Stunt scooters from A to Z: features of choice, operation and structure. How to choose a stunt scooter What a stunt scooter looks like

With the onset of 2-3 years, the child already shows an active interest in various "vehicles". The most popular and affordable of these is Then mothers think about how to choose the right scooter model and choose it so that it is the height of the child.

What types of scooters for children are there?

All scooters designed for children younger age, have a one-piece design. As a rule, the handlebars in most models are foldable, which ensures ease of transportation, and such a scooter itself does not require a lot of free space for storage.

If we consider scooters by type of design, then first of all it is necessary to pay attention to the number of wheels. As a rule, this kind of vehicles are equipped with 2, 3 and even 4 wheels. Moreover, the more of them, the more stable the model. For children, 3 and 4 wheel models are ideal.

They are more maneuverable. At the same time, it is better to give preference to those variants of models in which 2 wheels are located in front and 1 in the back. As a rule, they have greater stability, which will affect the safety of the baby. After all, falls when teaching a child to ride on such a vehicle are almost inevitable.

How to choose the right scooter for height?

This question is most often of interest to mothers who purchase a scooter for their child. A win-win option in such cases are those models that have a steering wheel height adjustment. But what if the model the kid likes does not have such an option?

In this case, when choosing a scooter, it is necessary to compare the height of the steering wheel and the height of the child. To do this, invite the baby to stand with both feet on the platform (deck) and grab the steering wheel with his hands. In this position, you need to pay attention to the location of the hands of the baby. Ideally, they should be slightly bent in elbow joint, and the brushes themselves are located in one line with shoulder joint. Otherwise, the baby's hands will quickly get tired, and riding such a scooter will soon become uninteresting to him.

That's why if the baby's already had enough tall, then it is better for him to purchase a scooter with a height-adjustable stand.

At first glance, each scooter looks like thousands of others, the same wheels, platform and handlebars. In fact, there are differences and they are significant.

Models for adults are available on the market, adapted to short, medium and long distances. According to the type of drive, there are:

  • mechanical - a classic, when rolling is provided by muscle effort;
  • electric - scooters with a battery, more expensive, heavier, often equipped with a seat, like on a bicycle;
  • moto scooters - scooters with a mini-gasoline engine, another name is gopeds.

Attention! For everyday use in city mode, a mechanical scooter is optimal. It is compact, has great maneuverability and practicality. Having such a scooter, you can easily use any type of public transport without having problems getting in and out and without disturbing other passengers.

According to the principle of structural integrity, there are:

  • folding - they have two possible folding options (the scooter folds in half, the scooter only folds the steering wheel);
  • non-separable monolithic - the service life of the scooter increases due to the absence of critical nodes.

Advice. The folding mechanism is the main plus of the city scooter. When folded, it is convenient to place it in the trunk of a car, go down to the subway without any problems, go to a store, put it under an office table or a closet in an apartment.

frame material

When choosing a scooter for the city, pay attention to a number of elements. The most important of these is the material from which the scooter frame is made. Adults available today steel scooters, as well as structures made of metal of various alloys. Particularly resistant to stress - scooters, additionally reinforced with fiberglass and carbon steel.

Wheel material

The material used for the manufacture of wheels can be:

  • polyurethane (synthetic rubber) - the most common, durable and high-speed;
  • rubber - not so common, something between speed and rolling softness;
  • inflatable wheels (pneumatic) - provide the greatest ride smoothness, however, the speed performance of such scooters is much worse. physical activity it is required to apply many times more, but much less vibration is felt on uneven asphalt or tiles. They are afraid of punctures.

The most popular material for scooter wheels is polyurethane.

Wheel hardness

Directly dependent on the material - an indicator of the hardness of the wheels.

  1. Rigid wheels (marking in the range 86A-100A) - designed for aggressive (sports) driving. They have weak adhesion, high wear resistance, and impact resistance.
  2. Medium-hard wheels (82A-86A) - the most popular, designed for driving on asphalt.
  3. Soft wheels (74A-82A) - with this choice, you can count on good grip and high ride comfort. Their element is a calm, pleasure ride. Recommended for beginners.

Scooter wheel size

Another important characteristic on which the speed and ride comfort depends. Wheel size (indicated in millimeters). In accordance with this indicator, the wheel is divided into:

  • small (46-62 mm);
  • medium (70-84 mm);
  • large (90-110 mm);
  • very large (120-230 mm).

The larger the wheel diameter, the higher the speed, but then the scooter is less maneuverable.

Advice! In scooters for adults in urban operation, the wheel diameter ranges from 120 mm to 200 mm. IN Lately, there has been a tendency to choose wheels with a larger diameter. They make it easier to overcome bumps in the road, driving becomes smoother, requires less effort.

Wheel profile

The profile determines the grip and behavior of the scooter at different speeds, on a specific basis. There are three types of profiles:

  1. Flat - due to the large contact surface, provides stability and good grip. Designed for sporty driving.
  2. Narrow, beveled - in this case, only a small part of the wheel comes into contact with the surface. This means less drag and the ability to reach higher speeds. At the same time, the scooter retains sufficient stability and high adhesion. The narrow profile is designed for high-speed riding.
  3. Round - provides good wheel retention on turns and allows you to develop high speeds. Designed for touring.

Scooter platform cover

A high-quality scooter is a mechanism whose platform is covered with an anti-slip layer. There are platforms:

  • metal (aluminum) - the coating is hard and light. The energy consumption for repulsion is minimal, there is no springing effect, due to which the speed of such a scooter is noticeably greater;
  • composite (plywood + fiber) - such a platform bends during movement, absorbing bumps. The presence of such a platform in an adult scooter is a great ride comfort.

Selection of a scooter by weight and height

When looking for the right scooter for adults, check the height adjustment of the handlebar and the labeling of the scooter according to the user's weight.

Most adult scooters are made for people whose height is 1.8 m and their weight does not exceed 100 kg.

Choose telescopic handlebars. Their position can be fixed at several levels, depending on the height of the owner.

Before buying a scooter, also make sure of the following:

  1. The folding mechanism is operated with one button, without additional screws and small parts that can easily come off and get lost.
  2. It is desirable that the wheel core has a metal core, not a plastic one. This wheel design is more durable.
  3. Possibility of bearing replacement. Keep in mind that the most popular and most used are ABEC5 and ABEC7. Bearings of a smaller class do not allow reaching high speeds.
  4. A good scooter should have a damping system to minimize vibration when driving on a bad road.
  5. An adult scooter should weigh between 4-5 kg. The weight of some models, however, can be up to 8 kg.
  6. Desirable special stand, this makes it possible to put the vehicle anywhere.
  7. The presence of a fender liner is a useful detail, especially when it rains.
  8. Soft, removable handles that provide a good grip and prevent blisters. When worn or dirty, the handles can be easily replaced.
  9. Mandatory presence of a brake system installed by the manufacturer. It is very important for scooters used to move around the city. Depending on the design, more often, these are spring brakes. Some models of scooters are equipped with a hand brake. Don't neglect it!

Knowing the basic parameters, you can choose a reliable, high-quality scooter for adults for city driving.

How to choose a scooter - video

Undoubtedly, it is one of the most accessible modes of transport. And thanks to the ease of control and mobility, he rightfully earned himself the fame of the most popular means of transportation not only among children, but also among adults.

In the modern metropolis, with its traffic jams and disruptions in the public transport schedule, the scooter is seen as one of the few exits for unrestricted movement. We should not forget about the health benefits (in particular, for the cardiovascular system) that travel by this mode of transport carries.

However, despite the ease of movement, it is not always easy to choose a specific one. The choice depends on the rider's requirements for the size of the scooter (for example, do you need a foldable scooter so that you can take it with you on the subway) and the intensity of its operation (what will be the average daily distance that you will cover on the scooter).

This short guide contains all the basic information you need to know when choosing the best scooter for an adult.

Main technical characteristics of the scooter

If you have not been familiar with the scooter from the technical side, then some terms may mislead you. Therefore, you should start with the basics.


ABEC is rating system applied to bearings. The lower the ABEC, the slower the bearings rotate. But to put it simply, you should choose a scooter equipped with at least ABEC 5 bearings. This will allow you to enjoy an acceptable level of ride comfort and smoothness.

With ABEC 7 bearings or equivalent, your ride will be even smoother and more comfortable, plus you won't need to push too often.

Rigidity and wheel diameter

The stiffness of the wheels is determined by the rating with the prefix A. For example, 75A wheels are soft. Movement on them b more comfortable, they have more area of ​​contact with the surface, but, as a result, wear out faster. Wheels 85A, on the contrary, are hard. They are characterized as fast, with a smaller area of ​​contact with the surface and therefore wear out more slowly.

Wheel diameter refers to their size. The larger the diameter, the more comfortable the ride. on this scooter. For example, riding on a scooter will be more comfortable and faster than riding a scooter with 100mm wheels.


The active front and rear wheel suspension effectively absorbs shocks and compensates for bumps in the road. However, this makes the scooter less responsive to giving acceleration with pushes.

We can recommend a compromise with shock absorption on the front fork to protect the wrist and forearm from uneven pavement and shock absorbers under the deck of the scooter and rear wheel to minimize the impact of shaking on the joints of the legs.


The base of the deck and the frame of the scooter are usually made of aluminum. This material is used for its light weight and anti-corrosion properties, which in turn increases ride comfort and the life of the scooter.

Maximum permitted user weight

(from 200 mm) designed for the user up to 100 kg. If you need a special value for this characteristic, choose a scooter, first of all, taking into account the maximum allowed user weight.

The choice of a scooter with certain characteristics depends on the nature of its use. To facilitate the selection task, we have divided all the scooters for 2 large groups:

  1. For traveling short distances.
  2. For medium to long distance travel.

Thus, the selected scooter will best suit your needs.

How to choose an adult scooter for short distances

If you cover on your trips 1 to 2 km per day, you need a scooter with the following specifications: at least the diameter of the wheels must be 175 mm, and ABEC is 5.

These characteristics are minimal and mandatory for movement within the city. Wheels of this diameter are the most optimal for comfortable movement over short distances.Polyurethane wheels make movement easier and at the same time minimize the push-off force required.

Stop at choice ease and comfort in this case: for short distances, you don't have to worry about cushioning, and the lighter model of the scooter makes it easy to carry from place to place when you need it.

How to choose an adult scooter for medium and long distances

This category follows if you cover per day from 2 to 5 km. For this type of riding, your scooter must be comfortable, strong and fast. Therefore, we can recommend scooter with 200 mm wheels and ABEC 5 bearings.

The larger wheel diameter is ideal for long distance travel, adding extra comfort to your ride. Polyurethane wheels smooth out bumps and minimize the effort required to move around.

For maximum comfort when traveling on uneven urban surfaces (sidewalks, curbs, etc.), it is recommended to buy a scooter with a front or rear shock absorber. And if your path involves, among other things, moving by public transport, then choose lightweight scooter with quick and easy folding system.

In our store you can choose and buy a reliable and durable folding scooter with a shock absorber and large wheels 180, 200, 230 mm for adults and children from a proven compact line:

  • wheel: 200 mm;
  • weight: 4 kg.
  • wheel: 180 mm;
  • weight: 3.4 kg.
  • wheel: 200 mm;
  • weight: 3.9 kg.

Handlebar width and height are characteristics that reflect solely the individual preferences of the rider, which, in turn, stem from many variables (except for height): riding experience, arsenal of tricks, body composition, training places and much more.

Let's take a look at some of the world famous riders who are raising the bar for stunt scooter riding year after year:



At the beginning I drove on Battle bars (large powerful rudders), then I switched to the rudder just below the middle of the thigh.








A simple and logical conclusion suggests itself: "Only with the acquisition of certain skills and experience, the rider is able to find the optimal size of the scooter." But, what to do when choosing the first scooter, without having little experience and the opportunity to “try on” with friends, should there be any recommendations?

  1. When you stand on the deck, the handles of the scooter should be below or in the waist area. Optimally a little lower by 3-7 cm (again, everything is very individual), but never higher, as this greatly affects the control and stability when performing tricks. Walking (not stunt) models with large wheels may have a high handlebar, but this is a completely different class of scooters with a different purpose.
  2. The width of the steering wheel should be comparable to the width of the shoulders of the extreme, there should not be significant deviations in the direction of decrease or increase. It is allowed when the steering wheel is 5-7 cm wider than the shoulders, because it is not necessary to hold on to the edges of the handles, you can slightly shift the grip to the center, but with narrow steering wheels this trick will not work.

A common mistake of many parents is choosing a stunt scooter for beginners “by price”, without taking into account the parameters of the model. Of course, the more expensive the scooter, the more reliable and functional it is, in most cases, but this is not always exactly what a beginner scooter needs. A scooter that is too heavy and oversized can significantly complicate the process of mastering tricks, as a result of which the child simply loses the desire to learn, and the parent will attribute everything to “variability of tastes”.

That is why, if you have doubts when choosing your first scooter, we will always be happy to help you find the best solution. Call, write, read our recommendations and leave comments on the article. Maybe you have an interesting experience and would be happy to help others avoid common mistakes?

Link to our stunt scooters:

Stunt scooter for beginners: reviews, photos. How to choose a stunt scooter?

Usually scooters are associated with a serene period of childhood, when almost every child began to get acquainted with bicycles, roller skates and other entry-level vehicles. The scooter is less common, which, however, did not prevent it from becoming an excellent tool for performing acrobatic rider numbers. Accordingly, it is of interest not only from small lovers of compact transport, but also among professional athletes. However, questions about how to choose a stunt scooter usually arise from novice sports fans. Despite outwardly simple design, this device has many technical features that are invisible to an amateur, but during operation can be quite serious.

What are the differences between stunt scooters?

At first glance, nothing distinguishes the stunt model from ordinary scooters. Indeed, in terms of size, design and overall construction, most models from both categories are identical. Nevertheless, there are quite a few differences. For example, the photo of the stunt scooter below indicates the absence of a folding mechanism and the small size of the wheels.

The main differences lie in the materials themselves, the features of which cannot be assessed through a visual review. First, the frame is made of high-strength alloys. The absence of a folding mechanism in it is explained by the fact that it minimizes the margin of safety, which is necessary to meet high loads. Secondly, the platform (deck) on which the rider stands is also made of strong metal. In this case, the strength of the element is calculated not only on the weight of the user, but also provides for a coefficient from the forces imposed during use. As for the wheels, the stunt scooter is equipped with durable bearings in a polyurethane shell. As a rule, these are wheels with a 10 cm diameter, providing rigidity and comfort.

Main selection criteria

Actually, the division into professional and amateur models for beginners is conditional. The future rider must take into account such selection criteria as weight, steering wheel and wheel characteristics. So, for a novice user, it is still recommended to choose a light model with the expectation of performing simple maneuvers. If it is initially set high bar, then a stunt scooter in a weighted version is suitable. By the way, such devices are good because they provide stable control and are generally more reliable than light versions. The next selection criterion concerns the steering wheel. The lower his landing, the easier the trick is performed. Also have general rule choice - the height of the steering wheel depends on the height of the user. For example, for a 170 cm rider, a model with a 60 cm landing is suitable.

Now let's look at the wheels. Immediately it is necessary to emphasize the dependence of maneuverability on their diameter. That is, the smaller the radius of the wheel, the more mobile the stunt scooter will be. The best option- these are models with a wheel diameter of 10-12 cm. However, if the scooter is supposed to be used for a long quiet ride, then this figure should be larger.

Choice depending on destination

A clear understanding of the purposes for which it will be used will help determine the requirements for a scooter. So, there are three categories of riders using models with different characteristics. The initial group prefers street scooters. On them, the user moves along the usual surfaces in the city, easily overcoming random obstacles. The main thing in such a device is a comfortable steering wheel, wheels with a diameter of at least 12 cm and an extended platform. The next class is represented by models for park riders. Such modifications are designed for operation with overcoming typical artificial obstacles. Below is a photo of a stunt scooter for use for such purposes.

The highest level is represented by flatland riders who perform tricks on special ramps - platforms made of metal sheet. Such users should recommend scooters with a reinforced frame, grippy grips on the handlebars and a minimum wheel size.

Features of the choice of children's models

It must be said right away that in this case we are not talking about extreme tricks. Usually these are sports models with the characteristics that a full-fledged stunt scooter has. The children's version also has two wheels, a narrower deck and a handbrake. Of course, these models also differ in size. When choosing, it is worth considering the quality of the design. It must be reliable and capable of ensuring safety during maneuvers. It has already been noted that such scooters have two wheels, this is the closest option to adult models, but there are also four-wheel versions. A large number of wheels does not contribute to the ease of performing rider tricks, but increases safety significantly.

Oxelo scooter reviews

Those who do not want to experiment with quality and want to get a decent handling and maneuverability device should turn to Oxelo products. Users of such scooters note the reliability and durability of the structure, as well as a variety of configurations. The developers of this line manage to combine the professional characteristics of the models and the ergonomics that an amateur stunt scooter should have. Reviews also note the smooth running of the models and undemanding maintenance. And all this - for a fairly modest price. However, those who expect extreme use with full disclosure of rider qualities should consider alternative options.

District scooter reviews

Models from the District company are also famous for the successful combination of professional data and ease of use. Owners emphasize comfort both when performing tricks and during quiet trips. In addition, the company provides a lot of auxiliary accessories, so the district stunt scooter can be called one of the most functional options. As for reliability, the reviews note the strength of the frame with the deck and the endurance of the wheels, which, moreover, do not limit the rider in the implementation of the most difficult tricks.

MGP scooter reviews

Still, it would be wrong to consider scooters as devices for utilitarian sports use. For many riders, this is to no small extent a reflection of their lifestyle, individual style, a way of self-expression. The designers of the Australian company MGP also understand this, offering models High Quality in a wide range of designs. Fans of the brand note that the MGP stunt scooter is the best solution for young people. These are bright and colorful models, the appearance of which sets in a positive way. At the same time, users also note the operational advantages of Australian scooters, highlighting the compactness, maneuverability and reliability of the design.


When choosing a suitable model, it is recommended to take into account the operating experience of this vehicle. The fact is that a stunt scooter for beginners, of course, should be purchased based on ease of use, but sometimes ergonomics comes at the expense of opportunities for implementing various tricks. Therefore, if the future user already has some inclinations for extreme driving, then it makes sense to choose an option that is close to the professional segment. Reinforced frame, narrow deck, small wheels - these characteristics do not always increase the usability of the scooter, but make it more suitable for tricks. Conversely, a model with a less pronounced hint of extreme will be more comfortable to use, but not so interesting from the point of view of sports.

Review of top stunt scooters for pros and beginners.

Based on the experience of professional riders and customer reviews, a review of popular stunt scooters for amateurs and professionals has been created. Sports scooters are divided according to the level of riding. It is worth noting that the division is very conditional, and even a beginner can afford to buy a good professional model.


Models for beginners and children. low skill

Budget amateur models are suitable for teenagers and children over 7 years old who want to learn how to do simple tricks or just ride to school. Beginner models are simple in design, with aluminum hubs, HIC compression systems, and standard Y-bars, so these stunt scooters are relatively inexpensive.

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Do you have any questions? We have the answers!


Rider- this is an already established name for a person who controls a scooter, bicycle, skateboard, snowboard or other means of transportation. Those who drive cars are usually called drivers, not riders.


Spot- a specially equipped place for practicing extreme elements on a scooter, skateboard, roller skates, etc.

The main components of the scooter


Grips- pads on the handlebars, which are designed to prevent slipping of the palms of the hands while riding a scooter. Grips are made from non-slippery materials, for example, rubber, foam, gel (anatomical). Usually grips are porous or ribbed. For pleasure riding and for all children, foam grips are recommended, for extreme riding on a scooter, rubber or gel grips are more suitable.

Folding pen holder

Folding pen holder- a special device designed to fasten the handles to the steering wheel in the folded state. Usually the handle holders are made of plastic in such a way that they can be removed if necessary. Foldable handle holders are convenient for carrying the scooter after purchase or during long-term storage. In other cases, they are used extremely rarely.

Collar (clamp) for adjusting the height of the steering wheel

Collar (clamp) for adjusting the height of the steering wheel- or as it is also called "quick clamp" (quick clamp) is necessary to adjust the height of the steering wheel. The principle of operation - opened, pulled out, closed. It is usually necessary to change the height of the steering wheel after buying a scooter, depending on the height of the owner. The optimal handlebar height for a scooter is considered to be at waist level so that the hands on the handlebars lie freely and do not require additional effort when riding.

Steering wheel (T-shaped)

Steering wheel (T-shaped)- designed to guide the scooter in the right direction. The steering wheel for the scooter can be solid or with folding handles (folding steering wheel). In this case, the one-piece steering wheel can be removable. Most modern scooters have a folding handlebar. One-piece handlebars are mainly used in professional stunt scooters. Such handlebars usually have double welded seams and additional tubes to give strength. In stunt scooters, a wide handlebar is needed in order to make it convenient to perform tricks and complex elements. Beginning extreme riders prefer to buy cheaper professional scooters for further self-improvement (folding handles are removed, a tube of the required diameter is inserted and screwed through with several bolts).

Carrying strap

Carrying strap- designed for easy transportation of the scooter. First of all, it is very useful if the rider moves not only on a scooter, but also on public transport. There are scooters with standard mounts for belts and belts, but there are also universal ones. The scooter carrying strap is not suitable for extreme stunt scooters, because gets in the way when turning the steering wheel 360 degrees.


Frame- this is the main part of the scooter, which largely determines the driving characteristics of the scooter. The frame for the scooter consists of a deck (platform for legs) and a steering column (a place for attaching the steering wheel). Frames are foldable and solid. Folding frames are very convenient for everyday use of the scooter (storage and movement on public transport), but not at all suitable for performing extreme elements. One-piece frames usually have several seams to reinforce the structure, which increases the price of the scooter itself. It must be taken into account that budget models scooters (cheaper than 5 thousand rubles) are not the most perfect folding mechanisms and a slight backlash is noticeable during inspection. But in fact, on scooters from leading manufacturers, the backlash of the folding mechanism is practically not noticeable during movement, since it is it that compensates for small road irregularities and hand pressure on the steering wheel while riding.


Brake- necessary for the scooter to stop in time or slow down. There are a number of scooters that, in principle, do not need a brake. These are scooters for the little ones from 1 to 3 years old. At this age, children still poorly coordinate their actions and cannot fully use the brakes. In this case, plastic wheels without bearings act as a brake, which do not allow kids to gain high speed. The brake for scooters can be foot (according to the principle - stepped, stopped) and manual V-brake or disc. On some scooters with large inflatable wheels, two hand brakes are installed at once - on the front and rear wheels.


Wheel– wheels for scooters play a decisive role in the running characteristics of the scooter. Wheels are polyurethane (also called gel), plastic and inflatable (bicycle wheels). Also, scooter wheels can be small or large. Small wheels are used on children's and extreme scooters. Scooters with large wheels (more than 200 mm) are called large and are used more often by adults for high-speed walks. On scooters with inflatable wheels, you can ride not only on smooth urban asphalt, but also off-road (pits, cobblestones and sand).


Stand- is necessary to keep the scooter in an upright position and is of interest, in many respects, to those who prefer long city walks on a scooter. The stand for the scooter is included in the basic package of some models, and on some it can be installed as an additional option.


Skin- a special material, more often reminiscent of fine sandpaper, which covers the deck so that the legs do not slip off the scooter while riding. Most manufacturers make colorful skins to attract the attention of buyers. Sometimes cartoon characters are depicted on the skins.


Deca- the part of the frame designed for setting the rider's legs. Sometimes a deck is called a foot platform. Usually the deck is made of the same material as the rest of the scooter - steel, aluminum or plastic. But there are some models on which a wooden deck is installed. Wooden decks are essential for recreational scooters to cushion the bumps in the road. Plastic decks are installed on children's models of scooters, more often these are three-wheeled children's scooters. Most modern scooters are equipped with hollow aluminum decks, which allow you to reduce the weight of the scooter without losing strength.

Folding mechanism

Folding mechanism- mounted on the frame for mounting the deck and steering column. The folding mechanism allows you to significantly reduce the space required to store the scooter (so the scooter can fit under a table or in a closet). Every major scooter manufacturer tries to develop its own unique folding mechanism design.


Sleeve- a special base-axle on which the wheel rotates. There are versions in the form of a complex bicycle hub, an axel bolt, a regular bolt, or a metal axle.


Bearing- determines the power reserve, i.e. how far the scooter will travel after acceleration without additional effort. The better the bearings in the wheels for scooters, the less effort you need to apply when riding. Most often in modern scooters there are bearings ABEC-5, ABEC-7, ABEC-9.


Fork- serves to fasten the wheel by means of the bushing. Forks are standard and reinforced.

Steering clamp

Steering clamp- a clamp that presses the steering rack to the steering column. They differ in the material of manufacture and the number of bolts that hold the clamp. In ordinary scooters for riding and fitness, one bolt is enough, and for extreme options, usually from 2 to 6 bolts are used.

steering rack

steering rack- a hollow tube designed to secure the steering wheel. Folding handlebars drop down inside the steering rack.

Steering column (glass)

Steering column (glass)- Designed to attach the steering rack to the frame. Inside steering column has a bearing for maximum comfort when turning the steering wheel.