried neck should be no more than 5 cm long. The size according to the largest transverse diameter for the first class is at least 4 cm, for the second class - at least 3 cm.

For bulbs of the second class, a small content of onions with an insufficiently dried neck, bare, germinated, with mechanical damage is allowed.

Onion rotten, frozen, crushed, damaged by a stem nematode, mites is not allowed for sale. Frozen onions do not restore their commercial properties.

Department of Commodity Science and Expertise of Goods

on commodity science of foodstuffs

Topic: Commodity characteristics of onion vegetables (for example, onions).

Saint Petersburg

1) Onion vegetables

2) Chemical composition

3) Types of onion vegetables

4) Commercial varieties of onions

5) Requirements for the quality of onion vegetables. Features of storing onion vegetables


1) Onion vegetables

Onion vegetables are fresh green onion , bulb onions , leek , bow-batun , garlic, wild garlic and others. Onion vegetables are valued due to the presence in them of a large amount of nutrients, taste and aromatic substances. The pungent taste and specific smell of onion vegetables are given by the essential oil, which has phytoncidal properties.

Bulb onions is the most common among onion vegetables. Onion (lat. ALLIUM CEPA L)- perennial plant of the lily family, up to 1 m high with edible leaves (feathers) and bulbs up to 15 cm in diameter, dressed in dry yellowish-orange or reddish shells. The bulb consists of a bottom, from which roots extend downwards, and thickened fleshy scales upwards - modified leaves in which nutrients are deposited. In mature bulbs, the outer scales dry out, forming a shirt, passing at the top into a dried neck. Dry scales (shirt) protect the bulb from evaporation of moisture and from the penetration of microorganisms. Leaves are tubular, basal. Small whitish flowers are collected in umbrellas at the ends of hollow flower-bearing arrows. The perianth consists of six leaves, six stamens, a pistil with an upper ovary. The fruits are capsules containing up to six black triangular seeds. All parts of the plant have a specific pungent taste and smell, which are determined by the presence of essential oils in it. Bulb onions blossoms in July - August, fruits ripen in August - September. It does not occur in the wild. Bulb onions- one of the most common vegetable plants, cultivated everywhere. Homeland - Asia, the plateau of Iran, according to some authors - Afghanistan.

Bulb structure: 1 - dry scales; 2 - common fleshy scales; 3 - closed scales of rudiments; 4 - heel; 5 - bottom.

2) Chemical composition

Onion vegetables have a high nutritional value. They contain a lot of essential oils (thiosulfate, allicin), which cause phytoncidal properties, vitamin C, carbohydrates, as well as procatechinic acid, which has antibiotic properties. The composition also includes enzymes (inulin, phytin), glycosides, phytoncides, protein, carotene, flavonoids; contain calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron.

Carbohydrates are represented by sugars (up to 9% in total) - sucrose, maltose, manose, fructose raffinose, xylose, arabinose, ribose; pentosans (up to 0.5%): hemicellulose (up to 0.6%) and pectin substances (up to 0.6%).

Onion proteins make up 50% of nitrogen-containing substances and contain 18 amino acids. In small quantities there are vitamins A, B 1, B 2, B 6, PP, E, H, folic and pantothenic acids; the share of minerals accounts for up to 1.5%.

An alcohol extract is prepared from onions to stimulate cardiac activity, improve the secretory activity of the glands of the digestive tract. Onions have a calming effect on nervous system. Very useful for spring beriberi green onion able to satisfy the need of the human body for vitamin C.

The chemical composition of onion vegetables

Types of onion vegetables Content (average)
% mg/100g
Water Sahara Squirrels Vitamin C Essential oils
Onion: spicy semi-sharp sweet 79-85 82-87 87-92 12-15 8-12 6-9 1,3-2,8 1,0-2,0 1,3-1,5 7-10 6-11 5-10 18-155 15-40 10-20
Bow-feather (green) 91-93 1,5-2,5 2,5-3,0 13-23 5-21
Leek 87-90 0,4-0,8 2,1-2,8 16-24 15-20
Bow-batun 91-93 2,4-3,9 1,5-1,9 42-74 5-8
chives 87-89 2,3-3,7 4,1-4,5 80-98 21-26
Slime Bow 90-92 2,4-5,1 1,7-1,9 19-77 2-11
Garlic 57-64 0,3-0,7 6,0-8,0 7-16 40-140

3) Types of onion vegetables

In total, there are about 30 genera and 650 species of onions in the world. Onions grow wild all over the world. And only in Australia they are not. No matter how the plant of this family looks, one property will always distinguish it from others - a special onion smell. The following types of bows are most common and known:

Bulb onions - most common in this group. According to its chemical composition, it is conditionally divided into spicy, semi-sharp and sweet. Acute is distinguished by a high (up to 15%) content of dry substances, including sugars (up to 12-15%), essential oils (up to 155 mg / 100 g) and glycosides. The less pronounced sensation of sweetness of onion varieties with a high content of sugars is explained by a smaller amount of water in them and a significant amount of glycosides, the bitter taste of which reduces the sensation of sweetness.

The sharp varieties include Mstersky, Rostovsky, Strigunovsky, Bessonovsky, etc. The peninsular onion occupies a middle position between sharp and sweet. Common varieties are Krasnodar, Samarkand, Danilovsky, Kaba, etc. Sweet onions contain more water, much less glycosides, so the feeling of sweetness is more pronounced even with a small amount of sugars. Varieties - Spanish, Yalta, etc.

The chemical composition of onion vegetables depends on the variety, place of growth, conditions and terms of storage.

Batun onion forms a false stem and juicy leaves richer in vitamin C, carotene, potassium, magnesium and iron than onion. Batun has all the properties of onions, because it contains carotene, vitamins B1, B2, D, and there is more vitamin C than in onions. Since ancient times, its properties associated with the presence of essential oils have been known. It serves as a disinfectant. In folk medicine, it is used for influenza, dysentery. Batun onion is good for health, as it contains many other useful substances: potassium, calcium, iron, sulfur, phosphorus, iodine. This is a good diaphoretic, hemostatic agent. Batun onion is recommended for hypertension, it stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, acts on the nervous system; boiled with sugar, soothes coughs. From it prepare drops in the nose with a cold.

chives ( chisel) - perennial, forms tubular tender leaves. The main nutritional value is represented by young green leaves, which contain vitamin C, B1, B2, carotene. The presence of many mineral salts, sugars, volatile properties make it not only a nutritious product, but also a medicinal plant. It improves the secretory function of the intestine, stimulates appetite, is useful for the prevention of colds, is used in progressive atherosclerosis, and has an anthelmintic effect.

Leek - perennial, forms a long, juicy stalk and leaves that coarsen as they age. Leek - the most valuable food product, contains protein, carbohydrates, vitamins C, carotene, E, B1, B2, PP and others. The characteristic smell is due to the presence of essential oils, which include sulfur. Potassium salts predominate among mineral salts. Leek contains sugar, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, magnesium. The presence of many useful substances makes leeks a very nutritious and healing product. It is used as a diuretic and choleretic agent. The presence of essential oils improves appetite, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, and at the same time does not irritate the digestive organs. Useful for atherosclerosis, metabolic disorders. It has the ability to purify the blood, so it is useful from a preventive point of view in many diseases. Recommended for rheumatism, gout, obesity, kidney stones, liver, etc.

A multi-tiered bow forms a rosette of narrow leaves and arrows. Rosettes of leaves also grow on the arrows, and so on in several tiers. Multi-tiered onions are rich in vitamin C, the largest amount of which is in the leaves. There is also carotene, vitamins B1, B2, PP. Air bulbs contain a lot of sugars, up to 14%. Like all types of onions, the multi-tiered one contains essential oils. It has high phytoncidal properties and is used as an anti-inflammatory agent for colds and other diseases. Well disinfects the gastrointestinal tract, treats hypertension. Used as a multivitamin plant.

Altai onion ( mountain) forms a large bulb of thick juicy scales; as it ages, it becomes tough and is suitable only in boiled, fried or canned form.

Garlic - a complex bulb consisting of cloves that have individual and common shells. The high content of allicin, protocatechin and pantothenic acids, vitamins, minerals determines the phytoncidal and antibiotic properties of garlic and its widespread use in fresh form, in cooking, canning industry, and medicine.

Garlic is distinguished by non-shooting (spring) - the teeth are small, there are many of them; arrowed - there are fewer teeth (5-10 pieces), but they are larger. Shooting varieties - Gribovsky, Yubileiny, Fly, etc.; spring - Bryansk, Vitebsk, etc.

Cheremsha - young tender leaves and onions are eaten. Smell of garlic. Used fresh and canned.

4) Commercial varieties of onions

M.V. Alekseeva (1960) proposed a classification of onions, according to which the species includes four varieties: southern, central Russian, northern and shallots. Within the southern and Central Russian subgroups, the Central Asian and Caucasian, Ukrainian and Central Russian subgroups are distinguished.

There is not a single gardener who would not grow onions in his beds.

And not only because not a single culinary dish can do without it - onions have a wide range of healing properties.

Significant benefits from it and vegetable beds - onions repel many pests with their smell.

Varietal classification of onions

Before growing onions, you should understand its varieties - the quality of the crop will depend on this.

After all, some varieties are suitable for storage in the winter, while others should be consumed only fresh.

Some subspecies of onions are grown from seeds (they are annuals), while others need 2 years to get a full-fledged bulb (they go through the stages of “nigella” and “sevka”).

And any of the varieties of onions is characterized by its taste: spicy, semi-sharp and sweet.

Another sign by which onion varieties are classified is thermophilicity:

  • Varieties of onions "southern" in the northern regions they lose their dignity (and sometimes they do not even take root). Their bulbs are usually large, elongated or rounded, with a semi-sharp or sweet taste. These varieties are classified as salad varieties and are not suitable for winter storage.
  • "Northern" onion variety has a lighter bulb of the original form (multi-cavity or flattened). This subspecies of onion has only a sharp taste, but the vegetable is stored perfectly.

For the cultivation of onions, one should also take into account its regional characteristics, because most varieties were created by breeders for specific territories (as evidenced by some names).

Common varieties of onions

So, when purchasing onions for planting, choose varieties based on your place of residence.

Southern regions

  • "Rostov Local"- applies to biennials. Ripens within 2.5-3 months. Despite the fact that this is a southern variety, it has a sharp taste and good keeping quality.
  • "Krasnodar"- an annual with a ripening period of 4 months. This variety has a pinkish bulb with a semi-sharp taste.

Non-chernozem region

  • "Strigunovsky"- biennial with a pinkish bulb and a sharp taste. A very good variety in storage. The ripening period is 3 months.
  • "Kaba"- grown in seedlings from seeds. A large onion of a cast-iron shape has scales of a slightly brown hue and has a semi-sharp taste. The maximum growing period is 4.5 months.

Universal varieties of onions (for many regions)

According to the botanical classification, onion belongs to the onion family and the onion genus, which unites about 400 plant species, 228 of which grow on the territory of our country.

The growth and development of onion plants begins with the germination of seeds. The onion seed is small, has an irregular trihedral shape and is covered with a black, hard, wrinkled shell. The endosperm of the seed is granular and shiny due to droplets of fat. One gram contains from 250 to 400 seeds.

Onion seeds germinate slowly. Under laboratory conditions, in a thermostat, at optimal humidity and a temperature of 20 °, germination begins on the 5-6th day. When sown in spring in moist open ground soil and in warm weather, the seeds germinate only on the 10-16th day. At low temperatures and lack of moisture in the soil, onion seedlings appear very late - after 20, and sometimes after 30 days.

When leaving the ground, onion seedlings look like a loop formed by the cotyledons and part of the subcotyledon knee, the lower part of which is immersed in the soil. The cotyledon stops growing earlier than the subcotyledon, and the tension created in this case contributes to the exit of the upper part of the cotyledon along with the seed coat. As a result, the shoots are straightened. With very deep planting of seeds, especially in compacted soil, seedlings are depleted, not a cotyledon with a seed coat, but a weak root is brought to the surface very late. Such plants die.

Straightening of seedlings occurs in 10-15 days. At this time, the first true tubular leaf of the plant appears at the base of the cotyledon. Then, from the base of the first sheet, the second appears, from the base of the second, the third, and so on.

The onion leaf consists of a tubular sheath and a tubular leaf blade covered with a layer of wax coating. Wax coating serves as a reliable means of protecting the onion plant from excessive evaporation of moisture.

The lower part of the base of the leaf covers the kidney and the part of the stem on which it developed. Each subsequent sheet arises inside the previous one and leaves it at the top of the base at a certain height. The so-called false stem is formed from the sheaths of the leaves. As the bulb grows and forms, the leaves die off, starting from the earliest in time of appearance, and with it, the sheaths also die. Gradually drying up, they form a thin neck of the bulb. The earlier the neck dries out, the more mature the bulb is.

Under conditions of a long day and high temperature, reserve nutrients begin to be deposited in the tissues of the bases of the leaves. They grow into juicy scales that make up the bulb. Simultaneously with the formation of the first leaves, the laying and growth of lateral roots occurs.

In the first period of growth, young onion plants develop very slowly. A month after germination, the plants form only two or three true leaves, and the area of ​​​​the leaf apparatus is only a few square centimeters. Plant height reaches 8-10 cm. In this and subsequent periods of plant growth, weed control is of paramount importance. Weeds not only shade plants and deprive them of moisture and food. Their presence, their surroundings of onion plants

Deprives the latter of the ability to absorb food available in the soil. but available in the soil.

The total number of leaves formed during the entire growing season in one plant is different and depends on its duration, growing conditions and variety. The cessation of the formation of new leaves in onion plants is closely related to the period of formation and intensity of growth of the bulb - a modified stem. A strongly shortened stem is called a bottom. It develops one or more kidneys. Under certain conditions, either flower arrows with inflorescences or new bulbs are formed from these buds.

The buds are surrounded by fleshy juicy scales, which are strongly overgrown leaf sheaths. The inner scales are closed, cone-shaped, the outer scales are open. Outside, the bulb is covered with dry scales, the color of which can be white, yellow and purple of varying intensity.

Bulb formation time depends on lu-k varieties. 1 and, to a large extent, on the influence of a number of external factors on onion plants: feeding area, temperature, moisture supply, soil fertility, and duration of daylight. Under adverse conditions: drought, lack of nutrients, soil compaction, the appearance of a crust, etc. - the onion plant quickly forms a small bulb and falls into a dormant state.

This biological feature is a reaction to adverse external conditions. In case of non-compliance with agricultural technology or untimely implementation of certain agricultural practices, the farm may lose a significant part of the commercial onion crop.

Onion is a long day plant. The formation of bulbs under long day conditions is a historically developed adaptive property of plants to endure unfavorable conditions. Long daylight hours have a positive effect on those plants that have formed a well-developed leaf apparatus. However, it should be borne in mind that the influence of day length is always combined with other environmental conditions. This should include the intensity and quality of light, air temperature, conditions of mineral nutrition, soil moisture.

With late sowing and late germination, all growth processes in onion plants are shifted to a period when the day becomes shorter, as a result of which the plants vegetate for a long time, the bulbs turn out to be unripe, with a thick neck, and sometimes they do not form at all. The same thing happens with strong shading of onion plants with weeds. At the same time, the conditions for a short day are created, as it were.

Plants of different varieties of onions have different degrees of branching. This is a varietal, genetic trait. They are called branches, and the process of their formation is branching, which occurs both during the growth of leaves and the formation of the bulb, and during the storage of the mature bulb in winter.

The buds that have grown strongly inside the bulb and formed in the process of branching are also called rudiments.

Depending on their number in the bulb, onion varieties are divided into small, medium or multi-germ. The budding is clearly visible in the cross section of the bulb.

When such a bulb germinates, a certain number of leaves first appear on each shoot, and then, if at the end of the growth in the period preceding germination, the necessary development processes have passed, ending in the formation of an arrow rudiment, a peduncle appears - an arrow, on top of which there is an inflorescence - a spherical umbrella. The inflorescence is first dressed in a leathery wrapper - a cap that breaks as the inflorescence grows, and the growth of flowers begins.

Peduncle - a green arrow with a wax coating - Sometimes reaches a height of 100 cm or more, has a tubular structure, is characterized by a swelling in the middle part. Like the leaf, the arrow is an organ of photosynthesis. After the leaves die, it actively ensures the formation and filling of seeds.

Onion flowers are greyish-white. The corolla of flowers consists of six petals. There are also six stamens with yellow or greenish anthers in the flower, they are arranged in two circles. Pistil with small stigma, upper ovary, three-celled capsule. At full fertilization, six "seeds" are formed in it, two in each nest. Nectaries are located at the base of the ovary and stamens of the inner circle; during flowering, they secrete a significant amount nectar. The pollen is heavy, sticky, and generally not carried by the wind.

In the onion inflorescence, there are from 250 to 600-700 flowers. The rudiments of flowers on the common receptacle of the inflorescence are laid and differentiated non-simultaneously. Onion flowers have radial or tiered uneven ages. Buds and flowers are arranged in three tiers. When the flowers of the first tier bloom, the buds of the second tier are under the flowers, and the very small buds of the third tier on short pedicels are almost at the base of the inflorescence, however, by the end of flowering, the pedicels of these flowers become longer than all the others. The tiered arrangement of flowers on the inflorescence is the reason for the non-simultaneous ripening of seeds.

Onions are xenogamous plants, i.e. cross-pollinated mainly by bees and various flies, and is characterized by a pronounced proterandry, i.e. the phenomenon when the pollen matures earlier than the stigma of the pistil. Thus, as a rule, self-pollination within one onion flower is excluded. The stigma becomes susceptible to pollination when the pollen from the anthers of the same flower loses its viability or becomes inactive. Therefore, young pollen freshly brought by insects from other flowers sprouts on the stigma of the pistil.

The style of the pistil is closed, without special channels for the passage of pollen tubes. Therefore, the latter grow towards the ovules along the intercellular spaces of the column, the cells of which are loosely connected.

If during the flowering period of the onion testes there is warm, sunny weather that favors the active flight of insects, then when they transfer pollen from flower to flower, pollen grains, falling on the stigma of the pistil, begin to germinate and form pollen tubes in 15-20 minutes. The germination of pollen grains begins especially rapidly when the stigma of the pistil is highly saturated with them.

The time interval between pollination and fertilization of the egg in onions is quite long. Near the micropyle or inside it, pollen tubes are found 15-20 hours after pollination of the flower. In this case, the protoplasmic content of the pollen tubes interacts with the egg; an embryo is formed. As a result of further division of the newly formed embryo, the cotyledon, the rudiment of the root are formed from its various cells, and the entire embryo is then surrounded by endosperm. At the last stage of seed formation, a dense shell is formed - the seed peel, which over time acquires a color of varying intensity - from brown to black.

When applied limited quantity pollen on In the stigma of the pistil, the pollen tubes grow very slowly, and the embryo forms a short-lived one. Seeds obtained from such flowers are poorly executed, feeble.

With an abundance of pollen applied to the stigma, numerous pollen tubes penetrate in large quantities. upper part column and grow rapidly towards its base. As a result, the embryo sacs are saturated with additional pollen tubes, and the fusion of the integuments of the ovule does not prevent the passage of pollen tubes. The saturation of the embryo sac contributes to the creation of a certain heterogeneity during the formation of the embryo, which is the basis for the high vitality of the newly formed seed. That is why during flowering on the seed plot of the onion, for better pollination of the testes, it is imperative to take out

hives with bees. The duration of flowering of onions in the areas of the Non-Chernozem zone ranges from three to four weeks or more. In unfavorable weather, seed ripening on the second and third tiers may be delayed and cause a decrease in yield.

Given this biological feature of seed ripening, in the conditions of the regions of the Central Non-Chernozem Zone, seed ripening is used. They are cut at a time when the first tier of boxes is ripe and they begin to turn yellow, and the seeds of the second and third tier are close to ripening. During the drying of the cut testicles, they can ripen due to the influx of plastic substances into them, which are in the arrow.

Usually, not all shoots enclosed inside the bulb and giving green leaves give flower stalks - flowers and seeds. This is the result of shoots of different ages. Non-flowering shoots form bulbs in the year of flowering of the onion plant.

The root system of onions is poorly developed compared to other vegetable plants. During seed germination, the primary root grows vertically deep into the soil, and only by 25-30 days after germination, when the plant has two true leaves, three to five secondary roots appear. In the same period, weak branching of the primary and secondary roots begins.

Five to ten days after germination, young plants in the phase of four to six leaves already have a total of over 20 roots, which by this time penetrate to a depth of 30 cm; at the same time, some of them spread horizontally at a depth of 4-6 cm at a distance of 12-15 cm from the plant.

The string-like, weakly branching onion roots are covered with a large number of the most delicate root hairs, which, when the roots are dug up, quickly lose turgor, fall to the surface of the roots and quickly dry out. The bulk of onion roots, even during the period of the greatest plant growth, is located only within the arable layer. Saturation of the soil with moisture and a low concentration of soil solution are especially favorable for the normal growth and development of onion plants. Together with water, a certain amount of dissolved salts also enters the plant.