Hand-to-hand combat Komsomol. Army hand-to-hand combat

Hand-to-hand combat in Moscow is gaining more and more popularity, sections on which absolutely anyone can visit, regardless of gender or age. Today, many young people are fond of sports, who most often pay attention to martial arts. After all, here you can show your strength, dexterity and skills.

hand-to-hand combat federation

All matters related to this are handled by the All-Russian Federation of Hand-to-Hand Combat (Moscow). Sections nominate candidates for participation in various competitions which the federation can subsequently approve or reject. This organization creates the necessary conditions so that the people of Russia can go in for sports without any problems, learn new tricks, and also represent their own country in international competitions.

Fortunately, thanks to the All-Russian Federation, there are quite a few places where you can sign up for hand-to-hand combat in Moscow. Sections, the price of visiting which may differ significantly, are described in detail below. Also given about them real reviews visitors, thanks to which every novice or experienced fighter can quickly find a suitable place for training.

Club 18 fight & fitness

Young men increasingly began to pay attention to it. In Moscow, sections on it, of course, exist, because this dynamic sport is very close to ordinary hand-to-hand combat. This discipline is based on self-defense skills that both adults and children can use.

A martial arts club known to almost every resident of the capital called Club 18 fight & fitness (Nagatinsky, 15) accepts children and adolescents from 6 to 18 years old for training. A subscription for a one-time lesson will cost 800 rubles, 12 lessons (30 days) - 4 thousand rubles, and one individual lesson- 2500 rubles.

Going to the martial arts club, be sure to take a comfortable sportswear and water, as exhausting and effective workouts require special preparation.

The head coach is Maxim Donchenko. Due to his merits, he is respected among his wards. Maxim is a judge of the International category, a trainer of the Republican category, and also an international class master of sports in FCF-MMA.


Both adults and children leave each training session with pleasant impressions. For the youngest visitors, trainings are held in an interesting way, which makes children even more eager to engage in hand-to-hand combat.

Many parents claim that it is best to sign up for hand-to-hand combat in children, which is available in almost every sports club. After all, here the most active kids can throw out their energy, while remaining satisfied, and older guys have the opportunity to hone their skills and surprise their friends.

"White Lotus"

Another great place where any interested teenager can sign up for hand-to-hand combat in Moscow. Sections of this type began to gain popularity in the last century, and today they are known not only to residents of Moscow, but also to other cities. The "White Lotus" martial arts club (26 Baku Commissars St., 5) is no exception, which accepts children with any level of training from 9 to 17 years old.

The coach is Taibov Ahmed Ramazanovich, who has the following awards and titles:

  • CCM in kickboxing;
  • MS of Russia in freestyle wrestling, as well as in Army hand-to-hand combat;
  • MMA Cup Winner Best Fighter empire."

The cost of a single subscription is 800 rubles. At this lesson, anyone can get acquainted with the place, learn how training is carried out, as well as evaluate their own strengths and understand what can be learned here and how it can be useful in life.

A standard unlimited subscription for a month will cost 7,800 rubles, and a preferential one - 3,900 rubles. It, as a rule, is acquired by people who have already decided for sure that they are ready to connect their lives with hand-to-hand combat.

When a season ticket has already been purchased and a fighter is preparing to attend a training session, he definitely needs to remember to take a T-shirt, shorts, and soft-soled shoes with him. It is always convenient to practice in such clothes, therefore it is most often found in this club.

People's opinion

Before purchasing a subscription for their child, parents are always interested to find out what reviews there are in the place where Russian hand-to-hand combat is taught. Sections in Moscow, which specialize specifically in the Russian variation of hand-to-hand combat, are quite common, so choosing the most suitable option among them is sometimes difficult.

This martial arts club has been respected by parents and children for many years. The main benefits noted by visitors are:

  • professionalism of the trainer and his ability to work with children;
  • in training, the emphasis is on an uncompromising and direct duel;
  • during classes, a friendly atmosphere always reigns, thanks to which the child finds many true friends with similar interests.

There were no shortcomings in this club. Therefore, parents do not have to doubt for a long time that the "White Lotus" is a really worthy club, it is in it that you can safely send your child.

World Gym

Last in this ranking sports complex(Dubininskaya st., 71), which occupies two whole floors, takes into account all the needs of people who prefer fitness. The entire first floor is occupied gym, cardio studio, as well as fitness rooms, but the second floor is completely dedicated to martial arts.

In the zones intended for fighting, each person can feel like a participant in a real competition by testing the capabilities of his own body. People of any age can visit the club, as there are halls for both kids and adults.

The cost of a monthly subscription varies from 1000 to 2000 rubles. The sports club always works according to the following schedule: on weekdays - from 7 am to 11 pm, and on weekends - from 9 am to 10 pm.

What the athletes say

As with the first two clubs, there simply cannot be negative reviews about this place. Its first advantage is the possibility of visiting not only for young athletes, but also for older people. In addition, the clients of the sports club speak positively about the availability of additional places where you can safely go after an exhausting workout and relax (pool, bar, beauty studio, and so on).

Hand-to-hand combat in Moscow: sections

In addition to the top three clubs, there are other sections in the capital that are in many ways not inferior to the above. Among them:

  1. "Patriot" (pr. Marshal Zhukov, 12). In this club, professional coaches teach you to keep your posture correctly, to carry out rational movements and distribute your own strength. Almost every person who visited the club for the first time for the purpose of getting acquainted immediately decided to purchase a subscription, thereby linking his life with fighting.
  2. "White camellia" (Lenskaya, 2). Despite the fact that the name of the club strongly attracts girls, the stronger sex is also here. Being in hand-to-hand combat training, a person is distracted from all domestic problems and everyday fuss, devoting himself completely to sports. Many clients of the club have achieved considerable heights in sports and have become owners of high titles, defeating opponents in various competitions.

These sections are worthy of respect, because a lot of good words have also been said about them. All of them daily receive in their address positive reviews customers, which contributes to their rapid development.

realities modern world, in particular, an increase in the aggressiveness of people, require the ability to protect not only oneself, but also loved ones, therefore, in Lately are becoming more and more popular sports clubs and sections where you can learn self-defense skills. One great way to relieve stress and improve health at the same time is to hand-to-hand combat, study which is under supervision experienced trainer anyone can.

Hand-to-hand combat for beginners

Many residents of megacities believe that practicing all kinds of martial arts does not bring much result, because it takes a lot of time and effort to become a real professional and demonstrate your skills. There is, of course, some truth in this, but even hand-to-hand combat for beginner adults- this is a great chance to develop physical abilities, for example, to become more resilient, flexible and strong. The hand-to-hand combat section will help you to always be energetic and resistant to the negative manifestations of the outside world, which is extremely important for those who are constantly surrounded by people.

Hand-to-hand combat school

Regardless of age, gender or profession, it makes sense to sign up for classes at sports school, because the section for adults in hand-to-hand combat in Moscow can dramatically change life in better side. Standing up for yourself and protecting your loved one, as well as once and for all forget about conflict moments will help the basic skills of hand-to-hand combat, which is considered one of the most effective options.

Hand-to-hand combat for children

Hand-to-hand combat for women

Indeed, hand-to-hand combat is much easier and more understandable than other techniques, so even the fair sex and young children will not find it difficult to learn how to defend themselves from robbers, be more confident in themselves and not get lost in stressful situations. Army hand-to-hand combat in Moscow in the section for children will teach your child to be confident and strong.

hand-to-hand combat in Moscow Skhodnenskaya, Planernaya, Tushino, Tushinskaya, SZAO, Northern Tushino, Khimki, Kurkino, Mitino.

International Master of Sports in combat sambo(2013).
WFMC World Grappling Champion (Germany).
European champion in combat sambo (2013).
Winner of the VII Olympiad of martial arts "East-West" (combat sambo, 2013).
Winner of the Alliance Cup in mixed fight (2013).
Winner of the Russian Orthodox Championship in combat sambo (2012).
Winner and prize-winner of the All-Russian and international tournaments in combat sambo (since 2010).
Vice-champion of Russia in professional combat sambo.
Winner of Moscow and regional tournaments in Greco-Roman wrestling(2008-2010).
The winner of professional fights according to the rules of MMA (mixed martial arts).
Has been practicing martial arts since 1997. Active athlete, member of the Russian national combat sambo team. Commentator for TV channels Russia 2 and Fight Club, MATCH TV.
Education: Moscow Institute physical education and Sports, Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy, specialty - psychological service in sports-type institutions (2012).
Certified instructor in mixed hand-to-hand combat (2011).
Honored Coach of Russia (2015).
Coaching experience- since 2010.
Among the pupils are world and European champions in various types martial arts.


I am 26 years old. I am physically poorly prepared, I have never been engaged in such martial arts before. Once, I tried to do this type of martial arts (hand-to-hand combat). I came to the section, without talking for a long time (because there was no time for talking - there were a lot of people), they put me

in sparring with a fairly experienced partner who mistook me for a pear and "tipped" me full program. On this coaching ended. I realized that it was more of a coaching club for the improvement of already trained athletes. I had to start from the basics. Therefore, on the recommendation of experienced people, I turned to Marshall with a request to take up my training in martial arts. Here, I met a complete understanding of how to build classes with beginners like me. The main attention was paid to the issue of technique and techniques used in martial arts. Most importantly, he took into account my peculiarity - weak physical training and other individual characteristics, patiently explaining and correcting my mistakes. From the very first lessons, I learned a lot about the technique of defense and striking. This gave me confidence in my abilities and I believed in myself, which was not there before. For all this I am very grateful to him and consider him a very good, thoughtful coach, able to teach martial arts to any beginner (even one like - I'm a "nerd" :-))