How many years does a horse live duration. How many years do horses live: interesting facts and videos

How long horses live depends mainly on the conditions of detention. Although the average lifespan is considered to be 20-25 years, it happens that a horse lives longer, up to 30 years. Therefore, it is also important for owners to know what affects their life expectancy, as it depends on the breed or on the operating conditions.

Horse age in human terms

The age of a horse by human standards is a relative concept, it gives only an average idea. It can be calculated as follows:

  • the first year of life corresponds to 12 years in humans,
  • the second year is equal to seven,
  • the third, fourth and fifth years correspond to the 4th human years,
  • all other years count as 2.5 years in humans.

Thus, the horse's life record recorded in Russia - 32 years - by human standards would be 98.5 years. And the famous British record holder, who lived 62 years, among people would be considered an almost biblical centenarian - 173.5 years.

Horse in the wild

It is not enough to know how many years horses live. You also need to understand how they develop. For example, their growth occurs before 4-6 years, and for most, their peak physical form occurs at 9-10 years. But with good care, horses will work for many years - up to 18-20 years at least.

Lifespan in wild and domestic conditions

Comparing and analyzing how many years horses live, it should be noted that their life expectancy depends on where they live. IN wild environment they live much less and rarely reach old age.

Important! In the natural habitat of horses, many dangers lie in wait - predators, lack of food, weather vagaries. After all, these animals can also suffer from temperature changes, from frost and heat, from drought, when they cannot find water.

Thus, in the wild in a warm climate, the average life expectancy of horses is about 10 years, rarely any animal lives up to 15 years, this can be considered a great success. But at the same time, such a horse will still live several years longer than an animal that lives in less favorable conditions with harsh winters and a lack of food.

Horse at home

Interestingly, the habitat affects life expectancy, but not the prevalence of diseases. It will be the same for both warm and harsh climates.

Domestic horses live longer. This is understandable - a person makes sure that they live in favorable conditions, that they have shelter in case of cold or bad weather, enough food so that they receive the necessary treatment on time. The life expectancy of such horses is 20-25 years, and much depends on how well they are cared for.

Determining the Age of a Horse

The most popular way to determine the age of a horse is by the teeth. For example, the first changes occur with the hooks at the age of 2.5 years, and by the age of 3, the labial surface is erased on them, and by the age of 3.5, the middle incisors begin to change. Moreover, the angular incisors appear by about the 4th year, and the labial edge on them wears out by the age of 5.

You can get an idea of ​​the age of a horse not only by the teeth. Although such methods will not give an exact figure. It is assumed that this can be determined by appearance. After all, if the horse could live long enough, he, like a person, will have wrinkles, which will be especially noticeable in the corners of the eyes and under the lower eyelid. In addition, in older animals, the thickness of the back of the nose decreases, and the lumbar vertebrae, on the contrary, thicken. This can be easily determined by probing the transverse processes. With age, the tail and mane also thin out, and the hooves lose their luster. Unfortunately, all these signs are relative, because if the horse lives in good conditions, he will maintain an excellent appearance. So it is impossible to accurately determine the age by such signs, except that it is possible to distinguish an older animal (over 10 years old) from a younger one.

Mustang life

Factors Affecting Horse Lifespan

The lifespan of horses can be influenced by objective and subjective factors, ranging from their breed and genetic characteristics to the environment. In addition to the living conditions themselves, this will depend on the diet, and on how actively this animal is exploited, and on its breeding schedule (especially for mares), and on other factors, for example, on how clean and dry it will be in stables, because too high humidity can lead to diseases.

It is clear that if the average horse receives a balanced diet, which includes high-quality compound feed, properly harvested hay, cereals, and vitamin supplements, then its chances of longevity are much higher than those of other representatives of the breed. And he will live longer than those who seek their own food in the wild.

Important! Life expectancy is also affected by the purposes for which animals are used. It's one thing - breeding stallions and mares, they require special attention from the owner and live longer, sometimes even up to 30 years. Sports breeds are quite another matter. The average number of years of their life is less, because they are constantly exposed to high physical stress.

Their life expectancy is negatively affected by injuries and diseases. Often, a horse that has been racing at the hippodrome for many years dies from lung diseases, from cardiac arrest, and it can also suffer from chronic pain associated with frequent microtraumas. Equestrian sport is a risk of stomach colic, cardiac arrest, etc. in animals. The most successful "athletes" get a chance to live longer, as they are left as a breeding fund. But usually the average representative of such breeds is not of interest to the owner as a long-term investment and lives only 18-20 years, although with good care he could also live up to 25 years. This also applies to representatives of some other breeds. For example, heavy trucks also do not live as long as they could.

How long breeding horses live also depends on their care. But in general, their life expectancy is about 35 years.

How long horses live depends on many factors.

Much determines the horse's character. For example, ponies are distinguished by calmness, poise, friendliness. The life span of a horse of this breed is about 35-38 years. Draft horses can live the same amount if they are not overexploited.

Record cases of longevity

The number of horses that have lived for more than 30 years is relatively small. But sometimes there are genuine centenarians. For example, in England of the 18th century, a true record was documented - a stallion named Old Billy lived for 62 years. At the same time, he was, in fact, a heavy truck and was operated in rather difficult conditions, since his job was to tow a barge along the river.

Another record belongs to a pony from France, who lived for more than 50 years. There are few cases of longevity among sports stallions, but we can recall the Duke of Tango, who lived for 42 years.

There were no such impressive cases in Russia. But there is also a record holder - this is a sports stallion named Budynok, who lived for 32 years.

In general, much depends not only on the conditions in which the horse lives. It happens that representatives of the breeding herd die young, and farm drafts live a long time. This may be due to genetics and individual characteristics of the organism. With good care and regular preventive examinations at the veterinarian, the chances of longevity increase.

Kira Stoletova

Any farmer and horse breeder, before buying a frisky horse, wants to know how long a horse lives. Nowadays, this kind animal is used in agriculture; in some places far from civilization, it is still a means of transportation.

The period of their fitness for service with the owner depends on how long the horses will live. The profitability of such an animal depends on its health, performance and longevity.

What is the life expectancy of horses?

The duration of the acquisition of young animals, the breeding schedule of the breed and other parameters are based on how long horses live. It is necessary, of course, to take into account the fact that the life expectancy of a domestic horse and a wild one will differ significantly, which is also affected by the conditions in which the horses are kept.

The difference in life span will be observed in different breeds. So thoroughbred horses sometimes die very young, and a simple farm horse can reach old age.

average life expectancy

When asked how many years horses live on average, horse breeders and hippologists (specialists in the study of horses) answer differently. Some say that on average horses live from 25 to 30 years, others say that the average life of a horse is 35-40 years. You need to understand that there is no one number for all horses, since you cannot compare a horse that has grown in the wild with a domestic mare or a horse bred for specialized exhibitions. The same applies to a stallion for racing or equestrian sports.

Given all these conditions, the average duration of the existence of a horse can be framed from 15 to 40 years. But not all individuals live to an advanced age. An interesting fact is that depending on the breed, the life span will vary:

  1. Working domestic horses live up to 20-25 years on average. How long one can last depends largely on the person. The better the conditions created for the horse and the more caring the owner is, the longer the pet will be able to please with health and longevity. Genetics and individual endurance also play a big role.
  2. Sports horses live 5-7 years longer than workers. But in this case, the result of physical activity plays an important role. If the horse does not get injured and his daily routine will have a lot of time to rest and recuperate after the races, such a stallion has every chance of reaching old age. The main thing is not to bring the animal to exhaustion. So some equestrian business owners exhaust their horses to such an extent that they get a heart attack at a fairly young and productive age. Sometimes a horse that no longer generates income and becomes unprofitable is simply killed.
  3. Breeding individuals that are bred on horse farms can live up to 35 years. They are given more attention, they are looked after much more carefully. This is due to the fact that these animals are valuable specimens for procreation. It is high-blooded breeds, such as Arabian or Akhal-Teke horses, that are long-lived. Such horses, due to their profitability, receive timely and high-quality treatment in case of problems.

Lifespan in wild and domestic conditions

There is a difference between how many years horses live at home and how many in the wild. Of course, in natural conditions, wild horses die prematurely, because there they have to fight for survival.

So out of the entire annual brood of wild horses, only 30% of all individuals reach full maturity. Most young foals die from the teeth of predators. Accidental injuries to horses are also a common cause of death. A sick individual cannot follow the herd, cannot provide himself with the security that the herd gives, and also cannot provide food and drink.

Home living conditions

In ancient times, when horses performed a large amount of complex work on the farm, the age limit for them was 12 years. But now the conditions for animals have become much more pleasant. Now the question arises: how old can a horse be called old? As mentioned above, horses live a different amount of time, but at the age of 25 they can be retired.

The development of science in the veterinary field also plays an important role in the longevity of domestic horses. Today, most diseases that used to be fatal are easily treatable and do not pose a serious threat to the health and life of animals. Also at home, horses are properly fed and provided with good care, which greatly increases their chance of surviving to old age.

wild living conditions

Many factors prevent wild horses from living a long life. Horses have to survive in a harsh climate, cope with temperature changes and natural disasters, and defend themselves from predatory animals.

In addition, the diet of wild horses is very poor, especially in winter. Many horses die from viral infections and various diseases. So horses, which in winter lie down on the frozen ground from fatigue, get pneumonia and simply burn out. Sometimes the cause of death of adults and foals is cold water, drunk by hot horses. There is no one to treat them good food is also absent due to the season, as a result, a sick horse simply dies.

The habitat is also of great importance. The average life expectancy of horses that live in warm regions is 10 years longer than those that live in more severe conditions in the northern regions. Most wild horses die at the age of 10. The maximum duration of the existence of mustangs in the wild is 15 years.

Factors affecting longevity

Many factors influence the lifespan of a horse. All horse breeders know them and try to adhere to them, as this makes it possible to maximize the life of the horses.

The main rules that ensure the longevity of horses are:

  • quality care and proper maintenance;
  • proper and healthy nutrition;
  • horse breed;
  • attitude towards domestic or wild horses;
  • purpose of domestic individuals: for work, for sports, for racing, breeding horses.


The lifespan of a horse is directly related to caring for it.

The main conditions are cleanliness and dryness in the stable. If the room is dirty and humid, animals can get sick: their joints can become inflamed and their legs swell, since this honor of their body is very sensitive. It is also important to observe the mode of work and rest: to provide the animal with a good sleep. Horses of all ages need exercise to keep their muscles and body healthy.

How long do horses live and why

Interesting Facts - Horses

One horse, according to the norms, should eat 25 kg of different herbs per day and drink 50 liters of water. For old individuals, roughage should be excluded from the diet, since their use is fraught with the appearance of intestinal upset.

Such an indicator as the life of a horse plays an important role for the owner of the animal. Individuals valuable in terms of working qualities and origin are created conditions for the maximum possible extension of their life. Moreover, it is not the fact of the existence of an animal that matters, but its ability to bear offspring.


The average lifespan of a horse ranges from 20-40 years. This variation in numbers is explained by the conditions of detention, breed, heredity and the use of animals. Tribal ponies live up to 30 years, racing - up to 20, and among small ponies 40-year-olds are not uncommon, they can "hold out" up to 25 years. Only a few live to such an advanced age.

Of course, every owner of a valuable horse wants to see his pet in good physical shape as long as possible. Unfortunately, not all, even tribal, contained in ideal conditions the horses are getting old. Most of the livestock are simply culled due to the loss of economic value. This is due to injuries received during a sports career. Sometimes they are so serious that even young animals are euthanized.

Factors affecting life span

The life expectancy of a horse directly depends on the following factors:

  • Conditions of detention. A warm, dry, spacious stall with good clean bedding will protect the animal from many problems. Horses are afraid of dampness and drafts. Daily (at least two hours) exercise in a spacious levada will help maintain a good physical form.
  • Feeding. Constant free access to clean water, providing the animal with the necessary micro and macro elements, vitamins, good quality feed are mandatory conditions for keeping a horse. A properly selected diet in accordance with the loads that it carries will help maintain the body in the right condition and provide energy to do the work.
  • Breed. Ponies are considered centenarians. Among breeding horses, the Arabian breed holds the palm in terms of life expectancy (average). Its representatives often live up to 30 years.

  • Job. The life of a horse can be significantly reduced by overwork. Too much draft effort, overstrain during training (horse racing, jumping, and others) can cause irreparable harm to the body. It is impossible to demand from a young, insufficiently prepared horse to perform tasks beyond its strength. This can lead to injuries, and they, in turn, will force the animal to be culled (sent for slaughter) as unsuitable for further use.
  • Care. Daily cleaning, bathing after training, hoof trimming and shoeing, timely preventive veterinary measures and the provision of necessary assistance in case of illness - all this ensures a comfortable and long life for the horse.


How many horses live on average, carrying various workloads (cultivating the land, transporting cargo, including packs), mainly depends on its owner. At home, a workhorse, as a rule, lives up to 20-25 years. The main reasons for shortening the life of an animal can be excessive stress, lack of rest, poor feeding, poor living conditions.

Heredity can also play a significant role in increasing life expectancy. Native breeds, more adapted to a particular climatic environment, are easier to tolerate physical activity and conditions of detention. Individual endurance also matters. It is the working horse that holds the record of longevity - 62 years, of which 58 years the horse carried physical activity - dragged barges along the river.


How many breeding horses live on average depends on the breed of animals and on their sports use. Arabian and Akhal-Teke are among the leaders, representatives of these breeds often live up to 30 years. The point is not only in the maintenance of horses, but also in genetic heredity. There are legends about the endurance of animals of both breeds.

The conditions for keeping high-class breeding horses are close to ideal. The stallions are kept individually, and the herd of mares receives the maximum possible care. The reproductive abilities of females and males can be preserved until old age. Breeders are interested in increasing the life expectancy of animals, income directly depends on this. Particularly valuable by origin, individuals are able to "get rich" of their owner.

Sports breeding horses have a shorter age. Individual animals can live up to 30 years, but this is the exception rather than the rule. An example is the purebred Budynok, who lived for 32 years (born in 1926, fell in 1958). The famous Oryol trotter Kvadrat lived at the Moscow stud farm to the age of 30, leaving behind almost 600 heirs. A jumping mare named Halla (German rider Hans Winkler performed on it), despite her rich sports career in steeplechase, triathlon, show jumping, was able to live up to 34 years (1945-1979). After graduation sports career gave birth to 8 healthy foals.

Intense training, constant stress at competitions lead to numerous injuries. The cause of death of the animal can be colic, pain syndrome, rupture of the lungs, cardiac arrest. In other equestrian sports, injuries are also not uncommon, especially in show jumping and triathlon. The average life expectancy of an athlete horse ranges from 18-20 years.

Horses that have shown outstanding results can count (if health permits) on a calm, secure old age. Very often, grateful owners are ready to support their pets to the end, despite significant financial costs.


How long wild horses live in their natural environment largely depends on the climatic zone. The mild and warm climate "gives" animals an extra 7-10 years of life. In the harsh northern latitudes, the chances of surviving cold winter less. In addition to weather conditions, predators, various diseases, accidental injuries, lack of sufficient food, wear and tear of hooves “participate” in natural selection. In nature, age horses are rarely found. The average life expectancy of "savages" does not exceed 15 years.

Age determination

How to determine the age of a horse by the dental formula is known mainly to specialists. The quantity and quality of erupted teeth (milk or permanent), their degree of wear allow us to determine the age of the animal with an accuracy of several months. There may be discrepancies when comparing with horse birth documents, since all horses around the world are conventionally considered to have January 1 as the date of birth. Even if the baby was born in December, from the new year that has come, he is considered one-year-old.

Visually and by external signs, one can notice the venerable age of the horse:

  • sagging back;
  • gray hair near the eyes, in the mane, tail, on the chin;
  • flabby muscles;
  • the presence of folds on the skin;
  • thickened joints;
  • due to weakened muscles, the ears stand apart, and the lower lip sags noticeably;
  • no energy in motion.

By human standards

The age of horses in terms of human is calculated as follows:

  • the first year is equal to 12 years of a person;
  • the second - to seven;
  • third, fourth, fifth - 4 years each;
  • all subsequent - for 2.5 years.

The recorded record is 62 years, which corresponds to 173.5 years of human age - a fantastic figure. Horses grow up to 4-6 years (depending on the breed), their peak physical abilities is at 9 years of age. With proper maintenance, good working capacity lasts up to 18-20 years.

The life span of a horse largely depends on the breed, purpose and conditions of detention. Compared even with the last century, the life expectancy of horses has increased markedly. Over the past 20 years, the number of "patients" aged 20+ has increased almost six-fold over the past 20 years, according to American veterinary clinics. This suggests that animals are increasingly living to this age.

Most people think that they are necessarily thin and emaciated, but this is far from the case. Reduced physical activity and good care provoke obesity. When choosing a diet, this must be taken into account, as well as the condition of the teeth. Erased or damaged unable to chew. For such animals, a talker is prepared, roughage is excluded from the diet.

Keeping older horses is a responsible matter. Horses need daily exercise in the fresh air. Veterinary examinations and procedures are required. If the animal is able to carry a little physical activity, it should be constant, not episodic (on weekends). The organization and operation of numerous shelters for elderly animals testifies to the displacement of exclusively consumer attitude towards them and the intention to extend the life of the horse.

The average life expectancy of a horse is determined primarily by its breed, conditions of keeping and use or purpose. Today, workers, sports and breeding animals are distinguished. And they all have different life spans. Moreover, this figure is very different between domestic and wild horses. But let's talk about everything in order.

So, the average biological life expectancy in horses is approximately 35-40 years. However, unfortunately, not all animals survive to such an advanced age. This is due primarily to the way they live. For example, breeding stallions and mares live for about 25 years. While their fellow athletes are 18-20 years old, and calm little ponies are 35-38 years old.

In wild nature

Strange as it may sound to many, but in the wild, horses rarely live to their prime. It all depends, of course, on living conditions. In households, a person takes care of the animal, tries to feed it properly, treats it, loves it, and so on. And in nature, horses often have to freeze and be content with meager pasture.

To say how many years horses live in the wild, you need to know their habitat. In warm countries with abundant vegetation, the life of animals is 7-10 years longer than that of their relatives in cold regions. But this figure is also rarely even 15 years, for example, in Mustangs. However, both in cold countries and in warm ones, various diseases are most often pursued by wild animals. These include colds and viral infections.

At home

At home, as we have already said, the life of a horse is determined by its profession and breed.

tribal horses

Purebred and thoroughbred animals, due to human efforts and careful selection, today can boast of a fairly long lifespan. On average, it is about 25-30 years. But breeds such as Akhal-Teke and Arabian can live up to 35 years.


At home, the life of a horse lies in the hands of its owner. Nutrition, work, care, maintenance - all this either takes years for the animal, or adds. On average - about 20-25 years.

Sports horses

In this case, it is worth saying a terrible phrase - how lucky. And that's the way it is. If you become a great athlete and champion, you will have a chance to live to a ripe old age, somewhere in a warm stable, carrying beginners and children in the saddle. If you do not show any special results, you will leave as a training horse or in private hands. Well, if you are not at all lucky and get injured, then they will completely write off in the prime of life.

Are there long-lived horses?

As with other animals, there are also long-livers among horses. So, for example, Old Billy is recognized as the champion in this. His age is neither more nor less than 62 years. The stallion was normal workhorse who worked at Woolston on the river. Today in the Belford Museum you can see a stuffed head of an animal and make sure of its old age.

A record case is also known among ponies. The stallion lived in France for 52 years. Among the thoroughbreds, we can recall the gelding Duke Tango, who lived in Australia for 42 years. Although this is the norm for the general age of horses, but as an athlete, this is a lot. Among the mares, centenarians are also known. So, for example, there is evidence that one breeding mare lived for 46 years and, moreover, gave birth to her last foal at 42 years old.

Domestic horses can also boast of longevity. For example, the thoroughbred riding stallion Budynok lived for 32 years and achieved a brilliant sports career. Or, for example, the Arabian mare Sahara, who has reached the age of 31. As you can see, good care, proper maintenance even sport horses can add a dozen years of life.

What factors affect longevity?

Many cases are known when famous and illustrious horses, retiring, died before reaching old age. Most often this is due to the fact that they fell into "bad" hands. As practice shows, the lack of proper care and love of a person rapidly shortens the age of animals. Another thing is if a horse is looked after, senile and sports diseases are treated, loved and pampered. Such horses quietly live out their lives and die at a ripe old age.

Conditions of detention

What is the concept right conditions content? First, it is clean and dry. Horses cannot live in cold, damp and dirty stables. They have very sensitive legs to various adverse factors. Joints may swell, bones may ache.

Also, animals must have the correct daily routine, mandatory exercise, physical activity. Even if the horse is "retired", it must run. Let it be a regular 20-minute lunge run or training with children.


A horse is, first of all, a herbivore, therefore, in order to prolong its life, you need to follow proper nutrition. These animals have a special structure of the stomach, so not all conventional foods are suitable for them. The basis of the diet should be high-quality grain, hay, grass, mixed fodder and grass. As well as vitamin supplements and premixes. Pasture - required condition, since one horse needs at least 25 kg of grass per day.

Video "The life of glamorous horses"

In this video you will see how elite glamorous horses can live and what goes into their care. Such horses will certainly live to a ripe old age.

Any person who breeds horses or even just enjoys spending time around these wonderful animals needs to know the life expectancy of their pet. Fortunately, statistics have been able for a very long time not only to accurately calculate the average life expectancy of a stallion, but also to suggest to the owner the means to improve the health of the pet and extend its lifespan.

The surest way to determine how many years a horse lives is by its teeth, but, of course, one cannot do without experience here.

Statistically, the average lifespan of a horse ranges from 35 to 40 years. However, in reality, only very few survive to this age, and for each specific animal, this figure will still be individual. Exists a large number of factors that can influence how long an individual will eventually live. The most important of these, of course, is the environment and conditions in which the horse lives, and hence the activity in which it is engaged. So, for example, the lifespan of a quiet house pony will certainly be different from that of a mustang.

The famous popular belief that wild horses are more fit and physically hardy than their domestic counterparts turns out to be erroneous. Poor quality and unbalanced nutrition, as well as the absence comfortable conditions, allowing to endure bad weather, greatly affect the life expectancy of a wild animal.

In places with a favorable climate, some horses can live up to 25 years, however, as a rule, after 15 years, the health of the animal deteriorates significantly. In countries with a cold climate, things are even more difficult, since an increased risk of infectious diseases is also added to the above problems.

The situation with the mustangs is even worse. Mustangs are former domesticated horses, once strayed from their masters and switched to a free and free way of life. But completely feral for a long time, devoid of human care and unable to properly interbreed, mustangs, as a rule, do not live long. Their average life expectancy is about 7 years.

Life at home

At home, the life of a horse is determined by its profession and breed. Allocate usually three types of domestic horses:

  • Pets
  • Breeding horses (pedigreed)
  • Sports horses

Under human supervision, animals have the advantages that wild horses lack. They are always fed, they have a roof over their heads, their health is constantly monitored. And here the lifespan of the horse directly depends on the level of care shown to him. Therefore, usually, the more thoroughbred and more expensive the stallion, the longer he lives. Arabian horses perfect nutrition and round-the-clock care for their health are able to live 10 years longer than their relatives.

The average domestic horse lives from 20 to 25 years if the owner takes good care of it. A balanced diet, timely health care, the correct alternation of workload and rest for the horse are all keys to ensure that the animal lives as long as possible.

The life expectancy of sports horses depends on the results they show in competitions. If there is success, then the care of such a horse will be better, and He'll live longer if he doesn't get hurt..

An interesting fact is that, on average, horses of small breeds, that is, ponies, live longer than their large relatives. What causes this is not very clear, but there is a lot of official evidence that a large number of ponies live to be 35-40 years old.

Conditions of detention

The three main factors influencing the maintenance of an animal in a healthy state are:

  • Proper nutrition
  • Taking good care of your horse's health
  • Designed daily activity regimen

Very long life conditions have a big impact containing a horse. In no case should you start the state of the stable. It must always be dry and clean. Moisture and dirt can damage a stallion's legs and lead to bone and joint disease.

It is also necessary to remember that the horse definitely needs to move, and in his daily schedule there should always be a place for physical activity.

The best forage is hay, grass and grains. They promote proper digestion. Grass adult horse per day eats up to 25 kg, so the closer to the pasture the stable is, the better it will be for the animal. Additional feed additives and vitamins also help to improve health.

Long-lived horses

If a horse overcomes the age limit of 40 years, then it can rightfully be considered a long-liver. However, history also knows truly amazing cases that break all records for the life expectancy of horses.

Stallion named 'Old Billy' dies at 62, although he was just an ordinary workhorse.

There is a known case of a French long-lived pony who lived up to 54 years.

The record of one mare who gave birth to a foal at the age of 42 is also curious. She herself died at the age of 46.

As a conclusion, it should be noted that how long the horse will eventually live depends entirely on its owner. In the life of an ordinary domestic mare, the human factor plays the most important role.

Therefore, the decision to adopt a pet should never be spontaneous, it must be carefully considered, weighing all the pros and cons. If you approach the care of the horse with all responsibility, then in good conditions it will live 30 years.