Shotgun Tournament. Sports shooting in Russia

Today, trap shooting is a very popular type of sports shooting in Russia. And, despite the fact that this type of shooting came to us from England, it became one of the popular hobbies in Russia back in the 19th century.

Today shooting and hunting sport is very actively developing in Russia. Bench shooting is developing especially actively. Of course, in the 19th century, trap shooting in the modern sense was out of the question, and it was just beginning to emerge. At that time it was called garden shooting. It was called so because the shooting was carried out at live pigeons, which sat in special cages and waited to be released.

This sport began to take root very quickly and was liked by the local hunter. And already in the eighties of the 19th century, the first society of pigeon cages appeared in Russia. It was this society that was developing the rules for the future olympic style sports. In particular, special distances for shooting at pigeons were developed, and for the first time a special shooting stand was equipped.

After the booth appeared in St. Petersburg, booths in other cities of Russia began to be actively equipped. This type of shooting won the favor of the hunters, and they became more and more fond of it. Soon, landing shooting competitions began to be held, where various prizes and awards from hunting clubs were played.

However, the rules for land shooting used to be different from the rules for clay shooting today. In particular, the targets were significantly different. As we already understand, the pigeons that were sitting in special cages were also alive. Today, special cymbals are used for shooting at the stand.

Also at that time, competitions were held until the first miss. That is, we were not talking about a round or trench stand, a person simply stood at a certain distance from the cages with a bird, and after the bird was released, he shot at it. And so this procedure was repeated until the shooter misses.

Modern trap shooting

Today clay shooting is a very popular sport in Russia. Moreover, Russian shooters are actively proving to the whole world that they are leaders in this sport.

Today, trap shooting competitions are held according to somewhat different rules than they were in the 19th century. In particular, as mentioned above, special plates are used as targets.

In addition, today shooters use special weapons and clothing in clay shooting competitions. And these two components are among the most important for achieving the goal in shooting. Of course, it is necessary to have certain skills and constantly train hard, but with equal training indicators, it is the quality of clothing and weapons that is decisive.

Competitions are held in 3 disciplines at the Olympic Games. This is shooting on a round stand, on a trench stand, as well as on a double ladder. Trap shooting and double trap differ in that such a discipline as double trap involves firing at targets with a doublet.

There is also another type of trap shooting that was not included in Olympic Games, this is sporting. This type of trap shooting is also very popular in Russia, especially among hunters. This is due to the fact that people with different levels of training can engage in such sports. For hunters, this is an opportunity to hone their shooting skills, and for beginners to try their hand at shooting sports.

Today shooting sport unites many people. Both men and women, as well as children from 12 years old, are engaged in it. And today sport is gathering more and more large quantity lovers to hold a gun in their hands.

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Bench shooting

Clay shooting attracts regardless of gender and age - these are men and women, and children (the youngest athletes are twelve years old), and the elderly. Bench shooting, or as it is also called, skeet shooting, is carried out from smoothbore guns at special targets flying out - skeet.


Skeet shooting is an enchanting pastime at corporate parties, friendly field trips. And if you shoot skeet with your sons, then such moments will be remembered for a lifetime. After all, shooting is not only a man's occupation from time immemorial, but also self-discipline and accuracy.

Bench shooting in Moscow and Moscow region

Bench shooting in Moscow and the Moscow region has found a lot of admirers. Sports shooting clubs provide an opportunity to learn the skills of sporting, compact sporting, double-trap. Modern trap shooting clubs in Moscow and the Moscow region provide an opportunity to try all kinds of disciplines.

Sporting (large) is characterized by a huge variety of trajectories, a large firing range.

A distinctive feature of compact sporting is that a set of 25 targets is produced on limited sites.

With a double-trap, a pair of targets fly out along almost parallel trajectories.

First weekend after opening summer-autumn hunting duck. There is a lull at the VOO shooting and bench plant on Wednesday afternoon. At that time I worked at the stand as a senior instructor-methodologist. A citizen came into my room, whose face seemed familiar to me. He asked if there was an opportunity to practice trap shooting. Yes, - I answered and explained the procedure for visiting the booth. On the request to conduct a few shooting lessons with him, I agreed. Only after that he introduced himself more officially, the USSR cosmonaut N ..., for obvious reasons, I omit the surname and first name. N said that he was given a gun and, being invited to hunt, he shamelessly smeared and was left without prey. Self-esteem was hurt, and this led him to the stand: if you go hunting, then you need to shoot skillfully, and the point here is not the amount of game caught, but the necessary share of professionalism that a more or less self-respecting hunter should have.

After two weeks of relatively tight training, N confidently began to shoot at the level of the second category, and when he arrived at the stand after another hunting trip, he showed a photo with the trophies he had obtained, warmly thanking him for the training he had done with him. To N's credit, I want to note that, despite his fame and the stand director's insistent desire to create the most favorable conditions for him, when visiting shooting sites and purchasing cartridges, he used the services on a general basis, which was rare by today's, and even by then standards.

So, the exercises on the stand turned the "muff" on the hunt into a skilled shooter. Many will object, they say, they saw these benches smearing ducks. I will answer, no, and again no, in the presence of game and other things being equal, an experienced stand-up will always have richer prey than a hunter with the practice of shooting only on the hunt. And this is becoming more and more obvious, as the lands are getting poorer, the shooting rates are lower, you can’t shoot much on the hunt in order, as they say, to fill your hand.

I note that the result of hunting game is influenced not only by the skill of the shooter, but also by the hunter's knowledge of the habits of the game, the right place at dawn, the ability to disguise and hide the game. In the central regions, in decent hunting grounds, hunting is usually carried out with a ranger service, and the hunter’s ability to shoot correctly comes to the fore, in this he will be invaluable help regular classes skeet shooting and preferably under the guidance of an experienced instructor.

The recommendations are intended primarily for hunters and differ slightly from the requirements for training athletes. If there is a stand nearby, the training will take place without problems, and where there are no stationary stand areas, buy for yourself or in a pool of a throwing machine and several boxes of skeet targets, in the end it will not be so expensive, and in this case you can engage in shooting at least two. A portable throwing machine, even the simplest design, will be quite enough to get good shooting skills in flight, and with a thoughtful approach to classes and the use of the following recommendations, it will be possible to do without the help of an instructor.

The first thing to do before you start shooting is to fit the gun. Pay special attention to stock length, comb height and pitch (10-15 cm down). Information about this can be found in the hunting literature. For hunting, a stock, if a little short, is better than a long one, and the height of the comb should not leave the aiming bar open, when the cheek is “pressed” into the crest of the box, the front sight may even “fall through” slightly.

The rules for the position of the gun when shooting on a round stand, for "hunting shooting" need to be followed only relatively. With the general usefulness of a sports stance, it is more expedient to keep the stock 20-25 cm higher and slightly extended forward to the level of the shoulder cavity (than indicated in the rules), which will facilitate and speed up the shotgun, especially for beginners. Hands serve only to lift and hold the gun, all turns, both in horizontal and vertical directions, are carried out only by the body.

When vskidka, make sure that the ends of the barrels "do not nod" down and remain after raising the gun at the level of the initial production or the intended flight path of the target (game). General position guns at an angle of about 45 degrees to the shoulder line. The trigger finger is tight, and the shot is made without stopping the gun during the leash.

Break the course into several stages. Once you master one technique, move on to the next. If you encounter difficulties in performing any exercise, do not try to immediately get a positive result by repetition: stop, take a break, try to analyze your actions and possible mistakes.

The platform of the round stand is a segment of a circle with a radius of 19.2 m limited by a chord 36.8 m long, drawn 5.49 m from the center of the circle. At the ends of the chords, a tower is installed on the left, and a booth on the right, throwing targets from a height of 3.05 m and 1.07 m, respectively. The targets must be passed through a 0.91 m diameter ring on a 4.12 m long pole placed in the center of the circle. Along the arc of the segment, there are seven shooting stations at a distance of 8.14 m from one another, the eighth (double) station is located in the middle of the chord.

The first stage: practicing shooting at a hijacking target in the seventh place of a round stand or from a throwing machine located next to the shooter (in order to avoid injury, install a barrier shield between the throwing machine and the hunter), to obtain general shooting skills for flying targets.

Initially, shoot from the shoulder at a hijacking (flying away) target, with the barrels ready along the target's flight path. Aiming point on the bottom edge of the plate. Align the front sight with the aiming point with the movement of the body, do not fuss, but fire immediately after the alignment, and hits will follow one after another.

Complicate the exercise by deflecting the gun from the target trajectory for long distances in different directions during the preparation and bring the barrels (with the body) to the desired point. Five, at most ten shots -

and now the plate is confidently amazed. The target throwing range is 50–60 m, and the flight height is 20 m from the machine 4–5 meters.

Having mastered these movements, proceed to shooting, with the position of the gun before the target takes off at the waist. If you work out a vskidka before shooting, then the results will be no worse, and the perception of the target’s flight will be much simpler. Look initially at the skeet with both eyes, and only after lifting slightly squint your left eye (right-handed), if in the open state it interferes with aiming.

The second stage: the main one for hunting waterfowl. Let's start with shooting at the second shooting station of the round stand at an oncoming target, or at a target from a throwing machine flying to the left of the shooter about 15 meters, the throwing machine is installed from the hunter 30–35 meters.

When installing a throwing machine and marking shooting places, if possible, be guided by the dimensions of the round stand area, to simulate shooting from a tower, if the terrain allows, install the throwing machine on a hillock.

Ready, the gun is at the waist, the barrels are slightly to the left of the target. After the target has taken off, jump up and leash behind the target, move forward 30–40 cm and, without stopping the gun, fire when the target has approached the optimal distance. This simple exercise easy to learn.

Then go to sixth place, and when using a throwing machine, stand so that the target flies to the right of the shooter. The movements on the opposite target are similar, only turning the body to the right is somewhat more difficult (for a right-handed person) than moving to the left, so “twist” the body a little, getting into the shooting zone, and then turning the body towards the target, without crossing your feet. To avoid "sagging" of the cymbal and a shot from above, the leash passes slightly below the target's trajectory with access to the point of the shot.

Then master the oncoming targets in the third and fifth places on the stand or increase the distance from the flight path of the target from the throwing machine to 20–30 m, the leads will accordingly increase to 100–120 cm. cars at 30–40 m and flying from the shooter at 5–10 m, the difficulty here is due to the fact that the distance to the plate quickly decreases and the movement (turn) of the body will be accelerated, the only difficulty is this, but the lead is minimal - 10–20 cm.

In most cases, it is more rational to shoot at an oncoming target (game) at the shortest distance, when the direction of the shot is perpendicular to the target’s trajectory, so the visible leads coincide with the true ones, which makes it easy for even the shooter to control both his errors in the lead value, making the necessary corrections, and correct actions. I note that on the most massive hunt, which is duck, if you do not yawn, then 90% of the shots will be on incoming (oncoming) ducks (targets).

If oncoming targets are worked out, then success on duck dawns is guaranteed.

The third stage, working out stealing targets, is better to start on a trench stand with a reduced distance of 5 m and a small target throwing range of about 50 m. above the place where the plate appeared.

After the target appears, determine the trajectory of the target, calmly make a movement with your body, as if drawing under the target, and, having taken the lead depending on the angle of departure of the target, fire a shot without stopping the gun, at the first miss, try to quickly make the necessary correction and work out with a second shot. Naturally, on direct (hijacking) targets or with small deviations, lead times are small and mostly only vertically. In no case "aim" the hijacking, as well as the left and right targets, the shot should sound as soon as all the movements to work out the target are completed, and do not fuss, do not rush immediately behind the target, when you have to slow down too much ahead of the target (game). , and this is usually a shot from behind, with an involuntary stop of the gun.

The movements of the gun on the left or right hijacking targets on the trench stand (from under the pointer post), as a rule, are accelerated. When practicing shooting hijacking targets from a throwing machine, shoot from a distance of 5 to 15 m from the departure, changing shooting positions so that the angle of the trajectory of the skeet flight with the continuation of the line "shooter - throwing machine" to the left and right is from 0 to 45 degrees, also change the altitude of the target.

At a shooting distance of 15 m from the throwing machine, depending on the angle and distance of casting, visible leads are up to 100-120 cm, this is not so far from the target. Having achieved 50-60 percent hits on a trench stand, practice shooting at hijacking targets on a round stand, at the beginning at sixth and fifth, then at second, third and fourth places, and with a throwing machine at the beginning, hijacking targets going to the left and then to the right. When aiming at a target, use the skills learned from skeet handling in trench shooting.

Ready, the position of the gun on the circle when shooting at stealing targets is somewhat further from the departure than when shooting oncoming targets, but the gaze is directed to the place where the target appeared. Since you are preparing for the hunt, distribute the weight of the shooter-hunter on both legs, and at the time of the vskid, leashes and shot, try not to strain.

The ability to control your body is not always as easy as it seems. In front of the mirror, try to raise the gun to your shoulder with your hands so that the shoulder remains in place - it may not work right away. Bring the barrels quickly by turning the body to various intended points, at first it will be difficult to do this accurately.

Conclusion: before you start shooting, do a home workout.

Practice is very important when shooting offhand. This method of shooting is often used when hunting for snipe, grouse in the forest, autumn woodcock ...

To acquire a more complete skeet skill, diversify your training, including shooting from the approach, from pre-uncomfortable positions, various settings of the throwing machine and double shooting, and if the stand is equipped with sporting areas nearby, then this is not difficult at all.

When practicing on your own, do not forget about safety: after firing and when reloading the throwing machine, unload the gun and keep it always open, and the semi-automatic with an open bolt and do not point the barrels of even an open gun towards people. Install the machine so that undamaged plates fall on tall grass and are reused without breaking.

When practicing shooting, it is advisable to use lightweight cartridges, headphones, cotton wool or ear plugs, excluding the negative effect of a strong shot on training process. When hunting in an emotional environment, you simply do not pay attention to the shot and strong recoil from the magnum cartridge. At dawn, having calmed down after a possible couple of misses, using the acquired skeet shooting skills, you can easily shoot the amount of game allowed for prey.

Three long months from spring hunting until autumn they will go unnoticed for the favorite pastime of almost every hunter - shooting at flying targets.

April 16, 2011 in the city of Novokuznetsk held an archery competition "Open winter championship"Spring" in Novokuznetsk in indoor archery.

Compound bow men:
I place - Rakhaev Vyacheslav, Novokuznetsk
II place - Dmitry Voronov, Tomsk
III place - Yankovich Alexey, Novosibirsk

Woman's compound bow:
I place - Elena Novikova, Novosibirsk
II place - Mikhailenko Lidia, Novokuznetsk
III place - Olga Nikolaeva, Novosibirsk

Classic men's bow:
I place - Sergey Glazyrin, Novosibirsk
II place - Grubov Vadim, Novosibirsk
III place - Petrakov Nikolay, Novosibirsk

Women's classic bow:
I place - Ekaterina Vasilyeva, Novosibirsk
II place - Julia Shekhtman, Novosibirsk
III place - Elena Pelykh, Novosibirsk

I place - Semenyuk Nikita, Novosibirsk
II place - Bekenev Sudur, Altai
III place - Maria Kostrikina, Novokuznetsk

"Goose hunting": a competition for the most accurate shooters in Belarus

The open championship in trap shooting and compact sporting was held on the basis of the shooting and trap shooting complex Sporting Club in Minsk on April 16. 26 Belarusian shooters from Minsk and the region, as well as Gomel and Brest, went to the start.

Participants will compete in skit, trap and compact sporting disciplines. The competition program in skete and trap will include 100 targets, in compact sporting - 125 targets.

The tournament was held in three disciplines - skit, trap and compact sporting. In the skete, Alexey Tortikov took the first place among adults, among juniors the youngest participant was fourteen-year-old Georgy Golovchenko, Artem Deryugin celebrated the victory in the gangway, and Sergey Zhuravlev in compact sporting.

According to the First Deputy Chairman of the NGO “ Belarusian Federation trap shooting” by Alexander Rublevsky, the tournament will become milestone preparation of our shooters for the main spring competitions - the Federation Cup in compact sporting, which will be held in Minsk on May 21 and 22.

Regional individual-team trap shooting competitions in Kamchatka

On April 09-10, at the Shooting and Bench Complex in the area of ​​14 km of the Petropavlovsk-Yelizovo bypass road, open regional personal and team shooting competitions were held, dedicated to the 66th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The strongest shooters of the Kamchatka Territory from the cities of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Elizovo and Vilyuchinsk took part in the competition.

The individual winners were:
1st place - Oleg Zaikin (Yelizovo);
2nd place - Vadim Titov (Yelizovo);
3rd place - Igor Tyurnev (P-Kamchatsky).

IN team competition 6 teams fought for the highest awards.
According to the results of a stubborn struggle, the places in the team standings were distributed as follows:
1st place - the team of Vilyuchinsk;
2nd place - the team of the SVPU FSB of Russia;
3rd place - Elizovo team.