Exercises with an expander for weight loss - the rules of work. Strength training with an expander: exercises for all muscle groups Torneo expander a 910 exercises

For the exercises below, both rubber bands and regular expanders with handles are suitable - choose what is more convenient for you.

Some of the exercises below should be done with short bands. If you don't have any, just skip these exercises. I tried to do them with long ribbons, but it's very inconvenient, almost impossible.

As for the resistance of the tapes, choose the load according to your capabilities. Focus on three sets of 10-15 repetitions of each exercise. For the workout to be effective, the last repetitions must be given with difficulty.

Upper body exercises

Arm raises for biceps

Arm raises for biceps
  • Step on the expander with both feet.
  • Take the loops in your hands.
  • Stretch the expander by bending your elbows.

Triceps exercise

Triceps exercise
  • Step on the expander with both feet closer to the heels.
  • Stretch the expander behind your back and extend your arms above your head.
  • Bend your arms at the elbows, stretching the expander.

Push-ups with resistance

Push-ups with resistance
  • Pass the expander behind your back, take the ends in both hands and stand in the lying position.
  • Pressing the ends of the expander to the floor, perform regular push-ups.

Bent-over arms

Hand layout
  • Step on the expander in the middle, grasp the loops or handles with both hands.
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, slightly tilt your body forward with a straight back.
  • Spread your arms to the sides, stretching the expander.
  • Lower your arms and repeat.

Abduction of one hand

Arm abduction
  • Hook the expander on the horizontal bar post or door handle.
  • Pull out right hand in front of you and grab the expander. The angle between the shoulder and chest should be 90 degrees.
  • Take your hand to the right so that it is on the same level with your chest, do not bring it further behind your back.
  • Bring your hand back and repeat.
  • Do the exercise on your left hand.

The thrust of the expander in the slope

The thrust of the expander in the slope
  • Stand on the expander with both feet, grab the loops or handles.
  • Bend your knees slightly and tilt your body, keeping your back straight.
  • Bend your elbows and take them back.
  • Try to pull the expander with your back muscles, not your arms.

Hand spread lying on the stomach

Hand spread lying on the stomach
  • Lie on your stomach.
  • Put the expander under the stomach, and take the loops or handles in both hands.
  • Stretch the expander with your hands, lifting the body.
  • For the best effect, linger in the upper position for a few seconds.
  • Return to starting position and repeat.

Putting hands behind the back

Putting hands behind the back
  • Stand in the middle of the expander, grab the loops or handles, keep your legs together.
  • Take straight arms behind your back.
  • Return your arms to the starting position and repeat.

Standing Chest Press

Standing Chest Press
  • Hook the expander at the level of the lower back or higher.
  • Turn your back to him and grasp the loop or handle.
  • Make a small lunge forward, pulling the expander.
  • Raise your arm with your elbow bent to chest level (no higher!).
  • Extend your arm in front of you, pulling the expander.
  • Return your arm to the bent position.
  • Repeat the exercise.

Bench Press

Bench Press
  • Pass the expander under the bench, lie down on it and take the loops or handles of the expander in both hands.
  • Starting position: arms bent at the elbows, the angle at the elbow is 90 degrees.
  • Straighten your arms in front of you, do not unbend your elbow to the end.
  • Return to starting position.

Core Strengthening Exercises

Alternate leg raise

Alternate rise legs
  • Lie on the floor, grab the expander in the middle, place your legs in loops.
  • Raise the body so that the lower back remains pressed to the floor.
  • Overcoming the resistance of the elastic, alternately raise your knees.


  • Put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, step on one end of the expander with your left foot, take the other end with both hands.
  • Bend over to the leg under which the expander is located, keep your back straight.
  • As you straighten up, pull the expander diagonally to the right and up until your hands are over your right shoulder, above your head.
  • Return to the slope to the left leg and repeat the exercise.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Side bar with resistance

Side bar with resistance
  • Hook the expander on the feet, twist the two ends and take loops or handles in both hands.
  • Get into a plank position.
  • Raise one arm and, while stretching the expander, make an exit to the side bar.
  • Return to starting position and repeat on the other side.

Exercises for the legs and buttocks

Band Squats

Band Squats
  • Step on the elastic and place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Pick up the expander loops. To make it more comfortable to hold, hold the expander behind your shoulders and hold it in bent arms, as if putting it on your shoulder.
  • Do a squat. The back is straight, the pelvis is retracted, the knees are slightly turned outward.
  • Straighten up, stretching the expander.
  • Repeat the exercise.

Lying knee bend

Lying knee bend
  • Hook the expander on the rack close to the floor.
  • Insert your ankle into the loop and lie on your stomach.
  • Bend your leg at the knee, pulling the expander.
  • Straighten your leg and repeat.

Leg extension lying on the side


For this exercise, you will need a short expander.

  • Connect the legs under the knees with an expander.
  • Lie on your side.
  • Spread your knees, overcoming the resistance of the expander.
  • Bring your legs together and repeat.

Rubber band steps

  • Put a short expander on your legs at the ankles or tie them with a long one.
  • Take steps to the side, stretching the expander.
  • Do the exercise on the other side.

An expander is a type of sports equipment with which you can create a load on the muscles (due to the return of the applied efforts back). These simulators come in different directions, also, they can have different shapes and be made of different materials (from pipes, tapes and springs).

The expander has everything so that it can be used to lose weight, because it makes the muscles work, and the body tense up and burn calories, as a result of which weight loss occurs.

The advantages of using this simulator are as follows:

  1. Compactness - it can be carried from place to place and used both at home and in the gym.
  2. Versatility - with it you can train the whole body and do a variety of exercises.
  3. It is suitable for both experienced athletes and people with minimal physical fitness.
  4. With it, you can do both single-component and multi-component exercises.
  5. It will help strengthen muscle mass in a fairly short period of time.
  6. Low cost compared to other professional simulators.

Expander choice

This simulator has the following varieties:

  1. Carpal. It should be used for arm training.
  2. Brachial- used for training shoulder joints and neck.
  3. thoracic- used for exercise chest and back.
  4. foot- designed for training legs and hips.
  5. Inclined- used to train joints, twists and bends.

In addition, when choosing this simulator, you should understand what level of preparedness you have. For example, for beginners, devices with minimal resistance are best suited (usually they are yellow in color).

For the intermediate level, green simulators are suitable, and for professional athletes- of blue color.

Work rules

In order for the training to be effective, you should adhere to the following rules for working with it:

  1. Each exercise must be done ten to fifteen times in two or three sets.
  2. Before each new approach, you should pause for one minute to restore breathing.
  3. On the simulator, you need to install such a number of springs so that you can safely do the required number of exercises in one go.
  4. To achieve a really good result, you should train regularly.
  5. The first workouts should not be too exhausting, otherwise you can overload an unprepared body.
  6. If you experience pain in the joints or muscles, you should change the exercise performed or take a break from training. It is highly undesirable to work through pain, otherwise tendons or muscles can be damaged.
  7. You should not practice when you feel bad, so as not to harm yourself.
  8. Like any sports simulator, the expander requires careful attention during classes.
  9. It is better to start training with exercises for the shoulders and chest, and finish with hip and arm presses.

Let's start training

Before each workout, you should prepare for it. To do this, it is best to do one of the following workouts:

  • push up from the floor;
  • rub your palms and make light.

Exercises with a shoulder expander

Exercise 1:

  • pass the right leg into the handle of the expander and put your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • as you exhale, take the handle in your right hand and bend it, while tensing the muscles of the arms and shoulders;
  • also at the same time you need not to bend your back and make sure that the simulator does not touch the top of the shoulders;
  • on exhalation, you can straighten your arm;
  • repeat the same with the other hand;
  • perform forty times in two sets.

Exercise 2:

  • slowly bring the expander behind the lower back and become straight;
  • while inhaling, unbend your arms at the elbows, and while exhaling, bend them, while straining the muscles of the arms and shoulders.

Exercise 3:

  • bring the simulator forward on straight arms, turn the palms inward;
  • while inhaling, bend the right arm at the elbow, and take the straight left arm to the side;
  • as you exhale, bend your arm at the elbow again;
  • do the same with the other hand.

Workouts with expanders for the hips and muscles of the legs

Exercise 1:

  • lie down on the rug, pressing well against the floor with your whole body;
  • put your hands behind your head, and bend your legs at the knees and firmly connect them together;
  • while inhaling, squeeze the simulator between the knees, and while exhaling, unclench;
  • do twenty repetitions in two sets.

Exercise 2:

  • lie down on the mat with your back down, raise your legs up without bending them at the knees (after putting an expander on your feet);
  • as you exhale, spread your legs to the side, and as you inhale, bring them together;
  • repeat thirty times in two sets.

Classes with a foot expander (with handles)

Exercise 1:

  • grab the handles of the simulator with the upper girth and stand with your feet on the tubes;
  • the face should look straight ahead;
  • while inhaling, sit down and raise your hands up;
  • on the exhale, stand up again;
  • repeat twenty times.

Exercise 2:

  • attach the expander to the wall;
  • turn around to the wall with your back, and step back half a meter, firmly holding the simulator with the upper girth;
  • hands slowly raise to the top;
  • stand on your toes, tighten your muscles, then fully stand on your entire foot;
  • repeat forty times in two sets.

Exercise 3:

  • fix the simulator to the wall with a latch, and to the hips - with handles;
  • move a short distance;
  • on exhalation left leg pull back as far as possible without bending it;
  • inhale to return it back;
  • repeat this with the other leg.

Reviews of losing weight

  1. Karina, 23 years old.“The expander has become a good friend for me, because it was with his help that I managed to tighten my body well and lose eight kilograms! Of course, these classes require some effort and time, but it's worth it. Great all-round trainer!
  2. Albina, 34 years old.“I have been working out with the leg machine for the second week. I want to say that it is not at all as easy as I thought, but it really helps me build muscle and lose weight. During this time, the volume of the hips decreased by five centimeters, even though I only work out three times a week!
  3. Lina, 48 years old.“It was very difficult for me to train on this simulator, as it requires really great strength. After practicing on it for three weeks, I gave up this thankless task, because there was no effect. I think regular running will help me lose weight better. excess weight than this device.
  4. Anna, 31 years old.“On the advice of a friend who was very enthusiastic about the expander, I decided to try it myself. I used the shoulder option. The first workouts were not easy - the muscles ached, and the whole body was like a wooden one (before that, I didn’t go in for sports at all). Then, gradually, I got used to the loads and I even liked it! Now I work with him regularly. So far, in two months of classes, I lost six kilograms. ”.
  5. Vitaly, 36 years old.“I worked with the expander for almost three months. This was enough for me to bring my body into good shape and lose seven kilograms. It is not difficult to train, you just need to do it correctly and regularly. Also, you need to know exactly what problem areas It is worth correcting and doing exercises precisely on those areas of the body. I personally worked out on my own, without a coach, and I did it very well. The main thing is motivation. Now sometimes I train on an expander only as a hobby.”
  6. Snezhana, 22 years old.“I’ve been working out on an expander (for the hips) for just a week, but I already see the result - the muscles have started to really work. I do twenty presses a day in two or three sets, and this is enough for me to really force myself to lose weight. In principle, such training is not difficult, compared to exhausting diets and running (for me personally), so I can safely recommend it, especially since in just seven days I have already lost two kilograms!
  7. Valeria, 25 years old.“For me personally, this simulator seemed ineffective for the following reasons: firstly, it requires a lot of physical strength Secondly, it works for a very long time. I worked on it every other day for two weeks. I did various exercises (for arms, legs, abs), but for some reason, apart from muscle pain, I didn’t achieve anything. Disappointed!"

After analyzing the reviews about this sports device, we can say that people's opinions about it are very different. Some who have tried note the good efficiency of expanders and quick result. Others, on the contrary, talk about the excessive difficulty of training with them and the insufficient effect. Whatever it was, but in order to really lose weight using this method, you should regularly exercise with the expander and make every effort for this.

  1. In case of diseases of the joints, muscles, heart, as well as after recent injuries, you should not train with an expander so as not to injure yourself;
  2. It is not recommended to eat immediately before training. It is best to eat an hour before them or half an hour after;
  3. It is best to do the exercises in a warm room where there are no drafts, since part of the training takes place lying on the floor;
  4. To attach the expanders to the wall (for some exercises), you should use special sports rivets or ordinary devices that can cope with this task.

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  • Good day, Expander universal torneo a 910 instruction. The universal expander will perfectly serve to strengthen the muscles of the hands and. Then, in addition, I also bought a simulator, mostly for legs, the Expander universal Torneo A-910 ..

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Moscow city. 700 rub. Designed to strengthen the muscles of the press, legs, back and upper shoulder girdle. Allows you to simulate movements performed on rowing machine. Brand new, in box with receipt.. Brief information Expander Torneo Power Twister A-917. Universal expander for training the muscles of the arms, wrists, biceps, triceps. Length 65 cm. Resistance - up to 20 kg. Compact and versatile, the Butterfly expander has proven itself as a home gym. The versatility of this simulator is achieved due to its design, which allows you to perform a variety of exercises.

Expander - universal sports equipment. The expander is a compact and easy-to-use sports equipment that is perfect for home workout and can adequately compete with bulky and complex training devices. The action of the expander is based on the phenomenon of elastic deformation, that is, the resistance of materials to the applied force.

Expanders are made of durable elastic materials (most often it is rubber, rubber or silicone, but it can also be a steel spring), which provide the necessary level of tension and allow you to train various muscle groups. Since these shells are designed to train individual muscles (hands, shoulders, hips) and joints (expanders are actively used in therapeutic and rehabilitation physical education), exercises with them fall into the category of isolating ones. By choosing the right expander and developing an optimal training program, you can effectively strengthen one or another part of the body, give muscles a sculptural relief and become stronger, healthier and more active. Types of expanders. Today, in a sports store you can buy almost any expander. Depending on the principle of operation, they are all divided into compression and tension expanders.

The most popular among athletes and amateurs: Most expanders can be successfully used by both sexes. For ease of use, expanders can be equipped with anatomical handles (some with holes) and leg loops. On many models, load adjustment is possible, which will allow you to personally set the pace and intensity of your workout. Particularly stand out are tape expanders made in the form of long rubber bundles or ribbons that lack handles, as well as an expandable twister expander, which is a stick with a spring in the middle. In addition, there are special expanders for skiers and boxers, as well as universal models that train several different muscle groups at once. Pay attention when buying.

Before purchasing, pull the expander to make sure the rubber is strong and free from defects. Pay attention to the handles: they must be firmly attached to avoid the risk of the expander coming off and injuring the athlete.

When choosing a tape expander, consider its length: it should be with a margin, because this projectile does not have handles and the ends must be wound around your hands. In addition, choose an expander with the optimal load for you: too much resistance will prevent you from holding the projectile in your hands, and too little resistance will not provide the proper intensity of exercises.

Many manufacturers indicate the load of expanders with the color of the projectile: in ascending order - yellow, green, red, blue. However, it is worth consulting with the seller before buying. Training with a carpal expander. This projectile is designed to strengthen the muscles of the wrists and forearms, the development of brushes. It is recommended to office workers who type a lot on a computer, people of creative professions (especially musicians), as well as athletes.

The most simple and affordable carpal expander- a ring (usually rubber), which can be smooth or spiked for a massage effect, of various diameters and densities. Training consists of rhythmic squeezing - unclenching brushes. The exercises with expanders for brushes, made in the form of a small rubber ball or a metal spring cocoon, are based on the same principle.

Good day, Expander universal torneo a 910 instruction Osteokea instruction reviews. Peter Joseph. instructions. 18. 29-04-2014 15:32. Octreotide long instructions for use.

The expander develops muscle strength well, especially the arms, shoulder girdle, torso. Exercises with an expander can be made up as an independent & nbsp. Expander universal Torneo. Article: A-910TRN. A universal expander will perfectly serve to strengthen the muscles of the arms and legs. Using it, you can strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, work out the biceps and triceps, load the muscles of the legs without leaving home.. Expander type: universal; Type of resistance: spring; Trains muscles: chest, shoulder girdle, arms. TORNEO A-910, Expander Torneo A-910.

No less popular are carpal expanders - tongs with rubber handles and a connecting spring. Repetition counters can be attached to them, which makes using the projectile more comfortable. Use of shoulder expanders. This category includes stretching expanders designed to train the muscles of the shoulder girdle. They are rubber or stronger steel springs attached to the handles in varying amounts. Some expanders have removable springs, which allows you to adjust the load. Exercise 1: Stand up straight, legs apart, grab the expander by the handles, palms out.

Spread your arms to the sides, raising them to your shoulders, then lower them. Repeat 2 sets of 8 times. Exercise 2: Stand up straight, legs apart, put the expander behind your back and hold it in your arms bent at the elbows. Spread your arms to the sides, fully straightening them, return to the starting position. Perform 2 sets of 8-1. Exercise 3: Fasten one handle of the expander on the foot, grab the second with both hands and lean forward.

Then extend the body to a fully straight position and return to the starting position. Do two sets of 6-8 reps. Exercise 4: Attach the handle of the expander to the foot, grab the other with both hands and stand up straight. Do body tilts to the right and left without bending your legs.

Repeat 2 sets of 8 times. Exercise 5: Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hold the expander in outstretched arms above your head.

Leaving one leg behind, arch your back, taking your hands with the expander back. Come back and repeat with the other leg. Perform 6-8 times. Training with a chest expander. Chest expanders serve to develop the muscles of the back, chest, biceps and triceps.

They help to create a muscular relief, and for women - to strengthen and slightly enlarge the chest. By design chest expanders reminiscent of models for the shoulders. There are also expanders made in the form of a figure eight, which also effectively train the upper shoulder girdle. Consider some basic exercises. Stand with your feet in the middle of the expander, keep the handles at waist level. Raise your arms to your chest and lower to the starting position 8-1.

Fix the expander on a solid support at the level of the shoulder blades and stand with your back to the support. Stretch your arms forward, slightly tilting your torso, then return to starting position 1. Fasten the expander around the foot, put the other leg slightly forward.

Bring one handle behind your back, leave the other in front, keep them at shoulder level. Then straighten your arms above your head. Return to original position.

Repeat 8-1.0 times. Fix the expander on the support, take the legs apart, knees bent, arms extended in front of you. Then rhythmically press your hands to your chest, keeping your elbows along your torso. Perform 8-1.0 times.

Get on all fours, hooking the expander to one foot. Swing back with this leg, straightening your back, then return to the starting position. Repeat 1.0 times with each leg. Stand on the expander in a semi-squat, hands at neck level, elbows pointing forward.

Straighten up without lowering your arms, then return to the original position. Do exercise 8- 1. We train the muscles of the legs with the help of an expander. Leg expanders are made in the form of rubber rings, figure eights, and are also equipped with a cuff for better fixation of the foot. They help strengthen calf muscles, thighs and buttocks. Exercise 1: Sit on a chair with the expander attached to its back leg. Alternately unbend and bend your knees.

Repeat up to 1.0 times with each leg. Exercise 2: Lie on your back, bend one leg at the knee, leaning on the floor with it, straighten the other, with the expander attached to it, and lift it up.

Slowly lower your straight leg to a horizontal position, then lift it back up. Do 8 times with each leg. Exercise 3: Lie on your stomach, fix the expander on your feet and secure it on a support. Alternately bend your knees while arching your back and lifting your chest off the floor. Repeat 8-1.0 times. Exercise 4: Lie on your back with the band around your ankles. Holding your hands on a bench or support, lift your straight legs up as much as possible, trying to touch your chest with your hips.

Slowly lower your legs to the starting position. Do this 6-8 times. Exercise 5: Stand up straight, holding on to the support with one hand and holding both handles of the expander with the other. Insert one foot into the expander and fix the loop by stepping on top with the other foot.

Raise the bent leg up, moving the thigh slightly to the side. Do 1.0 reps with each leg. Ski expander. This sports equipment looks like a large rubber braided rope, the handles of which are perforated for easy grip. Exercises with him are aimed at strengthening the most different groups muscles. Exercise 1: Take an emphasis lying down, your back is straight, your arms are wider than your shoulders, the expander is pulled tightly over the shoulder blades, its ends are fixed with your hands on the floor.

Perform push-ups (1 each. Exercise 2: Place your closed legs in the middle of the expander and straighten up, spreading your bent arms to the sides so that the handles of the skier's expander are at shoulder level. Then straighten your arms, stretching them above you. Return to the starting position, repeat 3. Exercise 3: Stand up straight, slightly apart bent legs wider than the shoulders on the expander. Keeping your torso straight, slowly sit as low as you can, keeping your thighs parallel to the floor.

Fix the pose for 2-3 seconds, slowly rise to the starting position. You can do up to three sets of 2.