Sports and varicose veins. Varicose veins in athletes, causes of development, signs, methods of prevention

Varicose veins in the legs are a common disease characterized by an increase in the lumen of blood vessels, thinning of their walls and the formation of nodes. Improper treatment or its absence can lead to serious irreversible consequences. Is it possible to play sports with varicose veins? Yes. We will tell you what you need to consider and what sports you should choose.

Sports and varicose veins are compatible things, but before you go to a workout, you should evaluate your capabilities. A phlebologist will help with this. He will consider:

  • The degree of the disease. With minor damage to the vessels, the doctor can limit only some types of loads. Weightlifting, powerlifting and other activities related to weight lifting are excluded.
  • Presence of complications. The doctor assesses the degree of damage to certain areas and gives specific recommendations regarding physical activity in varicose veins.

After examining the patient, the doctor can make a conclusion about what kind of sport he can do, what exercises should be performed, and what should be avoided. In addition, recommendations can be given regarding equipment, temperature regime, and taking additional drugs.

Why you should exercise with varicose veins

Sports with varicose veins have many positive effects:

  1. blood circulation is normalized;
  2. venous and capillary walls are strengthened;
  3. lymph flow improves;
  4. the general physical and psychological condition improves.

However, it should be borne in mind that complications can arise under heavy loads, therefore, from professional sports will have to refuse.

With moderate exercise and the right kind of sport, you can significantly reduce the manifestations of the disease or even completely forget about it.

What kind of training to choose?

What kind of sports you can do with varicose veins depends on the severity of the disease:

  • The first stage is the mildest and, due to the absence of noticeable visual symptoms, is extremely rare. At this stage, you can practice almost any sport, except for parachuting, sprinting, rock climbing, weightlifting.
  • In the second stage of the disease, swelling and numbness of the toes appear. Static workouts - stretching, yoga, Pilates will be optimal. In the gym, you can practice almost without restrictions, but it is better to refuse heavy shells. Jumping, running against the clock, dancing should also be excluded. An alternative would be jogging or riding an exercise bike.
  • The third stage of the disease is characterized by severe swelling of the feet, convulsions, fatigue, heaviness in the legs. Due to the deterioration of blood circulation, the skin becomes dry, has an unhealthy appearance. The fingers acquire a blue tint, the vessels are deformed and bulge above the surface of the skin. With varicose veins of the third degree, sports should minimize the load on the legs. Running, dancing, jumping and martial arts are prohibited. Walking at an average pace, stretching, yoga, swimming is allowed. When exercising, it is recommended to use compression clothing and underwear elastic bandages, tight bandages and socks.
  • The fourth stage of varicose veins is characterized by a large area of ​​vascular damage, the appearance of complications. It is often accompanied by heart disease, so before you go to training, you should definitely consult not only with a phlebologist, but also with a cardiologist. Static workouts such as yoga, stretching will do. It is better to choose exercises in lying position or one where the legs are higher than the head to prevent blood stasis.
  • At the last stage of varicose veins, it is problematic to play sports, but you can perform certain exercises to maintain muscle tone and improve blood circulation in the affected areas.

Sports with varicose veins of the legs is useful, and sometimes even necessary. Compliance with the recommendations of the doctor and control by the coach will make classes not only safe, but also beneficial to health.

Varicose veins are a disease, the course of which depends not only on treatment, but also on the individual characteristics of a person, the presence of other pathologies, general physical condition. Therefore, recommendations regarding sports with varicose veins of the legs are strictly individual. Among the most common of them are:

  1. upper body (back, pectoral muscles, shoulder girdle, core muscles, etc.) can be trained at the same pace as for a healthy person.
  2. With varicose veins of the lower extremities, exercises in the gym are best done while sitting or lying down. For example, when pressing the bar from the chest, it is recommended to use a special bench with a back.
  3. Best for cardio recumbent bike, rowing machine. In the first stages of the disease, jogging and walking are allowed.
  4. During training, you should drink enough water to avoid thickening of the blood and poor circulation.
  5. Contraindicated in varicose veins squats, lunges, all types of thrusts (Romanian, sumo and others).
  6. Swimming with varicose veins is one of the most beneficial sports. To work out all the muscles, improve blood circulation and general physical form Water aerobics is also good.
  7. For training, you will need a special tracksuit, which the doctor will help you choose the right one. It is made from compression knitwear, which during training performs the maintenance of blood vessels.

What exercises are suitable?

With varicose veins, you can train not only in the pool or gym but also at home or even on the street.

Outdoor workouts:

  • With the expansion of the veins in the legs, you can safely go to sports ground. Pull-ups, dips, hanging leg raises, smooth acrobatic exercises will help strengthen the muscles of the whole body.
  • You can practice skiing, skating, leisurely cycling, running in the park.
  • Swimming with varicose veins is very popular, so swimming in open water is recommended in the summer. You can also go kayaking.

At home, you can perform the following exercises:

  • "scissors", "bike", twisting on the press;
  • push ups;
  • stretching;
  • "birch";
  • various types of straps (classic static, slopes, lifts, etc.);
  • "mill".

You can train the top with virtually no contraindications, but it is better to give preference to exercises in a sitting or lying position.

Squats can also be allowed in the first stages of the disease, but without the use of weights. In the gym, squats can be replaced with leg presses (with light weight), as well as isolation exercises: leg extension and flexion, crossover swings, gluteal bridge and others.

What else should be remembered with varicose veins?

In addition to choosing the right sports, you need to pay attention to nutrition. To avoid complications from varicose veins, you should add foods that reduce blood clotting to your diet. For example: ginger, currants, citrus fruits, freshly squeezed juices.

Compression clothing and bandages problem areas can be used not only during training, but also in Everyday life. A contrast or cool shower and hardening will also be useful, but intensive massage and aggressive body wraps should be abandoned.

Venous insufficiency imposes many restrictions on the active life of a person, but this does not mean that we will have to put a final and irrevocable cross. Proper selection of sports shoes, compression stockings and careful selection suitable species sports will help not only not to give up an active lifestyle, but also prevent possible relapses.

Water sports

Water, whose density is hundreds of times greater than that of air, eliminates excess internal pressure in the veins while massaging the muscles. This can not but affect the health of the vessels in the best way. In addition, when swimming, the body is in a horizontal position, which contributes to the outflow of blood, improving its circulation and reducing the load on the limbs. If you want to add elements of creativity and diversity to swimming from one end of the pool to the other, aqua aerobics will serve as an excellent sport for varicose veins. Provide muscle load without harm to blood vessels, improve skin condition, develop good posture with the simultaneous prevention of vascular insufficiency - only aqua aerobics is capable of all this.


From fitness to sports club or you shouldn’t refuse either - they can be beneficial under a number of conditions. Any sports with varicose veins should be carried out taking into account the strict distribution of the load. All exercises on step platforms, squats, running, jumping, lunges, leg presses should be excluded. You will also have to give up game types sports: football, hockey, etc. But classical yoga classes, shaping, Pilates, stretching or leisurely “walks” with the help of a treadmill can be safely included in the list of permitted physical activities.

street sports

A good therapeutic effect on the state of blood vessels in varicose veins can have such types street sports like badminton, golf, leisurely cycling, walking, skiing. All loads should be moderate, professional practice in these sports is unacceptable. In addition, to maintain muscle tone, prevent complications and further development venous insufficiency, it is recommended to regularly include in your sports load exercises performed lying on your back, familiar from childhood: “bike”, “scissors”, “birch”, walking in place without taking your feet off the floor.

The treatment of varicose veins is based on a multilateral combined approach. Taking medication, using folk remedies and compression underwear is always complemented by special physical exercises. Playing sports with varicose veins will help improve the condition of the circulatory system of the lower extremities, tone the vessels, and reduce the likelihood of thrombosis.

When playing sports important point is the selection the right shoes and clothes. It is best to buy light sports shoes that correctly distribute the load on the foot, do not squeeze it, and are well ventilated. From clothes it is recommended to wear special compression underwear - golfs, leggings, tights, stockings.

Is it possible to play sports with varicose veins

At the consultation, the phlebologist will explain in detail whether it is possible to play sports with varicose veins. During the reception, he assesses the condition of the vascular wall and the performance of the valves of the veins of the lower extremities. The next step is mandatory instrumental studies that will help determine the degree of varicose veins. Analyzing the results, the doctor determines the necessary treatment tactics and maximizes permissible loads for the patient.

It is important to avoid strenuous exercise that requires significant effort. Static training will also only harm diseased veins. Such exercises contribute to the accumulation of blood in the vessels of the lower extremities, which leads to aggravation of venous insufficiency and the progression of varicose veins.

When practicing martial arts, it is necessary to avoid blows, strong squeezing or seizures of limbs on which varicose veins progress. Such training contributes to an increase in blood flow and damage to the vascular wall.


In order for sports to bring only benefits, it is necessary to know and take into account all contraindications. It is not recommended to do the following:

  • squats and lunges - the load on the muscles of the lower extremities increases, which leads to greater blood flow, varicose veins.
  • fast and long run - with varicose veins of the lower extremities, you need to run in moderation, while you need to properly rest. After running, you should lie down and throw your legs up.
  • lifting weights up - patients with varicose veins are prohibited from exercising with kettlebells and a barbell. Usually similar exercises imply a load on the upper belt, but when lifting weights, the muscles of the legs are also involved.
  • jumping - this type of exercise leads to the rapid filling of the veins of the lower extremities with blood and its slow outflow.
  • leg press - even though the legs are thrown back up, there is a high probability of pelvic varicose veins, since most of the blood accumulates in this area.

The first sports activities should take place under the supervision of a qualified trainer, he helps to choose the right training program, determines the right weight for additional load, monitors the correctness of the exercises.

The benefits of sports for varicose veins

With the development of varicose veins on the legs, it is important to pay due attention to physical activity. With proper and systematic exercise, you can get rid of varicose veins much faster. Sports with varicose veins on the legs contribute to:

  • normalization of blood circulation - both blood flow to the lower extremities and its outflow improves. This is due to the constant work of the muscles of the lower extremities, which perform the function of a pump;
  • improvement of lymph drainage - this leads to relief of symptoms of fatigue in the legs, reduction of edema, improvement of blood circulation, restoration of normal structure;
  • strengthening the vascular wall - constant moderate physical activity leads to a gradual increase in the tone of the smooth muscles of the veins, because of this, the outflow of blood improves, congestion in the vessels of the lower extremities decreases.

Below we consider what kind of sport you can do with varicose veins.

  • Water aerobics or swimming - these exercises increase the tone of the entire human musculature with minor loads. When swimming, the body is in a horizontal position, which allows blood to be evenly distributed throughout the body and not to stagnate in the lower areas.
  • Race walking- This sport must be practiced daily. Particular attention is paid to breathing, it is necessary to take a quick deep breath every three steps, and the same exhalation. Breathing should be rhythmic and even, only then rib cage will fully perform the pumping function for the blood.
  • Running - it is allowed to run in the early stages of the development of varicose veins and only in compression stockings. This will reduce the load on the vascular wall and increase its tone.

It is advisable to wear compression underwear during any physical exertion or during the working day. This will reduce blood pressure on the vascular wall, as well as stop the progression of the disease.

Prevention of varicose veins

To improve the effectiveness of physical exercises or protect yourself from the occurrence of varicose veins, you can resort to traditional medicine. The most popular folk recipes for varicose veins are:

  • a compress of green tomatoes - in case of pain in the legs, feelings of fatigue, burning, it is necessary to apply slices of green tomatoes to the most problematic areas at night, the leg must be wrapped with a dry diaper;
  • nettle tincture - pour 2-3 tablespoons of chopped nettle leaves with boiling water. Infuse for 1-2 days, then strain through a tight gauze and drink a quarter cup 3 times a day for 4 weeks;
  • Kalanchoe tincture - you need to fill a liter jar with Kalanchoe leaves to half, and then pour alcohol (70%) and insist this mixture for 2 weeks. The jar needs to be shaken daily. Rubbing this tincture daily, you can quickly get rid of swollen veins and venous "cobwebs".

Varicose veins are a serious disease that requires proper and timely treatment. It creates an aesthetic defect in the form of bulging veins and the so-called spider veins. Many mistakenly believe that sport can cause varicose veins veins. In fact, sports are good prevention illness, but the load should be correct and moderate.

Treatment of varicose veins in athletes

Treatment of varicose veins during sports should be supervised by an experienced phlebologist. A complex of therapy is always selected for each patient individually, and sports and physical activity sometimes have to be postponed for a certain period, but during rehabilitation it will be necessary to return activity.

Varicose veins can be treated in sports using various methods, among which the most popular are:

1. Sclerotherapy of veins. Effective method therapy, which involves the introduction of a drug into the veins in order to stick them together. Collateral veins are used to restore blood flow.

2. Laser coagulation. Designed to neutralize the functioning of varicose veins without their removal.

3. Phlebectomy. Surgical removal of veins affected by varicose veins using modern devices and mini-incisions.

Doctors advise to resume sports with varicose veins after treatment in the near future. It is important to wear at first compression stockings for the normal distribution of blood through the veins and reduce the load on the vessels.

The benefits of sports for varicose veins

Sports with varicose veins should be carried out according to properly selected training programs. Special exercises help:

  • normalize blood circulation;
  • improve lymph outflow;
  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • improve overall health.

Often, varicose veins and sports cause inconvenience due to the inability to normally strain and relax the muscles.

Sports with thrombophlebitis

Plays an important role in the treatment of thrombophlebitis light gymnastics, cycling, walking and swimming. It is necessary to exclude any physical activity in one case: in acute conditions, when the risk of a blood clot is high. In this case, you need to observe bed rest with a raised leg for several days.

After stabilization of the condition with thrombophlebitis, you can add physical exercise lasting no more than 10 minutes. At first, they are limited to flexion-extension of the foot. Gradually, new movements are added, and the degree of muscle activity increases.

Sports and spider veins

Vascular stars on the legs and sports are quite compatible, especially if it is swimming or cycling. Regular walks are useful, and it is better to refuse heavy intensive loads and leg training in the gym or reduce working weights. Quail eggs will help athletes normalize blood pressure.

Beneficial sports

With varicose veins, sports can help alleviate the condition if you choose the right type of activity:

1. Water aerobics and swimming. These two sports are most useful for varicose veins, spider veins and thrombophlebitis. Water procedures reduce the load on the joints, enhance metabolic processes and change the composition of the blood.

2. Cycling. This physical activity is very effective, as it involves active movement of the legs, which eliminates congestion in the lower extremities.

3. Race walking. Walks should be arranged daily for about half an hour, but you should not experience discomfort. Watch your breath: inhale and exhale every three steps.

4. Golf. This sport is not very common in our country, but it has a positive effect on blood circulation in the limbs, as it involves constant movement around the playing field.

Can you ride a bike with varicose veins?

The bicycle is a great invention for people who like walking and small physical activities. During cycling, the muscles of the back, pelvis, legs and arms are involved - the benefits of this sport are obvious. But is it possible to ride a bicycle with varicose veins in the legs? Let's consider in detail.
Varicose veins primarily affect the veins located in the calf region. The outflow of blood is difficult in itself due to the location of the limbs and the structural features of the veins, to this are added loads in the form of body weight. Therefore, especially with a genetic predisposition to varicose veins, cycling becomes a means of preventing blood stasis. Due to the alternation of loads, the blood begins to circulate more intensively, and the veins become toned.
But cycling is useful only in the initial stages of varicose veins, until they begin to deform and bulge. In this case, it is worth refraining from intense cycling, and it is even better to check with the phlebologist what measures to take to get rid of the disease. Might be worth using and . And the question, is it possible to ride a bike with varicose veins, ask the doctor after the disease subsides.

Which bike to choose?

For therapeutic purposes, an ordinary bike is suitable, its fit is more comfortable than that of a sports bike. The seat must be high enough to bent legs freely reached the pedals, the knees did not touch the steering wheel, and in a straightened position it was convenient to put the legs on the ground. It is better to ride on a track or even asphalt, no matter how much you want to accelerate along the path in the field - shaking, overcoming holes and especially hills will not have the best effect on the condition of the veins.
Therefore, cycling with varicose veins is possible, but only under certain conditions. The same applies to those who are engaged on an exercise bike. The only difference is that they can all year round- at the gym or at home. And in order not to limit yourself in your favorite sport and ride as much as you want, you need to take care of your health closely, and then varicose veins will not become a contraindication for cycling.

Prohibited Loads

Prohibited sports and physical activity for varicose veins include:

  • squats;
  • fast run;
  • standing barbell or kettlebell lifts;
  • jumping;
  • step aerobics.


Higher education:


Kuban State Medical University (KubGMU, KubGMA, KubGMI)

Level of education - Specialist

Additional education:

"Cardiology", "Course on magnetic resonance imaging of the cardiovascular system"

Research Institute of Cardiology. A.L. Myasnikov

"Course on functional diagnostics"

NTSSSH them. A. N. Bakuleva

"Clinical Pharmacology Course"

Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

"Emergency Cardiology"

Cantonal Hospital of Geneva, Geneva (Switzerland)

"Course in Therapy"

Russian State Medical Institute of Roszdrav

With varicose veins of the lower extremities, it is reasonable to conduct healthy lifestyle life, requiring activity, competent attitude to the regimen and diet. Is it possible to play sports with varicose veins? A consultation with a phlebologist will help determine at what stage the disease is, choose a safe sport.

What sports can you do with varicose veins

Properly selected training for varicose veins restores disturbed blood pressure in the legs. Try to lead an active lifestyle, but avoid excessive power training and physical activity with varicose veins. Do not lift weights while standing. Running uphill, jumping rope - are contraindicated in varicose veins. Power loads, excessive training increase blood flow to the legs, expanding the inflamed and deformed veins.

You have a sedentary lifestyle or there is a load on your legs, spend the whole day on your legs, and experience swelling, fatigue by the end of the day, these are the first symptoms that indicate inflammation of the venous system. Having established the degree of the disease, the nature of the expansion of your veins, choose the best sport for yourself with varicose veins. Try to do exercises in the morning and evening to relieve fatigue in the legs.

People who do not play sports often ask: is walking useful for varicose veins, how fast should you walk? You need to walk at least 30-40 minutes a day. When walking, there is a natural massage of the veins with the help of muscles and oxygen saturation of the blood. Choose a natural sport for varicose veins that can reduce pressure in the lower extremities. Walking is not contraindicated for the elderly, pregnant women.

You need to walk on a flat surface in a park, at a stadium or on a treadmill. Welcome nordic walking in natural conditions. Choose shoes that are specific to the respective sports. In the early stages, it is possible to cure varicose veins and sport plays an important role in this.

Are varicose veins, cardio and running compatible?

When choosing exercises for weight loss with varicose veins, do not confuse fat burning and cardio workouts. Walking, even running at a low, stable speed, without lifting - this is cardio. Keep track of your pulse, heart rate, use compression stockings for all kinds of workouts. At risk fat people. To lose weight, is it possible to run with varicose veins of the legs? Your doctor should allow you to run.

Running with varicose veins does not have many varieties, the best option is jogging, easy running without obstacles. A light jog in the morning before work and a contrast shower for varicose veins after a hard day's work will help keep your veins in good shape throughout the day. Daily run, thanks to the reduction calf muscles activate blood supply, hematopoiesis, in addition, excess calories are burned.

Is it always possible to run with varicose veins? If the diagnosis is thrombophlebitis, then in order to avoid the separation of a blood clot, running is categorically contraindicated. Properly selected sports for varicose veins will help to avoid venous stasis, the formation of life-threatening blood clots.

Bicycle with varicose veins

Consult a phlebologist, choose a special compression stocking, it will protect your veins from expansion during training with varicose veins by controlling the movement of blood flow. Physical exercise with varicose veins should be correctly selected. A bicycle with varicose veins should not tire the body, but rather improve blood circulation without pressure on the lower limbs. Concepts like varicose veins and a bicycle are quite compatible.

This is a very effective sport that combines:

  • Strengthening the heart muscle;
  • Reduces the amount of body fat;
  • Saturates the blood, the body with oxygen,
  • Cleansing the lungs from stagnation;
  • Training calf muscles;
  • Increasing blood circulation.

When cycling is impossible with varicose veins:

  1. Overload the legs, heart during exercise;
  2. Use additional obstacles when driving: hills, mountains;
  3. Exercise immediately after eating.

Drink enough pure water so that your blood does not clot during exercise. Your bicycle or exercise bike with varicose veins should be comfortably adjusted (seat, steering wheel). Warm up before riding knee joints when exercising, pause for rest, especially if you feel pain, discomfort in the lower extremities.

Cardio equipment for varicose veins

Great alternative sports bike there will be training for varicose veins on an exercise bike. With the help of a special program, control your heart rate and use the optimal training regimen for your legs. In the sitting position, with varicose veins, excess pressure is removed from the legs. Therefore, varicose veins and an exercise bike can be combined.

Classes in the gym allow you to use cardio equipment before or after the main fitness workout. It is advisable to alternate fitness training and cardio by day. The stepper is an aerobic exercise machine that imitates climbing stairs. It helps fight overweight, improve blood circulation. The body is in an upright position, so a doctor's consultation is necessary.

With varicose veins, choose a safe sport

In order to prevent deformation, expansion and lengthening of the veins, pay attention to preventive and very effective sports that improve blood circulation throughout the body: swimming, yoga, Pilates. The bar strengthens, tightens the muscles of the whole body without injuring the veins. This strength exercise convenient to do at home. Physiological, ideal at all stages of the disease is swimming from varicose veins.

Water pressure is able to restore, narrow dilated veins, normalize the operation of the valves, and improve the outflow of blood in the legs. Visit the pool if possible. If you have done aerobics, love rhythmic dance, but because of a problem with your veins, you are afraid to do this sport. A possible replacement option is water aerobics. In order to qualitatively improve your body, fitness is suitable for varicose veins of the legs. Avoid maximum load on the legs, this will prevent complications.

It is important to avoid power loads on the legs

visiting Gym with varicose veins, do not forget about its effect on your body. If there is a predisposition to venous insufficiency, avoid heavy weights, power loads, especially in a standing position. What exercises can not be done with varicose veins: bench press, squats with dumbbells, lunges with weights. Exercises that involve maximum pressure on the legs and veins.

Is it possible to combine varicose veins and bodybuilding without injuring the veins? Proper nutrition, competent distribution of the load on the lower body, will allow you to continue to train with high quality. Train under the supervision of a trainer special programs. To safely combine varicose veins and the gym, do not overdo it. Alternate exercises in a vertical and horizontal position, rest between sets.

When visiting the gym with varicose veins, do not forget about its effect on your body. If there is a predisposition to venous insufficiency, avoid heavy weights, power loads, especially in a standing position. Fitness for varicose veins of the legs should include exercises in a horizontal plane, in a sitting position, lying down.

How to build muscle without exacerbating venous disease problems? Use more in the gym effective exercises for the buttocks, such as: leg extension, leg press, lying pelvis raise, various leg swings. This will minimally load the vessels, perfectly toning them.