Exercises to improve blood circulation in the joints. Effective actions to improve circulation in the legs

Gymnastics for the joints is one of the important conditions for alleviating the condition with arthrosis. A set of exercises for the joints should be performed daily, for fifteen to thirty minutes. Then after enough a short time, a month and a half, joint mobility will improve, arthrosis will begin to recede.

Gymnastics for joints - how not to harm the body

Therapeutic gymnastics for the joints is different from the usual sports activities. Its peculiarity is that the exercises provided in the complex are not aimed at increasing the load on the muscles, but at improving the mobility of the joints. Therefore, they are quite simple, it is easy to perform them.

You can assess the condition of your joints and choose exercises yourself. Small tests will show how mobile certain parts of the spine and limbs are.

Before doing exercises to strengthen the joints, do the following:

  1. Tilt your head down, touching the sternum with your chin;
  2. Tilt your head left and right, trying to touch your shoulder with your ear;
  3. Pull your shoulders back, connecting the shoulder blades;
  4. Join hands in a “lock” at the back, at the level of the shoulder blades;
  5. Sit down five to six times without the help of hands;
  6. Lean forward without bending your legs. Try to touch your knees with your forehead;
  7. Putting your feet shoulder-width apart, reach your palms to the floor;
  8. While standing, bend back so that you can see an object lying on the floor behind.

If you managed to perform all the exercises easily, therapeutic exercises for the joints are not too necessary for you yet. However, active healthy way life should not be forgotten, and with a hereditary predisposition to arthrosis, it is necessary to do exercises to strengthen the joints two to three times a week.

The whole truth about: exercises for the joints at home and other interesting information about the treatment.

Joint and back pain is a common occurrence different groups and ages of the population. And the reasons for this can be completely different - neurological, orthopedic, rheumatological, vertebrological.


One intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is not enough, they can only relieve inflammation, relieve pain, and the methods traditionally used in such cases will return the disturbing symptoms again after a while. In order to prevent stiffness in movements, the appearance of inflammation and pain, gymnastics for the spine is necessary. More than one generation of doctors thought about what kind of exercises for the spine are necessary to prevent the occurrence of diseases of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine and joints and prevent their recurrence, what methods are applicable to alleviate the condition of patients. Dr. S.M. succeeded in this matter. Bubnovsky, who developed a set of exercises aimed at improving the joints and different parts of the spine, which can be performed independently at home.

According to Dr. Bubnovsky, exercises for the spine allow you to solve many problems of the joints and all parts of the spinal column by a non-surgical method. With the help of such simple methods, which are quite within the power of each of us, you can forget for a long time what pain and aches in the joints, backaches and pulling pain in the lower back radiate to the leg and other places.

Components of the methodology of Bubnovsky S.M.

The doctor's methodology is based on three main postulates:

  • Breathing exercises;
  • Proper nutrition and plenty of fluids;
  • Water procedures;

It is these three components, performed in combination, that allow you to achieve success quickly and painlessly.

Breathing exercises, proper nutrition, plenty of fluids and water procedures should be present in the life of a healthy joints and back on a daily basis, one should not replace or exclude the other. The main principle is consistency and systematic.

The essence of the methods of the doctor and the dignity of therapeutic exercises

A set of exercises designed in accordance with age and anatomical features joints and spine. It is aimed at a uniform load on all parts of the spine, which has a beneficial effect on the muscles, ligaments, vertebrae and joints. It is therapeutic exercises for the spine that provide blood flow to the muscles and tissues of the joints, provide them with elasticity, flexibility, mobility and tone. The set of exercises is designed for a gradual load on the muscles.

Advantages of therapeutic exercises Bubnovsky:

  1. Accounting for all the features of the human body.
  2. Uniform load on muscles, joints, vertebrae and ligaments.
  3. Providing nutrients, oxygen to muscles and tissues.
  4. Improvement of metabolic processes in tissues and muscles.
  5. Providing a charge of energy, cheerfulness and good mood.
  6. Increased mobility, elasticity, tone and appearance joints, muscles, vertebrae.
  7. Exercises can be performed independently at home.

A set of exercises Bubnovsky

The whole complex of Bubnovsky's exercises is built on a gradual increase in the complexity of exercises, on an even distribution of the load on all parts of the spine.

The main focus of therapeutic exercises:

  • Relaxation and arching of the back;
  • Stretching the muscles of the arms and legs;
  • Stretching of the spinal vertebrae, abdominal muscles;
  • Lifting the buttocks;
  • Foot training.

Rules for preparing for gymnastics

Preparation for gymnastics takes place according to the following rules:

  1. The whole set of exercises should be done daily, but on condition that there is no malaise.
  2. Gymnastics for the spine is performed on an empty stomach, after eating, at least 2 hours should pass.
  3. Before starting gymnastics, it is necessary to warm up in order to warm up the muscles, for this you can knead the hands, lower leg, knees, etc. in a circular motion.
  4. At the end of the workout, it is desirable to take a cool shower and rest for half an hour.
  5. And only after that you can start the main activities, eat.
  6. During the workout itself, drink as much liquid as possible.
  7. Correctly, that is, deeply and calmly, breathe.

Description of Bubnovsky's exercises

Consider some of the exercises of Dr. Bubnovsky:

  • Exercises for the spine. To relax the muscles and vertebrae of the back, you need to get on all fours, leaning on 4 points on the surface (knees and palms) and relax as much as possible, as they say, “sag”.
  • Remaining in the same position, exhale as much air as possible from the lungs and arch the thoracic spine with an arc upwards, linger without inhaling in this position for 10 seconds, relax and repeat the exercise after a couple of seconds. Such an exercise is performed if treatment of cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis is required.
  • While in the same position, sit down on your right leg, pushing your left back. Stretch your muscles by pulling left leg back, and right - forward. Pain in the thigh muscles is a sign that everything is being done correctly. Such an exercise is performed if treatment is required for pinched nerve roots (chondrosis) and to relieve muscle spasm.
  • Without changing the starting position of the body, stretch the torso forward, arching your back, hold for as long as possible.
  • Exercises for the muscles of the abdominal cavity. Lying on your back, keep your hands behind your head. In this position, press your chin against the thoracic region and raise the shoulder blades as high as possible from the floor, repeat until soreness and tension in the abs.
  • Exercises for the buttocks. Lying on your back, place your outstretched arms under your buttocks, palms down. In this position, tear off the pelvic region from the floor to the maximum possible height. Perform at least 25 times. Then take the starting position and rest.
  • Leg exercises. In the supine position, while inhaling, raise the left leg alternately as high as possible, and then the right, while exhaling - lower. This exercise is good for those who need treatment for leg joints (arthritis, rheumatism, arthritis).
  • Standing with your toes on an elevated surface, and with your heels hanging down to the floor, hold on with your hands and “spring” your toes up and down. Exercise well complements the medical treatment of small joints of the foot.
  • They help well in warming up the muscles, improving the blood supply to the tissues, steps in place, while the knees need to be raised as high as possible to the navel itself.
  • Without changing the starting position of the body, with your arms bent at the elbows, inhale and lower your torso to the floor. On the exhale, moving to the heels, straighten the arms. Such an exercise is performed if treatment of osteochondrosis, spondylosis of the spine, intervertebral hernia is required.


Thus, Dr. S.M. Bubnovsky and his developed technique for healing the joints and spine, took into account the following:

  1. Three main components (exercise, proper nutrition with plenty of plain water and breathing) improve the medical treatment of diseases of the back and joints.
  2. The doctor developed a set of exercises so that each section of the spinal column was involved in their implementation: cervical, thoracic and lumbar.
  3. The doctor's methods are based on a gradual increase in the load on the thoracic, cervical and lumbar regions, muscle stretching and stretching of the vertebrae.
  4. Doing exercises at home makes them convenient and accessible to everyone.
  5. The treatment, supplemented by the therapeutic exercises of Dr. Bubnovsky, becomes more accelerated and successful.
  6. The methods do not require additional equipment.


  • The treatment of diseases of the back and joints should not consist of exercises alone; the three components of gymnastics and the technique of Dr. Bubnovsky itself are not a guarantee of a cure for the disease, therefore the consultation of your attending physician and the medication prescribed by him are mandatory.
  • Do not be alarmed if the methods of a kinesiotherapist cause pain in the muscles and joints, this means that you are doing everything right.
  • Every day, increase the load and the time of charging.
  • In the morning or in the evening, do gymnastics, it's up to you to decide. Decision making depends on when free time. However, many physical education teachers believe that it is worth doing exercises when a person feels cheerful and energetic. Such clocks are determined by the biological rhythms of a person and whether a person is an “owl” or a “lark”.

The technique of S.M. Bubnovsky is a revolutionary solution to many problems of the musculoskeletal system, thanks to it the pain and suffering of a person are relieved in such diseases and phenomena as:

  1. Osteochondrosis of any part of the spine.
  2. Intervertebral hernias.
  3. Spondylosis of the spine (any of its departments).
  4. Arthrosis, gonarthrosis of the joints.
  5. Inflammation of the tendons of the shoulder, ankle, hand, etc.
  6. Dislocations (fractures) and the recovery period after them.
  7. Joint implants.

Those who constantly practice the exercises of Bubnovsky S.M. note that they began to feel much better, and pain and stiffness in movements disappeared. That’s all for today, dear readers, share in the comments the exercises that helped you improve the condition of your spine.

If a person is diagnosed with arthrosis, foot treatment at home is the main way to influence the disease. In the clinic, the patient can only undergo a course of physiotherapy. A sadder reason for a visit to the hospital is a surgical operation. But this happens only in the most advanced cases, when the joints of the legs have completely lost their mobility or the life of the patient is in danger. If you monitor your health and do not self-medicate, then the disease can be stopped in the early stages.

A feature of arthrosis is that it can even be detected independently, even at the time of formation. The disease makes itself felt with pain and unusual sounds made when walking. Do not wait for an exacerbation of arthrosis of the legs and subsequent disability. You need to see a doctor urgently. He will refer the patient to an orthopedist, who will give recommendations on treatment methods and the choice of drugs for arthrosis.

Medical treatment for arthrosis

A cure at home is possible only at the first and second stages of the disease, when there are no pathological processes associated with the destruction of cartilage tissue and the fusion of leg bones. Medication is the traditional treatment for all mild bone diseases. The basis of success is the correct selection of drugs and the implementation of all instructions of the attending physician. Treatment of arthrosis of the foot at home is regularly adjusted depending on the results achieved or lack thereof.

As a rule, the patient is prescribed such drugs:

  1. Chondroprotectors. These are unique modern means that allow you to stop the destruction of cartilage tissue, cause its strengthening and regeneration. Full course of taking chondroprotectors in combination with proper nutrition allows you to completely restore the structure of the joint.
  2. Anti-inflammatory. Medicines of this group relieve swelling from the legs and contribute to the destruction of foci of infection. The course of taking anti-inflammatory drugs continues until the foot takes on a natural configuration.
  3. Painkillers. These medicines are taken in the first days of treatment to reduce the patient's suffering and restore his ability to move normally.
  4. Antibiotics. They are prescribed if an infection in the joint bag is detected. The course of treatment lasts from 3 to 7 days, depending on the detected pathogen.

Medicines are taken in the form of tablets, ointments, tinctures and injections. In some cases, the patient is prescribed droppers with glucose, vitamins and saline.

Treatment of arthrosis with folk remedies

Treatment folk remedies pathologies of the joints of the legs can be successful if strictly adhere to the prescribed recipe. You should be tuned in to healing effect will not come immediately. It can take months to stop the disease and return the feet to their natural shape. However, it's worth it.

Folk remedies do not give complications to the internal organs, they are completely harmless to the body. The substances contained in them strengthen the immune system and improve metabolism. Accumulating in the internal organs and blood, useful trace elements have a long-term therapeutic and preventive effect.

Regardless of the degree of leg damage, the following traditional medicine recipes are used:

  1. Foot baths. There are no restrictions on the frequency of their adoption, since water procedures only bring benefits. The water temperature is selected depending on the condition of the foot. If there are inflammatory processes and infection, then the water must be heated to body temperature. In the absence of such pathologies, the temperature can be increased to 40 - 42 ° C. A decoction of juniper, wild rosemary, chamomile, thyme, string, oregano and tricolor violet flowers is added to the basin. As the water cools, boiling water is poured into it.
  2. Compresses. You can treat the feet with compresses of various compositions. For example, from the grass that remained after straining for foot baths. It contains enough useful substances. Another recipe includes salt, honey and alcohol. The components are mixed so that a mass is obtained that does not spread. Therapeutic mixtures are applied to the leg, wrapped in cellophane and fixed elastic bandage. It is advisable to do compresses at night.
  3. Rubbing. The most effective is a mixture of vodka (0.5 l) and eucalyptus tincture (100 ml). The ingredients are mixed and infused for 2-3 days. After that, the liquid is rubbed into the affected joints in the morning and evening. The treated area is wrapped with a warm cloth or elastic bandage.
  4. Wraps. The basis is a burdock leaf, which relieves pain or plantain well. A mixture of vodka (alcohol), honey and crushed garlic is applied to the leaves of these plants. Such a composition causes severe and penetrating irritation of soft tissues. As a result, there is an increase in blood flow and an improvement in metabolism in the affected joints.
  5. Applying leeches to the foot. These creatures secrete anticoagulants that prevent the formation of clots and blood clots in the blood vessels. Leeches should be taken only in pharmacies. Otherwise, unpleasant complications are possible.
  6. Bee venom. Bee stings activate all metabolic processes at the local level. Before using this method, you should consult with an allergist.

When applied various ways treatment with folk remedies, it is necessary to monitor the appearance side effects in the form of fever, rash or nasal discharge. If such facts are available, then the treatment should be stopped and consult a doctor.

Gymnastics for arthrosis of the feet

As for the treatment of arthrosis at home, gymnastics is an activity that can be done at any time, without being tied to the conditions of the situation. Many patients mistakenly believe that with the pathology of the lower extremities, it is necessary to observe complete rest, without loading the feet. This is a big mistake, since the immobility of the legs causes congestion, which aggravates the course of the disease. In addition, there is a weakening of the tendon structure and a weakening of the musculature.

In order to successfully cope with the disease, it is necessary to perform the following sets of exercises:

  1. Walking on a massage mat. These are special products with a corrugated surface. The protrusions exert point pressure on soft tissues, which helps to improve blood circulation and metabolism in damaged joints. A good solution is to walk on grass, loose earth or sand around the house. All this helps to increase the tone of all tissues of the foot.
  2. Rolling a pimply rubber ball with the foot. This exercise can be performed even while sitting. It is performed in the case when it is not possible to go outside, or in the phase of exacerbation of arthrosis. An analogue to balls is a foot massager made of wood or plastic in the form of a cylinder covered with spikes.
  3. Active leg movements that mimic cycling. The exercise is performed lying on your back. You can do it on the floor or on the couch, at any time convenient for this. Such gymnastics helps to improve the mobility of the feet and the outflow of excess fluid.
  4. Walking around the room on the floor bent legs Oh. A moderate load on the joints contributes to the activation of all metabolic processes and blood circulation. Stagnation disappears completely.

Physiotherapy exercises allow you to strengthen weakened toes, develop tendons and restore their mobility. The joints begin to bend as it was before the disease. active regeneration of cartilaginous tissues begins.

Manual therapy against arthrosis

With arthrosis of the lower extremities, blood circulation is disturbed. This process contributes to the progression of the disease and its transition to a more severe stage. It is possible to restore normal blood circulation even in the advanced phase of the disease. Stimulation of the joints causes the activation of all metabolic and regenerative processes.

Foot massage should be performed with little effort, without exceeding average level pain threshold. The impact is carried out with fingertips by soft strokes and pressure on the affected area. You need to start the massage from the tips of the toes, gradually moving towards the ankle joint. End the session with hand movements on the foot from the bottom up.

Efficiency manual therapy will be much higher if the feet are preheated. To do this, you can use a warm bath or wrapping the limb with ozocerite.

Passing a course of physiotherapy

The modern medical industry produces a wide range of portable physical therapy devices. To avoid wasting time and effort on trips to the clinic, it is advisable to have such devices at home. In terms of the effectiveness of the healing action, they do not differ from stationary analogues. At home, electrophoresis, UHF and electromagnetic radiation are used.

Physiotherapy allows you to achieve the following therapeutic effect:

  • activation of metabolic processes in the tissues of the joints of the foot;
  • improvement of blood circulation in the tissues of the lower limb;
  • elimination of stagnant processes in soft tissues;
  • stimulation of cartilage regeneration in the joint;
  • restoration of the natural structure of cells, the return of their resistance to infection.

After treatment, the acquired devices can be used for the prevention of arthrosis and the treatment of other diseases.

Diet for arthritis

In the treatment of arthrosis, it is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition. Avoid sweet, spicy and fatty foods. All salinities are categorically contraindicated, since salt is deposited in the joints, aggravating the situation. Those who like sweets should switch to honey. Diet promotes weight loss, which reduces pressure on sore joints.

The diet should include foods high in calcium. This mineral is necessary for the restoration of bone and cartilage tissue. A good healing effect is given by broths, cottage cheese and other fermented milk products. Poultry and fish meat is useful. During each meal, you need to eat greens with a high content of vitamins - onions, garlic and dill.

Conclusion on the topic

Treatment of arthritis at home will only be successful if the patient wears soft and comfortable shoes with low heels. You need to constantly monitor your weight and give up bad habits. Loads on the injured limb and any sudden movements are not allowed. Hypothermia is strictly contraindicated.

The famous doctor S. M. Bubnovsky spent more than one day developing a special set of exercises designed to fight diseases of the musculoskeletal system even in the case when the joint hurts. It should be noted that these exercises can be used for hernia, degenerative disease of the intervertebral discs, rheumatism and other diseases of the spinal column.

The essence of the technique

With age, the spinal column wears out, there are pains in the back, in the lower back, the joint and the neck hurt. As a rule, such problems need to be solved by limiting physical activity, and sometimes with the help of surgery. But more in a safe way is Dr. Bubnovsky's gymnastics for the home.

According to Bubnovsky himself, exercises for the spine at home are the best emergency help for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Classical therapy involves reducing muscle activity to a minimum. And this leads to a deterioration in blood circulation in the back and neck, which adversely affects the general condition of a person.

Gymnastics by Dr. Bubnovsky for beginners at home is aimed at increasing the elasticity of the tissues of the back, which makes it possible to make the ligaments more elastic, the joint becomes more mobile, and the muscular corset of the spine is also strengthened.

According to the method of Dr. Bubnovsky, gymnastics must be done carefully, gradually increasing the complexity of the exercises. This prevents damage to the joint.

This gymnastics has a positive effect on recovery nervous system.

And the water procedures included in the set of exercises saturate the tissues with oxygen. In addition, do not forget about the special breathing exercises, proper nutrition and plenty of fluids.

By adhering to these rules for beginners, you will not only achieve weight loss, but also completely relieve the load from the spine and stabilize the joint. You will also improve blood circulation in damaged areas of the spine. After losing weight muscle returns to normal, becomes more elastic, improves metabolism. Thanks to this, the pain syndrome disappears, and the restoration of the intervertebral discs occurs, in addition, the joint is restored.

Bubnovsky system

The exercises included in the system of Dr. Bubnovsky are not copyrighted. In fact, they should be practiced at home. The professor simply takes as a basis the most common aerobic exercises, as well as elements of Pilates and yoga, adapting them to diseases of the spine. Also, a set of exercises can be used for weight loss. In addition, it is recommended to use special Bubnovsky simulators, which were developed for therapeutic exercises.

Due to adequate loads, the muscles of the spine are strengthened, the joint is developed, blood circulation of the tissues improves. As a result, all harmful substances are removed from the body and this becomes the starting point for losing weight, pain, neuralgia, and chronic venous insufficiency disappear.

How did the Bubnovsky technique arouse the trust of patients?

In the centers where classes are held according to the method of Dr. Bubnovsky, people of different age categories gather: these are children with minor defects in the spine and posture, and adults suffering from severe diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The peculiarity of such classes is that doctors-rehabilitators deal with each patient individually. Thus, they control the correctness of each exercise, help to choose optimal load.

A distinctive feature of Dr. Bubnovsky's technique is that gymnastics for the spine can be performed at home. In addition, all exercises of the complex can be used for weight loss.

Kinesitherapy and back pain

If you experience pain in the back and neck, you should consult a specialist for advice. And after the examination and diagnosis, each patient is selected appropriate exercises for the spine, which the patient can perform at home. But before that, each patient is taught to properly perform gymnastics for recovery and weight loss at home. After all, the effectiveness of treatment and weight loss at home directly depends on this. Throughout the treatment, depending on the results obtained, a set of exercises to perform at home is constantly being adjusted.

When performing exercises for the back according to the system at home, normalization occurs biochemical processes in the intervertebral discs, the neck, as well as in the muscular corset. There is an improvement in blood circulation in the damaged areas of the neck and spine, and even with a vertebral hernia, pain decreases and gradually this can lead to a complete recovery.

In other words, kinesitherapy is an alternative to surgery for spinal hernia.

With scoliosis, such exercises are selected for beginners, which are aimed at restoring the muscular corset in children.

Exercise therapy for lumbar hernia

A set of exercises for beginners with a hernia of the lumbar spine, which is performed at home, involves a uniform and systematic increase in loads, as well as an increase in complexity. These hernia exercises, which you can do at home, have a beneficial effect not only on the body (systematic exercise is a great way to lose weight), but also on the nervous system. After all, people just get used to living with pain and do not want to change anything.

In addition, these exercises can be performed not only with a hernia. They can be used in a complex of rehabilitation measures after the treatment of a number of diseases:

  • diseases cardiovascular systems s;
  • compression fracture of the spine or neck;
  • if a joint (hip or knee) is changed to implants;
  • surgery on the spine or other internal organs.

MTB trainer

In addition to the method of treating diseases of the neck, spine, lower back, Professor Bubnovsky invented a special multifunctional simulator, classes on which have a beneficial effect on muscle tone. Classes on this simulator at home are developed taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and all the nuances of the disease of the neck or spine.

Gymnastics for weight loss and recovery, which is performed according to the system on the simulator, helps with hernia, arthritis, scoliosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Over time, the freedom of movement of the hip joint gradually decreases. Sometimes, with more or less active actions, some pain discomfort, stiffness and limitation of mobility are felt. The most likely cause of this condition is the initial stage of osteoarthritis or coxarthrosis of the hip joint. To correct the situation, therapeutic and preventive exercises for the hip joint to perform at home will help.

What is osteoarthritis (coxarthrosis)?

It is important to know! Doctors in shock: “An effective and affordable remedy for joint pain exists ...” ...

Deforming arthrosis, coxarthrosis or osteoarthritis of the hip joint is a complex of clinical manifestations, confirming the onset of degenerative-dystrophic destruction of the osteoarticular, muscular and ligamentous joints in the hip skeletal skeleton. Painful signs of the disease are accompanied by limited mobility in the joints, muscle atrophy, shortening of the limbs.

Damage to the left joint. This is how it will look if you do not take action at the initial stage of the disease.

The reasons for the development of clinical pathology may be a hereditary predisposition, an old injury of the spinal region, curvature of the spinal axis, inflammatory processes of an infectious nature in the osteoarticular and muscular regions.

An advanced form of clinical pathology forces a person to take potent drugs aimed at reducing pain and eliminating the inflammatory process.

Photograph of the head of the hip joint in osteoarthritis of the 3rd degree.

A program of drug and physiotherapy treatment agreed with the attending physician, the appointment of therapeutic and prophylactic exercises for the hip joints will strengthen musculoskeletal system, will return the patient the ability to move without pain discomfort.

How to test for signs of the disease?

Clinical manifestations of pathologies of the hip joints are accompanied by pain symptoms in the back, knees and/or groin area. You can test the articular surfaces of the musculoskeletal system yourself at home.

Lying on your stomach, you should bend the limb and take it to the side. The presence of pain syndrome indicates the presence of a certain medical problem. The next test is performed lying on your back. The bent leg at the knee should freely perform a circular motion.

The hip joint is a circular sliding surface that must rotate without restriction along a trajectory resembling the number "8". As soon as the pain sign limits the degree of freedom of the hip joint, this is a sign of the presence of a certain type of articular pathology.

A weak joint is a weakening of the muscles, insufficiently functional main blood circulation, risk of stretching and / or rupture of the ligamentous apparatus.

Simple exercises for osteoarthritis

The simplest way to treat congenital dysplasia and the initial lesion with deforming arthrosis is physiotherapy exercises (exercise therapy) of the hip joint. Simple (basic) complex daily exercise stabilizes the affected cartilaginous tissues of the articular surfaces.

Exercises lying on the stomach:

  • slowly raise the straight leg up with a delay of 3-5 seconds, then slowly lower it down to total relaxation. The same is done with the other leg. The main task of such a therapeutic and prophylactic action is to pump the muscles of the thighs without disturbing the hip joints;
  • we bend the knee and alternately slowly lift the right and left limbs, still holding the movement for 3-5 seconds. The purpose of this exercise for the hip joint is to stabilize muscle function and restoration of blood supply.

Occupied position - lying on the back:

  • Bend one leg at the knee and keep the other straight. Slowly raise the straightened leg up with a delay of a few seconds, then lower it until it is completely relaxed. The same movements are performed with the other leg;
  • we bend both legs at the knee joint at an angle of 90º, smoothly direct them to the stomach, without touching it. We lower our legs and relax;
  • bent legs at an angle of 90º should be slightly apart slightly wider than the hip section. Slowly raise the pelvis, bending as high as possible, with a position delay of 3-5 seconds. Slowly lower the pelvis, trying not to touch the floor surface.

The following gymnastic approach is performed lying on your side:

  • one limb is relaxed and bent at the knee, the other is straightened. Slowly raise the straight leg up at 45 degrees, and holding it a little in the air, smoothly lower it down. Do not perform the exercise too sharply to avoid disruption of the articular tendon;
  • turn the body over to the other side and perform the same exercise with the other leg.

Starting position - sitting:

  • Slowly lean forward, wrap your hands around your toes. In this position, you need to linger for a few seconds. If it is impossible to reach the fingers due to the physiological characteristics of the body or physique, you should not overexert yourself, but simply use a towel, throwing it over your legs like a noose.

When performing exercises, do not strain other muscles of the body. Only the muscles of the limbs should work. Each exercise is repeated at least 5 times.

Gymnastics for diseases of the hip joint I and II degree

“Doctors hide the truth!”

Even “neglected” joint problems can be cured at home! Just don't forget to brush it once a day...

Starting position - lying on your back:

  • slowly pull the legs bent at an angle of 90º to the body, and slightly spread them to the side. Having lingered in this position for 3-5 seconds, we return to the starting position. A correctly executed movement is the heels pressed to the floor and their sliding on a flat surface. The exercise is repeated 5-10 times;
  • We pull the bent limbs with a smooth movement to the stomach, exerting slight resistance with our hands. This type of therapeutic gymnastics is performed 5-10 times;
  • This positional part of physiotherapy exercises is completed by an exercise for relaxing spasmodic muscles. Lying on your back, slightly spread your straight legs to the sides with your feet turned outward. With the tension of the hips, we turn the feet inward, pressing the knees tightly to each other. We return to the starting position for 5-10 seconds and resume the tension of the legs. The position is performed 3-5 times.

Starting position - lying on your side:

  • the bent limb at an angle of 90º slowly rises up, and smoothly lowers to its original position. The main condition is not to tear off the feet from each other;
  • repeat the movements of the previous exercise, turning the body in the other direction. The recommended gymnastic course must be repeated 5-10 times.

Starting position - lying on the stomach:

  • placing straight arms along the body, it is necessary to smoothly raise the straightened leg at an angle of 45º with a position delay of 15-20 seconds;
  • similar movements are made with the other limb;
  • we bend the right leg at an angle of 45º and perform an upward movement while holding it on weight from 30 seconds to one minute. Peculiarity this exercise lies in static position pressed pelvic bones to the floor surface;
  • repeat the previous exercise with the left limb, keeping it in static balance for the same amount of time.

Starting position - standing on the floor:

  • feet shoulder-width apart, socks turned slightly to the sides while maintaining balance. We start light squats, including only the femoral part without straining the knee joints. We return to the starting position without straightening the back. Such a pendulum movement is performed 5 to 10 times.

Starting position - sitting on a chair:

  • sitting on the edge of the chair, it is necessary to alternately lift the right and left limbs with smooth movements, trying to give them a horizontal position;
  • being on the edge of the supporting surface and pressing the heels tightly, it is necessary to spread the knees to the sides, trying not to strain the piriformis muscle. Thanks to this exercise, blood is pumped into the hip joint. The treatment complex is performed 15-20 times.

You can complete the therapeutic exercises for the joints of the hip segments with a light preventive massage. Without getting up from the chair, we start stroking the leg from the knee, continue moving along the anterolateral surface of the thigh, trying not to touch its back part. The massage continues with intensive rubbing of the femoral part on a preheated surface, the same massage procedures are transferred to the other leg. The duration of massage manipulations is from 1 to 3 minutes.

For additional stimulation of blood circulation and better glide of the hands, you can use a special cream for massage therapy.

Rules for performing therapeutic exercises

The main thing that must be observed when performing exercises is the smoothness and slowness of movements. Jerking efforts will provide micro-trauma or other damage to the joints and will not bring absolutely no benefit. Slow, moderate gymnastic movements allow you to create a certain wave of blood, which progressively washes the articular surface, improving the delivery of nutrients. Slow movements allow you to qualitatively flush out decay products from the body.

plays an important role correct construction breathing. Breathe only through your nose. Even a properly performed set of exercises will not improve the situation in the next 2-3 weeks. A person will feel the first signs of improvement in his condition after a month of daily training.

If the proposed exercises cause a sharp or acute pain in any of the organs of vital activity, then physical therapy should be stopped.

Contraindications for exercise

For all the usefulness exercise therapy gymnastics for the hip joint has contraindications.

  • with protrusion of the peritoneum into the cavity of the inguinal canal;
  • with intervertebral hernias;
  • at the onset of menstruation;
  • with a hypertensive crisis and / or increased intracranial pressure;
  • with complications of the heart vascular system and severe diseases associated with blood vessels;
  • in case of exacerbation of chronic conditions cholelithiasis, cholecystitis and the like.

In case of elevated body temperature according to the subfebrile type, it is recommended to wait for recovery and start exercising after 3-4 days.

Therapeutic prevention

Some medical experts believe that it is possible to get rid of bone and joint diseases of the musculoskeletal system by changing the quality and diet. You should avoid the use of fermented foods, smoked meat products, food with biochemical preservatives. It is also necessary to reduce the consumption of pickled, salty foods and sugar. It is most correct to satisfy your gastronomic preferences with food of plant origin.

For the treatment and prevention of DISEASES OF THE JOINTS and SPINE, our readers use the method of fast and non-surgical treatment recommended by the leading rheumatologists of Russia, who decided to oppose pharmaceutical lawlessness and presented a medicine that REALLY TREATS! We got acquainted with this technique and decided to bring it to your attention. Read more…

Even the psychological attitude of a person to stress is important, since rheumatic diseases of the hip joints are directly related to this. In simple terms, the stress hormone actually eats up the cartilage of the hip joint. If there was no release or discharge of nervous stress, then there is a spasm of blood vessels in the joint area. Most often, people with an unstable psyche turn to rheumatologists, orthopedists and traumatologists.

Take care of yourself and be always healthy!

How to forget about pain in the joints?

  • Joint pain limits your movement and life...
  • You are worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain ...
  • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams and ointments ...
  • But judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, they did not help you much ...

But orthopedist Valentin Dikul claims that indeed effective remedy for joint pain exists!

Gymnastics for the joints is one of the important conditions for alleviating the condition with arthrosis. A set of exercises for the joints should be performed daily, for fifteen to thirty minutes. Then, after a fairly short time, a month and a half, the mobility of the joints will improve, arthrosis will begin to recede.

Gymnastics for joints - how not to harm the body

Therapeutic gymnastics for joints is different from ordinary sports activities. Its peculiarity is that the exercises provided in the complex are not aimed at increasing the load on the muscles, but at improving the mobility of the joints. Therefore, they are quite simple, it is easy to perform them.

You can assess the condition of your joints and choose exercises yourself. Small tests will show how mobile certain parts of the spine and limbs are.

Before doing exercises to strengthen the joints, do the following:

  1. Tilt your head down, touching the sternum with your chin;
  2. Tilt your head left and right, trying to touch your shoulder with your ear;
  3. Pull your shoulders back, connecting the shoulder blades;
  4. Join hands in a “lock” at the back, at the level of the shoulder blades;
  5. Sit down five to six times without the help of hands;
  6. Lean forward without bending your legs. Try to touch your knees with your forehead;
  7. Putting your feet shoulder-width apart, reach your palms to the floor;
  8. While standing, bend back so that you can see an object lying on the floor behind.

If you managed to perform all the exercises easily, therapeutic exercises for the joints are not too necessary for you yet. However, one should not forget about an active healthy lifestyle, and with a hereditary predisposition to arthrosis, it is imperative to do exercises to strengthen the joints two to three times a week.

Gymnastics for sore joints - basic exercises

Gymnastics for the joints consists of a set of simple exercises. Therapeutic exercise for diseases of the joints is a great way to improve their mobility, relieve pain and inflammation. Exercises for the joints are divided into several groups, they can be performed alternately, or at once in a complex. It all depends on the state of the body, on how ready it is for stress.

Therapeutic exercise for diseases of the joints necessarily includes the following exercises:

  1. To develop the joints of the cervical region - head tilts to the left and right. They must be done very carefully, the cervical vertebrae are a rather weak point of the body. Do not strain while doing exercises for the joints, try to relax the neck and shoulder area.
  2. As a shoulder girdle workout, perform swings and rotations with your arms, different in amplitude.
  3. Therapeutic exercises for the joints of the elbows and wrists - flexion and extension of the arms, push-ups from the table.
  4. Effective exercise therapy for diseased finger joints is to clench and unclench your hand into a fist, and also spread your fingers to the sides as wide as possible.
  5. Gymnastics for sick knee joints - squats. If it is difficult to do them, lean on a chair or table.
  6. A good workout for the hip joints is swinging your legs back and forth, as well as stretching - longitudinal and transverse twine. Remember that gymnastics for sore joints is not done through force, you need to sit on the twine gradually, stretching the muscles and ligaments a little more every day. In no case do exercise therapy for sore joints abruptly, trying to achieve maximum results. This will only aggravate the course of the disease.

Therapeutic exercise for joint disease, what to look for

With polyarthrosis, as well as if the movement of the joints causes severe discomfort and pain, a set of exercises should be compiled by a doctor. Exercise therapy for diseased joints in this case should be carried out under the supervision of specialists. Then, when the condition improves, gymnastics for diseased joints can be performed at home.

Gymnastics for sore knee joints will be much more comfortable if you first stretch the joints by massaging with Collagen Ultra cream.

Gymnastics for the joints will be more effective if you use special ointments before and after training. These are preparations with collagen hydrolyzate and glucosamine, which relieve inflammation and improve the production of compound lubrication. For example, gymnastics for sore knee joints, which brings the patient quite unpleasant sensations, will be much more comfortable if you first stretch the joints by massaging with Collagen Ultra cream. The cream stimulates the production of joint lubrication, accelerates blood circulation. Thanks to this, the joints become more mobile, exercises do not cause pain.

It is necessary in the treatment of diseases of the joints not only external exposure, but also nourishment with useful substances from the inside. Bioactive additives containing collagen hydrolyzate supply the body with the material necessary for the restoration of articular tissue. The course of taking Collagen Ultra is designed for 3 months, and the effect can be seen within a month after the start of use.


The knee joint is a complex system, which includes muscles, tendons, ligaments, articular bones, cartilage. When at least one element of this structure ceases to function, this leads to disruption of the entire system.

How to defeat excruciating pain in the knees, stop the development of arthritis and arthrosis? This can be done with the help of articular gymnastics of the doctor of alternative medicine S. M. Bubnovsky. This is a unique treatment method based on physical exercises for the knee joints without the use of drugs and compression underwear.

The specifics of gymnastics

deal with knee pain without medication

Sergey Bubnovsky has developed a technique, the essence of which is the complete rejection of medicines. Our body can cope with any degenerative changes on its own.

For a speedy recovery, the patient must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Get examined by a doctor
  • Exercise regularly
  • Work with a personal trainer
  • Stop taking painkillers
  • visit a psychologist

Gymnastics helps to warm up the knee joint, which improves metabolic processes.

It's hard, but effective method treatment that requires constant effort on the part of the patient.

Video exercises for joints at home.

A set of exercises

a set of exercises should be performed with a gradual increase in load, avoiding sharp pain

Diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis are typical for people of mature age. In athletes, pain in the knees often occurs due to rupture of ligaments, the cartilage layer. Articular gymnastics is also effective for osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region. Exercises help to stretch the reduced, tightened muscles, resume their work, strengthen and restore the knee joint.


    Crush the ice, wrap it in a cloth, wrap your knees. Lean against the chairs, gently kneel down and walk around as much as you can. It will be painful, 2 steps are enough to start, but in the end you need to go up to 15 steps per set.

    Get on your knees and lower yourself on your heels, holding onto the supports with your hands. This exercise causes severe pain. Lock in this position for 5-20 seconds.

    Sit on the floor, stretch your legs, grab your foot and pull your thumbs towards you. This helps stretch the muscles and ligaments above and below the knee. Blood circulation is restored, normal nutrition of the tissues of the joint, the knee begins to move better.

After you have mastered the main three exercises, you can move on to more difficult ones.

    Stand with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, grasp the support (door handle) with your hands. Squat so that your knees are at an angle of 90 °, while your back is even. The norm is 20 squats in one approach, it is desirable to bring up to 100 squats per day. Then try to perform the exercise without support.

    Lie on your stomach, grab your feet with your hands and pull them to your buttocks. This exercise is aimed at stretching the front of the thigh.

    Get on your knees, arms extended in front of you, as you exhale, slowly lower yourself to the floor between your feet.

    Lie on your back, body extended, legs slightly apart. Gently bend your right leg so that the heel does not come off the floor. Sliding movements move the foot to the buttocks, help yourself with your hands. Lock in this position for 4-6 seconds to start.

Complete therapeutic exercises with a contrast shower.

During the exercise, you will feel pain, but it is recommended to repeat each exercise at least twice.

Video: How to prolong the youth of the knee joints.

Pros and cons of joint gymnastics

the methodology includes clear principles and exercises accessible to everyone

Therapeutic physical education of Bubnovsky is not suitable for everyone, because the key to success is willpower and daily work. The main advantages of the technique:

  • There is no need to take drugs that disrupt the gastrointestinal tract and other organs.
  • Articular gymnastics can be used as a prevention of joint diseases.
  • Metabolic processes are normalized, the general condition of the body improves.
  • Under the condition of regular exercise, the development of degenerative changes in the knee joint stops. The need for a surgical operation is eliminated.
  • The person becomes self-confident.

The disadvantages of articular gymnastics according to the method of Dr. Bubnovsky are associated with the peculiarities of its implementation. Therefore, a person who wants to succeed and recover faster should be ready to complete the following points:

  • Exercise regularly and for a long time.
  • Strictly follow the recommendations of the attending physician and personal instructor.
  • Overcome the pain so that the exercises are effective.

Indications and contraindications

In some cases, the technique is not useful, this is due to the fact that the person does the exercises incorrectly, as he trains on his own. Patients who study with an instructor achieve success in 15 days. This, of course, does not apply to cases where the changes are already irreversible.

Joint gymnastics will be especially effective in the early stages of the development of arthrosis, arthritis.

Bubnovsky's gymnastics is necessary for people with such indications:

  • arthrosis, arthritis, gonoarthrosis (initial stages);
  • recovery period after a knee injury;
  • rehabilitation after inflammatory diseases of the joint;
  • dysfunction of the knee.

The main contraindications include:

  • acute phases of the course of the disease;
  • purulent form of acute arthritis, arthrosis;
  • purulent inflammation of the synovial membrane;
  • ossification of the joints (ankylosis), when they are completely immobile.

It is forbidden to perform exercises with such contraindications, as this threatens with serious complications.

Strictly follow the doctor's instructions, be disciplined, so you will achieve a complete recovery, especially at an early stage of the disease. But remember, in order for the result to be lasting, you need to work hard on yourself.

People who lead sedentary image life or long sitting at the table, often experience pain in the back, legs, neck and shoulders. Limited joint mobility becomes an important symptom of musculoskeletal disorders. Doctors recommend repeating a series of exercises for the joints daily in order to avoid the formation of diseases such as arthrosis and arthritis in the future.

Indications and benefits

In addition to those who are forced to sit in one place for a long time, athletes and people subjected to heavy loads fall into the risk zone for the development of ODA ailments. The reasons for the limited mobility of the joints can be:

  • bad habits;
  • bad ecology;
  • malnutrition;
  • overweight;
  • excessive physical exercise;
  • arthritis, arthrosis, etc.

Complexes of exercises are being developed that will help get rid of pain, restore tissue elasticity and return to an active life without pain. The most important activities that do not require much effort are long walks, jogging, morning jogging, swimming and cycling. Cycling is useful for people with gonarthrosis, and water aerobics can restore the mobility of the hip joint with arthrosis. Exercise therapy will help improve blood flow to the joints, restore previous mobility and get rid of pain forever.

A set of exercises to increase joint mobility

Warm-up is a preparatory stage for the implementation of the main set of exercises.

In modern sports world there are all kinds of complexes and methods of therapeutic gymnastics, such as shaping, fitness, yoga and many other areas that allow everyone to choose the right style and load. But you can return to your former activity at home. To increase or restore joint mobility, gymnastics should be done at least 4-5 times a week. Before starting classes, it is recommended to prepare the body for stress. A small massage and warm-up increase muscle tone and warm up the joints.

Complex for the spine

  1. Lie face down on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart. Using only your palms and toes, lift your pelvis and arch your back (like a cat). Hold the position for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. Then repeat in the opposite direction: lower the pelvis, raise your head up, bend down. Maintain position. During the process, try to keep your elbows and knees straight. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.
  2. Emphasis lying, feet shoulder width apart, elbows and knees straight. Arch your back. Lower your hips alternately in each direction, bringing them closer to the floor. At the first attempts, the supporting elbow can be bent, then it will be more effective to keep it straight. Try to move slowly to avoid injury. Repeat on each side 5-6 times.
  3. Stand up straight with your arms crossed and clasping your elbows. Slide your chin over your sternum to your stomach, while the shoulders and spine are bent in an arc, forming a hump. Then throw your head back. Open your arms and keep them at your sides, bent at the elbows. The back of the head slides along, the shoulders and back arch in the opposite direction. Repeat 2-3 times on each side.

In case of serious diseases of the spine, it is not recommended to exercise on your own. The complex is selected exclusively by the attending physician and they must be carried out in the presence of another person for insurance.

Ankle workout

Rotational movements of the foot in both directions can be done in any position.
  1. Stand straight, hands on hips. Raise one limb and roll the foot in one direction 3-4 times, then in the other. Repeat the movements in the other ankle.
  2. Standing straight, stretch as much as possible, keep your hands on your hips. Slowly rise up on your toes and freeze for 2 seconds. Lower yourself slowly. Then transfer your body weight to your heels. There should be a slight up and down wiggle. Exercise is not suitable for large people, as it is more difficult for them to maintain balance. Repeat 5 times with support on the toe and heel.
  3. Rotate your ankle joint clockwise. Then repeat on the other side. Do the exercise 2-3 times. This method can be used at work, from any position.

Complex for the knee joint

  1. Spread your feet as wide as possible and lean your torso forward with your arms crossed over your chest or touching the floor. Gradually reduce the distance between the feet and repeat the slopes up to 10 times.
  2. For this exercise you will need a chair. Stand facing him and lean on your back. Raise your leg so that your torso, arm, and leg are parallel to the floor. Then slowly bend your knee and pull it towards your chest. Throw back sharply, making a move. Do the same with the second limb 2-3 times. This procedure is possible only after a preliminary warm-up.
  3. Lie down on the floor. Bent knees Pull up to your chest, straighten your legs up. After, bend again and return to the starting position. Repeat 3-4 times. The extension of the knee joint is always done on the exhale.

Joint health

The term "disease of the century" appeared relatively recently. They, as a rule, were "awarded" with terrible, deadly diseases that could not be cured. But if the main criterion for the "disease of the century" is its prevalence, then the palm should be given to such diseases of the joints as arthritis and osteochondrosis, that is, diseases associated with the deposition of salts on the joints and vertebrae. Indeed, it is difficult to meet today a person who would not experience pain or at least inconvenience caused by an unhealthy state of the joints.

The etiology of joint diseases is extremely diverse and in many respects is still not clear. Only the causes of the development of infectious specific arthritis caused by a specific infection are known for sure. In the treatment of other arthritis, symptomatic therapy is often used, which can eliminate the symptoms, but not the disease itself. The complexity and variety of factors leading to the occurrence of joint disease necessitate the use of complex therapy and phased treatment, which makes it possible to eliminate the causes of the disease.

In general, the joint is a rather delicate mechanism that must be handled with care. Very often, we ourselves become the culprits of its breakdown, do not allow it to function normally - either we overload it, or, on the contrary, we do not load it enough. In the previous section, we already talked about physical inactivity (which, of course, harms the joints). In this section, we will discuss, among other things, the ability to properly distribute the load on the body. Everything needs a “golden mean”.

What you need to know about joints

A joint is a movable articulation of bones separated by a gap. In total, there are more than 230 joints in the human body.

In each joint, 4 main parts are distinguished: 1) articular bones; 2) articular capsule and ligamentous apparatus; 3) articular cavity; 4) joint fluid - synovia.

One of the articular surfaces is usually convex (articular head), and the other is concave (articular cavity). But there are also complex joints - this is the articulation of three or more bones. The expanded ends of the articulating bones are called epiphyses.

The epiphyses are a spongy substance and consist of an interlacing of trabeculae, which play the role of a supporting frame and connective tissue, which is a cellular plasmodial network. These include cells that destroy and build bone tissue - osteoclasts and osteoblasts.

The articular surface is covered with hyaline cartilage, which consists of the intercellular ground substance and its producing cells. The intercellular substance is a gelatinous mass, thanks to which the cartilage acquires its main properties - elasticity and elasticity. Cartilage is rich in water, but as the body ages, it loses it, while the calcium content increases.

The articular surface of the cartilage is smooth and moistened with articular fluid. Cartilage does not have its own vascular system, and its nutrition is carried out due to the difference in osmotic pressure from the joint fluid. It plays the role of a shock absorber under the loads experienced by the joint, ensures the adjustment of the contacting articular surfaces and reduces friction between them.

The design of some joints also includes menisci (in the knee joint, for example, there are two of them). Thanks to these sickle-shaped cartilages, the joints become even more mobile, they can perform flexion-extensor and rotational movements.

Each joint is surrounded by a bag consisting of the outer, fibrous and inner, synovial layers. It acts as a coupling that connects the ends of the articular bones, and is also a receptor apparatus that produces synovial fluid.

The synovial membrane lines the surface of the articular cavity, with the exception of cartilaginous areas. Synovial folds act as an additional shock absorber for the joints. The synovial membrane is rich in vessels that provide an energetic exchange of substances between it and the joint cavity, and performs a barrier function. The normal functioning of the joint depends on the integrity of this barrier. Violation of it leads to the fact that the inflammatory process can go from the outside into the joint cavity.

In general, the role of the articular bag is great. Its fibrous layer contributes to the reliability of the connection of articular surfaces, protects the joint from external damage and provides biological protection in various pathological processes.

The articular cavity is a space bounded by the synovial membrane and the articulating surfaces of the epiphyses. The cavity is filled with yellow viscous synovial fluid. The role of this fluid is determined by the fact that it is an additional shock absorber between the articular surfaces, increases their mobility, reduces friction between them and provides nutrition to the cartilage.

As an integral organ, the joint takes an extremely important part in the implementation of the musculoskeletal function of the body. Joints are a true "masterpiece of engineering" of nature. Simplicity and compactness are combined in them with high strength. The function assigned to the joint determines its design. Take, for example, the joints of the hand. In the process of human labor activity, its articular and ligamentous apparatus has reached constructive perfection. A variety of combinations of joints, and there are more than 20 of them in the hand, allow a person to perform the most complex actions with his hands.

The most common joint diseases


This is an inflammatory disease of the joints that affects the synovial membrane of the joint, articular cartilage and periarticular tissues.

Arthritis can be the result of infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, gonorrhea, brucellosis, tonsillitis, etc. It can also be the result of a joint injury. Chronic focal infections (inflammation of the tonsils, middle ear, dental diseases, etc.) can contribute to the occurrence of chronic joint diseases, causing the development of allergies. Arthritis can also be caused by chronic intoxication, hypothermia, weakening of the body's immune system.

Arthritis is manifested by pain in the joint, aggravated by movement, a feeling of stiffness. Swelling and changes in the shape of the joint are often noted. This is due to the fact that an inflammatory fluid accumulates in its cavity - effusion. The skin over the joint turns red. The patient experiences general malaise, often fever.

If the disease lasts more than six months, they talk about chronic arthritis.

With timely and correct treatment, which includes both highly effective drugs and physical methods(physiotherapy exercises, massage), the patient, as a rule, recovers.

Sometimes, especially in advanced cases, the disease becomes chronic and can lead to dehydration of the joints with the development of stiffness.

Physiotherapy exercises and massage should be started immediately after the disappearance of acute manifestations. At first, simple exercises are done, alternating muscle tension and relaxation at a slow pace, then the exercises gradually complicate. For these purposes, special sets of exercises have been developed. Patients with a chronic form of the disease and severe dysfunction of the joints require persistent and systematic training of movements; with a gentle mode, their stiffness increases. Treatment of the affected joints of the spine, pelvis, legs can be extremely complicated due to the patient's overweight.

The liquids and ointments used to rub the joints are of auxiliary value for pain as a means of distraction.

To prevent arthritis, it is necessary to treat infectious diseases in a timely manner, to systematically sanitize the oral cavity. You should beware of sudden changes in temperature, hypothermia. Great importance has a hardening of the body and proper physical education.


Arthrosis is a chronic disease of the joints that occurs with endocrine disorders, with excess weight, as a result of joint injuries, due to metabolic disorders, as well as with constant excessive physical exertion on them in athletes, dancers, etc.

The basis of the disease is the metabolic-dystrophic process, which is expressed by atrophy and rarefaction of bone tissue. Sometimes spiny bone growths are formed.

The disease begins with the appearance in the joints of unsharp and intermittent pain, usually after a long rest and disappearing with a moderate load (the patient "diverges"); then - with prolonged load and gradually become constant. The joints swell, there is pain when palpated. Bending them is often accompanied by a crunch. Exacerbations of the disease usually occur when the affected joint is overloaded.

Treatment depends on which joint is affected and the stage of the disease. The goal of treatment is to normalize metabolic processes in the body and eliminate overload in the area of ​​the affected joint. In some cases, corrective surgery is needed.


Gout is a hereditary metabolic disease. As a rule, in the patient's family they recall cases of this disease in grandfathers, uncles or cousins, because men suffer from gout much more often than women. Usually they are middle-aged men. But the so-called secondary gout is also distinguished, when the disease occurs against the background of some other pathology (kidney, heart, etc.). You should be aware that some medications can trigger an attack of gout. These include analgin, aspirin, corticosteroids, diuretics.

The basis of the disease is a disturbed metabolism of uric acid. Many foods contain substances called purines. In a healthy body, there are appropriate enzymes for their processing, uric acid is formed in a small amount, without causing significant harm. With gout, there is a deficiency of these enzymes, and a lot of uric acid is synthesized. An increased concentration of uric acid causes the deposition of its salts (urates) in various organs (kidneys, joints, connective tissue). Up to a certain point, a person may not be aware of his disease, but after a provoking factor, which can be excessive consumption of meat, high-calorie foods, alcohol, an acute attack of gout develops. Most often in the morning the patient wakes up from a sharp, severe pain in the big toe. The finger becomes bluish in color, swells. All this is accompanied by an increase in body temperature up to 38 ° C. As a rule, all manifestations of the disease disappear without any treatment after a few days. Seizures are infrequent at first. Subsequently, they return more and more often, the joint changes, deforms. Around the joint, as well as in other places where blood circulation is not very good (for example, on the auricles), deposits of urate can be seen in the subcutaneous fat. Periodically, these whitish nodules (tophi) open up, and a crumbly white mass is released from them. Often, over time, urolithiasis can join gout, which aggravates the patient's condition.

For the diagnosis of gout, a blood test is performed for the content of uric acid (with gout it is much higher than normal), x-rays of the joints to identify typical signs of damage characteristic of gout, a general urinalysis to detect impaired renal function, a blood test for acute phase indicators that show the activity of the process.

Traditional treatment involves a diet that excludes all foods containing a large amount of purines, i.e. meat, legumes, fish, alcohol. There are special means to reduce the content of uric acid in the blood: purine synthesis antagonists and uricosuric drugs. In an acute attack of gout, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed. They practice sanatorium-and-spa treatment during remission.


In osteoarthritis, the cartilage of the joint is gradually destroyed and replaced by connective tissue. Usually women of middle age are ill. Most often, the hip, knee and small joints of the hands are affected. In this case, the process can occur either suddenly, when the joints did not cause any concern before, or against the background of some kind of injury or other diseases of the joints. With primary osteoarthritis, the doctor almost always finds relatives in the patient's family suffering from the same disease.

Elastic cartilage is very sensitive to minor injuries. Therefore, runners often suffer from osteoarthritis. Running is a fairly strong load on the joint, microcracks appear in the cartilage, bone growths develop, further injuring it. The joint, which over time is replaced by connective tissue, can no longer perform its functions. In a normal joint, cartilage plays the role of a kind of gasket that prevents the bones of the limbs from touching each other and being damaged when walking. The diseased cartilage can no longer perform this function: movements in the joint become difficult, painful. Pain haunts a person almost constantly. Morning awakening is accompanied by pain, which is associated with prolonged immobility during sleep. If you walk a little, then the pain disappears, but not for long. With prolonged stress on the joint (for example, by the end of the working day), the pain reappears. Movement in the joint is difficult, as if slowed down.

With a long course of the disease, the joint is deformed. If the joints of the hand are affected, then the hand becomes ugly, it becomes difficult for the patient to perform small movements and actions that require accuracy. Often associated with inflammation. In this case, the body temperature rises, the joint swells and turns red.

The basis for the diagnosis of osteoarthritis is radiography of the joint. An x-ray can easily determine the stage of the disease.

Official medicine for the treatment of osteoarthritis uses analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids. The most modern are drugs that modify the structure of cartilage. Under their influence, its degradation slows down, and even a slight restoration of cartilage tissue is possible. If the disease is not amenable to conservative treatment and is continuously progressing, an operative method of treatment is possible with the replacement of the entire joint with a prosthesis. But this method is applicable only at the final, most difficult stage, when the function of the joint is practically lost.

Bechterew's disease

Bechterew's disease is a chronic disease of the joints, which is basically inflammatory in nature. With this disease, absolutely any joints can be involved in the process, but the spine is most often and most severely affected. Men of working age are predominantly ill. The exact cause of the disease modern science is not yet known, but it is believed that it is hereditary. It cannot be said that it is inherited, but there is a certain hereditary predisposition, since when questioning patients, it is possible to establish that their case is far from the first in the family.

Our spine consists of vertebrae, between which there are intervertebral discs made of elastic tissue. They help the spine to withstand loads, they allow us to bend and unbend the back, that is, the intervertebral discs provide the spine with flexibility. With Bechterew's disease, bone seals appear in these discs and gradually they ossify. First, a curvature of the spine (kyphosis) develops, and then it becomes like a stick that cannot be bent or straightened. All this is accompanied by severe pain in the back along the spine, and the pain increases if a person is forced to maintain the same position for a long time. Ankylosing spondylitis provokes the development of amyloidosis, heart defects, kidney damage and other somatic diseases.

X-ray data allow us to clarify the stage of Bechterew's disease when diagnosing it. The active process is determined by a blood test, in which acute phase indicators are detected: an increase in ESR, C-reactive protein, etc.

The main groups of drugs used in Bechterew's disease are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids. Patients must take these drugs for life. Physical therapy plays an important role in treatment.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic progressive joint disease that predominantly affects the peripheral joints, in which erosions and areas of destruction form in the joint. Women are more likely to get sick, and the likelihood of getting rheumatoid arthritis increases significantly if the family has already had cases of this disease, as well as with age. Sadly, even with persistent treatment with the latest generation of drugs, many patients become disabled already in the first five years of the disease.

The causes of the disease have not been studied, in modern science there are only assumptions in this regard. Thus, some researchers associate the development of rheumatoid arthritis with the presence of foci of chronic infection in the human body. Cases of the disease after viral infections have been noted. But all these provisions have not yet been proven, and the etiology of the disease remains not entirely clear. With rheumatoid arthritis, for some reason, the body begins to produce a large amount of substances that damage the tissue of the joint and gradually destroy it. This mechanism also functions in a healthy body, but in this case it acts against microbes or unnecessary cells that are harmful to the body, such as cancer cells. With rheumatoid arthritis, these same substances begin to destroy the cells of a perfectly healthy joint. Why this happens, still no one knows. The process resembles a failure in the immune system. Small joints of the hands, wrist, knee, elbow joints are usually affected. The disease begins at once in several places. There is swelling of the joints, local fever, pain. The disease has a chronic course and, once having arisen, progresses. Proper treatment can only slow down changes in the joints, relieve inflammation, and reduce pain. Without treatment, the joints gradually change their shape. Subluxations occur in them, they are deformed. Patients notice that in the morning for one to two hours, and sometimes more, there is some stiffness in the joints that prevents active movements. Then it passes, and during the day there is no such discomfort. The joints are usually affected symmetrically.

The problem of rheumatoid arthritis is also complicated because, along with damage to the joints, damage to other organs is noted: the heart, kidneys, skin, nervous system, eyes, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, muscles. Small nodules appear on the skin, which are usually located on the extensor surfaces of the forearms. The skin itself also changes. It becomes dry and thin. It often bleeds. Nails deteriorate, lose their smoothness, striation appears. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis often suffer from gastritis, indigestion, and even a stomach or duodenal ulcer may appear. From the side of the heart, pericarditis is frequent, there are also myocarditis and endocarditis, which, of course, does not improve the patient's condition. A terrible complication of rheumatoid arthritis is amyloidosis of the kidneys. In this disease, the kidneys are affected very often, and the likelihood of complications increases the longer the disease continues. Amyloidosis of the kidneys leads to kidney failure, which is not treated. Such patients are forced to be on program hemodialysis: twice a week they must be connected to a special device that purifies their blood from metabolic products. The only alternative to this process is a kidney transplant, which is quite difficult due to the lack of donors. All this greatly complicates the problem of treating rheumatoid arthritis.

Official medicine treats rheumatoid arthritis with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, aminoquinoline derivatives, COX-2 inhibitors, glucocorticosteroids, cytostatics, and gold preparations. Note that the last group of drugs is not prescribed if there are lesions internal organs. The same factor, as well as the activity of the process, are a contraindication for spa treatment. Additional Methods treatments include laser irradiation of the joints and cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen. These methods allow you to remove inflammation. If the changes in the joint have gone too far and this makes it impossible for patients to have an active life, turning them into invalids, surgical treatment or replacement of the joint with a prosthesis is possible.


Osteochondrosis is an inflammatory (as a result of infections) or non-inflammatory (resulting from metabolic disorders) diseases of the subcartilaginous section of long tubular bones and apophyses of short bones of the skeleton. Osteochondrosis of the spine is extremely widespread in our time.

Manifestations of osteochondrosis can be very diverse and unexpected. Therefore, doctors call it "chameleon disease." Osteochondrosis of the spine either causes migraines, or abdominal pain, or even gives out symptoms of myocardial infarction. Such a variety of manifestations is explained by the different nature of the changes in the intervertebral discs and the degree of the disease.

Usually allocate cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and widespread osteochondrosis. More often than others, lumbar is diagnosed - over 50% of cases, cervical - 25% and common - about 12% of cases.

Cervical osteochondrosis, as a rule, occurs in people whose work is associated with a long stay in a position with their heads down and monotonous hand movements. Someone called cervical osteochondrosis "office disease". Manifestations of the disease are headaches, dizziness, pain in the shoulders. There may be short-term loss of consciousness due to a deterioration in the blood supply to the brain. It happens that pain occurs in the region of the heart. Hands often go numb, especially at night. suffering cervical osteochondrosis hard to tolerate weather changes, pressure drops and humidity. These conditions are usually accompanied by increased irritability or depression.

Thoracic osteochondrosis, like cervical, can cause pain in the region of the heart, as well as dull pain under the shoulder blades and between them. Patients often come to see a cardiologist believing that they have a bad heart.

Lumbar osteochondrosis most often occurs in men aged 30 to 50 years, engaged in heavy physical labor. Its signs are dull pain in the lumbar region, pain in the legs, coldness and numbness of the extremities. Pain occurs with sudden movements of the body, when lifting weights, with a long stay in an uncomfortable position. Movement in the lumbar spine is difficult.

With lumbosacral osteochondrosis, patients complain of pain and "lumbago" in the lumbar region, numbness of the legs, girdle pain.

Common osteochondrosis is a disease of several parts of the spine at once. Usually it is the cervical and lumbar sections, but it happens that all four sections of the spine are affected at the same time.

The key to spinal health is the correct position of the body. Good posture and the ability to properly distribute the load on the spine.

Prevention and treatment of the spine has its own specifics for each department. But common in all cases is that during the period of exacerbation of the disease, maximum rest is necessary. This is necessary to unload the affected segment and reduce intradiscal pressure. Such peace with maximum unloading of the spine is achieved in the prone position.

For preventive purposes, it is necessary to exclude overload of the spine. This can be achieved if you properly organize your movements at work and at home. Try to involve as few segments of the spine as possible. Use only those that are necessary to perform any particular action. For example, when working at a computer, do not sit hunched over the keyboard. Keep your back straight and tilt your head just as far as necessary. If you work in production, then all movements of the body must be performed at an average pace, rhythmically, trying to avoid sharp turns, bends and extensions. At the same time, it is desirable to exclude unnecessary and accompanying movements. When this becomes a habit, and this can be achieved quickly enough, then you no longer have to concentrate on your actions.

The weight of the head and arms exert pressure on the cervical vertebrae. The muscles of the shoulder girdle, which raise the arms up, are attached to the neck and back of the head. When raising the arms up, the muscles tense up, exposing the cervical vertebrae to stress. These loads are correspondingly multiplied when we lift weights. The greater the muscle tension, the stronger the compression of the spine - compression of the intervertebral discs. Hands do not put pressure on the spine only under one condition - if they find support.

Therefore, we unconsciously give a respite to the spine, putting our hands on our belts, putting them in our pockets, leaning on the table, etc.

The load that compresses the vertebrae is determined by the position of the body. It is least when we are in a horizontal position, and the vertebrae are compressed only under the influence of muscles and ligaments. In a standing position, pressure on the vertebrae increases. In the lumbar region, for example, it increases by 4 times, and if you stoop, then even more. In addition, you overstrain the cervical and thoracic regions with this. So that stooped people are simply doomed to osteochondrosis, unless, of course, they urgently straighten their posture.

In the lumbar region, the load is equal to the mass of the upper body. When leaning forward from a standing position, due to the effect of the lever, the load between the vertebrae increases by 2.5 times. When lifting weights, the pressure between the lumbar vertebrae increases in proportion to the weight being lifted. And when we lift the same object, leaning forward and keeping the legs straight, the load on the intervertebral disc in the lumbar region increases exponentially, reaching several hundred kilograms, which can cause destruction of the disc. Therefore, when lifting weights, you need to make sure that your back is straight, and only bend your knees - then the weight will be distributed throughout the spine and the risk of injury will decrease.

Any physical work performed without appropriate relaxation, that is, without rest breaks, eventually leads to overwork of the muscles and, accordingly, the appearance of pain in the spine. Under physical work we mean the work of not only, say, a loader carrying heavy bags from a wagon to a warehouse. Sitting at a computer in an uncomfortable position is also work for the back muscles, which can result not only in osteochondrosis, but also in a disc herniation.

Such consequences are explained by the fact that an overworked muscle is not able to relax and return to its original length, but continues to squeeze the intervertebral disc with adjacent vertebrae. Such residual stress impairs blood supply and leads to a change in the structure of the disc and adjacent vertebrae, that is, to osteochondrosis.

From this follows the conclusion: it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the back, especially the long muscles that support the spine.

Therapeutic exercises for diseases of the joints

The effectiveness of therapeutic exercises has been tested for centuries. Doctors Ancient Greece- Hippocrates, Asclepius and others - considered physical exercise an essential component of any treatment. The ancient Roman physician Claudius Galen recommended to his patients not only gymnastic exercises, but also rowing, horseback riding, hunting, picking fruits and grapes, walking, etc. The physician and philosopher of Central Asia Avicenna in the "Canon of Medicine" widely promoted physical exercises as an essential element of curative and preventive medicine. Physiotherapy exercises are used at all stages of joint treatment, excluding the acute period.

Therapeutic gymnastics is a set of specially selected physical exercises that mobilize all the protective and regulatory forces of the body in the fight against various diseases. Most successfully, this method affects the body, of course, in combination with other therapeutic measures (drug treatment, phytotherapy, thermotherapy and apitherapy).

Being a biological stimulator of biochemical reactions, therapeutic exercises improve the results of traditional treatment. A properly selected set of exercises prevents the development of complications (decrease in joint mobility after inflammatory diseases), reduces the period of disability, accelerates the functional recovery of the body after surgery or long-term serious illness.

It has been scientifically established that the neuroendocrine-humoral regulation of body functions determines the general reaction of the body to pain irritation and the response to a disease that occurs in the body. Due to the performance of physical exercises, the protective capabilities (immunity) and the overall activity of the body in the fight against the disease increase, the so-called hormones of happiness are released - endorphins, which have an analgesic, relaxing, vasodilating effect and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

In diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is very important to perform gentle exercises that are feasible for the affected joint or muscle. It is important that the activity of muscles and healthy joints does not decrease, which will ensure a faster adaptation of the body after an illness in the future. After the inflammatory process subsides in the joint, a properly selected set of physical exercises will return the functional significance to the joint.

In addition, due to physical activity, there is an improvement in the functioning of internal organs (respiratory, cardiovascular systems, etc.). As a result, physical activity helps to avoid metabolic problems (obesity, diabetes, salt deposits in the joints, gout, etc.). In the case of various types of joint diseases with a chronic course in the period between relapses, not only physical exercises are useful, but also yoga, swimming, jogging, and walking in the fresh air.

It should be noted that the treatment of chronic joint diseases is almost always complicated by the ambiguity of the origin and development of the disease. Not always a doctor can guarantee a complete recovery for each patient. But if you let everything take its course, not to be treated or treated only with home ("grandmother's") remedies, the disease will inevitably progress, destroying the joints. The result can be a persistent limitation of movements in the joints, the development of early deep disability.

It is known that the joint, like any other organ of our body, is nourished by the circulatory system. The articular cartilage, like a sponge, absorbs all the substances it needs for development and vital activity, and the slags formed as a result of vital activity are removed from the cartilage only in the process of movement. It is in connection with this that movements are simply necessary for the normal functioning of the human musculoskeletal system. Naturally, during inflammation due to pain, the joint is limited in movement, therefore, the nutrition of its tissues is disturbed. This leads to the gradual destruction of the articular cartilage. In addition, the tissues of the joint become less and less extensible, the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus and muscles is lost, which further leads to shortening of the muscle.

As a rule, in the presence of pain in the affected joint, patients try to avoid pain, compensating for the lack of movement in it by using other joints. For example, the hip gradually bends worse and worse, making it difficult to perform such an elementary movement as putting on a sock. Then the patient tries to help himself by twisting his knee outwards. Usually a jumper or shirt is removed over the head with arms extended upwards, but the patient has limited mobility shoulder joints always pulls the jumper over the head forward. A physiotherapist pays attention to all this, choosing the necessary set of exercises that helps to evenly distribute the load on the diseased joint, and in the future allows you to develop the joint, normalizing its function.

The main thing you need to know is that with chronic disease, the joint should move more and load less. In the inflamed, swollen joint, painfully altered joint fluid (effusion) accumulates, the joint capsule and ligaments are excessively stretched. You try to spare the joint because of the pain, when moving, choose the least painful position for the joint or limb as a whole. This is how pain, swelling of the joint, sparing position and improper load lead to instability of the ligamentous apparatus with a violation of muscle balance, and in the future - to a permanent violation of its function. For example, if the knee joint is affected, due to pain and swelling, the patient tends to keep the leg in a bent position. The thigh muscles that straighten the leg gradually weaken as a result, flexion in the knee joint increases; each step with the leg bent at the knee reinforces this incorrect position, which leads to limb deformity.

In addition, the joints changed by the disease cause a violation of the natural growth of bones in childhood. So, bone growth in the area of ​​​​the diseased knee joint may increase: the diseased leg becomes longer. Violation of the growth of the leg leads to improper formation of the joint, sometimes to the distortion of the pelvis and spine.

In chronic inflammatory joint disease, it is important that all affected joints move as much as they can, but always in conditions of their unloading. Any affected joint due to the inflammatory process in the area of ​​its inner shell, ligaments, surrounding muscles should be spared and protected as much as possible. The main condition for a healthy and proper training in case of damage to the joints, there must certainly be the elimination of any shocks, shocks, vibrations and non-physiological use of force.

Unloading the joints is especially necessary if the pain increases when walking and standing, swelling of the joint increases, mobility is clearly limited (for example, the patient cannot completely straighten the leg at the knee and hip joints, and begins to limp when walking).

Properly selected drug treatment and the position of unloading the affected joint will reduce pain and improve its mobility. After the disappearance of effusion and pain, the load on the joints should be slowly increased again until normal function is restored. This is the only way to strengthen both the joints and their ligamentous apparatus.

We want to draw your attention, dear readers, that you will have to refuse to participate in active sports especially in competition. You are contraindicated for long walking, running, jumping, outdoor games with the ball (football, volleyball, basketball, tennis), exercises on shells.

Therapeutic gymnastics for diseases of the joints of various etiologies has an important goal of correcting its incorrect installation: shortened muscles are stretched with special sparing techniques, weakened muscles are purposefully strengthened.

When performing an individually selected set of exercises, one should not forget that the muscles should be stretched without crossing the boundaries of pain. At the end of therapeutic exercises, pain in the joint should not be felt.

As already noted, swimming is also very useful for patients with chronic joint disease: the hydraulic pressure and buoyancy of water almost always help improve joint function, relieve pain and improve general condition. In addition, the water relieves the load on the diseased joint. However, you need to swim only in warm water (the temperature should not be lower than 28 ° C) in order to avoid hypothermia dangerous for the joints.

Best for swimming indoor swimming pool specialized institution under the supervision of experienced medical personnel.

If there is no active inflammatory process, winter views sport can be recommended only skiing. All sports training and exercises should be coordinated with the attending physician and instructor in therapeutic exercises.

Patients with chronic joint disease are very useful daily afternoon rest, especially lying on his stomach. This helps to straighten the hip and knee joints as much as possible.

A patient with damage to the joints of the hand should get used to a new stereotype of movements. For example, if the fingers are affected, all hand movements should be done towards the thumb. Clockwise movements should be done only with the left, counterclockwise - only right hand. You can’t knit on knitting needles, since the brush deviates towards the little finger, but you can crochet. In everyday life, you can use a variety of devices that ease the load on the joints of the hand. The objects used by the patient (pencil, spoon, etc.) should have thick and wide handles. Good exercises with cylinders, sponge cones, hard balls; it is useful to manipulate small objects - for example, to assemble a mosaic.

A doctor or an instructor in therapeutic gymnastics will tell you what exercises to do to develop the joints of the hand, how to properly hold a cup, plate, cut bread, use a fork and knife, pens, and tools.

Immediately before performing therapeutic exercises, one should determine the organs of the body, the muscles in which are the most weakened, and train them first of all. To do this, perform the following exercises.

Stand up straight with your feet together. Then relax and lean forward. At the same time, bend as low as possible, legs straight. If you can complete this exercise, your back muscles, calf mobility, and tendon elasticity are fine. If you failed to do this, then the muscles are contracted and tense.

Lying on the floor on your back, you need to hook your feet on a chair and try to raise your torso. If you were able to complete this exercise at least once, the muscles of the thighs and abdomen can support your weight quite well.

Check the strength of the abdominal muscles. To do this, lying on the floor on your back, bend your legs, press your heels to your buttocks. In this case, the legs should not come off the floor. The exercise was successful if the legs did not rise from the floor.

Check the strength of the lower back muscles. To do this, lying on the floor on your stomach, interlace your hands behind your neck. Place a pillow under your stomach. Next, raise your legs without bending them at the knees. Hold them in this position for 1-5 seconds.

Only after identifying through the above test exercises their weaknesses you can start doing exercises for stretching ligaments and muscles and restoring their vital activity.

Exercise 1. Lie on the floor on your stomach. Lower your head on folded hands. Tighten your gluteal muscles. Hold this position for 2 seconds and relax.

Exercise 2. Lying on the floor on your back, bend your legs. Tighten the abdominal muscles, at the same time try to tighten the muscles of the buttocks. Stay in this position for 2 seconds. Your lower back should be pressed to the floor. If the exercise does not work out, strain the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks alternately.

Exercise 3 Lying on the floor on your stomach, stretch your left arm and right leg forward as far as possible, relax. Change arm and leg, stretch again strongly. Relax. Stretch both arms and legs at the same time. Relax again. You train all the muscles.

Exercise 4 Sitting on a chair, spread your legs. Lower your head, then your shoulders and arms, and lean as low as you can. Return to the starting position, straighten up and relax.

Exercise 5 Sitting on a chair, lean forward, lower your head and shoulders. Straighten up. Lean to the left and slowly straighten up. Rest for 1 second and follow the indicated movements with an inclination to the right.

Exercise 6 Lying on the floor on your stomach, put your shoulder blades together, shrug your shoulders. Relax. Place a pillow under your stomach. Slowly turn your head to the left, return to the starting position lying down, relax. Then turn your head to the right. Relax. Do the same while sitting.

Exercise 7 Sitting on a chair, place your hands on your neck with your fingers interlaced. Take your elbows as far back as possible. Return to starting position, lower your arms. Repeat this exercise several times.

Exercise 8 Sitting in a chair, place your hands on your shoulders. Bring your right hand as far to the left as possible, and your left hand as far to the right as possible, trying to cross them. Return to the starting position, lower your arms and relax.

Exercises for the spine

They work with the spine sequentially loading each of its departments: cervical, upper thoracic, lower thoracic, lumbar.

When exercising, be extremely careful. Don't overdo it. If pain occurs, immediately reduce the load.

Perform exercises carefully, focusing on the part of the spine with which you are working at the moment.

If you are in a bad mood and you are annoyed with something, postpone gymnastics until the mood is corrected. You must be cheerful and enthusiastic.

The number of repetitions depends on your age and the degree of the disease. Start with 5, and when you get comfortable (in a week or a month), increase the load, up to 10 repetitions in each exercise.

If you have a bad vestibular apparatus, then you can perform the exercises by holding on to the back of a chair. Soon you will develop a great sense of balance and be able to do without support.


Working with the cervical spine not only helps to get rid of pain, but also normalizes intracranial pressure, improves vision, hearing, memory, and increases efficiency. This happens by improving the nutrition of the brain.

Over time, your vestibular apparatus is restored, sleep normalizes and hand numbness disappears.

Initial position: standing.

Exercise 1. Keep your back straight, chin down on your chest. We slide our chin down the sternum, trying to reach as low as possible. Do not bring pain. There should be a feeling of pleasant tension in the neck area. It is performed from 5 to 10 times, depending on your capabilities.

If you have problems in cervical region spine and the exercise is very difficult, replace this movement with stretching the head and neck forward.

Exercise 2. Keep your back straight, tilt your head back so that your chin is pointing at the ceiling. Pull the chin up. It is performed from 5 times.

Exercise 3 We keep our back straight, our shoulders are absolutely motionless during the exercise. Without turning the head, we tilt to the right, trying to touch the shoulder with the ear. Too much effort in this movement is not recommended. Then we tilt our head to the left shoulder. It is performed from 5 times in each direction.

Exercise 4 Keep your back and head straight, look in front of you. Around the nose, as around a fixed support, we begin to turn our heads to the right. The chin at the same time begins to shift to the right, slightly forward and up. We do 5 times in each direction.

Perform this exercise in three versions: the head is straight (look in front of you), the head is lowered (look at the floor), the head is slightly tilted back (look at the ceiling). Perform the exercise slowly, carefully.

Exercise 5 Keep your back straight, head straight. We carry out circular motions head, 5-8 times in one direction and the same in the other.

This exercise combines all the previous exercises for the cervical spine into one. The head rolls slowly and freely. Do it carefully and carefully.

If you have problems in the cervical spine and you are not able to complete a full turn, then the exercise should be slightly modified: with the ear we stretch to the right shoulder, the chin is pointing down, then the head rolls smoothly to the left shoulder and returns to its original position. That is, we make an incomplete circle with our head, without tilting back.

Exercise 6 Keep your back straight, head straight, in line with the spine. Slowly turn your head to the right and until it stops (the head remains in line with the spine). As if trying to see what is behind you, try to increase the angle of rotation with additional efforts. Do not tilt your head while doing this. It is performed from 5 times. Then repeat the exercise on the other side. Be extremely careful not to apply excessive force.

Upper thoracic spine

By working with the upper and lower spine, you will improve the condition of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems spine, abdominal organs, kidneys, pancreas. Exercises eliminate pain in intercostal neuralgia. Leg numbness stops.

Initial position: standing.

Exercise 1. We keep our back straight. The loin is immobile. We push the shoulders forward, the arms are straight, the bottom is clasped into the lock. The chin is pressed to the chest. Hands rush down, and rear surface necks up. Shoulders go towards each other. The chin, without taking it off the chest, we pull to the navel. Do not hold your breath while doing this. Top part the spine takes the form of an arc. The amplitude is small. It is performed from 5 times, depending on your capabilities. Do not overdo it.

Exercise 2. We keep our back straight. The loin is immobile. We clasp the straightened hands behind the back in the lock. We stretch our hands down, trying to bring the shoulder blades together. Do not throw your head back, keep it straight. In this position, push your chest up. It is performed from 5 times.

Exercise 3 The spine is straight, the lower back is motionless, the arms are bent at the elbows. Raise one shoulder up, lower the other. The head tilts following the downward shoulder. Do not bend over, only the upper thoracic spine works. Don't hold your breath. Performed 5 or more times in each direction.

Exercise 4 The spine is straight. The pelvis is slightly forward and fixed in this position. The head is motionless, arms along the body. Lowering our shoulders, we stretch our hands to the floor, as if heavy bags were put into our hands. With each repetition after a slight relaxation, we add a little effort. Then we raise our shoulders all the way up, with the crown we stretch to the ceiling, stretching the spine. Several times we alternate the movement of the shoulders up with a slight relaxation. We perform this exercise 5 times.

Exercise 5 The spine is straight, look straight ahead. We perform circular movements with the shoulders 5–8 times forward and the same number of times back. We do it slowly, with the greatest amplitude of rotation. Only the upper part of the spine works. This exercise combines all the previous ones.

Exercise 6 Legs shoulder width apart. We hold our hands on our shoulders, elbows apart, look straight ahead. Sequentially turn the head, shoulders, chest to the right. Belly, hips, legs remain motionless. The axis of rotation is your spine. After we reach the stop, we make several springy movements, trying to turn even further. The tension is performed on a slow exhalation. Do the same to the left. We perform the exercise 5-8 times.

Exercise 7 Legs shoulder width apart. We keep our back straight. The loin is immobile. Straightened hands behind the back are linked into the castle (Fig. 10, A). We lean forward. The hands clasped in the lock take a vertical position (Fig. 10, b). We perform the exercise 5-8 times.

Exercise 8 Legs shoulder width apart. We keep our back straight. The loin is immobile. We put our hands behind our backs and interlock them with our fingers (Fig. 11, A). In this position, we perform tilts to the right and left - 8 times in each direction (Fig. 11, b, c).

Exercise 9 Legs shoulder width apart. We keep our back straight. The loin is immobile. We put our hands behind our back and, having joined our palms (Fig. 12), we bend our back. We perform 5 times.

Lower thoracic spine

Initial position: standing.

Exercise 1. We keep our back straight. The loin is immobile. We move the coccyx forward and fix this position, i.e. the pelvis is motionless. Hands as if clasping something large and round. We tilt our head down. The spine from the base of the skull to the waist bends in an arc. Slightly release and again add tension. Make sure that the body does not bend at the waist. We perform from 5 times, depending on your capabilities.

Exercise 2. The movement is the opposite of the previous one. We keep our back straight. The loin is immobile. We stretch the top of the head up and slightly back, but we do not throw our head back. Hands are turned palms up and laid back. We bring the blades together. We do not bend in the lower back.

Exercise 3 We keep our back straight. We bend the right arm behind the head, the elbow to the ceiling, the gaze is also directed to the ceiling. Left shoulder down. We stretch the right side, performing alternation of tension with slight relaxation. The oscillation amplitude is small. The spine takes the form of an arc. We don't bend over. Change hands and do the same to the right. The number of repetitions in each direction is 5-6 times.

Exercise 4 Feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent. The spine is straight, look straight ahead. We perform circular movements with the shoulders 5 times forward and the same number of times back. We do it slowly, with the greatest amplitude of rotation. Not only the shoulders take part in the movement, but also the head and the entire spine up to the coccyx. Movements alternate as follows: we tilt our head down, and we direct our shoulders towards each other. The spine takes the form of an arc. But it doesn't have to be a slope. The shoulders gradually go down, we align the head. Now the shoulders are back, the head is gently leaning back, the spine is arching forward. We perform the exercise 5 times, then the same in the opposite direction.

Exercise 5 Head straight, feet shoulder-width apart, tailbone forward. We fix the position of the lumbar. We hold the brushes, clenched into fists, at the waist, in the region of the kidneys. We try to bring the elbows as close as possible. To do this, we perform several springy movements with the elbows towards each other. The spine curves forward. We perform 5-6 times. Then we make the same forward movement, only now the knees are slightly bent, and, arching the spine, we pull the nose to the knees.

Exercise 6 Legs wider than shoulders, elbows apart, hands on shoulders, looking straight ahead. Smoothly and consistently turn the head, shoulders, chest, stomach to the right. Thus, we twist the spine from the shoulders to the waist. In this position, we perform several springy movements, trying to increase the angle of rotation. Similarly, on the other side. We perform slowly, 5 times in each direction.

Initial position: on my knees.

Exercise 7 Lean forward until the chest touches the knees. Arms extended forward palms lie on the floor (Fig. 13, A). In this position, we begin to turn the body to the right. At the same time, the left hand moves and takes a position perpendicular to the body (Fig. 13, b). Likewise on the other side. We perform 5 times in each direction.

Exercise 8 We get down on all fours (Fig. 14, A). We raise the left knee and pull it to the forehead (Fig. 14, b). We do the same with the other leg. We perform 8 times with each leg.

Lumbosacral spine

As a result of working with this part of the spine, pain is relieved in case of sciatica, sciatica and other diseases. Exercises are also designed to improve the condition of the genitourinary system and reduce blood stasis in the pelvic organs (sexuality is restored). In the presence of a hernia in the lumbosacral spine, all exercises should be performed very carefully and with a minimum amplitude.

Initial position: standing.

Exercise 1. Legs shoulder-width apart, half-bent at the knees, the pelvis is forward, the upper body remains motionless. We keep our heads straight. Pull the coccyx from the bottom up towards the head. The spine is bent in an arc. But make sure there are no slopes. The resulting tension is alternated with a slight relaxation. It is performed from 5 times, depending on your capabilities.

Exercise 2. Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, pelvis back. The upper body remains motionless. We look straight ahead. Slowly, we stretch the coccyx towards the back of the head, bending in the lower back. We make several springy movements, alternating tension with relaxation. We remove the resulting heaviness with exercise 1. We perform at least 5–6 repetitions.

Exercise 3 Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, body tilted forward at an angle of 45 degrees. The spine must be kept straight. We stretch the coccyx to the back of the head, bending in the lower back. Do not tilt your head. We do 5-6 such movements. Then, without changing position, several times we transfer the weight of the body from one leg to the other. The resulting heaviness is removed by exercise 1.

Exercise 4 Legs shoulder-width apart, half-bent at the knees, the straight body is slightly tilted back. We keep our heads straight. With the coccyx we rush to the back of the head, while the buttocks are thrown back, and the stomach goes forward. In this position, we go lower and lower, alternately transferring body weight from one leg to the other. We repeat the exercise at least 5 times, then relieve the tension with exercise 1.

Exercise 5 Head straight, feet shoulder width apart. We perform circular movements with the hips 5-8 times in one direction, then the same amount in the other. The upper part of the body remains stationary.

Exercise 6 The body is straight, we move the thigh to the right and forward, that is, we transfer the body weight to the right. We make several springy movements with the hip to the right, as if pushing it even further. Then we return to the starting position and stretch the left side. At the same time, the left arm is extended vertically upwards, the right arm is on the belt, the body is tilted to the right. After that, without changing the slope, we transfer the body weight to the left leg and stretch the left side even more. Similarly, we work with the left thigh and right side. We perform 5 times.

Exercise 7 Feet shoulder-width apart, the right hand is directed vertically upwards, the left is lowered. Reach for the ceiling with the palm of your right hand. With each repetition, we stretch the spine more and more. We repeat 5-8 times. We do the same movements with the left hand.

Exercise 8 We relax the whole body. Consistently shake the muscles of the face, neck, arms, chest, abdomen, buttocks, thighs, legs. Then in reverse order. Imagine how a puppy does it after bathing.

Initial position: sitting on the floor.

Exercise 9 We put the right foot on the left thigh near the knee. Gently press the right knee and thigh to the floor, stretching the muscles of the groin and lower back (Fig. 15). Repeat the exercise by changing the leg.

Initial position: lying on the floor.

Exercise 10 Holding the right knee with both hands, we pull it to the chest (Fig. 16). We repeat the same with the other leg. We perform 8 times with each leg.

Exercise 11 We bend our knees, feet are on the floor. Slowly raise the buttocks as high as possible and, remaining in this position, count to 8 (Fig. 17). We repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercises for the entire spine

These exercises are called twists. Do not forget that the axis for all movements in these complexes is the spine. Always keep your head in line with him. Do not hold your breath: tension - inhale, relaxation - exhale. Perform movements smoothly, slowly. Avoid pain. Try to distribute the load throughout the spine. When pain occurs, the load is reduced.

Initial position: standing.

Exercise 1. Feet wider than shoulders, knees slightly bent, hands on shoulder girdle. We begin a slow, sequential turn of the body to the right to failure. Head, shoulders, chest, abdomen, pelvis, thighs, legs - everything except the feet. Then we add effort, trying to turn even further. Then a slight relaxation and tension again. We make 2-3 such springy movements, then return to the initial state and turn to the left. We repeat 5-6 times.

Exercise 2. The legs are wider than the shoulders, the body is tilted forward at an angle of 45 degrees, the spine is kept straight, hands on the shoulder girdle. We begin to slowly turn the body to the full to the right: head, neck, shoulders, chest, so that the elbow of the right hand “looks” up. With springy movements we try to increase the angle of rotation. We return to the starting position - standing and perform the exercise to the left. We repeat 5-6 times.

Exercise 3 Legs shoulder width apart. The back is straight, tilted back, the head is in line with the spine, the chin is directed to the chest, the hands are on the shoulder girdle. We perform similarly to the previous exercise. But when turning, the leading elbow rushes down, and the eyes look over the shoulder to the left heel. When performing the exercise on the left side, we look, respectively, at the right heel.

Exercise 4 The legs are wider than the shoulders, the body is tilted to the right. The back is straight. The head is in line with the spine. The right elbow begins to move back and up. At the same time, we take our gaze to the right, the head, shoulders, and chest turn around the axis of the spine and turn towards the ceiling. The chin is down. Then, without changing the position of the body, we begin to unwind to the left in the reverse order. In this case, the left elbow becomes leading and goes up back and down. To return to the starting position, we turn the torso to the right. Repeat 3-5 times.

Exercise 5 In order to perform the exercise correctly, it is necessary to change “right” to “left” everywhere in the previous exercise. Please be attentive and careful.

Preventive gymnastics for joints


Initial position: standing.

Exercise 1. Arms extended forward at shoulder level. We clench and unclench our fists (Fig. 18). It is performed 8-10 times.

Exercise 2. Hands down. With each finger, we perform clicks in turn (as if we are clicking someone on the forehead). Performed 8-10 times with each hand.

Exercise 3 Hands down. We sequentially squeeze our fingers from the little finger to the big one so that the fingertip touches the palm of the hand (Fig. 19). It is performed 8-10 times.

Exercise 4 Arms extended forward parallel to the floor, palms down (Fig. 20, A). We pull the fingertips towards us (Fig. 20, b, V). We make several such springy movements, alternating tension and relaxation. Executed 10 times.

Exercise 5 The arms are extended forward parallel to the floor, the hands are also extended forward, palms to the floor. We spread our palms to the sides of the little fingers (Fig. 21). We make 8-10 springy movements (small vibrations) with the hands to the little finger. Then we change the starting position. Now we reduce both palms to thumb and repeat the exercise.

Exercise 6 The arms are extended forward, the hands are clenched into fists (Fig. 22, A). We rotate the fists in a circle of maximum diameter, 10 times, first in one direction, then in the other direction (Fig. 22, b, c).

Exercise 7 Hands down. We turn our palms parallel to the floor with our fingers forward (Fig. 23, A) and back (Fig. 23, b).

Elbow joints

Exercise 7 Starting position: standing, shoulders parallel to the floor, arms bent at the elbows, forearms hanging freely. We perform rotational movements with the forearms around the elbow joints 10 times in both directions. Make sure that the shoulders do not move (Fig. 24).

Shoulder joints

Initial position: standing.

Exercise 8 Hands down. The straightened right arm, freely lowered along the body, is rotated in the frontal plane in front of us 8-10 times, first clockwise, then counterclockwise (Fig. 25). Do the same with the left hand.

Exercise 9 Hands down, head straight. We pull the shoulders forward, towards each other (Fig. 26). It is performed 8-10 times.

Exercise 10 Now the same thing - back, so that the shoulder blades "run into" each other (Fig. 27).

Exercise 11 Hands down, head straight. We raise our shoulders up, trying to reach them to the ears (Fig. 28). It is performed 8-10 times.

Exercise 12 Hands down, head straight. We make circular movements with the shoulders forward. The amplitude of rotation is maximum. It is performed 8-10 times, then we do the same in the opposite direction.

Exercise 13 Hands down, palms back. We turn our hands palms forward until they stop, as if we are screwing them into the floor. It is performed 8-10 times. Then we do the same in the opposite direction.

Exercise 14 This is a relaxation exercise. Shake your hands, relax your muscles. You can slowly walk around the room. When breathing is fully restored, continue the gymnastics.

Exercise 15 The hands are clasped in front of the chest. The body is straight, the position is fixed. Only the head and shoulders move, everything else remains motionless. We turn the head and shoulders to the right, the right hand pulls the left hand (Fig. 29, A). Having reached the stop, we make two springy movements, trying to continue the movement. Then the same to the left, now the left hand pulls the right (Fig. 29, b). We perform 8 times in each direction.


Initial position: standing.

Exercise 16 We keep our hands on the belt. We bend the right leg slightly at the knee, keep the foot in the air. Pulling the sock away from you (Fig. 30, A), we make 2-3 springy movements, then we stretch forward with the heel, the toe towards ourselves (Fig. 30, b). We perform 8 times in each direction. Then change legs and repeat the exercise.

Exercise 17 We keep our hands on the belt. Move the right leg to the side. We turn the foot inward (Fig. 31) and make 2–3 springy movements. We take the left leg to the side and do the same to the left. It is performed 8 - 10 times in each direction.

Exercise 18 We keep our hands on the belt. Bend the right leg slightly at the knee. Alternately, each foot slowly makes circular movements, 8-10 times in each direction. The movements are as if with the thumb we draw circles of the largest possible radius on the wall. You should pay attention to the fact that the leg remains motionless (Fig. 32).

knee joints

Initial position: standing.

Exercise 19 We keep our hands on the belt. We bend the right leg at the knee, the thigh is parallel to the floor, the lower leg is relaxed. We perform rotational movements of the lower leg 8-10 times in each direction (clockwise and counterclockwise) (Fig. 33). Then change legs and repeat the exercise.

Exercise 20 Legs slightly wider than shoulders. We rest our hands on kneecaps. The back is straight, we look forward, we do not lower our heads. Helping with our hands, we move our knees, first 10 times inward, then the same number outward (Fig. 34). At the end of each movement, the legs are fully extended.

Exercise 21 Feet together, palms on knees. We describe circles with our knees, unbending them at the end of each movement (Fig. 35). Likewise, in the opposite direction. Performed 8-10 times in each direction.

Exercise 22. Starting position - legs together, palms on your knees. With two or three springy movements of the hands, we press on the kneecaps, trying to straighten the legs even better (Fig. 36). Let's look ahead. It is performed 8-10 times.

Exercise 23 Starting position - legs together, hands on the belt. We raise the right leg bent at the knee, the thigh parallel to the floor, the body is motionless (Fig. 37, A). We take the thigh to the right to failure and make 2 springy movements, trying to take the thigh even further (Fig. 37, b). We repeat 8-10 times, then we do the same with the left foot.

Exercise 24 Feet together, hands on the belt. We raise the right leg bent at the knee, the thigh parallel to the floor, the body is motionless. We take the thigh to the full to the right and with the kneecap “draw” circles on the wall 8 times in each direction. We do the same with the left leg.

Exercise 25 Back straight, hands on the belt. We walk on straightened legs, first resting on the entire foot, then on the heels, on the toes, on the inside of the feet, on outside stop. Don't bend your knees.

* * *

After completing the complex, you should relax your muscles, shake your arms and legs, take a hot shower.

General developmental gymnastic exercises

For the muscles of the upper limbs

Initial position: standing.

Exercise 1. Heels together, socks apart, arms lowered along the body (main stance). Hands through the sides up, return to the starting position.

Exercise 2. Hands to the shoulders, hands clenched into fists. Alternate extension of the arms up.

Exercise 3 The right hand is raised, the left is lowered. Change of hand position.

Exercise 4 Arms bent at the elbows, hands at the shoulders. Circular movements of the elbows forward, then back.

Exercise 5 Hands are extended forward. Cross movements of the hands - breeding to the sides.

Exercise 6 Legs apart - shoulder width apart. The arms are bent at the elbows in front of the chest, the palms are straightened, the fingers touch the shoulders. Leading the elbows jerks back.

Exercise 7 The same as the 6th exercise, but with the body turning to the right and left.

Exercise 8 The arms are lowered along the body. Circular hand movements.

Exercise 9 Right foot in front, left behind. The arms are bent at the elbows, the hands are clenched into a fist, the left hand is in front, the right is behind. Alternate extension of the arms - "Boxing".

Initial position: sitting.

Exercise 1. The arms are lowered along the body, the legs are straightened and spaced apart to an angle of 30-40 degrees. Hands through the sides up, return to the starting position.

Exercise 2. The same exercise, but with the clap of the hands above the head.

Exercise 3 Hands behind the head. Straightening the arms to the sides, up, bend in the chest. Return to original position.

Exercise 4 Hands on the belt - take your elbows back, bend, return to the starting position.

Initial position: lying.

Exercise 1. Lying on the stomach, hands at the shoulders, elbows pressed to the body. We raise our head and chest, make movements with our hands that imitate breaststroke swimming: straightening the arms up, moving them to the sides, to shoulder level, bending at the elbows, bringing the hands to the shoulders.

Exercise 2. Hands in front of the chest with palms on the floor. Extending the arms at the elbows, raising the head and shoulders, returning to the starting position.

Exercise 3 Lying on your back, arms extended forward in front of your chest. Taking the arms to the sides and crossing them.

Exercise 4 The right arm is straightened up until it touches the floor, the left arm is along the body. Change of hand position.

For the muscles of the lower extremities

Initial position: standing.

Exercise 1. Hands on the belt. Alternately raising the knees with the separation of the heel from the floor.

Exercise 2. Squats with the transfer of straightened arms forward, return to the starting position.

Exercise 3 Hands along the body. Hands to the sides, right leg to the side. Return to original position. Hands to the sides, left leg to the side. Return to original position.

Initial position: sitting.

Exercise 1. The legs are straightened, the feet are extended, the arms behind are in support. Spread and cross straight legs - "scissors".

Exercise 2. Sitting on a chair, legs bent at the knees. Walking in place with high knees.

Initial position: lying.

Exercise 1."Bike". Lying on your back alternately flexion and extension of the legs in the air with pulling the knees to the stomach.

Exercise 2. Bend both legs at the knees, straighten them forward and up at an angle of 45 degrees, slowly lower.

Exercise 3 Lying on my stomach. Alternate abduction of straightened legs back and up.

For the muscles of the body

Initial position: standing.

Exercise 1. Hands on the belt. Tilt the body forward and return to the starting position.

Exercise 2. Hands on the belt. Torso back.

Exercise 3 Lateral torso.

Exercise 4 Turns of the torso to the sides with a return to the starting position.

Exercise 5 Circular movements of the body: tilt forward, right, back, left, return to the starting position.

Initial position: sitting.

Exercise 1. Sitting on a chair, knees bent, feet on the floor, hands on the belt. Turns of the torso to the right-left with the straightening of the corresponding arm.

Exercise 2. Straighten your legs, keeping them straightened in weight, spread apart, close, lower.

Exercise 3 Lateral torso.

Exercise 4 Hands on the back. Raise the pelvis, straighten the knees so that the straightened body rests on the feet and hands, return to the starting position.

Initial position: lying on your back.

Exercise 1. Arms are extended above the head. Simultaneously with the swing of the hands, move to a sitting position, hands forward. Tilts of the torso forward, touching the tips of the fingers, the tips of the toes.

Exercise 2. Arms bent at the elbows, support on the elbows, legs bent at the knees, support on the feet. Raising the pelvis - exercise "bridge". Return to original position.

Initial position: lying on the stomach.

Exercise 1. Alternate abduction of straight legs back.

Exercise 2. The arms are straightened up, raise the head and arms while raising the straightened legs. Hold this position for a few seconds.

Strength exercises

Exercise 1. Starting position: lying on your back, the toes of straightened legs are hooked under the gymnastic bench, the last rail of the gymnastic wall, or fixed in another way. Slow transition to the "sitting" position and return to the starting position.

Exercise 2. Starting position: lying on your back, arms along the body, a ball (or pillow) is clamped between the ankles of the legs. Raising straightened legs forward up to an angle of 45-50 degrees, holding the ball with your feet. Return to original position.

Exercise 3 Starting position: standing with dumbbells weighing 1-3 kg (a little more is possible), arms along the body. Raise your arms to the sides and up, return to the starting position.

Corrective exercises

Exercise 1. Starting position: lying on the stomach. Arms bent at the elbows, hands under the chin. Raise your head and shoulders with the simultaneous separation of the hands from the support, hold in this position for 10-15 seconds, return to the starting position.

Exercise 2. Starting position: lying on your back, right hand raised up, left along the body. Raise your straight right leg and take it to the side.

Balance exercises

Exercise 1. Starting position: standing on all fours. Raise your right arm up, take your left leg straight back, holding on to your left arm and right knee. Return to starting position; do the same, but with the left hand and right foot.

Exercise 2. Walking around the room with a bag (full of sand) on the head, changing the direction of walking, pace, step length, without dropping the bag.

Relaxation exercises

Exercise 1. Starting position: standing. Raise your arms up, relax your hands, relaxing your forearms, shoulders, drop your arms down along the body; slightly tilting your head and shoulders forward, shake your relaxed arms.

Exercise 2. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Transferring the weight of the body to the right leg, lift, shake and relax the left. Do the same with the right foot.

Exercise 3 Starting position: lying on your back, arms along the body. Bend your elbows resting on them, bend your knees resting on your feet. Relax and drop the left hand, relax and drop the right hand, relax and unbend the left leg at the knee, relax and unbend the right leg at the knee. Close your eyes, relax completely.

Stretching exercises

Initial position: standing.

Exercise 1. Legs are wider than shoulders, hands on the belt. Tilt the body to the left with a swing of the right hand to the side, up and to the left. The same on the right side.

Exercise 2. We hold gymnastic clubs in our hands lowered along the body (or hold light dumbbells at one end). Raise the right hand with the mace forward and up, change the position of the hands.

Exercise 3 Holding the back of the chair with your hand, we make swing movements with the right (left) leg back and forth with increasing amplitude.

Breathing exercises

Exercise 1. Starting position: standing. Raise your arms up through the sides - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale.

Exercise 2. Starting position: standing, legs apart wider than shoulders, hands on the belt. Taking your arms to the sides and up, bend in the chest - inhale, leaning forward and moving your elbows forward - an elongated exhalation. Return to starting position - pause.

Exercise 3 Starting position: lying on your back, one hand on the chest, the other on the stomach. Deep breath (hands rise along with the chest and abdomen). Deep exhalation (hands down).

The development of many pathologies of the joints occurs due to hypodynamia. Modern look a person's life often takes place in a sitting position, all movements are carried out by metro, car and there is simply no load on the limbs. For this reason, a gymnast for joints is very important for strengthening them, maintaining mobility, and preventing the development of pathologies. Therapeutic exercise is indicated in the treatment of arthrosis, gout, osteochondrosis and other types of arthritis.

What is gymnastics for joints

The main task of exercise therapy is to restore the joints, it is necessary for rehabilitation, therapy of various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. At correct execution complex exercises a person can significantly improve the metabolism in the affected joints, blood flow, joint flexibility, strengthen muscles. Charging for joints is not always used for treatment, it can be used for preventive purposes, if there are prerequisites for the development of rheumatism, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis.

To obtain the desired result, it is very important to perform exercise therapy for diseases of the joints in compliance with the rules, adhering to the doctor's recommendations. Maximum effect will be achieved with the simultaneous combination of physical education with water procedures, proper nutrition. In order for gymnastics to have a therapeutic effect, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • you need to drink more clean drinking water per day;
  • do not eat before charging (for 2 hours) and after it for 1 hour;
  • maintain deep, calm breathing during gymnastics;
  • take time to warm up before exercise therapy, at least 5 minutes;
  • after the exercise, you need to take a warm shower, rub the diseased joints with a hard dry towel and stretch, perform a massage yourself using a warming, anti-inflammatory cream.

Joint exercises

Regular exercise helps a person stay energetic, fit, agile, increase endurance and flexibility. Exercises for pain in the joints will stop and prevent the continuation of the development of degenerative processes, which, as a result, can significantly worsen the quality of life. The purpose of the classes is to develop, increase the mobility of the joints. Remedial gymnastics is suitable for people of any age and with different sports training.


The lower limbs have several articulations that are subject to different types arthritis. Without the necessary amount of walking, jogging, the joints of the body lose their elasticity and flexibility. Exercise will help to avoid pathological changes. Here are some options for ankle and hip joints:

  1. Sit on a chair, the heel of the foot rests on the floor, move back and forth with the foot, repeat 10 times.
  2. The position is the same, the heel is firmly on the floor, rotate in both directions with the foot. Repeat until slight fatigue appears
  3. Exercise bikes are suitable for the hip joint.
  4. Stand against the wall, lean on it with your hands, perform light swings with your foot forward. Repeat each 10 times.
  5. The position is the same as you exercise above, swing your leg to the side.
  6. Then, in the same position, swing your foot back.

To work out the elbow joints

To effectively work out this joint, exercises for extension and flexion, turning out and in the forearm are well suited. You can use the following moves:

  1. Stand straight, arms half-bent at the elbow, with maximum speed bring to the shoulder. Can be performed alternately or simultaneously with two limbs.
  2. Perform push-ups from a vertical surface while standing. The direction of the elbows is any (down or out).
  3. Sitting or standing, bend your elbows, make circular movements with your forearm. In this case, the shoulders should not move.


It develops the wrist joint in two directions, for this it is necessary to perform movements for flexion and extension, abduction back and forth. Options for therapeutic exercises for the hands:

  1. Relax the muscles of the arms as much as possible, open the hand, move the wrist joint to the forearm, then in the opposite direction. Repeat 5 times with each hand.
  2. Squeeze the brush into a fist, relax the muscles of the arm, perform a circular motion against and clockwise.

To work out the shoulder joints

This part of the arm hurts, as a rule, after temporary strong overloads or with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. In any of these cases, you need to perform therapeutic exercises, which include the following exercises:

  • rotational movements of the hands;
  • straighten your arm and swing up and down;
  • raising, lowering the shoulders, circular movements by them;
  • bringing the shoulders towards chest and abduction to the shoulder blades.

For knee joints

This joint is one of the most vulnerable in the human body, most often suffers from arthritis. It is important to diagnose and start treating the knee joint in a timely manner, because if the condition worsens, complications could develop, including limited mobility. Gymnastics is good for the prevention of joint pain. It is better to work out the joint on the back or lying on the side. The main exercise therapy exercises are as follows:

  • perform the “bike” movement, lying on your back, raise your legs and imagine that you are pedaling;
  • lie on your back, pull your arms well up above your head, and legs as far down as possible;
  • sitting on a chair, perform alternate extension and flexion of the knee;
  • pull the toe of the straightened leg away from you and towards you;
  • half-bend your knees, put your palms on your kneecaps, perform circular movements with your joints out and in.

Joint gymnastics Norbekov

This is a famous author who offers special exercises for different parts of the body. Therapeutic gymnastics for the joints is combined with a special psychological attitude, so the patient needs to work with his internal state. Exercise therapy from Norbekov is well suited for patients diagnosed with arthritis or arthrosis. It should be performed every day until the blood circulation in the tissues and the state of the joints of the body are normalized. The author offers exercises for each joint.

For legs

  1. Stand straight, raise one leg 90 degrees and hold it at that angle, then bend at the knee. Perform a springy movement, pointing the toe to the floor, then towards you.
  2. Perform rotation knee joint while squatting down.
  3. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, lift your right and bend your knee. Take your leg to the right with a slight springy movement.

For hands

1. Stretch your hands in front of you, slowly squeeze and unclench your fingers, trying to take them away from the palm as much as possible. Repeat 10-15 times.

  1. Rotate each finger in turn counterclockwise and clockwise.
  2. Stretch your straight arms in front of you, palms should look at the floor. Then slowly move your hands up so that your fingers look at each other. Repeat the same in the opposite direction.
  3. Spread your arms on different sides, perform rotational movements in elbow joint in different directions.
  4. Stand up straight, do not slouch, lower your arms along the body, look forward. Perform rotational movements outward, then inward, try to bring the shoulder blades together as much as possible.
  5. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, grab your left elbow with your right hand and pull it over your head. When performing the exercise, only the hands should work, the body should remain motionless.

Articular gymnastics Bubnovsky

This doctor is known for developing the method of kinesitherapy - a form of therapeutic exercises. All exercises were personally tested by the author. The gymnastics complex for the joints is chosen so as not to pose a threat to the patient's health, to help in rehabilitation, people suffering from rheumatic pathologies, who have undergone cartilage surgery, and injuries. You can not use gymnastics from Dr. Bubnovsky if there are malignant tumors, pre-infarction conditions, hemorrhages. The complex is performed in different positions of the body.

on the side

Stretch your legs forward in a line with your buttocks, head, chest. Rest the elbow of your free hand on the floor, perform wide ointments with your foot to the side 10 times. Then take it away from the line, pull the foot away from you with your thumb. Bend your knee again, and turn your heel towards the ceiling. Return to the starting position, connect the elbow with the knee from above, gently but strongly spread them apart, pulling the latter to the chest. This a good option gymnastics for the hip joint.

On the back

Lie on the floor, rest your elbows on it, stretch your legs along the surface. Spread them to the sides as wide as possible, bending alternately bring opposite elbows to them in turn. Repeat the movement for each side. If necessary, you can raise and lower the body. After a few weeks, you can complicate the task - touch the legs that are not bent with your elbows, and only the head and shoulder blades can come off the floor.

On the stomach

Perform the “angel” figure horizontally on the floor, spreading your legs and arms slightly wider than your shoulders to the sides. Bring your knee to your chest and return to the starting position. Rest your elbows on the floor and stretch as straight as possible, the tailbone should be pressed to the surface. Then do the scissors exercise.

Preventive gymnastics

All of the above options for exercise therapy can be used as a prophylaxis for arthritis. They do not create a specific load on the body and cannot cause complications, unpleasant consequences or provoke the development of pathology. Any daily study of the joints according to the methods described above will prevent the development of pathologies, improve joint mobility, and blood flow to them.

Gymnastics for the joints: a set of therapeutic exercises