Women's Slavic gymnastics for the beauty of the soul and body. Slavic gymnastics of enchantresses: on the video exercises, descriptions and recommendations for women Slavic gymnastics 27 cards with exercises

It's no secret that modern woman in a constant cycle between home and work, he rarely finds time for himself, losing over time not only his former attractiveness, but also his vitality.

On the other hand, the desire to take on all the problems does not bring joy to either her or those around her. So, many men believe that a modern woman lacks, first of all, truly feminine weakness, spirituality, and morality.

Since ancient times, Slavic women have attracted men with their beauty. What was the secret of their attractiveness to men? One must think that women in those days were, first of all, the keepers of the hearth, but at the same time they had great power of charm (why they were also called enchantresses), which was passed down from generation to generation as a genetic memory. Any man needs a woman who will help him realize himself in life. Not grumpy, selfish and narcissistic, but a true Woman, who is essentially a Beregina and is confident in her own abilities, can give a lot to a man, save and increase his energy in the form of strength and money, give him children, and create his own hearth.

Slavic gymnastics, which practices the power of Beregini, an ancient energy generic practice of the ancient Slavs, is capable of helping a modern woman regain self-confidence and revive generic energy. Classes in such gymnastics allow you to clear and expand energy channels, increase your own self-esteem and stress resistance, become slimmer and straighten your posture, strengthen muscles and become sexier and more attractive. Already the first few sessions produce significant changes in a woman, which may be, at first glance, imperceptible, but are reflected in the posture, in the postures of the woman, in her inner worldview.

Slavic gymnastics

On the net today you can find several approaches to this practice and many videos with the gymnastics of Slavic enchantresses according to the methods of G. Adamovich, M. Guseva and other authors. So, in the approach of the teacher of Minsk University Gennady Adamovich, bit by bit recreating this technique, there are 27 exercises with ancient Slavic symbols. The very same Slavic gymnastics is included in a whole system that combines physical and breathing exercises, as well as includes recommendations for maintaining a home life "Dabrabyt". In the method of Maria Guseva, which is called "The Birth of a Star", similar 27 exercises are also practiced, but from a slightly different angle, with a greater emphasis on physical improvement. Of course, each of these masters has his own concept of the practice of Slavic gymnastics for women, but its essence remains the same - to develop knowledge of the body to saturate it with energy in accordance with their requests. So, based on the principles of this methodology, material support will be given to that woman who, on the contrary, does not put in
his priorities are money in the first place, but at the same time he sends a subconscious request to acquire well-being for his family and children.

Many modern women are afraid to have many children due to lack of financial opportunities. It is interesting that the family of a woman who desired such well-being for her family, in fact, will soon be provided with opportunities for prosperity.

Today, doctors are increasingly talking about the neurological cause of many diseases. Slavic gymnastics helps to harmonize the internal state of a woman, thus influencing the cause of illnesses, and the physical side of this practice provides ample opportunities to strengthen not only the spirit, but also the body.

Basics of Slavic gymnastics: exercises

Only 10-15 minutes daily must be spent on performing Slavic gymnastics exercises, which is of great importance given the incredible employment of today's women. The main thing in the classes is that the process of training itself should not be a burden, it needs to bring joy and pleasure, since the purpose of the exercises is to feel and deep knowledge of your body and its beauty. At the heart of Slavic gymnastics are smooth swaying movements, quite simple and accessible for development by different age groups women.

At the same time, the exercises of Slavic gymnastics are not simple. morning exercises because they have serious philosophical significance. Already at the initial stage, gymnastics includes 27 exercises, which involve a combination of physical activity with proper breathing. And the next stage of gymnastics for performing exercises requires focusing on Slavic symbolism, which helps to awaken a woman's ancestral memory and natural intuition.

This gymnastics not only enhances the flow of energy flows, but also stimulates the spine, and in this regard, its effectiveness cannot be overestimated for the improvement of the musculoskeletal system. With regular gymnastics of Slavic enchantresses, the work of various internal systems is normalized: nervous, respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive. This gymnastics has a special effect on the reproductive system. It is known that the pelvic area is one of the most compressed in the body due to sedentary work and lack of physical activity. Special exercises of this gymnastics increase the tone and elasticity of internal muscles, improve the mobility of the hip joints and blood circulation in the tissues, allowing the essence of a woman to open up in full force.

At the same time, no special material support is needed for classes, because they are best done not in training halls, but in the fresh air, preferably closer to a powerful source of natural energy: the sea, pond, forest, meadow. In this respect, Slavic gymnastics is similar to Eastern health-improving methods, but, of course, it is much closer to Europeans in its essence and practiced exercises, because it was originally created by the Slavs for the Slavs, and their traditions have serious differences from the same Indian or Chinese philosophical movements.

What does Slavic gymnastics give for women?

The system of female Slavic gymnastics is simple and accessible to everyone, and there are no age or health restrictions in it.

At the same time, this gymnastics is a very powerful tool for influencing the female body and consciousness. You can start doing it from a book, which has its advantages, including the relative cheapness of this method. However, it is often difficult to determine from printed drawings how to properly perform this or that exercise and take the right posture, and many other nuances may remain incomprehensible. It is best to come to a specially organized seminar in a particular city and personally make contact with a trained instructor who would be the bearer of precious information. On the other hand, such seminars are not held in every city, and it can be difficult to attend them. Then you can pay attention to the detailed videos of Slavic gymnastics to make sure if this gymnastics is right for you, because for it, first of all, you need to be ready not physically, but spiritually.

If you are completely sure that this particular gymnastics is suitable for a woman in spirit and in essence, you need to understand that when starting classes, you need to create the right attitude. After all, doing a practice where energy flows are involved, it is very important to direct this energy in the right direction. Even subconsciously expressing a desire to calm down and come into a state of harmony after experienced stress (for example, a quarrel), a woman should not send a negative request so that someone (for example, another participant in the conflict) becomes ill. Instead of wanting to wipe the nose of an envious neighbor, you need to reformulate your desire into something like “I want to make our relationship with her harmonious”, trying to keep my thoughts bright and positive. Otherwise, the energy received during the session will not work properly.

You can watch a set of Slavic gymnastics exercises on the video:

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Slavic gymnastics for women has its origins in ancient times. Previously, the main purpose of a woman was the house, the family, the hearth, the birth and upbringing of children. To maintain health and attractiveness, women used the practices available to them, including Slavic gymnastics.

Why do we need Slavic women's gymnastics

Regular exercise is a great way to relax, gymnastics relieves fatigue and stress, fills you with energy and strength. Thanks to the exercises, the spine is strengthened and straightened, the joints stop hurting.

An important factor is the normalization of female intimate health - menstruation passes without pain, it is easier to conceive and bear a child. In general, a woman becomes more feminine, graceful, she attracts male attention, feels sexy.

The intimacy is getting better and becomes bright, harmonious. The whole world seems to open up to meet a woman.

Neither age nor fitness level matter. The only important thing is the desire to change yourself and the world around you and be ready for these changes.

Find your complex

IN gymnastic complex- 27 exercises. You do not need to perform them all, moreover, an individual set consists of 7 exercises. Only having mastered them to full automatism, it is worth moving on to others.

At the initial stage, each exercise is performed in 3-4 approaches, gradually increasing them to 12-15. If you do Slavic gymnastics in a fitness center with a trainer, then a competent specialist will help you create a complex.

The author of the modern technique, Gennady Adamovich (a man, paradoxically!) in his book offers a table in which exercises are selected in accordance with the date of birth and place of birth. There is a more frivolous way, using a deck of cards.

Gymnastics of Slavic enchantresses, 27 exercises, are divided into 3 levels: upper, middle and lower, depending on the starting position. There are 36 playing cards in a standard deck. One suit must be removed, leaving 27 cards - according to the number of exercises.

Each of the suits corresponds to one level, each card to an exercise. You need to draw 2 cards of each suit - the first 6 exercises, and then return them to the deck and draw the final seventh card.

The complex is ready. Its implementation should not be rushed, it is important to follow. It is best to exercise alone.

The authors of modern techniques in Slavic gymnastics believe that regular classes awaken in a woman the memory of the family and the connection with the ancestors, release such energy, which makes a woman a real beauty, a conqueror of men.

Lower level: Navi world

In the video lessons of the founder of the school of Slavic gymnastics "Strength of Beregini" Ksenia Silaeva, you can study in detail both the basic positions and the exercises themselves.

The basic position of the lower level is taken before each exercise. It looks like this:

  • the woman gets on all fours, her hips are perpendicular to the floor.
  • Hands - support on the elbows, they are connected to each other, palms - on the shoulders, and the chin is located on the hands.
  • The spine should be stretched, the top of the head - forward, the pelvis - back.
  1. From the basic position, slowly lean forward, looking forward. Near the floor, lie on your cheek on it, turning your head to the side for this and move forward until your thighs are perpendicular to the floor. Stop in this position, spread your arms to the sides, put on the floor so that your shoulders touch the floor. Return to the base position by doing all the movements in reverse order.
  2. From the basic position, put your hand on the lower back, the elbow should look down. The leg opposite the hand behind the back is extended to the side. The knee is straightened, the foot is stretched over itself. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the other side.
  3. From the basic position, slowly sit down on your heels, tilting the body. The gaze is directed forward, the elbows are lowered. Turn your head near the floor, put your cheek and slide forward.
    After stretching your arms to the sides, put your shoulders on the floor. Transfer the weight of the body to the supporting leg, stretch the other leg to the side, the knee should be straightened, the foot should be pulled over.
    In the reverse order, the knee, hands, and body return to their place. Then perform the exercise on the other side in the same sequence.

Upper level: Rule world

The basic position is also taken after and before each exercise.

Standing, legs apart shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees, assuming the position of the maximum squat, put your hands behind your back and fold your hands to each other on the lower back. The crown stretches up, the shoulders are deployed and widely laid back.

In order for the pelvis to take the correct position, it must be taken as far back as possible, then forward, then lowered down.

  • Slowly rise to the toes and lower to the feet. The knees are bent during the exercise.
  • Stand on one leg, bend the other and press the knee to the knee. Slightly tilt the body forward, rise on the toe of the supporting leg.
  • Then return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the other side.

Intermediate level: the world of Reveal

Kneeling, feet pressed to the floor, feet shoulder-width apart. The shoulders are spread wide back, the top of the head stretches up. The knees are in a position at an acute angle to the floor. Hands are brought back, connected by the back sides behind the back at the waist.

  • In the basic position, connect the socks and heels, hold one hand along the body along the chest and connect it to the lock with the second behind the shoulder (one hand from below, the other from above). The chin looks up, the body is tilted to the sides of the hand located below. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
  • From the basic position, take one leg forward, pull the foot towards you. Bring both hands up and weave them over your head. Make a turn with the whole body from the sacrum towards the leg extended forward. Return to the basic position, lower your arms, switch legs and repeat the exercise on the other side.
  • Connect the socks and heels in the basic position, bring your hands up. Make a tilt to the side. Take the basic position and repeat the exercise on the other side.
  • From the basic position, slowly sit down on your heels, tilting the body. The gaze is directed forward, the elbows are lowered. Hold this position, then return to the starting position. Breathing should be even, the spine should be stretched.

The above exercises are not all. Each exercise of a certain level one way or another repeats the rest, intertwines and echoes with them.

Video - We strengthen health according to the method of ancient Slavic women

It is best to analyze the methodology for performing exercises on video, setting a goal, on the YouTube channel you can find not only each of the exercises, but also tips and recommendations. Repeat with the master of the club "Mint" Exercises of the upper world of female Slavic gymnastics to improve your health!

Slavic gymnastics is aimed at awakening, the main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties and not to quit what you started halfway through.

Most likely, each of us has come across a woman who, without having luxurious external data, attracts all the attention of those around her, first of all, men. In such cases, they say that her beauty comes from within and this attracts. Some of this gift is given from above, but it can be developed independently.

Slavic gymnastics, which our distant ancestors successfully practiced, can help with this. For some time she was forgotten, but modern instructors remembered her, and today she is gaining popularity not only among the Slavs, but also among many other nationalities, although genetically she is still closer to the inhabitants of our latitudes.

Why witch gymnastics?

Every nation praises the beauty of its "women". Witches, witches are words that reveal the magical power of seduction. The witch combines two words "charms, charms" and a feminine final element, as in words. A folk tradition is associated with love magic spells used by our great-grandmothers to attract loved ones. A witch is a woman who knows how to seduce men. And if one has the skills, then there are ways to master them. This is a modern search for these methods, which led to the reconstruction of Adamovich in tight gymnastics.

The essence of the technique

The modern woman is ambitious and strong in spirit. Sometimes it seems that she wants to conquer the whole world, reach all possible heights, build a career. Many modern ladies in an effort to achieve their goals often use masculine methods.

All this deprives her of female energy, and yet female nature is such that the fairer sex can be happy, gain strength, having achieved harmony. Material wealth will not help to do this, and it seems that our distant ancestors knew about this.

The blow of pagan traditions took several centuries of witch-hunting

Is there a place for magic in gymnastics

Many modern women participating in "oriental gymnastics", martial arts or intensive strength training, do not pay attention to the fact that in many cases the exercises correspond to the needs of men. Slavic gymnastics is dedicated to women who want to enjoy exuding inner beauty. Witchcraft gymnastics is based on a number of beliefs: every woman should and can be attractive and healthy, should please men, enjoy love and have the strength to protect herself and her family from any trouble.

Unlike modern women, they were much more closely connected with nature, and they also used Slavic gymnastics, which helped them maintain femininity and tenderness.

To become a harmonious personality, it is not necessary to give up material wealth, quit your favorite job and devote yourself without a trace to your beloved man and children. It is enough to use the technique that came to us from the distant past.

Slavic gymnastics does not quite correspond to the views of modern women, in whose life a career is important. Do not forget that the proposed gymnastics has its deep roots, somehow “entered” into the Slavic genetic code. Therefore, you should do gymnastics the way you are. Her assumptions are based on traditional concepts of love, the body, and the attractiveness of women. All this can rightly be called "the magic of love."

Why does Slavic gymnastics work?

Practice is not only the repetition of movements, but also the ability to perform them in the right state - intimacy, ritual, magic. In order not to block the flow of energy, it is best to practice barefoot in direct contact with the Earth, leave your knee bare, do not wear a bra, do not tie your hair. Witch Gymnastics is the practice of creating energy that supports relationships and family life. The movements should be performed smoothly until the body gets used to them. As you practice, you can literally feel the movement coming from the earth, the sun, and the water.

The gymnastics complex includes 27 exercises divided into three worlds:

  • Lower;
  • Average;
  • Upper.

All exercises of the lower world are designed exclusively for women, therefore it is contraindicated for men to perform them, so as not to muffle their masculine essence.

Whatever the age, Slavic women admire their beauty

Inner freedom, bright eyes, calm self-confidence, optimism, beautiful posture, health correction, sensual natural fragrance, the ability to evaluate their own capabilities. Women practitioners notice very fast effects and their attitude draws the attention of their friends.

Advantages of Slavic gymnastics

Correction of posture, straight spine, strengthen muscles and joints, the body becomes brighter, full of grace and strength, has a beneficial effect on overall health, normalizes blood pressure, rejuvenation through body regeneration and purification of energy channels, restoration of vitality and elasticity of the body, prevention and Help in the treatment of "women's diseases" by regulating hormone levels; Preparation for childbirth and facilitating the process of childbirth, normalizing the metabolic process; Harmonious, feminine proportions of the body, increasing sexual pleasure and restoring intimate relationships due to the awakening of internal energy, practical training of self-healing, being in touch with oneself and unity with the world, making it easier to stay in shape and good mood, harmonization of the family level of mental and physical Discovery of innate ways of knowing oneself in life through the study of Slavic symbols and the development of the memory of ancestors, a positive impact on relationships with loved ones; Raise your self-esteem, find your own path: to yourself, to a happy family; Realization of own goals and dreams. Witch gymnastics ensures proper glandular function and proper management of hormonal control.

It is not necessary to perform all 27 exercises at the same time - just choose a few of them.

When, after some time, they begin to work out very well, you can pick up a number of exercises from all and work them out until they are perfect.

Technology Benefits

The technique has a lot of advantages. It does not directly contribute to weight loss, but it has a very positive effect on overall health.

The exercises are very simple but very effective. They take into account the maximum needs of the female body. This is a massage for the spine and joints. As a result of exercise, the body becomes relaxed, flexible and flexible, all organs and muscles are saturated with oxygen, they begin to function fully. Immunity increases and colds disappear. The whole body becomes healthier, naturally feminine and seductive. Walking and movement are harmonious and beautiful. Improved condition of skin, nails and hair.

Gradually changing the way the world looks and thinks: activated by female intuition, trust increases in relation to one's own feelings. Gymnastics has a huge positive effect on the pelvis and organs of the reproductive system. Exercise directs energy within the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. A positive effect is felt after a month of practice. Intestinal work improves, improves relationships in relationships. The experience of premenstrual tension disappears. Intimate life is full of sensuality and tenderness. Exercise also increases the chance of a natural pregnancy.


  • Women's Slavic gymnastics allows the body to get soft, rounded lines, attractive
    for men;
  • Vision improves;
  • Improved reproductive health;
  • For women who experience severe pain during menstruation, the technique allows you to get rid of them;
  • The technique helps to overcome problems with the spine.

By exercising regularly, you will notice that your body has become light, it is easy for you to control it. The indisputable advantage of the technique is that you do not need to visit expensive gyms to perform the exercises - you can do them yourself at home.

Gymnastics not only restores health, but also corrects the figure. During the “standing water” exercises, the muscles of the back, chest, abdomen, neck, and shoulder girdle are actively active. Women noticed that the exercises helped the legs regain their elegant shape, and the shape was close to ideal.

History of Slavic gymnastics

They claim that the use complex gymnastics achieved significant improvements in health, noticeable to themselves and their families. Many believe that modern training does not correspond to the traditions of their ancestors. Of course, passionate traditions contain errors. No one knows exactly how Kupala was celebrated, spring mating rituals or others - the most important message being created by the resurgent Slavic traditions. Since then, little has changed. Babies in the villages still go to church and then to the pagan grove.

Today you can find a lot of master classes and detailed descriptions of the complex. Currently detailed description exercises from the course of Slavic female gymnastics are devoted to many books. In them you can also find recommendations on how to perform them correctly, which ones are suitable for a particular woman based on individual characteristics and many other factors. The trainer who practices this technique can also give the necessary recommendations.

The source of Slavic gymnastics is folklore, the tradition is passed on to the grandchildren of grandmothers. Gennady Adamovich works in Belarus; In Ukraine, Oksana Sergunova; And in Russia - Vladislav Meszalkin or Ksenia Silaevova. Gennady Adamovich, a lecturer at the Minsk Pedagogical University, raised a student's question about the female form of activity, and began a search. The girl gave the author of "Slavic gymnastic witches" an impulse to think about other non-combat psychophysical systems that were preserved in the Slavs. The surviving traditions were helped by enthusiastic students, with whom they reconstructed the system women's gymnastics"Still water".

Contraindications and precautions

Before you start exercising, remember that this is not just fitness that benefits most of the body. It is necessary to believe that the technique will bring harmony.

Achieving the desired result should not be a reason for the fact that Slavic gymnastics for women can no longer be performed by you, but an incentive to continue practicing. There is an opinion that this technique does not get along well with hormonal drugs. Because of this, the impact of medications or, conversely, the technology itself can be significantly reduced. The "winner" in this case is determined by the characteristics of the organism.

Witch gymnastics step by step

This is a complex system that includes physical and breathing exercises, contemplative signs, as well as elements of the Slavic horoscope. Photos from the book "Traditional Belarusian Culture". The ethnographic search, which he led with his students, led to the book "Slavic Witch-Gymnastics". Adamovich identified twenty-seven basic exercises. Some of the traditions in which the exercises were learned were known to them no more than seven. According to Adamovich's findings, seven digits is the maximum needed to maintain health.

Many modern instructors believe that a woman of any age can perform the exercises, including girls and young girls.

Nevertheless, many of their colleagues disagree with this opinion, arguing that only adult women, whose reproductive system has already been formed, can practice this technique. This is due to the fear of too early development.

An individual set of seven exercises, according to Adamovich, is calculated on the basis of the Slavic horoscope. The first three exercises deal with physical health problems. Exercises 4, 5 and 6 address mental health issues. The last, basic exercise allows you to harmonize your physical and mental health.

Upper exercise set works to stabilize all internal organs and has a positive effect on the digestive tract due to the internal organs. The main problem that needs to be solved at this level is the problems of human performance, the accumulation of energy needed to achieve goals, and a sense of stability and stability. Exercise with this set lowers blood pressure and has a positive effect on the kidneys.

Aimed at women's health, Slavic gymnastics can harm men of any age. In this regard, it is not recommended to perform exercises in their presence. It is recommended to conduct sessions alone. This is also necessary in order to be able to concentrate on classes, to be alone with yourself. Instructors claim that women who perform Slavic gymnastics become more carefree and feminine. They try to devote more time to their women's concerns than to problems at work, conquering new peaks in their careers.

Walking in the middle of the cluster will not happen, but if we go ashore, then a piece may fall. At best we take a bath in swampy water, at worst we are a swamp. Exercise has the same effect: doing it right will bring us closer to achieving our goals.

An example of exercises and the corresponding symbol. On exercise map 5 from the nether world

Low-level exercises activate lower "strength rocks" and have a positive effect on the heart and liver. In his opinion, exercises help solve problems by developing "ritual memory". And thanks to the desire to improve the body and soul, it creates an image of fate. Adamovich combined gymnastics with the idea of ​​Slavic pagan gods and Vedic astrology. This astrology recognizes only twenty-seven stars that determine destiny and human life. The twenty-seven gymnasts are key to allowing all women to connect with the life forces and harness the cosmic energies.


That's what they call basic complex Slavic gymnastics, which is also called tendon.
The exercises included in this complex belong to the 1st level of complexity, so it is recommended to start the technique with them. The task of the complex is to activate the muscular and tendon apparatus. Thanks to him, the joints, ligaments of the human body are worked out.

According to Adamovich, our ancestors through gymnastics encoded their astrological knowledge for future generations. The number 27 in Slavic mythology corresponds to the number of Bierigin, it also refers to the total number of worlds of the Slavic universe and the number of nine circles-kingdoms of these worlds.

The exercises are associated with the cult of Bieregini. The goddess gives people protection from the forces of nature. Questions that disturb, even unspoken, find a solution in the magical space of "stagnant water". According to legend, the old wizard wanted to save a girl of extraordinary beauty from death, but even his power was not enough for such witchcraft. When he once heard singing in the swamps, he followed its mysterious voice. He saw dancing girls. They seemed to float in the air, exuding an unearthly radiance. Getting closer than the girls, he saw a big fire.

In addition, classes contribute to the activation of the psyche and energy, due to which a healing effect is produced on the entire body.

Within the framework of the complex, for the most part, twisting movements are performed, contributing to the establishment correct breathing, bringing the body into tone, so that a person receives a charge of vivacity. Tendon gymnastics can be performed by almost anyone, regardless of their level of physical fitness.

The fire seemed lively and witty. The voice that came out of the fire belonged to a recently deceased beauty. She betrayed him many secrets of the world and human life. After this meeting, the wizard changed his art. The goddess taught him about three parts of the world - upper, middle and lower: Everything comes from these worlds and returns to them. Man is born, lives and dies in these worlds, indulging in his own laws and rules. Each of these worlds consists of nine parts. Parts of the world determine the entire course of events in a person's life: they influence his birth and death, determine his fate, protect or harm.

You can do it anywhere - being in nature, at work, at home.

A set of exercises

These movements will allow you to find harmony, feel happiness, optimism, feminine strength.

  1. A standing movement is performed. In the starting position, we place our legs apart, bend a little at the knees, while the feet should be parallel. We bend our arms at the elbows and wind them behind the back, the hands are in the lumbar region, close to each other, but do not close. We relax our shoulders, we lower them. We take a breath, rising on our toes. Then we move the hands forward, the hands should be under the chest, tightly fitting to the body. Gently lift them up. At the top, we interlace the brushes in such a way that we get a “bud”, and stretch upwards with the whole torso. Exhale, return to and. P;
  2. I. p. is the same as in the first exercise. Raise one leg up so that its foot
    was under kneecap the second (supporting) leg, and the knee was taken to the side. While inhaling, we make a turn with the whole body towards the raised leg. On the exhale, we return to and. n. Next, we make mirror movements for the second leg;
  3. We kneel, we move them apart so that they are at shoulder level, while the shins are parallel. We put our hands behind our backs. Next, we close the feet (the knees do not move), raise the hands, as in the first exercise, weave the brushes into a “bud”, top torso we do 1 tilt to the sides (without twisting and without lowering the head). We return to i. P.;
  4. To perform the next movement, which women's Slavic gymnastics offers, we kneel, lean forward, put our hands behind our heads, rest our elbows on the floor. With the foot we make a movement towards the chest, and then we straighten it back, making a swing. We do the same with the second leg;
  5. We accept the same. p., as in exercise number 3. With the body we move down, touching the floor with our cheek, we take our hands to the sides, then over the head we close the brushes into a “bud”. We return to i. P.

You can perform the movements as many times as you want and as much as your body requires. The main thing is that at the same time you do not feel tired.

Slavic gymnastics will allow you to awaken your feminine, become more gentle, but self-confident. The acquired inner harmony will become the force that will help you achieve any goals.

Women's Slavic gymnastics is aimed at acquiring energy strength and attractiveness. You can pay attention to the fact that some beauties do not get along with their personal lives, and girls with less beauty have a good husband, children, and in general everything is fine with them. It directly depends on the energy that is inside women. Slavic gymnastics will help create inner harmony that will be reflected in the real world.

From the sources you can find out that this practice was created by our ancestors, and in ancient times it was very popular. It was designed specifically for women. She makes them understand their deep purpose and helps them find happiness. If these exercises are compared with yoga, then unlike yoga, it is more designed for the Slavic appearance and has echoes in the memory of our genes. Yoga was developed more for men, so a number of exercises were developed that were intended for women and were called Slavic gymnastics.

At present, the life of women has grown to such an energy level in which they become like men. Constantly fussing, nervous, instead of being strong and deep. Many will say that the days of dull housewives are over, and women can also earn money, succeed and become independent.

Only the methods chosen to achieve these goals are unfeminine and cannot deliver harmony and well-being. The female gender is created differently. It is worth considering why so many successful women live alone and are unhappy at heart.

You should stop and explore your inner world, and Slavic exercises can bring not only positive effect body, but also allow you to realize your feminine natural nature.

Not all exercises will be obtained immediately, but with a corresponding return, there will be a result. The feminine will awaken, elasticity and plasticity in movements will be acquired, and this can charm any man. There will be no problems with the spine and health will be significantly strengthened: pain during the menstrual cycle will disappear, tartar will not appear, eyes will be less tired and other positive effects will appear.

All the results achieved will be taken as a given, and not as a competitive moment, the main thing is the strength of mind. There will be a desire for a new life, in which there will be full of joyful moments and a complete renewal will come.

Slavic gymnastics is not only a complex of physical exercises, it is aimed at working with consciousness, with a psycho-emotional direction, with respiratory system, with the natural female energy that is inside women. There is a knowledge of your body and daily enjoyment of it.

This article will talk about such gymnastics as the Birth of a Star, the Power of Beregini, Alive and Still Water.

Gymnastics "Birth of a Star"

Gymnastics, called "The Birth of a Star", takes its basis from the complex " Slavic Enchantress". It is aimed at the psychophysical state, which gives the required charge for the body and mental balance.

Gymnastics "The Birth of a Star" is simple, but brings very strong effects. They take into account female physiology, its maximum needs for the body. Classes affect the hormonal glands, lymph flow.

The human body is presented in the form of a thin and beautiful mechanism, and the female body is doubly delightful and amazing. It has always delighted others and brought new life. Today, women are increasingly beginning to imitate men. This is the main problem that leads to disease. Such a practice, which has a simple and effective result, is simply necessary for a modern woman. It will take into account its innate purpose, actual needs and features.

The "Birth of a Star" complex includes 27 classes, from which you should choose only 5-7 suitable exercises. The result is an even hormonal background, a relaxed, smooth and elastic body. Organs and muscles begin to be in physiological tone, because they receive the amount of oxygen they need, and at the same time, full force is involved, which does not tear the body. Immunity is strengthened, colds and seasonal ailments are less disturbing.

"Birth of a Star" makes the body flexible, without pain in the back and joints, aligns posture and puts the nervous system in order. The figure begins to have feminine, seductive and relaxed contours. Even the gait acquires harmonious and delightful movements. Well, the general condition of the skin, nails and hair is also improving.

During the exercise "Birth of a Star" there is a connection to a strong flow of female energy. This allows her personal energy to be renewed, which begins to change her opinions about the outside world and the way she thinks. There is confidence in your personal instincts and feelings.

Gymnastics "The Power of Beregini"

"The Power of Beregini" is a practice aimed at the energy family of the ancient Slavs. Slavic women had a powerful force that they passed down from generation to generation. They were called sorceresses because they could control the elements, had the gift of healing, helped to gain wealth, security and prosperity. Hereditary Beregini still know how to do this.

"The Power of Beregini" allows a woman to see her capabilities, get the energy of her descendants, give harmony to existing relationships, or attract a worthy man to herself.

What gives gymnastics "Power of Beregini" for the body:

  • makes the figure slim;
  • tightens the stomach;
  • straightens posture;
  • supports women's health;
  • cures infertility, menopause and painful menstruation;
  • increases the potential energy of a woman;
  • enhances attractiveness.

For the soul, "The Power of Beregini" gives:

  • revealing the charm of the heart, which is characteristic of the state of the Slavic woman "Beregini";
  • strength to attract a soul mate, health, harmony in relationships, the implementation of their plans. There will also be a force to help loved ones and to successfully raise funds;
  • cleansing and expansion of energy channels;
  • increase your assessment and psychological constancy.

Gymnastics "Still water"

Slavic gymnastics "Still Water" is mainly aimed at improving the functioning of the endocrine glands. It has long been proven that these exercises improve health and create a gorgeous physique for women. All exercises involve the muscles of the legs, back, tummy, chest and neck.

In addition to physical improvements, "Still Water" gives a great mood and spiritual uplift. It has a deep meaning in its name. After all, stagnant water in nature is located in reservoirs and absorbs all the surrounding energy, keeping it for a long time. Since ancient times, it is customary to consider women as the keepers of the hearth, family, traditions, love and faith.

There is a sacred meaning in the standing water gymnastics. It connects us with Slavic ancestors, their culture, traditions and rituals.

The history of the emergence of standing water gymnastics is associated with one sorcerer who lived on the banks of a huge swamp. He was very old, but he had powerful strength. All the people who lived near him were in fear, but at the same time they revered him, because in any trouble that arose, he helped them.

It so happened that one charming enchantress fell mortally ill, and she was brought to the sorcerer. And for the first time in his life, the sorcerer could not help, and the girl died. That night, the shoremen came to him. They lured him by singing to a large fire, from which he began to hear a voice. This voice told the magician about the possibilities of the world, about its influence on the fate of people, and much more. Also on this night, sacred rituals were revealed, which were subsequently transformed into a set of exercises called "Stagnation Water".

Performing complex gymnastics "Still Water" is recommended only under the supervision of experienced instructors. After all, some exercises are not so simple, and it is almost impossible to do them yourself. You can even master the wrong execution technique, which subsequently will not produce results.

The mentor will show the exact body movements and create the aura of performance that will be most effective. From such an activity, you can get not only good meditation, but also the real pleasure you get from every movement in the standing water gymnastics.

Gymnastics "Alive"

Exercises called "Alive" will take about 10-20 minutes a week. Their implementation should be carried out in parallel with daily activities. They will perform the function of relieving tension and fatigue in the body, improve mood and become a source of strength for the implementation of the plans.

The Zhiva complex consists of 27 body poses, and each of them brings relaxation and a sustained state. You can perform only one exercise or all. The maximum complex will take only 20 minutes.

A complete set of exercises will be more effective if there are certain life problems or a quick and deep cure is required.

Zhiva exercises are aimed at a pleasant and easy improvement in women's health. With its help, you can even heal from various female diseases. The menstrual cycle will also become even, which will be painless. The body will acquire a slender figure and smooth movements.

  • improve personal life;
  • find harmony in the family;
  • find mutual understanding with children;
  • become feminine and sexually attractive;
  • realize your feminine destiny.

If you regularly do exercises "Alive", you can get deep relaxation internal organs of the abdomen and muscles of the body. After all, it is in these places that there are great tensions, stresses. When an organ is stressed, it ceases to function functionally. Therefore, fatigue and various diseases occur. If "Still Water" puts thoughts in order, then "Alive" is aimed at putting in order the muscles and organs of women.

Women's Slavic gymnastics is a great way to get in touch with yourself. Of course, there will not be immediately miraculous reincarnations into a beautiful and successful woman.

But in a life that is in complete chaos, there will be a person from whom you can ask for advice, and that person will be you yourself - calm, strong and omniscient. And Slavic gymnastics will help to achieve such a result and plunge into the world of mystery and magic.

How to adjust the figure, remaining in harmony with yourself? It would seem that the question is stupid, but it turned out that inner beauty requires support in order to develop and charm. Some are already born with such a gift that there is genuine luck.

But sometimes Slavic gymnastics, which was successfully practiced by distant Slavic ancestors, can help. Does it really help or is it a real relic of the past? Perhaps you can figure it out only when you try the exercises on yourself.

The gymnastics of the Slavic enchantresses is rooted in the pagan culture of our ancestors, it is associated with the tradition of the ancient Slavs to worship the "shorelines" - patron goddesses and protectors from the evil forces of nature.

The authors of the methodology and instructors of this direction of gymnastics, which includes only 27 exercises, claim that it is healing, relieves health problems (primarily for diseases of the spine and gynecological problems), and also activates female energy. Unlike traditional areas of fitness and gymnastics, it does not directly contribute to weight loss, but at the same time it affects the figure, making the forms more feminine and graceful gait.

The exercises are not very difficult, although, out of habit, many ladies may find it difficult to perform ... In order to do women's Slavic gymnastics, you do not need to visit fitness centers and pay a lot of money for group classes. On the contrary, it should be done alone at home, and even better - in nature.

It is better that you do not do these exercises in front of men, even in front of male children. Women may be present, but it is better to be alone to concentrate on the exercises

Contraindications: men, children and hormones

Think about how to start doing this gymnastics if you accept hormonal preparations- whether it be contraceptive or medical. Since female Slavic gymnastics is called more energetic than physical, hormones come into direct conflict with it. You run the risk of either medication not working properly or gymnastics.

The human body is a delicate and beautiful mechanism, where everything is interconnected, taken into account and verified. The body of a woman is doubly beautiful and amazing. From time immemorial, it gives others admiration and, most importantly, gives life. But, unfortunately, in the modern world, women imitate men in many ways, contrary to their nature. This leads to problems and diseases. And therefore, today, more than ever, a woman needs a simple and effective practice that takes into account her natural destiny, her characteristics and needs.

Women's gymnastics is a psychophysical practice that gives the necessary charge to the body and soul of a woman.

The exercises are quite simple and, at the same time, very effective. They are physiological for a woman and take into account the maximum needs of her body. During classes, hormonal glands, lymph flow are stimulated, internal muscles and organs are worked out, blood flow improves, the spine and joints are massaged.

During classes, a woman connects to a powerful flow of female energy. Due to which its own energy is updated. And gradually her view of the world and way of thinking is changing. The female worldview is activated, trust in intuition and one's own feelings.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the impact of female gymnastics on the pelvic organs and the reproductive system. One of the main causes of women's diseases is a tight stomach and poor circulation in the "female" organs. The Birth of a Star exercises in the best way - stretching, remove clamps from the muscles and bring them into a natural tone, improve blood circulation. The exercises also pump the internal muscles of the abdomen, pelvis and buttocks, develop hip joints. The positive effect is noticeable after a month of classes. The work of the intestines improves, sexuality increases, unpleasant and painful sensations in critical days. Intimate life becomes brighter, sensuality and sensitivity increase. Increases healthy ability to become pregnant. The woman is revealed as a woman.

Well, girls, how weak is it for you to become a Slavic enchantress?

So, female Slavic gymnastics:

  • cleans and expands energy channels,
  • increases self-esteem and psychological stability,
  • leads to a slim figure,
  • tightens the stomach
  • straightens posture,
  • heals and helps maintain women's health,
  • infertility, menopause, painful menstruation,
  • the smooth muscles of the vagina are strengthened and the energy potential of a woman increases, sexuality and attractiveness increase,
  • enhanced family memory
  • new information comes from the genus ...
  • suitable for women of any age, physical fitness, marital status, religion.
  • on the bodily level: improves the functioning of internal organs and female sexual function. Effective preparation for pregnancy and recovery after childbirth, both physically and psychologically.
  • at a subtle level: sharpens women's intuition. The ability to trust your feelings returns, it becomes easy to make the right decisions.
  • in private and public life: increased attention from men, if a woman wants it. A woman realizes her role and purpose in life. It is easier to navigate the society and find YOUR best place in the world.

To make it easier to remember the exercises, you can print these flashcards for yourself in the app.

Before you start practicing this ancient Slavic energy gymnastics, I recommend watching a video about the basic provisions, and about what an energy release is in this gymnastics, how to perform it correctly.

Love magic - what is it?

Can a modern woman believe stories about love spells and love magic? It is known that an unfortunate woman, in order to attract a man she likes, would rather go to her grandmother with her “anti-scientific” practice than to a specialist psychologist. And this is not surprising: this tradition is many centuries old, because even in the works of Russian classics there are descriptions of this kind of magical actions.

What does gymnastics have to do with magic? Direct, if considered magic good figure health and inner beauty! All this is connected with changes, the principle of which is quite well studied by energy plastics. This science determines the interdependence of the movement and change of internal energy, as well as the possibility of attracting it not only from internal, but also from external sources. What are these sources? The author connects them with ideas about Slavic pagan gods.

The energy of pagan gods in modern language can be called Cosmic.

As a result of the search, twenty-seven basic exercises were identified. There are also twenty-seven types of manifested energies. In the study of various sources devoted to the description of divine manifestations in man, as well as the numerological meaning of the number twenty-seven, the author turned to Vedic sources.

Slavic tradition and the Vedas. What do they have in common?

This has long been answered by scientists who identified the so-called Indo-European language group. It includes both Slavic languages ​​and Sanskrit, in which the Vedas are written. Scientists have also proved the kinship of the pagan ideas of the ancient Aryans and Slavs. Therefore, in search of an answer, one can use the Vedic tradition, which has survived to this day more fully than ours.

Vedic astrology recognizes twenty-seven stars that determine the fate and life of a person.

It can be assumed that twenty-seven gymnastic poses are a kind of key that allows all women to connect to the heavenly forces, draw their energy, use them. These are poses from the so-called “bank of knowledge” and the finds of “initiated” Slavic ancestors, who encrypted their knowledge in this way for future generations, for their descendants.

The number 27 (twenty-seven) in Slavic mythology is associated with the number of Beregin (“three times nine”) and total worlds of the Slavic universe, since it is a derivative number consisting of the numbers three (which corresponds to the number of worlds of the universe) and nine (which corresponds to the number of circles-kingdoms in the worlds).

Individual microcomplex

Traditionally, the Slavs divided the Universe into three worlds: the Upper (the world of Rule), the Middle (the world of Reveal) and the Lower (the world of Navi).

The upper world is the world of the gods.

The middle world is the world of people.

The lower world is the world of ancestors.

“Reality is the current, what is created by the Rule. Nav is after her, and before her there is Nav. And in the Rule there is Yav.

Rule the world. She is the law, the truth of Svarog - the creator of everything that exists. Rule governs, keeps order both visible (Yavu) and invisible (Naviu). The world of Reveal is information that is genetically embedded in us. It permeates us, our deeds, our thoughts. It is only necessary to awaken your knowledge and find a way to consciously pass it on to your descendants.

The gymnastics of the Slavic enchantresses is gymnastics in the world of Rule.

There are 27 exercises in women's gymnastics, but in practice, individual bearers of the tradition from whom they were received never knew more than seven. It seems that seven exercises are the maximum that is necessary to maintain health, but its sacred meaning is unknown to us. There was a contradiction that needed to be explained.

The answer was found in the structure of the Slavic horoscope, namely in the concepts adopted in it: "roots", "paths" and "reality". The first two concepts had three calculated values ​​each, and the last one had only one. But this one was the key to all the others.

Based on the traditional Slavic horoscope, a system was developed for the individual selection of seven exercises, called individual complex.

So, an individual complex consists of seven exercises, which, in turn, are divided into three micro-complexes. Each of them solves certain health problems.

First microcomplex(exercise 1, 2, 3) solves problems related to physical health. It is recommended to perform it as a means of preventing diseases and in the event of the appearance or exacerbation of problems with the physical body.

Second microcomplex(exercise 4, 5, 6) solves problems related to mental health. It is recommended to perform them as a means of preventing psycho-emotional disorders and in case of their exacerbation.

Third microcomplex(exercise 7) - the main exercise that allows you to harmonize physical and mental health.

Calculation of an individual complex

Gymnastics "Still Water" consists of 27 exercises, described below. Tradition recommends performing no more than seven of them - those that form the so-called individual complex. To calculate an individual complex, it is necessary to compare the solar and lunar horoscopes according to the method of the Slavic mystical horoscope in the world of Rule (the world of the gods).

Let's look at this with an example.

Date of birth - 01/19/1940.

A horoscope is compiled in several stages.

1. Determination according to the solar calendar that a birthday belongs to one of the three components of the Slavic universe. To do this, you need to find the date of birth (day and month) on p. 24.

in - the upper world;

c - the middle world;

n - the lower world.

01/19/1940, according to the solar horoscope, belongs to the "lower world".

2. Establishing the correspondence of the birthday to the lunar day. In this case, the lunar day corresponding to the date of birth (1st phase) is first calculated, and then its correspondence to one of the three components of the Slavic universe (2nd phase).

To determine the lunar birthday, use any lunar calendar.

In our example (birthday 01/19/1940) this is the 11th lunar day.

Now let's determine the belonging of the birthday by lunar calendar to one of the three levels of the Slavic universe. To do this, you need to find in the table the lunar day corresponding to your date of birth.

Table 1. Correspondence of days to the worlds of the Slavic universe

in - the upper world;

c - the middle world;

n - the lower world.

The date 01/19/40 belongs to the 11th lunar day and the "middle world".

3. Definition of the world of the Slavic universe, corresponding to the date of birth.

To do this, using table 2, it is necessary to determine belonging to the worlds according to the solar (1st stage) and lunar (2nd stage) calendar.

Table 2. Belonging to the worlds according to the solar and lunar calendar

Therefore, in our case:

lower (n) (1st stage) - middle (s) (2nd stage) = lower world.

4. Definition of the world and the circle of the Slavic universe. To do this, you need to find the date of your birth (day and month) in table 3.

The day 01/19/1940 belongs to the 2nd circle of the lower world. Consequently, the seventh exercise necessary for us to determine the individual complex belongs to the 2nd circle of the Lower World. In the tables below we find the seventh exercise corresponding to the 2nd circle of the lower world, after which we determine the values ​​of all other exercises.

In this example, the seventh exercise refers to the lower world. We find for each world of the Slavic universe a block of the lower world, and then pay attention to the value of the 7th exercise (in our case, this is the 2nd circle) and determine the value of the remaining six already recorded in the table.

Table 3. Correspondence of the birthday to the circle of the Slavic tradition

The result of calculations (individual complex):

Tables for each of the worlds of the Slavic universe are given on pages 31-33.

The methodology for calculating the microcomplex will be useful to us when considering the components of gymnastics, conditionally divided into three parts:

1) body formation and health;

2) contemplation and respiratory systems;

3) communication with men and gods.

To master these conditionally divided parts of gymnastics, it is necessary to introduce the concept of energy centers in the Slavic tradition. This representation is known to many nations and is used in various systems of psycho-training. The most famous are Indian chakras, but in relation to the Slavic tradition, one can speak of "Krinitsa of power".


Middle world

lower world

Krynits of power

How does gymnastics work? Through the centers, which are called "Krinitsa of power" (bel. roof - source, spring), are three vital centers, knowledge of which is reflected in the traditional symbolic images of Slavic female goddesses. In Slavic embroidery and weaving, they were symbolized by crosses (“stars”), which were applied to the image of the goddess, thereby denoting the active centers associated with her.

Kalyada, Zhitnaya Baba, Mother Goddess

Apparently, the centers of power were divided into main(on the body) and auxiliary(paired) - on the limbs, since in the images of the Slavic goddesses the symbols of power are indicated only on the body. This is confirmed by the presence of a number of protective amulets on traditional clothing exactly at the locations of these centers on the body.

Each of the three main springs of power has its own patron goddess. So, the upper world is patronized by Kalyada, the middle one is Zhitnaya Baba, the lower one is the Mother Goddess.

The main "principles of strength"

The location of the symbols of the main criteria of strength on clothes

Components of health

Health ... The meaning of this word is diverse and capacious. Gymnastics "Still water" is based on the traditional knowledge of the people, which determines the multifunctional orientation of gymnastics, reflected in its constituent parts:

- the formation of a healthy beautiful body, the ability to treat women's diseases, preparation for childbirth;

- impact on sexual relations;

- ritual relations with deities in the pagan Slavic tradition.

Consider the main components of health and their relationship with the parts of the standing water gymnastics.

Physical health. Care about physical health includes exercise, healthy eating, personal hygiene. This element is clearly visible in exercise gymnastics, aimed primarily at the formation of a healthy and beautiful body.

Emotional health. An emotionally balanced woman is a woman who lives full life and receiving everything from life, including the love of a man, which helps her maintain stable relationships with other people and maintain a positive outlook on her own being. This is a component of gymnastics, which considers the relationship between a woman and a man.

Spiritual health implies a search for the meaning and purpose of existence, which occurs through a connection to twenty-seven forces, which the ancient Slavs called "thrice nine shores." These forces permeate the whole world, the appeal ("connection") to them allows you to control, and sometimes influence the favorable course of events. This section of gymnastics is connected with the relationship between a woman and God.

Figure and health ... What does a woman need to feel attractive? As experience has shown, gymnastics has the ability not only to restore health, but also to correct the figure. An example is the discussion of young women and girls regarding breast correction. One group indicated an increase in breast volume, the second, on the contrary, a slight decrease. What is most surprising, during a cursory examination of the figure, all the participants in the dispute spoke about this.

This is not a miracle, but a normal consequence of classes, because when performing the “Still Water” gymnastics exercises, the following muscles actively work:

- back muscles: trapezius - raises the scapula and shoulder girdle, brings the scapula down to the spine, provides movement and position of the head; the latissimus dorsi muscle brings the shoulder to the body and pulls the upper limb back, turning it inward, takes part in the displacement of the lower ribs upward when breathing exercises; the muscle that lifts the scapula also tilts cervical region spine from behind to your side; the large and small rhomboid muscles bring the scapula closer to the spine, while moving it up; upper and lower serratus muscles of the back - provide mobility of the ribs during inhalation and exhalation, extension and inclinations;

- deep muscles of the back: the belt muscle of the head rotates and tilts the head, unbends the head and cervical spine; the belt muscle of the neck rotates the cervical spine, unbends its cervical part; the muscle that straightens the spine, tilts the head and unbends, turns the face, lowers the ribs, plays an important role in maintaining the balance of the body, etc .;

- chest muscles: superficial muscles breasts raise the ribs, promote the act of breathing;

- deep muscles of the chest: external intercostal muscles; internal intercostal muscles; hypochondrium muscles; transverse muscle of the chest - lower the ribs, participating in breathing (exhalation);

- short and long muscles that raise the ribs are involved in breathing (inhalation);

- diaphragm. Contracting simultaneously with the abdominal muscles, it increases intra-abdominal pressure.

- the abdominal muscles are involved in the act of exhalation (they are antagonists of the diaphragm), in the movements of the spinal column, maintain intra-abdominal pressure at the required level and are part of the abdominal press;

- muscles of the anterior wall of the abdomen: rectus abdominis; pyramidal muscle; muscles of the lateral walls of the abdominal cavity: external oblique muscle of the abdomen; internal oblique muscle of the abdomen; transverse abdominal muscle;

- muscles of the posterior wall of the abdominal cavity: square muscle of the lower back.

In general, the muscles of the anterior, lateral and posterior walls of the abdominal cavity, the diaphragm and the muscles of the diaphragm of the pelvis form abdominal Press. With their contraction, intra-abdominal pressure increases, straining occurs, which contributes to the removal of the contents of hollow internal organs (acts of defecation, urination, vomiting, childbirth).

The muscles of the neck tilt the neck forward and to the sides:

- sternocleidomastoid muscle;

- deep muscles of the neck: anterior, middle and posterior scalene muscles;

- medial group of muscles of the neck: long muscle of the neck; long muscle of the head; anterior and lateral rectus muscles of the head.

- muscles of the upper limb, muscles of the shoulder girdle: the deltoid, supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles pull back the capsule of the shoulder joint, abduct, flex and extend the shoulder;

- small and large round muscles turn the shoulder out and in;

- the subscapularis muscle rotates the shoulder inward, participates in bringing it to the body;

- shoulder muscles: anterior - flexors: biceps; coraco- shoulder muscle; shoulder muscle;

- back - extensors: triceps; small elbow;

- muscles of the forearm and hand;

- muscles of the lower limb: muscles of the girdle of the lower limb (the inner group of muscles flexes the thigh, turns it outward, flexes the lumbar spine and tilts the pelvis forward with the body, rotates the thigh outward): spinal psoas muscle; piriformis muscle; internal obturator muscle;

- the external group of pelvic muscles extends the thigh, turns it outward, abducts and adducts the thigh, fixes the pelvis and trunk when standing;

- gluteal muscles: large, medium and small;

– tensioner of wide fiction; upper and lower twin muscles; square muscle of the thigh; external obturator muscle;

- muscles of the free lower limb: thigh muscles, surrounding the femur, form the anterior group - hip flexors ( sartorius; quadriceps hips; medial: comb muscle; the long, short and large adductor muscles and the thin muscle adduct the thigh, bend and turn it outward, unbend the thigh, flex the lower leg); back group - hip extensors bend the lower leg while simultaneously rotating it:

biceps hips;

- semitendinosus muscle;

- semimembranosus muscle;

- the muscles of the lower leg actuate the knee, ankle and foot joints: the anterior group (anterior tibia; long extensor of fingers; long extensor of the big toe; back group: triceps; soleus muscle; popliteal muscle; long flexor fingers; tibialis posterior; long flexor of the big toe; lateral group (long peroneal muscle; short peroneal muscle);

- muscles of the foot and sole.

Those involved in gymnastics noted that as the complex was completed, the legs take on an elegant shape, the figure gradually, without any “assaults”, approaches the ideal, an amazing posture appears and changes into better side gait. In addition, there was an improvement in health.

Evidence of the healing effect of gymnastics is quite important, especially when middle-aged women 70-80 years old come to classes. They claimed that, by independently using the complex of women's gymnastics, designed to attract men, they received a considerable healing result, which was noted not only by themselves, but also by all members of their families, who were surprised at their strength, activity and health.

Studies have shown that when performing exercises, changes occur in the internal organs and life support systems of a person.

Gymnastics "Still water"

When describing the standing water gymnastics, it is necessary to pay attention to its three main parts, each correlated with its own world of the pagan universe.

"Rostock"- a part of gymnastics, corresponding to the upper world of the Slavic universe, the World of Rule. The main task that the exercises of this part of gymnastics solve is the development of certain desires. In this case, desires mean the goals facing the woman involved. They can vary in nature, from sexual claims to the destruction of enemies.

Exercises awaken hope in a woman, the desire to move forward, to become an ideal. This can be compared to the germination of a seed. However, it should be borne in mind that when moving along the “sprout” path, impassable obstacles may also arise that cannot be taken head-on, but it is necessary to find a workaround.

"Stump"- a part of gymnastics corresponding to the middle world of the Slavic universe, the World of Reveal. The main task to be solved at this level is the accumulation of a sufficient amount of energy for the appearance of a feeling of inviolability, stability. It is necessary to achieve the goal that was set when working out the exercises from the "Sprout" section.

"Kupina"- part of gymnastics, corresponding to the lower world of the Slavic universe, the World of Navi. The exercises of this group solve the issues of achieving the set goals using the accumulated energy. This section of gymnastics is psychologically one of the most difficult. What is its complexity?

The answer can be found in the title itself.

"Kupina" - an island of grass growing in a swamp. Basically, it does not have ground support. This is the answer: if you step on the middle of the bush, then nothing will happen, and if you step on the edge, then, perhaps, the bush will turn over, and at best the person will bathe in the swamp water, and at worst the bog will suck him in.

Exercises have the same effect: if they are performed correctly, then the goal will be achieved. In case of improper performance, there will be no result, at best, there will be no harm to health.

In the standing water gymnastics, which consists of 27 (3 × 9) exercises, only three main criteria of strength are used. Gymnastics is aimed primarily at maintaining the health of a woman in good condition and has survived to this day only because the results of its use for the treatment of female diseases were always positive, and the women who performed it radiated a force that attracted men.

Upper world - "Rostok"

The first part of the standing water gymnastics - "Sprout" consists of nine exercises that begin to be performed from the starting position. When performing exercises of this complex, against the background of stabilization of the activity of all internal organs and human life support systems, a positive effect on the digestive system is observed due to massage of internal organs (breathing, compression of the lower abdomen).

Starting position: stand - legs apart, feet parallel, arms bent at the elbow joints, elbows look forward, brought together, while the chest rises; shoulder joint omitted; the brush is bent inward, at the place of the fold is pressed against the kidneys; fingers are in a natural position.

General requirements for performing exercises:

1. Inhale while lifting on toes, exhale while lowering with a simultaneous release of energy through the perineum.

2. The hands constantly press on the kidney area.

3. Hands during the entire time of movement on the surface of the body do not stop pressure on it.

4. Energy is collected from the kidneys to the chest along the trajectory of the movement of the hands.

5. Emission of energy from the chest down through the perineum.

7. An unstable position during the rise on toes is not considered a mistake.

Exercise 1

Technique: We take the starting position, while inhaling we rise on our toes at the same time, while exhaling we return to the starting position.

Main mistakes:

- the head tilts forward.

Exercise 2

Execution technique. We accept the starting position. While inhaling, simultaneously with lifting up on toes, we perform the “Ovary” movement with our hands, while exhaling, we return to the starting position.

The hand movement "Ovary" can be divided into three stages:

1. "Swelling" (brush reversal). The hands from the starting position are brought forward, while not losing contact with the body, sliding and straightening, the palm turns to the body, under the chest begins to put pressure on the body.

2. "Search for an exit" (connection). The palms, lifting the chest, meet with their backs between the breasts, connect and rise up (fingertips at the level of the nose), at the end of the forearm are connected along the entire length.

3. "Appearance" (plexus). By straightening the elbows, the arms are pulled up. At the same time, the hands, intertwined, turn with the inner side of the palm to each other, forming a “bud”.

Main mistakes:

- when lifting on toes, the body leans forward;

- the head leans forward;

- insufficient pressure with the hands on the body during movement;

- in the final phase of raising the hands, they are not directed straight up.

Exercise 3

Execution technique. We accept the starting position. We accept the position "Peven". On inspiration, we rise on toes up, on exhalation, we return to the starting position and lower the raised leg. The exercise is performed by alternately raising the legs.

"Peven" - the position is performed from the starting position in three stages:

1. Body weight is transferred to one leg.

2. We connect the knees, slightly sitting down on the supporting leg, pressing the knees to each other, the lower leg and foot are relaxed.

3. The non-supporting leg is bent at the knee, the lower leg is parallel to the floor surface, the toes are looking down.

Errors when accepting the position "Peven":

- deviation of the body;

- stop pressing the knee on the knee;

- lack of tension of the foot;

- straightening of the supporting leg.

Main mistakes:

- when lifting on toes, the body leans forward;

- cessation of pressure on the kidney area;

- elbows cease to "look" forward;

- the head leans forward;

- the toe of the raised leg does not look at the floor.

Exercise 4

Technique: We accept the starting position. We accept the position "Peven". We bend forward. On inspiration - we rise on toes, up, on exhalation - we return to the starting position and lower the raised leg. The exercise is performed with alternately raising both legs.

Main mistakes:

- when lifting on toes, the body leans forward;

- elbows cease to "look" forward;

- the head leans forward;

- the supporting leg is not bent at the knee;

- the knee of the raised leg is not pressed against the knee of the supporting leg;

- the lower leg of the raised leg is not parallel to the floor surface;

- the body is not parallel to the surface.

Exercise 5

Execution technique. We accept the starting position. We accept the position "Peven". We bend forward. We accept the position "Wing". On inspiration, we rise on toes up, on exhalation, we return to the starting position and lower the raised leg. The hand and foot are the same. The exercise is performed with alternately raising both legs.

Exercise "Wing" can be divided into three stages:

1. "Takeaway" (brush reversal). The hands are brought forward from the starting position, while they do not lose contact with the body, sliding and straightening, the palm turns to the body, under the chest begins to press on the body.

2. "Sliding" (stroking); the palm, lifting the chest, slides along the center of the body, chin, forehead (fingertips on the crown of the head), shoulder parallel to the floor surface.

3. "Under the wing" (raising the elbow). The palm is relaxed, continues to slide along the center line of the body, the elbow rises, the shoulder is perpendicular to the surface and pressed against the side surface of the head, the shoulder joint presses on the ear, the palm, hand and forearm are relaxed, elbow joint looks up. At the same time, the second hand slightly rises from the kidney along the back and presses the back of the hand to the middle of the back.

Main mistakes:

- when lifting on toes, the body leans forward;

- cessation of pressure on the kidney area;

- elbows cease to "look" forward;

- the head leans forward;

- the supporting leg is not bent at the knee;

- the knee of the raised leg is not pressed against the knee of the supporting leg;

- the lower leg of the raised leg is not parallel to the floor surface;

- the toe of the raised leg does not look at the floor;

- the torso is not parallel to the floor surface;

- the arm does not wrap around the chest during movement;

- insufficient contact of the hands with the body;

- the elbow does not look at the ceiling;

- the palm is not open;

- at the bottom the hand does not go up a little.

Exercise 6

Technique: We accept the starting position. We accept the position "Peven". We bend forward. While inhaling, we rise on our toes up and at the same time on our toes we perform the “Ovary” movement with our hands, while exhaling we return to the starting position, straighten up and lower the raised leg. The exercise is performed with alternately raising both legs.

Main mistakes:

- when lifting on toes, the body leans forward;

- cessation of pressure on the kidney area;

- elbows cease to "look" forward;

- the head leans forward;

- the supporting leg is not bent at the knee;

- the knee of the raised leg is not pressed against the knee of the supporting leg;

- the lower leg of the raised leg is not parallel to the floor surface;

- the toe of the raised leg does not look at the floor;

- the body is not parallel to the surface;

- arms are not parallel to the floor.

Exercise 7

Technique: We accept the starting position. We accept the position "Peven". While inhaling, we rise on toes up, at the same time we perform the “Ovary” movement with our hands. On exhalation, we return to the starting position. The exercise is performed with alternately raising both legs.

Main mistakes:

- when lifting on toes, the body leans forward;

- the head leans forward;

- during the movement, the arms do not clasp the chest;

- during movement, they do not press hard enough with their hands on the body;

- in the final phase, the hands are not directed strictly upwards.

Exercise 8

Technique: We accept the starting position. Raise one leg up, simultaneously moving the knee to the side, and place the back of the foot over the kneecap of the supporting leg. Without changing position, we take a breath and, on inspiration, turn the torso to the limit in the direction of the raised leg. On the exhale, we return to the starting position and perform this exercise with raising the other leg.

Main mistakes:

- cessation of pressure on the kidney area;

- elbows cease to "look" forward;

- the head leans forward;

- When turning, the body bends.

Exercise 9

Technique: We accept the starting position. We bend forward. On an inhale, we rise on toes up, on an exhale we return to the starting position.

Main mistakes:

- cessation of pressure on the kidneys;

- elbows cease to "look" forward;

- the head leans forward;

- the body when tilted is not parallel to the floor.