The composition of the EG team is Evel Geniuses. Evil Geniuses roster changes New eg dota 2 roster

The turmoil that TI5 champions are responsible for and that has overshadowed the release of a new major Dota 2 update is coming to an end. Fresh rumors about Evil Geniuses have appeared on the network: it is reported that the new line-up of the team will seem very familiar to fans. Is this news somehow connected with the practically confirmed disbanding of Digital Chaos?

The network has fresh information about the current state of the roster Evil Geniuses who yesterday Artour "Arteezy" Babaev and Saahil "UNiVeRSE" Arora. The Polygon portal, citing its source, reports that Syed Sumail "Suma1L" Hassan and Clinton "Fear" Loomis have decided to continue playing under the flag Evil Geniuses. However, the rumors about their departure from the team were not unfounded: Suma1L & Fear did consider the possibility and were close to leaving their captain, Peter "ppd" Dager, however, ultimately decided that now was not the right time to do so.

According to Polygon, the new line-up Evil Geniuses will seem familiar to the fans of the team, however, specific names are kept silent. However, fans EG can be calm: the disband was overcome, and the combat capability was partially preserved.

Thus, the fog of reshuffles dissipates a little, and now we can already draw some conclusions. In fact, an article from Polygon tells us about a return to Evil Geniuses a player like Kurtis "aui_2000" Ling from which the champions The International 5 got rid of after their triumph in the tournament. After today Digital Chaos This scenario seems very plausible. Moreover, it is possible that Sam "BuLba" Sosale, who was listed as a member Digital Chaos, will also put on the "Evil Geniuses" uniform again. However, more precise information will appear closer to the transfer deadline, scheduled for March 27th.

On why the reigning world champions The International 5 were on the verge of a disband, you can read in

We continue to introduce the participants of The International 2015! Next in line are the bronze medalists of last year's World Championship - the Americans Evil Geniuses.


1.Clinton "Fear" Loomis (USA)
2. Sued Sumail "Sumail" Hassan (Pakistan)
3. Saahil "Universe" Arora (USA)
4. Curtis "Aui_2000" Ling (Canada)
5. Peter "ppd" Dager (USA, captain)

Last year, the Evil Geniuses were forced to play at The International with a suboptimal squad: due to a hand injury, Fear was forced to miss the tournament. Mason "Mason" Venne played in his position, but many experts agreed that with Clinton the team could reach great heights. Now Clinton is in the ranks, and the American team is considered one of the main favorites of The International.

Evil Geniuses achievements for the 2014/15 season

1st place - World E-Sport Championships 2014 ($97,556)

1st place - ASUS ROG DreamLeague Season 2 ($40,000)

1st place - Dota 2 Asia Championships ($1,284,158)

1st place - StarLadder Star Series Season 10 ($105,291)

During the season, the team lost Artur "Arteezy" Babaev and Ludwig "Zai" Wahlberg. In their place came a strong, but missing stars from the sky Aui_2000 and practically unknown to anyone before Sumail. About the mid player from Pakistan, I would also like to tell you the fact that at the time of his victory in the Dota 2 Asia Championship he was only 15 years old!


    Home support. The Americans will push EG forward very hard!

    The Clinton Loomis Experience. Fear is one of the most experienced DotA players in the world. Few can boast the same top-level game base.

    X-Factor: ppd peaks. Many consider Peter Daguerre to be one of the best captains when it comes to picking heroes.


    Youth Sumail. The young player, even with all the experience gained this season, may not be able to cope with the pressure of The International.

    Favorite status. Many teams will look up to EG during the preparation for the tournament, so the "Evil Geniuses" will have a hard time in matches with all teams without exception.

Last year, EG's placement in the top three came as a surprise to many viewers. If the Americans can take the Aegis Champions this year, it will be expected enough.

And for dessert, we leave you the game that was the last one at the Dota 2 Asia Championship:

Prediction for The International 2015: 1st place.

The Evil Geniuses Dota 2 team was formed back in 2011. The original line-up included the then-famous DeMoN and Fear, as well as other less famous characters. It was not planned to make an exclusively American squad, so the Danes and Swedes also fit into the first EG team.

Each of the Evil Geniuses was known to almost the whole world, but this fact did not allow them to achieve significant heights, as a result of which the first roster was disbanded.

Evil Geniuses Dota 2 before the second The International

The roster of EG often changed, the players could not find the same teammates with whom they could achieve high teamwork and conquer best tournaments. Naturally, in the conditions of frequent changes of players about some teamwork It was out of the question, however, the American team was still invited to the second World Championship, where EG, as expected, took 9-12th place.

Evil Geniuses: 2013

The next year also did not become a turning point for the team of experienced players. EG weren't even invited to TI3. They had to play qualifications, in which Fear and the company failed to win a single victory. In general, for the year, we can only note getting into the top three winners at The Defense 1. These are all the achievements of Evil Geniuses for the whole year.

Evil Geniuses: Season Four

At the end of the third season, only two players remained in EG: the old guys Universe and Fear. Rumors began to appear on the network regarding the complete disbandment of the Dota2 roster and the termination of contracts with the remaining players. As a result, EG management decided to temporarily stop their work with the Dota 2 discipline, and Fear decided to try to go in a completely different way: young and promising players. "Nuclear mixture" of experience and youth has borne fruit. The SadBoys mix, which in addition to well-known veterans included such famous personalities as ppd and Arteezy, began to show very good results in many tournaments. It would seem that EG is now doing well and the team is ready to compete for the main tournament - The International.

Fear unintentionally threw a fly in the ointment... a sudden elbow injury disabled the most experienced veteran and founder of the Evil Geniuses team. Instead, Mason went to TI4 - an absolutely unknown, but age-old esportsman. Despite this, the Evil Geniuses managed to take third place and become the only team in the western part of the globe to make it into the top 4. It was from that day that Evil Geniuses began to be regarded as the main favorites in any tournament.

Not much time passes after The International, Fir heals his wounds and returns to Dota. Meanwhile, the results are on the decline, after which the "Evil Geniuses" once again resort to a change in the composition. Fear, who apparently liked to take on young people, takes a risk and invites 14-year-old SumaiL to the team, who instantly becomes a world-famous star. Together with a young Pakistani, EG once again declare themselves, win the DAC, and already in August 2015 they raise the Aegis over their heads - the main prize for winning The Internaional 5.

Dota 2 is one of the most popular games on this moment. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that this game began to quickly and rapidly gain momentum, as a result of which it became one of the disciplines of eSports.

Cybersport - what is it?

Cybersport is the new kind competitions where users can compare their gaming skills with the help of computer technology. Esports was born back in 1997, but then such a thing did not exist. Groups of friends just got together and played competitive games to see who was "cooler". Sometimes these "tournaments" even had a prize fund, which was a case of beer, a small amount of money, etc. But times are changing. At the moment, eSports is developing rapidly. There are a huge number of disciplines and tournaments in which players from all over the world defend the honor of their team and country. The prize pools of the largest tournaments are measured in millions of dollars.

Dota 2 and eSports

One of the fastest growing esports industries is Dota 2. A huge number of teams, many tournaments and just crazy prize pools that only fuel interest. Doubt the accuracy of this information? You can give a specific example. Prize fund The International 2014 (the annual Dota 2 tournament) was over $10 million! For this money, the best teams from all over the world came to compete. One of these teams is Evil Genius Dota 2. You can find out the composition, history and achievements of this team by reading this article.


One of the most popular teams is Evil Genius Dota 2. Photos of members of this team and its logo are shown below.

The history of Evil Genius begins back in 1999. It was then that the decision was made to create the first North American esports organization. At first, the team had few divisions, but then the "Evil Geniuses" began to grow, and by 2007 a Counter-Strike division was created, which turned out to be very successful. Thanks to the fact that EG CS won many tournaments, it became possible to master new disciplines. To date, "Evil Geniuses" have divisions for such games as Counter-Strike, Starcraft 2, Quake Live, World of Warcraft, Super Street Fighter 5: Black Edition. Evil Genius Dota 2 is a division that only appeared in 2011. It happened after The International in Cologne.

Evil Genius Dota 2 line-up

Over the years, the line-up has changed constantly. Many American professional esportsmen were members of Evil Genius Dota 2. The current line-up of the team is as follows:

  • Peter "ppd" Dager. The team captain who replaced the legendary Fear. Peter has a great strategic mind, thanks to which EG often wins. In the game, "ppd", like most captains, plays the role of a support. Peter often plays for Crystal Maiden, Bane, Treant Protector.
  • Arthur "Arteezy" Babaev. Acts as a midlaner on the team. Arthur often uses interesting tactics, which makes it almost impossible to predict his actions. Plays mainly as Shadow Fiend, Outworld Devourer, Naga Siren.
  • Saahil "Universe" Arora. Plays mostly for hardliners. One of the oldest American esportsmen. He has performed on the professional stage since the days of Defense of the Anicent. Favorite heroes are Dark Seer, Clockwerk, Furion.
  • Ludwig "Zai" Vohlberg. Plays the role of support in the team. Known as one of the youngest esportsmen (he is only 17 years old). Often plays for Wisp, Bane, Visage.
  • Mason "mason" Venn. Plays as carry heroes. Although he started playing Dota 2 professionally relatively recently, he shows excellent results. Favorite heroes are Luna, Mirana, Weaver.

The team's diversity is the main feature of Evil Genius Dota 2. The composition of the "Evil Geniuses" is quite diverse. There are "dota veterans" and very young players here. This helps to look at Dota 2 from different angles and come up with the best strategy. It is because of this that EG are very dangerous opponents.


The EG team often takes part in various tournaments and in most cases takes prizes. Over the past year, she won first place in Starladder Season 10, Asia Championships Season 1, World ESports Championship 2014, DreamHack DreamLeague Season 2. But, perhaps, the main achievement is 3rd place at The Internetional 2014. For this, the team received nothing more than little - a million dollars.

At the beginning of the week, Evil Geniuses introduced new players to their team on. Gustav s4 Magnusson and Tal Fly Aizik, who left OG, joined the roster. Reddit was not prepared for this turn of events. A team with two TI champions, major champions and Arthur has high hopes, but in the first matches they do not stick.

"Top contender to win TI8." What you need to know about the new EG roster

The American team Evil Geniuses has assembled a line-up that, on paper, intimidates viewers and analysts. But not everything is so simple.

* This roster has 2 EG players, 2 OG players and Cr1t who is 50v50. Perfect balance as it should be.

* These are the two best acquisitions imaginable. A solo offlaner and an experienced and competent captain. Good luck at the supermajor guys!

* Fly gets up early. Fly wants the guys to get up with him, go to training and eat a healthy breakfast. RTZ and Sumail send him to hell. Thoughts that it was a mistake start creeping into Fly's head.

Any team with Artur and Sumail has a huge potential. Let's hope Fly can keep their selfishness in check.

* We are losing tournaments. Let's add more European players, VGJ.Storm this helped!

* The best option for EG. High level players with a good history. Although the same was their previous composition. But since TI is close, there is no time to create a team of outsiders. And if Sumail imagines, Fly can simply beat him.

* n0tail will come when Arthur gets kicked from EG after TI.

*I liked the EG lineup until Sumail started posting his selfish tweets again.

* Guys, behave like adults. Sumail and Arteezy just moved to OG. Give them time to discover their talent. Let's not jump to conclusions so quickly. These guys can win TI8, and you have to bite your elbows.

Changes in OG

OG suffered the most from EG's desire to return to the top. As Sebastian 7ckngmad Debs told, the departure of teammates came as a surprise to them. The team had to withdraw from the Supermajor and spend a week searching for new players. As a result, Anatan Ana Pham returned to the OG roster, and the well-known pub Topson joined him. Johan n0tail Sundstein will return to the support position to the delight of the fans of those same Cloud9.

* Everything is fine. Last time, n0tail and Fly parted ways, and then reunited and created the best team in the history of the majors.

* What the heck? This will kill OG. Misery will return to Europe? Will Khezu come? This is the deadest version of the European scene. Good players run because there is no competition and no investment. Any team that comes to the LAN from the European qualifiers takes the last place.

* As a fan of OG, I want to ask the fans of Na "Vi and Alliance what to expect in the coming months and years. Some psychological support hotlines would also not hurt.

*I thought there would never be a sadder day than when Miracle, Moon and Crit left OG. How wrong I was. As for me, this team has always been about Fly and n0tail. No matter how badly they played, I would always support them, but now it's over.

It saddens me that Fly did this to n0tail after they said they would play together until someone retired. I know it's business. But I didn't expect this.

* If this line-up achieves more than EG, I will laugh.

* Ana has always played in position 1. I think now the mid has changed, so the easy one will suit him better. If necessary, he can always move to mid.

* Topson MK Kreygasm. He ruined almost every rating match in Europe with his mid MK. He was also one of the people who popularized QW Invoker with Meteor Hammer and Spirit Vessel.

* I'm actually happy to see n0tail back on support. Causes nostalgia for times c9.

Jimmy DeMoN Ho retires

Traveler Jimmy decided his adventure was over. During his career, he played in almost all regions, was ready to help any team if it needed a replacement player, became the author of unforgettable highlights about Classic Jimmy and generally gave Dota a lot of positive moments. He tried to return to the game with Team Admiral, but parting with family and friends was difficult for him. Now he plans to focus not on the game, but on something else. And he is waiting to be invited to TI8 as an analyst.

* Since he made the announcement so close to the TI8 qualifiers, I can only assume that he had a choice between another attempt to play 10 hours a day and leave Dota with other plans (as a coach, analyst at TI8). It seems that so much time in other countries hit him hard, and the fact that he was kicked so often from the teams affected his mentality. So the end of a career was inevitable. I wish him the best of luck in whatever he does in the future. He is truly one of the most positive and nice people on the scene.

* I'm sad that he's leaving. This is an iconic person. I remember him running around the Venge tier 1 tower on haste just because he could. And how OG spent a lot of sentry to find a ward he didn't put.

Thank you Jimmy for bringing Filipino dota to the public. This win against OG was monumental for us at SEA. $5 mouse never forgetty.

* Demon inspired me to take DotA seriously, even though I used to play just for fun. It was 12 years ago. I'm only top 1000 in America right now, but his first DotA was a huge inspiration for me and the reason why I got this far. The best Beastmaster in the first DotA and one of the best players in the history of the American scene.

* He was an incredible "what if" player. Jimmy is very talented and in fact good player, but the only person who was dragging him back was himself. I remember this Take 5 lineup from which SADBOYS emerged. This team could be something special if Demon did not miss matches for the sake of rocking.

* It's probably better to catch fire with something else than trying to keep a dying fire going. What really matters is the incredible, impressive memories he has made over the years.

Loda is ending her career

Following Jimmy, another legend decided to leave the professional scene. A week before the qualifiers for The International, Jonathan Loda Berg announced his retirement. He was one of the original gods in the first dota, the main bug detector and the champion of The International 3. Now he will train the Alliance roster, and Max Qojqva Broker has taken his place in the team.

* This has been going on for a long time. Now only s4 of their TI3 champions are left in the game.

* We will miss him. Now the game will have more bugs.

* All the best to you, Loda. I know you will never read this, but I will just leave this message in the blank space of the internet. You and the rest of the TI3 roster are heroes to me. And I say this, a 40-year-old man. You have inspired me and no one will go as far at TI as you.

* Loda gave an interview on May 11 in which he talked about this. Among other things, he said that he feels like he reached his peak in the first DotA. When he was a mid player, he felt more skillful in terms of mechanics.

For example, he compared himself to Miracle. He understood that he was a good player in, but he never managed to rise to the level that he reached in the first DotA.

* Sad day. Today we lost a dota pioneer. One of the original gods. He has inspired countless people and pro players to become dedicated to dota and has played crazy high level for a long time. He was one of the first pro players to play in SEA. I was a fan of Na "Vi during TI3 and I was never a fan of Loda, but I respect him a lot. Kids can spam their Lulda, but old farts like me remember how much Loda gave the scene. He was here before he came here money and fame came in. All the best to you, Loda.

*Despite all the failures in last years, his love for the game and desire to return to the top cannot be taken away from him. He dedicated himself to the team he created and did a lot for her. It is a pity that he could not return to the level where he climbed during TI3, but everything ends sometime. This is truly the end of an era. Let's see if Alliance can return to the top and return the tag to its former glory.

* Another legend is leaving. It was an honor to play one of the first DotA games with you back in wc3. And watch you progress and walk towards the light, LordOfDolAmroth. Our paths only crossed a couple of times early in your career, but it was a miracle for me to watch you play, develop, dominate and win at TI.

Stumbling chest

Every year history repeats itself. Valve releases a chest, redditors swear and say that it was better before, but your sets are not very good. But this time, Collector's Cache caused very heated discussions. Forum users noted that there were a lot of works left in the Workshop that clearly deserved to get into the game more, and the attention of the developers was awarded to all the same authors as in previous treasures. Now players demand release a second chest that suits their aesthetic needs, and then choose items for CC by voting.

* The Undying set is cool and unique. I also like Warlock. Glad it's rare, don't want to spend too much to get it if it was super rare.

* This set on Weaver is the ugliest set in the history of dota. So many amazing works in the workshop.

* Always the same heroes. Veno. Witch Doctor and Invoker have already received a set, Undying has received sets for the third year in a row.

*I don't think reddit ever likes the sets Valve puts out. Every time something new comes out, and there is only one negative around.

* I don't like this approach: "Let's fill the chest with all sorts of garbage and put there only a couple of decent sets, make them rare and let them spin."

* It's not that they picked bad sets. There are a few bad ones, but overall it's good. Just given the competition in the workshop, it could have been better.

* The workshop has been in this state for several years. And I can recommend the authors just don't try. You're doing this kind of work for a very low chance of compensation, and it's a shame. Just accept that there is no equality in the Workshop. If your goal is not to become part of some creative group, but simply to make a net by inspiration, then don't worry.

* They tend to favor artists whose content is already in the game because they feel they are more copyright-friendly. And even less paperwork to complete the paperwork.

* Plot twist: they will release a second chest and there will be sets that you will not like even more.

* Why do you consider yourself the voice of every player in DotA and want to change according to your personal tastes? Out of 17 sets, I think that 2 are terrible and 3 are so-so. In my opinion, most of them are beautiful. Perhaps there are people who think that these terrifying sets are beautiful. There will always be someone who doesn't like most sets.

* If you have to pay for voting, then this system will work better. Valve chooses the sets they have approved, and then each Battle Pass owner can cast a certain number of votes equal to the number of sets in the chest.

* Voting doesn't work because people can manipulate voting for their own purposes. In the case of arcana, this does not matter. Valve will get the money anyway. But the Workshop means that someone will earn 10k, and someone will earn 0.

Supermajor group stage

Supermajor pleased the audience with a worthy format. Unless every morning I had to watch 4 streams. But the chosen approach to the group stage paid off: the top teams ended up in the upper bracket, the unplayed ones went to the lower one, and TNC and OpTic Gaming are fighting for the right to get to TI8 directly.

* Guys, you just don't understand. EG needs to hit the lowest bottom for RTZ to become a true SadBoy. And then they will reveal their potential.

* I want to see the faces of s4 and Fly when they realize that RTZ is worse than notail.

* VG not best team at the end of the game, but let's be serious. This good composition. It's not like EG lost to some Infamous.

* Spirit seems to be performing better than everyone expected. The CIS qualifiers will be delicious this year. There are also Na "Vi, Vega and FTM in the participants.

* Liquid looks like a well beaten team, but they try different strategies and keep winning. Although their group is probably the easiest. I can assume that they will become a difficult opponent for VP\LGD.

* Ramzes is a monster. Probably the least talked about when it comes to MVP and stuff, but this guy kicks ass on carries.

* You know what VP will do, but they're just better than you. That is why they are so constant over time. They don't need to out-pick you or surprise you. They will just outplay you.

* Get ready for more threads with Sumail and draft accusations, but again, no one will notice how often Arthur is caught in the disposition and he dies, in fact, loses games to them. And all because your RTZ boy can't play badly.

* EG looks like a nursing home for degraded pro players.

* Has anyone else here had glimpses of the thought that EG needs some good games to strengthen the mentality of the team?

* TNC and upper mesh. Name a more iconic duo. - TNC and the lower bracket after the first game in the playoffs?

* Puppey is the inventor of the meta. He picks something strange, loses, but other teams learn from it even more than he does.

* Mushi will always be Mushi, but their drafter (71) needs to stop giving ice3 Omni. He may be a top offlaner, but someone has to say this: his Omni sucks

* How nice to watch when your favorite team is falling apart like this. I was worried at the beginning of the season when they had fy playing at position 3, but I was pleasantly surprised by the appearance in the lineup of Chalice and xNova. So proud of my boys.

* LGD and VP are certain top 2 of the world. Why did you even expect OpTic to win?

* PPD is the only reason American DotA hasn't become a meme. I can't understand what EG was thinking when they stayed with Sumail.

* You have to give credit to OpTic. They probably won't be able to beat any of the top 4 teams in the world, but they deserve to be loved for the way they play when they fall behind.

* What a shame it would be for OpTic not to get into the top 4. They are definitely stronger than VGJ.T, but they are unlikely to take their place in the top DPC.

Week statistics

Art of the week

Now Johan n0tail Sundstein will play as a support. But that's no reason to forget his Lone Druid.

Moments of the week

Supermajor - superhighlights. Teams are already doing rapmags and team fights at The International level. For example, Armel from TNC Predator destroyed Evil Geniuses

And OpTic Gaming was able to turn the game against VGJ.Thunder thanks to a great and coordinated performance from Neta 22 Shapira and Ludwig Zai Wolberg. Like those who admired the highlights from

And where without highlights from Xu Fy Linsen? This guy always knows where his rivals are heading.

Failure of the week

However, there are also failures at the supermajor. VGJ.Storm took Enigma to decisive game against Mineski. But it seems that the opponents had too many stuns.