Sports and tourism belongs to the direction. Types of sports tourism

Fans of hiking and outdoor activities in general do not even always know that they are engaged in one of the most interesting types, called sports tourism, what it is, what types we are going to consider now.

What kind of sport

For a better understanding of what kind of sports tourism is, you should look at the Wikipedia electronic resource.

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It says here that:

sports tourism is understood as a whole range of events that take place along specially designed routes.

Moreover, the routes themselves have their own category of difficulty and are intended from beginners to high-level professionals.

Accordingly, athletes who have managed to overcome certain obstacles receive the appropriate sports categories.

Features of sports tourism

It is worth saying that there are no singles in sports. So is sports for the most part - a collective or team sport. He teaches to work in a team, while he will develop a sense of mutual assistance and mutual assistance. Like any sport, tourism is primarily a strict discipline. Experienced athletes will definitely share their knowledge and experience with beginners. Which is very important for all beginners and for children.

Another feature of sports tourism is relatively cheap equipment, which makes it especially attractive. Depending on the type of equipment chosen, the cost of equipment will be different.

Main types

Sports tourism, more entertainment, hobby than competition. There is no reciprocity here. And because such an occupation finds its followers all over the world.

To date, the most popular types of tourism are:

  • pedestrian- when all routes are designed for the possibility of overcoming them on foot. Moreover, the tracks are divided according to relief-landscape obstacles. The most difficult routes pass through places characterized by difficult terrain, as well as various climatic conditions;
  • ski From the name it follows that all routes pass through areas where there is snow. The complexity of the route will depend on the relief and landscape features, as well as on the level of snow and snow-ice cover;
  • mountain- these are most often hiking routes passing in mountainous areas where it is necessary to overcome paths and passes, it is possible to climb to the peaks, in which it is akin to rock climbing;
  • water is a rafting on various rivers, overcoming water spaces. In this case, boats or other special vessels are used. The most popular is rafting on mountain rivers;
  • speleotourism is the study of caves, including cave systems, both dry and partially flooded;
  • sailing- involves travel on ships equipped with a sail or a system of sails. For this, both rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and;
  • using various means of transportation . This includes: bicycles, equestrian tourism, the use of auto-moto transport;
  • combined tourism - routes suggest that various elements will be used, ranging from hiking, cycling and even water rafting.

Very often, sports tourism attracts people who are looking for thrills, since for the most part it is extreme view sports, especially when passing difficult routes.

It should be said that tourism can be divided into:

  1. children's and youth;
  2. adult;
  3. family;
  4. designed for people with certain disabilities.

Whatever form or type of tourism is chosen, it is very important that everyone follow certain safety rules and listen to experienced tourists. And most importantly, they realistically assessed their capabilities. For example, a beginner has nothing to do on tracks of increased complexity.


Anyone who wants to see the beauties of nature, learn a lot of new things, test their strength, can turn their attention to sports tourism, which we have considered in this article.

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is an officially recognized sport, it is a philosophy of life. Let's talk about the first component of sports tourism in detail today.

Sports tourism is a sport

An excerpt from the Competition Rules for Sports Tourism; sport code number 0840005411Я:

Sports - a sport based on competitions on routes that include overcoming categorized obstacles in the natural environment (passes, peaks, rapids, canyons, caves, etc.), and on distances laid in the natural environment and on artificial terrain.

Sports are divided into two large categories: the route (or "human" trips) and the distance (this is a competition in tourism technology, as they called it in the last century).

Sports trips (route) - this is where sports tourism began

So is it a sport or entertainment, recreation, as most people think? Let's take a closer look:

1. These are serious physical exercise. As an example, I can cite my championship trip in 2007 in Koryaki and Chukotka: in 32 days our group covered 814.8 km (329.5 km on foot in a mountainous region, making 15 first ascents and 485.3 km of rafting on a sports catamaran); the starting weight of backpacks was prohibitive (except for food and kerosene, we “dragged” specialized mountain and water equipment for a month); every day they “plowed” on the route until 11 o’clock CST (net running time is the time of movement without taking into account halts, lunches, etc.). I understand perfectly well that it was an extra-class route, but even in simpler categorical hikes, physical activity is high. This marathon distances, which athletes do not overcome in 3-4 hours, as in athletics and days, weeks...

2. These are extreme emotional loads. A small group of people (all have their shortcomings) for a long time (from 6 days to a month or more) is in close psychological contact. In addition, great physical exertion, a strict daily routine, negative weather factors and high-altitude acclimatization, as well as almost constant hunger, have an effect. products must be “dragged” on oneself and therefore, for example, our norms in high-category hikes were 400 grams per day. Anyone who thinks that this is normal, I recommend sitting on such a diet, although without physical exertion.

3. High technical skill. First, it is work with special equipment. For example, mountain or water. Think it's easy? - sit in a sports kayak in the pool and just try to keep from overkill (turning over) for a few minutes, and now remember what an athlete-tourist does on a kayak in a mountain stream. Or put on crampons and walk a hundred meters on the ice of the lake without stumbling, and a hiker or mountaineer “runs” in crampons along steep glaciers. And there are a lot of such examples. In order not to become extreme, you need to professionally own special equipment. Secondly, this is orientation in difficult mountainous terrain. Now GPS navigators help, but it doesn’t happen like in a car, when the electronic mind “knows” the way, in the mountains a mistake can cost your life, and okay if it’s yours, it’s much worse if the life of a friend who believes and trusts you. Thirdly, this is route planning when you have never been in the area before, when you only have maps and descriptions of past trips (sometimes 10-20 years old).

And now answer the question of sports trips yourself - is it a sport or entertainment?

Competition (distance)

Competitions are also held on sports trips, but we will consider the second part of the sports, which I now call "distance". Currently, this section is trying to become independent, as orienteering "gone" in its time. Or how rock climbing "budded" from mountaineering. But as long as we're together.

Competitions in tourism appeared to teach and test complex technical elements in areas close to cities. Both before and now, competitions are short distances (from 500 m to 6 km), heavily saturated with technical obstacles (steep descents and ascents, hinged crossings, log crossings, etc.). This is a pure sport - minutes, seconds ... This is an interesting discipline in which its own "tricks" and chips have appeared.

Today we reviewed sports, as an official sport, in the future we will tell those who go on serious sports trips.




Main questions:

The history of the development of sports tourism



Compiled by: head of the department of l / a and l / s

Associate Professor, Ph.D. Gulidin P.K.

Vitebsk 2016

history of sports tourism development

Tourism as a mass social phenomenon began to take shape only after the Second World War, although the roots of tourism go back to the deep past. There are four stages in the history of tourism development.

The first stage is from antiquity to the beginning of the 19th century.

The second stage is from the beginning of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century.

The third stage is from the beginning of the 20th century to the Second World War.

The fourth stage - after the Second World War to the present day.

The first stage of tourism development is called the prehistory of tourism. The beginning of this stage belongs to the ancient period ( Ancient Greece and Rome), when the main motives for travel were trade, pilgrimage, treatment, education. During this period, sports trips were born. For example, participants and spectators of the Olympic Games traveled to the competition site from the most remote corners of Greece. Later, in the Middle Ages, a religious factor became an incentive to travel - the worship of the shrines of Christianity and Islam. As a result of the development of the productive forces of society, there is a distinction between working time and free time of the worker (vacation). This created the prerequisites for the second stage of tourism development.

The second stage of tourism development is called elite tourism. The most important role at this stage of tourism development was played by revolutionary changes in transport. The means of delivery and transportation have changed. In 1807, the inventor Fulton designed and built the first steamship. The first steam locomotive was created by Stephenson in 1814. The means of delivering mail were improved, and the road network was expanded. All this led to much greater reliability and speed of movement. At the same time, travel costs were reduced due to more economical means of transportation.

Scientific and technological progress and the social struggle of workers for their rights, as well as the growing welfare of society, have created the possibility of travel for most ordinary people.

The third stage marked the beginning of the formation of social tourism. The First World War, the economic depression of the 30s and the Second World War had a negative impact on the development of tourism. At the same time, it was during this period that elements of mass tourism appeared, which reached its peak in the post-war decades.

The fourth stage is called the stage of mass tourism. During this period, tourism becomes massive.

Tourism as a sport was included in the Unified All-Union sports classification(EVSK) in 1949. The USSR Tourism Federation, as well as tourism within the EVSK, existed until 1958, and then, for purely bureaucratic reasons, tourism was excluded from the EVSK, and the Tourism Federation was liquidated.

After 1958, for the next seven years, sports tourism remained entirely in the care of tourism boards (i.e. trade unions). The number of accidents on hiking routes (namely, this was the reason for the exclusion of tourism from sports), however, did not decrease, but, on the contrary, increased significantly. And tourism was restored in EVSK in 1965.

All these years (from 1958 to 1976 inclusively at all levels - from regional to the Central Council for Tourism and Excursions - public commissions worked on types of tourism and sections of work (route-qualifying, competitions, preparation and certification of public tourist personnel, etc.).

By a joint resolution of Belsovprof and the Committee on physical education and sports under the Council of Ministers of the BSSR on February 15, 1977, the Tourism Federation (FT) was created, which, in fact, had already existed for a number of years in the form of the Council for Mass Types of Tourism under the Belorussian Council for Tourism and Excursions and which was the predecessor of the current one ( since 1991) Sports Tourism Federation. When the federations of tourism were formed in 1977, there was no need to invent anything special, revolutionary. The structure already exists. Moreover, in Belarus, on the initiative of Yu. M. Kokorev, a tourist and mountaineer with pre-war experience, already in 1963 a body was formed that united the activities of all republican commissions by types and sections of work, including the commission for orienteering on the ground. Eduard Tochitsky was elected the first chairman of the Tourism Federation of the republic (1977). Five years later - Georgy Shishko, Alexander Bitus became the third chairman of the Federation (until 1991). The first two are masters of sports in mountaineering, A. Bitus is a master of sports in water tourism.

From 1971 to 1980 inclusive, all-Union (in a number of republics - republican) competitions for the best tourist trip are held. The form of carrying out - correspondence. This greatly simplifies the system of competitions, since any team that applied for participation and then submitted a report to the Ground Jury in a timely manner takes part in them.

Both the All-Union FT and the republican ones carried out a great deal of work by organizing sports and tourist gatherings. Already at the beginning of this period (1965-1980), the rules for competitions in the technique of water and mountain tourism were developed, later - for all other types of tourism included in the sports classification.

By the end of 1980, the All-Union Federation adopted a number of decisions that qualitatively changed the nature sports events: since 1981, all-Union competitions for the best tourist travel have been transferred to the rank of USSR championships, and tourist rallies are held in accordance with the rules of competitions in the technique of types of tourism. The prestige of the competition has increased markedly, and consequently, the level of technical complexity of both tourist routes and competition distances has increased. The first three championships of the USSR in sports tourism (1981, 1983, 1985 - the championships are held every two years) indicate a significant complication of the routes of sports tourist trips. Belarusian tourists successfully perform in these championships, which, starting from the last all-Union competitions for the best tourist trip (1977-1980), are confidently among the leaders of the highest level.

In the period from 1977 to 1991, the FT, like federations in other sports, had its own regional organizations (regional FT), as well as, although not long-lived, tourism federations of the DSO. Each regional center had its own tourist club with small states. Tourist clubs have also been established in many areas. In parallel, the tourist sections of the DSO of trade unions, tourist clubs of enterprises, organizations and universities, as well as the entire system of stations for young tourists, worked.

But the time of the 90s turned out to be a completely different time. Strictly speaking, this “new time” began earlier than the last decade of the 20th century. After a rather calm, unhurried, but progressive development of sports tourism in the period from 1965 to 1980, a completely different period begins - the period of the struggle for the survival of sports and tourism activities and the structure that provided this activity.

The “perestroika period”, which ended in 1991 with the collapse of the USSR, is changing the established order of things step by step. By the end of 1990, a decision was made to dissolve the All-Union Tourism Federation and create the Tourist and Sports Union of the USSR, which a year and a half later was transformed into the International Tourist and Sports Union. At the same time, in the most developed (in terms of sports and tourism) republics of the now former USSR (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus), republican tourist and sports unions are created and sports tourism federations are preserved, representing tourism in the sports committees (ministries of sports) of these republics. With regard to “trade union guardianship”, since the late 80s, the trade unions have been gradually getting rid of amateur tourism, and by 1990 they were quite successfully coping with this. Sports tourism federations of the republics of the former USSR are becoming independent federations of sovereign states, - began new stage their history - in the tourist sports movement, the commercial component has noticeably increased. It consists in the fact that enough a large number of entrepreneurs from the tourism business, etc., are trying to find themselves in the sports tourism sector, believing that in the future it can bring significant financial and other dividends. The greatest interest is associated with the organization of business in the field of extreme, and simply say sports tourism, including training for the relevant tours. This trend is understandable and it naturally reflects the state of development of the entire country in present stage. Therefore, we face a primitive, global privatization of the intellectual potential of sports tourism (ST), a complete disregard for security issues in the name of the main goal - to skim off the first cream as quickly as possible, to declare oneself, to privatize the promoted competitions. Any attempts on the part of the Federation to build a thoughtful and balanced system, taking into account all its features and searching for a niche for any actively thinking person, company, organization, etc. leads from the opposite side to a behind-the-scenes struggle, throwing mud at the leaders of the Federation and reproaches for their conservatism, delaying the release of long overdue guests, laws and instructions.

ST, like the whole country, enters the zone of greater state regulation of all processes, and as a result of this, there is more attention from the state for its development. Moreover, ST has become a kind of struggle zone of ministries and departments that are interested in its development and are in charge of sports, tourism and education. The reason for this lies in the ST itself, which, on the one hand, is a complex mass sports and recreation technology and, on the other hand, represents the fundamental basis for the development of commercial extreme tourism and the associated system of training a wide range of personnel: for national parks, recreation areas, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the system of tourist and youth clubs, the management sector, and the traditional direction - organizing and conducting sports trips, trips and tours.

sports tourism modern development

Sports tourism is the preparation and conduct of sports trips with the aim of overcoming the vast expanse of wild nature on skis (ski tourism), by means of rafting (water tourism) or on foot in the mountains (mountain tourism). sports trip carried out by an autonomous group of 6-10 people. It happens that travelers do not meet any traces of civilization for a month. To complete the route, one must not only be strong, agile, courageous and stubborn, but also possess a wide range of special knowledge from the technique of overcoming obstacles to human physiology in extreme conditions.

In modern domestic and foreign literature, many approaches to the definition of the concept of "tourism" have been developed.

These approaches are based on various features and can be combined into several groups:

  • - tourism as temporary movement of people, their stay outside the permanent habitat and temporary stay at an object of tourist interest;
  • - tourism as a complex social economic system, which is based on a diversified industrial complex called the tourism industry;
  • - tourism as a segment of the market economy, where various enterprises of the economic complex interact in order to offer a product that satisfies the tourist interest;
  • - tourism as temporary departures of citizens and stateless persons in their free time from their permanent place of residence for recreational, educational, professional, sports, religious, business, educational and other purposes for a period of at least 24 hours and no more than 6 months and without engaging in paid activities in a place of temporary residence.

The last definition of "tourism", in our opinion, is the most complete, since it takes into account all the features that distinguish tourism from travel and other types of movement. The most important feature that determines tourist movements is a person's free time. Under free time in tourism, one should understand the time of vacation, holidays, weekends and holidays, the time after retirement. The second most important sign of tourism is the purpose of movement. These goals are clearly defined in the definition: health-improving, cognitive, professional, sports, religious, business, educational. The third feature sets the time frame for tourist movement - not less than 24 hours and not more than 6 months, which is extremely important for tourism statistics and the economics of the tourism industry. The fourth sign characterizing tourist movements provides for the impossibility of engaging in paid activities in the place of temporary residence. This means that a tourist, in addition to free time, must also have free in cash, which he is ready to spend for certain purposes related to rest and recovery of the body.

Modern tourism is, on the one hand, a young phenomenon, since it became massive only after the Second World War; on the other hand, tourism has deep historical roots, because travel has been known to mankind since ancient times.

Tourism in modern world manifests itself in various phenomena, connections and relationships, which determines the need for its classification, i.e., grouping according to separate homogeneous features, depending on certain practical goals.

The most common classification of tourism is its division into types, categories, types and forms.

The type of tourism is determined by the nationality of the tourists.

  • - domestic tourism - travel of citizens within the state borders of their own country;
  • - inbound tourism - travel of non-residents within the state borders of any country;
  • - outbound tourism - travel of residents of one country to any other country.

These types of tourism are combined in different ways, forming the following categories of tourism:

  • - tourism within the country includes domestic and inbound tourism;
  • - national tourism includes domestic and outbound tourism;
  • - international tourism includes inbound and outbound tourism;

The functional classification of types of tourism is determined by the purpose of travel.

In accordance with these features, the following main types of tourism are distinguished:

  • - recreational;
  • - health-improving;
  • - informative;
  • - business;
  • - sports;
  • - ethnic;
  • - religious;
  • - transit;
  • - educational.

The most common are recreational and educational tourism.

Recreational tourism is very diverse and can include spectacular entertainment programs, hunting, fishing, musical and artistic creativity, attending sports events as a spectator, etc.

Health tourism is driven by the need to treat various diseases and improve the body after illnesses. Here we can talk about tours with an exclusively therapeutic purpose, for the treatment of any serious diseases, rehabilitation after injuries, accidents, operations and health-improving tours, in order to maintain youth, beauty and health, relieve stress and fatigue.

Cognitive (excursion) tourism includes trips to get acquainted with natural and historical and cultural attractions, museums, theaters, traditions of the peoples in the visited country. The trip may include educational and recreational purposes at the same time.

Business tourism covers travel for official or professional purposes without receiving income at the place of temporary residence. To this type of tourism, the WTO includes trips to participate in congresses, scientific congresses and conferences, production meetings and seminars, fairs, exhibitions, salons, as well as to negotiate and conclude contracts, install and adjust equipment. Business tourism includes: business trips, congress and exhibition tourism and incentive tourism (incentive - incentive, motivation). Incentive tourism is a trip provided by the management of the company to its employees for free as a reward for good work. Incentive tours, as a rule, provide good quality service on an all-inclusive basis. The total share of business tourism is from 10 to 20% in the international tourist volume.

Ethnic tourism aims to visit the place of birth or origin of the family, as well as the place of residence of relatives and/or relatives. This type of tourism is called nostalgic (nostalgie tour). This type of tourism is of priority importance for countries where large diasporas of people from other countries live. For tourists from Germany, for example, trips to the Volga region are popular, and for tourists from Finland - to Karelian land, Lake Ladoga (about 500 thousand Finns were forced to leave these places during the hostilities of 1939-1945). Ethnic tourism is also widespread among the Chinese, whose diaspora numbers more than 60 million people.

Religious tourism is based on the religious needs of people of different faiths. Religious tourism can be called the oldest, its roots go back to time immemorial. It has two main varieties: pilgrimage tourism (a spiritual pilgrimage direction should be singled out separately) and religious tourism of an excursion and educational orientation. Religious tourism in individual denominations has its own characteristics.

  • - movements of air passengers who do not enter the country, but only make a transfer to a connecting flight;
  • - movements of tourists traveling to their final destination with a short stopover to connect flights in third countries.

Educational tourism involves tours lasting from 15 days to 3 months in order to improve skills or deepen knowledge in certain disciplines. The most popular at present are educational tours for the purpose of studying foreign languages or deepening knowledge of a foreign language.

Sports tourism involves travel for sporting events in certain countries and regions. It, in turn, can be divided into professional and amateur tourism. As "special types of tourism" we are interested in amateur tourism, which can be divided as follows: winter and summer, as well as water, air, desert and mountain sports.

Allocate different kinds tourism: religious, health-improving, cruise, ecological, sports.

Sports tourism can be defined as a sport based on competitions on routes that include overcoming categorized obstacles in the natural environment (passes, peaks (in mountain tourism), rapids (in water tourism), canyons, caves, etc.), and on distances laid in the natural environment and on artificial terrain.

Sports tourism in Belarus is national view sport, which has centuries-old historical traditions. It includes not only the sports component, but also a special spiritual sphere, and the way of life of the wanderers themselves.

By type of movement are distinguished:

Auto-motor tourism is a popular type of recreation, traveling by road along the main part of the route. Traveling by own car or gathering in a small group of several cars, tourists most often do not resort to the services of tourism organizers.

Cycling tourism is a popular form of outdoor activity, with many varieties ranging from small walks and excursions to complex cycling trips. In addition to ordinary cycling trips on easy, safe routes, extreme trails are also popular. Such trails usually run in hard-to-reach areas, such as mountains or deserts. There are currently three main types of bikes: road bikes, cross bikes and mountain bikes. road bike designed to travel on paved roads. It differs in that it has narrow wheels and thin tires. At mountain bikes wide grooved tires and special springs to soften shocks. A cross bike is a hybrid of the first two. One of the most famous cycling routes in the world runs through the Canadian Rockies. IN last years Cycling tours have also become widespread in the CIS countries, in those places where mountains of various complexity and patency are quite enough.

Water tourism is travel within the country of persons who do not permanently reside in it, for tourism purposes without engaging in paid activities from a local source. This type of tourism includes various types water sports. Rafting is rafting on rapids on inflatable boats. A raft is an inflatable raft for river rafting. Rafting has become widespread almost everywhere where it is possible to sleep on the rivers. In Russia, the most famous event in the world of rafting is the annual festival "Vuoksa" on the river of the same name. Depending on the age, state of health and degree of preparedness, routes of varying degrees of difficulty are offered. Particularly exciting is rafting in northern Karelia, where there is a combination of extreme sports with cultural tourism. In addition to the rafting itself, a rich cultural program is also provided here, for example, viewing the petroglyphs of the White Sea region and an excursion to the Solovetsky Islands. Professional rafting has special requirements for age - not younger than 18 years old and not older than 50-60 years old, you need good health.

Diving is one of the most difficult and dangerous species sports and tourism. Currently, only in Europe there are over 3 million people who love scuba diving.

Equestrian tourism is a form of active recreation, a type of sports tourism. It is carried out in the form of equestrian routes passing through reserves or national parks. Equestrian tourism is popular with fans of ecological tourism, as it allows tourists to visit places remote from transport routes, usually very beautiful, with pristine nature. The complexity of developing and implementing equestrian tourism lies in the need to provide special care for horses, organize parking and special security measures, etc. The advantage of horse trails is their great potential diversity. One of the most famous equestrian routes in the world is a week-long ride through the wild mountains of the Sierra Nevada.

Ski tourism - it also includes recreational weekend tours, skiing on flat and rough terrain, making short or multi-day trips. Despite the relative safety of skiing, long multi-day hikes in harsh deserted regions are quite an extreme and sporty type of tourism.

Alpine skiing is one of the traditional and very popular types of tourism all over the world. According to the degree of difficulty, descents to skiing are divided into several categories. Each skier can choose the section of the route that suits his class and experience.

Hiking (trekking) - Hiking practically does not require special training and equipment. At the same time, they provide an opportunity to get the necessary physical activity, as well as experience a positive emotional release. Despite the qualitative and quantitative development of many types of transport, walking routes not only do not lose their popularity, but are constantly one of the most preferred types of recreation.

Mountain tourism - hiking, involving the passage of routes on foot in mountainous areas, overcoming passes above 3000-3500 m, passing rocky areas, steep slopes, glaciers, snowfields, mountain rivers ... For mountain tourism, special equipment is used: ice axes, alpine boots, "cats ", rock and ice hooks, carabiners, ropes, etc.

Speleo-tourism - the exploration of caves, mines, faults or abysses - one of the most dangerous and difficult activities. Speleo-tourism can be very different in direction. Excursion and educational tours are held in caves specially equipped for excursions.

Mountaineering. Today, mountaineering is a whole industry that is gradually developing and popularizing. As a rule, it is customary to choose summer for climbing, when the weather allows you to reach the intended peak with minimal losses.

According to age and social characteristics, sports tourism is divided into:

children's tourism;

youth tourism;

adult tourism;

family tourism;

tourism for people with disabilities.

In recent years, the following areas of sports tourism have been actively developed:

travel (including solo travel);

extreme tourism;

distance discipline;

Discipline distance indoors on artificial terrain;

short routes in the class of sports trips.

Depending on the difficulty of the obstacles to be overcome, the area of ​​the hike, autonomy, novelty, length of the route and a number of other factors characteristic of different types of sports tourism, according to increasing complexity, hikes are divided into:

weekend trips; hikes of 1-3 degrees of difficulty - in children's and youth tourism; category trips.

In different types of tourism, the number of categories of complexity is different: in hiking, mountain, water, skiing, cycling and caving tourism - six categories of complexity; in auto-, motorcycle- and sailing tourism - five; in the horse - three.

Thus, sports tourism is not only a sport. It allows you to get acquainted with the culture of the peoples living in the travel area, enjoy the contemplation of amazing landscapes, experience the awe of the explorer - the pioneer. Of course, in the era of total aerial photography, it is impossible to make a geographical discovery, but you can still visit places where no human has gone before. Finally, sports tourism is a school of wisdom. This is an accurate calculation of forces, the ability to foresee events and predict the course of processes generated by them.

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