The diet of American astronauts is complete. Give breakfast to the enemy! Doctor Leo Bokeria has revolutionized nutrition

The American diet in the traditional sense is not only hamburgers, Coca-Cola and sweets, but new approaches to weight loss, borrowed from astronauts.

The diet of American astronauts is the twin sister of the Kremlin diet

There are many options for building a menu for 13 or 21 days, each of which involves:

  • restriction of sweet and fatty;
  • meals strictly 3 times a day with snacks;
  • adjusting the caloric content of the diet - moderation.

Less carbs, more protein. And nothing else needs to be added. This will automatically lead to fat loss, save muscle. It is believed that the basis for the Kremlin diet is the principle of developing rations for astronauts in the United States. Cardiologist Leo Bokeria brought from the USA variations of a low-carbohydrate protein regimen, which gives a five-kilogram drop in the first week, and really get rid of 21 kg in 10 weeks.

Three postulates of the regime of American astronauts:

  • reduction of carbohydrates;
  • increase in protein, which is absorbed slowly;
  • regular physical activity.

The essence of the regime: when you do not find sweets and fats in the refrigerator at home, you can go to the store, which is impossible for astronauts on the space station. However, at home, all simple carbohydrates remain within a walk to the store, so a table has been developed for the diet of American astronauts, indicating points for each product per 100 g.

Vegetables get from about 2 to 16 points, fruits from 3 to 68 points, lactic acid products from 0.5 points to 28 points, depending on the fat content of the cooking method. Of course, sugar matters. Animal protein foods do not receive carbohydrate points at all.

The diet of astronauts consists of several stages:

  • the initial stage for 1-2 weeks - no more than 20 carbohydrate points;
  • the main stage up to 6 weeks - no more than 40 carbohydrate points;
  • maintenance stage up to 1 week - up to 60 carbohydrate points.

The third stage can be used as a weekend routine, occasionally returning to it to keep fit.

The following are declared enemies:

  • sugar and all confectionery;
  • pastry and bread;
  • carbonated drinks, juices and fruit drinks;
  • sweet fruits;
  • any alcohol and beer;
  • cereals with a high level of carbohydrates (millet, oatmeal, corn);
  • legumes and nuts;
  • vegetables with starch;
  • pasta;
  • dairy products with sugar.

Agree, if you remove all the listed products from the diet, you will lose weight without counting calories.

Russian cardiac surgeon Leo Bokeria eats according to the principles of astronauts, using the following diet:

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese with low-fat and unsweetened yogurt;
  • Lunch: low-fat dairy dish (kefir, cottage cheese without fat);
  • Dinner: the main and essential meal of boiled meat, fresh vegetables with the obligatory inclusion of tomatoes, as well as potatoes (but not every day).

American diet on day 13: weight loss cycles

Like a rollercoaster, the calorie content of the diet will rise or fall after three days to force the body to adjust to the energy intake each time and accelerate the metabolism.

Diet slides are built on three calorie cycles:

  • the first three days for 600 kcal;
  • the next three days for 900 kcal;
  • the last three days at 1200 kcal.

Cycles are repeated until the target weight is reached, but it is usually not recommended to repeat the diet for more than 12 days. At each climb, the slides provide for an increase in calories due to the expansion of available products, because rough plan diet looks like this.

Day 1-3 High Protein:

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat content - 200 g;
  • Snack: berries or unsweetened fruits - 200 g;
  • Lunch: vegetable soup and two rice cakes;
  • Snack: egg white omelet and greens;
  • Dinner: boiled fish - 200 g.

3-6 day carbohydrates and proteins:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal on the water, a medium-sized apple;
  • Snack: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, buttered coleslaw, slice of whole grain bread;
  • Lunch: vegetable salad and fish (chicken fillet) - 100 g;
  • Snack: 200 ml of kefir and a spoonful of bran;
  • Dinner: shrimp - 100 g.

7-9 day carbohydrates and proteins:

  • Breakfast: porridge on the water - 200 g, a spoonful of vegetable oil;
  • Snack: 200 ml of kefir;
  • Lunch: boiled chicken fillet - 200 g, cucumber and tomato salad, one baked potato;
  • Snack: fruit of your choice: 2 apples or oranges or one banana;
  • Dinner: boiled chicken (fish, cottage cheese) 100 g, salad.

To make it easier to withstand the slides, you need to drink two liters of water a day, sleep 8 hours a night, be sure to walk for an hour. It is better to limit intensive training and strength training, you can go rollerblading or do yoga, since calorie content of 600-1200 kcal is not enough to maintain high physical activity.

The rollercoaster diet can be adapted to the basal metabolic rate, below which calorie reduction can be detrimental to the body.

After calculating the lower calorie threshold, you need to build slides according to the following principle:

  • 1-2 day - lower calorie threshold;
  • 3-6 days - the lower threshold of calories and another 300 kcal;
  • 7-9 days - the lower threshold of calories and another 600 kcal.

Of course, to get rid of 21 kg, you will have to approximately double the duration of the diet, that is, go through the slides all four times. You can speed up the process and add more exercise on days when calories are above your basal metabolic rate.

To achieve a good result in 14 days or 21 days on the American diet, you need to completely remove foods that make up the list of prohibited foods from the diet. Exceptions include cereals and nuts - they must be included in the menu of people who train.

A diet with a balanced composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates with alternating calories allows you to maintain youth.

American diet for 21 days

This dietary option provides for the alternation of protein and carbohydrate days, eating 5-6 times a day, limiting the caloric content of the diet. An approximate menu of protein days is: 200 g of cottage cheese for breakfast and a little honey; boiled fish or chicken with broth, two eggs, greens for lunch; a glass of yogurt, cereal toast with low-fat cheese for dinner.

As two snacks, low-fat milk with honey is used. Carbohydrate days offer the following diet: a spoonful of oatmeal in water with an apple; vegetable soup or salad, boiled chicken meat, cereal bread with low-fat cheese; vegetable salad with cereal bread and a little honey. Snacks from a mixture of sweet and sour fruits, except for bananas and grapes.

A diet built according to all the rules for 21 days should be based on the calculation of nutrients per 1 kg of body weight. On protein days, the amount of protein approaches 3-4 g, and carbohydrates are reduced to 1 g per 1 kg of weight. On carbohydrate days, it is allowed to increase the amount of carbohydrates to 4-5 g per 1 kg of body weight, and proteins can be at the level of 1-2 g per 1 kg of weight.

Eat right, stick to the schedule and extra pounds will leave your body quickly and easily!

The course of diets of American astronauts is very reminiscent of the well-known Kremlin diet. It belongs to the type of low-carbohydrate and promises a fairly rapid process of losing weight - by 2-3 kilograms per week.

In Russia, this power system has gained popularity thanks to Yuri Luzhkov and his wife Elena Baturina. It was they who first began to follow the diet of American astronauts, which later gained popularity among many representatives of the Moscow "top", in connection with which it became known as a result.

Diet of American astronauts: menu for the week

Since this diet is of the low-carbohydrate type, her diet provides for the maximum restriction of food containing carbohydrates. In the full description of the diet, such foods include sweets, flour, potatoes, rice, fruits, and confectionery.

In this case, any protein food is only welcome. Include fish, meat, low-carb vegetables, cheese, etc. in your menu. Within the framework of this food system, such foods (which are low in carbohydrates) are called low-cost foods.

For each product american astronaut diet ascribes its individual "value". On the day you must fit into a certain norm of conventional units. This rate will depend on what results you are striving for and at what stage of weight loss you are at the moment.

You can consume foods with a low "cost" in any quantity, due to which you will be provided with a feeling of satiety throughout the course.

But do not forget that excessive passion for protein-fortified foods during such a diet can lead to frequent constipation. That is why it is important to regularly include vegetables from the list of allowed vegetables in your daily menu, as well as more healthy proteins. At the same time, sausages, smoked meats, fatty and fried meat should be avoided. Instead, eat lean meats, seafood, and poultry.

Weight loss in this case will occur due to the fact that the body usually produces the energy we need from carbohydrates. With their deficiency, he uses alternative sources - fats. Thus, the fat burning process will take place.

Diet of American astronauts: table products

To achieve good results in losing weight and their "fixing", it is recommended to pay attention to the following scheme:

  • 40 conventional units for weight loss;
  • from 40 to 60 - to "fix" the results.

If you consume more than 60 conventional units per day, weight gain is possible. But if daily rate will be up to 40 conventional units, you can lose about 5-6 kilograms in just 8 days of such nutrition.

Products with a low "cost":

  • boiled meat - 0;
  • vegetable oil - 0;
  • mayonnaise - 0;
  • margarine - 0;
  • broth (any) - 0;
  • mineral water - 0;
  • unsweetened coffee - 0;
  • unsweetened tea - 0;
  • egg - 0;
  • sausage - 1;
  • ham - 1;
  • 250 ml of wine - 1;
  • 150 ml of whiskey - 1;
  • cheese - 0.5-2.

Products with an average "cost":

  • fish - 6;
  • tomato - 6;
  • sweet pepper - 9;
  • boiled cabbage - 9;
  • brains - 12;
  • soup - from 12 to 16;
  • apple - 19;
  • boiled potatoes - 23
  • honey - 24;
  • pear - 25.

High value products:

  • black bread - 40;
  • rice - 40;
  • pasta - 40;
  • semolina - 40;
  • white bread - 48;
  • cream cake - 62;
  • creamy ice cream - 70.

According to many domestic nutritionists, this method of losing weight is quite appropriate, since it provides food, preferably with protein foods.

However, many experts note that sausages and ham allowed by such a diet are rather dubious products from the point of view of nutrition, since they may contain so-called “invisible fats”.

Nutritionists also warn that pears and melons contain a lot of sugar, so it’s better to lean more on vegetables.

Another dubious point of the diet is wine and whiskey. It is known that alcoholic beverages tend to affect the food center, which in fat people already usually overexcited. Therefore, it is better to refuse any alcohol during the diet course.

  • Turbo diet: reviews, sample menu for the week, 16…

Leo Bokeria is a famous cardiologist, professor, chief cardiac surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, a specialist whom many dream of getting an appointment with. Taking care of patients, he studied the human body comprehensively and came to conclusions that amazed modern nutritionists!

We are told that breakfast is a mandatory meal, due to which the metabolism in the body proceeds correctly, and in no case should it be skipped. Leo Bokeria claims to know How to lose weight fast without dieting: You just need to give up the morning meal. To say that I was interested in this information is to say nothing, because it is much easier for me to skip breakfast than dinner.

How to eat to lose weight

“Eat breakfast yourself - this is absolute nonsense, I mean a full breakfast. Because you woke up, the body begins to come into working condition, you sit down at the table, eat a plate of meat, flour, drink a large glass of something. Then you get dressed, go to work - and what kind of worker are you? Purely physiological.

A very long time ago, when Soviet-American cooperation began, I noticed that very famous surgeons, at best, drank a small cup of coffee in the morning. All! At noon (that's what they call lunch) it's some kind of sandwich.

And in the evening he comes home, eats normally, then goes to the pool, bathes, reads something ... Therefore, give breakfast to the enemy, have a snack at lunch, eat normally in the evening (but not deep in the evening), and then - physical education. According to my observations, in countries where people live for a long time, they live like this ... "

David Lewicki of Cornell University has done extensive research showing that skipping breakfast at least a few times a week can help you lose weight! People who did not eat in the morning experienced a sharp feeling of hunger at lunch, but this did not mean at all that they ate more at dinner than the rest. But the calories eaten per day, they had less than those who regularly ate breakfast.

If you think about it how to eat to lose weight, be sure to try this power scheme. Contraindications are available only for people with diabetes who need to monitor their blood sugar levels. For the rest, this is a perfectly acceptable plan!

For better results, do at least minimal physical activity and try to avoid certain foods. Leo Bokeria lists processed cheese, muesli, sausage, instant cereals, curd cheese, packaged juices among them.

slimmer people know how nice it is - and be proud of their willpower. Try this famous doctor's technique, it's one of the easiest ways to control your weight that I know of!

A myriad of modern weight loss methods make it easy to choose the right diet or make individual program nutrition based on available recommendations. Fasting days and short-term diets with severe restrictions will quickly get rid of a few extra pounds, and balanced diets will help maintain optimal weight for many years.

Some weight loss programs and their varieties cause sincere surprise even among nutritionists, but remain effective as before. Not for the first year, fierce debates have been going on around protein diets, and there is still no consensus on their benefits and harms. However, a low-carbohydrate diet is the most affordable and easy way weight loss today.

The diets of Atkins, Dukan and the famous "Kremlin" were previously popular among the domestic political beau monde and passed from hand to hand. In the 21st century, protein diets will no longer surprise anyone, but their origin remains a mystery to many.

A diet revolution

The first principles of protein nutrition were developed by American nutritionists more than 50 years ago. With their help, the military and astronauts could as soon as possible adjust weight without losing a single gram muscle mass. The diet of American astronauts is the ancestor of weight loss methods based on increased protein intake and carbohydrate restriction.

The Moscow elite got acquainted with the diet of American astronauts thanks to Dr. Leo Bokeria. The famous Russian cardiac surgeon destroyed the Soviet stereotypes about proper nutrition. Collaborating with American doctors, Dr. Bokeria concluded that domestic ideas about healthy way lives are wrong most of the time.

As a child, everyone heard that breakfast should be eaten by oneself, lunch should be shared with a friend, and dinner should be given to the enemy. Leo Bokeria disproved these principles by observing his American colleagues, whose breakfast and lunch were often limited to a light snack, and after a full dinner they traditionally followed physical exercise. Approximately such a diet is followed by the owners of good health and a toned figure.

More recent studies have shown that skipping breakfast does help with weight loss, but many nutritionists disagree with this statement. You need to eat in moderation in the morning, because a light, nutritious breakfast helps shake off the remnants of sleep and energizes you for the whole day.

The Leo Bokeria diet is primarily aimed at reducing weight without compromising physical and mental activity. Leo Bokeria calls to exclude from the menu not only sweets, but not some products that many consider harmless:

  • sausages;
  • processed cheeses and cheese snacks;
  • cottage cheese with fillings;
  • muesli, cereals and instant cereals;
  • dried fruits;
  • tropical fruits;
  • packaged juices.

There are practically no natural ingredients in these products, but flavors and chemicals are in abundance. For the manufacture of industrial processing products (cheeses, sausages, canned goods), initially low-quality raw materials are used, which have expired. Fruits and dried fruits also do not belong to healthy products, since the former are processed with specific gases to increase the shelf life, and the latter are soaked in acid and sugar syrup.

Leo Bokeria gave up junk food more than 20 years ago, switched to a low-carb diet and shows by his own example that life can be sweet and without sugar. The cardiologist prefers simple and unpretentious food, believing that it is rarely necessary to eat tasty food.

The essence of the diet of American astronauts

Carbohydrates are the main fuel for the human body, with a lack of which other types of "fuel" begin to go into consumption. When carbohydrate food enters limited quantity, the body begins to draw energy from body fat, and then from muscle tissue. It is protein diets that help to avoid loss physical form, providing the element necessary for building muscles.

The diet rules for American astronauts are extremely simple:

  • limit fats and carbohydrates;
  • eat enough protein foods;
  • give the body the necessary physical activity;
  • lose weight and get a beautiful athletic body without excess fat.

Most diets are based on the principles of reducing the calorie content of food and reducing portions. The result is really not long in coming, but fasting entails a lot of undesirable consequences: exacerbation of chronic diseases, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, weakness, muscular dystrophy. Protein food provides the necessary nutrients and allows you to exercise while dieting so that the body uses the building material for its intended purpose.

The main feature of the diet of American astronauts is the absence of the need to count calories. Each product is assigned a certain "cost", which depends only on the amount of carbohydrates in the composition. To evaluate a food product, it is enough to study its packaging, where 1 gram of carbohydrates is equal to 1 point (conventional unit).

The cost of individual ingredients and additives in conventional units is given in the table:

Product name Estimation, c.u. per 100 g
Lamb, rabbit 0
Beef, veal 0
Beef liver 4,0
Chicken liver, navels 0,6
soy meat 17,5
Liver pate 4,4
Salo 0
Pork 0
pork liver 2,5
Chicken fillet, turkey, duck 0
Chicken protein 0
Chicken yolk 1,0
Egg powder 4,5
Chicken egg 0,7
quail egg 0,6
Fish and seafood
seaweed nori 41,0
Caviar red, black 0
Artificial caviar 2,5
Fresh squid 1,8
Dried squids 5,0
Crab meat 10,0
Fresh shrimps 0
Fresh mussels 0
Fresh sea kale 0
Marinated seaweed 4,0
Dried seaweed 38,1
Sea crayfish 0,5
River crayfish 1,2
Sea fish, river 0
Dried fish 0
Salted fish 0
dried fish 3,3
Canned fish in oil 0
Dairy and dairy products
Airan 1,4
Brynza 0
Thick thermostatic yogurt 1.5% 5,2
Yoghurt natural 2.6% 4,6
Kefir 4,1
Milk 4,8
Pasteurized milk 4,8
Ryazhenka 4,2
Low fat cream 4,0
Fatty cream 3,0
Sour cream low fat 10% 3,9
Low-fat sour cream 15% 3,6
Sour cream classic 25% 3,0
Fatty sour cream 40% 2,5
Serum 3,5
Homemade cheese 4,0
Sour-milk cheese 0,7
Smoked cheese 7,3
Mozzarella cheese 1,0
Processed cheese 3,1
Sulguni cheese 0
Hard cheese 0
Fat cottage cheese 2,8
Curd from 0% to 5% 1,8
Curd 9% 2,0
Buckwheat 65,0
Corn grits 75,0
Cornflakes 83,6
Semolina 67,4
Oat groats 59,5
Oat bran 45,3
Cereals 69,4
Wheat groats 62,0
wheat bran 20,7
Rye bran 32,0
rye flakes 82,5
Rice 78,1
brown rice 72,9
Barley grits 66,3
Flour and bakery products
Baguette 51,4
Butter bun 55,0
Pita 48,0
Homemade noodles 60,1
Premium pasta 69,7
Buckwheat flour 71,9
Corn flour 72,0
Wheat flour of the first grade 67,8
Whole wheat flour 55,8
Coarse rye flour 55,9
barley flour 57,1
Spaghetti 71,5
oatmeal bread 40,8
wheat bread 48,8
Rye bread 34,2
Vegetables, herbs, mushrooms
Eggplant 4,5
Porcini 1,1
oyster mushrooms 6,5
dried peas 53,3
Green peas 13,1
vegetable marrow 4,6
White cabbage 4,7
Broccoli 5,2
red cabbage 7,6
Cabbage 2,0
Cauliflower 5,4
Potato 15,8
sweet corn 22,5
Green onion 4,6
Bulb onions 10,5
Olives 5,1
Carrot 6,9
chickpeas 61,0
Cucumber 2,8
pickled cucumber 1,3
Olives 6,3
Honey mushrooms 0,5
Bulgarian pepper 5,3
Parsley 7,6
Radish 3,4
Salad 1,3
Beet 8,8
Soya 17,3
Tomato 3,7
Pumpkin 7,7
Green beans 3,6
Dried beans 41,4
Garlic 29,9
Champignon 0,1
Spinach 2,0
Fruits and berries
Apricot 9,0
Avocado 6,0
Pineapple, tangerine 10,6
Orange 8,1
Watermelon 5,8
Banana 21,8
Grape 16,8
Cherry 11,3
Grapefruit 6,5
Pear 10,9
Melon 7,4
Kiwi 10,3
Strawberry 7,5
lime, lemon 3,0
Raspberries 8,3
Peach 11,3
Plum 9,6
Apple 9,8
Nuts, seeds, dried fruits
Peanut 9,9
Walnut 7,0
dried pears 62,6
Raisin 66,0
Sesame 12,2
Dried apricots 51,0
Poppy 2,0
Flax seeds 28,9
Sunflower seeds 3,4
pistachios 7,0
Prunes 57,5
Dried apples 59,0
Additives and fats
Vanillin 12,7
Mustard 11,3
Yeast 0
Fat melted 0
Ketchup 22,2
Starch 79,6
Mayonnaise Provencal 67% 2,6
Mayonnaise salad 4,4
Margarine 1,0
Honey 81,5
Vegetable oil 0
Sugar 99,7
Butter 1,5
Salt 0
soy sauce 13,0
Breadcrumbs 77,6
tomato paste 16,7
Table vinegar 9% 3,0
Apple cider vinegar 6% 7,2
Brandy, bourbon, whiskey, moonshine 0,4
Dessert wine 16,0
Wine semi-sweet 6,0
Wine dry 0,3
Vodka, cognac, rum 0,1
Kvass 5,2
Cola, pepsi, sweet water 10,4
Dried fruits compote
Coffee black 0,3
Light beer 4,8
Dark beer 5,7
Beer ale 2,9
Port wine 12,0
Cider 28,9
Fruit juice without sugar 10,0
Tea green, black 0
Champagne 5,0

This table shows how much familiar and beloved foods “weigh”, especially starchy vegetables and sweets. They will have to be abandoned during the diet, and low-fat and zero-cost protein foods can be eaten to satiety. For weight loss, you can not eat more than 40 points per day, 40-60 points are enough to maintain weight, and exceeding the cost of the diet of 60 c.u. e. entails a set of extra pounds.

Evaluating prepared food is somewhat more difficult than evaluating a single product. To calculate the cost of a dish, you need to know the weight of the ingredients and find total carbohydrates. Therefore, to simplify the diet, it is recommended to choose easy-to-cook foods that do not require special additives.

Phase one: getting used to the new diet

This stage of the diet of American astronauts is considered the most difficult for beginners and lasts an average of 5-7 days. This is how long it takes the body to switch to a new diet. The first 2-3 days will be the hardest for sweet tooth and flour lovers, who will have to direct their food in a new direction. During the first week, the body will lose water and toxins, so the expected weight loss is 3-5 kilograms.

During the first phase, it is undesirable to eat more than 20 cu. e. per day, so that the body adapts to the new rhythm of life. You can eat any lean protein food boiled, baked or steamed, without getting carried away with spices and herbs. You can supplement the diet with allowed non-starchy vegetables and herbs.

Additional requirements of the first stage:

  • limit animal fats, replace them with vegetable ones;
  • refuse sweeteners;
  • exclude semi-finished products and fast food;
  • observe the drinking regimen and diet.

When compiling a diet at this stage, one must also take into account the fact that the body is not able to absorb more than 30 g of protein per meal. Therefore, you need to eat at least 5 times a day and consume a sufficient amount of clean fluid. To avoid problems with digestion, you need to take rye bran in the amount of 1 tbsp in the morning on an empty stomach. l. to a glass of water.

Second phase: active weight loss

After getting used to the new diet and diet, it is the turn of the longest period of the diet, during which body fat. The second stage lasts an average of 2-3 weeks, but if necessary, the diet of American astronauts can be followed until the desired result is obtained. In this phase, the amount of carbohydrates consumed should not exceed 40 grams per day.

The absence of strict restrictions and a wide range of permitted products allow you to include many tasty and healthy dishes in your diet. Several menu options for the second stage:

Breakfast, at e. Lunch, at e. Dinner, at e. Total, u. e.
1 250 g omelet with mushrooms (6.3) and a piece of hard cheese (0) 200 g baked chicken breast with herbs (0) and 200 g cucumber salad with olive oil (5.6) 200 g steak (2.4) and 200 g grilled mushrooms (1.6) 15,9
2 Two poached eggs (1.8) and a slice of ham (0) 300 g sauerkraut soup without potatoes (6.6) and chicken meatballs with spinach (3.5) 200 g pork chop with grilled vegetables (3.8) and 100 g cherry tomatoes (2.8) 18,5
3 200 g cottage cheese 1% (2.6) with a tablespoon of low-fat sour cream (1.1) 300 g meat hodgepodge (5.1) and chicken egg (0.7) 200 g boiled bream (0) and 200 g Beijing cabbage salad with cucumber (4.8) 14,3
4 Two egg fried eggs with tomato (4.7) and a slice of cheese (0.6) 250 g chicken breast with cream cheese (3.8) and pickles (1.7) 100 g shrimp (0) and 200 g salad with egg and spinach (2.7) 13,5
5 Two chicken eggs (1.4) and 100 g eggplant caviar (5.1) 200 g salmon fish soup (4.0) and 100 g radish and celery salad (4.1) 250 g grilled steak (0.3) with fresh herbs (1.6) 16,5
6 250 g Caesar salad with chicken and egg (2.8) 200 g grilled chicken fillet and 200 g boiled cauliflower (8.0) 200g beef with cranberries (1.4) and 150g tomato and cucumber salad (4.7) 16,9
7 200 g boiled shrimp (0) and 100 g sauerkraut (4.4) 250 g sorrel soup (7.3) and boiled egg (0.7) 100 g liver salad (3.2) and 200 g canned champignons (1.8) 17,4

Despite the zero rating of some products, you can’t overeat during a diet, otherwise the result will be completely opposite to what you want. Except mineral water you can drink coffee, tea and decoctions without sugar in any quantity.

Correctly composed protein menu three meals a day for the diet of American astronauts is estimated at 20 c.u. That is, so you can safely include two snacks in the diet. During the day, you can refresh yourself with yogurt, cheese, low-fat cottage cheese, a handful of nuts, a low-calorie vegetable or fruit. A protein snack will not harm the figure, and plant foods must be weighed before eating so that the total amount of carbohydrates does not exceed the allowable rate.

Third phase: fixing the result

When the desired result has been achieved using the weight loss technique of American astronauts, it is necessary to properly exit the diet so that the lost kilograms do not come back. Leo Bokeria states that in order to stabilize weight, the amount of carbohydrates should vary from 40 to 60 grams per day.

The daily menu is compiled using basic products:

  • light lean protein for breakfast;
  • fruit or vegetable snack;
  • lean protein dish with vegetables or broth for lunch;
  • in the evening you can eat fatty meat or fish with vegetables and herbs.

The third stage of the diet of American astronauts is not limited in time, since it is possible to adhere to the principles of protein nutrition to maintain physical fitness throughout life. During this phase, you can sweeten your food with non-carbohydrate, natural-based sweeteners. It would be useful to take a vitamin complex during a diet, and a sports diet can be supplemented with special nutrition and protein shakes.

Lean meat dishes on the diet of American astronauts become boring even at the first stage, when the amount of carbohydrates in food should be minimal and there is no opportunity to show culinary skills. Spices, sauces and other additives increase the conditional cost of the product, so it is recommended to give preference to the simplest recipes.

In the phase of losing weight and fixing the result, you can diversify the menu by preparing old dishes in a new way. Dietary marinades will give meat and fish a new spicy taste:

  1. The simplest marinade for meat can be made from ordinary mineral water by mixing it with chopped onions.
  2. Soy sauce itself is an excellent marinade and does not need any additives. You can enhance its taste with grated garlic.
  3. If there is kefir from breakfast, you can also pour meat over it, adding a little curry.
  4. The most tender chicken breast is prepared with a marinade based on vegetable oil and lemon juice. The meat should be smeared with oil, pour over the juice, sprinkle with parsley, black pepper, and top with chopped onion and garlic.
  5. To prepare fish marinades, you will need yogurt, sour cream or vegetable oil. Dairy products are mixed with lemon juice, onions and herbs, and curry is added to the oil.

Such marinades are suitable for both an ordinary meal and a festive dinner. As a rule, in order for fish and poultry to be ready for baking, it is enough to keep the products in the marinade for several hours. Beef and pork can be left in the refrigerator overnight or marinated in the morning for a meat feast in the evening.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet of American astronauts

The effectiveness of protein diets is beyond doubt, and you can lose weight with their help for as long as you like, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. The number of kilograms lost directly depends on the period of weight loss and compliance with the rules of the diet.

The benefits of the diet of American astronauts: weight loss without losing muscle mass; the opportunity to play sports; fast saturation with protein food; lack of a strong feeling of hunger during the diet; affordable products and simple dishes.

Protein diets are available only to those whose body copes well with meat food, so vegetarians should give preference to other weight loss methods. The diet of American astronauts hides several pitfalls, among which is not only a sharp restriction of carbohydrates, but also possible ketosis.

You can not lose weight on the diet of American astronauts in the presence of kidney disease, of cardio-vascular system and gastrointestinal tract. It is extremely difficult to determine offhand contraindications, therefore, before starting, it is necessary to consult with your doctor. Pregnant women and the elderly should abandon the protein diet.

The diet of American astronauts is no different from the Kremlin diet. This is the Russian analogue of the Atkins diet. The essence of the Kremlin diet. What's in the bowl? Sample menu for the week. It is necessary not only to count points, but also to adhere to the daily routine and sleep schedule. Exit from the diet. Who is not recommended kremlevka?

eggplant diet

In eastern countries, eggplant is often referred to as a longevity vegetable. Nutrient content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals). Can be useful eggplant and those who want to lose weight. It contains a small amount of calories, it gives a long feeling of satiety, has a beneficial effect on bowel function and improves metabolism. Eggplant diet - mono-diet on vegetables.

beetroot diet

Beet diet for weight loss is the most convenient way to slim figure. Nutrient content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals). The essence and benefits of the beetroot diet. How to choose a good beet? One day beetroot diet. Beetroot diet for 7 days. Beetroot diet for a week. Beetroot diet for 10 days. American Beetroot Diet. Diet of Academician Bolotov on beet pulp. Purification and weight loss on beetroot kvass according to the recipe of academician Bolotov. Exit from the diet.

Rosehip Diet

Rosehip is a medicinal rose. Rose hips contain a variety of useful substances. Nutrient content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) of fresh fruits and dried rose hips. When using rose hips, one must be very careful and should consult a doctor. When to take, how to choose and how to store rose hips? Protein diet with rose hips is designed for 10 days. and during this time you can lose up to 10 kilograms. Rosehip decoction will be unchanged every day. Diet menu.

cherry diet

Sweet cherries are the first summer vitamin and bright, elastic, juicy fruits themselves ask to be in our mouths. No wonder it got such a name as the “berry of youth”. Nutrient content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals). Cherry berries are extremely useful. Cherry itself has practically no contraindications. You can eat cherries in kilograms. Rules for choosing delicious cherries. Rigid cherry mono-diet. Cherry diet with kefir 3 days. Enriched Cherry Diet.