How much does the tallest person weigh. Who is the heaviest person in the world? Eman Ahmed Abd El Aty

This list includes the heaviest people in the world, whose weight is more than 450 kilograms.

Mills Darden

Mills Darden October 7, 1799 - January 23, 1857. Assumed to have been one of the largest men in history, his weight was approximately 400 to 500 kg. But he was also quite tall, his height was 2.29 meters. He is believed to be 30% taller and six times heavier than the average American male of the 21st century.

Kenneth Brumley

Kenneth Brumley, born in 1968, age 44, one of the heaviest people ever recorded. Its weight is 468 kg. Brumley tried to lose weight and he limited himself to 1200 calories a day, which caused him to lose 76 kg after 40 days.

Mayor Rosales

Mayor Rosales of the United States (1980), one of the fattest women, weighing 470 kg, was accused of killing her son and sister - but she was dropped after the court decided she was too fat to commit such an act.

Robert Earl Hughes

Robert Earl Hughes (June 4, 1926 - July 10, 1958). He weighed approximately 486 kilograms. At the age of six, he weighed 92 kilograms; at ten, he weighed 171 kilograms. By the time of his death, he weighed over half a ton.

Patrick Duel

Patrick Duel was born March 28, 1962, was one of the heaviest people in the world. He suffered overweight since the early childhood. He weighed 410 kg, and also went down in history as a bag man. After 12 months of losing weight, Patrick lost 260 kilograms. After leaving the hospital, Patrick lost even more weight, reaching 170 kilograms.

Michael Hebranco

Michael Hebranco was born on May 14, 1953 and suffered from extremely severe obesity. After a stay at St. Luke's Hospital in New York, he lost weight from 411 kg to 90 kg and reduced his waist size from 290 cm to 91 cm. After 19 months, with the help of a trainer and dieting, he was registered in the Guinness Book of Records as a person lost the most a large number of fat. However, after that, he again recovered to 453 kg. In June 1999, Hebranco already weighed 500 kg.

Rosalie Bradford

Rosalie Bradford: August 27, 1943 - November 29, 2006, she first entered the Guinness Book of Records as the heaviest woman, and then as the woman who lost maximum amount fat. At 14, she weighed 92 kg. In 1987, she weighed 544 kg. She tortured herself with hunger and lost weight. The total weight loss was 416 kg.

Walter Hudson

Walter Hudson: 1944 - December 24, 1991. He went down in history as the man with the largest waist of 300 cm, and his weight was 543 kg. Hudson described his average daily diet as including two boxes of sausages, bacon, 12 eggs, a loaf of bread, four hamburgers and four double cheeseburgers, three steaks, ham or two chickens, four baked potatoes, a large pie, and extra snacks. As well as 17 liters of water every day.

Carol Ann Yager

Carol Ann Yager (1960-1994). She has been overweight since childhood. The medical record states that she weighed over 1600 pounds. In 1993, she lost weight to 1189 pounds. She then lost almost 500 pounds on the diet (1200 calories a day), but then quickly gained weight again. Yager died in 1994 at the age of 34, she weighed approximately 1200 pounds (544 kg) and was 170 cm tall.

John was a resident of the town of Baybridge. The peculiarity of this man was that his weight was 635 kilograms. At the same time, his height is 185 centimeters. In order for John to be able to roll over, he needed the help of 13 people.

Surprisingly, he did not begin to gain weight from childhood. For a while, he even worked as a taxi driver and earned his living. But after a while, John had to say goodbye to work because of too heavy weight.

Many experts have attempted to help the poor fellow. They even managed to reduce his weight by 419 kilograms in a couple of years. But all was in vain. After stopping the treatment, extra pounds were gained in a matter of weeks, and this process could not be stopped.

Doctors made attempts to normalize the body of John Minnock, but all efforts were in vain. At the age of 42, the heaviest man in the world has died.

Heavy Man: Paul Mason

Paul Mason bears the title of the heaviest man. He was born in Britain. By the age of 26, Paul gained 160 kilograms. Even then, he repeatedly tried to lose weight on his own, but to no avail.

To alleviate the bleak existence of Paul Mason, the doctors placed all the necessary devices near his bed.

After many attempts, he turned to professional doctors for help. He requested that his stomach be reduced in size, but they refused.

Within a few years, Paul Mason gained 400 kilograms, which led to a fixed lifestyle. Paul is currently supported by his home state.

Heavy Man: Jessica Leonard

Already at the age of 7 years, Jessica has a weight of 222 kilograms. Her mother claimed that she had to constantly buy fast food. If she did not comply with the requirements of her daughter, Jessica fell into hysterics. After contacting the doctors, the weight was reduced by 140 kilograms.

Currently, doctors do not stop helping and continue to help eliminate extra pounds. Jessica Leonard hopes that she can return to normal life and thereby avoid the title of "Heaviest Man in the World".

These are just some of the stories from the lives of people who are overweight. The sad thing here is that the lives of some of them ended tragically. This is due to incurable diseases and malnutrition.

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Many people, especially girls, complain about their bodies. It seems to them that the extra 3-5 kilograms is a real disaster for their appearance, but, as a rule, everything is known in comparison. For some people, even 20 kg is not a problem, because they need to lose at least 100 kg.

The heaviest bbw in the world

Carol Yeager unofficially imprinted as the fattest woman in the world. Her Weight Limit was 727 kilograms.
The woman was born in America. She has had an eating disorder since childhood. Carol herself said that the disease began in her due to sexual aggression from one of her family members. In other interviews, she admitted that not only this affected her eating habits.

Carol could not move on her own. Her muscles could not bear the weight of her body.

Yeager also remembered the story of losing the most weight non-surgically. Within 3 months by 236 kilograms.

In 1994, at the age of 34, Carol Yeager died weighing 544 kilograms. It was beautifully celebrated by 90 friends and family members.

Carol died of kidney failure caused by morbid obesity.

The official fattest man in the world

American John Minnoch is officially registered as the fattest man. At 25, his weight was at around 180 kilograms. He worked as a taxi driver, and in order to fit, he had to slightly change its design. After some time, John already weighed 635 kilograms, 90 of which he gained in just 7 days.

About 400 liters of fluid accumulated in John's body, so even 10 people could not lift him.

John Minnoch died at the age of 42 weighing 362 kilograms.

Official champion in weight loss

Mexican Manuel Uribe is another fattest man in the world. At 22, his weight was 130 kilograms. Beginning in 2002, Manuel stopped getting out of bed. His weight was too large - 587 kilograms.

The man refused, which the experts offered him and went on a diet. As a result, he lost 230 kilograms, and dreams of losing twice as much weight in order to play football with the son of his beloved woman.

The smallest bbw in the world

Jessica Leonard is the fattest baby in the world. She was born in Chicago. In 2007, the girl began to be shown on all popular American channels. At that time she was 7 years old, and she weighed 222 kilograms.

The child's problem began with an addiction to food. Her mother says that the girl constantly asked for food. And Jessica's diet consisted only of fast food. All day long she ate cheeseburgers, french fries, pizza, etc. She ate at least 10,000 calories per day, despite the fact that the child needs only 1800.

Jessica's mother even wanted to be held accountable. She claimed that her daughter cried a lot if she was not fed.

After specialists took over the child, she began to weigh 82 kilograms. Her skin is very sagging, but the doctors plan to perform several operations that will return Jessica Leonard to normal.


  • The fattest man in the world weighed 560 kg

According to the World Health Organization, overweight is one of the most common problems in modern society: Nearly one and a half billion people worldwide are overweight. Which of this huge number of fat men weighs the most?

John Minnock

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the American John Minnock is recognized as the heaviest person in history, whose weight reached 635 kg with a height of 185 cm. The record was confirmed by medicine in 1978, when Minnock had a heart attack. The ambulance doctors who arrived faced a serious problem: how to deliver this literally immense person to? The doctors were forced to turn to firefighters: the help of 12 rescuers was required, who were able to carry the patient out of the house and transport him to the hospital.

The problems did not end there, because the fattest on the planet could not fit in a standard hospital bed. In order to accommodate him in the ward, several beds had to be pushed together.

The doctors were horrified: in order to survive, Minnock needed to urgently lose weight! And he took up his mind: he began to follow the strictest diet, consuming only 1200 kcal per day. After two years of the diet, his weight dropped to 216 kg.

However, the man's health was already undermined. In September 1983, Minok died. At the time of his death, his weight was 362 kg.

Carol Yeager

There is evidence that heavier people existed in the world. So, perhaps the heaviest person in history was a resident of the American town of Flint Carol Yeager. The officially registered weight of Yeager was “only” 544 kg with a height of 170 cm. However, according to unconfirmed reports, the weight of a woman at a certain period of her life reached a fantastic 727 kg.

An unhealthy passion for food, according to Yeager, appeared in her childhood, after she was the victim of sexual harassment by a family member. Like John Minnock, Carol Yeager suffered from a whole bunch of diseases caused by her obesity. Health problems were the reason for frequent hospitalizations: she had to go to the hospital 10-12 times a year. To transport her from home to the clinic, she also had to resort to the help of firefighters: this required the efforts of 15-20 people.

Although she did not receive the official title of the heaviest person on the planet, she still owns one record. Yeager is considered the champion in losing weight naturally: without the help of surgeons, she managed to lose 236 kg within three months. That is, on average, she lost 18 kg per week!

However, she should not be jealous of this. At the age of 34, the woman died of kidney failure, which was a consequence of her fullness.


  • Carol Yeager
  • Obesity and overweight

A very large number modern people struggling with being overweight. In the XXI century, the ideal of beauty is considered to be slender and toned body. But there are those who do not fit into the established framework and suffer from obesity. For them, excess weight is not a couple of tens of kilograms, because of which you cannot fit into your favorite jeans, but a very dangerous condition that can lead to death.

The fattest people in the world are unlikely to get much pleasure from life. Most of them leave this world in a very early age. The exceptions are those who realized in time that they were suffering from a serious illness and turned to specialists for help. Only through a strict diet and treatment can they prolong their lives.

The main causes of obesity

One of the main causes of weight problems is a change in diet. Many housewives exclude natural healthy dishes from their daily menu, as it takes a lot of time to prepare them. Women are trying to save time with the help of semi-finished products. This food consists of refined and canned ingredients and is rich in fats and carbohydrates. This way of life, which has not changed over the years, leads straight to gaining the title of "the fattest man."

In addition to the fact that food should be healthy and properly cooked, you also need to control the number of meals. Constant overeating will lead to the appearance of extra pounds. In order to satisfy your appetite in small portions, you need to make a diet and strictly adhere to it.

Another reason for obesity is new technologies that have significantly reduced the physical burden on a person. Because of this, a person spends much less calories during the day than he consumes with food. Which leads to the formation of fatty deposits.

Which country has the fattest people?

The US population is believed to be the most obese. But in Lately this country began to surrender its positions. According to the UN, Mexico came out on top. It is here that about 70% of the population has extra pounds.

Because of this, the incidence of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, kidney and liver diseases, and cancer is also increasing. Also, obese people often develop depression. The fattest people in the world are Mexicans due to the fact that they are more likely to consume fast food, soda and practically do not engage in physical activity. Fast food in Mexico is represented by meat tortillas different types with hot sauce and vegetables. All food here is fried and very fatty, high-calorie.

Mostly poor Mexicans and young people suffer from obesity. They prefer fast food and do not play sports at all. Worst of all, children began to suffer from obesity. WITH early years parents stuff their children with various goodies, without thinking that this can cripple their lives.

In second place after Mexico today is the United States. Russia is also among the twenty countries whose population is obese. According to statistics, every fourth inhabitant of our country is overweight.

The fattest man in history

American John Minnock became famous all over the world thanks to obesity. His case proves that this disease can not always be overcome. Sometimes even doctors are unable to cope with this.

John from his youth was not particularly slender and did not worry about it at all. He soon married and had children. He worked as a taxi driver and realized that he was in serious trouble when he could not fit into the car. But he did not take any measures, but simply sat at home. Because of this, the weight increased even more, and the day came when John could no longer get out of bed.

Due to the huge weight, his name was inscribed in the Guinness records. The fattest man in the world - John Minnock weighed 630 kg. It took 14 people to look after him.

Only after becoming a record holder, he decided to seek help. But it was too late, the process was irreversible. The strict diet did not bring any results. Because of this, he only lost strength, as a result of which he was hospitalized. In the hospital, John lost weight to 215 kg. But after returning home, he began to rapidly gain weight again. He even installed new record, having recovered by 90 kg in a week.

John Minnock spent the rest of his life under medical supervision and died at the age of 42. Then he weighed 363 kg. The photo of the fattest man proves how sad his situation was.

Carol Yeager

Unofficially, Carol Yeager was considered the fattest person. Her weight reached the mark of 727 kg. Unfortunately, there are no documents that could confirm this figure.

Carol herself claimed that because of the violence she experienced, her appetite greatly increased, which led to obesity. All her life the woman was treated. She sat on various diets, but to no avail. Due to her enormous weight, she was often sick. It took 20 people to get her to the hospital.

The cause of death of Carol Yeager was kidney failure, high blood sugar and heart failure.

Manuel Uribe

Due to obesity, a resident of Mexico, Manuel Uribe, got into the Guinness Book of Records. Throughout his life he struggled with the disease, but it did not bring results. In 2001, Manuel's weight reached 587 kg, and he could no longer move independently. But the man did not give up and with the help of diets he lost about 200 kg. Such changes gave him strength, and he continued to work hard.

Thanks to perseverance in 2011, Manuel Uribe's body weight dropped to 187 kg. But he still remained in the top ten of the ranking called "The Fattest People." Photos of Manuel show how appearance changed after weight loss.

After such success, the Mexican decided that he could relax. This was his mistake. In just a year, his weight approached the mark of 444 kg. This forced him to return to work, but obesity-related illnesses ended his life at the age of 49.

Terry Smith

The fattest people in the world are not only men. Often such ratings are headed by the fair sex. Today, American Terry Smith is recognized as the fattest woman. On this moment its weight is more than 300 kg. She cannot move without assistance.

Terry is now cared for by her husband and daughter. Her health condition is deteriorating. Doctors say that if she does not go on a strict diet, she will not last long.

Keith Martin

Many are interested in how much the fattest person weighs. Until recently the heaviest man modern world considered Keith Martin. Its weight was almost 445 kg. He was only 44 years old.

Overweight he appeared due to prolonged depression. Stress he "jammed" big amount junk food and washed down with sweet soda and coffee. He did not expose himself to any physical activity and spent the whole day watching TV and playing video games.

Martin spent the last months of his life in bed. Doctors removed part of his stomach. He passed away in December 2014 from pneumonia and severe indigestion.

Paul Mason

Sometimes the fattest people try to beat obesity, but few succeed. The lucky ones who managed to achieve this include Briton Paul Mason. He weighed 440 kg, and it seemed that he would not last long, but the forecasts turned out to be wrong.

Thanks to the operation, he managed to defeat obesity. During the procedure, most of his stomach was removed. In addition to losing weight, Paul was lucky to find his love. A documentary was made about him, and after seeing him, American Rebecca Mountain decided to write to Paul. As a result, they began to communicate.

After the operation, Paul Mason was not immediately able to live a full life. For a long time he had to move wheelchair. But love gave him strength, and soon Rebecca proposed to him. It happened right on the TV show.

Suzanne Eman

The fattest people in the world are most often dissatisfied with themselves and are very complex because of excess weight but there are those who like it. So, the American Suzanne Eman is very pleased with her appearance and is not going to stop there. Despite her 300 kg, she got married and had two children. In addition, she works as a model.

Unlike other fat women, Suzanne is not going to fight overweight. Moreover, a woman wants to get the title of the fattest person and tries to gain even more weight, despite the prescriptions of doctors.

Her husband, the chef, is completely satisfied that his wife is one of those who are called "the fattest people." Photos of a woman prove that she is proud of her forms, and her husband does not refuse anything to her beloved. Suzanne dreams of gaining more than 700 kg.

The fattest child in the world

In 2007, people saw a little girl on TV screens, whose appearance shocked the public. It was Jessica Leonard. At 7 years old, she weighed over 200 kg.

The reason for this was the negligent attitude of the mother. She was not at all worried about the girl's huge appetite. Instead of taking measures to help her daughter lose weight, she fed the child fast food and sweets.

After the release of the program, many people sent letters demanding that the mother be punished for what she turned her daughter into. Jessica was taken care of by experts. Due to her heavy weight, the girl could not walk, but moved around the house sitting or crawling, she spoke very badly.

Thanks to the efforts of nutritionists, at the age of 10, the girl began to weigh 140 kg less. Now Jessica goes to school and tries to lead healthy lifestyle life.

Every year the number of fat people increases. The public is shocked by their photos. The fattest person cannot be seen walking on the street, he cannot attend children's holidays and other entertainment events, few of them will be able to see their grandchildren due to illness, some cannot even have children. Therefore, it is worth thinking about your lifestyle and correcting it in time so as not to expose yourself and your loved ones to such a fate.

Sometimes a person gains excess weight as a result of an illness. But most people have a different reason - they eat too much and move little. Obesity can make a person's life incredibly difficult, both mentally and physically. However, some people have even become famous for their weight. Here top 10 fattest people in the world from the living.

10. Dzhambulat Khatokhov - 240 kg

The fattest man in Russia was born on September 24, 1999 and by the age of 1 he already weighed 17 kilograms. And by the first class, Dzhambulat's weight reached 115 kg, thanks to which his name appeared in the Guinness Book of Records. His mother says that the son inherited the heroic dimensions from his grandfather.

Dzhambulat gained worldwide fame thanks to the documentary video "The Most big boy in the world”, which was broadcast on many television channels around the world.

Currently, the weight of the young man reaches 240 kg, and he is not at all shy about this. On the contrary, Khatokhov consciously increases body weight, and plans to compete in sumo wrestling competitions. He is actively involved in sports, participated in television shows and, at the invitation of journalists, visited Japan and England.

9. Donna Simpson - 290 kg

This adventurous and overly curvaceous lady created a website where her fans paid to watch Donna eat to get even fatter. According to foreign publications, she earned $ 90,000 a year in this way. In 2010, Donna received the title of "The Fattest Mom in the World" and immortalized her name in the Guinness Book of Records.

However, in 2011, the woman decided to lose weight to 170 kg in order to be more independent and be able to fully take care of her two children.

Simpson is a supporter of the fatness acceptance movement and makes fun of people who "feel guilty when they overeat."

However, at the “peak of form” Donna was far from the late Carol Yager, who, with a height of 170 cm, weighed 544 kg.

8. Terry Smith - 320 kg

Once upon a time, this dark-skinned American woman was an active woman, despite the fact that she was overweight since childhood. By the age of 20, she weighed 100 kg, but at the same time lived a full life, and then got married and became a mother.

As she naturally aged, Terri became constantly fat, and eventually became bedridden. The situation is complicated by the fact that the woman suffers from constant headaches and doctors suspect a brain tumor. However, there is no MRI for patients with these sizes.

7. Paul Mason - 445 kg

Mason's breakfast was a meal for ten people and included bread, bacon, sausages and chicken eggs, while snacks consisted of 40 packs of potato chips and 20 chocolate bars per day. The NHS had to widen the doors and corridors at Mason's house so that restaurant staff could deliver food right to the fat man's bed.

Mason was called the fattest man on Earth, but this did not make him happy. The Briton is tired of his appetites; he no longer wanted to consume almost 20,000 calories daily.

In 2015, Paul Mason underwent a gastric bypass procedure. In order for the operating room to support the weight of the patient, the engineers had to install metal supports under the floor. To get rid of excess weight, the man was pushed by love for Rebecca Mountain. Thanks to this light feeling, he lost 305 kg and got rid of 21 kg of excess skin. Unfortunately, the couple broke up.

6. Katrina Rayford - 454 kg

As a child, Katrina was sexually abused and began to "seize" stress. At the age of 14, she had to undergo treatment in a psychiatric hospital due to problems with overeating. This Florida resident spent most of her life within the four walls of her own home, communicating with her peers only on the Web.

However, Katrina did not lose hope for a normal life and managed to lose 261 kg with the help of an operation on the gastrointestinal tract and a strict diet. She is not going to stop there and is already going to romantic dinners with boyfriends.

5. Andre Nasr - 468 kg

The fattest man in Australia in 2015 sought medical help because he could not leave his house for the past two to three years. Andre consumed 12,000 calories a day, six times the amount recommended for Australians.

The Australian became so fat that one of the walls of his house had to be dismantled so that medical workers could take him to the hospital. There he joined special program treatment.

Nasr has since lost over 170kg and says he wants to help others overcome extreme obesity.

4. Kenneth Brumley - 468 kg

At one time, Kenneth was considered the fattest man on Earth, and a documentary film “Half Ton Dad” was shot about his life. He was bedridden for four years, and the fire brigade had to break down a wall in his house to pull the fat man out and take him to the Renaissance Hospital in Texas. There, Brumley managed to lose 76 kg in 40 days.

The weight loss procedure involved limiting the man's daily diet to about 1,200 calories per day. For comparison, Kenneth consumed about 30,000 calories daily.

3. Mayra Rosales - 470 kg

If you look at the photo of Myra in 2008 and now, it will be hard to believe that this is the same person. This woman is living proof that it doesn't matter how much you weigh. Important right motivation, to lose weight.

In order to take care of her nephews, Mayra lost weight to 91 kg. Her sister, Jaime Lee, is serving a prison sentence for the manslaughter of her two-year-old child. Rosales initially took the blame, saying that she accidentally sat on her nephew and crushed him. However, during a high-profile investigation, the truth came out. And the real culprit was punished.

2. JuanPedro Franco - 585 kg

In 2016, a resident of Mexico entered the Guinness Book of Records as the fattest person in the world. His weight at that time was a little short of 595 kg. In a short film shown by the BBC, Franco explains that after a car accident at the age of 17, half of his body was "broken" and he never fully recovered. Nevertheless, the doctors did not understand why the man gained so much fat. Franco suffered from diabetes, high blood pressure and hypothyroidism.

Currently, he has thrown off 132 kg, up to 453 kilograms. In this, a whole team of 30 professionals helps him for free. The goal of a man is very simple - to get up from the couch on his own. This motivates him to exercise and even undergo gastric bypass surgery.

1. Khalid ibn Muhsen Shaari - maximum weight 610 kg

As a teenager, a resident of Saudi Arabia weighed 610 kilograms. He only slightly fell short of the record set by the fattest man in history - American John Minnock, with a body weight of 635 kg.

Extremely dubious in terms of health benefits, Khalid's achievement was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.

In 2013, the king of Saudi Arabia ordered the young man to be hospitalized. He also paid for the treatment. The young fat man was taken to the clinic on a military plane.

Two hundred and ninety kilograms - that's how much the fattest person in the world weighs after all medical manipulations. Through the efforts of doctors and Khalid himself, he managed to lose 320 kilograms. And by 2016, the heaviest person in the world gained the ability to walk.

Mills Darden

Mills Darden October 7, 1799 - January 23, 1857. Assumed to have been one of the largest men in history, his weight was approximately 400 to 500 kg. But he was also quite tall, his height was 2.29 meters. It is believed to be 30% higher

Kenneth Brumley

Kenneth Brumley, born in 1968, age 44, one of the heaviest people ever recorded. Its weight is 468 kg. Brumley tried to lose weight and he limited himself to 1200 calories a day, which caused him to lose 76 kg after 40 days.

Mayor Rosales

Mayor Rosales of the United States (1980), one of the fattest women, weighing 470 kg, was accused of killing her son and sister - but she was dropped after the court decided she was too fat to commit such an act.

Robert Earl Hughes

Robert Earl Hughes (June 4, 1926 – July 10, 1958). He weighed approximately 486 kilograms. At the age of six, he weighed 92 kilograms; at ten, he weighed 171 kilograms. By the time of his death, he weighed over half a ton.

Patrick Duel

Patrick Duel was born on March 28, 1962, was one of the heaviest people in the world. He has been overweight since early childhood. He weighed 410 kg, and also went down in history as a bag man. After 12 months of losing weight, Patrick lost 260 kilograms. After leaving the hospital, Patrick lost even more weight, reaching 170 kilograms.

Michael Hebranco

Michael Hebranco was born on May 14, 1953 and suffered from extremely severe obesity. After a stay at St. Luke's Hospital in New York, he lost weight from 411 kg to 90 kg and reduced his waist size from 290 cm to 91 cm. After 19 months, with the help of a trainer and dieting, he was registered in the Guinness Book of Records as a person who lost the largest amount of fat. However, after that he again recovered to 453 kg. In June 1999, Hebranco already weighed 500 kg.

Rosalie Bradford

Rosalie Bradford: August 27, 1943 - November 29, 2006, she first entered the Guinness Book of Records as the heaviest woman, and then as the woman who lost the maximum amount of fat. At 14, she weighed 92 kg. In 1987, she weighed 544 kg. She tortured herself with hunger and lost weight. The total weight loss was 416 kg.

Walter Hudson

Walter Hudson: 1944 - December 24, 1991. Went down in history as the man with the largest waist of 300 cm, and his weight was 543 kg. Hudson described his average daily diet as including two boxes of sausages, bacon, 12 eggs, a loaf of bread, four hamburgers and four double cheeseburgers, three steaks, ham or two chickens, four baked potatoes, a large pie, and extra snacks. As well as 17 liters of water every day.

Carol Ann Yager

Carol Ann Yager (1960-1994). She has been overweight since childhood. The medical record states that she weighed over 1600 pounds. In 1993, she lost weight to 1189 pounds. She then lost almost 500 pounds on the diet (1200 calories a day), but then quickly gained weight again. Yager died in 1994 at the age of 34, she weighed approximately 1200 pounds (544 kg) and was 170 cm tall.

Manuel Uribe

Manuel Uribe was born on June 11, 1965. After reaching a peak weight of 597 kg, since 2001, Uribe has lost approximately 181 kg with the help of doctors and nutritionists. By October 26, 2008, Uribe had reduced his weight to 360 kg (790 lb). His struggle with heavy weight continues. Since February 2012, he weighs 200 kg.

John Brower Minnoch

John Brower Minnoch: September 29, 1941 - September 10, 1983, weighed 634 kg. Then, after treatment and diets, he lost 419 kg, but then the weight increased again to 432 kg. He died on September 10, 1983, at the age of 41. At the time of his death, he weighed 362 kg.