French wrestling savage. Types of martial arts ► French boxing (savate)

What is Savat? Port French butt, is it a modern sport or some kind of rare martial arts.

In fact, Savat is one of the types of modern sports, but it also retained the features of a port street fight. He has undergone some changes: improved and smoothed out in order not to cause maximum injury to the opponent in a sports duel.

Picture 1 - Savat

The development of such a type of wrestling as mixed martial arts is taking place by leaps and bounds. MMA fighters are eagerly looking for different techniques in other types of wrestling. They master the techniques and techniques they have found on the go, and then they carry it into their gym, into their training, and gradually introduce it into their sport.

The difference is that all fighters are completely different. They have different techniques, different strikes, different strengths and weaknesses. They also strike in a completely different way, move, and so on. The “fashion” in MMA is also changing. For example, what was "in vogue" (hitting, counters, and so on) a couple of years ago - now it is already considered "the last century."

Dynamics of changes in Savat

In the world mixed martial arts a large and serious dynamics of changes has been noted.

Picture 2 - French martial art

One of the many areas that have recently been gaining popularity is French boxing (Savat). This art appeared in the 1800s, and was modernized throughout the century.

It was created in order to teach people from the street the art of self-defense, who had to at least occasionally encounter the "wild" public.

The very name of this French boxing - "Savat" - comes from the word "boot".

What does Savat include?

To date, Savat has included quite a lot of directions and techniques from other types of boxing. Savat included kicking, inherited from sailors and other members of the sea vessel.

In the south, this style of martial art most often bore the name, which in translation meant “shoe”. In the north, this style was called “boot”, which, translated into other languages, sounded like “savate”.

Thus, the whole world was divided into 2 halves: northern and southern. Although the style of wrestling was the same and originated, in principle, from the same word, there were still differences, and sometimes quite rude ones.

It was decided that this style should be made completely generic. But for so many years, in the main rules, which were taken as a basis, their chips and tricks have grown. The problem was that each subspecies of this art was a little different.

Two fighters volunteered, whose names were Michel Kasse and his follower, Charles Lecourt.

Picture 3 - Savate - French martial art

Charles later modified a little what his teacher had created. He added various percussion techniques.

Modern Savat

In modern Savate, the main difference from the previous one is only a frantic dynamics. The main difference by which French boxing can be distinguished from any other type of martial arts is plain suits and matching shoes.

Side kicks in Savate, which are most commonly referred to as frontal or low frontal attacks. It is these blows that leave an ambiguous impression after meeting them. On the one hand, these strikes are quite effective. But still, on the other hand, they are still contradictory to each other. Due to their execution, the fighter does not have good defense. But, as Gustaffson showed by his own example, the best defense is constant movement.

Conor in French boxing

Conor also made his additions and changes to this sport. He took an oblique blow in his tactics, and made his own adjustments. Conor also uses the position in the clinch, which means that most likely he took this technique from the world of French boxing.

Time goes on, which means that after some time Savat will again be replenished with new chips, techniques. Something new will be added, something old will be modernized. And this kind of martial arts will breathe again with renewed vigor, renew itself. Hits or other chips can for a long time be used in the octagon, in fights without rules. But still, the concept of such a style of martial arts as Savat was invented precisely in order to show the graceful work of the legs, as well as body movements.

It is the fighters who update the sports themselves. They develop their fighting styles, take something from different types sports. MacGregor develops in the most complex methodology, which he composes for himself. The development of these martial arts is very fast.

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Today, its rules define four forms of combat according to the degree of contact and allowed strike zones: limited contact; light contact; Full contact; free style(circular kicks on the legs are allowed) (Kulikov A., 1999.). Some authors believe that kickboxing is a synthesis of boxing, karate and judo (Filimonov V.I., Nigmedzyanov R.A., 1999.).

One of the best aids for learning kickboxing techniques can be considered educational films released by Benny Urquidez (Urquidez Benny, 1986; 1989.). In these tutorials, world kickboxing champion Benny Urquidez, who received sports world the nickname "reactive", consistently addresses many aspects of an athlete's training in kickboxing. These films are made in the form of a training seminar with athletes of different levels of training, the lesson is held in the Benny Urquidez gym and all the equipment is demonstrated by him personally (Benny "The Jet" Urquidez, nos. 1-6, 1986).

Another series of eight educational films produced by Benny Urquidez was distributed through Budostore (Paris) in 1989. It had no fundamental differences from the previous training series and was distinguished by the addition of two films: No. 5, "Savoir pour gagner!" (“know to win!”) and No. 7, “Une Self-defense efficace” (“effective self-defense”) (Benny “The Jet” Urquidez, “Budostore”, 1989.).

We had a chance to meet the author of these tutorials at a training seminar in Moscow, where Benny Urquidez demonstrated kickboxing techniques in the ring, talked about himself and his path in sports. He was invited to conduct a seminar, which took place during the World Championship among professionals in kickboxing, with the participation of an athlete from our club, Sergei Andrianov.

When our athlete won the fight ahead of schedule, the champion belt was presented to him by Benny Urquidez. We asked the famous champion questions to find out his opinion about the fight and technique of our student. Mr. Urquidez readily answered questions and gave helpful tips, which were taken into account by us in our further work, both with Sergey Andrianov and with other athletes from the Russian national Savat team.

Summing up the consideration of kickboxing as a sport, we can draw the following conclusion: fighting without shoes forces kickboxers to fight for more short distance than in boxing savate.

Thai boxing(Thai boxing, thai boxing or muay thai) is a tough martial art that uses punches with gloves (as in English boxing), elbows, and legs - foot, shin and knee.

Textbooks on this type of martial arts, books and educational videos today come out under several names: muay thai, "muay thai - chakuriki", thai kickboxing, thai boxing, Thai boxing and Thai boxing. When describing this martial art, we adopted the name "thai-boxing", due to its brevity.

According to some authors (Artemenko O. L. et al., 2001.), it is impossible to establish the exact date of the birth of this type of martial arts, since in 1767 the Burmese troops destroyed the ancient capital of Siam, and all earlier historical documents were burned by the conquerors.

Today, Thai boxing is very popular in Thailand, with four TV channels showing Thai boxing fights several times a week. As for the "signature" strikes of tie-boxing, these are primarily elbow strikes (elbow strikes to the head are especially effective) and knee strikes.

As a tutorial on Thai kickboxing technique, you can use the film "Thai kickboxing", created by Panther Productions in 1986 (Pudpad Noy Worawoot, 1985.). This film was created with the participation of Thai boxing champion, nicknamed "Golden Leg" - Pudpad Noy Worawoot: "Fighting, training, techniques", it covers many aspects of training in Thai boxing: the traditional dance performed by Thai boxers before the fight, fighting stance, movement, punching technique.

For an idea of ​​how Thai boxing is developing in the United States, please refer to the thai kickboxing training manual released by American Martial Arts University (Master Robert Lyons, 1995.). The story about thai-boxing and demonstration of techniques in this film is carried out by "Master Robert Lyons" from the state of Florida.

Another guide to learning tie-boxing techniques, but on a higher level, can be called an educational film created by Tom Haring, a well-known trainer from Holland. Analyzing Tom Haring's "thai-boxing school", we can conclude that it successfully combines the good technique of English boxing and the traditional manner of fighting by Thai boxers (Thai boxing. The Hardest Sport On Earth. "Kwon", 1991).

Among other films about Thai-boxing, it is worth highlighting a series of four educational films (total duration - 3 hours), which deals with various aspects of teaching Thai-boxing ("Scorpio film", Nos. 1–4, 1992.).

Summing up the consideration of tie-boxing, we can conclude that in traditional tie-boxing great importance was given to the power struggle, as well as the strength and rigidity of the blows, which had a negative effect on the technique of movement. Strikes with the shin, knee and elbow dictated the need to fight at a closer distance than in savate boxing.

1.3. Terminology and explanatory French-Russian dictionary

The problem for coaches, athletes and judges who want to develop savate boxing in Russia was the lack of an initial information base. This primarily concerned such areas of research as the development and systematization of modern Russified terminology of boxing savate (allowing for a more concise and accurate description of techniques), as well as descriptions and classifications of techniques.

Certain difficulties were caused by the lack of an explanatory French-Russian dictionary of savate boxing terms, since the sports and terminological translation of many words from the savate boxing lexicon in general dictionaries and dictionaries dedicated to Olympic sports sports, absent. This created difficulties in communication between specialists, reduced the effectiveness of interaction between athletes, coaches and judges, and complicated the use of special literature.

The lack of a comparative analysis of the savate boxing technique with the technique of related types of martial arts led to a misunderstanding of the meaning of a number of techniques specific to savate boxing, and, as a result, to their incorrect interpretation.

Taking into account the above factors led to the need to develop these areas of research - the creation of an initial information base - for its further use in scientific, methodological and practical work.

table 2

Description of the stages of development of the initial information base necessary for the organization of the educational and pedagogical process of teaching Savat boxing

Systematization of terminology of boxing savate

Unlike the terminology of English boxing that has already become familiar in Russia, the terminology of French boxing savate is still in the process of formation and needs to be clarified. The international terminology of savate boxing is defined by the technical regulations of the French Savate Boxing Federation (which creates language difficulties in its use in Russia) and has shortcomings in the systematization of techniques.

This paper provides a systematic description of the terminological apparatus of savate boxing, which is more convenient for use. The terminology of savate boxing was based on the terminology of English boxing, adopted in Russia.

To name the elements of technique specific to boxing savate, the translation of the corresponding French term into Russian is used (for example, chasse - a straight kick), and in cases where the Russian-language equivalent is not able to fully convey the semantic content of the French term, it narrows or overly expands the meaning native word, the name is borrowed from the French language.

For example, a detailed description of a fouette kick (French - fouetté) can be represented as follows: a “whip-like” kick from the side, along an arc trajectory, from the outside-in towards the supporting leg, applied by the surface of the instep of the foot or toe. In practical work, such a long name of the impact is inconvenient to use.

With regard to borrowings, in this work we adhere to the view that is dominant in modern linguistics, according to which the borrowing of a name together with a concept is often preferable.

Many language researchers say that it is preferable to borrow a foreign name together with a concept, instead of choosing a name from the lexical means of “one’s own” language. The following are given as arguments in support of borrowing a foreign word:

1. Semantic certainty, "terminology" of borrowed words (Sorokin Yu. S., 1965; Lotte D. S., 1982.).

As Yu. S. Sorokin notes, new concepts must be expressed using stable terms. At the same time, as the researcher notes, many root words, due to their wide use and compatibility with other words, are characterized by ambiguity. On the contrary, borrowed words are often characterized by semantic unambiguity. According to the definition of Yu. S. Sorokin, they “are prone to terminology, that is, they act in the borrowing language as direct signs of known objects and concepts” (Sorokin Yu. S., 1965, p. 59.).

A similar point of view is shared by D.S. Lotte. One of the main reasons for borrowing terminological vocabulary, the researcher considers the need to combine the requirement of "scientific accuracy", on the one hand, and practical brevity, on the other. Foreign borrowing is most often associated with the whole concept: it is “used to express not any individual feature, but the totality of all necessary and sufficient features that characterize this concept” (Lotte D.S., 1982).

Yu. S. Sorokin points to the fact that borrowed words express the shades of the concept so emphatically and specifically that the semantic content of their and Russian-language correspondences is still different. (Sorokin Yu.S., 1965).

2. The tendency to match the non-segmentation of the designated concept with the non-segmentation of the signifier (Krysin L.P., 1968.).

L.P. Krysin points to the following fact: if the designated is a single whole, one phenomenon, then the language tends to call it one word, and not a phrase, (Krysin L.P., 1968.). For this reason, from the point of view of the researcher, a foreign word is often preferable to the original turnover (for example, the one-term expression “sniper” is often used instead of the two-term expression “marksman”).

We also took into account the experience of using foreign words when creating terminology in such sports as gymnastics and acrobatics (flips, rondat, kurbet), figure skating(sheepskin coat, flip) and fencing (batman, remise, feint) (Urkan M. L., Shlemin A. M., 1977; Korkin V. P., 1981; Mishin A. N., 1985; Tyshler D. A. , 1978.).

The borrowing of a part of the terminology of boxing savate from the French language is also determined by the following extralinguistic factors:

1. The priority role of France in the development of French Savate boxing, where this sport originated and where the headquarters of the International Savate Federation (FIS) is located.

2. Release a large number literature on boxing savate in french.

3. Official judging language international competitions in French boxing, savate is the French language.

4. Expanding contacts between Russia and France in the development of savate boxing.

The above factors determine the influence of the French language on the Russian terminology of savate boxing, which is expressed, in particular, in the penetration of borrowings into it. Below is a brief explanatory French-Russian dictionary of Savat boxing terminology and the system of terms adopted in this work.

Brief explanatory French-Russian dictionary of terms

The first column gives the term adopted by the International Savate Federation (FIS); the second column shows short description this technique performed by the author; in the third - the proposed term.

Table 3


Table 4


Table 5

Direct frontal kicks

Table 6

Direct lateral kicks

Table 7

Side kicks

Table 8

Reverse frontal kicks

Table 9

Reverse lateral kicks

Table 10

Kicks from below

Table 11


To name the elements of savate boxing technique that can be described using established sports terminology, this paper uses the appropriate terminology (mainly from the terminological system of English boxing).

Chapter II. Savat boxing technique

Direct lateral kick is performed by European champion Gilles Le Duigou

2.1. Techniques and teaching methods
2.1.1. Fundamentals of a savate boxer

Combat stance. The fighting stance in the savate box should create an optimal starting position, both for offensive and defensive actions. A typical fighting stance, from which training in technical actions in Savat boxing begins, is characterized by: a straightened position of the torso, slightly turned inward shoulders, slightly lowered head, fists raised to the height of the chin, elbows freely touching the front of the chest.

The position of the legs of a savate boxer in a typical fighting stance is as follows: left leg pushed forward, the body is turned with the left shoulder forward halfway to the opponent, the feet rest on the surface of the ring with the entire sole or only the toes, the toes of the legs are slightly turned inward, and the feet are located approximately shoulder-width apart.

The distribution of body weight on the legs should be optimal and allow the athlete to freely operate with the left, forward standing leg, which in Savate boxing is most often used to strike and, in turn, is the most frequent target for enemy attacks.

The position of the right foot in the ring should be comfortable both for the frequently used escape defense (against kicks to the lower level) and for kicking on the jump, which is also often used in Savate boxing.

The left-handed boxer pushes the right leg forward and turns the whole body with the right shoulder forward.

The use of long kicks with the right leg, kicks with a body turn of 180 or 360 degrees and kicks with a significant displacement in the frontal plane, leads to the fact that during the fight the athlete repeatedly assumes the position of the right-handed, left-handed and frontal fighting stance.

The individualization of the combat stance of a savate boxer can manifest itself in a different arrangement of feet in a combat position, since a different manner of fighting and an individual manner of performing technical actions require appropriate combat positions.

When kicking with a body rotation of 180 or 360 degrees, the head, shoulders and arms of the athlete are included in the general rotation movement with a slight delay, and the gaze fixes the opponent until the last moment (as far as the flexibility of the athlete allows him to keep the position of the arms and shoulder girdle unchanged). During the return and staging movement shock leg into place (in the position of the combat stance), the protective position of the hands provides protection for the head and torso of the savate boxer from the opponent's counterattack.

The positioning of the hands and forearms in a combat stance must provide reliable protection of the torso and head from blows while moving around the ring in all episodes of the fight. The hands are approximately at the height of the chin, in order to timely protect the head from blows and kicks with the hands and forearms. The shoulders are relaxed, and the elbows are in a slightly inward position in front of chest. Elbows provide protection to the torso, participating in the implementation of defenses against punches and kicks with supports and rebounds.

With a frequent change of fighting stance during the fight (which is typical for fighting in savate boxing), inflicting kicks with a body turn of 180 or 360 degrees, the savate boxer must constantly ensure that his elbows are in the optimal position for defensive actions.

The typical stance of a savate boxer in a fight at a long distance is high, the torso is straightened, left hand can be carried forward towards the opponent, the body is strongly turned with the left shoulder forward, the left leg is in front of the right. The distance between the feet in the fighting stance at a long distance is slightly greater than the width of the shoulders. This position of the body allows the savate boxer, if necessary, to fight, using strikes and defenses only with his feet, preventing the opponent's attempts to close the distance and strike with his hands.

The space of combat interaction at a long distance has a greater length in length than in the frontal plane. This circumstance limits the ability of savate boxers to deliver kicks with a large displacement in the frontal plane and practically excludes the possibility of delivering punches with frontal displacement.

Typical stance of a savate boxer in a fight on medium distance usually semi-frontal, with the right leg closer to the left leg in depth and more forward than in a long-range fighting stance. This position of the legs allows the savate boxer to deliver kicks with a step in any direction, without leaving the position of the fight at a medium distance.

The body of the savate boxer is slightly bent, the shoulders are slightly turned inward, the position of the hands is higher than in the long-range stance, and they constantly protect the head from unexpected blows.

At close range, the savate boxer lowers his head and adopts a more grouped stance than in the middle range position, his right shoulder is more forward and he fights with a frontal torso position.

He flexes his torso more than in a mid-range combat stance and squats down slightly with a slight bend in his knees. The position of the feet is almost frontal, which allows savate boxers to strike with equal ease with both the left and right foot at any moment of the fight at close range.

The small distance between the athletes at a close combat distance does not allow them to use the entire arsenal of savate boxing kicks, as well as to deliver kicks that are effective enough to end the fight ahead of schedule. Kicks at this distance more often play a connecting role in the course of a fight: with their help, savate boxers try to upset the opponent’s balance, divert his attention and deliver a decisive blow with his hand.

Since at close range of all the kicks used in savate boxing, only the lower kick can be delivered (due to the short distance), this distance is often preferred by athletes who are not technically trained enough to fight in the style of savate boxing.

A limited arsenal of kicks at close range (only one kick is possible - a low kick to the lower level), makes it easier for an athlete with insufficient technical training performing protective actions against kicks at this distance.

Movement around the ring. The most common type of movement in the ring in savate boxing is side steps, when combining punches and kicks, strikes are also used on a regular step under the opposite leg, and when kicking from a long distance, the main types of movements are side steps or a jump.

At the beginning of learning kicking techniques, relatively slow cross-step movement (marché-croisé) is used to move with kicks, this type of movement makes it easier for a beginner savate boxer to learn how to maintain body stability. With further study of the technique, cross-stepping is often replaced by a faster type of movement - jumping.

The ability to move freely and quickly during a fight in any direction is one of the most important skills in savate boxing. Kicks to the leg are one of the main weapons of savate boxing. To effectively protect the legs of a savate boxer from attacks to the lower level, the “easy” positioning of the legs in the ring, the ability to quickly strike with the foot in any episode of the battle, remove the leg from the opponent’s blow and in tempo deliver a counterattack with it in return.

The constant and tight setting of the legs in the ring by a savate boxer, “rooting” (according to the terminology adopted in some martial arts), deprives the athlete of the necessary mobility, fetters his actions and limits the ability to use the full scope of the technical arsenal of savate boxing.

In turn, easy and quick movement around the ring allows the savate boxer to constantly maintain a fighting distance, more successfully perform quick defenses legs from blows with escapes and pulls, to effectively mask the preparation of one's own attacks and to carry them out in a timely and sudden manner.

In order to deliver strong and long kicks to the body or to the leg, the savate boxer performs a squat on the supporting leg at the moment of the emphasis of the blow with a decrease in the O.C.T. of the body and rigid fixation of the muscles at the moment of contact with the target.

The ability of a savate boxer to quickly and timely move from light and fast movement around the ring to hard tension of the body muscles at the moment of applying an accentuated kick and again quickly move on to continue moving around the ring is determined by his technical level and ability to control the degree of muscle tension and relaxation.

The high pace of the fight with the frequent use of jump kicks places increased demands on the endurance of the savate boxer: the loss of mobility in the ring in the final rounds of the fight will lead to the loss of the fight, since the savate boxer will not be able to protect his legs from the opponent's blows.

“A necessary condition for conducting a battle is a change in the combat stance depending on the movements of the opponent” (Degtyarev I.P., 1979. - P. 25). Correction of the body position, depending on the actions of the enemy, can be carried out both by movement using steps along relatively simple and straightforward trajectories, and by jump movement with body rotation.

combat distances. In savate boxing, there are three main fighting distances: long, medium and close. The difference in the anatomical length of the arms and legs forces savate boxers to make adjustments when it is necessary to accurately determine the combat distance.

Far distance. At a long distance, a savate boxer, in a fighting stance, can strike with a leg or a straightened arm, making a jump or a step forward. The long distance allows you to strike with the leg almost completely extended in the final shock phase. The large mass of the leg compared to the arm, strong leg muscles, heavy savate boxers on the legs - all this makes long-range kicks a formidable weapon.

The close location of the vertical axis of the thigh at the time of the final phase of the impact to the O. C. T. of the body and the shorter distance from the support along the vertical, compared to punches, give kicks more rigidity and make it possible to strike at a long distance sufficient in terms of effectiveness of strikes of any foot.

To successfully fight at a long distance, a savate boxer needs to master the technique of movement well, be able to move equally well in the ring in any direction, and have a heightened sense of distance. “Calculating the distance at a fast pace of battle is one of the most difficult skills acquired only by constant practice in training battles” (Gradopolov K.V., 1965 - p. 31).

Average distance. The body position of a savate boxer in a fighting stance at a medium distance is lower and more collected than in a fighting stance at a long distance. Athletes are located at a distance from each other with a kick or a straightened arm (when striking with the body tilted forward), without the need to take a step forward to reach the strike distance, they are constantly in the zone of a possible attack, within the reach of any punch or kick, included in the arsenal of boxing savate.

A close distance from the enemy, who is at an average combat distance, does not give the athlete the opportunity to fully visually control his actions, therefore, at an average distance, the importance of the athlete’s skill to determine the structure of impact actions in the early stages of development of an impact, during preparatory actions, increases. This skill comes to an athlete as a result of a large amount of special work and is fixed in the course of conditional and free-style fights.

Forward movements during combat at an average distance are not used to change the striking distance; when striking with arms and legs, athletes use torso forward bends (when striking with a hand) or torso bends back (when delivering some kicks).

Body movements (leaning forward and back) allow the Savate boxer to more easily change striking distance and link punches and kicks more quickly than when using movement. At the same time, stepping movements when striking make it easier for the opponent to apply sweeps, which are often performed at a pace along the walking leg and can lead to an imbalance or even to a fall of the athlete.

When determining the average distance in savate boxing, it must be taken into account that at this distance the distance at which it is possible to strike with a straightened leg without a step is insufficient in order to strike with a straightened arm without a step or torso tilt;

Close distance. At close range, strikes can only be delivered with an arm bent at the elbow (straight, from below and from the side) or a lower kick with a leg. The remaining kicks from the Savat boxing arsenal at close range are not applied, as they will, due to their specifics, have a form prohibited by the rules (according to the rules of Savat boxing, kicks are applied only with a zone protected by shoes, kicks or knee strikes are prohibited).

The lower kick is delivered almost straight in knee joint foot, so it can be applied from a minimum distance to the target and without a backswing. The close distance between savate boxers at close combat distance does not allow one to deliver a low kick with sufficient force to decide the outcome of the fight in one's favor.

sawat- this box French descent, it uses both arms and legs equally, elements of western boxing are used in combination with kicks. The rules of wrestling only allow kicks, unlike other martial arts that allow kicks and knees. Savat is a unique style in which opponents wear boots.

Savate was created on the basis of two French schools that studied kicking. One school was in Paris, the other in the south of France, not far from Marseille. Her first name was "Marseille Surprise", due to the peculiarities of the style for any fighter. However, the most famous name for the style was "chausson". It was used by soldiers and sailors as entertainment during long voyages on ships of that time.

Savate of the Parisian school was considered the most cruel. “Sawat” is translated as “fight in slippers”, or “trodden shoe”, and the slang version of the translation of this word is a tramp, a tramp. It was among them that the techniques of the Parisian version of savate were improved and transmitted, which explained their cruelty and effectiveness.

In 1830, the famous fighter Charles Lecourt, who was engaged in boxing and fencing in addition to savate, decided to open his own school, because. he was not satisfied with the reputation of this fight as rough and brutal, applicable to street fights.

He taught Savata to representatives of the bourgeoisie and people of free professions: doctors, lawyers, artists. Lecourt removed the most dangerous techniques from his school in order to make a sports fight out of savate, in addition, he combined punches from boxing and kicks from savate into one technique.

In 1832, the unification of both species into a new discipline was successfully completed. Lecourt started teaching the new kind sport called "French boxing". A special code of honor was created, the rules, Lecourt informed the general public about the basic techniques.

The writer of that time, Theophile Gauthier, who was also a student of Lecourt, wrote that savate, which for a long time was an unfair struggle of vagabonds, was miraculously transformed by Charles Lecourt into a real art.

Among the students of Lecourt were many celebrities of that time, such as Baron de La Rochefoucauld, Alexandre Dumas.

However, the real founder of French boxing is considered to be Joseph Pierre Charlemont, who was not only the most prominent specialist of his time in this sport, but also published a whole system that determined the essence of French boxing for more than sixty years.

The era of Charlemont began in 1862, when Charlemont Sr. made a successful tour of Europe, and its end is considered to be 1924, when the students of Charlemont Jr. showed French boxing as national look sports at the Olympic Games.

Now the French Boxing Federation includes 59 countries, including Russia.

Savate Competition Rules (French Boxing)

In savate, there are 2 sections of the competition:

"Asso" - light contact - this is a section in which you cannot apply strong punches and kicks, the quality and accuracy of the technique is important.

"Komba" - full contact - a section in which strong blows with the limbs are allowed.

Depending on the level of training of athletes, there are “Pre - combo”, when protection is mandatory, and “Comba”, when the use of protection is prohibited.

Competitions are divided into team, personal, personal-team. Competitions are held in several stages of 2 minutes each, depending on the section and stage of the tournament.

All athletes must go to the fight in clean sleeveless overalls, which must fully comply with the rules, as well as use protection in the form of gloves, bandages, special protective equipment. Before the fight, savate players bandage their hands elastic bandages which are marked by the judge before the fight. TO special means include protection for teeth, groin area, chest - for women. Before the fight, all protection is checked, in case of violations in the equipment, the athlete is disqualified.

Fights are judged on the basis of an assessment of the quality of equipment and combat, the effectiveness of combat. In each round, points are given to athletes according to a certain system, and a draw is possible only in one of the rounds.

If a person who is far from the intricacies of French boxing gets into a savate competition, then he may argue that there is no difference between this sport and kickboxing, which is familiar to everyone. Say, in both cases, legs and arms are actively used for strikes. However, this is only a superficial impression. Athletes who are passionate about French boxing responsibly declare that savate (in translation, a worn shoe) is a separate discipline and has nothing to do with kickboxing. However, is this true.

Why can't French boxing be identified with kickboxing?

The main difference between French boxing and kickboxing is that the fighter in the ring must wear hard-soled shoes. After all, a blow with a rough shoe, especially a toe in pain point the enemy turned into a "calling card" of the savate. As far as kickboxing is concerned, athletes perform barefoot, and kicks are performed in soft feet that protect the feet. Shields and helmets are prohibited in French boxing. The only thing that unites both sports disciplines is a mouth guard, boxing gloves and a bandage.

The origins of French boxing are to be found in the first half of the 19th century. In those distant times, a certain Charles Lecour structured a set of rules for French boxing, where a number of blows were allowed:




By ankle joints;

On the shins;

On the knees;

Two directions of savate that existed in France

All these blows were delivered with fists or feet, shod in rough shoes. In essence, it turned out to be a fusion of two methods: typical English boxing and street fighting. Thus, one of the most effective self-defense techniques was formed.

Savate in ancient times indulged in French peasants. They kicked each other with shod legs. Beginning in the 18th century, people from the poorer strata of society sorted things out with the help of the savate. Gradually Savat received two directions.

1. Blows were allowed on the lower leg, thighs, and on the body. You could work with your hands, and with your legs - only your feet. That is, some restrictions were introduced.

2. In another version, it was allowed to break everything to the enemy that could be reached with hands or feet. To inflict as much damage on the opponent as possible, boots with sharp welts were worn on the feet. In general, with the help of this practice, they knocked out each other's teeth, eyes, and the face was "transformed" into a shapeless mass. This way of sorting things out was adopted by criminal elements and most of the French poor.

Techniques for defeating an opponent

In savate, aggressive footwork is emphasized. You need to beat so that the enemy cannot get you with a retaliatory blow of the hand. That is, in essence, this condition is a tactical instruction of French boxing. Also, a lot of time during training is devoted to how to long distance move to a medium or close distance to attack with fists and get further away from the opponent's response moves.

upper limbs it was advised to keep the position lower than in ordinary boxing for a comfortable grip on the attacker's legs, as well as to form a block from blows to the groin. Hands were also actively used during the attack, but mostly without fists. Hands and fingers served as an element of injury. They tried to strike in the area of ​​​​the eyes, temples, nose and ears. When attacking, it was not strength that mattered, but speed and accuracy. Also, a lot of time was devoted to the movements of the body for a more effective fight.

Savat - armament of troops

Modern French boxing is not only men's competition. Savat is actively practiced by women, and even children. In reality, French boxing combines competent training in lightning strikes with hands or the sole of a shoe, as well as various other techniques: painful locks, grips, throws, creases. The use of improvised objects, such as canes or sticks, is practiced. French boxing, taught today, allows you to fight with several opponents at the same time and is included in the mandatory sports training of French soldiers.

Most importantly, Savat is a long-range combat technique.

This is where the features start.
1. Skate savate - hit with the toe of the shoe (Bringed to filigree accuracy (one of the old tests is to punch a hole in an earthen jar without breaking the jug itself))
2. Classical French boxing punches are not particularly strong (emphasis on speed and accuracy).
3. The most developed of all the above martial arts is the section of kicks to the legs.
4. There is a section of cannes - chausson (work with a cane in combination with kicks)
5. All types of kicks (direct - chasse frontal, lateral - chasse lateral, circular - fouette) are applied from the knee forward (with the exception of the reverse circular - reverse and low kick - cou de pi ba)
6. When kicking, an additional push is made with the pelvis.
7. In the classic savate, there were no strikes in high jumps or in jumps with a turn, as well as low kick
8. An analogue of mawashi, a round blow fouette is applied not with a shin, but with a foot or toe
9. There is an interesting kind of fouette round blow, but it is applied not to the side of the corus or head, but with the toe in solar plexus or belly.
10. With high or medium impacts - the supporting leg is straight and the foot is turned approximately 75 degrees, with low impacts, a semi-squat is performed on the supporting leg, due to which, in combination with a push of the pelvis, the impact is lengthened.
11. In the classic savate, the body leaned back with a straight chasse and low kicks.
12. With the side chasse, the body leaned a little, unlike karate, where it is in the same plane with the striking leg
13. In the classic savate, the hands did not always fly apart. According to Lecourt, the hands were to be kept at the lower abdomen in order to parry or catch kicks. (Illustrations "according to Lecourt" from Leclerc's book (1910) are hung in the Savate training room in the French film "Tiger Squads"), and according to Charlemont, the arms had to be spread out for balance, and this method was widespread until the end of the 80s gg. 20th century
14. In Savat, a well-developed method of counteraction in case the leg is captured by the opponent.
Let's summarize.
The main features of the savate kicking technique are accuracy, speed, "length", squatting on the supporting leg. The toe is the main weapon of the savate (no shins, balls of the foot, outer edge of the foot, etc.), there are no low kicks in the classic Savate, high jumps, jumps with a turn and other pirouettes. The feature of Savat is the filigree work of legs against legs.
Unfortunately, many features of the classical Savat of the XIX - first half of the XX centuries. now they remain only the property of enthusiasts, and in the ring we see more or less average foot technique. It is quite possible that it is more effective (or rather requires less time for training), but with the loss of features, the aroma of the good old French martial art is lost (it's like drinking champagne not from a glass, but from a plastic cup).

“Initially, there was a Celtic folk pastime - kicking on the shins, then a “hooligan” manner of hitting the legs with a boot developed from this, then bored aristocrats added high kicks (they say - from ballet) and introduced soft slippers (chausson) and puffy gloves, so as not to to cripple each other. Then the technique of hands from English boxing was added to all this", And I will add a few clarifications.

High kicks were introduced by the Marseille sailors, who were engaged in "ju de marseille" ("Marseille game") or another name "chausson" (derived from the name of soft slippers "chausses"). The essence of the chausson was to apply "carcass" (light touch strikes or, in modern terminology, light - contact) to a partner with high kicks. The hand technique of the early savate included various blows with the palm, fingers, backhand blows with the inner or outer part palms and was of an auxiliary nature, since the criminal elements (from among whom the savate came out) were most often armed with a knife, club or brass knuckles. Further.
1824 - Michel Casso first systematizes the savate technique.
1832 - Charles Lecourt introduces the technique of English boxing and a new name - French boxing. But Lecourt focuses on low kicks. By the way, it was the French who were the first to use gloves not only in training, but also in competitive fights.
60s 19th century - the beginning of the era of the father and son of Charlemon. It is they who begin to widely practice high kicks with throwing hands back, which became the hallmark of French boxing until the end of the 80s. 20th century
Late 80s. 20th century - There are jumping kicks in savate, and when kicking, they began to hold hands like in kickboxing, near the body.

As for the classic manner of kicking in Savat, here we can advise you to watch the following videos from You Tube
2. Roger LaFond method of canne, baton and french boxing
3. SAVATE - FRENCH BOXING - BOXE FRANCAISE - savate performed by Charlemont, filmed in 1894
4.Lady kicker
5. SAVATE - FRENCH BOXING - 1894 - Boxe francaise - also performed by Charlemont.
6. Count Pierre Baruzy SAVATE - French boxing - savate in the 60s of the XX century.
7. SAVATE Salle Wagram 05/03/1969

Educational films on modern Savat can be downloaded from Torrents. Ru
These are training films on self-defense with the use of savate techniques and the addition of techniques from jujutsu and krav maga.
1. Savate Defense - BASIC TECHNIQUES (Eric Quequet) (2008)
2. Savate Defense - ADVANCED TECHNIQUES (Eric Quequet) (2004)
3. Street.Boxing by.Robert.Paturel
4. Street Savate Vol-2 Power Punching (Daniel Duby)

You can also recommend training films on the technique of sports savate
5. Savate Basics - Saignac (1998)
Feature films showing the savate technique.
1. Savat (Starring - Oliver Gruner), though here it looks more like an average kickboxing
2. Secrets of Paris
3. Tiger detachments (about the French political police at the beginning of the 20th century).
4. Arsene Lupine

Further, books are freely available on the Internet
1. André E. Self-defense (1909) - application of savate in street self-defense
2. Savate Students Manual - a manual on the technique of modern French savate
3. - this is a link to a French book on savate of the late 19th century, but unfortunately it is not downloadable, but can only be viewed.
4. Manuel moniteur sports combat (1947) - hand-to-hand combat manual of the French army, where one of the sections describes the savate technique.
5. Oznobishin N. N. The art of hand-to-hand combat (1930) - the use of the savate technique for self-defense is described in detail.

In these materials, one can see and compare the development of the technique of classical and modern savate.
In addition, we must not forget that savate is a complex system, and earlier in the Joinville school, which since the middle of the 19th century. trained cadres of physical training instructors for the French army, savate was studied in conjunction with wrestling (for close range combat), "four-sided defense" (the use of savate in conditions of attack by several people), fencing with a cane, saber, sword, bayonet fighting. And all the savate masters taught fencing with a cane at the same time.

Thus, a person who has studied, in addition to sports savate, the basics of wrestling and fencing with a stick (cane), can consider himself fully prepared for street surprises.
In conclusion, it can be noted that do not look for Savat performed by the heads of schools, great masters, etc. This is not the Far East. There is no need here to look for the bearers of the true tradition, to study directly with the French masters, they will not hide secrets from you, etc. You will not find here the genealogical lines of the families of the masters, most likely you will also not be taken as adopted sons to the master (in French terminology - professor). The only way to master Savat is to find a club, sign up and practice. If your health does not allow you to fight in hard contact, practice in the "asso" section - this is a fight in light contact, where the technicality of the execution of techniques is first of all assessed. (By the way, even in the combo - the savate section, the fight in full contact (without helmets and protectors, only boots - savat on the legs and gloves on the hands) if the blow was executed technically incorrectly, it is not evaluated). Another question is that since the Savators oppose professional sports, but only for amateur, then there are much fewer savate clubs than other martial arts.

First, let's understand the terminology. The traditional savate refers to the fighting technique of the French criminal elements of the 18th - early 19th centuries, before the introduction of hand techniques from English boxing by Charles Lecourt in 1832.
Classic French boxing. Practiced from 1832 until the end of the 80s. 20th century french feet and English boxing.
Modern French boxing - from the late 80s. 20th century French legs and English boxing. Low-kick and jumps are additionally introduced.

As for the traditional savate, it was still in the 19th century. was practically superseded by French boxing. Although he continued to practice by separate groups of enthusiasts.
Interesting materials are posted on the site
I especially recommend paying attention to the following articles from this site.
1. Open Hands (1889) - an open hand striking technique from the traditional savate
2.Boots and Self Protection in the Civilian Environment - application of the heel in the traditional savate
Now we will conduct a small comparative analysis of the traditional savate and French boxing.

The traditional savate was based on sweeps and kicks to the legs at the lower level (mostly not above the knee)

But low kicks, characteristic of the traditional Savat, are also quite enough in modern French boxing.
1) Chasse.
- frontal chasse with the heel to the front of the thigh.
- frontal chasse with a heel turn to the front of the thigh
- side chassé with the heel to the thigh
2) Fuete.
- fouette bass on the outer side of the thigh
- fouette bass on the inside of the thigh
3) Reverse
- reverse heel to thigh
- reverse heel from a turn to the thigh
4) Ku de pi ba
- swing blow (without knee extension) on the shin with the inner edge of the foot
5) Undercuts
- sweeping undercut (low fouette)
- lateral cutting (ku de pi ba, if it is on the bone of the leg, then it is very painful)
- circular cutting (reverse at the lower level)
Total - 8 allowed kicks at the lower level and 3 sweeps.
To this we add forbidden by the rules, to the strikes included in the arsenal of French boxing and often studied
1) Frontal fouette (hit by lifting the foot in the groin)
2) Fouette in the lower abdomen with the toe of the foot
3) Frontal chasse with a toe to the lower abdomen
4) Frontal chasse with heel to knee
5) Side chassé heel to knee (front or side)
6) Trampling heel strike on the instep or big toe
7) Vertical knee to the groin
In total, the arsenal of modern French boxing includes
15 different low level kicks and 3 sweeps
I doubt that in the traditional savate the arsenal was more diverse.

In addition, although they are not used in competitions, captures and throws are included in the arsenal of French boxing.
1) Cravat
2) Necklace
3) Clinch
4) Capturing the leg in the key
5) Capturing the arm in the elbow bend
1) Through the thigh
2) Through the thigh with the capture of the head
3) Rear footrest
4) rear footrest with leg grip
5) Throw with the capture of two legs
6) Throw with the capture of one leg.
7) Throw with an eversion of the foot caught in the key
Plus, the French boxing arsenal includes working with three types of weapons.
1) Sword (rapier, saber, espadon)
2) Cane (single and double)
3) Pole
Of course, this is a small arsenal, compared, for example, with 18 types of traditional Shaolin Wushu weapons.
But in French boxing, work on all types of weapons is studied in contact, there are sparrings, and not just the study of complexes - the tao that we see in wushu today,
Plus, in French boxing, there are sections
1) Self-defense with a cane.
2) French boxing + cane
Summing up, we can say that modern French boxing is, in its arsenal, a complex combat system, and not some kind of stripped-down sports version. The French boxing system, created by the masters of the 19th century. is in no way inferior to the traditional savate, and, moreover, organically absorbed its most practical elements.

Now let's compare French boxing and kickboxing.
The main difference is the presence of shoes in French boxing, from here all the differences in technique and tactics stem.
1. French boxing teaches you to use the shoe as a weapon. A point strike with a hard toe of a boot is much more dangerous than a strike with the surface of a soft foot, and aimed blows with a shoe to the liver, spleen and solar plexus are one of the " business cards"French boxing.
2. In French boxing, the distance of kicks is much longer (the ability to strike with the toe of a boot lengthens the distance of a kick by 15-20 cm) than in kickboxing. This is due to the tactical setting of French boxing, declared back in the rules of 1832: a kick must be delivered from such a distance that the opponent cannot reach you with his hand.
3. In kickboxing, as a rule, punches and kicks are applied from approximately the same distance. While in teaching French boxing, a lot of attention is paid to how to move from long range kicks to medium and close range for punches and how to go back to long distance for kicks after that.
4. Movement in French boxing is easier and faster than in kickboxing. This is due to the fact that it is much more convenient to move in savatkas than barefoot, besides having feet and shields on your feet.
5. The presence of pads and feet on the legs of kickboxers leads to the fact that for applying effective strike with the foot, the athlete needs to make a significant effort. In French boxing, kicks are of a faster nature. At the same time, one should not forget that often even light, but quick kick boot turns out to be much more dangerous and traumatic than swipe bare foot in soft foot.
6. In the combat arsenal of French boxing, straight and side chasses (front kick and side kick in kickboxing) to the opponent's thigh and knee are widely used. In kickboxing, any direct hits to the thigh and knee are prohibited. In French boxing, these strikes serve as an effective means of working against an opponent who relies only on punches.
7. Now about the differences and tactics. Considering the typical pattern of a fight in French boxing and kickboxing, we will see a significant difference: in French boxing, the opponents, moving a lot and quickly, "shoot" each other with various kicks from a long distance, trying after their attack to get away from the opponent's blows, breaking the distance. In kickboxing, in general, athletes try to reach the middle and close distances as quickly as possible in order to include their entire arsenal of punches and kicks, i.e. The fight in kickboxing is more of a forceful character.
8. One of the classic combat schemes in French boxing is to carry out numerous and varied kicks to the legs (a legacy of the traditional savate), which leads to the loss of the opponent's ability to move quickly around the ring.

And here is the opinion of one of the savate meters, Baron Yves Fenier, about the differences between karate and savate
"Those foolish karatekas so appreciate the ability to break bricks and such, but you don't need to work on these, strength is secondary. Forget about strength and work on the ability to judge distance, speed and accuracy of movements."

To summarize, as you can see from the comparative review, there are quite significant differences between savate and kickboxing.
Further, as a comparative analysis showed, French boxing included the traditional savate technique in its arsenal, significantly enriching it.
In fact, the traditional savate was just a set of tricks, while the classic French boxing was brought into a coherent system.
In savate, there is no reverence for tradition, which is characteristic of Eastern BI, and here you will not see the opposition, for example, traditional and sports wushu, or traditional and sports karate. At the same time, the traditional is declared spiritual and practical, and the sport is primitive and emasculated. There is no such thing in savate, people just go to the club and train.

Let's add a little more about Savat.
So savate and kickboxing.
1. Hits in savate are mostly biting, in kickboxing with a carry, power. In savate due to shoes, there is no need for power punches, because they hit with a toe in hard shoes, a blow that is not strong by the standards of the same kickboxing can be enough to knock out the opponent. From this state of affairs, the leg technique is built.
2. The arsenal of kicks in Savate is much larger than in kickboxing.
3. There is a significant section on how to get out of situations when the leg is caught after a blow (there is no similar section in kickboxing)
4. There are techniques to counter wrestling techniques
5. A number of techniques are focused on the use of surrounding objects - pushing back from the wall when kicking, leaning on a wall or tree when kicking, etc. P.
6. Blows to the supporting leg, knee (there is no such thing in kickboxing), the ability to deliver "point" blows with a sharp toe, which is completely absent in kickboxing.
7. An extensive section of kicks to the legs - blocking blows to the thigh and knee, sweeping blows to the shin, low kick (in kickboxing, except for the low kick, all other blows are absent)
8. The Box de la rue section (practiced since the 19th century (street self-defense - counteracting several opponents, liberation from captures, fighting with a cane and defense against an armed attack) - this section is absent in kickboxing.

9. In kickboxing, circular blows are applied by lifting the foot, in savate - by lifting or toe.
10. And once again about tactics. Since the blows are fast and at the same time quite lethal, the tactical pattern of the battle is changing - unlike Muay Thai and Kickboxing, where the fight often comes down to a power exchange of blows in one place, in Savate, maneuvering in the ring is very important. Again, shoes contribute to this, it is much easier to move quickly in it than barefoot.
And small additions.

If savate is a complex martial art that includes both techniques sport fight, and techniques of self-defense and combat with weapons, which has a 200-year history, then kickboxing originally arose as combat sport in the ring.

Further, as Dan Inosanto said when comparing muay thai and savate "Power punches Thai boxing make the continuation of the battle very difficult, and the exact blows of the savate cause an acute desire to stop the fight altogether"
A small note "Because the Thais are good at shinning, taekwondo players are good at punching in the stomach with the heel, etc.", and the Savaters are excellent at punching with the toe.
Fully agree with the statement "Simple and traditional and sporty savate is enough sporty look and you should not look for something from oriental styles and internal content in it. "Absolutely, savate is hand-to-hand combat French origin with two hundred years of history and tradition, beautiful and aristocratic, no more and no less.
At the same time, there is an objection about "If all the technique is from kickboxing, then how, for example, savate differs from it." I'll add a little later

There is an objection about "If all the technique is from kickboxing, then how, for example, savate differs from it.
As already mentioned above, the time of the appearance of the savate is 1832.
Kickboxing - 1970s
So it's more correct, in my opinion, to say, if the kickboxing technique is similar to savate, then why did kickboxing need to be created.
In general, it is not clear why it was necessary to "reinvent the wheel" by combining English boxing with the technique of legs from taekwondo, if there was already a ready-made combat system. Most likely, the reason lies in the fact that savate is a local French system, which only in the late 1980s. became actively promoted by the French. By the way, you can partly thank the Eastern BIs for this, it was the stormy propaganda of the Eastern BIs that awakened in Europe somewhere in the 70s. interest in their own martial arts. Most likely, it was elementary ignorance about the existence of savate that prompted the Americans to become one of the reasons for the creation of kickboxing.

In addition, in savate, great importance is given to the culture of the behavior of the savate.
1. It is not recommended to make scandalous statements before the fight.
2. Noisy spectacular entrances to the ring are not recommended.
3. Avoid decorating yourself with tattoos. amulets, etc.

And one more note, at competitions where different styles of karate are presented, it is also difficult to distinguish representatives of one style from another, the technique is more or less similar for everyone.

Let's draw conclusions. There are quite a few differences in savate from the same kickboxing. Sometimes they do not immediately catch the eye, but with a deeper acquaintance with the subject, quite profound differences in both technique and tactics become obvious. As far as I could, I tried to acquaint the venerable public with them.