Hand training at home. Explosive strikes: what exercises to do to develop hand speed

Modern world dangerous and ruthless. In order to survive in it, it is recommended to know the basics of self-defense, simple combinations of punches and kicks. Some people try to learn a couple of tricks that are based on the same type of attacking blows, because of which the effectiveness is small. Professionals say that in order to achieve a good result in the defensive art, you need to develop speed, agility and restraint. Hitting is the last thing you need.

It is possible that a protective reflex will play a role and help a person escape in a dangerous situation. However, without proper preparation, actions that will go to the defense can harm the body. That is, without knowledge and skills, the passion camp during a tense situation will not play the best role. Therefore, a person must know about the technique of banal self-defense. What and how to do in different dangerous situations. With the competence of their own actions, a person will be as safe as possible, both for himself and for those around him, who do not radiate any danger. In order not to go to the gym, not to hire wrestling coaches, it is recommended to master a few simple punching techniques.

It is easiest to deliver a sharp blow with fists, and a person is able to do this without preparation, but due to a sharp load on the muscles, there is a possibility of pulling, tearing or hammering them. Therefore, technical knowledge is essential. For minimal damage.

Basic rules for punching

  1. Need to stand for a bit bent legs. One is pushed forward a little for balance.
  2. The whole body must be minimized in space as much as possible. That is, fold your hands so that the forearms cover the area from the stomach, and the raised fists cover the face. This posture is most often seen in boxers. It is needed so that the body is as streamlined as possible, in case of deviations. If anything, a defensive reflex will help.
  3. During defense, the hands should be slightly relaxed. Hitting tense muscles is much bigger and more dangerous.
  4. During the strike, it is necessary to transfer your weight to the extended supporting leg, make a big swing, while focusing all the kinetic energy in the hand.

If for your own protection you do not intend to cause great damage to the enemy, the ill-wisher, while your fist is in contact with the body of the enemy, quickly move your hand away, becoming in a protective position. This method will not only protect the attacker from severe injuries, but the fists of the defender himself will not be badly damaged.

If the threat crosses all boundaries, then during the strike it is necessary to compensate for one's own weight and try to push it away with the help of a fist. This causes great damage to the enemy, and in some cases it is possible to break the bones, tear the muscles of the enemy. Yes, damage to the fist will be more serious (redness, broken bones, cracks, sometimes fractures of the bones of the fingers).

Many people understand that it is unreasonable to rely on a defensive reflex in critical situations. Actions in this state can cause great damage, and sometimes because of it, a person receives major injuries.

Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to attack correctly, to beat with fists quickly and accurately. Then the risks of suffering yourself will be reduced to a minimum.

A strong and accurate strike is the key to a successful defense.

Almost all hand-to-hand combat masters claim that techniques and techniques are necessary only for protection. This has been confirmed many times in books and films. And the point here is very clear. If people with skills in hand-to-hand combat, used their own knowledge for other purposes, there would be many more deaths and accidents. This knowledge is dangerous, and therefore its use is severely limited. During training, a large number of coaches begin by saying that it is a crime to use punches for evil purposes. This idea is carried over throughout the course of study.

And for maximum efficiency, coaches say that to defeat a scoundrel, one accurate and hard hit. In order to strike this very blow correctly, courses, trainings and other methods are created. Yes, no matter how trite it may sound - a fight, a fist fight lasts up to one exact blow.

To hone the skill of delivering one such blow, people spend years in training. But it doesn't start there. In order for the blow to be strong, fast and accurate, you need to spend a lot of time. Let's talk about exercises that will help get a little closer to this cherished goal.

The best exercises for strong and fast punching

Strength and speed are rarely combined in one single movement of the hand, which often results in strong slow blows, or fast weak ones. Therefore, at the beginning of training, it is necessary to perform exercises that focus on speed and strength, but separately. That is, perform one exercise, focusing on strength, and the second exercise - on speed. There is also a method of daytime training, when a person devotes not one exercise to each of the points of impact, but the whole day. That is, we will consider exercises that will help develop speed, and then strength.

Speed ​​kick drills

1 exercise - "A sledgehammer - a chain"

At the very beginning of the training, you need to be aware that during the impact there is only tension in the fist. The rest of the arm should be relaxed. Thus, an allegory with a sledgehammer and a chain is formed. The sledgehammer is the fist and the chain is the rest of the hand. During the exercise, you need to learn to strain only the hand. This allows you to reduce the load on the shoulders and forearms, thereby minimizing the risk of pulling the muscles.

This exercise is carried out until the effect of the "sledgehammer - chains" will not work on a subconscious level. That is, during the training of direct strikes, the body itself is already correcting for this state, this is the so-called muscle memory. This exercise is carried out with the help of the simplest direct blows. It is important that from the very beginning, relaxation is concentrated in the shoulders in order to increase the efficiency of the exercise. To achieve maximum efficiency, during the application of each blow, it is necessary to exhale.


  • After doing the exercise in elbow joints discomfort (fatigue, pain) should be felt;
  • Normalization of breathing. Endurance appears;
  • Hands are able to withstand a more intense load.
  • The blow is executed with tense shoulders;
  • At the moment of impact, the person takes a breath.

2 exercise - "Push-ups with claps"

It is known that push-ups from the floor are one of the most versatile and useful exercises for body. Not just for hitting speed. Adding to it one more element - cotton. From the outside it looks simple. During the extension of the arms, a strong upward jerk is made, due to which the body jumps a little (spring), and at this moment a small clap should be performed in front of the chest. This helps to increase the speed of movement of the entire arm, since all its muscles are involved in the process.

You need to carry out the exercise in several approaches, three times a day. After push-ups with this method cease to be difficult, it is recommended to add another cotton. It will be done with both hands on the chest. That is, during the extension of the arms, first we clap our hands in front of us, and then with both hands on the chest. This new element will help increase the coordination of movements of both hands. So that during the strikes a continuous chain is created at the same intervals.


  • Increased load on the respiratory system;
  • Hands work more smoothly;
  • Everything happens at the mechanical level, that is, there is no need to control the movements of the brain.
  • Instant jump to more difficult exercise. This may result in injury.
  • Too hard blows to the chest.

3 exercise - "Push-ups with a turn"

Do not go far from push-ups. The next exercise is much harder than the ones mentioned above. Most athletes claim that this method of developing hand speed is superior to various barbell pulls or bag stances. The fact is that during push-ups, every three to four times you need to push off the floor as much as possible and make one full turn of 360 degrees, and at the same time return to the starting position. From the outside it looks simple, but in reality ...

In almost 95% of cases, the first attempts are unsuccessful. This exercise puts a lot of stress on a person's hands. Main goal: to teach to strain and relax the hands. This will allow you to use a minimum of effort during strikes and give your hands a rest for those moments of rest.


  • Achieving the maximum speed for a person;
  • Movement coordination;
  • The ability to let your hands rest during combat.
  • Insufficient preparation (warm-up, performing other, less difficult exercises);
  • Risk of damaging the brushes.

4 exercise - "Throwing a weighted ball"

In almost all gyms there are ordinary-looking balls that are filled with sand or other materials. Most often they weigh from 5 to 8 kilograms. These balls are great for developing arm muscles, their speed of response and endurance. We take one such ball, stand one and a half to two meters from the wall, and try to throw it so that it bounces back. This exercise is universal, as it is suitable for strength too.


  • Ability to coordinate speed with strength;
  • Development of endurance.
  • The desire to throw more and further, which leads to injuries and rapid fatigue;
  • Desire to start with the heaviest ball.

5 exercise - "Raising the bar forward and up"

This exercise emphasizes both speed and strength at a specific point. You need to choose a neck for yourself, most often not heavier than 15 kilograms. Take it with your hands in front of you with bent elbows. Holding the bar near the chin, take a proper stance. Then, with sharp movements straight up, raise the bar so that it is at least a little higher than the head. This exercise involves all areas of the muscles in the arms, activates endurance, and helps to learn how to breathe.


  • Maximum pumping endurance;
  • Smooth breathing.
  • Overestimation of one's own strengths (using a bar that is too heavy);
  • An increased percentage of injuries due to improper exercise.

Strong kick exercise

Moving on to strength. In this case, everything will be much simpler, since any strength exercises can increase the force of impact. Also, do not forget that the two exercises that we examined - the fourth and fifth, can also be attributed.

Let's look at a few more exercises that will help increase the power of impact with maximum efficiency.

1 exercise - "Pulling up on the horizontal bar"

It is difficult to start punching strength training if the person is not able to lift their own weight. Therefore, the first exercise will be pull-ups. This is one of the most effective and universal ways, which was revered by all masters. All these barbells, pancakes of 50 kilograms are the so-called “show-offs for visitors”. Experienced trainer will say that the easiest way to train strength is with the help of a horizontal bar. It is enough to set your own limit for the current moment, and develop it, adding one more to the limit number of pull-ups every five to six days.


  • Almost limitless development of strength and endurance, due to the technique of adding one to your own best result;
  • Ease of implementation. You can do pull-ups anywhere where there is a bar, or something similar.
  • Due to the long development (the result is noticeable after a long time), many give up this business, considering it useless;
  • There is no tension on the legs (if the pull-up does not occur while holding the nom at an angle).

2 exercise - "bars"

Another legendary assistant in the development of a strong blow. Due to the fact that the main load falls on the hands, there is a significant development of strength. It is recommended to perform on the uneven bars not only push-ups, but also various tricks. This will allow you to get a good result in a relatively short period.


  • Strength is pumped as quickly as possible;
  • All areas of the muscles of the hands are involved.
  • Difficulty in choosing a program;
  • Risk of severely pulling the muscles of the forearm.

3 exercise - "Strikes on the boxing bag" two "

This exercise is aimed at delivering two most powerful blows to one point of the bag, pushing it as far away from you as possible. It is important to perform this exercise with a trainer who can regulate the movements of the legs and arms, since the momentum for a strike begins with the supporting leg and ends with the second imposed blow. It is clear that this exercise is performed at the end of the workout, when the body is maximally warmed up and relaxed. It is also necessary to hit with blows, both left and right hand in one point. This develops accuracy. Breaking through, almost instantly with two hits on the bag, is a “two”. This element underlies most techniques in boxing and kickboxing.


  • The combination of strength, accuracy, stamina and speed to strike correctly and competently;
  • Almost all the muscles of the body are involved, starting with the legs.
  • Scattered punches on the bag;
  • Risk of injury.

These exercises perfectly help to educate a person who is able to use a strong and quick kick. But this will take a lot of work. Remember: no champion was able to achieve the desired result the first time. Everything is achieved by training, desire and striving for the goal.

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To train a strong blow, you need to know by what principle such power appears. There are several ways to develop the ability, in order to achieve this, one should train correctly and regularly. Impact strength is affected by development correct technique.

What determines the force of impact?

Some technical nuances that affect the formation of a strong blow:

  • body weight;
  • speed;
  • hand trajectory and technique.

In order to form such opportunities in yourself, it is recommended to contact the trainer and find out at what moment you need to relax your fist, and at what moment you should clench. He will explain the correct position of the legs and the trajectory of the movement of the arms and legs. Kick and kick stance:

  • if you strike with the fist of your right hand, then the right heel should rise slightly at this moment, and the left foot does not move;
  • legs are placed shoulder-width apart, even a little wider;
  • in the direction of movement of the hand, the foot of the right leg turns slightly.
  1. An opponent can easily determine if at the very beginning you take your hand back and start hitting.
  2. When a blow is struck, the weight of the body is shifted forward and the knees are bent.
  3. A great effect during the strike is created by the movement of the body.
  4. During the movement of the fist, the hips turn towards the opponent.
  5. Before the very beginning of the blow, a breath is taken.
  6. The tighter the fist is clenched, the more power is imparted in the blow.
  7. You should quickly move your torso towards the opponent when throwing your fist.

Tactics work successfully if all techniques are performed simultaneously.

The fist must be compressed as hard as possible upon impact.. The most important component is lifelong training, only after a long time is power achieved.

Formation of explosive energy, speed and strength

If a person is right-handed, then you should not concentrate on training, only the right hand, both hands should be involved in the work.

How to increase hitting speed

To form the strength and speed of the blow, you should develop the upper body - these are the shoulders, triceps and back muscles. Required exercises:

Ball kicking technique

To develop strength and speed, boxers often use training with the ball:

This workout is not intended for apartment conditions, so you need to find a more suitable area for your purposes.

Jump while crouching

Correct stance: hands lie on the sides, the body is even, and the legs are shoulder-width apart. Squat down until your knees are in line with your hips. Next, a strong jump is made up with raised hands. A minimum of 20 repetitions is performed and with a gradual increase in weight with dumbbells in hand.

Striking exercises at home

Effective ways to develop impact force. Training is done regularly. It is necessary to distribute for a month, some sign at intervals of 4 days, while others more often, so that there is no accumulation a large number exercise in one day. Recommended exercises:

This list of workouts will help build endurance, speed and punching power. Tendons and muscles will become stronger. If you follow the regime, the result will begin to appear after 3 months.

Important! Powerful punching power is needed in different situations, but it should be used in self-defense. Don't forget your consequences.

Hitting Precision Technique

Nothing will happen to the opponent, even if strength is developed and hitting protected places. Need to seek out weak spots. A knockout consists in a strong load on the cerebellum when a blow is struck to the head - this is from an anatomical point of view. This organ sends a signal to the Central nervous system and turns off the whole body. This can happen if you hit the:

  • back of the head;
  • jaw;
  • temple.

To immobilize the enemy, there are other painful points in the body. If you accurately hit the target, the opponent will be demoralized and incapacitated. Where to hit:

The pain threshold for a knockout is different for everyone, but if you apply a force of 150 kg, then almost any opponent can temporarily lose consciousness. This may help if, if beat sharply and suddenly. The jaw has 15 kg of impact power. In normal

If you are engaged in any martial arts or just want to stand up for yourself and your loved ones in street fight, then you simply need a lightning-fast and strong blow. For some people, such a blow is given by nature, if you are not one of them, then you need to increase the strength and speed of your blow. The following effective exercises and valuable tips for increasing strength and speed will help you with this.

As you know, the impact force is measured in kilograms, a blow with a force of 250 kg is enough to discourage the opponent from fighting, but this will not be enough to knock him down. But for us, the greater the impact force, the more profitable. What is needed to increase the impact force? To begin with, you need to hit correctly, when hitting, it is necessary that not only the arm is in motion, but also the body and legs. The body must be rotated in the direction of impact. Also legs, when you hit you need to take a small step forward, if you hit with your left hand, then it should be left leg, and if right, then the right leg. It should be noted that these steps are obtained if only single strikes are performed, but if it is a combination of strikes, then you simply will not have time to make the steps. Don't forget about the stand. The first thing a boxer is taught is the correct stance. And, as you know, boxers have the strongest punch. And so, to begin with, it should be said that the stand is the most convenient position for a boxer, which he needs to perform any action for an attack or, conversely, for defense. The rack must provide good review and at the same time be an obstacle for the enemy to perform any actions. All requirements are met by the left-hand rack.

It is best to start learning the rack near the mirror, at a distance of 2-2.5 meters. One of better ways increasing the force of impact, this is shadow boxing. This requires dumbbells 3.2.1 kg.

Start with 3 kg dumbbells. Use them for about 20 hits. Then take dumbbells of 2 kg, also 20 strokes, then 1 kg. After all, we apply 20 strokes without dumbbells, you will feel that your hands have become cotton - this is normal.
Also in a good way increasing impact are push-ups. But not just push-ups, but push-ups with fists or with claps.

The same pull-ups or push-ups on the uneven bars help a lot. To increase the impact force, swimming also helps, during swimming all muscles are strengthened. But for us, the main style is crawl.

Another feature of a strong blow is that it is necessary to strike as if through the target, it is not necessary to stop the movement of the hand after the blow, on the contrary, the movement must be continued. So the blow is stronger and repulsive to the enemy. With such a blow, the percentage that the opponent will lose balance and fall is greater than with a whipping blow. Great importance also has the way the fist is clenched. It is necessary to start clenching the fist from the first phalanges of the fingers, so that there is less empty space between the fingers and the phalanges of the fingers.

And to increase the speed of impact, the same shadow fight will help, only at speed. It is necessary to perform a series of blows or the same blow several times, but at high speed for 5-10 minutes. You can also purchase special hand weights or sew them yourself. They are shaped like gloves, but with pockets that have metal plates. The number of plates can be adjusted, removed or added, depending on physical condition. There is also such a problem that the hands begin to hurt from blows to the pear. So that you do not feel pain during a blow, you need to make the skin rougher and the bones of the hand get used to the blows, for this you need to do the following, take an ordinary stack and attach it to the wall. Every day for 15-20 minutes, perform a series of strokes, and then tear out a few pages from the stack. This is how your hands will be “hardened”.

Practice hard and you will definitely succeed. Good luck and success.

What is impact force and what does it depend on?

What is impact force and what does it depend on? Force is mass times acceleration. From here it follows that in order to increase the power of the blow, both the speed with which you perform the blow is important, and muscle mass hands and body as a whole. Among other things, there should be rigidity in the blow, because you are going to beat with your fist on the floor? and not to slap?

Therefore, if you want to punch a knockout well, or just a powerful blow, you need to train both the speed of the blow and the muscles involved in the blow - legs, arms, chest, back, shoulders, and it will not be superfluous to put the correct technique of striking.

What muscles are involved in punching

When throwing a punch, whether it's the notorious jab or everyone's favorite hook, the following muscles are involved:

The blow starts from the foot and the energy subsequently passes through the body from the bottom up and reaches the hand:

Muscles involved in punching, their role and importance

Muscles and leg strength

The muscles of the legs are the quadriceps and calf muscles. the development of these muscles is essential for anyone who wants to have a strong blow. The leg muscles are responsible for pushing off the ground, causing your body to fill with energy. The leg muscles also happen to be the largest muscles in your body, which is why all punches in boxing tend to involve legs with squats, twists and turns.

It is concentrated in the legs greatest strength! Not in the chest muscles and not in the triceps. By carefully examining many of the most pronounced punchers - knockouts, the researchers found that they have well-developed legs, and not big hands or a powerful chest. When studying muscle development in boxers, you will not see huge pecs or triceps. But big muscles also give a certain advantage - a large body mass - a more powerful blow.

At correct staging punching techniques, well-stuffed fists and correct fist placement can be worked in some bandages on a very hard bag, without injury. The main thing is not to fail the blow into the bag, but how to immediately withdraw your hand, how to prick - sting, as Mohamed Ali said. It is advisable to train both hands and punches from any position, to hit with any type of punches. The blow should be short, not sweeping and take place along the optimal trajectory. How to put the strike technique, see the video below.

Setting and practicing punches

Setting and practicing combinations of punches

In boxing, to increase the power indicators of a boxer's punches, various methods of developing strength and complexes of specialized exercises are provided.

The most effective exercises to increase punching power

Physical exercises that will help develop a strong blow - "OFP"

The main exercises that develop the upper muscle groups:

Push-ups develop: triceps shoulders - triceps, large pectoral muscles, deltoid muscles, biceps - or biceps, anterior serratus muscles, large gluteal muscles, muscles abdominals.

To develop a powerful and hard punch, you need to practice four types of push-ups:

  • push-ups on the palms - hands at shoulder level
  • push-ups on fists - hands at shoulder level
  • push-ups on the fingers - hands at shoulder level
  • push-ups on the palms with claps - hands at shoulder level

How to train punching power - practicing and setting punches

Striking Strength Exercises - Palm Push-ups

push-ups on the palms - an exercise to develop the power of impact

push-ups on the palms - hands at shoulder level contribute to the development of mass and strength of the muscles of the chest and triceps. This type of push-ups is performed slowly with an exhalation at the bottom point and a delay of 1 - 2 seconds at the top and bottom points. The back should be straight - the muscles of the lower back are tense. The legs are brought together as much as possible. Do 2 - 3 sets per workout - maximum amount once.

The main purpose of push-ups on fists is to strengthen the hands. When push-ups, all the same muscles are involved as with push-ups on the palms, but in this position of the hands, the hands receive a different load and the muscles of the hand that are involved in clenching the fist and holding the wrist in the required position are worked out. The bones of the fist are also stuffed, they become stiffer and somewhat increase.

This type of push-ups is performed slowly with an exhalation at the bottom point and a delay of 1 - 2 seconds at the top and bottom points. The back should be straight - the muscles of the lower back are tense. The legs are brought together as much as possible. Perform 2-3 sets per workout - the maximum number of times.

Finger push-ups

This type of push-ups, like all push-ups, is useful for strengthening the shoulder girdle, pectoral muscles, belt muscles (abs and lumbar muscles), also during push-ups, the muscles of the back and neck actively work. In push-ups on the fingers, the muscles of the forearms, hands, fingers work very actively, the corresponding ligaments and joints are strengthened.

This type of push-ups actively helps to strengthen the hands, which is extremely necessary with a strong blow, otherwise, with a strong blow, you simply injure your hand - break the metacarpal bone or synovial joint. With such an injury, it is not possible to continue the fight with this hand and most likely this fight will end in your defeat.

Therefore, if you do not want to be in a similar situation, I recommend that you turn on finger push-ups at least once a week for 2-3 sets.

Push-ups with cotton

A great exercise for developing explosive strength and speed. All the same muscles are involved as with push-ups on the palms, but the essence of the exercise is that the muscles contract very quickly and intensively, which contributes to the development of a sharp and powerful pushing away from oneself. The abdominal and lower back muscles work just as powerfully, they rigidly fix the body in a straight position.

Push-ups with cotton should be done vigorously, push off with your hands as hard and fast as possible. Push hard off the floor, clap, and quickly return your hands to the floor to absorb the downward movement. Keep your body straight - the muscles of the press and back in a tense state. When doing push-ups with cotton, focus on maximum speed. Do this exercise for 2-3 sets 1-2 times a week.

Pushing out the rod

Very effective exercise pushing out from the chest in a standing position, the neck from the barbell (20-25kg) - forward from oneself at the level of the chin. You can also use rubber - an expander - tight harnesses, tie them to something at a shoulder-width distance, fasten the ends in your hands, stand with your back to the place of the tie and beat through the resistance of the rubber bands.

Development of leg muscle strength

Squats with weights, high jumps, jumping rope.

The development of the strength of the leg muscles plays an important role in the training of a strong blow. So, an accurate blow to the chin area, while simultaneously using the muscles of the legs, gives a strong impact on the opponent. The development of the impact force by 60% is due to the movements of the legs and body.

Most effective methods leg muscle development are:

Squats with a barbell; Running uphill or up the stairs, running with obstacles; High and long jumps, jumping rope.


Pull-ups - develop upper body muscle groups: the latissimus dorsi, biceps, pectoral muscles, top part back, muscles abdominal wall, forearms.

Pull-ups need to be done in two types - slow and fast for an explosion. When pulling up, your arms should be held slightly wider than your shoulders. If desired, you can hang on the weight belt. Try to pull yourself up as much as possible large quantity once.

Slow pull ups- grip with palms away from you, slowly - calmly pull up, the chin should rise above the crossbar, when lifting, exhale when lowering, inhale, hold in the upper position for 1 second and then lower, at the bottom point do not unbend your arms to the end - your arms should unbend approximately at 95%, hold in the lower position for 1 second and then do the rise. Do at least two sets per workout, the maximum number of times. This exercise develops back muscles for strength.

Thawing to burst- are done in almost the same way as slow pull-ups with the only difference that the rise up must be done with maximum strength and speed.

Grip with your palms away from you, pull yourself up sharply with all your strength, the chin should rise above the crossbar, exhale when lifting, then calmly lower yourself, at the bottom point do not unbend your arms to the end - your arms should unbend by about 95%, after reaching the bottom point of the hang do the next lift immediately.

Do at least two sets per workout, the maximum number of times. This exercise develops back muscles, endurance and explosive strength - the ability to concentrate and release energy.

ball throws

For the exercise, you will need a heavy ball with sand, which is used by boxers in training. If not, try making a homemade sandbag. (this exercise can be replaced by hitting the tire with a sledgehammer).

Starting position: feet shoulder width apart, body straight. Raise the ball high above your head. Throw with force - hit the ball on the floor. Repeat the exercise at least 15 times per set.

Starting position: stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides. Squat down until your knees are in line with your hips. With maximum force, jump up, while raising your arms up. Repeat jumps until you run out of strength.

Kettlebell lifting

Kettlebell exercises are very useful for strengthening the hands, shoulders, deltoid muscles and increasing muscle mass.

Kettlebell lift forward

Spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders. Take the kettlebell with one hand, lower it between your legs on a straightened arm - the kettlebell should be in weight. Bend your knees slightly and jerk the kettlebell forward sharply, to a level of 90 degrees in relation to the body, that is, you should hold the kettlebell in front of you at arm's length. At the highest point, the back should be straight. Hold your hand in a horizontal position for 1 - 2 seconds. Repeat up to ten kettlebell raises with one arm. Then change your hand.

The exercise is similar to the previous one, with the only difference that the weight is now raised above the head. Change hands after 10-15 reps.

Lifting the kettlebell up from the shoulder

Place the kettlebell between your legs. Place your hand on top of her with your hips back. Rush up sharply, positioning your hand so that you throw the kettlebell over your shoulder. Now use the push to lift it above your head. Return to starting position. Do ten kettlebell lifts with one hand.

Development of "explosive" impact force video

Use a carpal expander regularly. Buy the hardest hand grip and work alternately with both hands. Be sure to squeeze the expander sharply, applying all the force. This exercise helps develop the interdigital muscles and forearms. As a result, the fist will become stronger and stiffer.

No less effective exercises with a sledgehammer. Take a sledgehammer and start hitting the car tire. During the exercise, it is precisely those muscles that are involved in striking that are activated. Blows should be applied not due to the movement of the back, but as much as possible due to the strength of the hands.

Practice punches on the "paws". Hit as if the target is a few centimeters further than the paw. Try as if to pierce the projectile through and through. This exercise will help not to develop the speed of impact, to hit harder, to work out a series of blows.

The exercise "shadow boxing" will help to develop speed and sharpness. Do this exercise every day for at least ten minutes.

The most effective strikes are those that the enemy does not expect and does not see. You need to strike unexpectedly so that the enemy does not have time to react.

All of these exercises help develop the power of impact, make the muscles and tendons of the hands stronger, as well as more resilient. With regular implementation, the result will be noticeable in a few months.

Development of special strength endurance

I hope the article helped you get enough information about the development of impact force. Don't forget to exercise regularly.

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How to increase the power of impact - practicing and setting punches updated: September 20, 2019 by: Boxingguru

In order for a punch to be strong, it is necessary not only to train, but to understand how the force necessary for delivering a powerful blow is formed. There are several techniques that allow you to hit with your fist really powerfully and strongly.

A strong blow is formed not only due to high speed, but also due to its own weight. If you invest your body weight completely, the result will be as powerful as possible. Dislocations can be avoided by observing the correct execution technique, which implies that the arm is never fully extended, but the blows are applied at different angles. They bring really serious damage to the opponent.


They play an equally important role in the impact force. Their position and movement must obey the following nuances:

  1. The feet must be placed wider than the shoulder girdle.
  2. The foot is turned in the direction of the movement that is made by the hand, while the heel always rises first.
  3. When a blow is made with the right hand, the left foot does not move, the heel of the right hand rises and vice versa.

Proper foot position allows for much stronger and more powerful strikes, but is not the only point to consider.

What else do you need to know to give a punch power?

  1. The knees should be kept slightly bent, shifting the weight of your own body forward.
  2. During the strike, the hips should turn in the direction in which the opponent is located.
  3. In close contact, the full movement of the entire body allows you to increase the force of impact.
  4. You can't push forward. The trunk should turn sharply.
  5. Pulling the arm back during the swing allows the opponent to predict and prevent the blow.
  6. The fist, when striking, must be squeezed as tightly as possible.
  7. Each new blow is made with the exhalation of air.

These requirements must be observed not separately, but simultaneously.

Exercises for the development of a strong blow

To punch powerfully and strongly, you also need to train. This is facilitated by a set of exercises.

To complete the exercise, you must have enough free space. The ball should be taken heavy. The one with which boxers train is best. An alternative would be a basketball.

The execution technique is as follows:

  • legs are spaced at the level of shoulder width;
  • the body is kept straight;
  • the ball is raised high above the head;
  • the ball is hit with force on the floor and caught after the rebound.

Stuffing is done at least 15 times.

It is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • become straight, legs at shoulder level, and arms are at the sides;
  • squat until the knees form one line with the hips;
  • jump up while raising their arms.

You need to jump as high as possible. Do so many repetitions that there is no strength left. You can enhance the effect with the use of dumbbells that are held in your hands.

Training for triceps, shoulder girdle and back muscles

These muscle groups play an important role in increasing the strength of the punch and are trained through the following exercises.

Hands, pulling up, hold a little wider than the shoulders. To increase efficiency, weights are hung on the belt. They try to do as many repetitions as their own physical fitness allows.

Hands are placed as close to each other as possible. You can't bend your back. It should remain straight. The exercise trains the triceps, pectoral and spinal muscles. The bench press works the same way. To strengthen your hands, you need to do push-ups on your fists.

Performed with a bench. They stand with their backs to her, lean on their palms, squat slightly. They rise and fall by bending and straightening the arms. Do at least 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

Strengthen the hands, develop the deltoid muscles. The latter have a significant impact on impact. In addition, the kettlebell is the projectile that contributes to the growth of muscles.

The legs are placed on the sides. In a straightened arm, a weight is held between the legs, and the legs are slightly bent in knee joint. The weight is lifted forward with a sharp movement so that a right angle is formed between the projectile and the body. It is necessary to ensure that the back remains straight at the top extreme point. Do up to 8 repetitions for each hand. Tension should be felt in the muscles.

It is performed similarly to forward lifts, but only the projectile is raised above the head. The recommended number of repetitions on each side is from 8 to 12 times.

The projectile is placed between the legs apart. They put a hand on it so that the hips remain behind. They make a sharp jerk upwards, throwing the weight directly on their shoulders, and then with a push they raise the projectile over their heads. Return to starting position. For each hand you need to do 10 lifts.

Kettlebell lifts from a seated position

The weight is thrown over the shoulder, squat down. To maintain balance, put forward left hand. The weight is lifted up, wait a second, make another lift, and then change hands. Buttocks with calves should be constantly tense.

Kettlebell lifts from a prone position

They lay down on the floor with their backs down, take and lift the weight in their hand. The arm is held upright and then begin to rise. Bend first one and then the other leg. If the lifts are difficult, help yourself with a free hand from the projectile. Do about 10 repetitions.

Two projectiles are thrown over the shoulders. Having taken air into the lungs, the weights are jerked up above the head, and then slowly lowered. During the exercise, the abdominal muscles should be tense.

To make the punch stronger, you can use the following techniques and methods:

  • deal with carpal expander. Take the hardest one. It is necessary to compress the projectile sharply and with the application of maximum force. Working with the expander contributes to the development of the interdigital muscles and forearms, which makes the fists more powerful and strong.
  • Jump rope daily. You need to try to raise your hips as high as possible, and reach your chest with your knees.
  • Workouts with a sledgehammer also have quite the effects. It is taken in the hand and beaten on old tires, which activates the muscles that work on impact. This should be done on the street, for example, next to the garage.
  • Working in pairs, you need to try to hit the “paws”, imagining that the target is a few centimeters further, trying to pierce it through. This makes it possible not only to hit harder, but also not to lose speed.
  • Do not neglect shadow boxing. This exercise allows you to learn how to deliver unexpected blows, which are the most effective, since the opponent does not have time to react. You need to exercise every day for at least 10 minutes.
  • Explosive punch helps to develop push-ups both on the palms with a separation from the floor surface, and on the fists. The number of approaches should be at least three with ten repetitions each.


The above exercises help to increase endurance and make the tendons and muscles of the hands stronger, develop the strength of the strikes. If they are performed on a regular basis, then the results become noticeable after seven days.