Sports activities after childbirth can be started. When and where to start exercising after childbirth

Sports after childbirth is an issue that worries many mothers. I want to be beautiful, get rid of excess weight and stretch marks, tighten sagging belly. But do not rush into this, so as not to harm the child, because he is completely dependent on his mother. The body of the latter is still weakened, so any physical education can become stressful for him and deprive him of milk or spoil its taste and make negative adjustments to the vitamin complex. Given that mom's milk is the baby's only food, it's better not to risk it.

To begin with, you should check how ready the body is for physical activity. This is done simply: lying on your back, bend your knees, and put your hands on your stomach next to your navel. You need to lift your shoulders, neck and head. If a gap appears under the arms between the abdominal muscles, more than one or two fingers, it is too early to engage in physical education.

A more detailed answer to the question of when exactly you can start playing sports after childbirth lies in what kind of birth it was.

Natural childbirth without complications

If they occurred in the usual way, and the mother did not have cuts, injuries or tears, you can perform minor physical exercises almost immediately, in the hospital.

These exercises are called recovery gymnastics to stabilize the muscles of the abdomen, back and chest. Doctors allow gymnastics in a day, choosing certain lying positions. After two weeks (only in the case of a decrease in postpartum discharge), you can proceed to more complex physical education. It is important to pay attention to the muscles of the chest, back and abdomen - this will tone the whole body.

Various sports activities after childbirth are possible only after 4-6 weeks, and only with good health.

Natural childbirth with tears or incisions

If there were complications during childbirth, even minimal physical activity is allowed only after a month. The main rule in this case is that an examination by a doctor and his permission are initially necessary. After two weeks of classes, you need to visit it again. And only if everything is in order, you can continue to do what you love, but very carefully and gradually. Yoga after childbirth the best option to get back into the sporting rhythm of life.


The procedure looks simpler than the natural process of childbirth, but healing is more difficult and takes longer. Therefore, any, even the most insignificant load, is possible only after a doctor's examination and according to the results of ultrasound after two months.

Sports of medium complexity are possible no earlier than after four months. However, with CS, it is especially important to increase the load gradually. If you immediately load the body, there will be pain in the suture area. It is possible that the suture may tear or begin to bleed. Serious exercise is allowed after 6 months of tedious waiting.

What sports are appropriate after childbirth?

by the most useful activities for women in labor, oriental dances are rightfully considered. They do not burden the body too much, but they noticeably correct the stomach and hips, and also have a positive effect on all body systems, especially the genitourinary and digestive systems. Dancing has a beneficial effect on the emotional state of the mother - they give confidence and help to realize that she is still sexy. This is especially important in postpartum depression.

Yoga after childbirth great option. It can be done almost immediately if the doctor is in favor. It heals not only the physical shell, but also the state of mind.

Walking is a great solution for moms who don't have the time/money/desire to Gym. Walking can be done with the child, walking with a stroller or wearing it in a sling. It is important to start with short walks, increasing them daily by 3 minutes.

Swimming and aqua fitness are also beneficial. Water relaxes muscles and helps with back pain. It is important to choose the right swimsuit that does not press on the chest and does not interfere with body movements.

Pilates classes distribute the load evenly on all muscles, relax and promote good health. Therefore, they are recommended almost in the first days after the permission of the doctor.

Active sports such as badminton, skating, tennis, skiing, volleyball, cycling and rollerblading will benefit, but after light exertion. During these exercises, you need to listen to how you feel and stop them as soon as the body gets tired.

What sports should not be done after childbirth?

While swimming, you should not use the "beach breaststroke", leaving your head above the water - because of this, the muscles are too tense. The body may consider this as stress, with all the ensuing consequences.

Contact types of martial arts are contraindicated, otherwise you can damage the chest, abdominal cavity, ligaments and joints. Also banned are strength exercises and those sports that cause a rush of adrenaline. It can reduce or even stop milk production.

Some are interested in whether it is possible to run after the childbirth. Doctors consider running time-consuming and advise to refrain from it in the first 6-8 months.

How to get in shape after childbirth - useful tips

After caesarean section it is better to do recovery exercises by wearing a bandage. This should be discussed with your doctor first. If the hoop is one of your favorite activities, then it is better to start with the standard thin hoop, and over time (after a month or two) switch to "hula-hoop".

Physical education is best done according to a special sequential scheme:

  1. Initially, the exercises should be very simple. Suitable respiratory or those that can be performed in lying position. You need to repeat one or two times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions.
  2. After some time, you can do a warm-up exercise, which consists of swings, squats, tilts and more. You can remember the school workout. At first, one or two repetitions are enough, then their number increases.
  3. If the body reacts normally to the load, you can go directly to the sport. Yoga after childbirth, fitness, swimming, shaping, Pilates and more. However, yoga can replace the second point or become its addition. You need to start with one weekly lesson, each month adding one more lesson per week. Running after childbirth is possible no earlier than after 8-10 months.

Nursing mothers need to make sure that the body does not overwork and has enough fluid (otherwise, a sufficient amount of milk will not be produced). By increasing the load, you need to drink more fluid. Better practice active pursuits after the baby's milk intake, so that the lactic acid formed during exercise in the body is neutralized before the next feeding.


It is always necessary to keep the body in shape, and it is necessary to do this for yourself, and not for others. If you don’t have money for a gym, you can do physical education at home. If there is no time for yourself, you can actively relax with your child.

Specialists have developed a whole range of exercises that are useful for both mom and baby. Almost all of them are performed in the supine position. As an option - walking with a stroller. A sling with a baby can also become a weighting agent that helps to train muscles.

Be beautiful and healthy.

Return former form and body size after childbirth is a problem not only for those who play sports professionally, but also for everyone who keeps up with the requirements and demands modern life. The answer to the question of what kind of sports you can do after childbirth is of interest to most young mothers.

What to choose and how to perform the exercises so that the result is maximum? "Three whales" in the issue of sports after childbirth: the desire to regain the previous forms, constancy in training, a gradual increase in physical activity.

Bearing a child reshapes the entire body of a woman in favor of the full development of the baby.

The level of estrogen and progesterone, the main female hormones involved in metabolic processes, is falling. This leads to rapid accumulation of body fat.

Also, weight gain is due to possible edema, increased blood volume, an increase in the mass of the mammary glands, the growth of the child and the surrounding fetal membranes.

After childbirth, a large part of the mass gained by a woman goes due to:

  • loss of amniotic fluid and a certain amount of blood;
  • weight of the born baby;
  • discharge of the placenta.

If the expectant mother had edema, they subside during this period, as it becomes easier for the kidneys to work. But the fat layer will not disappear on its own.

Going in for sports after childbirth is the push that will allow you to lose "surplus" in short time, because strict diets are not recommended for nursing.

When can classes start?

It is not difficult to determine the period when after childbirth you can play sports - focus on well-being and the state of the body.

Physical education should be done from the first days after childbirth, increasing the load on the body gradually and accurately. Some useful tips:

  • empty your bladder before charging;
  • do exercises after feeding the baby;
  • make sure that the temperature in the room at the time of class is 18-20 degrees;
  • choose loose clothing that does not restrict movement;
  • after each group of exercises, it is necessary to lie on the stomach, this contributes to the early contraction of the uterus and a decrease in the volume of the abdomen;
  • move smoothly, as if in slow motion, without sudden lunges.

For women who are accustomed to an active lifestyle and want to return to society as soon as possible, the question is: “Sports after childbirth, when can I start?” is of fundamental importance.

We offer a set of simple exercises for those who wish to bring their appearance in accordance with the requirements of the present. You can start classes, in the absence of complications, after discharge from the hospital. They are carried out in a prone position (on a bed or mattress).

A set of simple exercises:

  1. Hands lie along the body. We exhale - we retract the stomach to the limit. Inhale - relax.
  2. Lying position. The legs at the knees are bent, exhale - the pelvis rises, inhale - falls.
  3. Lying on the bed. Hands to the side. Raise chest, trying to close the shoulder blades without lifting your head from the pillow. Exhale - return to the starting position.
  4. We lie on our stomach. We bend each leg at the knee alternately 10-15 times.
  5. Lying on your back, perform the exercise "bike". We finish when we are tired.
  6. We take the side of the bed with our hands. The legs are bent at the knees. Without taking your feet off the mattress, we make alternate tilts of the legs closed together to the left and right 5-10 times.
  7. Rotation of the feet raised above the abdomen. 10 times with the left foot, 10 times with the right.
  8. Rolling on the bed. Turn sideways, first to the left several times, then to the right.

Even those who were professionally involved in sports before childbirth should not be zealous from the first days. Everyone needs to start the same way, gradually increasing the load.

What sports are allowed after childbirth?

Experts in the field of medicine do not advise starting sports immediately after childbirth. For some, it takes one month to recover, for others, even a year is not enough.

What you need to consider when deciding what sports you can do after childbirth:

  • age;
  • body condition;
  • availability of home conditions for classes.

The ideal solution for body shaping is dance. Oriental belly dance is specially designed for "sculpting" forms in problem areas. Soft, smooth movements of the arms, legs and torso are an excellent remedy for restoring blood flow in the joints of the limbs and strengthening the muscles of the chest and arms.

Swimming. You can swim 2-3 times a week, if the uterus does not bleed, there is no pain syndrome. Water is a universal natural trainer that makes the muscles of the legs, arms, and torso work. It is in water that the highest "return" of calories is achieved!

Each exercise for different problem areas repeat 5 to 10 times. Training in the pool should be started from 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing the load and training time up to an hour.

Pilates is a gentler form of fitness available at home. Constant practice of this sport involves the abdominal muscles, making it perfectly elastic and rigid with regular loads. Exercises for the spine form a graceful posture, remove lateral deposits in the waist and hips.

The question of when it is possible to play sports after childbirth is very important for modern women. Life dictates its own terms: in our world you can’t let yourself go - this is constantly reminded by the pages of glossy magazines, TV shows and fashion shows, as well as all the people around us.

That is why, as soon as the baby is born, a young woman begins to think about signing up for a gym or starting yoga classes. But when can it be done? Doctors have different opinions on this matter. Let's try to figure it out.

Sports after natural childbirth

As a rule, it takes about 3-4 months for the female body to recover, and if incisions were made during childbirth or natural tears occurred, the period increases to 5-6 months. If you start playing sports earlier, there is a risk of complications and divergence of the seams.

More precise recommendations can only be given by a doctor. He will determine the period during which the young mother should not actively engage in physical exercises, and when he sees that the condition of the woman in labor does not cause concern, he will give the green light to sports.

Sports should only be started after the caesarean section scar has completely healed.

Sports after caesarean section

As for women who gave birth through a caesarean section, they should also follow the recommendations of the attending physician. In the first weeks after the operation, it is generally not recommended to strain the muscles too much. light exercise ( morning work-out, walking) can be performed no earlier than two months after childbirth.

The first exercises, contrary to the wishes of the woman, should not strain the abdominal muscles. You will still have time and opportunity to get rid of the stomach, but for now you need to slowly prepare the body for more active activities.

The press after a cesarean section can only be started with the permission of the doctor.

Where to begin?

The physical fitness of women can be different. Someone actively went in for sports during pregnancy, someone took care of themselves and tried not to overexert themselves once again. Nevertheless, after the birth of a baby, all women are in almost the same conditions.

It is better to start with a simple exercise that does not require much muscle tension. Remember how you warmed up at school in a physical education lesson. IN daily gymnastics allowed to include:

  1. walking in place;
  2. side bends;
  3. wave your hands;
  4. "mill";
  5. squats;
  6. rotational movements of the arms and head;
  7. warming up the feet and legs.

Try not to be too zealous, especially in the first weeks after childbirth. Do 8-10 exercises and rest. During classes, you should not feel pain and severe muscle tension.

So simple and seemingly useless exercises very important for the body of a young mother. They “warm up” the muscles, tone them up and prepare them for more serious loads.

What sports are allowed after childbirth?

The question of the types of physical activity after childbirth is as popular as the question of when it is possible to exercise after childbirth. Women are interested in knowing what they can do without harm to health. However, it usually makes no sense to ask this question to gynecologists. Many of them do not understand sports and do not know about many sports areas that have emerged in recent years.

After the prescribed 3-4 (5-6 in some cases) months, a woman can do almost any physical exercise, but the best choice will be:

  • dancing (oriental dances are perfect, as they have a beneficial effect on women's health and hormonal levels);
  • swimming pool (classes in the water in a short time will bring the body and figure of the woman in labor into perfect condition);
  • Pilates (this type of physical activity will help to quickly tighten and strengthen muscles);
  • yoga (helps to relax, energize and strengthen the whole body).

Now there are many courses and sports programs designed specifically for new mothers. Coaches select individual exercises for a woman that are suitable specifically for her, so it makes sense to take a closer look at just such exercises, and not try to “pull up” the figure on your own.

However, you can replace classes in the fitness room with walking or walking.

All kinds of heavy exercise after childbirth are contraindicated!

What sports are prohibited after childbirth?

In general, there are no special prohibitions, but after childbirth it is worth limiting sports that put a strain on the heart and worsen lactation.

It is undesirable to do:

  • light and weightlifting;
  • running;
  • cycling;
  • tennis
  • volleyball;
  • football.

If you notice that sports have a negative effect on the quality of milk or on its quantity, then it is better to stop them. After all, a healthy and happy baby is many times more important beautiful figure.


A woman who has become a mother is beautiful in her own right. This is noticed by everyone around and, of course, her husband. But time and society dictates its own rules, therefore, after giving birth to a child, any woman thinks about body shaping with the help of sports. This is correct and natural, but we must not forget that the health of the mother and baby should be above all else.

You should not play sports without the permission of a doctor, just as you should not immediately take on serious exercises that require a colossal load. Start with a light warm-up, sign up for dancing or yoga, and in a few months you will see positive results.

Every young mother sooner or later (better, of course, early) asks important issue, when can you play sports after childbirth and what loads will be right?

It can be very difficult to figure it out on your own - during pregnancy, the proportions of the body, the shape of the chest, posture have changed, stretch marks that are not pleasing to the eye have appeared. How to get rid of them?

What to do after a caesarean section and how to deal with diastasis? Will training harm lactation? How to combine fitness and nutrition?

We talk about all this, as well as sports suitable for young mothers, in this article.

When can a nursing mother go in for sports after childbirth?

It is worth starting, adhering to the main rule - do not harm the body.

Of course, in the nine months of gestation, everyone gains weight: someone - to a greater extent, someone - to a lesser extent.

It depends on the usual sports activity before pregnancy, during it, and, of course, on who ate how much and whether they ate for two.

After the birth of a child, an increase of up to five kilograms is considered adequate - the rest go due to the weight of the child and amniotic fluid. The size of the mammary glands also increases, edema appears.

All this translates into sad numbers on the scales.

Some of the problems go away on their own, and some remain on the conscience of the woman. Therefore, at the first stage of the return to former form it is important to identify your departure from the norm.

To do this, we consider the body mass index (BMI): we divide our weight by the square of height. For example, 60 / (1.60x1.60) \u003d 23.4.

With a BMI less than 19, an increase of up to 15 kilos is considered acceptable (during pregnancy, of course); at 19-26 - up to 12; with a score of 26 and above, you should not have scored more than 9.

From this simple math, it becomes clear: if you put on more weight, the fat layers themselves will not resolve. It's time to head to the gym.

The birth of a child changes not only the figure, but also the character of a woman.

Where do breastfeeding mothers start?

This is the question we must answer in the second step.

Immediately after the birth of the baby, make yourself the right balanced diet, taking into account the advice of an obstetrician-gynecologist and pediatrician: if you are breastfeeding, diet and sports should not harm either you or the baby.

Some girls start training as early as a month after giving birth; others, especially if there was a difficult pregnancy and caesarean, have to postpone the start of classes for another two or three.

The recovery period depends on chronic diseases, pressure, usual physical form(it is foolish to think that if you were not particularly active before pregnancy, the muscles will quickly recover), bleeding tendencies.

Start classes with minimal loads

If you feel great, you can start at the moment the postpartum discharge stops.

In the case of a caesarean, you will have to avoid exercises for the press, various twists and planks for at least two more months.

It is also worth remembering that during the birth itself there is a slight deformation of the pelvic bones, spine and back muscles.

This suggests that classes should be light and measured, so Pilates, proper breathing practices, part of yoga asanas, gymnastics for the back, arms and legs will be ideal for restoring shape.

Many girls are interested in the question, when can I start classes after giving birth with stitches?

The answer is unequivocal - only after their removal and full postoperative recovery.

There is absolutely no need to provoke a discrepancy, bleeding and possible prolapse of the uterus.

And in the case of a caesarean section, for example, you can start training the abdominal muscles approximately six months after the operation.

Give up for a while from an active sports lifestyle in favor of proper nutrition and outdoor walks.

If you decide to exercise with dumbbells, their weight should not exceed a kilogram

5 optimal sports for new mothers


Why: exercising in water, you reduce the load on the spine, strengthen the overall muscle tone and improve blood circulation.

Sign up for a pool

Aqua aerobics

Why: for the same reason as swimming. It is easier given to women with a lot of weight, works out the abdominal muscles and develops coordination of movements.

Try to be like aqua aerobics


Why: returns to tone sagging skin, fights our cellulite and unaesthetic stretch marks.

Pilates is great for new moms


Why: helps to relax, strengthen muscles, lose weight, overcome postpartum depression.

But it is important to know that not all asanas are suitable for you, but complexes specially designed for the recovery of young mothers after childbirth.

Find a good yoga instructor


Why: goes with cardio excess fat, all muscles are trained, incl. abdomen, legs and cardiovascular system are strengthened.

Tip: at the same time, exclude those sports where the body is forced to actively shake, overstrain and jump. These are running, cycling, volleyball, wrestling, karate, etc.

Do cardio

How to combine fitness and breastfeeding?

When you know that it is already possible to exercise after childbirth, it is especially important to adhere to simple rules when breastfeeding, so that training does not harm the health of the child:

  1. Your training schedule should be combined with feeding. Ideally, you should start after your first morning feed, but before your breakfast. This is necessary so that the body produces less lactic acid, which gives an unpleasant taste to milk.
  2. From too intense training, even with good health, you should refrain - training on simulators, with dumbbells and weights can lead to a decrease in the amount of milk.
  3. Half an hour of training at the first stage will be enough, do not bring yourself to a nervous breakdown with photos of fitonies on the net and a wonderful quick return to their former form of podium divas.
  4. You need to practice in a special sports bra for reliable fixation of the enlarged breast and in a bandage if there was a caesarean section.
  5. Drink water during exercise and restore the balance of lost fluids.
  6. After sports, lean on protein foods and reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed. Eat more allowed hypoallergenic vegetables and fruits.

Use a special bandage to support the stomach

When can I play sports after childbirth with breaks?

The process of recovery and healing is individual for everyone, but if sutures were placed after childbirth, only a doctor can guide you, so it is especially important not to miss a scheduled examination by a gynecologist.

It may take up to six months for the body to fully get stronger and return to shape, otherwise there is a danger of seam divergence.

Practice Kegel exercises with your doctor's permission

The only exception in this case may be Kegel exercises - they strengthen the muscles of the perineum and vagina, help overcome the problem of urinary incontinence and normalize blood circulation in the pelvis.

With normal childbirth, they can be performed the very next day.

With breaks - careful training begins 1-1.5 months after suturing, sometimes earlier.

It is important to monitor your well-being and the absence of discomfort.

And again, we repeat - the body of each woman is individual, do not be shy and do not be too lazy to ask the doctor if it is possible.

The first physical activity, when it is already possible to engage in gentle sports after childbirth for a nursing mother, the famous doctor Evgeny Komarovsky recommends starting with the most elementary:

  1. Walk more often and walk with children
  2. Standing More Than Sitting - That's How You Lose Twice as Many Calories
  3. Find a girlfriend for joint shopping trips and sports, while talking you will not noticeably increase the distance traveled
  4. Praise yourself for the regularity and fidelity to training
  5. Takes them seriously and does not look for excuses from the series: “I am a mother, I have a child, I have no time”, because 99.99% of success is your desire and desire to return the body to its former attractiveness

Walk outdoors more

Where to put the "pregnant" belly after childbirth?

If you did not stop exercising in the gym before and during pregnancy, the muscles will begin to bounce back in the first two weeks after childbirth and will hold the uterus, not allowing it to protrude.

In other cases, the stomach will have to be overcome.

In women who have not taken care of their body, such a protrusion can last more than two months, and after training to cope with sagging skin and stretch marks, you can not do.

When, after giving birth, should a nursing mother go in for sports and start doing those same exercises without abs?

If childbirth was natural and easy

muscle training abdominals you can start when the discharge from the vagina completely stops.

It usually takes up to 8 weeks to fully recover. Don't jump right in training process, increase activity and time gradually.

Don't jump right in complex exercises for the press, so as not to get the opposite effect

For caesarean section

You can start pumping the press after six months, when the scar on the uterus is fully mature.

With diastasis

In no case should you perform exercises aimed at training the rectus abdominis muscle.

Mild diastasis will pass quite quickly, but the attending physician will be able to tell you the degree of discrepancy and how to deal with it. Do not self-medicate and do not complicate your life.

8 first exercises

This affordable complex can be performed at home, lying in your own bed. Exercise after feeding your baby.

Charge smoothly, avoid sudden movements. Do each exercise 10-15 times, increasing the number of trips as much as possible.

Simple exercises for weight loss you can perform without getting out of bed
  1. We lay down straight. We straighten our arms along the body. On the exhale, we retract the stomach to the limit. Take a deep breath and relax.
  2. We remain in the same position. We bend our legs at the knees. On the exhale we raise the pelvis, on the inhale we lower it.
  3. Starting position lying. We spread our arms to the sides and raise the chest, while trying to close the shoulder blades. The head continues to lie on the floor or bed. On exhalation, we return to the previous position.
  4. In the supine position, alternately bend each leg at the knee 10-15 times.
  5. We turn over on our backs and make a "bike". We stop when we are tired.
  6. Hands hold on to the back of the bed. We bend our legs at the knees. Without lifting your feet from the mattress, alternately put your knees on the right and left sides.
  7. We perform the rotation of the feet in turn, raising them above the line of the abdomen.
  8. And finally, we roll on the bed to the left and right.

These light exercises will help to slightly develop stagnant muscles.

Ideally, if you have the opportunity to leave your child to your husband/grandmothers/nanny a couple of times a week, sign up for swimming, because water is a real natural trainer that will quickly get you in shape.

To choose the right load and training complex, when you can already play sports after childbirth while breastfeeding, this video will also help you:

Of course, the period of pregnancy is the happiest in the life of every woman. But it was at this time that the vast majority of ladies are gaining extra pounds. There is even such a stereotype that if you decide to have a baby, you can say goodbye to your figure. This opinion is so old that many women have already been able to reverse it. Each mom just needs to return to “her” previous form, and fitness after childbirth will help her with this. That is what this article will be about.

Restoration of the figure after childbirth

It is simply necessary to restore your former. First, if you like yourself, you will have good mood so the baby will be fine too. Secondly, after the sport you will feel a surge of strength. Moms who engage in regular physical activity look more active and energetic. Those who already love sports know that good workout like a fresh breath of air. Don't believe? Then try postpartum fitness classes.

It is necessary to restore the figure after childbirth on all fronts, and not just with the help of sports.

First of all, you need to normalize the weight, and this can be done with the help of the right diet. Of course, during the period of breastfeeding, you will have to forget about all kinds of diets that you were previously on, they are generally inappropriate during this period. Not only are you still not fully strengthened after giving birth, but diets will also deprive you and your baby of nutrients.

We change the diet

The first step on the way to the former figure is to reconsider your diet. Surely, if you are breastfeeding, you already adhere to certain rules of nutrition. Indeed, during lactation, smoked products, fat content, carbonated drinks, products with artificial colors and preservatives are not recommended. If you haven’t eaten all this for a long time, you can say that half the battle is done. It is worth adding a few nuances:

  1. You should eat small meals 5 times a day. If between meals you are hungry, eat some fruit or drink a glass of kefir.
  2. Avoid sweet, salty and starchy foods. These are the three main enemies of the ideal figure.
  3. Drink more fluids. Normally, a person needs about 2 liters of water per day. The lack provokes a decrease in metabolism, therefore, calories are not consumed. In addition, 90% of breast milk consists of liquid, so it is simply necessary to drink clean water during lactation.

Lastly, metabolism is also affected healthy sleep. When your baby is sleeping, and you let yourself sleep, and dust and debris will not go anywhere.

When can I exercise after giving birth?

Many women who have decided to regain their former figure are concerned about the question: “How long after giving birth can I do fitness?”. First of all, take your time to run to the gym on the third day or after discharge. It is worth noting right away that it will not work to lose weight quickly after the birth of a baby. Still, for nine months you have been accumulating these extra pounds. In addition, a sharp weight loss can play a cruel joke, your breast milk may disappear. Therefore, gradualism is important in this matter.

Doctors usually recommend starting sports training 5-6 weeks after birth. This is only if the birth took place naturally without any complications. And then you should not immediately start intensive training. If you were engaged in fitness before pregnancy and during it, then it will not be difficult for you to return to your usual sports mode after childbirth.

There is one more important point Why can't you start right away? active training. The fact is that if during lactation mommy is engaged in intensive strength exercises, then she releases lactic acid, which spoils the taste of the mother's "delicacy". That is, the baby can simply refuse the breast. Therefore, do not rush to exhaust yourself with sports. And if you want to feed the baby further, then it is better to give preference to Pilates or yoga. Such fitness after childbirth will definitely not bring harm.

Sports after cesarean

Special attention requires the case when childbirth took place by caesarean section. Returning to training will be more difficult. In addition, there are special programs- fitness for by caesarean section, but it will be possible to start them only after consultation and permission of the doctor. Usually, a woman is allowed to return to training only after the wound has healed to eliminate the risk of infection and rupture of the stitches. As a rule, this requires at least 8 weeks.

Preparation first

your body rested from physical activity nine months, so you should not immediately grab barbells and dumbbells. You need to start exercising gradually, increasing the load over time. If you don't have the opportunity to leave the child to the nanny or grandmother to go to the gym, it doesn't matter. You can arrange fitness after the benefit of this, there are many video courses. In addition, daily walks with the baby are also considered a kind of exercise. Walking burns calories. So do not sit on a bench, but walk, walk and walk again.

There are exercises that you can do immediately upon returning from the hospital. After them, it will be much easier for you to start more intense workouts. So, these are:

  1. Kegel exercise. It is necessary to restore the elasticity of the pelvic muscles.
  2. Breathing exercises
  3. Fitball exercises. You can deal with this inventory on a daily basis. For example, while breastfeeding, you can sit on a fitball and perform circular motions pelvis.

Combining baby care with fitness

Many mothers refuse to play sports, referring to the fact that they spend all their time caring for the baby. We will reveal a secret for them: these two activities can be successfully combined. The easiest option, which we have already mentioned, is walking. With kids, you need to be in the fresh air every day, so let it become useful for you. For example, while walking, you can perform various movements, go slowly, then faster, on tiptoe. All you need is 40 minutes, and 300 kilocalories are gone.

Each mother does not sit and lie on the couch, she moves around the apartment, doing household chores. So walking can be replaced by energetic dancing. By the way, yoga is ideally combined with caring for the baby. And it is not necessary to perform complex asanas, it is enough to learn a few simple poses.

Top Best Postpartum Fitness Programs

We offer you the top of the best and most effective home workouts that you can do while your baby is sleeping:

1. fitness after childbirth

Perhaps this is the most popular program for young mothers, as it is affordable and gentle. Even if you didn’t do sports before pregnancy, this video course will be on your shoulder. Cindy Crawford created a program with a smooth increase in load, that is, you first start exercising for 10 minutes a day for 14 days, then another 15 minutes are added and so on until a full workout.

2. Tracey Anderson: Post Pregnancy

Tracy created the program based on her personal experience. This video course is more advanced and may not be suitable for beginners. The set of exercises is designed for 50 minutes, and this is a fairly strong load, so you can divide it into two sets. The program has a lot of exercises for the press.

3. Hot Body Healthy Mommy

This is a new program from the famous Jillian Michaels. The set of exercises is designed for beginners and for those who have only recently recovered from childbirth. It consists of 3 workouts for different parts of the body.

Cosmetic procedures for young mothers

Now you know what fitness means after childbirth, after how much you can start exercising and which exercises are better to do and which are not. In combination with sports, cosmetic manipulations will help to restore the figure to fit. Here are some procedures that can be recommended to a new mother:

  1. Home peeling. To improve the relief of the skin, give it smoothness and elasticity, you need to use a scrub twice a week.
  2. Self-massage. Several times a week, you can massage yourself with special anti-cellulite creams.
  3. Electrical stimulation. Suitable for nursing mothers. This is a hardware procedure in which the lower layers of the muscles are affected. That is, it is an alternative to exercise.
  4. Mesotherapy. Alas, this method is not suitable for nursing mothers. But if you are not breastfeeding, then you can use the mesotherapy procedure, which is aimed at burning fat and tightening the skin.
  5. Also at home, you can make wraps with different compositions. Not recommended during lactation.

The fact that fitness after childbirth is important and necessary is obvious. But here's how to do it so as not to harm either yourself or the baby ?! You need to follow a few rules and recommendations:

  • If possible, it is better to hire personal trainer, which will tell you in detail what fitness is after childbirth, when to start exercising and what exercises you can do.
  • If you work out at home on your own, then develop a program for yourself so that it involves all muscle groups.
  • Don't do all the exercises in one set. You can distribute them throughout the day. For example, while the baby is sleeping.
  • Start exercising only after feeding and an hour before.
  • Do not neglect wearing a postpartum bandage. He is able to support abdominal muscles and will not allow the skin to sag.
  • For the sake of a beautiful figure, you should not quit breast-feeding. After all, this is an important nutrition for the baby. In addition, the production of breast milk takes 300 kcal.
  • You need to do it regularly 3-5 times a week for 30-60 minutes.


And in conclusion, it is worth saying that fitness after childbirth is necessary for every woman. No one to leave the child with to go to the gym?! This is not a problem, study at home, there would be a desire. But remember that the most important thing is health, do not overexert yourself, because you already have a lot of trouble with the baby. Stay beautiful!