Is cycling tourism a sport or a recreation? Cycling tourism from a to z What makes cycling tourism attractive and what.

The benefits of cycling

Bring any type of recreation, and we will say how much less profitable it is than cycling tourism. The answer lies on the surface - in order to move around on a bicycle, you do not need fuel or fuel. in addition, in cycling tourism, movement through narrow passages is very common. Often there is a lot of beauty in there too. Can you get to places like this vehicle? Of course not. A car is much larger than a bicycle. I would also like to note that cycling is much faster than walking.

What makes cycling attractive?

Do not forget about the main advantage of bicycles - the movement on it contributes to the improvement of the state and health. This means that by participating in cycling excursions, you will not only enjoy picturesque places, but also spend active leisure time. Cycling tourism gives a lot of advantages to the participant. First of all, time. As a rule, such events do not require so much when compared with other types of tourism. But if you wish, you can significantly increase the time of participation in cycling tourism.

By the way, there are two types cycling tourism. Now let's talk about them. We will do this in order to be able to find a suitable option and understand what makes cycling tourism attractive.

Types of cycling tourism

Bike Tours. This is a fairly popular and sought-after type of cycling tourism. It is a journey by bicycle, without extra cargo. As a rule, all necessary luggage is stored in the vehicle that accompanies the group. Participants of such cycling tourism eat in various cafeterias and other establishments. Overnight accommodation takes place in hotels.

Bicycle trips. This type of cycling tourism has enormous differences. The main difference is that participants will have to carry everything they need on their own. Secondly, the route mostly consists of those places where there is no civilization at all. Therefore, you are unlikely to be able to enjoy the benefits of civilization. This should be taken into account when choosing the right type for yourself.

It should also be noted such a sport that is included in the concept of cycling tourism - sports cycling tourism. In this sport, there are six categories of travel difficulty. The easiest stage is 300 km. This is one of the features of cycling tourism. It lies in the fact that there are a lot of varieties.

By the way, cycling is very popular in the West. Moreover, in some countries, the development of such a direction of cycling tourism as adventure tourism has begun. In Russia, cycling tourism is not in such demand, and abroad, travel agencies organize various tours to exotic and hard-to-reach places. Yes, on bikes. This is the next feature of cycling tourism.

If you want to choose this type of tourism, you can find similar offers on our guide exchange. In addition, if necessary, you can choose a guide who will take you to picturesque and interesting places. Thus, you will be able to understand why cycling tourism is attractive.

The best means of transport for traveling is a bicycle. At least, this is what a huge number of people around the world think, who drive on the roads of our planet all their free time.

Why is a bicycle attractive for tourism? First of all, the pace of movement is ideal. After all, we choose it ourselves, and at the same time, the speed of overcoming the path is not so small. But at the same time, this speed allows the cyclist to see everything around and not miss anything. Depending on the purpose of the trip, enjoying nature or getting to know the culture, the route is chosen. But driving the same route by car, we lose sight of a lot more than by bicycle.

A useful and important quality of a bicycle is its carrying capacity. It allows us to carry everything we need for our holidays. Of course, the car will fit the most, but a hiker obviously cannot carry as much as a cyclist can afford.

Also in the pros, you can add the fact that the bike has a sports component. IN modern world people move a little, and the bike allows you to fix it convenient way. Thus, overcoming long distances, we simultaneously take care of ourselves and our health.

The advantages of a bicycle include environmental friendliness, low price and compactness, which allows, in various situations, to place it on another mode of transport.

The concept of cycling implies a trip lasting more than a day and the presence of at least one overnight stay.

If you are interested in cycling tourism and want to try yourself in it, then there are three options:

– in a travel agency there is an opportunity to purchase a bike tour.

You can join a cycling tourism club and participate in its trips.

Take up tourism on your own.

If you decide to make trips on your own, then all you need is a bicycle, equipment for the road and at least minimal knowledge. Knowledge can be obtained from many sources, for example, the Internet. Of course, without experience and knowledge, you will face more difficulties than if you take the time to study the cognitive literature on this topic or ask the advice of experienced travelers.

But the question “where to go” can only be answered by you. You can read reviews about places on websites, you can listen to a friend's advice, or you can fulfill your dream and visit the place that you have been dreaming about for a long time.

When everyone begins to actively talk about cycling, they mean the passage of a variety of routes in which you can meet sights, as well as a variety of sightseeing objects. If you decide to relax as actively as possible, cycling tourism is exactly what you need.

You will certainly have a completely unique opportunity to climb into the remotest and most secluded corners, drive along the paths and see simply magnificent places that cannot be seen if you go on a trip by sightseeing bus or car.

Cycling tourism is also attractive because you get excellent and useful physical activity during the entire exciting journey, improve the condition of the entire immune system.

The main task is to properly prepare and choose high-quality equipment for cycling tourism. What is so attractive about this type of modern and so popular tourism? What type of cycling tourism do you have the opportunity to do and enjoy the sights around you?


Modern cycling allows every tourist to feel a complete unity with a certain area, because you will not have any boundaries. With the help of a bicycle, you can explore the area as if you were walking on it.

Complete freedom of directions for travel. A unique opportunity to choose a route for yourself, change it at any time when you want it. Mountain modern bikes absolutely any route is subject, so this should definitely be used.

Many people in our modern world turn their attention to the environment and try to take care of it to the maximum. Everyone wants to actively travel, visit various countries. In this case, cycling tourism is the best and optimal option.

What else is the advantage of such popular tourism:

  1. Every minute you breathe fresh and clean air, and the body receives a constant load.
  2. The tourist has a unique opportunity not only to see the sights, but also to improve immunity.
  3. Cycling tourism is also relevant for those who suffer from heart disease, but they are allowed to exercise controlled by a doctor.
  4. Cycling is quite economical.

You will have to spend financially only once - the acquisition of good and comfortable bike as well as equipment. You have the opportunity to buy some things or update your set. Sometimes repairs are needed, but they are not global, so there will be no big costs.

Varieties of cycling

Cycling tourism has different guises. This type of recreation stands out quite favorably against the background of other types of tourism. It is the benefits of it for humans and the entire environment - real find for the vacationer.

Cycling tourism gives everyone the opportunity to combine business with pleasure: you eat on long distance, you feel unity with the environment around you, which is simply impossible to achieve while traveling by car.

You have the opportunity to choose the best type of this tourism for yourself in order to enjoy your vacation as much as possible and get the benefits that are guaranteed to be.

Bicycle touring classic

Here everything will happen, as in the usual tourist and exciting hike in nature. Your main means of transportation is a bicycle. You will have a great night in nature in a well-equipped tent, interesting evenings around a warm fire, food cooked at a picnic. All these aspects must be taken into account so that the rest is pleasant and exciting.

This cycling tourism has a certain advantage - you will be able to overcome the greatest distances in the time allotted for the trip. You will even have the opportunity to carry cargo, but not on your back, but on a bicycle.

Bicycle tourism is civilized

This is a common and popular type. active rest. Not so long ago, he came to our country from the far west. You will have a great opportunity to relax during an overnight stay in a comfortable hotel, hostel or campsite. Often they take food from shops or in cafes on the spot, but if you wish, you can cook on your own or in the company of vacationers with you.

There are certain advantages here that cannot be overlooked:

  1. Light weight that should be on the bike. This is due to the fact that overnight stays will be at the hotel. There will be no tents, no thermal underwear, or other things that are needed for minimal comfort during a tourist holiday on bicycles.
  2. Food will be bought in shops or cafes, so you won’t need to take ingredients. This will also lighten your load.
  3. Ability to walk short or long distances a short time. It won't take a lot of strength and energy from you.

Very often this variant of cycling is called European. It involves the use of certain charms of civilization, which is simply necessary for many tourists. This style has nothing negative and bad, as you have an excellent opportunity to gently enter the world of cycling.

Bicycle tourism educational

This type is the simplest, but at the same time quite common. The main purpose of such a holiday is a bike tour with sightseeing, interesting historical and natural places. You will not need absolutely anything from a cyclist, except for his desire to enjoy the ride. Educational cycling allows you to relax for several days with or without a well-thought-out overnight stay - it all depends on individual preference.

Sports cycling

Sports cycling is a multi-day cycling trip with full camping equipment. This is a cycling competition. The emphasis is on the complexity of the route with difficult roads, off-road and forest trails and the like.

This type of holiday will require you to formalize certain documents, as well as maintaining detailed and thorough statistics of the entire bike trip. This is necessary in order for the campaign and, accordingly, you are assigned a certain sports category. This important indicator directly indicates how prepared you are. The category is needed for professional instructors and for participating in a variety of cycling trips.

Cycling adventure

Travel companies in Lately for thrill-seekers in some countries they organize trips to remote areas - tropical forests, mountains and deserts. Usually a group is accompanied by a bus for insurance. You can always use his services in case of rain, bad weather or just fatigue.

Types of bicycles for cycling

Road racing bikes

Designed for driving on smooth asphalt, where they take advantage of thin tube tires.

Hiking on such bikes is better for experienced cyclists. They are not very maneuverable, they have the lowest permeability among all types of bicycles. Thanks to the tubes - thin tires - they are designed to move on smooth asphalt.

Tourings (Tourist bikes)

Touring in classical form- This is a more durable version of the road bike. Advantages of touring bikes:

  • ease of movement on highways and dirt roads,
  • good directional stability,
  • large load capacity,
  • wide range of gears (18-27).

Of the shortcomings, it should be noted:

  • low maneuverability,
  • moderate cross-country ability on technically difficult routes.

Tourings are good for classic and sporty trips on a variety of roads, but they are not suitable for aggressive and extreme riding.

Mountain bikes

Mountain bikes were born in the early 80s of the XX century and are still developing. They have many names: SUVs, mountain bikes, all-terrain vehicles, just bikes. They are designed specifically for driving in particularly difficult conditions. They have an aggressive appearance, have an off-road frame and 26-inch wheels. The mountain bike features a heavy-duty construction, big amount gears (24-27), wide tires, and excellent off-road capability.

A mountain bike is very versatile, suitable for city riding, as well as for sports and long-distance travel.


It's relative the new kind: a symbiosis of touring and mountain biking. Hybrids are like Mountain bikes frame geometry, a large number of gears (24-27), steering wheel and its removal. The wheel size is usually 28 inches. Front shock absorbers allow hybrids to be even more versatile.

Excellent speed performance is combined in a hybrid with high cross-country ability on bad roads. Hybrids, like Tourings, are more suitable for classic trips, but are focused on hard driving modes.

road bikes

A modern road bike has a solid construction and tires, a wide range of gears, so they are not inferior to touring in terms of patency. The padded saddle and high seating position make it the most comfortable bike of all.

The main purpose of such bicycles is grocery shopping and leisurely walks over short distances.

The advantage of a road bike is its low cost. This is due to the initial class of equipment, simple frames and no suspension fork.

You are faced with an easy and understandable task of choosing the best option that will help you enjoy your vacation and cycling perfectly. You have an excellent opportunity to try each of the species - just buy a bike, equipment and enjoy the environment. The desire to travel is what guides every tourist who sets out on a journey in nature.

Cycling as a phenomenon

In addition, an important point is life in cycling trip. We understand what it means bike tour as part of a group, which means communication with their own kind))). This means housing, eating, etc. everyone in the group. This has its advantages. More fun, no doubt. Of course, I mean lodging for the night in campsites and in tents. At the end of a working day, it's nice to sit around the fire or just at the table by candlelight, at dinner, discussing the past day, sharing your impressions. Again, new acquaintances.

Separately, I want to note the overnight stay in campsites. If this is your first time to master this type of recreation, then you will have to experience this wonderful feeling, overnight in a tent. Pro campsites in Finland, their features and rules, you can find in the article " Campsites of Europe.

It is clear that the task of the athlete is somewhat different - the distance. In Norway, we met cyclists from Spain who had covered 1,470 km in less than three weeks. This, as you understand, is a different kind of recreation.

Maybe my thoughts turned out to be somewhat chaotic, but I conveyed one thing, in my opinion, quite accurately.

Cycling tourism- it's still recreation and sports)).

Bicycles can be ridden on almost any road, path and just on a flat surface. Driving a bike in your hands, it is easy to overcome various obstacles while moving along the route: cross ravines, cross sands, ford a river. Cyclists have more opportunities in choosing a travel route: the speed of a cyclist is several times higher than the speed of a pedestrian.

For a day of movement, trained cyclists, depending on various hiking conditions (weather conditions, route difficulty), can travel from 40 to 120 km. In addition, a cyclist does not need to carry hiking equipment on a hike: he can strengthen it on a bicycle.

Bicycle tourism in Russia emerged in the late 1890s. In 1895, a society of cyclists-tourists was organized in St. Petersburg. Already at that time, lovers of cycling organized long trips: from Moscow to St. Petersburg, from St. Petersburg to Paris.

Nowadays, the appeal of cycling is growing, especially after the introduction of different kinds bicycles and increased opportunities for cycling trips.

Each participant in a cycling trip must be fluent in the technique of cycling, be able to prepare the bike for the trip and keep it in good condition.

For young cyclists there are certain age restrictions. Riding a bike on the roads Rules traffic persons under the age of 14 are allowed to participate in cycling hiking trips also from the age of 14. Must be well understood

Rules of the road and duties of a cyclist as a driver of a vehicle

For cycling and hiking, any bicycle, both road and sports, is suitable.

road bike It has a strong frame and wide tires. The handlebar height of a road bike can be adjusted. Details road bikes are made with a large margin of safety. This bike goes well on bumpy unpaved roads, as well as on sand and gravel.

At sports bikes less weight, lighter wheels with narrow tires, they have an easier ride and good maneuverability. Sports bikes it is preferable to use when driving on paved roads (asphalt or concrete).

In preparation for any bike trip it is necessary to carefully inspect the bicycle, identify and eliminate malfunctions and deviations in operation, especially moving parts, wipe and lubricate all rubbing parts, check wheel balance and tire inflation, brake operation, and strengthen the trunk. After that, you need to test the bike on the go.

In preparation for the hike it is necessary to think over and select equipment taking into account the duration and complexity of the route. In addition to the usual things necessary for any hiking trip (tent, backpack, dishes, campfire equipment, etc.), the equipment of a cyclist necessarily includes a repair kit (even for a one-day trip). The repair kit includes: a set of wrenches, pliers, a screwdriver, rubber glue, rubber for patches, scissors, Bicycle Pump and spare parts (spare tire or tube, nuts, washers, ball bearings, spokes, brake pads, etc.).

From clothes to a cyclist you must have two pairs of shorts and T-shirts with short sleeves, a cowboy shirt, a light cotton suit, short (knee-length) trousers or shorts, three to four pairs of cotton socks and bicycle gloves. In case of cold weather, a wool sweater, wool socks, gloves and a storm jacket are required. As a headdress, you can take a light panama hat or a cotton cap with a visor.

On a hike, cyclists usually get by with two pairs of shoes.: for movement - sneakers with a hard sole, for relaxation - slippers or sandals.

Organization of traffic on the route

Bicycles can be traveled throughout the country. However, beginner cyclists are recommended areas where flat roads prevail in any weather, and most of the routes go through wooded areas.

Roads are the best choice for cycling local importance with asphalt or sand and gravel. High-speed highways and federal highways are not recommended for cyclists because of their increased danger due to heavy traffic and high air pollution above them.

Multi-day hikes and bike trips are usually made in groups of 4-6 people. Such a group is considered the most compact and mobile, capable of quickly providing the necessary assistance to a tourist injured in a traffic accident and eliminating a technical malfunction of a bicycle. Must have an adult leader.

When moving along the route, the ascents and descents require a lot of attention from tourists.. Short and gentle climbs can be overcome on the move, long and protracted ones are best done on foot.

On descents, cyclists should slow down from the very beginning of the descent., maintaining a distance of 10-12 m. Steep turns on the slopes should be driven at low speed, as the bike can skid at high speed. It must be borne in mind that the shoulder is very loose and you should drive onto it very carefully to avoid falling due to a sharp decrease in speed.

After 20-25 minutes after the start of the movement, it is recommended to make a technical halt. Such a halt is carried out to check the technical serviceability of bicycles and eliminate the identified shortcomings. The speed of movement on the route for beginner tourists is 10-12 km / h. You should not get carried away with high speeds, as this requires not only significant physical costs, but also increased attention in driving a bicycle, which deprives a person of the opportunity to see the beauty of the surrounding nature.

The daily routine of cyclists depends on the time of year and the area of ​​the trip, the day trip should end 1-2 hours before dark.

Ensuring the safety of a bike trip

The most important condition for ensuring the safety of a cycling trip is the strict observance by all tourists of the group of the Rules of the Road.

Speed ​​while on route it is necessary to withstand taking into account the condition of the road and reduce it on slopes, especially on roads with poor coverage, as well as when driving on a wet highway or dirt road with puddles.

Can't continue on route at dusk and at night, as well as in poor visibility on the road due to fog or heavy haze. If it is necessary to move in such conditions, the bicycle should be carried by hand, observing the rules for pedestrian traffic on the roads.

You need to constantly monitor the condition of the bike, conducting its technical inspection daily, and immediately correct any malfunctions and deviations in work.

High discipline in a bike trip also ensures safety.

Test yourself

■ Why is cycling tourism attractive and what features should be taken into account when preparing for it?
■ What are the age limits for young cyclists?
■ What should I pay attention to when preparing my bike for a trip in the first place?

After lessons

Select the basic safety precautions you need to follow on your cycling route and write them down in your safety diary.

Make a list of things and tools that you would take with you on a multi-day bike trip.