Points in a person to cut down. Pain points on the human body: a detailed diagram and a training video

Knowing the pain points on the human body helps to effectively counter the enemy in self-defense. Vulnerable are those parts of the body that most painfully react to blows, hard pressure or twisting and are guaranteed to cause acute pain and even long-term disruption of a person's vital functions. First of all, these are places on the human body in which the main nerves and ganglions and blood vessels, joints, internal organs are concentrated; places where the bones are least covered with muscle tissue.

* Between the eyebrows, at the junction of the nasal cartilage and the skull, are the nasal bones. A blow to them will cause profuse bleeding, making it difficult to breathe, impair vision and lead to pain shock. A blow to the nose from the bottom up with the base of the palm is considered the most dangerous. It is convenient to use in close combat. If the hit in this area is accurate, then with even a slight blow, the enemy can be killed.

* Accumulations of nerve endings and fragile blood vessels are located on the superciliary arch. From a blow to the superciliary region, the vessels burst, hemorrhage begins in the eyes, vision deteriorates sharply, and the nerve endings, which are shocked, lead to a strong pain effect.

* The zygomatic arch, which is located under the eye, is easily injured from a punch, as it is quite fragile. Pain shock and temporary loss of vision are guaranteed.

* The most vulnerable area of ​​the head is, of course, the eyes themselves. They are vulnerable to trauma. A light blow to them leads to permanent loss of vision. Blows to the eyes, pressure on them with the fingers are extremely effective.

* The lower jaw is considered to be a mobile bone formation. The main problem lies in its mobility: a blow to this place can cause a displacement with a rupture of the muscles fastened to the fixed part of the skull. Or maybe crush a bone. Result: pain shock and loss of consciousness in the opponent. In boxing, this point is known as the knockout area.

* Opponent may lose consciousness from the resulting concussion and knocked out lower jaw as a result of a blow to the chin. In this case, the tongue is severely injured.

* A strong blow to the ears with the palms of the hands will damage the outer ear, leading to hearing loss. A blow to this area causes bleeding and even loss of consciousness from pain shock, since many blood vessels and nerves are located here.

* The bones of the skull at the temples are the thinnest, they break through even with a weak blow. The consequences of fractures at these points can be fatal.

* As well as blows to the kidneys, blows to the back of the head are dangerous. Here the base of the skull is affected, and with a strong blow, the consequences can be the most severe. Here, even with not the most effective attack, the enemy will lose the ability to navigate.

*The neck contains vital blood vessels on the sides, back cervical vertebrae, and a vulnerable "Adam's apple" in the throat. Strong blows with damage to the vertebrae can cause paralysis. If you use the edge of the palm to perform lateral blows to the neck, this will sharply disrupt the blood circulation of the brain and lead to loss of consciousness.

* kneecaps, elbow joint, outer and inner parts of the knee, foot, shin, thigh muscles on the legs, hands and fingers are the most vulnerable points of the lower and upper extremities of a person.

* Extremely effective blows to both the elbow joint and the patella of the supporting leg. Attacks in these areas cause not only pain, but also immobility of the joints.

* A direct sharp blow to the outer part of the knee can lead to the destruction of the joint due to an unnatural deflection to the other side, causing severe pain and temporary immobility of the knee. When hitting the inside of the knee, the ligaments and tendons at the patella are damaged, which also leads to immobility of the knee joint. An exact gift to the patella will lead to its displacement, make the lower limb immobile.

* Attacking with the outer edge of the foot at the level of one third of the lower leg from below into the opponent's lower leg can be one of the most effective techniques. Here the bone, as in the case of the temporal part, is the least thin. A strong blow is more likely to cause a fracture, and not too hard will help the opponent feel pain.

* Perineum, heart, spleen, liver, kidneys, solar plexus, ribs, armpits, coccyx are among the most vulnerable points corps.

* There are many nerves and large vessels in the perineum, and very sensitive genital organs are located a little higher. A blow to this area can lead to rupture of the bladder. Kick attack on the testicles for a long time take the enemy out of the fight.

* The solar plexus point is located in the center of the chest. Near the solar plexus are vital important organs(heart, liver, stomach). Here is the largest accumulation of nerves. Since there are no ribs, this area is extremely exposed, physical impact on it will lead to a noticeable pain effect. Shock, shortness of breath, stomach bleeding, heart failure and loss of consciousness - and these are not all the consequences of an attack in this area.

* By their structure, the ribs are the most fragile bones in humans. Fractures of the ribs from the fifth to the eighth also occur with blows of medium strength. But the point is not only in the pain shock from broken ribs, it must be borne in mind that fragments from them can damage vital organs.

* In the region of the lower ribs are the liver and spleen. Not the strongest blow to the liver leads to its defeat.

It is located under the lower ribs on the right side, you need to hit with your left hand or knee, if the fight is close, or strike with your left foot on medium distance and the outer edge of the foot with the right leg from the side. We should not forget about the area of ​​the spleen.

* Large blood vessels and nerves are located in the armpits. Feelings of the enemy from a blow to his armpits will introduce you to a strong electric shock. Result: pain shock and loss of hand function.

* The kidneys are located near the back wall of the abdominal cavity. They do not have bone protection, therefore they are very vulnerable. A blow to them will give strong pain, their rupture with internal hemorrhage is likely. Do not forget that the kidneys are located somewhere on the same level with the elbow joint.

*Attack on the coccyx can damage the central nervous system, and even cause paralysis, not to mention severe pain

Vasilenko Valery

Any knowledge can be useful to us in practice. And knowing where the most painful points on the human body are located can even save your life and health in a certain situation, because you will know where it is better to hit an aggressive opponent or which areas of your body should be protected in the first place. So…


It is the most unprotected area in the upper part of the head. If a strong and sharp blow is applied to this zone, then a person may die.


In detective stories, they often show how a person was pushed, he hit his temple against something - and died ... It's true, an artery of the brain membrane passes under the temple. A blow to this area can lead to a concussion, and this is fraught with both fainting and death.


A blow to the nose is not only severe pain. This can disorient the person and cause bleeding. The nasal bone is very easy to break.

Bridge of the nose

It is connected to the optic nerve. If you "knowingly" poke a finger at this point, it can turn into a fatal outcome.


If you hit a person in the eye area, this is not just a sharp pain, the victim may completely lose his sight. And if you poke your thumb in the eye, you can reach the very brain and cause irreversible damage to it.

Lower jaw

The point just below the junction of the jaw with the ear is also called the "knockout area". Directed there side impact leads to defeat cervical spine, and the opponent falls. That is why during the fight, participants often lower their chins, trying to cover a weak spot.

Adam's apple

Even a light blow to this area can lead to choking or vomiting. If hit hard, it can cause loss of consciousness or death.

elbow joint

Even when we ourselves accidentally bruise our elbow, it hurts a lot. A strong blow to this area can cause numbness in the arm.

Solar plexus

Everyone knows that a blow there, especially directed upwards, is very painful, as it "enters" the internal organs - the heart, liver, lungs. The consequences can be very serious.

Heart region

A strong blow here can simply kill, as a person's heart will stop. Finger poke between the ribs is very painful, although they do not carry much danger.


It is in the abdomen that most of our internal organs. No wonder the "belly" in Russian - from the word "life". Also in the old days the expression "not sparing your belly" was common. Especially dangerous is a deep penetrating blow in upper part belly. A blow to the lower part introduces a state of shock, and if it is strong enough, it can lead to serious internal damage.


It is not for nothing that the expression “beat off the kidneys” is so common. A blow to them not only causes severe pain, it can render the organ unusable and turn a person into a disabled person.


For men, blows to the groin and perineum are especially painful. And if hit hard, it can be fatal.

Knee cap

A blow to the kneecap is not only very painful, it is fraught with injury, and even disability. As a result of the blow, the cup can be broken or the mobility of the knee joint can be impaired, which will lead to permanent dislocations.

Myths about pain points

One of the most common misconceptions: if you know where to hit, then the enemy can be disabled for a long time. In fact, it is important to know not only where, but also how and at what angle to strike.

Quite often we hear that there is some mysterious point on the neck, by clicking on which, you can make a person, if not die, then at least lose consciousness. Well, maybe masters martial arts and are capable of it. But it is difficult for an ordinary person to find this point and influence it correctly. Similarly, it is a myth that a person can be killed with a single light poke using a special "death touch" technique. This can only be seen in action movies.

There is also a horror story that if you break a person's nose, then broken cartilage can damage the brain. But from the point of view of anatomy, this is simply impossible ...

There is also a theory that pain points on the human body have varying degrees of vulnerability, depending on the "ebb" and "ebb" of energy. Those who allegedly master the so-called "art of the poisonous hand" can calculate such periods and use it to neutralize opponents. But this is not yet a confirmed legend.

Traditionally, pain points are called points on the body, pressure on which causes severe pain. They are studied in a Chinese martial art called Dim Mak, which is based on acupuncture points, but this art is kept secret and used when there is an urgent need and knowledge of Chinese pressure points. This article will only give you weak and sensitive points, which we will name points of vulnerability. They are used in order to gain an advantage over the enemy by exploiting the vulnerable parts of his body. When using these pressure points, one must be especially careful, as it is very easy to kill a person by accident - an enemy or even a friend. Then the court will decide whether you defended yourself or attacked, and in some cases it may not even matter. Therefore, it is not only technique that is important; much more important is its conscious application and understanding of the consequences. Think ahead about when you can (or shouldn't) use your skills.


Common pain points









    Sternum. Hit with one knuckle of your fist on the bone that is in the middle of the chest. There's no muscle and there's never a lot of fat, so it's a very vulnerable spot, and if you hit it right, it can be split in two in the middle. You can also hit the chest organs. NOTE: Breaking the chest can puncture the lung or worse. Be very careful not to practice this on friends.

    Solar plexus. This is a bundle of nerves deep in the center of the abdominal cavity, which is responsible for the physical sensations during emotional excitement. If you hit just below the sternum, where the ribs are, in front of the abdominal cavity, you will hit a bundle of nerves, which can cause a strong contraction of the diaphragm (breathing muscle). How would "drive someone." This is a very easy target. This can be avoided by quickly squeezing abdominal muscles at the moment of impact, exhale or scream at the same time.

    Waist Pleats: Place your hand on the flat side of your abdomen between your ribs and thighs. slide fingers to the palm. Don't pinch. Pinching does nothing. This can be done on any body type.

    Ribs. Regardless of body type, the ribs have "very" little coverage, with only a thin muscle between them. To break your ribs, raise your arms to widen them so they can't lock onto each other and hit them. An open palm, which you point there, works well for this strike. The rib area is protected by the chest or back muscles, which are not easy to break. The lowest ribs are connected to the spine and are especially vulnerable to impact.


The use of points for medicinal purposes

Using pain points

    Speed ​​is the key to success in combat. If you hesitate and do not know how to handle pain points, you will get hit on the head. Practice, practice, practice. Practice as if you were in a real fight. Start and go down. Then use all the power and speed, and perhaps the duel will be short-lived.

    • If you are focused, breathe normally. YOUR HANDS MUST MOVE FASTER THAN YOUR LUNGS. As long as you control your breath, you gain the strength your arms need.
  1. Practice by yourself and with friends. Everyone is different and everyone has a different degree of pain tolerance. Where you have one of the pain points, the other may have it a little to the left. Some don't feel it at all. The more you gain experience, the better you will be able to recognize these points on people and find them where they are not.

    • When practicing with a friend, ask them to pat their thighs loudly to show that you are doing everything right and that it is time for you to stop. However, he should only clap if he is in pain. False confidence will not work in a duel.
  2. Always look straight at your target. If your eyes are not there, then you are not focused.

    Improve your technique. Here are the key points to keep in mind when training.

    • Use your fingertips, including thumb. This works like a needle, focusing all the force on the very tip of the fingers/thumb, increasing the pressure per square centimeter. You won't sew with the edge of a needle, will you?
    • Keep your knees bent almost all the time. This will give you stability and strength. Closed knees should be open so that you can move, speeding up your reaction. If you stand up straight, you are like a straight piece of wood, open to a blow.
  3. Move your weight to the point where you want to push. If you are being pushed down, bend your knees. If you are pushed, step to that side or twist your hips to that side.

    • To enhance punching, the view of the target point should be slightly further than the real one (not recommended for training other than using punching).
    • On impact grab your hips. This is the building block in martial arts. It shifts your weight and is more often than not the main one.
  4. Responsiveness. During the fight, when you make contact, quickly jump back. By simulating the push from a punch, except if you have a quick reaction to stop the force you put in when you reach the target and push back. This keeps the pressure and becomes more dangerous, especially for the bones. This will increase the chance of breaking bones and reduce the ability of an enemy to easily grab your arm or leg.

    A piercing cry. In martial arts (Japanese), this is the famous "kiai" call. It can come from the diaphragm, releasing inner strength. It gives you confidence and scares the one who attacks you. Tighten your abdominal muscles for this, this will also protect your solar plexus. The "kiai" cry may vary depending on the sensitivity of the pain points.

  • When you practice these points do not strike directly at your partner. Step away from him a little. to minimize the chance of an accident. back of the hand and rib cage permissible, but head, groin, legs and feet prohibited. Even experts make mistakes.
  • Be careful. As a result of a mistake, harm to health, death, or insult to a friend may be caused, so always ask your partner for his consent. When you're punching in real life, only use pressure points when all else has failed and your life is at risk (e.g. opponent has a gun/knife). You won't hit your grandmother in the throat or kill her just because she hits you in "self-defense." So it's better to learn martial arts like aikido, rather than relying solely on "pressure points".
  • Watch out for your opponent trying to counter you with certain moves, such as those aimed at the carotid artery. Your opponent's arms and legs are completely free and can be used as weapons or to grab you from behind.
  • These techniques are used in various martial arts. For example, taijutsu (quick hand-to-hand contact)
  • Beware of any advice about pain points that seems to be "magic". This is absolutely not true. Although acupuncture relies on these points and has an effect that is recognized in the medical community, they are certainly not as effective and do not give quick result in a duel. The purpose of applying pain points is instantaneous result, and according to human physiology, usually when you punch someone in a certain way, their heart Not will stop.


Before you start working with these points, it would be nice to master, this will help you this one is not complicated effective video well. Especially for you, it contains all the knowledge and experience of more than one boxer that will teach you how to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Leverage and grappling are very effective street fighting techniques, but they require a lot more time and preparation before you can use them in combat. The so-called melee is most often practiced in military structures, it allows you to neutralize the enemy by using his own forces.

The main levers of pressure are the joints. Elbows, shoulders, hand and fingers. You must be ready to grab the attacking person by one of these levers, and turn it into an unnatural position, the enemy will not be able to resist the pain and therefore his body will go by inertia where you let it go.

If you like this technique the best way studying it will of course work with a trainer, but if you don’t have such an opportunity, then take a couple of tricks into service and work with a friend.

The simplest and most practical are grips on the hand and on the elbow.

1. When you get a direct blow, grab the wrist with two or one hand and break it up, when the person goes down by momentum, you can immediately finish him off with a knee to the head.

2. From a side impact, you can bend down, grab the attacking hand by the wrist and take the elbow to break. By bending your opponent, you can also finish him on active points with your knees, such as the liver or kidneys.

Also, do not forget that in order to deliver a strong painful blow, you must be in good shape, so do not forget or just . You will need to disappear for hours on the sports ground or in the gym, just make a simple weekly workout schedule and practice it regularly.

And if you like knees and elbows, then you should think about stuffing them, as you must be prepared for the fact that you can miss the target. And in general, stuffing is useful for a non-growing organism. Start by lightly hitting soft surfaces and gradually increase the force and hardness of the surface you are hitting.

Choose a more suitable technique for yourself, hone it regularly and you will not be equal.

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And I end here and say goodbye to you. Subscribe to my blog and do not forget to like and repost. Good luck!

Human pain points and their impact

Self-defense is not only the ability to react quickly and beat the attacker with all your might. It is also important to know where to hit, because when attacking, time goes by seconds, and it is desirable to immobilize the enemy from the first blow. In this case, information about the pain points of a person will help.

The fact is that there are certain places on the body that react extremely painfully even to a weak blow. If you study the location of these points and learn how to hit them, even a weak and fragile woman will be able to neutralize a robber in a dark alley.

The main pain points of a person

A pain point on the human body means a certain area that reacts especially strongly to a blow. It should immediately be clarified that sports competitions in martial arts, they try to bypass these vulnerabilities.

It is quite another matter if we are talking about self defense. In this case, a person has very little time to neutralize the enemy and escape, so you need to hit exactly at such points on the face or other parts of the body. Such an impact will cause a strong pain syndrome, and the offender simply will not be able to pursue his victim (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Pain points - places where nerve endings come close to the skin

It should immediately be clarified that a strong blow to some of these points can be extremely dangerous, as it sometimes leads to death. In this case, the victim herself turns into a criminal, so even defending your life, you should not forget about responsibility.

Description and where to hit in a fight

Despite the fact that pain points are located throughout the body, they can conditionally be divided into several groups. Most sensitive areas are on the head. This part of the body can be affected in many ways.

Blows to the head are often used by women in self-defense. The fact is, to neutralize the enemy does not need to have great physical strength.

In addition, some of the pain points are on the legs and torso. They are most often used in a fight, but they will also fit for self-defense. To know how to properly protect yourself in the event of a surprise attack, consider each of these groups in more detail.

Vulnerabilities on the neck and head

It should immediately be clarified that the pain points on the head are not only the simplest, but also the most dangerous for the defender. Since the brain is located in the cranium, an accidental but strong blow to the head can be fatal (Figure 2).

The most sensitive areas of the head are:

  1. Eyes: one of the most vulnerable parts human body. In self-defense, you can use a special pepper spray or simply press on the eyeballs with two fingers. The enemy will be neutralized, and the victim will have time to flee.
  2. Nose: even a mild blow to the face can cause severe pain, discomfort, and bleeding.
  3. Chin: in this case, the blow should not be applied with a fist, but with the back of the hand. Otherwise, the defender himself risks getting a severe bruise or even a fracture. It is best to use a glancing blow from below and to the side.
  4. Throat and Adam's apple: the two most vulnerabilities but on a person's neck. In the case of the pharynx, a blow is applied with several fingers to the recess between the collarbones. This provokes breathing difficulties and the victim may have time to escape. The Adam's apple can be beaten in any way, since this part of the human body reacts extremely painfully to blows. It is important to remember that hitting these areas too hard can be fatal.

Figure 2. The head is one of the most vulnerable places.

Whiskey is one of the most dangerous areas. This is the most vulnerable part of the skull and even a weak blow can cause cerebral hemorrhage and death. Therefore, it is better not to expose yourself to additional danger, and fight back by hitting another place, such as the nose, ears or eyes.

Points on the arms, chest and shoulder girdle

On the human torso, namely in the area of ​​​​the shoulders and chest, there are also quite a lot of pain points (Figure 3).

The most vulnerable are:

  1. Solar plexus: in this area it is better to beat not with the palm of your hand, but with your fist. If the force of the blow is strong enough, the attacker will experience burning pain, due to which he will be forced to stop the pursuit. But it is also not worth hitting too hard, as this can provoke a fatal outcome.
  2. Armpits: when pressed hard, the opponent will feel severe pain. Therefore, the impact on the armpit is best combined with the impact on other pain points on the arm.
  3. Palm: many nerve endings pass through it, which begin at the thumb and end at the little finger. The most painful points on the palm are located between the thumb and forefinger, along the brush near the little finger and between the middle and ring fingers.
  4. Back of elbow: there is a huge number of nerve endings, and a blow to a certain point causes sensations similar to electric shock. With a strong impact, the opponent will feel severe pain and will not be able to work normally with the affected hand.

Figure 3. Strikes to the chest and shoulders can also disable the opponent.

In addition, the fingers are considered the easiest zone of influence, since they are easy to break during a fight. But it should also be borne in mind that when using edged weapons, the phalanx must be protected, since they will be the main target.

Pressure points on the abdomen and back

There are also a lot of points on the back and stomach that can be acted upon for self-defense. If you know at least the basics of anatomy, it will not be difficult to choose a suitable site for a strike (Figure 4).

Many people limit themselves to just a strong blow to the stomach. This forces the opponent to bend, after which the attacker can be neutralized with blows to the back and the back of the head.

If the enemy, for some reason, turned his back on the victim, it is worth using this opportunity to strike. For example, the edge of the palm can be hit on the collarbone. An elbow strike will help increase efficiency, especially if the opponent is not tall.

A blow to the kidney area is also considered quite effective, since it is in this place that the nerve endings extending from the spinal column come closest to the skin. The blow is applied with the edge of the palm or with the foot, but in the latter case, care should be taken, since too much impact force can be fatal.

Figure 4. There are vital organs in the abdomen and back, so strikes in this area can help to neutralize the enemy.

In some types of martial arts, a blow to the spinal column is used. We do not recommend using it in self-defense, as in most cases such an injury leads to paralysis or death.

Hip joint and legs

It may happen that the opponent knocked his victim down, and the only option for self-defense would be to strike at the legs. In this part of the body, there are also several effective pain points. Impact at the right angle will help neutralize the enemy and give you a few precious minutes to escape (Figure 5).

So, on the legs, the following areas are considered the most painful:

  1. Knees: the blow should not be applied directly, but from the side. If the impact is strong enough, it will damage the ligaments and knee joints, and the enemy simply will not be able to continue the pursuit.
  2. Lower legs: this is the thinnest and, accordingly, the least protected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe leg. A blow to the shin should be applied from below with the edge of the palm of about a third of the height of the shin.
  3. Ankles: they can be hit with the edge of the boot, placing it at right angles to the leg. Kicking with a toe is not recommended, as this can cause injury to the defender himself.

Figure 5. A blow to the shin or other part of the leg can give valuable time to escape.

If the enemy is behind his back, you can step on his foot with all your might. Here are the smallest bones of the leg, which break easily.

Determination of the impact force

We have already mentioned above that the main goal of self-defense is to immobilize the enemy, but in no case inflict fatal injuries on him (Figure 6).

There is a clear self-defense scheme, consisting of five levels:

  1. First, a weak blow is delivered, the purpose of which is not to inflict serious damage on the enemy, but to frighten him with the very fact of a rebuff.
  2. At the second level, the impact is accompanied by the application of force. The main thing is to unbalance the attacker and buy time to escape.
  3. The third level is considered the most common, since in this case enough strong blows to pain points. This causes severe pain and sometimes numbness. The enemy will be neutralized, and his victim will have enough time to escape or call the police.
  4. The fourth level involves the infliction of serious damage, the consequence of which may be paralysis or loss of consciousness.
  5. The fifth level is the most dangerous. Here, blows of such force are used that the enemy may die and even emergency resuscitation measures, such as a heart massage, will not help him.

Figure 6. It is important to correctly determine the force of impact so that self-defense does not turn into injury

As a rule, personal self-defense is limited to the first three levels. It should always be remembered that injuring a person, even for reasons of self-defense, entails criminal liability.

You will find more information about pain points on the human body and their use for self-defense in the video.