The role of medical and pedagogical control in athletics. Control in athletics

MEDICAL CONTROL in physical culture and sports- the system of medical supervision in the USSR for persons involved in physical culture and sports, aimed at the effective use of means and methods of physical. education, health promotion, improvement of physical. development and physical preparedness of the population. V. to. is one of sections of sports medicine (see). The founder of the ideas of scientific substantiation of physical. education is P. F. Lesgaft; his student V. V. Gorinevsky deserves the merit of developing the foundations of V. to. as a system of honey. services for athletes and athletes.

The resolution of the party and government on the development of physical culture and sports, in particular the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of 1928, the resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR of 1930 and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks of 1932, ) of 1948, resolutions of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 1966 on measures to further development physical culture and from 1972 on the introduction of a new All-Union physical culture complex "Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR" (TRP). Creation in 1950 of a network of specialized to lay down. - prof, establishments - medical and sports dispensaries (see Dispensary, medical and sports) - promoted V.'s organization to. and development of its methods. V. to. as a system of honey. provision of those involved in physical education and sports is carried out by medical and physical education dispensaries (republican, regional, city, district), as well as medical control rooms in clinics, universities, voluntary sports societies, children's and youth sports schools Oh. The current regulation on V. to. provides for the participation of general doctors to lay down. - prof., networks in monitoring people involved in physical education and sports. The general management of the medical and physical education service is carried out by a medical professional, a department of the USSR Ministry of Health. The Committee for Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of Ministers of the USSR has a special medical and biological department, which, together with the health authorities, organizes V. to. over groups of the country's leading athletes.

V. to. in physical education and sports consists of a number of sections: 1) medical examinations of persons involved in physical education and sports; 2) medical and pedagogical observations directly in the course of classes; 3) medical and sports consultation; 4) san.-gig. supervision of places of employment and competitions; 5) dignity.-clearance, work; 6) health care sports competitions and mass sports and health events.

During the medical examination, methods of clinical examination and functional diagnostics are used, as well as special techniques developed in sports medicine. The frequency, volume and content of the medical examination are determined by the contingent of those involved - their age, gender, nature of activities, sports qualifications, respectively, with which the examination is carried out according to a short or in-depth methodology.

An examination according to a brief methodology (in form 227) to resolve issues of admission to classes, check their impact on health and physical development is subject to persons of the following categories: those involved in the compulsory physical program. education in educational institutions; preparing to pass the TRP standards; engaged in groups of general physical. training, in sports teams of industrial enterprises, institutions, collective farms, state farms, etc. According to a brief method of medical examination, a physical examination is carried out, basic anthropometric measurements (determination of weight, height, muscle strength etc.), clinical analyzes of urine and blood. If necessary, the general practitioner conducting the examination involves other specialists. These examinations are carried out by doctors of district clinics, first-aid posts of stadiums, swimming pools and other sports facilities, doctors of health centers of industrial enterprises, as well as doctors of secondary and higher educational institutions. This work is carried out under the general organizational and methodological guidance of medical and physical education dispensaries. Examination of students in secondary schools, vocational schools, technical schools and universities is timed to coincide with the beginning of school year. Based on the state of health, development and physical preparedness, students are divided into three honey. groups for physical education (basic, preparatory and special).

In the main honey. the group enrolls persons who do not have deviations in the state of health or have minor changes with sufficient physical. readiness. They are shown classes in the curriculum in full, passing the control standards of the TRP, playing sports, participating in competitions.

In preparatory honey. the group includes persons who have minor deviations in the state of health, but are not physically fit enough, and therefore a nek-swarm restriction and gradual increase in loads, exclusion (sometimes temporary) of competitions are required. In a special honey. the group is enrolled by persons with diseases, with which group classes can be held only according to special programs; according to indications - exercise therapy classes in a polyclinic or in a medical and sports dispensary. This takes into account the nature of the disease, the level of physical. readiness, etc. Medical examination of contingents of middle and old age, in particular, before enrolling in groups of general physical. preparation, in preparation for passing the standards of the 5th stage of the TRP complex "Venerosity and Health", additionally include an electrocardiographic study. In addition, to determine the degree of age-related changes of cardio-vascular system or identifying signs of a latent pathology, a modified Master's test is used - climbing and descending a two-step ladder with a total height of 40 cm (step height 20 cm). The duration of the test is 2 - 3 minutes. (depending on the physical fitness of the subject) at a constant pace - 20 transitions per 1 minute; You can use other options for ladder test. Before and after the test, the pulse is counted, blood pressure is measured, and an electrocardiogram is recorded.

When deciding on admission to physical education and passing the TRP standards, the doctor also takes into account the data on seeking medical help based on the extract from the outpatient clinic card submitted by the subject.

An examination according to an in-depth methodology is carried out in the course of dispensary observation of highly qualified athletes (according to form 227a). Clinical examination is based on the principles of a comprehensive study of the main fiziol, body systems, the functional orientation of research methods, a differentiated approach depending on the sports specialization of the subject; individual assessment of the results of the examination, the dynamic nature of medical observations. Highly qualified athletes are subjected to in-depth medical examination.

Medical examination of athletes according to an in-depth methodology is carried out by medical and physical education dispensaries and doctors of voluntary sports societies. The study is carried out by a therapist-specialist in V. to., In necessary cases, a neuropathologist, oculist, surgeon, dentist, gynecologist, etc. are involved. A detailed general and sports history is collected, a physical examination, clinical urine and blood tests are performed, and the necessary instrumental methods are used including obligatory X-ray and electrocardiographic examinations), special functional tests are carried out.

Particular importance is attached to V. to. over athletes of high ranks, participants in city, republican, all-Union and international competitions, including the Olympic Games.

The in-depth medical examination program includes examinations at the main stages of the annual training cycle, timed to coincide with the preparatory and competitive periods of training (2-3 times a year), and additional examinations according to indications. The main objectives of an in-depth medical examination are: a) evaluation of the effectiveness of the applied modes and training methods; checking the impact of systematic training on health, physical development and sports performance; b) determination of readiness for the upcoming competitions (assessment " sportswear”) for the purpose of recommendations on selection to the national teams; c) the appointment of effective methods and means of restoring and maintaining high performance (vitamins, restorative agents, etc.), preventing the state of overtraining (reducing the volume and intensity of the load, its nature, if necessary, the appointment of therapeutic measures).

Determination of the impact of systematic training on physical. development is established by external examination and anthropometric measurements of height, weight, circumference chest, vital capacity of the lungs, backbone strength, hand strength, diameters and perimeters of various parts of the body, etc. Assessment of physical. development is carried out on a five-point system (low, below average, average, above average, high) based on local physical standards. development or special correlation tables (see Physical development).

When examining adolescents, the degree of puberty is also determined; at the same time, the development of secondary sexual characteristics (according to the method of Aron and Stavitskaya) is taken into account - the degree of hair growth of the pubis, armpits, the development of the mammary glands, the time of the onset of menstruation, etc. The proportions of the body are determined to characterize the type of physique (one of the criteria for sports selection, see the section below medical sports consultation). The study of physical development allows you to correctly assess the individual data of the athlete, to trace the dynamics of physical. development in progress regular classes sports, the impact of a particular sport on physical improvement.

An in-depth technique of V. to. makes it possible to identify certain morphological and functional changes in the body that occur during regular training, as well as disorders associated with overtraining and overstrain. For this purpose, indicators of the study of the cardiovascular system are very important. Thus, a typical result of repeated training with heavy loads, especially in sports that develop endurance, is a physiological increase in the heart in athletes due to tonogenic dilatation of its cavities and myocardial hypertrophy.

Moderate expansion of the cavities of the heart is physiologically reduced to an increase in the residual (reserve) intraventricular blood volume during rest, due to which cardiac output can increase significantly during intense muscular work.

Changes in the main functions of the heart (automatism, excitability and conduction), to-rye may occur in connection with systematic training, are reflected in the electrocardiogram. Trained athletes at rest often have severe sinus bradycardia (40-60 beats per minute) with moderate sinus arrhythmia and signs of myocardial hypertrophy (see Bradycardia, Heart, heart and sports).

An expression of the economical form of heart activity at rest, which develops with increasing training, is, in addition to slowing down the rhythm, also a decrease in the initial rate of increase in intraventricular pressure, stroke and minute blood volumes.

In the presence of foci of hron, infection, as well as with significant overvoltage due to excessive loads, changes in the ECG may appear, reflecting changes in myocardial metabolism: impaired intraventricular conduction, lengthening of atrioventricular conduction, electrical systole of the heart; rhythm disturbances, biphasic or inversion of the T waves, displacement of the RS-T segment downward from the isoline, an increase in the QRS-T angle over 60 ° or more.

To assess the performance of the heart, if necessary, use the methods of polycardiography (see), determine the stroke and minute blood volumes - gas analytical, dilution of the dye (Stuart-Hamilton method), etc. With intense muscular work, the minute blood volume in athletes reaches 30 l / min and more. A number of athletes observed so-called. syndrome of controlled hypodynamia of the myocardium (V. L. Kariman, 1959). In these cases, the structure of the cycle of cardiac contraction changes. So, on the polycardiogram with an increase in the duration of the cardiac cycle, the phase of asynchronous and isometric contractions, there is a decrease in the relative duration of the ejection phase and the duration of the mechanical systole. These changes cause an increase in the potential of the trained heart. Strengthened muscular work causes the transition of the state of regulated hypodynamia of the myocardium into a state of hyperdynamia. At the same time, the phase of isometric contraction and expulsion is shortened, the intrasystolic indicator increases, i.e., most of the energy of cardiac contraction is spent on the expulsion of blood. These changes cause an increase in the potential of the trained heart.

To check the system blood pressure(maximum, minimum and average), the speed of propagation of the pulse wave, the degree of correspondence of peripheral resistance to minute volume of blood and other indicators of hemodynamics use the methods of sphygmography (see) and tachooscillography (see Oscillography). The use of venous occlusive plethysmography (see) makes it possible to quantify the state of muscle blood flow and its changes due to increased fitness. With the growth of fitness, a tendency to a nek-rum decrease in blood pressure is determined in a state of muscle rest.

When researching respiratory systems s use clinical and instrumental research methods, incl. h. determination of respiratory volumes (frequency, depth and rhythm of breathing, minute volume of breathing, vital capacity of the lungs, maximum arbitrary pulmonary ventilation, strength of the respiratory muscles, etc.). Assessment of respiratory volumes and their changes under the influence of physical. load and in the process of increasing fitness is carried out by comparing the actual values ​​with the "proper" according to special formulas and tables (A. G. Dembo et al., 1939). With an increase in training in a state of muscle rest, a more economical type of breathing is observed: its frequency slows down, and its depth increases. The highest values ​​of lung capacity (up to 6-7 l) and maximum voluntary ventilation of the lungs (up to 100-200 l) are determined in athletes involved in sports that develop endurance - in rowers, swimmers, skiers, etc.

Researches of a nervous system include definition of function of cranial nerves, motive and sensitive spheres, studying of vegetative reflexes (see). Orthostatic, clinoorthostatic tests are used (see. Orthostatic tests), the oculo-cardiac reflex (see) and dermographism (see) are examined. Special tests are carried out to determine the latent period of a motor reaction, coordination of movements, etc. According to indications (consequences of traumatic brain injuries, repeated knockouts, residual effects of neuroinfection, etc.), electroencephalography (see), electromyography (see) and other special methods are used . Based on the examination data, the neuropsychic status of the athlete is determined; possible deviations are recorded.

To obtain data on the functional state of the cardiovascular and other basic fiziol, systems of the athlete's body, to identify early signs of a violation of sports performance in the process of in-depth medical examination, functional tests with dosed physical are used. loads. So called. dynamic functional tests allow you to monitor the fitness of an athlete and the adaptation of the body to increased loads.

The most widely used are tests with dynamic muscle load, in particular, a combined three-stage functional test for speed and endurance (20 squats for 30 seconds, 15-second fast run on the spot and 3-minute running on the spot at an average pace - 180 steps per 1 min. using a metronome). During the study after each load for 3 - 4 minutes. pulse rate and blood pressure are recorded. The evaluation of the results of the test is carried out by changing these indicators in absolute terms and as a percentage of the initial data, which determines the nature of the reaction to the load and the recovery time of the studied functions after it. Five types of reactions were identified. I. Normotonic reaction, characterized by a moderate increase in heart rate (60-100% of the original) and an increase in blood pressure (the maximum should not increase by more than 20-40%, and the minimum should decrease by more than 10-35%), as well as a short ( 1-3 min.) recovery period (return to the original data). Usually this reaction is determined in athletes in a state of good fitness. II. Asthenic (hypotonic), with a significant increase in heart rate (120 -150% of the original) with a slight increase in maximum pressure and lengthening of the recovery period. It is observed in undertrained athletes or in a state of fatigue. III. Hypertonic, with a large increase in maximum pressure (up to 200 - 220 mm Hg) and a significant increase in heart rate, as well as a certain increase in minimum pressure. It is found more often in individuals with hypertension or the initial stages of hypertension. IV. With a "stepped" rise in maximum blood pressure, when immediately after the load its level is lower than at the 2nd, and sometimes even at the 3rd minute of the recovery period. It is observed with poor adaptability of the body to physical. load, in particular during overwork, including after previous significant physical. loads. V. Dystonic, at which the minimum pressure is not determined due to the sound of an “endless tone” (see Blood pressure), and the maximum pressure rises significantly (sometimes over 200 mm Hg). If the "endless tone" lasts no more than 1-2 minutes after a normal functional test, it can be considered physiological. A longer preservation of the "endless tone" requires a medical examination to identify the causes of its occurrence. There is a pronounced increase in heart rate, the recovery period is slow. The dystonic reaction is due to an increase in the true pulse amplitude, the kinetic energy of the blood during systole and a change in the elastic properties of the vessels, which is confirmed by an increase in the volumetric rate of cardiac output, the speed of propagation of the pulse wave, and other indicators of vascular tone. The dystonic reaction is most often determined in young people (15-24 years old) and is not regarded as a pathological reaction. However, it can also occur in a state of fatigue after previous significant physical. stress or as one of the signs of vascular-vegetative dystonia (along with other manifestations of this disease).

Normotonic reaction is the most favorable type of adaptation of the circulatory apparatus to the loads of a functional test.

In order to determine the physical performance of sportsmen-dischargers, a functional test is used - the PWC170 test (the test is recommended by WHO); PWC - the first letters of the words Physical Working Capacity - physical performance. The use of the test is based on the premise that the heart rate is 170 beats. in 1 min. corresponds to the optimal conditions for the functioning of the cardiovascular system in conditions of large sports loads and that the linear relationship between heart rate and work power is maintained up to 160 bpm. in 1 min. The test consists in the fact that the athlete performs two loads on a bicycle ergometer, each of which lasts 5 minutes, with a rest of 3 minutes between them, the cadence is 60-80 in 1 minute. By determining the pulse rate during the last 30 seconds. the first (f1) and second (f2) loads according to the formula developed by V. L. Karpman et al., physical performance is calculated for this athlete:

PWC 170 \u003d N 1 + (N 2 -N 1) (170-f 1) / (f 2 -f 1),

where N1 and N2 are the power of work (in watts), f1 and f2 are the pulse rate, respectively, at the end of the first and second loads. The PWC170 value depends on age, sex, physical fitness, the kind of sport, to which the subject is engaged. According to a special formula, the calculated value of the maximum oxygen consumption is determined.

The physical readiness of high-level athletes, participants in important competitions (including the Olympic Games, etc.), especially in sports that develop endurance, is checked using different models loads (on a bicycle ergometer, treadmill) with a stepwise increasing power of work “to failure”. The duration of the load at each stage is from 3 to 6 minutes, the increase in power every 1 - 2 minutes is 200 - 250 kw. The test is terminated when there are pronounced external signs of fatigue, the inability to maintain a given pace of pedaling, an increase in heart rate exceeding 200-210 beats. in 1 min. with a simultaneous decrease in blood pressure, stabilization or decrease in the oxygen utilization rate, and an increase in the respiratory coefficient. In addition, to determine the functional state of the body of athletes, you can use the Harvard step test, which consists in climbing onto a bench (50.8 cm high for adults, 40-45 cm high for adolescents and young men) for 5 minutes. According to the duration of the performed load and the number of pulse beats, the index of the test results is calculated using a special formula. Average performance is estimated at an index value of 50-80, high - more than 80, low - less than 50.

During the performance of functional tests and in the recovery period, gas exchange indicators (oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide release) are determined using the Haldane apparatus or other gas analyzers (see). According to indications, other research methods are also used. The use of spiroergometry allows you to determine important indicators of the state of fitness: the limit of a possible increase in oxygen consumption with increasing power muscle work, which characterizes the aerobic performance of the body, i.e. the ability to maximize the consumption of oxygen by the body during strenuous muscular work (in outstanding athletes the maximum oxygen consumption reaches 80 - 85 ml / min or more per 1 kg of body weight), the efficiency of work in terms of oxygen consumption per unit of work performed. With age, the maximum oxygen consumption decreases, in women it is 20-25% lower than in men.

In special examinations of certain groups of athletes, to determine the anaerobic performance of the body, i.e., the ability to perform work in conditions of oxygen deficiency (motor hypoxemia), when biochemical transformations take place with a predominance of glycolytic processes, in the laboratory they use a bicycle ergometric load model in the form of repeated " races" with an intensity of 90% of the maximum pedaling speed determined by the subject for 20 seconds. before experience; the duration of each repetition is 30 seconds. with a rest interval of 10 sec. The load is repeated several times until the set cadence is maintained. During work and 10-second intervals for rest, as well as within 30 minutes. recovery after the entire load, the number of revolutions of the pedals, the absorption of oxygen, the release of carbon dioxide, the rhythm of heart contractions (by ECG) are recorded. The total oxygen demand is calculated, oxygen debt as a percentage of the total demand.

Aerobic productivity and resistance to oxygen deficiency is determined by the amount of oxygen debt and an increase in the content of lactic acid in the blood. Before exercise on a bicycle ergometer, immediately after it and at the 30th minute of the recovery period, biochemical parameters are examined: a) the stability of carbohydrate-energy metabolism (lactic and pyruvic acids, inorganic phosphorus, "true" glucose, total activity of lactate dehydrogenase in the blood and creatinine in urine); b) blood reactivity: the number of leukocytes (leukocytosis phase), hemoglobin content and the number of erythrocytes (calculation of a color index, average hemoglobinization of erythrocytes, calculation of total hemoglobin content using formulas).

With V. to. for certain groups of athletes - weightlifters, gymnasts, throwers, participants in competitions in figure skating, auto and motorcycle racers, etc. - to study the functional state of the neuromuscular apparatus, which has a significant impact on special performance in speed-strength and complex technical sports, different types of electromyography are used.

On the basis of an in-depth medical examination, a general conclusion is given, in which it is provided: assessment of the state of health, physical. development, functional state; recommendation of the training regimen (according to the general plan or individual); if necessary, it is recommended to lay down. - professional, measures and rehabilitation therapy; the appointment of additional functional diagnostic examinations and the timing of repeated medical examinations.

Contraindications to sports

If there are deviations in the state of health, the necessary restrictions on sports are established. A number of diseases are a contraindication to sports.

As to occupations by physical culture and to lay down. gymnastics, then the issue is resolved in each case individually, taking into account the nature and clinical course of the disease, physical. readiness of the subject, his age, gender, etc. (see "Ready for work and defense", Therapeutic physical education).

Persons suffering from the consequences of injuries of the brain and spinal cord, accompanied by disorders in the motor and sensitive areas, are not allowed to go in for sports; organic diseases c. n. With.; mental illness, persistent diseases of the vestibular apparatus; diseases peripheral nerves in the presence of movement disorders or persistent pain syndrome.

Active tuberculosis is a contraindication to sports; with inactive tuberculosis and nonspecific lung diseases, the presence of respiratory or pulmonary heart failure is an absolute contraindication.

Sports activities are excluded for acquired and congenital heart valve defects. Contraindication is hypertension stage II and III; in the IA (transient) stage, in the absence of a tendency to hypertensive crises, under medical supervision, training can be allowed (boxing, weightlifting, wrestling, fencing, acrobatics, football, hockey, diving, slalom, ski jumping, technical sports are excluded). Sports are also contraindicated in symptomatic forms of arterial hypertension. Neuro-circulatory dystonia of the hypertonic type and the so-called. juvenile hypertension is not a contraindication to training, but it requires particularly strict medical supervision. In the presence of cardiosclerosis of various etiologies or myocardial dystrophy of atherosclerotic and infectious-allergic origin, sports withdrawals are prohibited. Obliterating diseases of the arterial vessels make it necessary to stop playing sports due to functional disorders caused by a deterioration in the blood supply to the extremities. Chron. diseases of kidneys and urinary tracts, and also hron. diseases of the digestive system are a contraindication to sports. In the phase of stable long-term remission, training is possible under close medical supervision (excluding vaults, cycling, water sports, equestrian sports, cross-country skiing and other sports associated with possible hypothermia and severe shaking). Joint diseases of metabolic, allergic, infectious and endocrine origin are incompatible with systematic recreational sports. The same applies to diseases of the spine with limited function and pain. In the presence of osteochondrosis, the issue of admission to sports is decided individually. Endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, gout with a tendency to attacks, impaired fat metabolism II-III degree, thyrotoxicosis) prevent sports. With obesity of the 1st degree and struma of the 1st degree without symptoms of thyrotoxicosis, training can be allowed.

Contraindications to sports are also diseases of the blood system, hron, diseases of the ENT organs and upper respiratory tract in the presence of frequent exacerbations and functional disorders. With otosclerosis and various forms of progressive hearing loss, it is not advisable to engage in cycling and motor sports, shooting, playing sports. Persons suffering from deaf-mutism are engaged in special programs in groups organized for them.

The women suffering hron, inflammatory diseases of generative organs with frequent exacerbations cannot go in for sports. In the period of long-term remission, the resumption of training is possible. The prolapse of the female genital organs II and III degree with the phenomena of dysuria interferes with sports, with I degree classes are allowed, but jumping and gymnastics are excluded.

Anomalies in the development of the musculoskeletal system in children and adolescents, accompanied by a lag in physical. development, violation of posture, deformity of the feet, causing functional disorders, are a contraindication to playing sports. In these cases, physical therapy is recommended.

With a small degree of myopia, sports can be allowed without correction; with an average degree (from -3.0 to -5.0 diopters) or farsightedness (from +3.0 to +5.0 diopters), wearing glasses is allowed during training and competition. A more pronounced degree of myopia, if it progresses or is poorly corrected with glasses, or is accompanied by changes in the optic nerve head, is a contraindication to most sports.

If systematically training athletes have diseases that are not recognized during admission to classes, there are temporary contraindications to both sports and physical education.

In acute infectious diseases and injuries, there are temporary contraindications to physical exercises. culture and sports. After recovery, admission to classes is possible only with the permission of a doctor. The timing of the resumption of classes is set individually depending on the nature and severity of the disease or injury, the presence of complications, the functional state of the subject.

The terms of admission to competitions, as well as to the delivery of standards (training, TRP) are determined, in addition to the above factors, also by the duration of the break in regular classes.

If there are contraindications to sports or restrictions to them, it is necessary to take into account: a) the features of the clinical course of the disease in each specific case; b) the nature of the classes (according to compulsory programs, general physical training, sports training and competitions), as well as specific sports specialization; c) physical preparedness, fitness: d) gender, age, profession of the subjects.

Overtraining and various manifestations of overstrain require rehabilitation treatment, followed by a gradual inclusion in the training process according to an individual plan under the supervision of a physician.*

The contraindications listed above are only the main ones, but in the practice of V. to. Other deviations can be identified that must be taken into account for the decision on admission to physical education and sports.

An important section of V. to. are medical and pedagogical observations carried out directly in the process training sessions and competitions. These observations help to the greatest extent to study the adaptation of the athlete's body to the specific conditions of training, to determine fitness, and to study the level of requirements imposed on the body by the corresponding program of physical culture and sports. In the course of medical and pedagogical observations, direct acquaintance with the content, organization and methods of conducting classes is carried out. Timing allows you to determine the density of classes, i.e. the time actually spent directly on the exercise. The duration of each of the exercises and the duration of the pauses between them are fixed; timing data is recorded in the protocol. To characterize the intensity of physical. loads, the “physiological curve” is studied by the pulse (its frequency is determined immediately before the start and immediately after the main stages or series of basic exercises throughout the session).

Medical and pedagogical supervision are carried out by means of a complex technique, the program a cut is defined by a task in view, character of occupations and a contingent of inspected. At the same time, it is necessary to determine the degree of fatigue caused by the lesson by external signs (sweating, discoloration of the skin of the face, deterioration in coordination of movements, etc.) and by the reaction of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems (study of pulse rate, respiration, blood pressure, lung capacity) at certain moments of training.

When assessing the impact of training loads that are significant in terms of volume and intensity, used in the methodology for training high-level athletes, instrumental studies (teleelectrocardiography, electromyography, and a number of others), as well as a set of biochemical tests, are additionally used. Important additional data for assessing the reaction of the organism of the subject to the load of a training session or competition is given by the method of "additional" load directly during training, as a cut, running in place at a maximum pace for 15 seconds is used. or a three-minute run at a pace of 180 steps per 1 minute, a load on a bicycle ergometer (metered or until the pulse reaches 170 beats per 1 minute). More complete data can be obtained when using a specific load (for example, for swimmers - swimming a 50-meter distance at a pace of 90% of the maximum, for runners - running a distance of 60-100 meters, etc.). The athlete is invited to perform this load before class (first load), after 10-15 minutes. after the end of the lesson (second load), as well as in the recovery period - in the morning the next day. A change in the response to the second (and third) additional load is detected by comparing the data of the pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate with the results of the study after the first additional load. At the same time, changes in physical indicators are taken into account. working capacity and sports and technical results. The revealed shifts reflect the degree of fatigue after the main session.

The most important task of medical and pedagogical observations is to determine the state of special fitness (for each sport).

Under normal conditions of sports training, medical and pedagogical observations are carried out using two types of tests. The test of the first type - with continuous work, maximum for a given distance, or with a given intensity, while determining the possible duration of maintaining work. After performance of exercises the fiziol caused by them, shifts according to pulse, breath, arterial pressure, and also electrocardiography and other instrumental techniques are defined. The first test helps to establish the level of development of the qualities of speed, general or special (depending on the sport) endurance in specific sports with a cyclic structure of movements. Tests of the second type are built on the principle of repeated loads (separated by short intervals), each of which is carried out with competitive speed or close to it. When determining fitness in sports with an acyclic movement structure, an athlete performs specially selected exercises (for example, repeated bench presses, lifting a barbell for weightlifters, etc.). In the intervals between loads, functional shifts are determined, which are compared with performance indicators (performance of loads).

The results of medical and pedagogical observations serve as the basis for managing the training process in accordance with the state of health and functional readiness of the athlete's body, as well as for taking measures to restore working capacity or improve it.

Medical and sports consultation on issues related to physical education. exercises and sports, is given by a specialist in V. to a teacher, trainer, athlete and persons wishing to start regular exercise(group or individual, in preparation for passing the TRP standards, etc.). The consultation is carried out on the basis of medical examination data and medical and pedagogical observations.

For beginners, medical and sports consultation helps to make a rational choice of physical. exercises or sports that are most appropriate for the state of health, physical. development and level of physical. readiness. Medical and sports consultations are given to coaches and athletes on the issues of the regimen, volume and nature of training loads, sports selection and orientation.

Sports selection and orientation of gifted youth are carried out on the basis of a number of criteria. The following indicators are taken into account: 1) the state of health - the absence of deviations and a tendency to diseases that limit the use of modern training methods; 2) features fiziol, the impact exerted by the chosen sport on the body; 3) physiological and psychological characteristics that favor the achievement of high results in a particular sport (constitutional features, rates of biol, maturation, personal qualities, etc.); 4) level and rates of development of adaptive changes fiziol, the systems which are carrying out power supply of muscular activity (aerobic and anaerobic productivity); 5) the intensity of the process of adaptation to significant training loads (according to medical and pedagogical observations); 6) the degree of resistance to increased psycho-emotional influences.

Sanitary and hygienic supervision of the places and conditions of physical culture and sports includes preventive supervision in the design and construction of sports facilities (see) or the allocation of premises for physical education and sports (a representative of the SES of the district together with a doctor of a medical and sports dispensary, a health center of an enterprise and etc.), as well as current supervision of the implementation of the established dignity. rules for the maintenance of places of employment (conducted by the doctor of the corresponding sports organization of the station). The following are subject to verification: compliance with the established requirements of the state of cleaning and ventilation of enclosed spaces, their lighting and heating, the maintenance of equipment and inventory; timeliness of carrying out cleaning and disinfection of water in pools, etc. It is also necessary to take into account epidemiol, the situation and, if necessary, take appropriate preventive measures.

Sanitary and educational work is aimed at promoting among the population the health-improving value of physical culture and sports (exercises, industrial gymnastics, classes in health groups, mastering the TRP standards, etc.); explanation of the role of the correct mode of work and rest, the use of natural factors of nature for hardening, the importance of medical supervision and self-control of an athlete (see) for successful sports training. The direct participation of the doctor in conducting classes for the preparation of various age groups of the population to pass the "requirements" section of the TRP for mastering the skills of personal and public hygiene.

With the medical and sanitary provision of sports competitions and mass forms of recreational and physical education (spartakiads, passing TRP standards, etc.), it is provided: 1) checking honey. documentation on admission to participation in competitions; 2) organizing the provision of first aid; 3) holding honey. commissions for the examination of athletes (individual conclusion on admission to training and participation in sports competitions, etc.); 4) checking gig. the condition of the competition venues, compliance with meteorological and other standards stipulated by the rules of the competition.

In medical - a dignity. ensuring all-Union and international competitions, including the Olympic Games, in addition, special sections of the V. to. are provided - anti-doping control and control of gender for women. The need to organize anti-doping control is due to the fact that the use of pharmacological preparations immediately before competitions or during competitions that artificially increase sports results by stimulating certain physiological processes (see Doping), entails the danger of damaging the athlete’s health and creates unequal wrestling conditions. At international competitions, anti-doping control is carried out by international honey. commissions of international sports federations with the help of doctors-specialists in anti-doping control of the host country. At the Olympic Games (see Olympic Games), anti-doping control is carried out by the medical commission of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). In the USSR, anti-doping control at sports competitions is provided for by the regulation of the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 1971. Anti-doping control is based on the use of methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis in biol, liquids (ch. arr. in urine) of the content of doping drugs, belonging to different classes of chem. compounds (drugs, sympathomimetic amines, antidepressants, stimulants, central nervous system, analeptics, anabolic steroid hormones, etc.). The analysis of biol, liquids is carried out under an encrypted number without indicating the name of the athlete and the name of the country. The conclusion on the analysis is approved at a meeting of the commission and reported panel of judges, and in case of detection of doping - to the representative of the team to which the athlete belongs.

Sanctions in relation to athletes, to-rye used doping, are accepted. leaders of an all-Union or international sports organization (depending on the scale of the competition).

A special resolution of the IOC establishes a mandatory gender control before all major international competitions. A single passage of such control remains valid for life (if appropriate documentation is available).

The purpose of the gender control is to check that athletes match the genetic sex of the passport. At nek-ry forms of anomaly of the reproductive apparatus in women, most often a variant of false male hermaphroditism (see Hermaphroditism), the system of sex chromosomes does not correspond to the external signs of sex. The psychophysiological features of the body of an athlete with false hermaphroditism provide her with advantages in sports compared to women with normal development of the genital apparatus. It breaks the important principle of sports competitions - equality of participants on their fiziol. features. When controlling for gender, a number of express methods for determining sex chromatin are used (according to the Sanderson-Stuart and Casperson methods). The cells of the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the vagina, the mucous membrane of the cheek (during mass examinations) or the hair follicle are subjected to research. When evaluating the content of sex chromatin, the days of the menstrual cycle are taken into account (3-7 days after menstruation, its level decreases), the age of the subjects (the lowest content is 13-14 years). Research should be carried out before physical. loads. In accordance with the results of express methods, in each obvious and suspicious case, a complete chromosomal analysis of the culture of peripheral blood leukocytes using differential staining of chromosomes is performed for an anomaly. The discrepancy between the genetic sex and the passport excludes the possibility of participating in competitions among women.

The doctor organizing medical - a dignity. maintenance of sports competitions, is a member of the panel of judges and is the deputy chief judge for all matters of medicine and dignity. providing competition. All medical opinions are binding on representatives of the participating teams, referees at competitions, the administration of the stadium and other sports facilities.

Bibliography: Graevskaya N. D. Influence of sport on the cardiovascular system, M., 1975, bibliogr.; Dembo A. G. and Levin M. Ya. Hypotonic states in athletes, L., 1969, bibliogr.; Ivanov S. M. Medical control and exercise therapy, M., 1970, bibliogr.; Karpman VL, Belotserkovsky 3. B. and Gudkov IA Research of physical working capacity at sportsmen, M., 1974, bibliogr.; Kukolevsky G. M. Medical observations of athletes, M., 1975; Letunov S.P., Motylyanskaya R.E. and Graevskaya N.D. Methods of medical and pedagogical observations of athletes, M., 1962; Nalbandyan M. A. and Zotov V. V. Cytogenetic studies in sports medicine, Teor. and pract. physical cult., No. 6, p. 26, 1974; Problems of sports medicine, ed. S. P. Letunova et al., vol. 1, M., 1974; Heart and sport, ed. V. L. Karpman and G. M. Kukolevsky, M., 1968, bibliogr.; Sports medicine, ed. A. G. Dembo, M., 1975.

S. Letunov, R. E. Motylyanskaya.

on this topic:


Designed by:

Shuvalova Anastasia Nikolaevna




  1. Methods of pedagogical control

1.1 Types of pedagogical control

  1. Methods of biochemical control

2.1. Blood tests

2.2. Urinalysis

2.3. Exhaled air

2.4. Saliva tests

2.5. Sweat analyzes

2.6. Biopsy of muscle tissue

  1. Instrumental control methods

  2. Recovery methods in athletics

4.1. Massage

4.2. Bath




Everyone knows that in order to achieve high sports results, modern athletes of any sport need to work hard. Athletes-athletes, who in the training process have to perform loads of large volumes and high intensity, are no exception.

The volume and intensity of the load are the external sides of the magnitude of the impact of physical exercises on the body of those involved. The inner side of physical activity is determined by those functional changes that occur in the body of an athlete due to the influence outside parties. Thus, the loads used during physical training act as an irritant that stimulates adaptive changes in the body. In order for the training effect to be proper, it is necessary to influence the body of an athlete, taking into account his individual adaptive abilities to loads. Thus, throughout the entire training process, it is necessary to monitor the changes taking place at this time in the body of an athlete. Thus, the purpose of control is to optimize the process of an athlete's sports training based on an objective assessment of various aspects of his preparedness.

Means and methods of control can be of a pedagogical, psychological, biomedical nature. Based on this, there are several types of control: pedagogical, medical, psychological, biomechanical, biochemical, self-control, etc. The possibility of using several types of control over athletes at once depends to a greater extent on the material base of sports schools and colleges (availability of a sports psychologist, doctor availability of appropriate equipment, etc.). The results obtained by several types of control at once give a more complete picture of the adaptive changes in the athlete's body and allow you to make accurate changes in the training process.

The process of functional changes occurring in the body of an athlete is influenced by coaches not only by varying the load, but also by using various means of recovery. Knowledge of the patterns of recovery allows you to use a wide arsenal of tools to speed up recovery processes. Usually, psychological, pedagogical and medical-biological means of recovery are distinguished. The latter, in turn, include: hygienic (mode, full sleep and rest, condition of clothing, equipment, inventory), physical (massage, bath, hydroprocedures, electroprocedures, light exposure, hyperoxia, magnetotherapy, ultrasound, laser, phonophoresis), balanced in composition , energy, appropriate to the nature of the load, climatic and weather conditions, nutrition, pharmacological (energy, plastic substances, vitamins and minerals, adaptogens, hepatoprotectors, substances that stimulate hematopoiesis, immunocorrectors, antioxidants, warming, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs, etc. ).

  1. Methods of pedagogical control

The leading (determining) is the pedagogical control as organically inherent in the process of physical education and constituting an integral part of the pedagogical activity of a specialist.

The term "pedagogical" first of all emphasizes that the control is skillfully carried out by a teacher - a specialist in physical culture and sports - by means and methods acquired by him on the basis of a special physical education and practical work experience in the specialty. Pedagogical process control physical education also uses medical and biological indicators for a comprehensive and in-depth characterization of the state of body systems.

Pedagogical control as a whole traces the relationship and correspondence between pedagogically directed influences, planned results and actually obtained ones. In case of their inconsistency, the necessary decisions should be made and adjustments should be made to the planned process of physical education.

A prerequisite for planning and the initial part of pedagogical control in athletics is the control of the initial level of the athlete's ability to achieve the goals:

-individual level of physical development (in particular, physical qualities);

- fund of motor skills and abilities;

-motivation and individual attitudes to the upcoming activities.

Based on it, the students are divided into groups and the program of the training process is specified.

Control of external factors affecting trainees includes:

- control of external conditions (sanitary and hygienic condition, meteorological information, environmental factors: midlands, increased solar radiation);

- control of the influence of the trainer-teacher (professionalism of actions and observance of the norms of pedagogical ethics).

The control of the motor activity of those involved includes:

-control of the formation and improvement of motor skills and abilities;

- control of the volume and nature of loads, the mode of their alternation with rest;

- control of the interactions of those involved (pair and group mutual influences, as well as interpersonal relationships);

-control of the functional state of the body (functional shift).

It is advisable to assess the general state of the functional capacity of athletes-athletes from the standpoint of the compliance of their main functional systems with the norm.

The state of special physical fitness is best assessed using specific indicators that are adequate to the natural conditions of sports activity and as close as possible to competitive ones.

So, the main direction of pedagogical control in athletics is to analyze the ratio of the dynamics of pedagogically directed influences and pedagogically determined changes in the level of education, development and behavior of those involved. The inconsistency of real relations with the planned target results determines the need to clarify the direction and parameters of pedagogical influences and make appropriate adjustments to the previously planned plan.

Control data is entered into the accounting documentation of the trainer-teacher in accordance with the official requirements for their maintenance:

1) a journal for recording the work of the group (roster, educational material, class attendance);

2) registration card (accounting for participation in competitions and for athletes);

3) test and competition protocols;

4) medical records (medical control data, maintained by medical workers);

5) logbook of injuries (at sports bases);

6) a book of records of sports achievements;

7) an unofficial document is a working diary of a trainer-teacher. It reflects the practical work experience, content and methodological features of the classes, provides a description of those involved. Diary entries help to comprehensively comprehend pedagogically important facts that are not reflected in official accounting documents.

  • a log of the presence and condition of equipment, etc.

1.1. Types of pedagogical control

The success of the process of physical education is largely determined by the timeliness of control (its correlation in time with the structural links of this process) and its constancy.

The content of the control is determined by the specifics of the subject and the didactic tasks of the learning stage.

Preliminary control is carried out to determine the possibilities of those involved in mastering physical exercises and fulfilling the standards of the curriculum. It allows you to make clarifications in the planning of educational tasks, means and methods for their solution. You can check the performance of exercises that are structurally similar to the new ones; to test knowledge, skills and abilities after long breaks in classes for planning individual lessons.

Operational control makes it possible to evaluate the decisive moments of pedagogical influences in a lesson (registration of the load of a training exercise, a series of exercises of a holistic lesson) for the operational management of an athlete's activity and achieving the effect of a lesson.

Current control involves continuous control at each training session during the week. The effectiveness of training and the daily change in the state of those involved are determined. The dynamics of the indicators of the individual state between the given and the next lesson is also traced to assess the consequences and the course of the recovery processes (on which the effect of the next lesson depends).

In sports, the parameters of the current load (the sum of operational loads for each session) are compared with the results of "estimates" at the end of the microcycle, as well as with indicators of the current state of the athlete. The optimal ratio between the zones of load characteristics is determined. A conclusion is made about the quality of training, the change in the athlete's functional indicators for a given period of time (delayed effect). To conduct current control, methods should be used (as in operational control) that require a minimum amount of time without additional effort of trainees. The results of the current control contribute to the refinement of the content of the plan at this stage.

In the textbook L.P. Matveeva (Theory and methods of physical culture, 1991) all 3 types of control are called varieties of operational current control. As a result, his teacher-trainer receives information about the motor function of those involved in athletics, exchanges information with them. This allows the teacher to clarify the means and methods of pedagogical influence on students.

Staged control reveals the main trends in the process of physical education at its relatively long stages.

  1. Methods of biochemical control

As the body adapts to physical activity, overtraining, as well as in pathological conditions in the body, the metabolism changes, which leads to the appearance in various tissues and biological fluids of individual metabolites (metabolic products), which reflect functional changes and can serve as biochemical tests or indicators of their characteristics. Therefore, in sports, along with medical, pedagogical, psychological and physiological control, biochemical control over the functional state of the athlete is used.

In practice, complex examinations of athletes are usually carried out, giving full information about the functional state of individual systems and the whole organism about its readiness to perform physical activity. Such control at the level of the national teams of the country is carried out by complex scientific groups, which include several specialists: a biochemist, a physiologist, a psychologist, a doctor, and a trainer.
2.1 . Blood tests

For biochemical studies, capillary blood taken from a finger or earlobe is usually used. Venous blood is examined in cases where it is necessary to determine many biochemical parameters and a large amount of blood is required for analysis.

Blood sampling for biochemical analysis is most often performed before and after exercise. Sometimes, to study the dynamics of biochemical changes during the performance of work, as well as to assess the recovery processes, blood sampling can be carried out at different points during the period of work and recovery.

In sports practice, when analyzing blood, the following indicators are determined:

  • the number of shaped elements;

  • hemoglobin concentration;

  • pH indicator;

  • alkaline blood reserve;

  • plasma protein concentration;

  • glucose concentration;

  • lactate concentration;

  • concentration of fat and fatty acids;

  • concentration of ketone bodies;

  • urea concentration.

It should be emphasized that when interpreting the results of biochemical studies, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the physical work performed.

2.2. Urinalysis

In connection with the possibility of infection when taking blood, urine has recently become the object of biochemical control in sports.

For biochemical studies, daily urine can be used, as well as portions of urine obtained before and after exercise.

In daily urine, the creatinine coefficient is usually determined - the excretion of creatinine in the urine per day per 1 kg of body weight. In men, creatinine excretion ranges from 18-32 mg/day-kg, in women - 10-25 mg/day-kg. The creatinine ratio characterizes the reserves of creatine phosphate in the muscles and correlates with muscle mass. Therefore, the value of the creatinine coefficient makes it possible to assess the possibilities of creatine phosphate resynthesis of ATP and the degree of muscle development. This indicator can also be used to evaluate the dynamics of an increase in creatine phosphate reserves and an increase in muscle mass in individual athletes during the training process.

For biochemical analysis, portions of urine taken before and after exercise are also used. In this case, immediately before performing the testing loads, the subjects must completely empty the bladder, and the collection of urine after the load is carried out 15-30 minutes after its execution. To assess the course of recovery processes, portions of urine obtained the next morning after the test load can be examined.

2.3. Exhaled air

Exhaled air is collected using a mask with a valve that allows you to direct the exhaled air into a special breathing bag. With the help of devices - gas analyzers in the exhaled air, the content of oxygen and carbon dioxide is determined. Comparing the content of these gases in exhaled and inhaled, i.e. in atmospheric air, the following indicators can be calculated:

  • maximum oxygen consumption;

  • oxygen supply;

  • alactic oxygen debt;

  • lactate oxygen debt;

  • respiratory rate.

To determine the MIC and oxygen income, exhaled air is collected during the performance of work, and to calculate the oxygen debt - after the completion of work.

2.4. Saliva tests

Saliva analysis is relatively rare. To obtain saliva, subjects rinse their mouths with a certain amount of water.

Most often in saliva, the pH value and the activity of the amylase enzyme are determined. The activity of this enzyme can be used to judge the intensity of carbohydrate metabolism, since there is a certain correlation between the activity of salivary amylase and the activity of tissue enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism.

2.5. Sweat analyzes

Biochemical study of sweat in athletics is also not often done. To collect sweat, cotton underwear is used, in which the subject performs physical activity, or the subject is wiped with a cotton towel after work is completed. Then the linen or towel is soaked in distilled water, where the sweat components dissolve. The concentrated solution obtained after evaporation in vacuo is subjected to chemical analysis.

The study of sweat allows you to assess the state of mineral metabolism, since sweat is the first to excrete minerals from the body.

2.6. Biopsy of muscle tissue

To obtain a sample of muscle tissue, a microbiopsy is performed: under local anesthesia, a skin incision is made over the muscle under study and a small piece of muscle with a volume of 2-3 mm3 is taken with a special needle. The resulting biopsy is subjected to microscopic and biochemical analysis.

Microscopic examination determines the ratio between the types of muscle fibers, the number of myofibrils and their thickness, the number of mitochondria and their size, the development of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in individual muscle cells.

Biochemical research allows you to determine the concentration of the most important chemical compounds and the activity of enzymes.

Microbiopsy can be performed both at rest and after testing loads.

However, the study of muscle tissue biopsy requires expensive equipment and reagents, as well as the participation of highly qualified specialists. Therefore, such studies are carried out in large laboratories.

Control over the functional state of the body at the training camp can be carried out using special diagnostic express kits for biochemical analysis of urine and blood. They are based on the ability of a certain substance (glucose, protein, vitamin C, ketone bodies, urea, hemoglobin, nitrates, etc.) to react with reagents applied to the indicator strip and change color. Usually, a drop of the test urine is applied to the indicator strip of Glucotest, Pentafan, Medi-test or other diagnostic tests, and after 1 minute its color is compared with the indicator scale attached to the kit.

  1. Instrumental control methods

There are known to be visual and instrumental types of control. The visual one is used much more often, but with the help of the instrumental one can get a digital expression of various characteristics (technique, athlete's condition), more accurate indicators. To control the kinematic characteristics (spatial, temporal, spatio-temporal), photo and video shooting, cyclography are used. Tension platforms (repulsion force) are used to control the dynamic characteristics. To control the economy, a set of sports is used. Instruments. To control the functional state of a bicycle ergometer.

  1. Recovery methods in athletics

Training sessions are the main structural unit of the training process. Their rational planning based on scientific knowledge about the mechanisms of development and compensation of fatigue, as well as the dynamics of the course of recovery when performing various training loads, largely determines the effectiveness of the entire training process. Thus, recovery is an integral part of the training process.

There are several types of restoration of the functional state of the body of athletes. Recovery that uses pedagogical (alternation of loads, recovery training, recovery days, cycles), psychological, physical (massage, electrical stimulation, water procedures, sauna, baths, recovery by influencing biologically active points), medical methods and means of recovery; vitamins, anabolic drugs (non-hormonal, ointments, rubbing); complex recovery systems.

  • Massage

There are several types of sports massage:

  • training;

  • preliminary (warm-up, tonic or soothing, warming massage);

  • restorative.

In order for the body to recover faster, it is necessary to use a restorative massage after exercise (both during training and during competitions). That is why it is an important element of sports training. The best effect is achieved when carrying out a restorative massage immediately after hydrotherapy (warm showers, 5-12-minute baths, swimming in the pool) or steam bath, which promote relaxation muscle tissue. When prescribing a restorative massage, first of all, the nature of the performed load (volume, intensity, etc.) is taken into account. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that after prolonged and intense loads, fatigue persists longer than after short-term ones. As a result, the athlete cannot reach the usual level of performance for two or more days.

Athletes working at sprint distances expend a large amount of energy in a short period of time. In the muscles there is an accelerated breakdown of energy substances under anaerobic conditions, the amount of decay products increases dramatically. When the work ends, the oxygen debt is replenished. Restorative massage is started only after the athlete's pulse and respiratory rate have returned to normal after exercise. As a rule, the time interval between loads and massage is 10-15 minutes. The duration of a massage session depends on the sport, it is 5-10 minutes. With special care, those muscles on which the main load fell are massaged.

At competitions, cases of maximum load are not uncommon. Therefore, stroking should be removed from the set of restorative massage techniques carried out during a break between loads, as it helps to relax the muscles and slows down the motor reaction. It is recommended to apply squeezing, kneading (especially double ordinary, double ring), rubbing with the base of the palm and fingertips. Shaking should be performed after each kneading technique.

When the breaks between loads are 1.5-3 hours, it is useful to do a restorative massage in the shower or after a 3-4-minute stay in a dry-air bath. The duration of the massage should be 7-15 minutes. If conditions do not allow for such a massage, then you need to perform a dry restorative massage. At the end of the massage session, the athlete should get dressed and spend some time in peace. After an hour, “it is advisable to have a second session of a 5-minute private restorative massage. If the first session of restorative massage is carried out immediately after the performance of the athlete, then the recovery period will pass much faster and more evenly, while working capacity will increase.

Middle distance running is heavy duty work. The oxygen-free breakdown of substances in the muscles is very high from the very beginning. As a result, a lack of oxygen occurs in the athlete's body, oxygen debt increases, significant accumulation of under-oxidized decay products in the muscles and large biochemical changes in the blood (adidosis) occur. A restorative massage session, which should be carried out after this kind of physical activity, is scheduled after 10-12 minutes. In this case, the duration of the session is 12 minutes - 6 minutes for each leg: 4 minutes for the thigh, 2 minutes for the lower leg.

The load of submaximal power, as well as the maximum one, can be performed repeatedly. After the first load, a restorative massage is carried out in order to maximize the recovery of the athlete's performance before the start of the re-work. Those muscle groups that carried the maximum load are especially carefully massaged.

4.2. Bath

The bath has been used in sports since time immemorial. She happens to be integral part training process. Many of the effects of the bath procedure (water of different temperatures, dry and humid hot air, broom massage, etc.) contribute to the acquisition and preservation of the best athletic form by athletes.
Hyperthermia primarily affects the skin and muscles. The steam room has a stimulating effect on the muscles, primarily due to the improvement of the blood supply to the muscles, the activation of metabolic processes in it. Hyperthermia gives an increased amount of energy material (glycogen, ATP), accelerates the removal of intermediate and final metabolic products in the muscles - lactic and phosphoric acids. Hyperthermia causes intensification of local metabolism, oxidative processes on the periphery, resynthesis of lactic acid. Muscles are more quickly released from intermediate and final products of energy metabolism, from "fatigue substances", the fatigue phase becomes shorter, the body's physical abilities increase. After the steam room, the volume of the limbs along the circumference increases by 4-5%, the muscle strength, measured on a dynamometer and a bicycle ergometer, increases. The body is able to withstand prolonged stress due to an increase in reserve alkaline blood. With sweat, chlorine is released, this reduces the acid valences formed as a result of muscle work, increases the ability to bind acidic metabolic products. Taken regularly, the steam bath allows you to increase the capacity of the cardiovascular system so actively that it is tantamount to muscle physical training, and both methods contribute to a gentle training of the heart.
The bath has a beneficial effect on the mobility and dexterity of an athlete, primarily by improving the extensibility and elasticity of the connective tissue structures of his body due to their heating. Added to this is the general relaxing effect of the steam room on the muscles as a result of the shift in the sensitivity threshold of the receptors in the muscles.
Bath has great importance at all stages of the training process (as an integral part of the training of athletes). The use of the bath after a training session: The bath is used immediately after a workout to relieve fatigue in athletes or reduce its manifestations. At the same time, it is necessary to know that the steam room (and other procedures) represent a certain load, the degree of which depends on the intensity of air heating, its humidity and the degree of cooling, their duration, etc. In addition, the tolerance of the steam room by individual athletes should be taken into account. Under the influence of short-term effects of high temperature in combination with water procedures, positive changes occur in the vegetative sphere, in the activity of the central nervous system. Simultaneously with the improvement of the functional state of the motor analyzer, which is confirmed by an increase in the accuracy and coordination of movements, favorable changes occur in other analyzer systems. In general, the complex of these reactions ensures the fastest recovery of the athlete's performance after performing tiring muscular work and contributes to the appearance of positive emotions, i.e. normalization of psychological perception of large training loads. The following most effective options for using the bath in combination with water procedures are recommended: 1. During the break between morning and evening workouts or competitions in order to quickly restore reduced performance. In this case, it is recommended to stay in the steam room no more than 2 times for 3-4 minutes at a temperature of 80-100 ° C, air humidity in the steam room up to 30%. After each visit to the steam room, it is necessary to take a cool shower (or pool) with a water temperature of 15-18 ° C for 15-20 seconds, then a shower or bath with a water temperature of 35-40 ° for 1-1.5 minutes. After that, the athlete should rest calmly (preferably lying down) for 5-7 minutes. 2. During breaks between trainings or competitions lasting more than 18-20 hours or performing a large amount of work followed by a day of rest, it is recommended to use the bath for 3 or 5 times in a steam room for 5-7 minutes at a temperature of 90-100 ° , air humidity up to 30%. The total time for the whole complex of procedures should not exceed 1.5-2 hours. If a broom is used, then the humidity can be increased by spraying the walls with water or pouring water on the stove stones. After each entry, water procedures are taken, but the duration of a cold shower or bath in this case should not be more than 3-4 s. The duration of a warm shower or bath, on the contrary, increases to 2.5-3 minutes. The rest time between visits to the steam room also increases, it can be increased at will and the well-being of the athlete. The number of visits to the steam room can be increased up to 5-7 times, but the time spent in the steam room should not be increased. The temperature of the water in the pool or bath is within 26-30°C. In all options for using the bath, it is recommended to take soft drinks, juices, mineral water. The frequency of using the above complexes depends on the nature of the training loads and the complex of thermo-hydroprocedures: in the first option - 3-7 times a week, and in the second - no more than 2 times a week.


From all the above material, it is easy to conclude that in the process of training it is necessary to pay great attention to the control over the functional state of the athlete, as well as to provide timely and correct assistance to the recovery processes that take place in the athlete's body throughout the entire training process. In the modern world, there are a sufficient number of methods and means of control and recovery. Unfortunately, the material base of sports schools and colleges does not allow covering all the means. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the use of more accessible methods and means. These are pedagogical methods of control, pedagogical and physical means recovery. At proper organization an integrated approach to the training process, the growth of sports results that do not harm the health of an athlete is guaranteed.

Medical and pedagogical control is one of the main conditions for the effective organization of classes with teenagers and young men in the weightlifting section. They provide for the observation of a doctor directly in the process of training sessions, during sports fees and competitions.

Medical and pedagogical control includes:

  • - assessment of the organization and methodology of conducting training sessions, taking into account the age, state of health, general physical fitness and fitness of those involved;
  • - assessment of the impact of sports training and competition on the body of those involved;
  • - verification of sports injury prevention measures, compliance with safety rules;
  • - advice on the age characteristics of young weightlifters and the impact on the body of weightlifting.

Adolescents involved in the one-year program initial training, undergo a medical examination at the dispensary at least 2 times a year (in September and March). In addition, they undergo a partial examination under training conditions at least once every 2 months.

Of great importance are the observations of a doctor during training sessions directly in gym. The results of his observations during training can help identify signs of overwork and prevent its harmful consequences in a timely manner.

One of the factors under the supervision of a doctor is the density of classes.

Having established observations over 1-3 athletes throughout the lesson, the doctor uses a stopwatch to note the time spent on performing various exercises. Separately notes the time spent on rest, the coach's explanation, waiting for the approach to the bar, etc.

Motor activity density is calculated by the formula:

where tm is the time spent on the exercise, Ot is the total duration of the entire workout, Mp is the motor density in percent.

For example, if the training session lasted 90 minutes, and the performance of various exercises took 54 minutes, then the motor density of the training will be

For weightlifters aged 12-16 years, a density of 50-60% is considered good, for older athletes - 60-70%.

It is useful for a doctor to participate in planning the training load (both for the entire group of young athletes and for individuals), taking into account the results of medical and pedagogical control.

Analyzing and summarizing his observations of young athletes, the doctor can help the coach to fully reveal the functional capabilities of athletes, suggest the most correct ways and means to improve them. To do this, the sports doctor must:

  • - to conduct a thorough analysis of the data of medical examination in the conditions of a medical and physical education dispensary and the data of medical and pedagogical observations during training and competitions;
  • - monthly, together with the coach, analyze the correctness of the chosen methods and means of training;
  • - together with the coach to discuss the results of the performances of young weightlifters at competitions;
  • - together with the coach to discuss and clarify individual plans training of young athletes;
  • - to study the conditions in which sports training is carried out, to achieve, if necessary, its improvement in accordance with the objectives of training sessions;
  • - conduct propaganda work among trainers to improve special knowledge in the field of medicine, anatomy, physiology and hygiene.

Only under the condition of constant supervision by a doctor and a coach, classes with young athletes in the weightlifting section give positive results. It is very important that work with teenagers be carried out by qualified trainers who are familiar with the age-related characteristics of human development and who are well aware of the methodology for training young weightlifters.

Medical supervision of young athletes. The stressful effect of physical activity on a young athlete, if specialization begins at a young age without sufficient versatile training, leads to a decrease in immunity, stunted growth and development, and frequent diseases and injuries. The early specialization of girls, especially in gymnastics, diving, acrobatics and other sports, affects sexual function. They, as a rule, begin menstruation later, sometimes it is associated with disorders (amenorrhea, etc.). Taking pharmacological drugs in such cases adversely affects health and reproductive function.

Medical supervision during physical education and sports includes:

Dispensary examination - 2-4 times a year;

Additional medical examinations including physical performance testing before participation in competitions and after an illness or injury;

Medical and pedagogical observations with the use of additional repeated loads after training;

Sanitary and hygienic control over the places of training, competitions, equipment, clothing, footwear, etc.;

Control over the means of recovery (if possible, exclude pharmacological preparations, a bath and other potent means);

Physical (sports) training children and adolescents has the following tasks: health-improving, educational and physical improvement. The means and methods of their solution must correspond to the age characteristics of the athlete's body.

Sports specialization- this is a systematic versatile physical training of children and adolescents to achieve high sports results in their chosen sport at the most favorable age for this.

The coach (physical education teacher) should remember that the age that allows a student to take on higher training loads depends on the sport.

Underestimation of the age and individual morphological and functional characteristics of young athletes by a coach is often the reason for the cessation of the growth of sports results, the occurrence of prepathological and pathological conditions, and sometimes leads to disability.

Absolutely healthy children should be allowed to train! If they have any deviations, then they are transferred to a preparatory or special medical group.

Medical control over physical education includes:

l study of physical development and health status;

l determination of the effect of physical activity (physical education) on the body using tests;

- assessment of the sanitary and hygienic condition of places of employment, inventory, clothing, footwear, premises, etc.;

l medical and pedagogical control during classes (before classes, in the middle of the lesson and after it ends);

l prevention of injuries in physical education classes, depending on the quality of insurance, warm-up, adjustment of equipment, clothing, shoes, etc.;

- promotion of the health-improving effect of physical education, hardening and sports on the student's health using posters, lectures, conversations, etc.

Medical control is carried out according to the general scheme, including testing, examination, anthropometric studies and, if necessary, examination by a specialist doctor (urologist, gynecologist, therapist, traumatologist, etc.). Classes should be conducted taking into account the anatomical and physiological features. Morphological, functional and biochemical characteristics of the body during the aging period affect its most important property - the ability to respond to environmental influences, physical exertion, etc. Reactivity is determined by the state of receptors, the nervous system, visceral organs and etc.

Practice shows that moderate physical training delays the development of many symptoms of aging, slows down the progression of age-related and atherosclerotic changes, improves functional state major body systems. And if we take into account that for people of middle, and especially the elderly, physical inactivity and overnutrition are characteristic, then the need for regular classes becomes obvious. A medical examination of student-athletes with category I or higher is carried out directly by a medical and physical education dispensary, where a dispensary observation card is issued for the specified athlete.

Doctors of the medical and physical education dispensary conduct an in-depth examination of the state of fitness of an athlete. And on the basis of this examination, a medical conclusion is made, recommendations are given to the coach on planning and conducting the training process.

Under the term t renovation This refers to a complex concept that includes the health, functional state, level of physical, technical, and tactical, and volitional fitness of athletes. Training determines the level of performance of an athlete, his readiness to achieve maximum result in a particular sport.

During repeated medical examinations, the medical report indicates what changes have occurred in health and the state of fitness since the previous examination, what changes need to be made in the regimen and methods of training, what therapeutic and preventive measures to take.

Physical education teachers and coaches must build their work taking into account the medical opinion, which is also mandatory for referees of sports competitions.

Physical exercises are beneficial only with a rational system of training sessions. Violation in the dosage of physical activity and methodology can adversely affect physical development, physical fitness and health of those involved. Due to prolonged and intense muscle activity, a state of the body called fatigue occurs. It manifests itself in a decrease in working capacity, a decrease in muscle strength, a deterioration in accuracy and coordination of movement, etc. Fatigue is a kind of protective reaction of the body, which does not allow it to go beyond the limit, beyond which there are functional and biochemical changes that are incompatible with life. The essence of this reaction is to change the coordination of functions, which leads to limited performance and difficulty in further continuation of work. The rate of onset of fatigue depends on the intensity of work: the higher the intensity, the faster fatigue appears. The degree of fatigue depends on how. on the intensity and duration of the work.

Recovery after fatigue, as a rule, is the slower, the greater the degree of fatigue. Ceteris paribus, rapidly developing fatigue is eliminated faster than slowly developing, but reaching high degrees.

Performance physical work against the background of a high degree of fatigue, without sufficient recovery, it can lead to overwork, which will require much more time to bring the body to a working state, and sometimes is the cause of negative physiological changes in human organs and systems.

An effective means of reducing work fatigue is the correct alternation of work and rest of nerve cells, the shift of work of functional units. When playing sports, the onset of fatigue is delayed by a variety of means, methods and forms of exercise, as well as a change in the environment in which they are carried out. But the elimination of fatigue occurs during the rest period, the duration of which between sessions should be individualized depending on the nature and magnitude of the load and the degree of fitness of the athlete.

Some nutritional factors, in particular vitamins, help in the fight against fatigue and speed up the recovery of working capacity. However, it should be remembered that fatigue is a protective reaction of the body, so fighting it with the help of pharmacological stimulants is not always beneficial for the body.

With a sharp discrepancy between physical activity and the athlete’s preparedness for it, i.e. when the work performed during training or competition exceeds the functional capabilities of the athlete's body, overstrain occurs. Overexertion is more often the result of a single exposure to an overly strenuous workout or competition. It can also occur as a result of forced training. The appearance of overvoltage is often facilitated by training with a heavy load or participation in competitions, shortly after suffering an infectious disease (flu, tonsillitis, etc.). With overvoltage, a number of disorders appear in the body of an athlete, which are on the verge of being painful, sometimes the state of health deteriorates sharply. Characteristic signs of overvoltage; severe weakness, pallor of the skin, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, sometimes dizziness, vomiting, the appearance of protein and formed elements in the blood, urine, etc. With a more severe overstrain, right ventricular failure develops, cyanosis of the face, shortness of breath, pain in the right hypochondrium, palpitations appear, the size of the heart and liver increase.

A frequent consequence of overexertion is an increase in blood pressure (hypertension). With signs of overvoltage, it is necessary to take timely measures to establish the correct mode of training and rest, and, if necessary, to carry out the necessary treatment.

As a result of shortcomings in the mode and methodology of training, the state of sports performance, neuropsychic and physical condition of the athlete may worsen. This condition is called overtraining. It, as a rule, develops already when the athlete reaches sufficient fitness or even sports form. This distinguishes overtraining from overtraining, which occurs more often in people who are undertrained. The state of overtraining, first of all, is expressed in changes in the nervous system, at the same time or somewhat later, changes or disturbances in the state and other systems of the body appear. Often, during overtraining, deviations from the cardiovascular system and metabolic processes are observed.

In the development of the state of overtraining, three stages can be noted. For the first characteristic: some decrease in sports results or cessation of their growth; inconsistent or always distinct complaints of an athlete about a deterioration in physical condition; deterioration in the body's adaptability to high-speed loads that is objectively detected during a medical examination. At this stage, overtraining can be eliminated with a training regimen for 15-30 days.

In the second stage overtraining are noted: an expression of a decrease in sports results, complaints of a deterioration in well-being, a decrease in working capacity, a deterioration in the body's adaptability to physical stress for speed and endurance. At the second stage of overtraining, the use of a special recovery regimen and some means of treatment is required, it is possible to fully restore the health and performance of an athlete within 1-2 months.

In the third stage overtraining, along with changes in the state of the body, there is already a persistent deterioration in sports performance, despite persistently prolonged training. At this stage, it is not always possible to achieve a significant improvement in sports performance even over a much longer period of time. Therefore, timely diagnosis of overtraining is a very important condition for the successful restoration of health and sports performance of an athlete.

In the initial period of intensive physical work, the so-called "dead spot" appears - a state of acute fatigue of the athlete's body. It is observed while running on medium and long distances: in swimming, rowing, cross-country skiing, cycling, skating. With a "dead point" there is a decrease in working capacity, an increase in energy expenditure per unit of work, impaired coordination of movements, deterioration of attention, memory, etc., negative manifestations of higher nervous activity, the pulse quickens to 180-200 beats per minute, blood pressure rises sharply. The athlete has a painful feeling in the "chest", a lack of air and a desire to stop working. However, if by an effort of will he overcomes this desire and continues to move, then the "dead point" is replaced by a state of relief, known as "second wind".

The total indicator of the magnitude of the load (volume plus intensity) is the value of heart rate, exhausted 10 and 60 minutes after the end of the session. After 10 minutes, the pulse should not exceed 96 beats / min, or 16 beats per 10 s, and after 1 hour it should be 10-12 beats / min (no more) higher to the working value. For example, if before the start of the run, the pulse was 60 beats / min, then if the load was adequate, 1 hour after the finish, it should be no more than 72 beats / min. If, within a few hours after training, the heart rate values ​​are significantly higher than the initial ones, this indicates an excessive load, which means that it must be reduced. A prolonged increase in heart rate (within several days) is usually observed after overcoming a marathon distance.

Objective data reflecting the total value of the training effect on the body (for a weekly and monthly training cycle) and the degree of recovery can be obtained by daily counting the pulse in the morning after sleep, in the supine position. If its fluctuations do not exceed 2-4 beats / min, this indicates a good tolerance to stress and a complete recovery of the body. If the difference in pulse beats is greater than this value, this is a signal of incipient overwork; in this case, the load should be reduced immediately.

Orthostatic test is even more informative. Count your pulse while lying in bed; then slowly stand up and after 1 minute count the pulse again in a vertical position for 10 seconds, followed by recalculation for 1 minute (to do this, the resulting value must be multiplied by 6). If the difference between the pulse in the vertical and horizontal position does not exceed 10-12 beats / min, then the load is quite adequate and the body recovers well after training. If the increase in heart rate is 18-22 beats / min, then the condition is satisfactory. If this figure is more than the indicated values, this is a clear sign of overwork, which, in addition to excessive training volume, can be caused by other reasons (large production and household loads, constant lack of sleep, past illness, etc.). Unsatisfactory results of the orthostatic test are usually observed in people suffering from physical inactivity and completely untrained, as well as in beginner athletes. With increasing fitness, the response of the cardiovascular system to this test gradually decreases - just like heart rate at rest. So, for example, according to the author's observations, for beginners in health jogging, the transition to a vertical position (after sleep) causes an increase in heart rate by 20--30 beats / min, and for well-trained runners with many years of training experience - only by 8--16 beats /min

For operational control over the intensity of the load, in addition to heart rate data, it is also advisable to use breathing indicators, which can be determined directly during the run. These include a nasal breathing test. If you breathe easily through your nose while running, this indicates an aerobic training regimen. If there is not enough air and you have to switch to a mixed nasal-oral type of breathing, then the running intensity corresponds to a mixed aerobic-anaerobic energy supply zone and the speed should be somewhat reduced. The speaking test can also be used successfully. If you can easily carry on a casual conversation with a partner while running, then the pace is optimal. If you begin to choke and answer questions in monosyllabic words, this is a signal of a transition to a mixed zone. These tests confirm the motto of the founder of recreational running, the famous New Zealand trainer Arthur Lydiard - "Run easy"

Equally important for self-control are subjective indicators state of the body (sleep, well-being, mood, desire to train). Sound sleep, good health and high performance during the day, the desire to train testify to the adequacy of training loads. Poor sleep, lethargy and drowsiness during the day, unwillingness to exercise are sure signs of overload. If appropriate measures are not taken and the load is not reduced, more serious symptoms of overtraining may appear later - pain in the heart area, rhythm disturbances (extrasystole), increased blood pressure, etc. In this case, you should stop exercising for several weeks and consult a doctor. After the disappearance of these symptoms and the resumption of classes, it is necessary to start with minimal loads, use a rehabilitation training regimen. In order to avoid such troubles, you need to correctly assess your capabilities and increase the training load gradually.

Medical control at competitions

Regular keeping of a self-control diary can be of great help to trainees, which will make it possible to identify early signs of overwork and make appropriate adjustments to the training process in time. Current self-control and periodic medical control increase the efficiency and ensure the safety of health-improving physical culture.

Competitions place extreme demands on the athlete's body. Therefore, medical support for competitions, which aims to preserve the health of athletes, prevent injuries and diseases, create the most favorable conditions for achieving sports results, is of great importance and is mandatory in our country.

The coach, along with the doctor, is directly responsible for maintaining the health of athletes in competition conditions. Therefore, he should be well aware of the organization and content of the medical support of the competition, actively help the medical staff, immediately take action in cases of violations of the rules and conditions of the competition that threaten the health of athletes, in case of illness or injury, immediately refer the victim to a doctor, resolve the issue together with him about the possibility of continuing the competition, to be able to provide the victim with first aid.

Control over the development of physical qualities

Development control strength carried out using the following groups of methods.

The first group is based on the definition of the maximum static force major muscle groups using a dynamometer. This technique is called polydynamometry. The measurement data make it possible to characterize the power "topography" of the athletes' muscles, identify strong and weak muscle groups.

The second group of methods is to measure the dynamic strength of the muscles. Here, with the help of jumping exercises, you can determine the ability to repeatedly manifest dynamic strength. The length or height of the jump is measured in linear units or the time taken to complete the jumps.

Development control you were fast. Control should include testing of all four forms of quickness:

1. To determine the speed of a motor reaction, the latent (hidden) reaction time (in milliseconds) is measured. 2. The maximum frequency of movements during the exercise of the chosen type of athletics. For example, sprint time is determined by counting the number of steps per unit of time over a certain distance. 3. The speed of individual movements in the general cycle of running, jumping and throwing is determined by analyzing cinematographic records, recording efforts, time of support and flight phases (podometry method) using strain gauge and dynamometer equipment. 4. A complex manifestation of speed is evaluated by pedagogical tests. Running on segments is measured (maximum running speed is recorded), jumping and throwing (execution time and number of movements per unit of time are recorded).

Development control endurance. Control is carried out with the help of biomedical and pedagogical tests. A wide variety of control methods is due to the fact that endurance is multifactorial. Biomedical tests evaluate the level of development of various body functions, their limit values ​​and economy. Pedagogical testing is necessary for a comprehensive assessment of endurance. All exercises are performed in competition conditions.

Development control dexterity. When assessing dexterity, various criteria are used, but none of which is yet generally accepted. In the practice of determining the quality of dexterity, to some extent, they are judged by the time spent on mastering new norms of motor actions or the accuracy of movements used to assess the degree of perfection of sports equipment or time spent in the test.

Development control flexibility. The measure of flexibility is the maximum range of motion in the joints. Flexibility is measured in degrees or in linear units. A goniometer is used to measure the degree of mobility in degrees. The measurement of flexibility in linear measures is based on determining the path of the distal part of the body link moved in space from the initial position (or a certain plane) to the highest point of the movement amplitude. The distance over which a certain point of the moving link of the body moves is measured.