Silicone lures. Silicone lures are the key to successful fishing in any conditions How to make a floating bait from silicone

Silicone bait used in fishing- an excellent getter of predatory wayward fish. Fishing will always be successful if you choose the right silicone friend, but how to understand the variety of soft lures presented? Colours, shapes, material options, functional features able to introduce into complete confusion a novice spinning player ...

A series of articles dedicated to the types of silicone baits, their features and structure, methods of use and fishing tactics, mounting options and others important points when - they will dispel all doubts and help you accurately select the right bait option and properly equip the spinning rod.

1. Varieties of silicone lures

A variety of silicone lures on the market of fishing products can satisfy even the most meticulous angler:

  • various hybrid baits.

Purpose of silicone baits- imitation of living organisms of various types (worms, frogs, larvae, etc.), which are favorite dishes on the menu of any predator.

1.1 What is edible silicone

Edible baits- are made from a special material, which includes amino acids and flavor impregnation attractant, salt and fish oil.

Attractant or in Latin attraho means to attract to itself - these are natural or artificially derived synthetic substances that are a source of smell and attract fish to themselves. For example, insects, spiders, crayfish, mammals and fish that live in algae have such a substance. For the first time, such a substance was bred in 1961 in the USSR from a silkworm (butterfly). That is why edibles have an outward resemblance to the carriers of this miraculous attractor.

When to use edibles? Then, when the predator is not active and does not please you with bites.

Note to beginner spinners! This type of artificial bait is not eaten by fish. The bottom line is that, having grabbed the bait, the fish does not swallow it, but begins to suck it, so to speak, savor it, and when it realizes that something is not right, it spits out the bait. It is during the period of savoring that you need to cut.

There are several widows of edible baits:

  1. Silicone bait, which is impregnated with the above mentioned substance.
  2. A bait that is saturated with smell at the stage of its production.
  1. Washing the bait.
  2. Her drying.
  3. Place in an airtight bag with a few drops of the desired attractant smell.
  4. Shake the package and put in a dark place for 3 days.
  5. Wash hands thoroughly.

positive quality such bait is the duration of storage, without loss of primary properties, but in a closed container, for example, the manufacturer's own packaging or a tightly closed jar is suitable.

The basis for determining the types of edible rubber are fishing conditions:

  • quiet and calm water suggests the use of a passive edible bait;
  • the absence of a current or, conversely, with its strong manifestation, active edible baits are used;
  • in the cold season, edible rubber is indispensable;
  • during the period of absence of bites.

A half-hour video from the Shcherbakov brothers about edible rubber

1.1.1 Advantages and disadvantages of edible baits


  1. The predator, having swallowed the intended prey, does not immediately recognize the catch.
  2. Realistic lure game.
  3. Aromatic properties are well expressed.
  4. Reliability of fixation in contrast to the live counterpart.

Flaw- the ability to quickly dry when ignoring the rules of storage.

1.1.2 Which flavors and for which fish to use

  • perch - shrimp, bloodworm, fish blood;
  • pike - react to the smell of blood;
  • pike perch in fresh water - the smell of fish or fish blood;
  • pike perch in sea water - the aroma of squid and shrimp.

1.1.3 What rig to use for edible baits

  1. Drop shot, you can read about the features of this installation.
  2. Texas rig how to do please read .

1.2 Floating silicone

floating silicone lures, can be both ordinary and edible bait. Buoyancy can be determined by the density of the bait material. So, if the specific gravity of the rubber is below water, then it will float.

The advantage of floating rubber is:

  • copies feeding animals as much as possible, which attracts fish;
  • shows itself well when hunting for a sluggish predator, staying afloat during long stops performed by the entrance of slow wiring;
  • shows itself perfectly with the technique of catching a drop shot, about the commission and types of which you can read;
  • artificial floating nozzle in bright, provocative colors is clearly visible in muddy water;
  • perform in a hinged way with, or with a classic fishing hook.

1.2.1 Lifehack: how to make floating silicone at home

Method 1 "Suitable for any bait"

  1. We purchase a material endowed with floating properties - expanded polystyrene, which has an advantage over polystyrene in greater density and uniformity of its structure.
  2. Cut off a small piece from the material.
  3. With a sharp blade along, we cut the back of the bait.
  4. A piece of expanded polystyrene is inserted into the resulting longitudinal section.
  5. Close the hole carefully with a soldering iron.

Method 2 "Improve twisters"

  1. We purchase foam used in construction.
  2. Starting from the head, we make a longitudinal incision.
  3. Fill the hole with foam.

2. What does active and passive silicone mean

Active lures- these are those that have a pronounced own game with them. Such artificial baits can be used both in stagnant (calm) water and in the current, and there are no rules for wiring. It will be easier for a beginner spinning player with active silicone to get comfortable with.

Passive Lures- these are those who, when immersed in water, do not have any activity (play). In order to provoke the bait, you need to competently approach the issue of conducting postings in various fishing conditions. Passive silicone, as a rule, is used in stagnant water.

The disadvantage of passive lures is that the effectiveness of catching them directly depends on the abilities and skill of the spinner.

Informative video about passive silicone baits in a video from the Shcherbakov brothers

How to visually distinguish passive baits from active ones? So, passive baits have an external resemblance to their living prototype, when, like active ones, they have interesting tails, due to which their game takes place.

For example, here are

10. Useful links - some knowledge from Wikipedia;

— informative article about floating silicone;

— informative article about edible silicone baits.

Lures made of silicone are the most popular and popular among domestic anglers today. With their help, they hunt for a variety of representatives of the ichthyofauna, using different ways and fishing techniques. In this material, we will try to understand the whole variety of "rubber", the features of its use and the subtleties that are familiar only to advanced spinning players.

Fishing with silicone baits is possible on endless reservoirs and deep lakes, full-flowing large rivers and streams, swamps and frogs, small ponds and quarries. "Rubber" works all year round allowing anglers not to return home empty-handed.

Going into any fishing store, the spinner is faced with the versatility of "rubber". The counter is replete with a variety of colors, shapes, sizes. Each model has features, differs in properties and purpose. There are the following main types of silicone baits:

  • twisters;
  • worms;
  • slugs;
  • creatures;
  • octopuses.

IN Lately the so-called hybrid baits, which are a symbiosis of the listed species, have become popular. They have absorbed all the positive qualities of the "progenitors" and show decent results in the difficult realities associated with fishing pressure and a decrease in the number of underwater inhabitants.

Photo 1. Vibrotail from above, twister from below.

In terms of shape, vibrotails and twisters are considered the most popular. The former realistically imitate a small fish, imitating it appearance and movements during wiring. The latter have a cylindrical body and a flattened crescent-shaped tail, attracting predators due to the vibrations and colors created.

Among jig lovers, silicone worms are extremely in demand. They are used on classic rigs and spaced rigs. Very effective for angling zander, perch, catfish and pike. There are two subspecies of these baits:

  • Active. Reminiscent of a classic twister with an elongated and thinner body. They work on uniform wiring.
  • Passive. Outwardly similar to a real worm, they do not have a tail and other moving elements. Acquire the game during the dash animation.

Slugs are a classic passive bait, which in the fishing community is called "passive". Designed for sluggish apathetic fish. They are used when fishing in difficult conditions - snags, rocky bottom, water thickets.

Photo 2. Silicone fish.

Creatures are baits that resemble various underwater objects. The most popular are crustaceans. They are used in catching pike perch and pike, allow you to get a large perch and seduce catfish. Silicone crayfish is a first-class "rubber" for classic jig rigs, retractable leash and texas.

Octopuses have been forgotten by spinners in the past few years, although they used to be in high demand, especially among pike and zander fishing enthusiasts. They possess:

  • attractive game on ultra-slow postings and free fall;
  • respond well to jerky elements;
  • excellent catchability when fishing in medium water horizons.

Varieties of "rubber" according to the material of manufacture

Silicone baits are divided according to the material from which they are made. This determines their working properties, conditions of use and fishing technique. There are several categories of "rubber":

  • "Inedible" silicone baits;
  • "edible rubber";
  • floating silicone.

All of them are used in the spinning direction in different fishing methods, make it possible to successfully hunt for a predator living in our reservoirs.

Classic soft lures

Silicone made of inedible material is the oldest category of baits, from which the widespread popularity of jig fishing methods began. They are made from banal soft plastic by pouring molten "rubber" into special molds.

Today, baits come in all shapes and sizes. They are low cost, versatile and catchy. There are real bestsellers among inedible "rubber", such as "Mann`s", "Relax", "BassAssassin". Silicone worms, twisters and rippers from these manufacturers are mainly used in classic jig, retractable leash, drop shot, mounted on jig heads.

Edible silicone

Today, edible "rubber" is the most popular and sought-after category of jig baits. It is present in the arsenal of any fan of spinning. These lures effectively catch fish that inhabit our waters throughout the open water season.

These baits are made from a special material consisting of amino acids. Additionally, it is impregnated with an attractant, increasing the attractiveness for a predator. Once in the mouth of the fish, the edible "rubber" does not alarm her and does not cause rejection. As a result, the angler has the opportunity to make a well-defined cut, minimizing the gathering.

Photo 4. Silicone frog.

The best edible baits are produced by Japanese concerns. Their range includes not only the classic forms of silicone. In the catalog you can find various crayfish, imitations of squid and larvae, there are such rare models as an unhooked frog and others.

The disadvantage of edible "rubber" is its low strength. The material quickly deteriorates. Sometimes one confident bite is enough to break it completely. Repair of silicone baits of this variety is useless. It is necessary to replace non-working silicone with fresh one. Therefore, in terms of economy, the “edible” is inferior to conventional twisters and vibrotails.

floating silicone

Floating "rubber" can be edible and regular. The degree of its buoyancy depends on the density of the material. If the specific gravity of the bait is lower than that of water, then it floats; if not, it sinks. The ability of some models to stay afloat gives the angler a number of advantages:

  1. The bait imitates a fish swarming in the ground, which attracts a predator and does not alarm him.
  2. When hunting for passive fish, you can perform long pauses, while the "rubber" does not fall like a stone to the bottom, but continues to oscillate under the influence of the current.
  3. You can make wiring, "trampling" in one place. For example, the bait stops near a snag, the angler gives it attractive movements with light twitches. At the same time, it remains at a given point, forcing the most well-fed predator to grip.
  4. The bait is noticeable to fish from a long distance, which is especially important when fishing in muddy water and using bright provocative colors.

It is customary to mount floating silicone on a classic hinged mount with an eared sinker and an offset or single hook. Very popular among this variety of "rubber" are silicone worms. It is important not to overdo it with the weight of the single bait, so that the bait does not lose positive buoyancy.

Artificial bloodworm and maggot

Artificial maggot and bloodworm have recently gained popularity among lovers of peaceful fish fishing. This bait is used in feeder and float fishing methods. It successfully catches bream, roach, trout, silver bream, sabrefish, rudd and other fish species.

Externally, artificial bloodworms and maggots do not differ from live bait. They have similar sizes, colors, and an attractive smell for fish. Supplied in transparent jars, impregnated with fragrance and oil. They have the following advantages:

  1. Long shelf life. They won't go bad like natural bait.
  2. Durability. One bait withstands many fish bites. Basically, it can be used until it's off the hook.
  3. Acceptable cost. These artificial silicone lures are available to almost any angler.

Catching on artificial bloodworm and maggot is possible on paid ponds and quarries, in closed lakes and marshes, on vast reservoirs and rivers. The bait is all-weather and works all year round. Some fishermen use it even when fishing from ice.

How to store silicone baits

To store "rubber" it is customary to use special plastic boxes with adjustable compartments. There are enough similar products on the shelves of fishing stores. They allow you to easily change the configuration of the box, creating the optimal one for specific goals and objectives.

It is important to pay attention to the material of the container for storing silicone baits. Cheap products are made of ordinary plastic. Once in such a box, silicone begins to "melt" and quickly becomes unusable. Branded boxes are made from special polymers that do not affect the "rubber".

Advice! It is impossible to put baits of different colors in one compartment of the box, as they will quickly shed and lose their original color.

Edible "rubber" is stored in the original packaging with a clasp. In it, it does not dry out, because it is protected from exposure to air. In addition, there is an attractant that saturates the material, keeping the smell attractive to the predator. Even after catching the bait, it is recommended to put it back in the bag so that it does not lose its positive qualities.

It is customary to supply artificial maggot and bloodworm in special transparent plastic jars. They are impregnated with attractant oil, and a reliable cover protects the artificial bait from the harmful effects of the wind, retaining its original properties for a long time.

We all know the classic jig with its huge variety of lures. Each bait has certain subtleties, which are the wiring, the place of their use, the transparency of the water, the type of fish we want to catch, and for some anglers, the phase of the moon. Of course, each individual type of bait has the right to life, because there are many fishing conditions and just as many opinions on the use of certain types. Among the many silicone vibrotails familiar to us, twisters, foam rubber fish, mandulas and metal jigs, there is a floating silicone that was not very common until recently. It is on it that I would like to dwell in more detail and talk about the pros and cons.

What does it look like and how to catch it? Quite popular questions from anglers who have only heard of floating silicone. Judging by the assortment that I had to catch, the baits look exactly the same as the usual ones, the differences can be distinguished only by taking the bait in hand. Such silicone is often stronger than usual and much more elastic. Some brands make "combo" - floating-stretch material. That is, the bait stretches quite well, sometimes two or three times, relative to its original length. This elasticity gives a longer life when catching active fish, especially perch. Otherwise, they look exactly the same as classic lures. We see the following differences after immersing the bait in water. She becomes vertically up and does so fairly quickly after falling to the bottom. This is the whole "trick" of floating silicone. Here the question arises: how to catch it?

Non-standard behavior of the bait at the bottom, requires and non-standard approach in animation. There are several similar postings, but used by me in different conditions.

  1. The first involves a pause after falling to the bottom, then a few short growls with the tip so that the bait travels a distance equal to about one turn of the reel, and then a pause. Thus, the bait, as it were, sticks into the bottom, imitating a feeding fish, and since the jerks are made short, the whole action takes place rather slowly. This method is great for catching a local place, whether it is a pit or a small snag.
  2. The second method is very similar to the first and differs only in that there is only one jerk and immediately after it we return the spinning back to its original position and wait for a longer pause. I use such wiring in sections with a current, the bait seems to play on the bottom itself, during a pause, thanks to the flow of water, and it is at this moment that bites often occur.
  3. The third wiring has long been known to everyone. This is a banal dragging with a minimum separation from the bottom surface. Naturally, we accompany this whole process with pauses, during which the bait takes a vertical position. A separate topic is spaced rigs, when using which the bait slowly sinks, hangs in the water column, or even floats up. This behavior perfectly provokes the predator and, most importantly, gives him more time to attack. Of course, no one forbids the use of such baits with classic wiring, whether it be a step or even a uniform, but here it is worth considering one nuance. It consists in the fact that the load must be calculated taking into account the buoyancy of the bait, for example, you fished with ordinary silicone with a 10g head and, if you decide to put a floating model, then, all other things being equal, you need to put, for example, 12g. The numbers I give are conditional, it all depends on the type of silicone, its size, windage, and is usually selected by the method of scientific poke.

For what?

Why use it, because you can fish normally and not bother? Part of the answer to this question is in the first part of the story. Floating baits give us the opportunity to thoroughly and, most importantly, slowly catch local areas, even the smallest ones. With ordinary silicone, a similar result can be achieved using a jig rig. With such equipment, you can “dance” the bait almost in one place, attracting a predator, but do not forget that the usual bait still sinks, and the floating version takes a vertical position even at rest. I dare to suggest that it is the vertical position that is more attractive for a predator and, most importantly, convenient for an attack, because picking up a bait lying on the bottom is more difficult and not so comfortable. The more convenient the position of the bait for the fish, the more likely it is to be well detected after a bite, therefore, floating silicone, although indirectly, has some advantage over the usual one in such a purely bottom-feeding method of bait supply.

Also, when using lures with positive buoyancy, as I said, you need to use a larger load, and this, in turn, can positively affect the casting distance, which is important in a coastal jig. Another reason why you can think about using just such baits is the strength and elasticity of materials. Almost all vibrotails, twisters and slugs that have passed through my hands had incredible strength and elasticity, not counting a few Japanese rockfish series, which were quite loose, but that is a completely separate issue. It is worth noting that there are not so many such baits on our market, but still there are plenty to choose from.

I'll tell you about some based on personal experience use. The first baits with positive buoyancy that I came across by chance were Z-Man, I don’t remember the model, since I didn’t fish with them anymore. Lures are strong and elastic and have good buoyancy, but there is one thing. When stored for a long time in a box with ordinary silicone baits, they react and begin to turn into “sticky snot”. I do not know exactly what kind of reaction is taking place, I have never been interested in this question, but the fact remains. There are two ways out of the situation, either to store it in a separate box, or not to use it and replace it with something else, since there is something. The next one I also accidentally got a pack of silicone from Reins. I liked these baits more than the previous ones, since there was no “decomposition” reaction upon contact with classic silicone. The only thing that didn't suit me was the price.

The tritium version was bought already consciously, especially for experiments in wiring and storage. It was silicone from Lucky John model Joco Shaker. Excellent silicone, floats as it should, does not react and is not very expensive. Today I always have a small stock of these lures.


Why do I advise you to try these baits and why is it sometimes worth using only them? Over the past few years, I have accumulated a lot of information, which resulted in some statistics regarding the fish that respond best to these baits and regarding the places in which such baits should be used.

First of all, I would like to note the excellent reaction of zander and bersh to such rubber. If in some local place there is pike perch or bersh, then you can safely put floating silicone and make lazy wiring along the bottom, the reaction is almost one hundred percent, unless the fish is, of course, in deep passive. Often bites occur in a pause, when the bait is at the bottom and, importantly, there are fewer exits than when using ordinary rubber.

In second place, is none other than a catfish! Yes, yes, catfish! Only with the development of floating rubber, I began to systematically catch the mustachioed. The wiring is no different from what I described earlier, all the same jerks, all the same dragging, with only one caveat. If I know that the catfish is definitely present on the site, then I make longer delays at the bottom with a slight movement of the bait and it willingly sucks it up.

For the rest of the fish, the statistics are approximately the same, I do not take perch into account, since in active phase he takes food equally well from the bottom, and in the thickness, and on the surface. There is also a separate topic of rockfishing, where these lures have proven themselves from the excellent side, but more due to their strength characteristics than buoyancy, since sea ​​fish very greedy, ferocious, often toothy and leaves no chance for ordinary baits. Ordinary rubber leaves in batches, but the strong material of floating lures endure predator attacks for a long time.

In summary, I can say that jig baits with positive buoyancy are not a panacea, but at certain moments they can help out a lot, the main thing is to apply a little imagination and ingenuity, so have several different types such baits are quite useful.

Making a floating vibrotail

I will not claim the authorship of the idea of ​​floating silicone, since it seems to me that this idea has already occurred to someone before. But I, on my own, without anyone's prompting and help, came to this bait. It has been almost three years since I made the first floating silicone bait, and I already know exactly how and where it works well. More recently, I learned that some well-known global manufacturers began to produce such baits on an industrial scale, but, to be honest, I still haven’t come across this product either in stores or on the market.

How did the idea come about

The idea, as always, came suddenly. We went with a friend at the end of summer to jig a predator on the lake. In addition to the most diverse silicone, they did not take anything else with them, as they were absolutely sure that such baits would be enough for fishing in those conditions. And we had this confidence from the fact that we had already fished there. in early spring and the results were good. But, having got to this place in August, we realized that we were somewhat mistaken with our calculations. The fact is that after several casts, it became absolutely clear that we would not be able to jig, since underwater grass densely rose everywhere at the bottom of the reservoir. We walked along the coast and looked for points with a clean bottom, but we never found it. We had no choice but to try to fish not with a jig, but simply dragging silicone evenly in the water column. Sometimes such a maneuver was successful, but sometimes the bait still clung to the grass, it was only necessary to give a little slack. And even in such conditions, both okushki and pike pecked. And then we thought about how good it would be if the silicone lure was floating. The idea came, and already upon arrival home, it was implemented financially.

Floating silicone bait (floating vibrotail), option No. 1

Silicone itself, if thrown into water, sinks, so the idea is to give it positive buoyancy by incorporating some kind of super-buoyant material into it, such as Styrofoam. As for the foam, it is important to note that for our purpose it is better to take the so-called extruder, that is, extruded polystyrene foam. It differs from ordinary foam plastic in that it is denser and its structure is homogeneous, and does not consist of many glued balls, as in conventional foam plastic. In order to create the buoyancy of a silicone vibrotail, it is necessary to mount a piece of polystyrene foam into it, which would allow the vibrotail to float or at least slowly sink. Therefore, in order to correctly select the desired piece of polystyrene foam, you will have to conduct several experiments. We cut off a small piece of polystyrene foam “by eye”, tie it, as well as a triple hook with a thread to a vibrotail and lower it into a container of water (see photo 1).

Depending on the result, whether the vibrotail has sunk or floats, we carry out further actions with the extruder. If the styrofoam tethered tail floats confidently on the surface, the extruder will have to be trimmed until a semi-submerged state is reached. And if the vibrotail drowned, then you need to cut out a larger piece of the extruder. When the optimal size of a piece of polystyrene foam is selected, we untie it from the vibrotail. Then, with a sharp knife or blade, we make an incision in the vibrotail from the back. This hole must be made in a size corresponding to the size of the existing piece of extruder. Then the extruder is inserted into the resulting hole (see photo 3).

After a piece of the extruder is implanted into the body of the vibrotail, carefully solder the cut with a soldering iron (see photo 4).

Care must be taken during this operation, as the extruder is easy to melt from high temperature. We equip the resulting bait with a triple hook and a metal leash. To do this, we drag a metal leash with a needle at the bottom of the vibrotail (see photo 5)

And we attach a tee to it under the belly, and near the head of the bait we pass the leash through the body again, so that we get a loop (see photo 6).

We hang a miniature pellet on the loop, which will be a stopper for the vibrotail, that is, it will prevent it from sliding along the leash.

Floating silicone bait, option #2.

There is another option for making a floating bait, and I use it mainly in the manufacture of floating twisters. The procedure itself is quite simple. We take a twister, and carefully drill a longitudinal hole with a drill from the side of the head towards the tail (see photo 7).

Next, a floating material, such as an extruder, must be placed in this hole, which can simply be pushed there with a screwdriver. And sometimes, as a floating material, I use mounting foam, which I inject with a special gun into the hole in the twister (see photo 8).

The gun must first be set to the minimum feed rate. During this procedure, you need to be careful and not allow the foam to get on the skin of your hands or anywhere else, since it will then be very difficult to remove it and this will require a special solvent. It may take 2 to 6 hours for the foam to dry completely. The resulting floating twister is equipped with a hook according to the same principle as a regular twister, but often you have to put two hooks - one from the top, one from the bottom. The fact is that fish often attacks a floating bait from below, so an additional hook will come in handy.

What is caught on a floating vibrotail

By themselves, silicone lures, such as twister and vibrotail, like no other bait, look very realistic in the water and attract fish. A floating silicone bait greatly expands the possibilities of fishing. Such a modified bait is very convenient to fish in the windows between the vegetation, in burrowed places and in shallow water.

There are many variations of postings and everyone can understand for himself how to serve the bait in a given situation. Of course, the main fish that is caught is and. While there may be other species caught, I just haven't tested other fish.

Over the past five or six years, floating silicone baits have become widespread and popular. The demand for such silicone is quite justified, because floating baits really turn out to be very effective in fishing. Under certain conditions, it is positive buoyancy that plays a decisive role in the process of attracting fish and provoking them to attack.

Although now many well-known companies are engaged in the production of floating silicone, a wide variety of such baits are found in online fishing stores.

What are the positive properties and advantages of floating silicone lures?

Firstly, during the pause phase, such lures take a position perpendicular to the bottom, in which it is much more convenient for predators to attack the silicone bait.

Second, floating silicone provide more options when using outlet installations. Lures hang in the water column for much longer or can float at all if light hooks are used.

Thirdly, floating baits allow work with slightly larger weights under the same conditions. Subsequently, the casting distance can also be increased.

It is also worth mentioning that even with positive buoyancy, some silicone baits may have additional "edible" properties.

Important refinement of silicone lures

Ordinary silicone sinks when it enters the water, so to create floating baits yourself, you will need some kind of floating material. For example, polystyrene foam is suitable, which differs from the more familiar polystyrene in its greater density and uniform structure.

Method number 1

To ensure positive buoyancy of the bait, it is necessary to mount a piece of polystyrene foam into it, which will allow the silicone to float, and not instantly sink.

The manufacturing process takes place in several simple steps:

  1. We prepare a piece of polystyrene foam of the optimal size;
  2. Using a clerical knife or a sharp blade, carefully make an incision on the back of the bait;
  3. We insert the floating material inside the silicone;
  4. We solder the incision with a soldering iron.

Method number 2

The second manufacturing option is also very simple and is suitable primarily for twisters. A small longitudinal hole is drilled in the bait, starting from the head.

A floating material is placed in it, which is sometimes used as ordinary building foam, which dries completely in 3-5 hours.

Such floating twisters are equipped with hooks in the same way as ordinary silicones are equipped. Sometimes they put two hooks at once, from below and from above. This is due to the fact that the predator often attacks the floating bait from below, so an additional hook does not interfere at all.

Even ordinary silicone baits imitate small fish perfectly and attract the attention of hungry predators. Floating models provide even more options in fishing methods.

Silicones with positive buoyancy are very suitable for fishing in shallow water or in "windows" surrounded by dense aquatic vegetation. With the wiring technique, you can also freely experiment, choosing the most effective option.

Using floating edible silicone, you can catch various predators, among which pike and perch are the most willing to peck.

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