The best time for. Ideal time for training

When talking about the best times to train, it's important to separate weight training in the gym for muscle growth and weight loss. These are fundamentally different activities, implying different metabolic processes - which is why it is extremely difficult for the body to burn fat and build muscle at the same time.

Weight loss training is aerobic (that is, requiring oxygen consumption by cells), while strength training for muscle growth is anaerobic. The effectiveness of cardio for burning fat is enhanced by low blood glucose levels (this literally forces the body to use fat stores), while strength training in such conditions is impossible.

In other words, morning workouts are ideal for fat loss and endurance, while muscle building workouts are recommended in the afternoon. However, you can swing in the early morning - just follow the tips described in our material (for example, take a portion of a gainer before training).

Why is it hard to train in the morning?

Strength training early in the morning is much more difficult for most people than training in the afternoon. The main reason for this is that in the morning the body simply does not have enough energy - glycogen stores in the muscles and blood sugar levels are minimal, and the energy of fat reserves cannot be used to perform strength exercises.

Let's say you are doing - a minute ago the body did not know about the upcoming load, but now it needs energy. The source of this "fast" energy can only be glycogen stores from the muscles working in this movement, but not fat depots. In order to get energy from fat, the body will need at least 15-20 minutes.

How to swing in the morning?

If you exercise early in the morning without adequate glycogen stores, your blood sugar levels will drop, making your workout harder and leading to a cloudy mind or even fainting. For a full-fledged strength training for muscle growth, the body needs at least 100-150 g of carbohydrates stored in the form of glycogen directly in the muscles.

A hearty breakfast an hour and a half before strength training will help saturate the muscles with energy, but in real life, not all athletes have time for such a breakfast. The situation is aggravated by the fact that in order to successfully gain mass at the end of the training, the body again needs calories to close - or a second breakfast in the case of morning workouts.

Strength training early in the morning

For strength training early in the morning (especially when there is no time for a hearty breakfast), it is critical to take it immediately after waking up - otherwise the body simply will not have enough energy. By the time you arrive at the gym, carbohydrates from sports nutrition already assimilated and their energy will enter the bloodstream.

However, after the end of the morning strength training, it is still important to have a full breakfast and provide the muscles not only with carbohydrates and proteins, but also with vitamins and minerals. Also keep in mind that it will take about 1-2 weeks for the body to get used to this kind of training regimen, and don't be discouraged if the first days seem too hard for you.

Morning workouts to burn fat

Once again, we recall that fat burning occurs only at a low level of glucose in the blood. The reason lies in the fact that sugar-boosted insulin is needed to form energy stores, while the hormone adrenaline is needed to remove this energy from cells (1) . At the same time, insulin and adrenaline cannot be synthesized by the body at the same time.

For this reason, it is recommended to lose weight for at least 30-40 minutes - in this case, the body first spends glycogen and carbohydrate reserves, reducing insulin levels, and only then adrenaline rises, activating fat burning processes. Good news is that in the morning this process is much faster.

Cardio on an empty stomach

In most cases, immediately after waking up, glycogen stores in the body are minimal - which is why slow cardio performed in the early morning leads to maximum fast weight loss. At the same time, any breakfast (even a protein isolate that does not contain carbohydrates) will make the body burn the calories of this breakfast in the first place, and all fat reserves.

The main rules of morning workouts for weight loss are an empty stomach and the most moderate pace of exercise (jogging is definitely not recommended) lasting at least 30-40 minutes. Immediately after the end of such a fat-burning workout, it is recommended to take 2-3 capsules, while a full breakfast is acceptable no earlier than half an hour later.

Can you exercise in the evening?

Unfortunately, the late evening is the worst time for both strength training and weight loss training. Fat-burning training will be ineffective due to the presence of sugar in the blood (glucose levels decrease only 4-5 hours after the last meal), and strength training can cause sleep problems due to overexcitation of the central nervous system.

If you have absolutely no other choice, and you can only go to the gym in the evening, plan a hearty meal 2 hours before your evening muscle growth training so that only a light dinner is left after it. Also carefully study the composition of sports nutrition, making sure that it does not contain other stimulants that disrupt sleep.


Exercising in the morning on an empty stomach is best for weight loss, but before strength training for muscle growth in the morning it is recommended to take a portion of the gainer. Training late at night is the worst option - the presence of glucose in the blood will block fat burning, and general fatigue during the day will not allow you to strength training with maximum return.

Scientific sources:

  1. The Stubborn Fat Solution, Lyle McDonald,

The basic rule of successful sports is regularity. In addition, experts usually advise doing at the same time. But what is the best time to choose? When is the best time to exercise: morning or evening? Let's try to understand these issues.

The human body is subject to daily rhythms. By nature, our body is programmed to be active at a specific time and rest at a specific time. Moreover, for different people, these segments may differ: someone feels a surge of energy in the early morning, while others have maximum productivity in the afternoon. Therefore, there is no exact recipe for when it is better to play sports. Training will be most effective if it coincides with the individual rhythms of a person.

During the time of activity, there is a fluctuation of two parameters important for a person:

  • Physical activity in which the muscles may perceive the load positively or not.
  • Psychological activity in which the brain can actively perceive everything new or resist the reception of any stimuli.

It is important to choose the time for training, taking into account your biorhythms. For 2-3 weeks, monitor your well-being to identify when you usually experience drowsiness, apathy, and irritability. Training at this time will not be very useful: even if you force yourself to go to work out, the body will only get very tired.

And vice versa, if you notice that you have a strong desire to move, to be active, try to schedule sports activities for such a time. Training at the peak of activity, in which the muscles will enjoy the work, will contribute to the active burning of fat and the acquisition of beautiful muscle mass.

To keep track of such periods of your well-being, you can keep a special diary.

Having determined the daily biorhythms, you can correctly distribute vigorous activity and rest. Plan sports and other activities for periods of activity, including mental for periods of its decline - daytime sleep, meditation or just rest.

According to biorhythms people are conditionally divided into "owls" and "larks":

  • Larks are people who get up easily in the morning and are as active as possible in the first half of the day, but it is difficult for them to stay awake at night.
  • With owls, everything is different: they get up extremely difficult in the morning, feel tired and apathetic, but in the afternoon their performance increases.
  • There is also a third type called the dove. People who belong to him can work equally effectively both in the morning and in the evening, without feeling a lack of energy.

Thus, best time for sports will be determined by biorhythms. It is better for larks to train in the first half of the day, for owls - in the second. Then the training will be held with maximum benefit and pleasure.

It also happens that the rhythm of a person goes astray. This can be affected by factors such as shift work, travel and flights, time changes, small children, pregnancy, and so on.

However, some studies have shown that rhythms can be changed. For example, if a person starts exercising regularly in the morning, over time his body will get used to it and will be ready for it. Experts insist that the adjustment of the biological rhythm is especially important for athletes who are preparing for certain competitions. They advise postponing training to the time of day at which the upcoming competition is scheduled.

What is the best time to exercise

Scientists believe that optimal time for fitness - one at which the normal body temperature is maximum, and the muscles are warm and elastic. For most people, it is 16-17 hours. In addition, there is evidence that in the middle of the day a person is 5% stronger than usual, and in the afternoon - more enduring.

In the morning, the body temperature is considered reduced, and it is not recommended to resort to serious activity - a simple exercise is enough. In other time periods, biorhythms have the following features:

  • 10-12 noon. At this time, the concentration of adrenaline is maximum, so sports that require endurance and attentiveness are optimal.
  • 14-15 hours of the day. Activity decreases, and it is better to rest at this time.
  • 15-16 hours of the day. Muscle tone is increased, you can resort to strength exercises.
  • 16-19 hours. You can run, and swing, and resort to aerobic activities - the body at this time reacts to the load as favorably as possible.
  • 20-22 pm. Body temperature gradually decreases, energy decreases, fatigue is felt. It is better to postpone serious loads at this time - you can do yoga and other activities that contribute to relaxation.

Speaking about what is the best time of day for playing sports, it is also worth considering the dependence of the time of playing sports and eating. It all depends on your goals, but as a rule, all trainers advise you to eat light meals a couple of hours before class. And here do not exercise immediately after eating- the body will be too hard. The only exceptions are gainers and proteins, which athletes usually consume before or after training.

What is the best time of day to do different sports?

The answer to the question of what time of day and will depend on what kind of activity in question. Let's take a closer look:

  • Run. If you want to run in order to lose weight, then it is best to do it in the morning, before breakfast, after drinking a cup of tea or coffee - so the body will begin to actively burn fat reserves. You can run in the evening, but preferably no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime, otherwise insomnia is possible.
  • Charger. Charging is a classic start to the day. It helps to wake up faster, stretch the muscles and the whole body, so it is recommended to do it in the morning, even before breakfast, after visiting the shower and washing. After eating, any load can provoke digestive disorders.
  • Workouts for gaining muscle mass. For those who want to accelerate muscle growth, the second half of the day is considered the best time. In the period of 14-16 hours, the muscles are most susceptible to stress, and the metabolism is as active as possible, and as a result, classes will be very productive.

Researchers agree that exercise improves sleep quality. And it doesn't matter what time you train. But it is better to try to avoid strong activity just before bedtime - the body may not have time to adjust to rest, which will provoke insomnia. In general, vigorous exercise at least an hour before bedtime will not have a negative impact, therefore, as such, there are restrictions on how long you can play sports. But keep in mind that lack of sleep will negatively affect your activity and training results.

Features of effective sports for "larks"

If a person is a "lark", then the best time for you to exercise for weight loss is in the morning. At this time, you will be active and productive, training will bring joy and good results. You can use exercises for all muscle groups, running for outdoors, swimming, cardio.

Also to combat excess body fat in the morning, you can use a hoop with massage balls. Rotating it for 15 minutes to energetic music, you will get not only a slender waist, but also a great mood for the whole day.

Morning workouts have a lot of benefits. They help you wake up faster, set you up for an active day and energize, leaving your evening free.

In addition, exactly morning is considered the best time specifically for weight loss. Glycogen stores in the body are very low, respectively, it will be burned fat. But to build muscle mass, it is better to do it in the afternoon, but in such a way that it coincides with your physical and psychological recovery. Classes should be intense, but not too much, because you still need to leave energy for the whole day.

Features of training for "owls"

What time do you play sports? After noon. In the morning, his body will be completely unprepared for stress. In addition, if a person’s hormonal background “swings” slowly, activity in the morning can even provoke a strong deterioration in well-being.

The first workout can fall on a period of 12-16 hours. This is usually a lunch break that can be replaced gym or aerobics.

Strength training is best scheduled after work. In the evening, an owl, unlike a lark, is full of energy, and can exercise with benefit and pleasure. After training, it is recommended to dine with protein food.

Evening workouts also have their benefits. The working day is already over, you can take your time and do your best, besides, the muscles and ligaments are already quite warm, which minimizes the risk of injury. After a workout, you can fully relax, and the body will recover overnight.

Thus, at what time it is more effective to play sports, everyone can choose individually, depending on their biorhythms. But remember that in any case, regularity, consistency and a sense of proportion are very important.

The question of when it is better for a person to train - in the morning or in the evening, has been discussed by experts for a long time, but there is no definite answer to it and, probably, cannot be. Still, an individual approach is needed here.

"Owls" train in the evening, "larks" - in the morning

If life is just beginning for you in the evening, and getting up in the morning is equated with execution, then for you the best time for training is evening. If you are a “lark” and have been used to getting up with the first rays of the sun since childhood, then morning workouts will be optimal for you.

Choose the time of training depending on the type of your activity

If you are mostly engaged in mental work and spend most of the day in a chair in front of the monitor, then it would be nice for you to stretch your bones in the gym in the evening. But if you run around customers all day or carry bags, then it’s better to train in the morning, because in the evening you won’t have the strength to train.

Choose your workout time based on your health condition

Much depends on the state of human health. For example, if you have heart problems, do not try to train in the morning.

When we sleep, our heart also rests, because the blood circulates more slowly. For several hours after sleep in the human body, phenomena such as rapid heart rate, accelerated metabolism, increased blood pressure. And the additional load can lead to adverse consequences.

Choose your workout time according to your goal

Set a goal for yourself. If this is weight loss, then you need to train in the morning. This is due to the fact that after sleep, blood sugar levels are lowered, and if you exercise before breakfast, the body will be forced to draw energy not from carbohydrates, but from fat. Therefore, morning workouts can lose weight three times more effectively than evening workouts. And training on an empty stomach burns 300% more fat than training after a meal.

What time of day to train - in the morning, afternoon or evening, depends on the physiology of the person. If you are an owl - train in the evening, a lark - in the morning. No need to torture the body by doing the opposite. There will be no benefit from this. And if you have chosen some time, do not change it in the future.
Max Rinkan, expert

If your goal is to score muscle mass, then it is better to train in the afternoon or in the evening, but not until late.

I train when I can

Most people train when circumstances and sometimes finances allow. It's no secret that the main stumbling block of visiting the gym is work. If you have a regular work schedule - from 9 to 18, then it is not possible to train in the morning and afternoon, although, according to experts, the peak time for muscle activity is just the daytime. But, as a rule, only the evening remains for a person to train.

If a person has the opportunity to train in the morning, he happily grabs this option, since the attendance of the halls in the morning and in the evening is incomparable (there is no crowding there in the evening), and it costs him less.

In any case, if you have decided on the time of visiting the gym, then let it be stable. Build your regimen so that classes at this time of day benefit you.

In conclusion, we summarize all of the above, giving recommendations that will help you choose the optimal time for training.

Exercise in the morning: if you are a morning person, if you don’t have to go to work early, if you don’t have heart problems, if your work is mobile, if you want to lose weight, if you want to complete the entire program in the gym without a large influx of people, if you want to free up evenings for other things.

Proponent of training in the morning:"I train in the morning, three times a week, from 10 to 12. At this time I feel a surge of strength and a desire to train. All the simulators are available, there are few people. I worked out, and the whole day is free, including the evening."

Practice during the day: if the working day allows, and you are sure that you can do it regularly; if there is a gym in the office or not far from it.

This topic has interested scientists from the University of Glasgow. After research, a fairly accurate time for training was established - either after 12 noon or at 6 pm. The employees substantiated their statement by the difference in body temperature during the day, associated with the circadian rhythm. So, the temperature reaches its minimum mark in a dream, about 3 hours before waking up, after which it begins to increase slightly. By 6 pm the body is maximally warmed up, the probability of pulling a muscle or injury is lower. This is also the reason to claim that evening workouts are suitable for martial arts (boxing, karate, taekwondo), dancing, stretching and other forms of activity that require endurance. For those who go jogging to strengthen the work of the heart, it is recommended to choose the second half of the day.

Daily workouts after 12 days are not as effective, and excessive overexertion should be avoided. During this period, jogging and swimming are suitable. This warm-up is a great cardio stimulant.

A slightly different approach has been suggested by Peter Hespel, a Belgian professor who has done research on training time. Unlike his Scottish counterparts, the scientist from the Research sports center conducted "tests" with morning workouts to find out before or after eating it would be more productive. According to the results of the experiment, it turned out that exhausting exercise on an empty stomach is more suitable for losing weight.

  1. Firstly, during cardio training, the body first burns reserves of a substance called "glycogen" (about 20 minutes) and only then "takes" the breakdown of fat. That is why, effective cardio training aimed at losing weight should last at least 45 minutes, on an empty stomach, 30 minutes is enough.
  2. Secondly, morning classes- in themselves a lot of stress, so the body does not hesitate to take energy for them from fats set aside for an emergency.
  3. In addition, after exercising in the morning, the fats received during the day are burned faster. And even exhausting running and lifting the barbell after eating may still not contribute to weight loss.

Note that after a morning physical load on an empty stomach, you can and should eat immediately, and training at other times of the day is best done 1-2 hours before eating and not eating the same amount after class.

Approach based on individual biorhythms

Disputes of scientists did not affect the individual rhythm of a person. So, it will be difficult for owls to force themselves to run in the morning, but larks are not always disposed to evening classes. So physical education should be done at a convenient time for each person, based on self-awareness. But this does not mean that you should neglect going to the gym or the gym. On the contrary, focusing on the internal clock, you can understand which clock is right for you, and then stick to just such a routine. After all, the benefits of physical activity are noticeable only if you train constantly.

By the way, some assure that there is no need to adapt to your biorhythm. You can choose any time for exercise, but at the same time, train every day only during these hours. Your body will adjust itself to these hours, and they will become the most effective. Approximately the same thing happens when a person changes his regimen. For example, he starts working at night: after a month, it is at night that he feels the maximum surge of strength and energy. And even on weekends and vacations, such a person "night sleeps."

Primitive gymnastics

30 minutes a day - and your figure is perfect!

Simple accessible exercises

Effective study of all muscle groups

Visible results in just two weeks

Help and support from an experienced coach

Program "maximum"

For those who find it difficult to understand their needs, it is recommended to experiment with physical activity at different daily intervals. In accordance with most of the tips, you can make a whole activity plan, scheduled almost by the hour. Of course, this does not mean that the day should be devoted to sports. You can think of the regime as a combination of techniques, and gradually try all the options.

  • First hour after waking up. These hours are best devoted to yoga or breathing exercises.
  • From 7 to 9 in the morning, jogging will be useful, fast race walking, a little gymnastics. However, it should be remembered that the muscles at this moment are not quite plastic, so you need to warm up well before stretching.
  • From 10 to 12, you can also devote to running or an exercise bike, but how effective is this? After all, for weight loss it is better to do gymnastics before breakfast.
  • From 12 to 4-5 days, you can gradually increase the theme and intensity. It's time for pacing.
  • From 6 to 8 pm - ideal for martial arts and dancing.
  • Before going to bed, it is best to return to yoga and meditation. It especially helps with stress and insomnia.

It should also be noted that physical education in the morning contribute to weight loss. However, only physical activity is not enough for this, you should also change the diet to a less high-calorie one. Try to remove fried foods from the diet, eat vegetables and fruits, steamed dishes. Ideal diets does not exist (yes, even Maggi's diet is not perfect), but healthy eating in combination with gymnastics and dancing or aikido will help you get back in shape pretty quickly.

Evening classes are less reflected in weight, but they will give relief. To do this, it is enough to train at home with improvised simulators, the main thing is to devote at least 45 minutes physical training. Don't try too hard, most of the exercises are not designed for a certain indicator, for example, run 90 km, but for a gradual increase in your endurance. Sport should give strength, not take away the latter.

Those who find it easy to wake up early. There are 20–25% of such larks. But 30-40% of people are owls, and they prefer evening trips to the gym. The rest are just lucky - they don't care when to get up.

Morning: "for"

Decreased appetite throughout the day

Scientists from the UK compared data from surveys conducted among joggers. It turned out that those who ran in the morning experienced less hunger during the day than fans. evening runs. Scientists have suggested that morning exercise suppresses the release of hormones responsible for appetite. So, for those who tend to overeat, after morning workout it will be easier to cope with the habit of chewing something all the time.

It's easier to burn fat in the morning

During physical activity, carbohydrates are consumed first, and only after the twentieth minute of movement, the muscles receive energy from fat. That is why long-term workouts, not shorter than 40 minutes, have always been recommended for weight loss. However, recent research from the American College of Sports Medicine shows that just 20-30 minutes of exercise in the morning is enough. In terms of fat burning effect, this will be identical to 40 minutes after dinner. The reason is that until 5 p.m. our metabolism is tuned to consume energy, including fat. And after 5 p.m., the intensity of metabolic processes fades away, the hormonal and other systems are already focused on replenishing reserves. Therefore, in the morning unyielding body fat easier to "go to waste".

Lower risk of injury

After a morning workout, fatigue fades faster and muscles recover better, according to a new study from the University of Toronto. Doctors observed 3,000 fitness enthusiasts and found that after a morning workout, the pulse recovered to normal on average 20% faster than after an evening one. In addition, a blood test showed that with the same intensity of training, microtrauma of muscle fibers and related blood changes in the morning occur less frequently.

Morning: "against"

You won't have time to eat breakfast

Exercising in the morning on an empty stomach is ineffective and can lead to fainting. Without breakfast, the strength is only enough for easy charging. So what, get up two hours earlier, eat and wait an hour until breakfast is digested? It won't suit anyone. True, you can drink sweet tea with a piece of chocolate, coffee with sugar, juice, eat a banana, a handful of raisins or dried apricots. These foods will be digested as you get dressed.

Thick blood

You did not drink for at least 8 hours during sleep, some amount of water was excreted in the urine and possibly sweat during this time. Once the liquid is gone, it means that the blood has become thicker, to increase its circulation in such a “undiluted” form means to overload the heart and veins. Therefore, before training, you must definitely drink 1-2 glasses of liquid and wait 5-10 minutes for the moisture to be absorbed.

In the morning the body is still sleeping

After sleep, the circulation of blood through the body is slowed down, the lungs are constricted, nervous system slowed down. Therefore, it is necessary to start charging with a warm-up, gradually increasing the load. Beginners are not recommended to give themselves a serious load in the morning such as running or strength exercises, it is better to take a walk, ride a bike, swim.

Evening: "for"

As you know, in the evening the metabolism slows down, which is why the chocolate eaten for breakfast will hardly affect the figure, but the cake at dinner is immediately found in the waist area. Moderate exercise stressgood way speed up metabolism. However, the load must be necessarily moderate, no records!

At night after training, fat will be consumed

It is known that calorie burning does not stop with the end of the workout! By inertia for at least another 12 hours, the muscles continue to consume energy for recovery. Now imagine that after a workout you ate a light dinner and went to bed. There is no more food, new energy is not supplied, which means that the body will be forced to turn to stored fat. And so on until the morning. And in the morning, the metabolism is also not up to stocks, which means weight loss is inevitable!

Evening: "against"

Fatigue after work

Forcing yourself to do exercises after work or drag yourself into the pool is not for everyone. Someone does not have enough motivation to break the habitual stereotype and do something active in the evening, and someone is really too tired physically.

After a workout, I really want to eat

Experts from the Swedish School of Sports and Health Sciences believe that this is an indicator of the wrong choice of training. It was clearly either too intense or too long. Replace running with a walk, aerobics with an exercise bike. Shorten your session from an hour to 40 or 30 minutes.

Difficulty falling asleep

The reason is too intense training.

So let's sum it up. Both in the morning and in the evening, their pluses and minuses. So proceed from your own preferences, as well as from the work schedule. Moving when it suits you is much more beneficial than not moving at all. And the negative effects are easy to negate using the tips we have given.