Speed ​​power training of taekwondo athletes. Special physical training in taekwondo

Methodology for developing flexibility

In childhood and adolescence, greater flexibility is manifested in all joints and greater mobility of the joints. Therefore, one of the main sports and pedagogical tasks of the teacher is the systematic work to develop the flexibility of those involved in the first years of classes.

Good flexibility helps correct execution technical actions, and systematic exercises in the implementation of techniques contribute to the specific improvement of flexibility.

The following are used to develop flexibility. special exercises and methodological approaches:

1. Exercises without objects with gradually increasing amplitude.

2. Stretching exercises; repeated springy movements (tilts forward, to the side, backbends and various squats).

3. Exercises that imitate taekwondo techniques with as much amplitude as possible.

4. Exercises using active and passive flexibility (with the help of shells, with the help of a partner, etc.).

Special exercises for the development of flexibility are necessarily included in the preparatory part of any taekwondo lesson, in morning exercises and other taekwondo activities.

Integrated technical-tactical, physical and psychological preparation in direct methodological connection with competitions at certain stages it becomes competitive training. It contributes to a better solution of the tasks of tactical and moral-volitional training of those involved.

Participation in competitions is an effective means of improving the sportsmanship of fighters. However, it must be remembered that frequent starts are tiring. nervous system, the athlete loses the desire to compete. Therefore, competitive training must be planned in the interests of all training process and is aimed at the main competition of the season.

When organizing training, one should keep in mind the effect of supercompensation during the recovery period after physical activity. On this basis, load and rest cycles are built during the training period.

Among the methods of organizing such cycles during the training session are:

● rigid intervals of rest with small loads and short periods of rest with the expectation of under-recovery;

● Relatively complete rest intervals that ensure the restoration of working capacity;

● extreme rest intervals, designed to impose a load in the phase of hypercompensation of functional qualities;

● full rest interval, calculated for the imposition of the load after the reduction of the hypercompensation curve to the background level.

9.5. Special physical training in taekwondo

The physical fitness of a taekwondo fighter should become more and more specialized as his qualifications and fitness grow, so that, on the one hand, contributing to the most complete education of special physical qualities and skills, and on the other hand, supplementing special training, ensure the alignment of all sides in the preparation and development of an athlete.

Level physical fitness taekwondo player changes with the growth of his sportsmanship, so the education of the athlete's physical qualities must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the specifics of the sport.

Below we will consider the issues of improving functional qualities in the context of the tasks of taekwondo as a sport with high loads on the sensorimotor apparatus. Therefore, the development of physical qualities should be aimed specifically at providing motor actions that are characteristic of taekwondo. Nevertheless, the methods of their development have their own specifics, and therefore the terms relating to the principles and methods of improving physical qualities will be repeated.

9.5.1. Taekwondo special strength as speed strength

The conditions and nature of the efforts developed during the fight are too diverse to be able to speak of a single manifestation of strength in taekwondo.

The dynamic power of a taekwondoist is manifested in movement, that is, in the so-called dynamic mode. This, for example, is the strength developed in strikes, defenses, movements, etc.

According to the nature of the efforts, dynamic strength in taekwondo is divided into explosive, fast and slow.

Explosive force refers to the manifestation of force with maximum acceleration. Such strength, for example, develops in the accented strikes of a taekwondoist.

Fast force is manifested in movements in which the speed of movement plays a predominant role, and relatively small inert resistances are inherent in it.

Slow force is manifested in relatively slow movements performed with little or no acceleration. A typical case of the manifestation of slow force in taekwondo is the direct forceful overcoming of the enemy's resistance in close combat at the time of captures, holding, etc.

Different modes of work and fighting styles of athletes require different manifestations of strength, especially when they perform shock actions.

Thus, a “tempo” fighter needs a force that allows him to inflict a series of rapidly alternating relatively weak blows, overcoming his inertial efforts and the resistance of the enemy. Such a taekwondoist seeks to strike the next one as quickly as possible after each blow. This means that he does not need to deliver strong accented blows, since in this case he will inevitably “stagnate” and he will have less favorable conditions for continuous suppression of the opponent.

In a taekwondo “knockout”, on the contrary, the main feature is the ability to inflict a strong accented blow with maximum and near-limit force of an “explosive” nature. The "explosive" effect is achieved due to the involvement of the maximum number of functional units of each individual working muscle, the rational use of muscle groups for this particular strike, their high intermuscular coordination and the athlete's ability to strike in an extremely short time interval. The “knockout” fighter is characterized by a relatively low combat density, since he usually delivers strong single or double blows (less often series) with relatively long pauses between attacks. This is due to a number of reasons, in particular, the physiological capabilities of the muscles, whose work is based on alternate contraction and relaxation, and it takes more time to relax the muscles than to contract. In this regard, in a high-density fight, a taekwondo “knockout” has less favorable conditions for a strong accented strike, since the relaxation time of his muscles will be shorter.

The manifestation of slow strength, especially in direct contact with the enemy at the time of the power struggle and during his physical "suppression", is characteristic of the "silovik" fighter. Usually, his strikes have poorly differentiated efforts - they are applied with the same force and at a low speed, they lack an “explosive” accent. Insufficient level of speed with good physical preparation leads to the formation of a power fighting style in such a taekwondo player with the aim of achieving victory through physical suppression of the enemy.

The taekwondo player assumes a protective position before and after striking, and therefore has a reduced ability to carry out the maximum hard hit. He achieves the effect in percussion actions due to fast and accurate strikes with the development of an “explosive” impulse at the beginning of the strike.

Since the nature of the manifestations of strength in taekwondo is different (explosive, fast, slow strength), in practice, the coach must use the appropriate means and methods to develop each type of strength, focusing on those that correspond to the style of a particular fighter.

In addition, it must be remembered that the magnitude of the displayed force depends on the level of training of the athlete - in a state of high fitness, the number of muscle fibers involved in the work increases and the synchronization of muscle work improves.

As a manuscript

Mavletkulova Aigul Sabitovna

Development of special physical qualities of young taekwondo athletes

13.00.04 - theory and methodology physical education, sports

training, health-improving and adaptive physical culture

dissertations for a degree

candidate of pedagogical sciences
St. Petersburg - 2007

The dissertation was completed: at the St. Petersburg State University of Physical Culture named after P.F. Lesgaft and

at the Bashkir Institute of Physical Culture (branch) FGOU VPO "Ural State University of Physical Culture".

The defense will take place on March 29, 2007 at 13:00. at a meeting of the dissertation council at the St. Petersburg State University of Physical Culture named after P.F. Lesgaft at the address 100121, St. Petersburg, st. Dekabristov, 35.

The dissertation can be found in the library and on the official website www.lesgaft.spb.ru of the St. Petersburg State University of Physical Culture named after P.F. Lesgaft

Scientific Secretary

dissertation council,

candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor

L.A. Egorenko

Relevance of the topic and research problems. Over the past decades, interest in various types of oriental and western martial arts has increased significantly. Taekwondo, due to its accessibility, dynamism and entertainment, is one of the most popular types of martial arts born in the East. The inclusion of taekwondo in the program of the Olympic Games sets the task for specialists to scientifically substantiate the system sports training Russian taekwondo athletes to successful performances at the European, World and Olympic Games. However, the scientific and methodological support of the training process in this sport is not sufficiently disclosed. One of the ways to solve the problem of increasing the efficiency of the process of training athletes is to improve the organization, content, means and methods of the training process (E.I. Glebov, 2002).

The ever-increasing competition in taekwondo indicates the need to develop new tools and methods sports training which could maximally meet the requirements determined by the specifics of the sport. At the same time, the question of special physical training, the development of such special physical qualities of taekwondo fighters, the manifestation of which would give the greatest result in competitive fights and, ultimately, determine the success of competitive activity as a whole, sharply arises. The issues of training athletes specializing in taekwondo are covered in the works of a number of authors (O.G. Epov, 2000; M.A. Karpov, 2001; E.Yu. Klyuchnikov, 2001; I.A. Afanasyev, 2002; Lee John Ki, 2003; S.V. Pavlov, 2004 and others). However, theoretical research, as well as the practice of taekwondo, indicate insufficient coverage of the issue of special physical training in this sport. The study of the development of physical qualities in the age aspect, of course, is important, since in adolescence the foundation of sportsmanship is laid and the basic motor abilities are formed (V.P. Filin, 1980; L.V. Volkov, 2002). At present, there is a need to define in each age group and at various stages of sports training of the leading special physical qualities of taekwondo wrestlers in order to develop them purposefully, which will increase the effectiveness of the training and competitive processes.

Based on the foregoing, it should be noted contradictions between: a) the need to achieve high sports results and insufficient efficiency in the implementation of special physical qualities in competitive fights of taekwondo youths; b) the need to increase the level of special physical fitness and the lack of recommendations on the organization, content, means and methods of developing the special physical qualities of taekwondo-boys.

Purpose of the study: develop and test a methodology for the development of special physical qualities of young taekwondo athletes.

Object of study: special physical training taekwondo youths.

Subject of study: developed methodology for the development of special physical qualities of young taekwondo athletes.

Research hypothesis - it was assumed that the process of developing the special physical qualities of young taekwondo athletes would be more effective if:

Leading special physical qualities will be determined that ensure the effectiveness of motor actions in competitive fights among taekwondo fighters;

The methodology for the development of special physical qualities of taekwondo fighters will include elements of technical actions, the time of physical activity and rest intervals, adequate to the specific features of the competitive activity of taekwondo fighters; texts of pedagogical suggestion; special exercises aimed at developing the individual psychological characteristics of taekwondo fighters;

- in the process of special physical training of young taekwondo athletes, the developed methodology for the development of special physical qualities will be used.

Research objectives:

1. To study the state of the problem of development of special physical qualities in the theory and practice of martial arts.

2. To identify the leading special physical qualities that ensure the effectiveness of motor actions in competitive fights among taekwondo fighters.

3. To substantiate the methodology for the development of special physical qualities of young taekwondo fighters and experimentally test its effectiveness in the educational, training and competitive processes.

Research methods:

  1. Method of analysis of literary sources.

  2. The method of pedagogical observation.

  3. Psychological and pedagogical testing.

  4. Survey method (questionnaire survey by the method of paired comparisons).

  5. pedagogical experiment.

  6. Methods of mathematical statistics.
Theoretical foundations of the study are: principles of scientific character, connection of theory and practice; sports theory (V.N. Platonov, 2004; L.P. Matveev, 1991; Zh.K. Kholodov, 2004); methodology for modeling texts of pedagogical suggestion aimed at developing physical qualities (T.V. Bondarchuk, 2000); scientific and methodological foundations, principles and methods of physical training in martial arts (V.I. Filimonov, 2000; E.I. Glebov, 2002; S.V. Pavlov, 2004; Sagat Noy Koklam, 2003; Choi Sung Mo, 2002).

Scientific novelty of the research.

1. For the first time, the leading special physical qualities of young taekwondo fighters were determined: speed endurance of leg muscles; "explosive" strength of the muscles of the legs, manifested in shock actions; speed of movement (the ability to perform kicks at a maximum pace); mobility in hip joint; motor-coordination abilities.

2. A methodology for the development of special physical qualities of young taekwondo fighters has been developed, including:

a) elements of effective and often used technical actions in sports fights, the time of physical activity and rest intervals, corresponding to the peculiarities of the taekwondo fighters' own competitive activity;

b) texts of pedagogical suggestion used in the process of development of a specific special physical quality;

c) special tasks aimed at developing individual psychological characteristics associated with the special physical qualities of young taekwondo fighters.

3. The effectiveness of the experimental methodology for the development of special physical qualities of young taekwondo athletes was determined.

Theoretical significance the study carried out is:

In identifying the leading special physical qualities of taekwondo-young men;

In addition to the theory of sports training of combatants with data aimed at developing the special physical qualities of taekwondo fighters;

In solving the problem of increasing the efficiency of the process of special physical training of young taekwondo wrestlers using the developed methodology for the development of special physical qualities.

Practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the theoretical provisions and conclusions contained in it, the results of the pedagogical experiment made it possible to increase the efficiency of the process of special physical training of young taekwondo athletes. A positive result of using the developed methodology for the development of special physical qualities of young taekwondo fighters in the educational, training and competitive processes has been revealed. The set of provisions and conclusions obtained in the dissertation can be used in the work of the combined teams of the subjects of the federations, taekwondo sections, children's youth sports schools, aimed at improving the process of special physical training of taekwondo youths.

Research base. The research was carried out on the basis of a specialized children's and youth sports school Olympic reserve No. 15 in Ufa, they were attended by taekwondo fighters 11-13 years of training groups of the second year of study.

The following provisions are put forward.

1. Leading special physical qualities that predetermine the effectiveness of motor actions in competitive fights among young taekwondo fighters are: speed endurance of leg muscles; "explosive" strength of the muscles of the legs, manifested in shock actions; the ability to perform kicks at the maximum pace (speed of movement); mobility in the hip joint; motor-coordination abilities.

2. The content of the developed methodology for the development of special physical qualities of male taekwondo wrestlers is based on the result of the analysis of their competitive fights (the volume and versatility of technical actions in competitive fights, the time spent on active technical actions and preparatory technical actions, the effectiveness of attacking and counterattacking actions); relationships between special physical qualities and individual psychological characteristics of young taekwondo athletes.

3. The main structural components of the developed methodology are: elements of effective and frequently used technical actions in sports fights, the time of physical activity and rest intervals, corresponding to the characteristics of the taekwondo fighters' own competitive activity; texts of pedagogical suggestion; special tasks in phases active rest between approaches for the development of individual psychological characteristics of young taekwondo fighters, designed in the form of a circuit training.

Validity and reliability scientific results and conclusions are determined by a deep theoretical analysis of the state of the issues under study, the adequacy of the complex of methods to the goals and objectives of the study, a sufficient sample size, and correct statistical processing of experimental data.

Testing and implementation of research results. Twelve publications have been published on the research topic. The main provisions of the dissertation research were discussed at the international scientific and practical conference"Collaboration and innovation in physical culture and sports: problems and prospects” (Chelyabinsk, 2006); All-Russian scientific and practical conferences: "Physical culture, sports, tourism: science, education, technology" (Tchaikovsky, 2004), "Physical culture and sports in the XXI century: experience, modern approach, problems and prospects” (Sterlitamak, 2006); All-Ural Scientific and Practical Conference " Contemporary Issues physical culture, sports, tourism and Olympic movement"(Ufa, 2005); regional scientific-practical conference "Health care, theory of health and healthy lifestyle life” (Chelyabinsk, 2005); interuniversity scientific and practical conferences: “Man. Society. Education” (Ufa, 2005), “Physical culture, sports, tourism and health” (Ufa, 2005); intrauniversity scientific-practical conference "Actual issues of the theory and practice of physical culture and sports" (Ufa, 2004). The results of the dissertation research are introduced into the educational process of the Bashkir Institute of Physical Culture in the discipline "Theory and Methods of the Chosen Kind of Sports". The materials of the dissertation, the methodology for the development of special physical qualities of taekwondo-young men are used in the system of sports training in national teams Russian Federation, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Astrakhan region and Perm region.

The structure and scope of the dissertation. The dissertation is presented on 161 pages of computer text and consists of an introduction, four chapters, a conclusion, conclusions, a list of references, applications and implementation acts. The list of references includes 168 sources, including foreign language– 11. The work is illustrated with 11 tables and 14 figures.
In the introduction the relevance of the chosen research topic is substantiated, the goal and objectives are set, the object and subject of research are defined, the theoretical and practical significance of the dissertation is disclosed, information is given on testing and implementing the research results in practice, the provisions submitted for defense are presented.

In the first chapter"Justification of the purpose and objectives of the study" reveals the theoretical and methodological foundations of special physical training and specific features of the development of special physical qualities in martial arts. The analysis of the research material carried out in different years specialists in the field of martial arts, showed that the issues of building special physical training are not sufficiently disclosed. Most of the works are devoted to the problem of general physical fitness and preparedness. Analyzing the available literature on martial arts, we can state that most types of martial arts, including taekwondo, are speed-strength sports. That is, to achieve high sports results in martial arts, it is necessary to have not only a high level muscle strength, but also to have the ability to show significant muscle effort in the shortest possible time. The analysis of the reviewed literary data gives grounds to conclude that for the effectiveness of competitive activity in the "shock" types of martial arts, a high level of development of special endurance, mobility in the joints, speed of movements and reactions, manifestation of coordination abilities is necessary.

The beginning of the new millennium is characterized by unprecedented popularity olympic style taekwondo in our country, and this was due, first of all, to the successful performance Russian athletes at major international competitions. In 2000, the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) took part in the Olympic Games for the first time. The same period is characterized by a significant surge in scientific research to substantiate the content, organization, methodology and direction of various aspects of the training of taekwondo practitioners (O.G. Epov, 2000; M.A. Karpov, 2001; E.Yu. Klyuchnikov, 2001; I. A. Afanasiev, 2002; Lee John Ki, 2003; S.V. Pavlov, 2004, etc.). The available research focuses more on technical training, individualization of the training process of taekwondo athletes at the stage of initial specialization in taekwondo, control of the state of sports readiness in the process of competitive activity.

It can be seen from the analysis of literary sources that, despite the fact that Lately appeared a large number of scientific and methodical literature on various types of martial arts, kickboxing, boxing, judo, wushu, and so on, in taekwondo, the issues of physical training and the development of special physical qualities of taekwondo fighters are not sufficiently disclosed. The need to develop means and methods of taekwondo sports training is based on the contradiction between the increasing competition in this sport and the insufficient development of the organization, means and methods of the section of special physical training in taekwondo.

In the second chapter dissertation "Organization and methods of research" reveals the main stages of work, describes the methods used in theoretical and empirical research.

Theoretical and methodological analysis was carried out to determine the coverage of the problem of special physical training in martial arts, specific features of the development of special physical qualities in taekwondo were determined.

Pedagogical observation was carried out by the method of shorthand recording of videos of the championships of Russia, the Republic of Bashkortostan and the city of Ufa in taekwondo among young men in order to analyze the competitive fights of taekwondo players aged 11-13.

The analysis of the number of fights won was made by calculating the arithmetic mean of the number of fights won in competitions in the control and experimental groups, regardless of occupied place.

The survey was conducted to confirm and clarify the leading special physical qualities in ensuring the effectiveness of training and competitive activities among young men in taekwondo, the results of a questionnaire survey of 22 experts (masters of sports, masters of sports of international class and leading taekwondo coaches) were studied. Using the method of paired comparisons, the experts chose the most important, from their point of view, special physical qualities necessary for young taekwondo fighters.

Psychological and pedagogical testing was carried out in order to determine the level of special physical fitness of young taekwondo fighters and their individual psychological characteristics. Selected tests met all requirements general theory testing (reliability, informativeness, etc.).

Evaluation of the level of special physical fitness.

A test for assessing the speed of movements - the number of kicks "pit-chagi" (kicking around the circumference) in the "boxing paw" in the middle part of the body within 10 seconds.

A test for assessing the speed endurance of the leg muscles - the number of kicks "pit-chagi" (kick around the circumference) in the "boxing paw" for two minutes.

Test for assessing motor-coordinating abilities - shuttle run 4x10 m (in sec).

Test for assessing mobility in the hip joint - longitudinal twine. The smallest distance from the lateral inguinal region to the floor was recorded (in cm).

To determine the individual psychological characteristics of young taekwondo athletes, tests were used to assess a simple motor reaction, a reaction to a moving object, an anticipatory reaction, which were carried out using an electric stopwatch.

To assess the operational thinking of athletes, the “numeric columns” technique was used, modified by T.V. Bondarchuk, N.A. Baturina, V.V. Demyanenko.

The assessment of the level of situational anxiety and personal anxiety was carried out according to the method of Ch. Spielberger, adapted and standardized by Yu.L. Khanin.

The pedagogical experiment was the main method of research and was carried out in order to substantiate the effectiveness of the developed methodology for the development of special physical qualities of young taekwondo athletes of the second year of training group. For this purpose, two groups were formed - control (n=22) and experimental (n=22).

Mathematical analysis was used to ensure the reliability and validity of the study results. Statistical processing was carried out according to the generally accepted methods of mathematical statistics described in the special literature with the calculation of the arithmetic mean of the variation series (M), the mean error of the arithmetic mean (m), with the test results of the study for the significance of differences (p) according to Student's criterion; correlation coefficient (r) Bravais-Pearson. A single-factor analysis of variance and mathematical methods for assessing the indicators of special physical qualities in competitive fights of taekwondo youths were used.

In the third chapter "Scientific substantiation of the content of the developed methodology for the development of special physical qualities of taekwondo-young men" identified the leading special physical qualities in ensuring sports results among young men in taekwondo, analyzed the competitive fights of taekwondo-young men, correlation analysis between special physical qualities and individual psychological characteristics of taekwondo 11- 13 years old, the content and form of the developed methodology for the development of special physical qualities of young taekwondo fighters are presented.

The analysis of the available literature on taekwondo, the results of the analysis of competitive fights made it possible to determine 13 special physical qualities that ensure the effectiveness of motor actions in competitive fights of taekwondo fighters. To confirm and clarify the leading special physical qualities in ensuring effectiveness in competitive fights among young men in taekwondo, the results of a questionnaire survey of experts (taekwondo athletes of the highest qualification - masters of sports and masters of sports of international class, leading taekwondo coaches) were studied, which were selected by the method of paired comparisons from the identified by us 13 the most important from their point of view special physical qualities necessary to achieve results in competitive fights of taekwondo youths. According to the results of a questionnaire survey, it was revealed that experts distinguish the following as the leading special physical qualities of young taekwondoists: speed endurance of leg muscles; speed of movement; "explosive" strength of the muscles of the legs, manifested in shock movements; active mobility in the hip joint; motor-coordination abilities.

The analysis of competitive fights was carried out to include the results of the study in the content of the developed methodology for the development of special physical qualities of young taekwondo athletes. For this, the volume and versatility of technical actions in competitive fights were analyzed; time spent on active and preparatory technical actions; the effectiveness of attacking and counterattacking actions. A total of 30 competitive matches were analyzed. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed:

Athletes carry out 95% of strikes in a fight with four technical actions - these are "pit-chagi", "dwid-chagi", "dolio-chagi" and "nerio-chagi". These strikes are used by taekwondo practitioners mainly in all attacking and counterattacking actions, as they are the most productive (often evaluated by judges) in competitions;

The range of time spent by athletes on active technical actions (percussion, combination movements) in one minute of the round is from 10 to 35 seconds. A decrease in the number and speed of strikes by the fifth and sixth minutes of the third round of the fight indicates an insufficient level of manifestation of special endurance among taekwondo fighters.

The data obtained in the course of the analysis were taken into account when developing a methodology for the development of special physical qualities of young taekwondo athletes. The technique includes technical actions that are the most frequently used and effective in competitive fights of taekwondo fighters of this age group.

To select the means of psychological and pedagogical influence in the process of developing special physical qualities, an analysis was made of the relationship between special physical qualities and individual psychological characteristics of taekwondo youths (n=58). During statistical processing of the obtained results, significant positive relationships were identified:

Between the speed of movements and operational thinking (r=0.86), simple reaction (r=0.65), anticipatory reaction (r=0.52); personal anxiety (r=0.87), situational anxiety (r=0.87);

Between speed endurance of leg muscles and operational thinking (r=0.8), simple reaction (r=0.53), anticipatory reaction (r=0.53), personal anxiety (r=0.87), situational anxiety (r =0.85);

Between the "explosive" strength of the leg muscles and operational thinking (r=0.74); simple reaction (r=0.6), anticipatory reaction (r=0.53), personal anxiety (r=0.88), situational anxiety (r=0.78);

Between motor-coordinating abilities and operational thinking (r=0.64), personal anxiety (r=0.83), situational anxiety (r=0.84);

Between mobility in the hip joint and operational thinking (r=0.84), reaction to a moving object (r=0.62), simple reaction (r=0.56), anticipatory reaction (r=0.58); personal anxiety (r=0.86), situational anxiety (r=0.87).

Thus, as a result of the study of the relationship between individual psychological characteristics and leading special physical qualities, significant statistical relationships were established between all special physical qualities and operational thinking, simple reaction, anticipatory reaction, personal anxiety and situational anxiety. The obtained data of the correlation analysis between the leading special physical qualities and individual psychological characteristics of taekwondo fighters aged 11-13 make it possible to determine the content of the methodology for the development of special physical qualities of young taekwondo fighters in the main directions of constructing heterosuggestion formulas and choosing means for developing their individual psychological characteristics. So, in the process of developing the special physical qualities of taekwondo fighters, it is necessary to include tasks that contribute to the development of operational thinking, simple and anticipatory reactions.

The analysis of the scientific and methodological literature on the problem under study, the analysis of competitive fights and the relationship between special physical qualities and individual psychological characteristics of young athletes specializing in taekwondo, made it possible to develop a methodology for the development of special physical qualities of young taekwondo athletes. When developing the methodology, the following factors were taken into account: availability in practical application; adequacy to the peculiarities of the training process of training groups; compliance with the characteristics of the competitive activity of taekwondo-young men.

The structure of a separate training session corresponded to the generally accepted in the theory and practice of sports training and included preparatory, main and final parts. Circuit training in both groups it was used in the main part of the training session and occupied 30% of its total time, 70% of the time was aimed at teaching technical actions and improving the technical and tactical skills of taekwondo fighters.

The methodology includes nine sets of exercises, each of which is aimed at developing a specific special physical quality. The athlete passed four stations in the mode of three series of two minutes each with a minute interval of active rest between the series. During a one-minute break, the athletes performed mincing runs and recovery exercises ( breathing exercises muscle relaxation exercises). The number of series, their duration, the interval of active rest between the series were determined by the formula of competitive fights adopted by the competition rules of the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF). Athletes performed two approaches, the interval of active rest between them was 10 minutes and was also predetermined by the established rules adopted in WTF taekwondo. So in accordance with them, the interval between fights should not be less than 10 minutes. During outdoor activities, athletes performed special exercises - “step-movements”. The "step-movements" used in the methodology are aimed at developing the individual psychological characteristics of young taekwondo fighters (operational thinking, simple and anticipatory reactions).

Thus, the methodology developed by us for the development of special physical qualities of young taekwondo fighters includes elements of effective and often used technical actions in sports fights, the time of physical activity and rest intervals that correspond to the characteristics of the taekwondo fighters' own competitive activity; texts of pedagogical suggestion; special tasks in the phases of active rest between sets for the development of individual psychological characteristics of young taekwondo athletes, designed in the form of a circuit training.

In the fourth chapter"Experimental verification of the methodology for the development of special physical qualities of taekwondo athletes aged 11-13" determined the effectiveness of the developed methodology. The formative pedagogical experiment was carried out to test the developed methodology for the development of special physical qualities of young taekwondo athletes. After preliminary testing, the subjects were divided into control (n=22) and experimental (n=22) groups. The groups were statistically homogeneous. The identity of the groups was due to the same age, experience in taekwondo, level of preparedness, gender and sports qualifications of taekwondo players. The pedagogical experiment was attended by two coaches of the highest and first qualification categories. In the experimental group, for the development of special physical qualities of taekwondo fighters, which include speed endurance of the leg muscles, speed of movement, “explosive” strength of the leg muscles, active mobility in the hip joint and motor-coordination abilities, the developed method was used. In the control group, texts of heterosuggestion and special exercises for the development of individual psychological characteristics of young athletes were not used in the structure of the training session.

Measurement of indicators of special physical qualities was carried out in the following test exercises: the number of "pit chug" strikes in two minutes, the number of "pit chug" strikes in 10 seconds, shuttle run, "pit chug" strikes with external resistance "rubber tourniquet" , twine is longitudinal.

The evidentiary basis for solving the problem of experimental verification of the developed methodology for the development of special physical qualities of young taekwondo athletes was: analysis of the dynamics of indicators of special physical qualities of taekwondo athletes aged 11-13 in the process of a pedagogical experiment in the control and experimental groups; intergroup analysis of the dynamics of indicators of special physical qualities after the first, second and third months of the pedagogical experiment; determination of the degree of influence of the developed methodology on the indicators of special physical qualities of taekwondo athletes of the experimental group; comparative analysis of coefficients of special physical qualities in competitive duels of taekwondo-young men of both groups before and after the pedagogical experiment; quantitative analysis of the fights won by athletes of both groups.

To identify the effectiveness and expediency of the developed methodology in the control and experimental groups, an intragroup analysis of the dynamics of indicators of special physical qualities was carried out in the process of a pedagogical experiment (Fig. 1).

When comparing the data obtained after the first month of the pedagogical experiment with the background indicators in the experimental group, significant changes were noted in such special physical qualities as the speed of movements (p

After the second month of the experiment, significant differences were found in the increase in indicators of special physical qualities: speed endurance of leg muscles (p

After the third month of the pedagogical experiment, in comparison with the background indicators, significant differences were determined in all the considered special physical qualities: leg muscle speed endurance (p

Rice. 1. Dynamics of indicators of special physical qualities in the experimental group.

Symbols: SVMN - speed endurance of leg muscles; BD - speed of movements; DCS – motor-coordinating abilities; VSMN - "explosive" strength of the muscles of the legs; PTS - mobility in the hip joint; FP - background indicators; 1m - the first month of the experiment; 2 m - the second month of the experiment; 3m - the third month of the experiment.

In the control group, there is a positive trend in terms of all special physical qualities, but significant differences were found only after the second and third months of the pedagogical experiment in special physical qualities: speed endurance of the leg muscles, speed of movements, "explosive" strength of the leg muscles, mobility in the hip joint on significant level p As a result of intergroup analysis, it was determined that the developed methodology has a positive effect on the indicators of special physical qualities of male taekwondo athletes of the second year of study after the second month of the pedagogical experiment, and after the third month there were more significant changes in all test exercises, except for the shuttle run exercise (Table 1).

Table 1

The difference in indicators of special physical qualities of taekwondo fighters

control (n=22) and experimental (n=22) groups in the process

pedagogical experiment (M±m)

special physical


Group, r

Before experiment

After the first month of the experiment

After the second month of the experiment

After the third month of the experiment


leg muscle endurance























leg muscle strength







Mobility in the hip joint







Note: EG – experimental group; CG–control group;

p - reliability of differences.
Therefore, the developed technique is effective in developing such special physical qualities of young taekwondo fighters as high-speed endurance of leg muscles, speed of movements, “explosive” strength of leg muscles, mobility in the hip joint and is not effective enough in the development of motor-coordination abilities. In addition, the data of intergroup analysis indicate the difference between the developed methodology and the methodology that was used in the control group and indicates its effectiveness.

In order to determine the degree of influence of the developed methodology on the indicators of the special physical qualities of the taekwondo fighters of the experimental group, a single-factor analysis of variance was carried out, which was carried out only for those special physical qualities, in the indicators of which significant differences were identified. The degree of influence of the technique on the speed endurance of the leg muscles after the second month of the experiment was 42.5%; after the third month - 37.3%. With the development of the speed of movements of young taekwondo athletes, the effectiveness of pedagogical influence after each experimental month was as follows: after the first month - 8.2%; after the second month - 9.6%; after the third - 18.7%. In the development of "explosive" strength of the leg muscles, the degree of influence of the technique after the second month was 8.2%, after the third - 28.3%; on indicators of mobility in the hip joint after the second and third months of the pedagogical experiment was 33.6 and 34.9%, respectively. The effectiveness of the pedagogical influence on motor-coordinating abilities was found only after the third month of the pedagogical experiment and amounted to 7.4%.

Thus, the obtained result gives grounds to say that the developed technique has the greatest impact on the development of speed endurance of the leg muscles, the “explosive” strength of the leg muscles and mobility in the hip joint.

Table 2 presents the data of a comparative analysis of indicators of special physical qualities in competitive duels of taekwondo fighters-boys of the control and experimental groups before and after the pedagogical experiment. Determination of the level of implementation of special physical qualities in competitive fights was carried out using a mathematical method for calculating the coefficients of physical qualities in fights, proposed by S.V. Pavlov (2003).

Due to the fact that in the practice of taekwondo methods for assessing the speed of movements have not been developed, we have proposed the calculation of the coefficient of this special physical quality in competitive fights. The coefficient of speed of movements is the ratio of the number of strokes in active phase duel to the total time of active technical actions in the duel. The arithmetic mean of the number of strokes and the time of active actions is considered.

As can be seen from Table 2, prior to the pedagogical experiment, there were no significant differences between the control and experimental groups in the coefficients of special physical qualities. After the pedagogical experiment, significant differences were determined in the indicators of special physical qualities in competitive fights between the control and experimental groups in the coefficients of the “explosive” strength of the leg muscles, speed endurance of the leg muscles, mobility in the hip joint and speed of movements (p

table 2

Coefficients of special physical qualities in competitive fights in the process of pedagogical experiment

Coefficients of special physical qualities

Before experiment


After the experiment


Control group (n=22)

Control group (n=22)

Experimental group (n=22)

The coefficient of "explosive" strength of the muscles of the legs






Speed ​​endurance coefficient of leg muscles






Coefficient of mobility in the hip joint






Coefficient of motional-coordinating abilities







Coefficient of speed of movements






To determine the effectiveness of the developed methodology for the development of special physical qualities of taekwondo wrestlers, a comparative analysis of the arithmetic mean indicators of the number of competitive fights won by athletes of the control and experimental groups before and after the pedagogical experiment, regardless of the place taken, was also carried out (Table 3). For this, the results of competitions at the Championships of the city of Ufa and the Republic of Bashkortostan (October 2005, January 2006) were analyzed.

The results of the competition results analysis showed that the arithmetic mean number of won fights before the experiment was 2.91±0.17 in the experimental group and 3.05±0.17 in the control group (p>0.05); after the pedagogical experiment - 6.18±0.28 and 3.77±0.21 in the experimental and control groups, respectively (p
Table 3

The number of competitive fights won in the control and experimental groups (M±m)

Note: p is the significance of differences.

Thus, the data of the analysis of the coefficients of the leading special physical qualities before and after the pedagogical experiment in the competitive fights of taekwondo-young men, a comparative analysis of the arithmetic mean indicators of the number of competitive fights won by the athletes of the control and experimental groups before and after the pedagogical experiment testify to the effectiveness of the developed methodology for the development of special physical qualities taekwondo youths.


1. Analysis of the scientific and methodological literature on the problem of sports training of taekwondo fighters made it possible to determine that the basics of building special physical training in taekwondo are not sufficiently disclosed. The available studies are mostly devoted to technical and tactical training, methods of initial training in taekwondo, individualization of the educational and training process of taekwondoists, control of the state of sports readiness in the process of competitive activity of taekwondoists.

2. As a result of the analysis of scientific and methodological literature on taekwondo, competitive fights of taekwondo fighters aged 11-13, a questionnaire survey of leading coaches and athletes, the leading special physical qualities of taekwondo youth were revealed by the method of paired comparisons: speed endurance of leg muscles; speed of movement (the ability to perform kicks at a maximum pace); "explosive" strength of the leg muscles, active mobility in the hip joint and motor-coordination abilities.

3. In the process of developing a methodology for the development of special physical qualities of young taekwondo fighters, it is necessary to take into account the leading special physical qualities that ensure the effectiveness of motor actions in competitive duels of taekwondo fighters aged 11-13; features of the structure of their competitive fights; the results of the correlation analysis between special physical qualities and individual psychological characteristics of young taekwondo fighters.

4. The methodology used for the development of special physical qualities of taekwondo fighters aged 11-13 should include elements of effective and often used technical actions in competitive fights, the time of physical activity and rest intervals, corresponding to the peculiarities of the taekwondo fighters' own competitive activity; texts of pedagogical suggestion spoken before and during execution exercise different orientation; special tasks "steps" (for the development of individual psychological characteristics of young taekwondo players).

5. A technique for the development of special physical qualities of taekwondo fighters aged 11-13 years has been developed, which allows to achieve significant changes in almost all indicators of special physical qualities of young athletes in the experimental group compared to the control group, except for motor-coordinating abilities (p

6. It was determined that taekwondo athletes of the experimental group most effectively implement special physical qualities in competitive fights than athletes of the control group:

The athletes of the experimental group significantly improved the coefficients of "explosive" strength, speed endurance of leg muscles, mobility in the hip joint and speed of movement (p 0.05);

Significant differences were found in the indicator of the number of competitive fights won between the control and experimental groups after the pedagogical experiment (p

7. The application of the developed methodology in the process of special physical training of young taekwondo athletes will improve the efficiency of the development of special physical qualities of young athletes specializing in taekwondo.

1. Mavletkulova A.S. Methods of education of special physical qualities of taekwondo players / A.S. Mavletkulova //Physical culture, sports, tourism: science, education, technology: Sat. materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Methodological Conference. Tchaikovsky: ChGIFK, 2004. - Part 1. – S. 136-139.

2. Mavletkulova A.S. Analysis of competitive fights of taekwondo players aged 11-13 / A.S. Mavletkulova // Topical issues of theory and practice of physical culture and sports: Sat. materials of the intrauniversity final scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists of the Ufa branch of the Ural State Academy of Physical Culture. Ufa: UFuralGAFK, 2004. - P.49-52.

3. Mavletkulova A.S. Solving operational problems in extreme conditions of competitive activity / A.S. Mavletkulova //Modern problems of personnel training in the field of physical culture and sports: Proceedings of teachers of the department of social disciplines of the Ufa branch of UralGAPC. Ufa: UfUralGAFK, 2004. - S. 34-37.

4. Mavletkulova A.S. The concept of psychology of individual differences / A.S. Mavletkulova // Man. Society. Education: Interuniversity collection of articles. Ufa: RIO BashGU, 2005. - S. 112-113.

5. Mavletkulova A.S. Individual psychological characteristics of young taekwondo players / A.S. Mavletkulova //Physical culture, sports, tourism and health: Sat. scientific papers dedicated to the fifth anniversary of the Ufa branch of the Ural State Academy of Physical Culture. Ufa: RIO BashGU, 2005. - S. 64-66.

6. Mavletkulova A.S. Features of competitive activity of young men in taekwondo (WTF) / A.S. Mavletkulova //Modern problems of physical culture, sports, tourism and the Olympic movement: Materials of the XVII All-Ural Olympic scientific session. Ufa: BashIFK, 2005. - Part 2. - S. 148-151.

7. Mavletkulova A.S. Determination of the effectiveness of the methodology for educating special physical qualities of taekwondo players aged 11-13 / A.S. Mavletkulova //Modern problems of physical culture, sports, tourism and the Olympic movement: Materials of the XVII All-Ural Olympic scientific session. Ufa: BashIFK, 2005. - Part 2. - S. 151 - 155.

8. Mavletkulova A.S. Features of the manifestation of technical actions of young taekwondo players / A.S. Mavletkulova //Health care, theory of health and healthy lifestyle: Proceedings of the regional scientific and practical conference, ed. V.S. Bykov. Chelyabinsk, SUSU-RGTEU, 2005. - S. 106 - 107.

9. Mavletkulova A.S. Analysis of the relationship between special physical qualities and individual psychological characteristics of young taekwondo athletes / A.S. Mavletkulova //Physical culture and sport in the XXI century: experience, modern approach, problems and prospects: Proceedings of the anniversary scientific and practical conference. Sterlitamak SIFK, 2006. - At 2 h. Part 1 - S. 82-86.

10. Mavletkulova A.S. Analysis of the special physical fitness of taekwondo athletes aged 11-13 / A.S. Mavletkulova //Physical culture and sport in the XXI century: experience, modern approach, problems and prospects: Proceedings of the anniversary scientific and practical conference. Sterlitamak SIFK, 2006. - At 2 h. Part 1 - S. 82-86.

11. Mavletkulova A.S. Methodology for the development of special physical qualities in taekwondo among young men / A.S. Mavletkulova // Bulletin of the South Ural State University / Series "Education, Health, Science" - 2006. - No. 3 (58). - V.2. - S. 50-52.

12. Mavletkulova A.S. The system of complex control of the state of sports readiness of combatants in the process of competitive activity (on the example of taekwondo) / A.S. Mavletkulova, S.V. Pavlov, T.V. Bondarchuk//Theory and practice of physical culture - 2006.-№ 8.-p. 28-30.


  1. At the all-Ural scientific and practical conference "Modern problems of physical culture, sports, tourism and the Olympic movement" Ufa, 2005.

  2. At the All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Physical culture and sport in the XXI century: experience, modern approach, problems and prospects" Sterlitamak, 2006.

  3. At the international scientific-practical conference "Cooperation and innovation in physical culture and sports: problems and prospects" Chelyabinsk, 2006.
Taekwondo [Theory and methods. Vol.1. Combat sport] Shulika Yuri Alexandrovich

9.5. Special physical training in taekwondo

The physical fitness of a taekwondo player, as his qualifications and fitness grow, should become more and more specialized, so that, on the one hand, contributing to the most complete education of special physical qualities and skills, and on the other hand, supplementing special training, to ensure the alignment of all aspects in the preparation and development of an athlete.

The level of physical fitness of a taekwondoist changes with the growth of his sportsmanship, so the education of the athlete's physical qualities must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the specifics of the sport.

Below we will consider the issues of improving functional qualities in the context of the tasks of taekwondo as a sport with high loads on the sensorimotor apparatus. Therefore, the development of physical qualities should be aimed specifically at providing motor actions that are characteristic of taekwondo. Nevertheless, the methods of their development have their own specifics, and therefore the terms relating to the principles and methods of improving physical qualities will be repeated.

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Chapter 12. Special physical training in Greco-Roman wrestling 12.1. General principles of special physical training in wrestling Methods for developing special physical qualities do not differ from methods for developing general physical qualities. Therefore, in the future

From the book Taekwondo [Theory and Methods. Vol.1. Combat sports] author Shulika Yuri Alexandrovich

9.3. General motor training in taekwondo During the initial training phase, which, according to the program for the Youth and Sports School of Taekwondo, can last 2 or 3 years, it is advisable to use exercises that allow you to master the movements necessary in life

From the book Judo [System and wrestling: textbook] author Shulika Yuri Alexandrovich

CHAPTER 13 SPECIAL PHYSICAL TRAINING IN JUDO FIGHTING 13.1. General principles of special physical training in wrestling Methods for developing special physical qualities do not differ from methods for developing general physical qualities. Therefore, in the future, the material

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Special physical training Features of special physical training arise from the tactics of the trainees' kind of activity, and, as a rule, each unit has good developments in this area. The instructor in the process of clarification is obliged to identify these developments.

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Special physical training of a boxer. Basic exercises Below are the main exercises for the special physical preparation of a boxer. The exercises are selected in such a way that all the muscle groups needed by the boxer are involved without exception.

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Special physical training (SPT) in swimming SPT is aimed at developing the main groups of working muscles. In crawl swimming, which is mainly used in triathlon, these are: the pectoralis major muscle; the anterior and middle bundle of the deltoid muscle; the latissimus dorsi

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Special physical training in cycling The main working muscle groups when cycling are: quadriceps hips (dynamic mode); hamstrings (dynamic mode); calf muscles(dynamic mode); foot muscles (dynamic

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Special physical training in running the best way quality improvement muscle tissue. There are several directions of SFP. Jumping exercises. Jumping exercises are widely used in the training of athletes. This

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Special training of a triathlete It is no secret that not everyone who individually knows how to swim fast, rides a bike well and runs fast, will be able to successfully implement all this in a triathlon, especially at the Olympic distance, where it is necessary to withstand high

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Special physical training Studying and improving the technique of powerlifting exercises (study)For all study groups according to physical abilities: Squatting. The actions of the athlete before removing the barbell from the racks. Removing the bar from the racks. Back position and placement

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2. Special physical training. The simplest kinds of struggle. Repulsion with hands, standing opposite each other at a distance of one step; pulling with one hand, standing with the right (left) side to each other; pulling, sitting legs apart, resting on the feet; carpet push,

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Part II TSP - Tactical special training This part of the book is only for those who have mastered all the stages of working with the psyche, as they are taught in the first part. Only for those who clearly followed all the instructions, and are now in a state of readiness, self-discipline, who

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5.3. General and special physical training of skiers A lot has been said lately about the physical training of skiers. No wonder: over the past few years, leading skiers have traditionally won in

From the author's book

23.2. Special physical training Special physical training is aimed at developing the specific qualities of students that they need when practicing karate: reactions, flexibility, agility. A typical training for developing flexibility is one when all

From the author's book

25.2. Special training The essence of special training is that it helps to improve the necessary qualities of students, taking into account the specifics of their manifestation directly in karate.

From the author's book

Special physical training Special physical training is aimed at developing motor skills and abilities (speed, speed-strength, coordination abilities, special endurance). Special training can be carried out

Tatyana Gimatova
Methods of physical training of taekwondo athletes aged 11–13.


TAEKWONDISTS 11-13 years old

1. Specific Features sports activities V taekwondo

The structure of abilities in martial arts, in particular in taekwondo involves a high level of discipline, technique and spirit. They serve as a means of development for those involved taekwondo sense of justice, firmness, humanism, purposefulness. Martial arts taekwondo also includes a way of thinking and living. The specificity of sports abilities depends, first of all, on what mental functions are manifested to the greatest extent and under what conditions the activity itself takes place in this sport.

The structure of each specific ability as a person's readiness for this activity is highly complex, it includes a set of qualities, among which there are leading and auxiliary, general and special. Leading in taekwondo are courage, aggressiveness, spirit, accuracy and speed of action; the ability to maintain balance, concentration and beauty of movements; impact force; coordination of movements, acrobatic training and the ability to solve complex motor problems. The auxiliary ones include the properties of self-confidence, emotional mood, self-control, etc. Thus, the leading and auxiliary components of abilities in taekwondo form unity that ensure the success of training and education and, at the same time, its individualization associated with the personality of the Teacher and its characteristics.

Studying the specific psychological characteristics of various abilities, one should single out more general qualities that meet the requirements of not one, but many types of activity, and special qualities that meet a narrower range of requirements for this activity.

Applied to lessons taekwondo the structure of sports abilities can be represented as follows.

1. Universal capabilities:

Active and enthusiastic attitude towards work taekwondo focus on the development of a healthy body and spirit;

The combination of the ability to perfectly control your body with the philosophy of humanism and kindness.

2. General abilities:

A number of principles taekwondo, courtesy, honesty, perseverance, self-control, steadfastness of spirit;

Presence during classes favorable for its implementation of mental states.

3. Special abilities:

A certain fund of knowledge, skills and abilities in taekwondo;

Certain individual psychological characteristics that meet the requirements of this activity.

In addition, as an integral indicator of mental development taekwondo(of his abilities) there is not only learning ability (as the ability to acquire new knowledge), but also skill (as the ability to form new practical skills based on knowledge).

2. Methodology for the development of physical training of taekwondo athletes aged 11-13

Characteristic methods of using physical exercises in dynamics training sessions

We propose to use an integrated approach using the following tools learning:

1) verbal;

2) demonstration;

3) copying (repeating what you see);

4) leading.

Training as a means of lasting assimilation of educational material through repeated repetition of movements with incidental correction of errors.

There are pedagogical physiological principles of training sessions. Education and training can be carried out in various methods in table 1.4.1 presented methods use of various means (exercise) in the learning process taekwondo(with a predominant load of the sensorimotor sphere of control)

Communication of knowledge as a means carried out:

verbal methods(lecture, story);

demonstration methods(direct demonstration, demonstration of films, slides).

Exercises provide a solid assimilation of combat techniques, help strengthen the athlete's musculoskeletal system, develop the entire vegetative (nutritious) spheres of the body and facilitate the assimilation of tactical and technical constructions in taekwondo. Typically, the total physical exercises are divided according to their specific belonging to a specific, sports activity and are divided on:

general developmental (preparatory) ;

special (leading, imitation);

main (competitive).

IN taekwondo When implementing the acquired skills, students are faced with confusing factors. To them relate:

Attack technique of the enemy;

Mechanical - as counter-directional (contact protection) and unidirectional enemy resistance (avoidance);

Energy - as mental, coordination and physical fatigue;

Psychological - as uncertainty in the success of the implementation of the planned actions.

If the coordination and sensorimotor structures do not experience special loads during the training process, then in the conditions of competitions, powerful psychostress loads affect the sensorimotor system.

There are two directions for development physical qualities: general physical training and special physical training.

In almost all sports with the approach of the course training to the main competitions, a significant part of the time is devoted to exercises specific to this type, however, in the course of many years training and especially at the initial stage. training is given priority general physical exercises , providing the formation of the main muscle groups, and the implementation of such natural movements for a person as running, jumping, gymnastics, swimming, games.

But at the same time, it should be remembered that in the conditions of early specialization, when in sport sections children come with weak voluntary attention, the dominance of exercises that are far from the semantic activity of the chosen sport encourages children to leave such a section. So far in combat sports programs that take into account the fact of early specialization and, accordingly, justify the content and methodology for preparing children, No. Each trainer will have to use their knowledge and intuition of the teacher at the level of the discoverer.

It is also necessary to clarify the concept of physical qualities.

Historically, it has been physical qualities, in addition to strength, speed and endurance, include flexibility and dexterity. This is not true, since flexibility should be attributed to the anatomical quality that provides mobility in the joints of the spine. (immediately flexibility) and distension in the joints of the extremities. Agility is much more multi-dimensional than pure blocking. physical qualities, and consists of a number of such components as accuracy of movements on accuracy, stability, coordination of movements, which ensures coordination.

Determining the age features of development physical qualities, it was found that in children aged 11-13 years it is advisable to cultivate dexterity and speed, since at this age the lability of the neuromuscular tissue is the highest and the body is able to successfully cope with new motor tasks for it.

Special physical training in taekwondo

The physical fitness of a taekwondo player, as his qualifications and fitness grow, should become more and more specialized, so that, on the one hand, contributing to the most complete education of special physical qualities and skills, and on the other hand, supplementing special training, to ensure the alignment of all aspects in the preparation and development of an athlete.

The level of physical fitness of a taekwondoist changes with the growth of his sportsmanship, so the education of the athlete's physical qualities must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the specifics of the sport.

Below we will consider the issues of improving functional qualities in the context of the tasks of taekwondo as a sport with high loads on the sensorimotor apparatus. Therefore, the development of physical qualities should be aimed specifically at providing motor actions that are characteristic of taekwondo. Nevertheless, the methods of their development have their own specifics, and therefore the terms relating to the principles and methods of improving physical qualities will be repeated.

Taekwondo special strength as speed strength

The conditions and nature of the efforts developed during the fight are too diverse to be able to speak of a single manifestation of strength in taekwondo.

The dynamic power of a taekwondoist is manifested in movement, that is, in the so-called dynamic mode. This, for example, is the strength developed in strikes, defenses, movements, etc.

According to the nature of the efforts, dynamic strength in taekwondo is divided into explosive, fast and slow.

Explosive force refers to the manifestation of force with maximum acceleration. Such strength, for example, develops in the accented strikes of a taekwondoist.

Fast force is manifested in movements in which the speed of movement plays a predominant role, and relatively small inert resistances are inherent in it.

Slow force is manifested in relatively slow movements performed with little or no acceleration. A typical case of the manifestation of slow force in taekwondo is the direct forceful overcoming of the enemy's resistance in close combat at the time of captures, holding, etc.

Different modes of work and fighting styles of athletes require different manifestations of strength, especially when they perform shock actions.

Thus, a “tempo” fighter needs a force that allows him to inflict a series of rapidly alternating relatively weak blows, overcoming his inertial efforts and the resistance of the enemy. Such a taekwondoist seeks to strike the next one as quickly as possible after each blow. This means that he does not need to deliver strong accented blows, since in this case he will inevitably “stagnate” and he will have less favorable conditions for continuous suppression of the opponent.

In a taekwondo “knockout”, on the contrary, the main feature is the ability to inflict a strong accented blow with maximum and near-limit force of an “explosive” nature. The "explosive" effect is achieved due to the involvement of the maximum number of functional units of each individual working muscle, the rational use of muscle groups for this particular strike, their high intermuscular coordination and the athlete's ability to strike in an extremely short time interval. The “knockout” fighter is characterized by a relatively low combat density, since he usually delivers strong single or double blows (less often series) with relatively long pauses between attacks. This is due to a number of reasons, in particular, the physiological capabilities of the muscles, whose work is based on alternate contraction and relaxation, and it takes more time to relax the muscles than to contract. In this regard, in a high-density fight, a taekwondo “knockout” has less favorable conditions for a strong accented strike, since the relaxation time of his muscles will be shorter.

The manifestation of slow strength, especially in direct contact with the enemy at the time of the power struggle and during his physical "suppression", is characteristic of the "silovik" fighter. Usually, his strikes have poorly differentiated efforts - they are applied with the same force and at a low speed, they lack an “explosive” accent. Insufficient level of speed with good physical preparation leads to the formation of a power fighting style in such a taekwondo player with the aim of achieving victory through physical suppression of the enemy.

The player-taekwondo player assumes a protective position before and after striking, and therefore he has a reduced ability to deliver the most powerful blow. He achieves the effect in percussion actions due to fast and accurate strikes with the development of an “explosive” impulse at the beginning of the strike.

Since the nature of the manifestations of strength in taekwondo is different (explosive, fast, slow strength), in practice, the coach must use the appropriate means and methods to develop each type of strength, focusing on those that correspond to the style of a particular fighter.

In addition, it must be remembered that the magnitude of the displayed force depends on the level of training of the athlete - in a state of high fitness, the number of muscle fibers involved in the work increases and the synchronization of muscle work improves.

Strength Development taekwondo must go in two directions.

1. Use of general developmental strength exercises on gymnastic equipment and without them, exercises with weights, in resistance with a partner, etc.

2. Education of strength by means of special preparatory and special exercises. Special preparatory exercises should be selected in such a way that the nature of neuromuscular efforts and structural similarity with the special exercises of a taekwondoist are preserved. These include exercises in directly overcoming the resistance of the enemy in the form of repulsion (“push-push” wrestling), elements of the opponent’s force retention, wrestling, etc.; overcoming the inertia of one's own body during defenses and during the transition from defenses to strikes and vice versa; education of impact force on bags, paws, paired with an opponent, etc.

To develop the ability of the main muscles of a fighter to quickly (instantly) develop efforts up to maximum, quickly switch and repeatedly change efforts from minimum to maximum and vice versa, repeatedly produce the so-called "muscle explosion" followed by instant muscle relaxation, exercises with dumbbells, expanders can be used. , barbell exercises, etc.

There are two methods of developing the strength of a taekwondoist: analytical and holistic.

The analytical method of exercises allows you to selectively bring up the strength of individual muscle groups that carry the main load. Exercises in the analytical method are performed under conditions of adequate power stress regimes for these groups. For example, effective tool raising the strength of the extensor muscles of the arm, which carry the main load during impacts, are speed-strength exercises with weights of various weights (dumbbells, metal sticks, stuffed balls and etc.), gymnastic exercises in fast push-ups in emphasis, exercises for stretching mechanical and rubber shock absorbers, jerk and jerk exercises with a barbell, power blocks, etc.

Each sport has its own level of strength development, which depends on the specifics of the sport and the conditions for the manifestation of strength. So, the maximum strength of the extensors and flexors of the forearm in taekwondoists is at a sufficient high level, while the maximum strength of the back muscles lags behind other sports in terms of performance.

The holistic method is fundamental in cultivating the special strength of a taekwondoist. It is characterized by simultaneous improvement as power capabilities fighter, and his special skills.

Among the exercises aimed at improving the special strength of a taekwondo taekwondoist with a holistic method within the framework of the mastered skill, there are special preparatory and special exercises with weights (lead weights, light weight dumbbells, etc.): “shadow boxing”, exercises on bags, paws and other implements, complicated performance of imitation exercises in water, etc. In addition, purposeful specially-preparatory and special exercises without weights with a partner, exercises on the paws and other implements that help develop explosive and fast strength, and also a set of exercises in the fight against the enemy in close combat, which is used to cultivate slow strength.

The most effective means of developing explosive and fast strength in a taekwondoist, both holistically and analytically, are exercises with optimal weights, which should be performed with the highest possible acceleration. The trainer must select the amount of weight, taking into account weight category athlete and his level of preparedness.

When cultivating strength through weight training, a taekwondo practitioner should repeat the task until the speed of movement noticeably decreases, the structure of the movement is disturbed, and the muscular sense in controlling this movement is dulled. After that, the taekwondo practitioner needs to do exercises to relax and actively stretch the muscles involved in the previous movement. Then, repeatedly repeat the same movements with maximum speed and structural accuracy, characteristic of a special movement, using the effect of force aftereffect.

In order to prevent adaptive consequences that may occur after a taekwondo player performs the same exercises for a long time, the coach needs to periodically change the complexes:

1. Preliminary application of weights in movements similar in their coordination structure to taekwondo strikes creates conditions for reproducing subsequent strikes in shorter periods of time.

2. The use of weights in the process of training in order to improve the speed of single strikes has a positive effect on the speed of serial strikes.

3. When developing the speed of special movements of a taekwondoist, exercises with weights should be performed in series of 4-5 exercises each, after which it is necessary to do the same number of exercises, but without weights.

4. Exercises, both with weights and without it, should be performed as quickly as possible.

5. It is most expedient to use exercises with weights at the beginning of a training session.

6. It is necessary to pay special attention to the preliminary relaxation of the working muscles, the instant "explosive" start of the movement and the maximum relaxation of the muscles after the completion of the movement.

7. To develop the speed of strikes among young taekwondo athletes, it is most advisable to use exercises with heavy weights (weights, dumbbells), which have a positive effect on increasing the speed (“explosive”) of the initial and speed of the main part of the shock movement, in combination with light ones (dumbbells, weights 1.5–2 kg), contributing to an increase in the sharpness of the completion of strikes.

Senior taekwondo practitioners need to use heavy weights weighing 10 kg in combination with light ones - 2-4 kg.

Note that in fact, with the help of these means, taekwondo athletes form “fast” strength, and not speed.

It should be remembered that after exercises with weights, it is necessary to carry out several shock and defensive actions at maximum speed (especially with returning to the starting position after the impact).

Rubber and spring shock absorbers should not be used to develop the speed strength of a taekwondoist, since when organizing a real strike, the coordination of muscle activation should be designed to increase the speed of the foot and fist (as the final link in the chain). Rubber or spring contributes to the formation of an incorrect coordination of muscle effort, designed to increase the force at the end of the movement, and, accordingly, to reduce the speed of the shock part.

Applying efforts in the horizontal direction during the strike, the attacker must first overcome the rest inertia of the shock foot or fist. In this case, at the beginning, the speed of movement of the foot or fist will be relatively low. As the effort is applied, the stop (fist) moves towards the goal with a certain acceleration. With the continuation of the effort, the rest inertia of the foot (fist) decreases and turns into the inertia of movement (Fig. Now it is necessary to apply an effort to the foot (fist) to stop it.

Rice. Graph of the dependence "force - speed" when exposed to an object in a state of rest, in the conditions of gravity and possible static resistance of the opponent

When using rubber bands (spring shock absorbers), a completely different, unconscious interaction occurs. Initially, with little rubber resistance, the attacker applies little force at high speed. As the rubber stretches, its resistance increases, and the speed of the foot (fist) decreases (Fig.

Rice. Graph of the dependence "force - speed" when exposed to a stretching object attached to a fixed support

Therefore, for the development of speed force, the use of shock-absorbing counterweights is contraindicated.