Norbekov vision training table. The method of restoring vision according to Norbekov

Modern man receives many times more visual information every minute than his predecessor.

Accordingly, every minute, a modern person experiences much more stress on the fragile visual organ, from which this organ suffers.

Therefore, more than ever, methods of restoring vision, strengthening muscular system eye.

One of these methods is precisely the restoration of vision according to Norbekov.

Who is eligible and what needs to be done

Mirzakarim Norbekov is the author of many different methods to improve life. All his methods teach not how to make a million, but how to finally stop being sick and lethargic. They teach that, his methods, how changing the worldview helps to make your life quality. In particular, his technique for restoring vision is based on working with thoughts and mood.

Surely, everyone who is familiar with Norbekov noticed that he is always cheerful and smiling. He attracts with his positive and good spirits. And anyone can be that person.

What is Norbekov's technique for restoring good vision?

Restoration of vision according to Norbekov is a complex practice, including a psychological, anatomical and physical component. The technique itself is an element of his practice of healing the whole organism.

What is the secret of the technique?

The secret of success is that you need to work with your mood and thoughts. It is the psychological factor that is given the most attention, as it helps to tune in to productive work, believe in a positive outcome and gradually get rid of negativity, bad habits, and so on.

The second component of the practice is physical, which involves doing exercises to train the eyes. Partly the exercises are borrowed from the developments of Bates, and partly developed by the author himself.

Who is the technique suitable for?

Restoration of vision according to Norbekov is suitable for those who have farsightedness, myopia and astigmatism. The author of the rehabilitation program himself convinces that even those people who have significant eye pathologies can practice it. For example, with retinal detachment or even glaucoma, progress can be made towards improving vision with systematic training.

The main "whales" of Norbekov's methodology are:

  • Setting in a positive way, smiles;
  • "Muscular corset"
  • Working with a table
  • Physical exercises for the eyes

Setting in a positive way, smiles

The author of the technique recommends starting the training by straightening up and smiling broadly. An “artificial” smile will give a positive impulse to the brain, and you will feel joy. This will help you confidently and with faith perform physical exercise for eyes. In addition, a positive attitude will help overcome bad habits, in particular, the most important of them - to feel and consider yourself sick, weak and lethargic.

"Muscular corset"

The spine has a natural muscular corset, which has the ability to stretch. Due to this, the spine is mobile and flexible. If this “corset” loses its tone, the flexibility of the spine is impaired.

When, in addition to the "drying" of the muscles, salt is deposited on the intervertebral discs, simply put, urea - this situation aggravates the transmission of nerve impulses, pressing down on the nerve endings. As a result, vision begins to weaken. This condition is known as osteochondrosis, which is by no means an senile disease.

This is the result of a disrespectful attitude to one's health. Therefore, Norbekov recommends restoring vision by including exercises to develop the flexibility of the spine and joints, and strengthen the muscular corset. In addition, it is very important to establish a metabolism, the violation of which leads to the deposition of salts.

Working with a table

Unlike other scientists and authors of "visual" methods, Norbekov developed his own table for checking vision. Instead of looking at boring letters, Norbekov's tablet helps to tune in to the positive, increase self-confidence and methodology, and also check your eyesight.

Norbekov's table

The tablet consists of two parts, each of which contains the following text:

“I see very well, I know myself! I can do anything, I can do anything! The mood is great, I see signs, letters and words! I can clearly see everything I'm looking at! I am working on myself and discover my capabilities! What I do - I do everything perfectly! Thank you and kudos! I can do without glasses! I managed! Eli-Mali! I can see this without my glasses! Brilliant!"

On one half of the table, the first sentences of the text are written in large letters. Each next sentence is written in smaller and smaller letters. On the second half of the table, the same text is written the other way around - first, the last exercise in small letters (approximately 5 font size). This half is for those who have already improved their vision to the ability to read fine print at arm's length, at least.

Physical exercises for the eyes:

  • Exercises to strengthen the muscular system of the eyes
  • Accommodation exercises
  • Exercises for breeding visual axes
  • Relaxing exercises for the eyes

Norbekov exercises

So, you have embarked on a vision improvement program, and by all means, you want to regain all the colors of life!

What do you observe in the initial periods of exercise?

Firstly, after a few days of training, you will feel that your eyes are less strained and less tired. Then you will notice that you can see more clearly than before. Then again there is a slight decrease in vision - after which it again progresses in the right direction.

This is normal, so it is very important not to give up and not give up everything a stone's throw away from a lasting result.

The progress of vision includes 3 stages:

  • The first 2-3 days - vision starts;
  • The next 8 days - vision is restored;
  • In the next 20 - 40 days - normal vision is worked out.

The beginning of the exercises is preceded by relaxation of the eyes, head, neck and whole body. The movements of each exercise should be smooth and consistent.

Must smile This will help you get set up. This is an important aspect, since Norbekov's methodology is based on the upbringing of positive, the development of positive emotions.

Now you are ready to start the exercises themselves, namely:

Gradually, the body will begin to heal. Metabolic processes will be restored, and the body will always be healthy. A healthy body means good eyesight.


I think that I will not be mistaken if I say that anyone who is at least a little interested in the topic of healing by natural methods has heard about the system of M.S. Norbekov. One of his most popular books, The Fool's Experience, or the Key to Enlightenment, is dedicated to restoring vision.

Interested people immediately have questions: “What is original in Norbekov's approach to recovery? What should be done to restore vision according to the Norbekov system?

The most concise essence of Mirzakarim Sanakulovich's method is conveyed by the following scheme:

This diagram needs some explanation.

The key feature of the Norbekov system is a positive emotional attitude and belief in one's success during health improvement classes. Positive emotions and self-confidence can work miracles of healing, since they significantly activate the usually sluggish self-healing processes of the body.

Conversely, even absolutely healthy person prolonged depression (as a result) can turn into a chronic patient. Not without reason in medicine there is such a direction as psychosomatics, which studies the influence of psychological factors on the occurrence and course of bodily (somatic) diseases.

But how to learn to manage your emotions in order to tune in a positive way to wellness classes?

Since emotions are closely related to muscles (especially facial ones), Norbekov proposes to start the process of improving mood with an effort of will, adopting a “muscle corset” and facial expressions of the winner: straighten your back, straighten your shoulders and stretch your mouth in a wide smile. Such physical changes in posture and facial expressions will soon force a change in better side emotions and mood, as the emotional center is synchronized with the state of the muscles.

Further, the effect is enhanced if you artificially immerse yourself in a joyful state, and then mentally imagine yourself healthy (for example, seeing well) in order to nourish your faith in the successful outcome of recreational activities.

The above is well illustrated by a video demonstrating exercises for restoring vision according to the Norbekov system:

There is no doubt that those who have not previously encountered the Norbekov method, watching such videos can only laugh and arouse suspicion of some inadequacy of the person demonstrating the exercises :).

If you use this approach regularly (not necessarily every day, it is enough to practice 3 times a week), then the result will not be long in coming. Norbekov claims that it is possible to start the irreversible process of restoring vision within 20-40 days of classes.

As for the exercises for the eyes themselves, there are not so many of them, and most of them are familiar to those who are engaged in improving vision according to Bates: eye movements, solarization, accommodation training using a mark on the glass, palming (Norbekov gave him the name “Nachihatto-Naplevatto ”).

However, unlike the same technique of Dr. Bates, restoration of vision according to the Norbekov system is achieved not only by performing exercises for the eyes, but also by performing special gymnastics to maintain the flexibility of the joints and spine. Norbekov explains such great attention to the spine by its exceptional importance in the correct and well-coordinated work. internal organs, without which a person cannot be considered healthy and without which his efforts in restoring vision may be in vain.

Spine modern man clearly lacks the much-needed motor load. This is fraught with the loss of its flexibility, the accumulation in it of all kinds of deposits that hinder movement and pinch the nerves going from the spinal cord to the organs. Violation of the normal functioning of internal organs and systems is manifested in the violation of metabolic processes and a decrease in the self-healing potential of the body. In particular, Norbekov emphasizes that hyperopia that occurs with age is directly related to the condition of the spine.

You will get a complete picture of the restoration of vision according to the Norbekov system by reading his best-selling book:

If you prefer audio or video to books, you can use these materials:

637 09/18/2019 4 min.

Every year, ophthalmology, as a branch of medicine, is developing more and more, however, humanity still cannot do without eternal companions - glasses and contact lenses. Eye diseases are getting younger and are already crossing all acceptable limits. The people themselves are to blame for this situation, allowing all kinds of modern gadgets, devices and technologies into their lives, almost without restriction. Today even the most Small child able to barely learn to speak, use a cell phone, tablet or computer, and this cannot have a positive effect on vision.

Method definition

There are many in the world, including various ones, but we will talk about the unconventional method of M. Norbekov, which involves a whole health complex. The master offers a way to improve vision, in which the practices of the East and modernity are closely intertwined.

The system claims that a person is able to restore himself, one has only to strongly want it. If the patient ceases to consider himself as such, and frees himself from the psychological complexes and habits of the sick, weak and infirm, then the body will receive completely different impulses and reverse the situation.

Norbekov's program, which includes a set of exercises on oneself, is more educational than therapeutic. The basis is the rejection of medicines, medicines, glasses and other devices that only drive the disease inwards. The internal and external renewal of a person is the main task of the method. Spiritual purity of thoughts and a positive attitude, according to Norbekov, are able to defeat any ailment, at any stage.

Norbekov Mirzakarim Sanakulovich

It is worth noting that, like Zhdanov’s technique, Norbekov’s complexes have been repeatedly criticized by ophthalmologists, because. they do not carry any scientific basis for such high-profile statements. In any case, keep in mind that indeed there are few scientific justifications in Norbekov's works, he focuses more on the traditional nature of Eastern culture and self-hypnosis.

When appointed

However, his methodology is not only meditation and psychological training. It includes specific physical exercises and activities, which are also developed on the basis of previously tested and applied. The main and main foundation was the methodology of W. Bates, based on the study of the oculomotor muscles and ways to relax them through gymnastics and self-hypnosis. It was this method that formed the basis of Norbekov's teachings.

The technique can be used for such eye deviations as:

How is it carried out

According to Norbekov, recovery exercises are filled with deep meaning. By performing manipulations, the teaching allows you to open or clear the energy flows and channels through which healing comes. The whole organism and human consciousness are included in the work, the thought works and thus the exercises are filled with deep and ancient meaning.

It is enough to give classes every day from half an hour to an hour of time to achieve positive changes. Before you start the exercises, you need to tune in to a positive mood and smile "with all your mouth."

All Norbekov's gymnastics can be divided into several main complexes:

These are general exercises that Norbekov says should be done daily. Especially those who for a long time holds at the computer monitor. Such a set of movements will strengthen the muscles of the eyes, prevent them from relaxing and provoke a drop in visual acuity.

Norbekov pays great importance namely concentration, positive attitude and meditation. In his opinion, without such auto-training, results in restoring vision will not be achieved.

In addition, there is the so-called author's program "breathing with the eyes." The essence of which is comprehended through training directly with the participation of the author or his followers. For this, specially designed tables are used.

What is measured by the results

It is known that official medicine has its own position on Norbekov's teachings, and treats him with criticism, since there is no scientific confirmation of the methodology. However, there are also positive results. The author's system can affect not only the physical, but also the emotional and psychological state of a person. There is no complete denial of his developments, since any positive attitude gives the same positive results. Belief in success and a change in a person's worldview are very important in any disease, and eye diseases are no exception.

His students everywhere implement the work of the teacher and achieve positive effects, since with full-fledged work and bestowal, health system able to help those who believe in it. The mere fact that there are contraindications for classes suggests that the method is successful and brings results. People with mental disorders, epilepsy, as well as those suffering from drug addiction and alcoholism should not engage in these methods. For pregnant women, classes according to Norbekov are also contraindicated. After strokes and heart attacks, it is better not to practice, but to wait at least six months, the same applies to people who have undergone surgery.

It is also recommended to consult an ophthalmologist and therapist before starting rehabilitation treatment, using psychological work on one's consciousness and specific manipulations with the eyes. Perhaps you have contraindications and this can adversely affect your health.



In order for Norbekov's technique to really help, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the author's developments and follow all the requirements according to the instructions. You should not engage in amateur performances, and invent a "bicycle". There are clear and unambiguous exercises, requirements and recommendations that should be carefully studied before starting a long and painstaking work of self-healing.

Mirzakarim Norbekov is a man thanks to whom a huge number of people around the world were able to restore their eyesight and get rid of glasses forever. The main principle of his methodology is the psychological liberation from the habit of considering oneself a weak, sick, infirm and insecure person. But it cannot be said that this method of restoring vision is completely based on self-hypnosis, Norbekov also developed a number of exercises that give excellent results in the treatment of myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.

When performing gymnastics for vision according to Norbekov, it is necessary to maintain a muscular corset: straightened shoulders, a straight back and do everything with a smile and positive emotions.

Vision Improvement Exercise #1

Keep your head straight, without tilting back. Take your eyes up (to the ceiling), mentally continuing their movement further, through the forehead, vertically upwards.

Vision Improvement Exercise #2

Keeping your head straight, look down, mentally continuing your gaze into your own throat.

Vision Improvement Exercise #3

Look to the left, as if through your left ear.
Look to the right, as if through your right ear.

Vision Improvement Exercise No. 4 - "Butterfly"

When performing the exercise, pay special attention to the immobility of the head, rotate only the eyes. Make sure that the eye muscles do not overstrain and try to get a picture largest size within the face.

The sequence of eye movements: lower left corner - upper right corner - lower right corner - upper left corner.
Then repeat the exercise in reverse order: lower right corner - upper left corner - lower left corner - upper right corner.

Then relax your eyes and eyelids, blink easily and quickly.

Vision Improvement Exercise No. 5 - "Eight"

Recommendations for this exercise are similar to the "Butterfly". Move your eyes along a path that resembles an inverted 8 or an infinity sign as large as possible, but within the face. Alternately, the movement should be in one direction, then in the other. At the end of the exercise, you also need to blink lightly.

Vision Improvement Exercise #6

This is an exercise for the oblique muscles of the eyeball, which promotes the development of lateral vision and is recommended for myopia.

The exercise must be performed in a quiet environment so that nothing distracts or frightens.

Squint your eyes at the tip of your nose. You can put your finger in front of you and look at it intently, without interruption, slowly bringing your finger closer to the tip of your nose. Then look relaxed in front of you, fix the side objects, but do not move your eyes!

Do the eye exercise 7-8 times in each direction.

Follow the smooth transition from one point to another, alternate the exercise with blinking. Maintain a positive mental attitude.

Vision Improvement Exercise #7

Bring your index fingers to the tip of your nose and fix your eyes on them. Then slowly start spreading them horizontally to the sides: the right eye is fixed on the index finger of the right hand, the left eye is fixed on the index finger of the left hand. Do not try to spread your eyes to the sides - use only peripheral vision! Repeat this exercise several times, remembering to rest your eyes.

Vision Improvement Exercise #8 - Big Circle

Keeping your head still, do circular motions eyes: imagine a huge clock face in front of you (preferably gold), then slowly move your eyes clockwise, then counterclockwise, fixing your eyes on each imaginary number.

Try not to cut corners - the circle should be even. From one workout to the next, increase the size of the circle. Repeat this exercise raising your face to the sky with your eyes open. After that, you can repeat the two previous exercises, but with your eyes closed. This option contributes to the massage of the lens.

In this video you can clearly see all the above exercises:

Try this technique for yourself to throw away your glasses forever.

Daily eyes pass through themselves a large number of information, which leads to their stress. In the evening, there is a feeling of fatigue, burning, the image loses its clear contours. To strengthen the eye muscles, eliminate tension and fatigue, use a set of specially designed exercises by Zhdanov and Norbekov. They are designed to correct and eliminate ophthalmic diseases - myopia and hyperopia.

Complex eye treatment according to Norbekov eliminates cataracts, myopia, eye fatigue - these exercises should be included in the program for the restoration and correction of vision. With regular training, the eye muscles are strengthened and the functioning of internal organs improves. Medical complex it is better to record on video to track the accuracy of its implementation.

Eye exercises according to Norbekov:

  • Slowly raise your eyes, mentally continuing to move towards the crown. Lower your eyes so that an imaginary line is directed towards the throat.
  • Look to the left, mentally draw a line behind the ear. Repeat the exercise on the other side.
  • Draw a butterfly. The head is motionless, only the eyeballs move diagonally. From the bottom left corner to the top right corner. From the bottom right to the top left corner. Repeat the exercise, take the lower right corner as the starting point.
  • Draw a lying figure 8 5 times in each direction.
  • Move your eyes to the bridge of your nose. Move your gaze from the tip of your nose forward. Use your peripheral vision to mark objects on the sides. The exercise is aimed at strengthening the oblique muscles, effectively eliminates myopia. The number of repetitions is 8.
  • Forefingers touch the tip of the nose, slowly spread them apart. Each eye should follow the movement of one finger. Slowly return your fingers back, controlling the movement with your eyes.
  • Mentally imagine a gold dial. Draw a large circle with your eyes, stopping your eyes at each number on the dial. Alternate movements in different directions. The circle must be drawn accurately, without cutting corners. Repeat the exercise with your head up.

Do eye gymnastics according to Norbekov with a straight back, after each exercise, blink measuredly for 30 seconds. Perform the complex daily for half an hour, do not change the sequence of exercises. The initial 6 exercises are recommended to be done in 3 stages - with open eyes, with closed eyes and mentally.

Fast gymnastics according to Norbekov

To eliminate fatigue, prevent myopia and restore vision, an abbreviated gymnastics complex is suitable. Before starting the complex, you need to watch the training video.

A set of exercises:

  • The eyes are closed. Make wide circular rotations of the eyeballs 10 times in each direction.
  • Move your eyes along the trajectory of the rectangle, stop at each corner for 3 seconds. The number of repetitions is 10.
  • Move your gaze along the diagonal of the rectangle 10 times.
  • Make 2 rotational eye movements, focusing on the center of the circle. Do 10 sets each side
  • Draw 10 infinity signs moving in different directions. Next exercises do it with your eyes open.
  • Look at a brightly lit object, close your eyes with your palms. The rapid alternation of light and shadow makes the muscles strong, eliminates tension, and improves night vision. The number of repetitions is 10.
  • Look at the tip of the nose, move your gaze into the distance, return to the starting position. At each end point, stop for 3 seconds. The number of repetitions is 10.

At the end of the gym, blink quickly for 1 minute.

Zhdanov's technique for vision correction

Professor Zhdanov created techniques for the treatment of myopia and other ophthalmic problems. For each complex there are training videos that will help you understand the intricacies of performing healing practices.

Eye exercises for myopia are based on a quick change in focusing on distant and near objects. Write the text on two sheets of different formats according to the principle of a table for checking eyesight. Attach a larger sheet to the wall.

How to do the exercises:

  • Stand at such a distance from the wall that you can clearly see the text only on the top line. Cover one eye.
  • Take a smaller sheet of paper in your hand.
  • Read the top line on the big sheet, move your eyes to the small sheet, read the top line.
  • Do the exercise with each line 3 times.
  • Repeat the complex for the second eye.

Compliance with diet and other doctor's prescriptions - required condition for speedy recovery. Perform gymnastics regularly, make movements with the eyeballs so that the facial muscles are motionless.


Therapeutic energy technology relaxes the muscles. It is effectively used to eliminate and prevent the development of myopia, relieve eye fatigue after prolonged reading and watching TV. Written by William Bates.

  • Before starting the technique, remove glasses, lenses, turn off your mobile phone, prepare a table for checking your eyesight. Sit down, rest your elbows on the surface of the table, look at the table. Rub your palms vigorously until warm.
  • Put your palms on your eyelids - cross your fingers at the top of the bridge of your nose, little fingers rest on the wings of the nose. Fold your palms in the form of a small dome, without putting pressure on the eyelids. The light should not penetrate through the folded fingers, and the eyelids should feel warm from the palms.
  • During the exercise, mentally imagine a beautiful landscape, remember pleasant moments, you need to achieve a state of peace and relaxation.
  • Bright flashes during execution indicate a strong tension in the eyes. You need to relax, cover your eyelids for 2 minutes. Criterion total relaxation- absolute darkness.
  • After 5 minutes, remove your palms, do not open your eyes, turn your head 3 times in each direction, blink quickly for 10 seconds, open your eyes. Look at the table for checking your eyesight - the indicators for nearsightedness and farsightedness will improve.
  • Do this exercise 5 times a day. Training should be stopped immediately if flies appear before the eyes. Palming is contraindicated after ophthalmic operations, you can start training 6 months after surgery.

A sign of recovery and restoration of vision is the appearance of new sensations in the eyeballs.

Eye exercises while working on a computer

Ophthalmologists recommend doing a relaxing set of eye exercises while working at a computer every 40 minutes. Special exercises aimed at eliminating stress, preventing the development of myopia or hyperopia. The video will help you quickly learn the rules for performing gymnastics for the eyes.

A set of exercises:

  • Gently press your palms on your closed eyes for 1-3 seconds. Open your eyes and blink quickly. The number of repetitions is 4.
  • Close your eyes tightly, open your eyes wide after 7 seconds. Repeat 9 times.
  • Move your eyes up and down, left, right. Repeat the action 10 times.
  • Pull out in front of you right hand, raise your index finger. Look at him with two eyes for 7 seconds, with one eye for 7 seconds, again with two eyes for 7 seconds. Do 8 sets for each eye.
  • Place the pads of your fingers on the temporal region on both sides, squeeze a little. Blink quickly 12 times. Close your eyes, take a deep breath 5 times. The number of repetitions is 3.
  • To normalize blood circulation, blink at a fast pace for 3 minutes.
  • Close your eyes tightly for 7 seconds, then open your eyes wide for 7 seconds. To strengthen and relax muscles, do 7 approaches.
  • Circular eye movements with a constant change of direction, drawing a figure eight. The exercise can be done with open or closed eyes. The number of repetitions in each direction is 10.
  • With three fingers, press a little on the eyelids, hold for 2 seconds. Repeat 3 times. Exercise improves the movement of intraocular fluid.
  • Focus on nearby objects, then on distant objects. Repeat the exercise 10 times, it eliminates eye fatigue, it is better to do it near the window.

Close and relax your eyes for 1 minute after each exercise.

Exercises to restore vision help relieve eye strain, strengthen muscles, and prevent or slow down age-related ophthalmic changes. Eye gymnastics according to Norbekov is useful for myopia, hyperopia, glaucoma.

It will take at least 6 months of persistent and regular workouts. Training videos will help you quickly master the technique of execution.