Exercise bike for home - how to choose the best one for regular workouts? The best inexpensive upright exercise bikes with magnetic loading. Exercise bike horizontal or vertical

For many, exercise bikes are associated with something bulky and voluminous, although in reality there is a very interesting variety of mini-exercise bikes, which are something like portable pedals.

You can take such a compact model even on a trip so as not to forget about fitness.

In addition, such cardio machines allow you to train not only the legs, but also the arms. In general, an option worthy of attention. Next, let's talk about this type of fitness equipment.

What is a mini exercise bike?

Imagine a standard exercise bike. Now remove the steering wheel from there, then remove the seat. Only the part with the pedals remains.

This is exactly what a mini exercise bike is, which is no more no less than spinning mechanism. Compact, convenient and very efficient.

At the same time, such models may also have on-board computers that will allow you to make the necessary measurements (like distance or calories) and even create.

How is it different from full size?

The main difference is the lack of seat and steering wheel. Therefore, you can choose how to sit in order to pedal. By the way, there are a huge number of options.

After all in large-sized varieties, there are only two options:

  • - when the pedals are strictly under the seat;
  • - when the pedals in front are approximately opposite the seat.

Of course, there are hybrids, but not many use hybrids and not many even know about such a variety. Although the option is more than interesting. All are described in the article at the link.

Nevertheless, in mini simulators, there are even more options for pedaling than in hybrid ones. You can spin lying down, sitting down, even on your side. Training variations are limited only by your imagination.

Also, the ability to pedal with your own hands was previously noted, and here, too, a significant scope for training opens up. Such a dynamic load is difficult to obtain on other simulators.

A significant difference is the mass that the flywheel has in the simulator. It is the mass of the flywheel that allows you to increase the load. Manufacturers try to make small exercise bikes light and compact, so small flywheels are used here, respectively, super-intense loads are not so accessible here, but a lot depends on the training methodology.

What is the purpose of this variety?

Goals can be different, as well as for fitness in general. Let's consider the main ones.

  1. Quite a suitable option for homework, you can track the number of calories burned and perform workouts when it is convenient for you (you can use). For example, a 20-25 minute exercise in the morning on an empty stomach can be not only an excellent exercise, but will also allow you to gradually normalize body weight.
  2. For rehabilitation. Many models of such simulators are available in medical equipment stores. They are indeed often used for rehabilitation when limb mobility needs to be developed (See separate articles about classes, and.
  3. For prevention. Put such a simulator under the table and work at the computer, put it in front of the TV and relax with benefit. Easy and understandable movement will allow you to improve blood circulation in the lower extremities and prevent many ailments that are observed in people with sedentary work.
  4. For children. A good alternative to a full-fledged and other children's simulators. Affordable load for the child's body, useful mechanics of movements.
  5. To develop endurance. Aerobic exercise is incredibly beneficial for the cardiovascular system and respiratory system and a mini exercise bike allows you to get such a load. 40 minutes to an hour of training every day and you will get not only prevention, but also significant progress in improving health.

Thus, this type of simulator can be useful to a variety of people.

Attention! If you use exercise bikes, including mini bikes, for weight loss, you need to take into account the features of on-board computers. As a rule, they slightly overestimate the number of calories burned by 10-15%.

What are the types of this simulator?

The main difference here is the degree of load regulation. In general, the load is regulated by the flywheel, which is attached to the pedals and requires one or another effort during torsion. In this case, different systems can control the flywheel.

  1. The simplest option, where a belt is thrown over the flywheel, which can increase or decrease friction. With the regulator, you change the belt tension and thus vary the load. At high speeds, the pedals can scroll and there are not many degrees of load.
  2. The system uses a magnet that moves in and out of the flywheel. Accordingly, no friction is used here, but other physical interactions are used. More load adjustment options, no scrolling.
  3. The most modern option, which may often require connection to the mains. The magnets here are electric and wear out much less. Many load options, the ability to create.

Which one is best for you is up to you. One way or another, in all models, the flywheel has a small mass and this fact limits the maximum load. Not always you can achieve such pedal resistance here as on standard simulators. However, magnetic options can adjust the flywheel quite well, and for simple home workouts, mechanics are also quite normal.

How to do it right?

In order for training on a mini exercise bike to be as effective as possible, it is very important to know. The method of training largely depends on the goal. For example, what kind of rehabilitation exercises to do can be advised by your doctor. Therefore, here we describe the main tips and recommendations for classes.

  • . It is forbidden to exercise while standing on mini exercise bikes and it’s better not to even think about it. The maximum load on each model is indicated based on the user's position - sitting. Therefore, you will need to choose the best seat for your classes. An armchair or a chair with a comfortable backrest are the best options. In fact, you yourself can choose what degree of inclination of the legs to do, how far the simulator should be located from you, and the like. Depending on the height of the seat and the location of the simulator, you can vary the load on different muscles. You just need to try to make the seat comfortable and take the load off your back.
  • Emphasis. Often, simulators require some kind of emphasis so that the structure does not move out. Therefore, an anti-slip surface or a surface against which you will rest the simulator may be required.
  • The duration of the workout. If you have any goals like losing weight or improving cardio, you need to choose the optimal (not excessively short) duration of the sessions and maintain an optimal pace. It is best to get a heart rate monitor in order to accurately determine the desired load and duration of classes.

In order to pump your arms, you just need to place the simulator on a table or similar surface. In order to create optimal load set the distance so that at maximum extension the leg remains slightly bent, that is, it does not fully unbend.

How to choose this simulator without a seat and steering wheel?

In the selection process, you should evaluate your own goals from the very beginning, based on this, look at the main parameters:

  1. flywheel mass- the larger the flywheel, the more intense the load you can get, respectively, for active training, you should choose models where this parameter is higher, but, as a rule, the range is 2-3 kilograms;
  2. housing material- the main options are steel and plastic, plastic is lighter, but less durable, with a steel simulator you get higher reliability, but also the mass increases slightly;
  3. load adjustment– advantages and disadvantages are discussed in the paragraph on the varieties of these simulators;
  4. computer options- the standard version offers distance, countdown and calories, the improved version can even have training programs and heart rate-dependent programs;
  5. ergonomics– although the designs are not particularly different, attention should be paid to the comfort of the pedals and straps, the location of the pedals relative to the body, and other factors.
Attention! The ability to adjust the load and get more intense workouts also depends on the type of machine. In this sense, the most "training" option is electromagnetic and magnetic models (which can be used for). For simple aerobics, belt trainers can also come in handy.

7 best models for home

In order to better understand the variety of options, consider various models of low-cost options with detailed descriptions and photo.

1. Aerofit

Made of steel, plastic pedals. The total weight is a little over 4 kilograms. Something like a coffee pot or stainless steel pan.

A great option to do exercises before a morning cup of coffee.

However, you should not abuse food before training. You will learn about proper nutrition during training on this simulator from a separate article.

Aerofit has a rather large computer screen, in which only a set of standard functions:

  • total duration of training;
  • the duration of the current workout;
  • distance and calories.

On the pedals, the straps are adjustable for both legs and arms. Although the load system is mechanical, the load is quite felt even for trained people. Quite affordable price for such a quality option.

2. DFC SC-W002

A more expensive model, which, in fact, differs only in a larger mass and a larger computer screen.

In terms of functions, there is an identical picture, but there is a speed meter, in terms of load it is also identical to the previous one. The flywheel weighs a couple of kilograms, and the total mass is more than six kilograms.

Plastic case, normal ergonomics. Withstands weight up to 110 kg.

3. Torneo Duo

Home exercise machine with a belt (mechanical) load regulation system. Standard version with a slightly feminine design. Lightweight plastic construction, low weight, on-board computer.

Of the features here should be called the original pedals. They are made like handles that you can wrap your palm around. Therefore, it is convenient to train your hands.

4. DFC SC-W002X

An excellent model that you can put even on a small shelf. Folding mini exercise bike with shoe loading system. Affordable cost, maximum user weight - 100 kg, on-board computer with all the main measurements.

If you want to try what mini exercise bikes are and whether you like such activities, this option is quite normal. For a relatively small cost, you will get an excellent tool that will allow you to pump your arms and legs.

5. Sport Elite BY-810

Sturdy and reliable device made of plastic and steel. Belt loading system, convenient computer, adjustable rotation intensity.

There is no heart rate measurement, but in addition to speed, you can also see the cadence.

6 Torneo Smart Bike

More advanced and more expensive model compared to the rest. There are some factors that make it more efficient and more comfortable to use:

  • EverProof- proprietary technology to increase reliability, the use of durable materials;
  • - many degrees of load adjustment allow you to create various training programs;
  • increased amplitude- A special connecting rod is used here, which provides an increased range of motion.

The simulator is quite massive and weighs 8 kilograms. Unlike other options, the computer is not located on the case itself, but placed in a separate rack.

7. Ferrum IREB 0801

This model is practically no different from the rest, but it uses a magnetic load regulation system. Therefore, for a change, we note this option.

There are no significant differences in cost compared to the previous option, about twice as expensive as the others. Original design, weight a little over five kilograms. Suitable for intense workouts.

As you can see, the variety of mini exercise bikes is quite significant. In addition to these models, there are many others. Often the most expensive mini exercise bike costs about the same as the cheapest standard bike.

Also watch some videos

Many people are worried about excess weight, others just want to keep fit, others are recommended training for health reasons.

For each person from these categories, buying an exercise bike can be an ideal option in solving urgent problems. It remains only to purchase this coveted unit, but how to do it and what you need to know when choosing?

Most people who experience a problem with overweight trying to change the situation. To do this, they run in the morning, diet, go to the gym.

Unfortunately, there is not always time to go for a run or go to the gym, and in view of this, thoughts about buying an exercise bike arise.

To date, aerobic exercise with an exercise bike is the most effective and, moreover, affordable. But before you just go and buy, you need to know how to choose an exercise bike for your home, what are the nuances and whether there are any specific recommendations.

If a home exercise bike is matched to individual characteristics, is really of high quality and meets international standards, not only excess weight will gradually disappear, but such internal organs like lungs, heart and blood vessels.

Before proceeding to the burning issue of how to choose an exercise bike for weight loss, it should be clarified that the range of these units is very extensive.

In addition, after a workout, you can simply fold it and put it in a corner. Of course, such units are not as durable and functional as standard ones, but, on the other hand, such exercise bikes are simply ideal for those who are just starting their workouts and mastering such systems.

Mini exercise bike

In principle, if you want to purchase the most elementary and easy-to-use simulator, you can opt for this option. It has a lot of positive properties, including its compactness and low cost.

Upright bike

If we want to load not only the legs during training, but also the rest of the body, we select the vertical type of the unit. Basically it's the same bike. You can adjust the saddle for him.

Due to the fact that the frames of the apparatus are very powerful, and because of the unique design, training on an upright exercise bike can include not only a standard system, but also acceleration with a break from the seat.

Horizontal Type Trainer

If you are overweight, but there are problems in lumbar, it makes sense to consider purchasing a recumbent bike.

On such an apparatus, only the legs are exposed to the load and nothing else, since the training itself is carried out in a lying or semi-lying position. In principle, this device is also able to remove excess weight, but in a slightly different way than standard models.

In the question of how to choose an exercise bike for the home, there are many additional criteria, for example, the presence of additional functions or their absence.

Not only the quality of the training depends on this, but also the cost of the unit itself. With a computer and a display, a person can control many important parameters, including:

  • some secondary functions, for example, the exact training time, air temperature, and so on;
  • the magnitude of the existing load;
  • heart rate.

With regard to sensor data, their there are several types.

  1. Wireless sensors of photoelectronic type.
  2. In the handles of the simulator.
  3. Sensors attached to the chest or on the ear.

The sensor, of course, is not the primary criterion for choosing an exercise bike, but there is a relationship: how convenient the entire training process will be, how effective the result will be.

For example, it is not always convenient to hold the handles of the unit in your hands during a workout. For this reason, the option with sensors on the handles may not be entirely relevant. In the case of attachment to the ear or chest, a person may experience discomfort.

The wireless type, in principle, is devoid of all these shortcomings, and, in fact, exercise bikes equipped with this sensor significantly outperform the others.

That is, based on the foregoing, we can draw simple objective conclusions. To choose or not an exercise bike with additional sensors? The answer depends primarily on purpose of using the device.

  1. If you are concerned about increased weight, you should purchase a machine with a heavy flywheel and an increased load range. Also in this case, it is advisable to fork out for high-quality sensors.
  2. In the event that the simulator is purchased for preventive actions and for diseases of the vascular system, one should be especially zealous about the presence maximum number sensors. That is, it is important to know the state of the loads, what is the pulse during training, and it is also desirable to keep a journal.

If the simulator is bought only to maintain tone, all functions can be abandoned. If the presence of a computer is desirable, you can purchase an exercise bike with the most banal electronic device.

TOP 5 best exercise bikes for home

After describing the main types and features of simulators, you should proceed to a direct review specific models. Customer reviews made it possible to create the TOP-5 most popular and efficient exercise bikes for home use.

This is a full-fledged vertical-type bicycle ergometer unit, which is used both at home and in specialized sports clubs. More suitable for a person who is aimed at serious training.

The exercise bike has a wide functionality, is able to withstand a large body weight (up to 148 kilograms), allows you to set the necessary load and the required training program.


  • 20 load modes;
  • professional display;
  • 10 training programs;
  • the ability to customize the steering wheel and seat for all households;
  • heart rate sensor;
  • a function showing the load on various muscle groups;
  • fan;
  • additional devices - speakers, places for a glass and books.


  • inability to train the upper limbs;
  • high price.

The average cost is 91,000 rubles.

Another bicycle ergometer, only, unlike the previous model, refers to semi-professional exercise machines with a vertical landing. The unit is distinguished by a variety of functions and programs: for weight loss, strengthening of cardio-vascular system, endurance and speed training.

According to reviews, the exercise bike is characterized by increased comfort, since the seat can be adjusted in height, and the straps on the pedals can be adjusted to size.


  • assessment of the state of the heart and blood vessels;
  • adipose tissue analyzer;
  • 32 load modes;
  • 19 training programs;
  • touch sensor for measuring heart rate;
  • clear display;
  • comfortable seat (gel pillow);
  • easy and silent running;
  • the ability to withstand body weight up to 150 kg;
  • reasonable price for such a device.


  • Sometimes the heart rate readings on the sensors go astray.

The average cost is 29,000 rubles.

Svensson Body Labs cross line BCM

This treadmill is small in size and high in performance. First of all, the sports device is aimed at novice users and amateur athletes.

Many buyers note that the exercise bike has an optimal ratio of cost, functionality and High Quality. Perhaps this is the best budget model.


  • noiselessness;
  • 8 load modes;
  • informative display;
  • touch sensors for measuring the pulse on the handles;
  • comfortable seat;
  • fairly low cost.


  • no chest pulse transmitter;
  • inability to set your own program;
  • maximum weight - 120 kg.

The average cost is 15,500 rubles.

The semi-professional model is suitable for those who wish to track their condition while active training. The monitor displays heart rate, exercise time, “riding” speed, distance traveled, energy consumption and even room temperature.

The device is intended for people with different physical training and different body weight. And the compact dimensions allow you to install an exercise bike even in a small room.


  • high quality materials and installation;
  • 10 load modes;
  • comfortable gel seat;
  • pulse sensor on the steering wheel;
  • the ability to connect a wireless cardio sensor, the indicators of which are displayed on the monitor;
  • maximum weight - 150 kg.


  • readings of the built-in pulse sensor are not always correct;
  • lack of training programming.

The average cost is 38,000 rubles.

Budget simulator, one of the most popular and frequently purchased devices of this class. Ideal for exercising at home.

Suitable for both a person who wants to lose weight, and for a non-professional athlete who seeks to improve certain characteristics.


  • the possibility of adjusting the seat;
  • 8 load modes;
  • smooth and silent movement of the pedals;
  • there is a stand for a glass;
  • informative display;
  • transport rollers;
  • floor uneven compensation.


  • the inability to program the course of classes.

The average cost is 17,000 rubles.

When choosing a device, consider all its indicators, the characteristics of your body and the main goal of training. Fortunately, modern manufacturers offer many exercise bikes for every taste and budget.

A mini exercise bike for the home differs from the usual one not only in size, but also in some fundamentally important design features.

Such a device is a training bike without a seat and without a steering wheel. In fact, its entire mechanism is a flywheel enclosed in a case, and standard pedals.

The loading system for mini-models is usually mechanical,.

Notable virtues

Small pedal simulators have the following indisputable advantages:

  • light weight (4-8 kg.), feasible even for a child;
  • compactness - LSHV 45x20x30 cm, LSHV 40x30x33 cm, etc. (as a rule, the maximum characteristic - length - does not exceed 50 cm);
  • simplicity of the principle of operation, facilitating repairs;
  • opportunity to work in comfortable posture- for example, sitting in a familiar chair in front of a computer (the simulator itself freely "hides" under the table).
  • no undue stress on the back, which is likely with the wrong setup of a "real", large house bike.

Compact simulators - not always, but in most cases - are equipped with a control computer. It displays:

  • the duration of the lesson;
  • reached speed (km/h);
  • distance traveled;
  • the number of calories burned.

Is there an effect of exercising on a mini-exercise bike?

The mini exercise bike is perfect for older people who need to stimulate the circulation of the limbs. It is curious that a baby with pedals is quite suitable for developing not only legs, but also arms - just lift it from the floor to the table.

Among the mini-devices, there are a lot of models that are positioned as they are and are sold in medical equipment stores. Their main buyers are people who have had a stroke (see separately).

As for training to lose weight...

The main disadvantage of small pedal simulators

As you probably know, each bike simulator has its own load limit. This indicator directly depends on the mass of the flywheel.

Alas, a baby home bike is not capable of having a heavy flywheel by default. The flywheel usually accounts for 2-3 kilograms of the total mass. It is natural that the actual range of loads is modest, the difference between the levels is felt relatively weakly.

If you are looking to buy a mini exercise bike for a toddler or an older person, a seatless exercise bike will suit your needs, but a young man with strong calves might prefer another option. Pumping up muscles is much more convenient on the "big" or high-quality.

The crazy rhythm of big cities does not give you pleasure to ride a bike. And there will be no benefit from such a trip: automobile exhausts, dense human and traffic flow deprive her of any comfort. Yes, and a work schedule with eternal time pressure simply does not leave the opportunity to lose weight in this way.

But great alternative for weight loss, an exercise bike can be used all year round.


The undoubted benefits of an exercise bike are a scientifically proven fact that should not be questioned. Confirmation can be figures that reflect the level of their sales. Today, this design is one of the most popular home exercise equipment. And that's why:

  • develops the muscles of the legs;
  • improves joint mobility, ligament strength;
  • hardens from injury;
  • cardio training on an exercise bike strengthens the respiratory and cardiovascular system;
  • increase in endurance;
  • burning extra calories
  • elimination of cellulite;
  • pumping the buttocks;
  • figure correction;
  • improving the proportions of the abdomen and hips;
  • gentle load on the knee and ankle joints;
  • relaxation.

After such an impressive list, it is unlikely that anyone will have doubts whether an exercise bike is useful for weight loss: not only for body shaping, but also for health in general, designs for regular classes not to be found at home, despite all its disadvantages.

through the pages of history. The roots of the first exercise bike go back to the middle of the 18th century. It was bulky, primitive and motionless. I had to work with both hands and feet. The modern model was invented only in the 70s of the twentieth century.


To lose weight with an exercise bike, you have to come to terms with some of its shortcomings:

  • takes up a lot of space;
  • lack of outdoor activities;
  • time costs: to get a noticeable result, you will have to do a lot;
  • if used incorrectly, it will not allow to achieve the expected goals;
  • often spoils posture;
  • body overload;
  • the risk of clothes getting into the simulator mechanism;
  • lack of effectiveness without a coach.

The disadvantages should also include a large list of contraindications. On such a simulator you can not exercise with:

  • elevated temperature;
  • colds;
  • acute forms of infection;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • oncology.

But if there are no health problems, you can safely lose weight with the help of a home exercise bike. But first you have to plunge into the variety of its models and choose one single design for your needs.

With the world - on a string. Chinese company home appliances Haier presented to the court a prototype of a system that combines an exercise bike and a washing machine. In order for the latter to wash the clothes, the hostess will have to pedal the simulator for some time. In this way, it charges the lithium-ion batteries that power the washing machine.


If you need a home exercise bike for weight loss, you will have to figure out what types are on the market today, how they differ from each other different models and which of them is the most suitable for correcting your particular figure.

Classification by design features

First, decide which exercise bike is best for weight loss in terms of design.


This is a stationary imitation of a bicycle without wheels.

  • habitual load distribution and position;
  • relative compactness;
  • effective calorie burning;
  • working with certain muscle groups is an ideal design for slimming legs.

If there are problems with the joints or the spine, losing weight on an upright bike is contraindicated.


The list of advantages of these models is endless:

  • the most comfortable position of the body, thanks to a comfortable seat with a back;
  • suitable for rehabilitation after injuries for the prevention of dystrophy;
  • gentle training regimen;
  • ergonomics;
  • safety.
  • big weight;
  • lack of quick results;
  • bulkiness;
  • high price.

If you want to lose weight quickly and get noticeable results in short time, a recumbent bike will not work for you.


Are you constantly on the road that interfere with weight loss? Then portable exercise bikes are what you need.


  • a light weight;
  • mobility;
  • compactness;
  • simplicity of design;
  • low price;
  • ease of operation.
  • insufficient efficiency;
  • You will have to look for a suitable seat yourself.

Portable models are needed, rather, to maintain shape and easy body shaping in problem parts of the body. But the effectiveness of the exercise bike for weight loss is generally quite low.


This is a combination of horizontal and vertical types in one model. It allows you to adjust the position of the seat. Very convenient design, as it allows you to use it in different conditions.


  • universality;
  • maximum comfort;
  • the possibility of adjusting the seat.


  • big weight;
  • high price;
  • bulkiness.

When choosing one of these designs, ask yourself if the exercise bike is effective for weight loss - after all, this is your main task. Sometimes you can sacrifice comfort and financial savings if you really want to lose weight. For this purpose, of all the models considered, the hybrid turns out to be the most suitable.

Classification according to load realization systems

If the design of the exercise bike is chosen, proceed to the analysis of the load system that it offers. After all, the final results will depend on this, namely: the numbers on the scales and the volumes of the figure.


The load system is organized in the same way as a conventional bike. From the pedals comes a belt drive, which drives the flywheel, which is brought out.

The load on a mechanical exercise bike can be adjusted in 2 ways:

  1. The more you tighten the belt, the more stress on your legs.
  2. The tighter you press the pads to the flywheel, the more effort you will have to apply to scroll the pedals.
  • smooth running;
  • prevention of injuries of joints and ligaments;
  • mobility, as it does not require the need to connect to the power supply.
  • noise;
  • quick wear pads;
  • big weight;
  • ride rigidity.

The mechanical model is good for slimming legs and burning extra calories.


Magnetic exercise bikes are more popular than mechanical exercise bikes, as they are easier to operate and adjust loads.


  • smooth running;
  • light weight;
  • noiselessness;
  • wide range of load modes;
  • energy efficiency;
  • mobility;
  • guarantees a good result in losing weight.


  • high price;
  • the complexity of the repair.

The magnetic models of such simulators are compact and effective, so they are ideal for home exercises for the purpose of losing weight.


Electromagnetic exercise bikes are as similar as possible in terms of the type of device and the system of loads with magnetic ones. But they have a wider range of programs and a lot of additional functions.

  • high efficiency of classes;
  • the possibility of individual training regimes for an individual;
  • variety of functionality;
  • high price;
  • power dependency.

There are also electric generating models that do not have such a minus as electromagnetic ones - dependence on power supply, because they work from a built-in electric generator.

An exercise bike for homework is a very expensive thing, so its purchase must be taken with all responsibility. Study in detail the features of each model, view the ratings and reviews, so that later the money is not thrown away.

Always remember that your goal is to lose weight, and as we saw from this review, it will be almost impossible to achieve it on some designs. A few helpful tips will help you make the right choice.

On a note. There are many brands on the market today that produce excellent, high-quality exercise bikes. It is worth looking at such companies as Kettler, Winner, Dender, Bremshey (Germany), Body Sculpture, Torneo, DFC, Halley, Hasttings (China), HouseFit, AMF (USA), Johnson (Taiwan).

Criterias of choice

Are you planning to buy an exercise bike for weight loss at home? In this case, pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Comfort. Training will be long, and various kinds of inconveniences will interfere and distract them.
  2. The calorie counter is a very useful feature, thanks to which you can control your energy consumption and shed extra pounds.
  3. A training log will help you schedule classes, plan and adjust the entire process, tracking the amount of load on different days.
  4. Bottle holder. Are you planning long trips? But this is profuse sweating and loss of moisture. Being distracted every time to drink, you can lose the pace and lose the fighting enthusiasm.

Now you know how to choose an exercise bike for weight loss and body shaping. Acquired - and it's time to start developing a program for personal training. Otherwise, there will be no result.

Keep in mind. It is not worth saving on exercise bikes on which you plan to lose weight. The more it is computerized, the more useful features it will have and the better you will track the process of burning calories and losing weight.

A few useful tips on how to exercise on an exercise bike will allow you to get the most out of it for weight loss. Very often, people fail to lose weight just because they missed some kind of training system. important nuance considering it useless. Don't make these mistakes:

  1. The most effective will be morning workout on an exercise bike for weight loss - before breakfast. During the night, the body has time to exhaust all the glycogen (carbohydrates), so it will have to burn fat.
  2. The duration of one lesson should not be less than 40 minutes.
  3. Fat burning and pulse (heart rate) are directly related. To determine for yourself what indicator an exercise bike should give out for weight loss, use the following formula: 220 minus your age minus 30%.
  4. If your goal is to exercise on an exercise bike to lose weight in your abdomen, you can wrap your waist and sides, which will give training a special effectiveness.
  5. Always start with a light warm-up. The ending should also be smooth. The sharpness of the loads will adversely affect the state of health.
  6. The most difficult thing in this whole business is the exercise bike training program, or rather, its compilation. If you feel like you can't handle it yourself, entrust it to a professional.
  7. If it becomes bad, it is better to postpone the lesson until the next time.
  8. To lose weight, you have to exercise regularly, otherwise there will be no result. Therefore, make a schedule of classes on an exercise bike with an indication of the time of classes and the approximate load. You can practice daily for 40 minutes, or you can do it for an hour, but every other day.
  9. Organize proper nutrition: Reduce portions, but eat more often.
  10. Keep track of calories, because you should consume them per day less than you spend. You can focus on the approximate table of calorie consumption when exercising on the simulator.

These helpful tips set the right direction on how to exercise on an exercise bike for weight loss, but these are just nuances that you have to follow. The most important thing is to correctly design a training program.

According to research. As practice shows, people involved in sports to music achieved much better results in losing weight.

Lesson programs

Any system of training on an exercise bike for weight loss should begin with minimal loads. Especially for those who already for a long time did not play sports and led a sedentary lifestyle. At the same time, training programs for men and women will differ due to the greater endurance of the former.

For men

What should be the focus of the training program for men when losing weight? Maximum calorie burning, increased performance and endurance, buttock firmness. An approximate diagram might look like this:

  1. Warm-up: 5 minutes - light exercise at 0% incline and 10% resistance.
  2. Preparation: 5 min - moderately high load at a slope of 2% and resistance up to 50%.
  3. Main load: 20 min - intensity (light / high load) changes every 6 minutes.
  4. Completion: 5 min - light load at 0% incline and 10% resistance.

If men learn how to properly use the exercise bike for weight loss in accordance with their physical parameters, they will get rid of the beer belly and extra pounds, and at the same time muscle mass will increase.

For women

An exemplary training program for women can be compiled as follows:

  1. 3 minutes warm up.
  2. 3-6 min - speed 16 km / h with a resistance of 20%.
  3. 6-9 min - increase in speed up to 20 km / h with a resistance of 50%.
  4. 9-12 minutes - raise the buttocks above the seat (such an exercise will be useful for losing weight on the hips), the speed and resistance indicators are the same.
  5. 12-16 min - return to the seat, speed - 17 km / h with a resistance of 40%.
  6. 12-16 min - increase in speed to 24 km / h with a resistance of 50%.
  7. 16-19 min - decrease in resistance and speed by 10%.
  8. 19-20 min - smooth transition to calm pace, stop.

In addition, in order to quickly get rid of body fat, women should perform special exercises on the exercise bike for weight loss, namely: slightly raise the hips off the seat while pedaling to tighten the muscles and shift the center of gravity. This will also allow the buttocks to pump up.

Universal program

Also good for weight loss interval training on an exercise bike, which is equally suitable for both men and women. However, it requires a fairly solid physical training. Its essence lies in the alternation of medium (or light) load with high. You can choose any interval. An example schema might be as follows:

  1. 3 minutes warm up.
  2. 35 min alternations: 1 minute - fast pace // 2 minutes - slow;
  3. 3 min cooldown.

Any exercise on an exercise bike for weight loss should begin with a warm-up in order to warm up the joints, ligaments, muscles. To do this, it is enough to do 8-10 rotations with your arms, pelvis, legs, a series of stretching exercises.

After you are riding your steel friend, pedal for 2 minutes at a slow pace. And only after that you can start implementing your program.


When choosing to lose weight with the help of an exercise bike, many people doubt whether this way of dealing with excess weight will be justified and whether they should turn their attention to other home exercise equipment?

It all depends on which part of your figure you want to correct and how many kilograms to lose.

What is better for weight loss: an exercise bike or a treadmill?

So if you doubt what will be better for you: an exercise bike or running - be guided by the data in this table and make the final decision.

What is better for weight loss: an exercise bike or an elliptical trainer?

IN Lately gained particular popularity elliptical trainers Orbitrek. Their advantages over an exercise bike:

  • the natural trajectory of movement significantly reduces the load on the lower limbs;
  • the ability to move forward and backward;
  • a wide range of different programs and load levels;
  • ergonomic handles and handrails put into operation upper part body;
  • silent operation of the mechanisms is great for practicing at home;
  • you can change the angle of inclination of the trajectory of movements.

So decide for yourself what is best for you: an exercise bike or an ellipsoid. Both designs have their advantages and disadvantages.

If the exercise bike is organized correctly, it will help to lose weight and improve health. This is one of the most effective workouts to burn extra calories.

Yes, you have to tune in to the regularity of classes and quite impressive physical exercise. But in the end, they justify the time and money spent on the simulator. The state of health improves, the figure is corrected, excess weight goes away - beauty and health are worth such sacrifices!

The compact home exercise bike "AEROFIT" can be used both for training arms and legs. Its creators have removed all unnecessary and left only the most necessary part of the exercise bike - the pedals, replacing the rest with a wide display that shows the time, distance and calories burned. Unlike conventional exercise bikes, AEROFIT can be used not only to train the legs, but also the arms. The simulator is equipped with a special wheel with which you can adjust the resistance of the pedals.

Work on yourself anytime and anywhere with the revolutionary AEROFIT exercise bike! It is worth putting it under your feet while working or playing at the computer and you, carried away by another thing, will not notice how your body will become more elastic and toned.
"AEROFIT" is incredibly easy to use, lightweight and does not take up much space. Its stylish design does not attract too much attention, thanks to which the simulator will harmoniously fit into any interior.

Mini exercise bike "AEROFIT" strengthens the muscles of the legs, hips, buttocks, back, arms and shoulders, burning calories and reducing weight, thanks to constant training improves blood circulation and heart function. The exercise bike is for home use only. Use the treadmill in a clean and well ventilated area. Place the exercise bike only on a level surface, leaving enough free space around the exercise bike. In order not to spoil the surface on which you want to install the exercise bike, it is recommended to lay a mat under its legs. When using a stationary bike, wear athletic shoes and sportswear. Do not wear overly loose clothing as it may catch on the pedals of the machine. It is also recommended to remove all jewelry and bijouterie for the duration of the workout.

Mode of application:

  • To train the muscles of the legs, buttocks and thighs, place the simulator on the floor, place a low chair near it. Sit on a chair, put your feet on the pedals and start spinning;
  • For arm training shoulder complex place the treadmill on the table. Sit at a table across from the machine, place your hands on the pedals, and start spinning. It is recommended to start any workout with a light warm-up (squats, bends). While exercising, focus on your well-being. For greater efficiency, gradually increase the speed of rotation. The length of your workout depends on your fitness level and goals, so match it to your abilities and health. The optimal daily exercise time is 30 minutes. To adjust the resistance of the pedals during rotation, use the wheel located on the body of the simulator. Please consult your doctor before starting any exercise program.

If you experience pain or discomfort (dizziness, nausea, etc.) while riding the exercise bike, stop exercising immediately and consult a doctor for advice. Training on an exercise bike is contraindicated for people with severe stages cardiovascular diseases(thrombophlebitis, tachycardia, cardiac asthma, etc.), diabetes mellitus, oncological diseases, as well as severe stages of diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system. Storage and care recommendations: do not store the device in rooms where there is high humidity. Keep the exercise bike out of the reach of children. Clean the exercise bike with a damp sponge. Warning: Do not submerge the exercise bike in water or leave it in direct sunlight!

Additional Information.

To train the muscles of the legs, buttocks and thighs, place the simulator on the floor, place a low chair near it. Sit on a chair, put your feet on the pedals, and start spinning.
To train the arms and shoulder complex, place the simulator on the table. Sit at a table across from the machine, place your hands on the pedals, and start spinning.
Production material: metal, plastic.


The transport packaging may have minor defects due to the peculiarities of transportation, which do not affect the quality of the product.


  • Manufacturer: Bradex;
  • Type: Portable;
  • Load system: Mechanical;
  • Color: Silver;
  • Folding Design: No;
  • Compensators for uneven floors: No;
  • Design features: Without seat;
  • Pulse measurements: No;
  • Display type: Monochrome LCD display;
  • Package size (HxWxD): 40 x 33 x 18 cm;
  • Weight: 4 kg;
  • Country of origin: China.