How to teach a child to stand up for himself. Physical protection methods

Mainly boys are involved. But girls also need to know the basic techniques of self-defense.

Many girls like boyish activities. So the daughter can be safely written down for any kind of martial art. Firstly, it will improve her physical fitness and during the attack she will at least be able to quickly escape. And secondly, in training, she will learn techniques that can help her in difficult situations.

Self-defense is not always an attack. Not every girl has the strength to cope with the enemy. But it is possible and necessary to get out of a dangerous situation unscathed. For example, you can distract the attacker or strike him, and until the enemy comes to his senses, quickly retreat from the scene.


  • The most important thing in both attack and defense is confidence. In extreme situations, it is important not to get confused. can give sports training.
  • Use available items. Little girly fists cannot always cope with the difficult task of hitting the enemy. Take a look around. Perhaps there is something nearby that will come to the rescue. Even sand, which can be thrown into the eyes of the attacker, or the keys to the apartment will help to defend. Girls who already use perfume or hairspray can use it to protect themselves. Just remember to keep them in your purse at all times. The standard option is a gas spray for self-defense.
  • A person has parts of the body that are more vulnerable than others. This is the nose, eyes, knees, solar plexus, throat, groin. They are the ones that need to be protected first. And you need to aim at them when hitting the enemy.
  • When hitting, you need to use blocks. If the attacker tries to punch, react quickly and block. At this moment, it is important not to get confused and, until the enemy comes to his senses, strike back.


If perfume, hairspray or a can is not at hand, you need to discourage the enemy in other ways. Best defense is attack. Any blow must be delivered with full force. Putting all your weight into it.

Not all of the above vulnerabilities are available to the child. The opponent may be taller, so a blow to the nose or eyes is not always impossible.

  • The most common blow is to the groin. It will discourage the attacker for a long time, so that there will be time to escape.
  • From more accessible places - knee cap and shin. After such a blow, it will be much more difficult to catch up with the escaping.
  • The easiest trick for a child is to step on his foot hard. A kick to the arch of the foot is good if the attacker has thin shoes.
  • A blow to the solar plexus will disrupt the opponent's breathing rhythm.
  • Also, a blow to the chin will help fight off the attacker. It affects the cerebellum and unsettles the enemy.

Be sure to talk to your daughter about self-defense. And in free time dad can work out basic blows with her, show where and how to be. Such activities may not be useful to her in life, but they will not be superfluous for sure.

Parents who are thinking about teaching children self-defense lessons should clearly understand the possibilities of these techniques. You should never flatter yourself about their effectiveness in the case of children. Firstly, no self-defense techniques will help a fifth grader protect himself from an adult man who is two or three times larger, and secondly, in the event of a physical struggle with a group of people, even if they are of the same age, most defenses will not give the proper result. Please note that the effectiveness of Western and martial arts greatly exaggerated by the means of the film industry. After all, all the stunts shown in the cinema have been repeatedly rehearsed and staged by professional stuntmen using computer special effects. Therefore, parents who think about how to teach a child to take care of himself, - you need to keep a reasonable eye on things and not think that an orange belt in kung fu will protect your son or daughter in most situations.

Martial arts are only effective in the hands of an adult who has a certain level of skill. Here is the statement of one of the most famous masters of martial arts, who, perhaps, one of the few who has reached the peak of perfection in our days - Bruce Lee. " Ninety-nine out of a hundred martial arts are complete nonsense. Everything looks nice from the outside, but in practice it does not work at all. If a fragile girl weighing forty-five kilograms is attacked, then all she can do is hit the attacker with all her strength at one of three points on the body: groin, eyeballs or lower leg. And after that, you must immediately run away.»

We recommend that you also read our review "How to teach a child to protect himself from insults without getting into a fight." Also, you may be interested in our article on existing safety standards at playgrounds, because these standards are usually violated, and in Lately Playgrounds are increasingly becoming a cause of injury to toddlers. Therefore, parents need to clearly understand what kind of play equipment should be used for children.

We teach the child to stand up for himself - give him confidence in his abilities and a chance for success

So why does it make no sense to teach children martial arts, it makes no sense to teach him to stand up for himself? Of course it has! After all, in the first place, any active sport- this is a training of the spirit, secondly of the body, thirdly - physical development and a strong character helps to gain authority among peers, which is important. And also keep in mind that by combining a strong character and a trained body, you can achieve excellent results not only in protecting yourself from peers. Strength and active sports give the child the opportunity to overcome their weaknesses. To rise above your character, to expand the scope of your capabilities - this applies to both boys and girls. In fact, it is not necessary to choose martial arts, your child can play both swimming and hockey and athletics, and, if you wish, in order to learn how to stand up for yourself, you can simultaneously send him for a short time to the boxing or self-defense section. Most importantly, don't do it too early. Practice shows that if you do not plan to make a fighter out of your child, but only want to teach basic self-defense techniques, then it is better to assign him to the power section after ten years, and even better even from 11-12. Children at this age are already more focused and patient, they are able to assimilate information, draw conclusions and not perceive missed blows as a tragedy. Although if you are planning to “provide” your child with a black belt, and maybe the title of world champion, then, of course, it is preferable to start earlier, from six years old, to give the child a head start.

Remember, just “waving your arms” is not so difficult, especially at the level of school skirmishes with classmates, it is much more difficult to cultivate such a character in yourself that others do not even have a desire to enter into physical conflicts. And for this, it is necessary to train not so much the muscles or study the technique, but to provide your child with the opportunity to learn the technique of social adaptation, teach him to stand up for himself without entering into a fight, help him gain psychological stability and self-confidence. Then most of the issues with protection will disappear by itself. The best victory is the one achieved without a fight. And as we said above, it is almost impossible for a junior or even middle school student to physically defend himself against a teenager or an adult. So if your son or daughter is offended and beaten by older guys, this is already a question for the leadership. educational institution And law enforcement, where it is necessary to apply with relevant applications and medical examinations.

What style of protection to choose to effectively teach a child to stand up for himself?

IN modern world There are many types of martial arts that help protect yourself. Almost everyone positions themselves as the best for development and protection, everyone says that with his help the child will be able to fend for himself. But you should always keep in mind that training in the gym and a street fight are completely different things. On the street there are no protective equipment for the body, there are practically no rules, the fight can start spontaneously and end quickly with the help of one hard hit, and those who fight are subjected to strong emotional pressure that hinders them, whether it be fear or hatred. You also need to understand that there can be several attackers and they can use sticks, stilettos, knives and other dangerous objects. Therefore, training in the halls, even with the use of wooden weapons, is often not able to prepare a fighter for a meeting with real danger. Also keep in mind that many martial arts are designed for a long course of study (about seven years before the first master belt) and they are effective only at levels close to the masters. That is, even after studying aikido for three to five years, your child will not reach the required level to protect himself in a real, not a training confrontation.

In general, we will deal with martial arts in more detail and think about where it is better to teach a child to stand up for himself.

An example of basic punching technique with hands

To begin with, let's give a few schemes of percussion techniques so that you can imagine that no matter what defense styles you choose for your child, in a street brawl it is unlikely to avoid punches in its address. Therefore, first of all, of course, the child must be able to resolve conflicts without fists and resort to them last.

Impact technique. Side kick.

Impact technique. Bottom kick.

Impact technique. Direct hit.

Kickboxing, boxing and muay thai

Boxing and its varieties are good for real self-defense in a street conflict, because in 9 cases out of 10 fights consist of powerful short blows to the body and head. And this is exactly what boxers and kickboxers are strong at. The disadvantages are that their work does not take into account captures, throws, escapes and release from them, they work a lot in gloves, and when working with fists, the sensations change. Also in boxing, the mass of the opponent often plays a decisive role, so a light teenager will have a significant drawback in this.

Thai boxing- This is a tougher version of the usual one, using elbows and knees, but with the preservation of a certain part of the shortcomings of classic kickboxing and boxing. Thai boxing is very hard sport, it is unlikely to be suitable for children, who may well be limited to ordinary boxing, but the masters of Thai boxing are strong fighters.

That is, these combat techniques are quite effective for quick learning. percussion technique children aged 11 and over. In most cases, boxers have a win in confrontation due to a good reaction and the ability to quickly work with their hands, which in 90% of cases is enough for a “showdown” and protection from their peers.

SAMBO and various hand-to-hand combat techniques

The advantage of this style is that it was originally intended to protect oneself in extreme situations and nothing more. Therefore, there are no many "superfluous" components of martial arts, no spiritual lessons and meditations, just a means to disable the enemy. Moreover, SAMBO, which was developed by the USSR specialists for hand-to-hand combat in the combat zone and its softer civilian version, can be recognized as the most popular and one of the most effective methods.

But keep in mind that this is a very traumatic and tough sport that is not suitable for everyone and certainly not suitable for young children.

Wrestling - freestyle, Greco-Roman and judo

Wrestling schools are very common in the post-Soviet space. They require developed muscles and short distance to the opponent. From a practical point of view, efficient technique is judo, where not so much emphasis is placed on muscle mass wrestler, but it is the possession of the technique of throws, grabs, etc. that is required. Although all the same, in the conditions of street confrontation, wrestling technique loses to shock and combined techniques, since the wrestler does not always manage to get close enough and capture the opponent. And in the event of an attack by several people, "fuss on the floor" generally loses its meaning. Moreover, it is worth considering that wrestling significantly affects appearance of a person, therefore, for example, not every girl agrees to end up looking like a “closet” with flat ears.

Eventually different types wrestling is a good fit for strong stocky guys who like to “play” with muscles, from the arsenal of freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling, as well as judo, it is better to choose the latter.

Oriental martial arts

The widest class of martial arts that became popular in our country after the collapse of the USSR, not least thanks to American militants. But, as we said above, their importance is often overestimated, especially different styles, in which the minimum arsenal of blows to the head with hands, for example, in taekwondo and some types of karate. After all, in street fight they mainly fight with their hands at close distances and with a “beautiful” swinging of the legs from a turn, few people can be knocked out of trained rivals.

Martial arts, in which the emphasis is strongly shifted to working with traditional oriental weapons, turn out to be ineffective in practice. After all, you see, few people walk down the street with a samurai sword, staff or nunchucks - which means that the skills to work with them are practically useless. And therefore, for example, ninjutsu looks very beautiful, but in real fight may not be very helpful.

The soft style of aikido, although it is designed only for self-defense techniques and for neutralizing the enemy without causing him significant harm, is well suited for “puny” children who can take it not by force and rigidity, but by soft escapes, throws and trips. Although, of course, if we talk about effectiveness in power confrontation, in order for a child to be able to qualitatively apply aikido in practice with trained opponents, he needs to practice for at least five to seven years. But to stop a presumptuous classmate, the mere fact of visiting a martial arts school and a couple of simple tricks is often enough. It is also worth knowing that the level of a student of this martial art will be lower than that of a fan of a more rigid style, with equal qualifications.

Also note that existing non-contact technicians training in combat, for example, non-contact karate cannot give the student a sufficient level of feeling of a real fight, which immediately affects the ability to stand up for himself in the street. There are frequent cases when a child seems to be trained in technique, but simply cannot step over the psychological barrier and really hit someone in the face, and the whole conflict comes down to passive defense, and missing a large series of blows.

It can be said in the end that the oriental martial arts are very diverse and differ greatly in practical effectiveness. Therefore, parents need to understand for themselves what they want from this or that section, teach the child to defend himself in a street fight, or simply give him the opportunity to become calmer, more confident and physically developed. They want the child to become a master or just be able to learn a few basic stances, punches and blocks. And it is always necessary to take into account the characteristics of physical development, age, gender and character.

Tips on how best to teach your child to stand up for themselves

Parents should take into account that for a child, a psychological sense of confidence is more important than muscles, and confidence should be in their loved ones, in friends, in surrounding adults. Practice shows that those children who have parents and support, and support, and are always ready to help, are already reliably protected. If parents are ready not to condemn, but to provide support, then the son or daughter feels as confident and calm as possible, which in most cases is enough for a comfortable feeling of being in a team.

If you decide to send the kid to the martial arts section and teach him to stand up for himself, then try to take into account our brief recommendations above.

Is your child often bullied by peers? Some of the older boys will take away the toy, someone will call it a little kid, trip it up or even hit it in the face. In such cases, many parents wonder - how to protect their child? Perhaps the best way out of such situations would be self-defense courses for children in Moscow, which are held on an ongoing basis in sports club"Giant".

First workout is free!

Sign up now and attend the first lesson for free + get a personalized nutrition program tailored to your taste preferences.
Hurry up! Limited number of seats.

Self defense for children, what does it give?

Let's start with the fact that self-defense lessons will help your child master the skills, the presence of which will allow him to fight back not only hooligans close to him in age, but also adult intruders.

In addition, classes in the self-defense section for children can be an extremely exciting and interesting way for a child to spend their leisure time, because training process involves the constant study of new tricks and techniques, leaving little room for boredom.

By attending children's self-defense courses your child:

  • He will master effective practical skills, the presence of which will help him stand up for himself
  • Improve reaction and coordination of movements
  • Become stronger, dexterous and attentive
  • Become much more self-confident and learn to achieve your goals

In addition, training will make him more responsible and obligatory, which can be extremely useful in many life situations.

Children's self-defense courses, where is it better to practice in the capital?

If you are seriously thinking about giving your child the opportunity to learn self-defense skills, remember that maximum effect from such classes can only be achieved under the guidance of an experienced coach.

The team of mentors of the sports club "Giant" includes only professionals in their field with a successful sports career behind and many years of experience coaching. Sign up for free trial lesson right now and see for yourself!

Also at your service:

  • Friendly, open, loyal to beginners atmosphere that will allow the child to quickly forget about shyness and self-doubt
  • Modern, well-equipped gym
  • Opportunity to visit several sections operating in our club at the same time
  • Ability to use the trainers
  • Free parking
  • Convenient location (just a few minutes from the Alekseevskaya metro station).

Nearest metro stations : Metro alekseevskaya, Metro rizhskaya, Metro VDNH, Metro prospekt mira.NEAD region

Our advantages

Classes in mini-groups of 8-12 people

Learn to fight, strike, move correctly. Sparring - after 3 months and only on request.

159 champions prepared

Our athletes regularly participate in competitions. We brought up champions in mix-fight, grappling, boxing, etc.

Unlimited club access

The ability to combine different types of martial arts and the price will not increase from this.

Within walking distance. Free parking!

15 minutes. from m. Alekseevskaya and 4 min. from the railway station Moscow-3.

Star coaching staff

All coaches are Masters of Sports of Russia. Winners International tournaments. Moscow Champions. Coaching experience of 5 years.

Personal nutrition program

For free! Taking into account the type of martial arts and your taste preferences. We will improve your health and fitness.

What will you learn at the Giant Club?

  • Lose excess weight.
  • Gain confidence in yourself.
  • Learn how to attack and defend properly.
  • Deliver accurate strikes.
  • Move correctly in the ring.


  • Fixing technical errors.
  • Let's expand the range of percussion combinations.
  • Increase the strength and speed of the strike.
  • Let's get ready for the competition.
  • Let's put a knockout punch.
  • Easy way to lose weight.
  • Learn effective self defense.
  • Increasing the level of self-esteem.
  • Let's get ready for the competition.
  • Your physical condition will improve.

For 1.5 hours, you will be engaged in a specially designed program and gradually increase momentum, hone your strikes, achieve leg stability, become more enduring, stronger and smarter with each workout. You will learn the stance, correct movements, movement patterns, all types of punches, get a quick reaction, learn to restrain your emotions.

For teenagers, this is what this article will be about. Teenagers are completely different people, unlike adult men or women, and self-defense techniques for them should be a little different. Of course, the very essence will not change at all, but certain points will be completely different. The option of self-defense depends not only on physical fitness, but also on psychological. I would like to note that during physical training, they significantly improve and psychological preparation, - without it in any way.

Self defense for teenagers

If you are among the parents, then I will allow myself to give advice. There are many options for self-defense, many tricks, cunning, mean blows, but it is very desirable to have physical strength. If girls, many, are not taken to classes in strength training, then the guys need to be trained, or given to the appropriate sections without fail, I think. Of course, I could be wrong. At any age, the horizontal bar and bars will not damage the guy, other exercises with own weight, which are named . Even if there is no horizontal bar and bars, then you can simply do push-ups from the floor. Thankfully, a lot. No training with a barbell, weights and other iron is needed - ordinary horizontal bars and bars, which are in almost every yard, will help a teenager and an adult become stronger.

Since we figured out the physical preparation, we can proceed to the next point - psychological preparation.

Psychological preparation

Psychological preparation plays a very important role in any fight, and more often than not, the one who is stronger wins, but the one who is more determined. Physical training and psychological is very closely related. In any case, a person who goes in for sports will be psychologically prepared to a greater extent. This sport can be either Street Workout or any martial art, it doesn’t matter. Naturally, such a sport, for example, as chess, will not prepare you psychologically. A person, in particular a teenager, when he trains, sees changes in better side, feels stronger, and as a result, reassurance. It will not be easy to break him both in a street fight and in life in general.

Self defense for teenagers

If we talk specifically about self-defense, then it’s probably worth dividing them into several groups - for trained and unprepared.

Although there is such a thing as self-defense, don't forget that there is such a thing as running, which is great option self defense for teenagers. If you see that two incomprehensible uncles are walking towards you in a dark alley, with obviously bad intentions, then you should not pose as a hero. In this case the best remedy self-defense for a teenager, both trained and unprepared -, or more precisely -. By the way, running is also very good sport, - develops respiratory system and strengthens the legs at least. Having your legs pumped up with the help of a sprint, you can call in an incomprehensible uncle well.

If a teenager is prepared, and knows how to carry out this or that blow, then he can use it, and most likely, he will use it on the machine - this is the trick of preparation. An unprepared ray is better off running from incomprehensible uncles. Now, for some general advice.

A blow to the groin. Naturally, this is a well-known blow, and it is very effective. A shin strike between the legs will make any man experience a painful shock. You just need to find the right moment.

> Services

Self defense for beginners(Younger group)

Self-defense courses for beginners are suitable for those who want to learn how to defend themselves and their loved ones in any conflict, dangerous or even extreme situation, using their own hands, feet, maybe even teeth, and of course the simplest means at hand (civilian weapons), but before did nothing, or did a little, and already safely forgot everything.
In the self-defense course for beginners, you will learn several techniques to prevent and repel an attack by one or more opponents. It includes the necessary physical exercise, including those aimed at increasing dexterity and reaction speed, preparing the psyche for a real collision, practicing punches and kicks on pain points on the body of the opponent, and wrestling techniques, methods of using civilian weapons (including the basics of working with a knife), as well as vivid and rich in real stories and facts, legal comments on the use of self-defense and civilian weapons.

Training program:
- Combat stance, movement in combat stance, hidden combat stance
- Basic applied punches and kicks, defense against them
- Combinations of blows (bundles) on pain points
- Simple but effective throws
- Falls. How to fall, safety precautions
- Fight on the ground (if a person is in a prone position) - how to defend yourself and attack yourself
- Possession of a short club, measures to counter the enemy armed with it
- Fight with yawara (kubotan, tactical pen)
- Knife basics
- Countering multiple opponents, including with the use of weapons
- Applied techniques for liberation from grips and damage to the opponent's joints

Knife fight with the techniques of applied hand-to-hand combat

Owning a knife at a level sufficient to successfully repel a street attack is the main goal of the knife fighting course in our club. But a monstrous mistake will be made by one who forgets that in addition to the hand with a knife, he also has other limbs that are quite suitable for a duel with weapons. These are the techniques we will study in the knife fighting group, in addition to the techniques associated with the possession of a knife. It combines elements of hand-to-hand combat, Aiki-Jutsu and, of course, the main thing - mastery of a sharpened blade. In the process of training, in addition to combat elements, you will learn a lot of entertaining legal issues related to carrying, storing and using a knife, using the example of live stories from the life of our instructors, and descriptions of criminal cases that are periodically brought against people who used a knife in a fight or domestic violence. You will know how to determine if a knife is a melee weapon, and how to communicate with law enforcement officers about this.
The course also includes a program for the study of sports knife fighting, which is interesting and useful for any knife maker. Your knife strike will become delivered, your movements will be swift, and your reaction will be lightning fast. Also, once a month there will be a seminar from instructors invited from other clubs, in order to further expand your horizons and gain invaluable experience.
Sparring takes place in ammunition - closed plastic masks that exclude injuries, shields covering the forearm. The elements are worked out with the help of Cold Steel training knives. All the ammunition necessary for training is available in the gym and is provided free of charge.

In the training program:
- Variety of knives. What to buy and for what purpose to take with you
- Law on weapons. Bladed weapons definition parameters
- Legal consequences of carrying and using edged weapons
- Carrying a knife combat and everyday
- Combat stances with a knife, movement
- Types of blows and cuts, with comments and detailed analysis of what you can achieve with one or another injection or cut.

The first lesson is free!

Knife instructors:
- Sergey Gulenkov (self-defense, hand-to-hand and knife fighting instructor)
- Dmitry Yarovoy (sports knife fighting instructor)

Children's self-defense based on contact karate.

One day the child will have to learn to fight, and sooner rather than later. Our instructors prepare children and sports direction, and applied, due to which the baby will be able to both perform on sports competitions and stand up for yourself on the street! He will learn to defend himself from blows, dodge, break out of grips and strike himself - at pain points. And the child will learn a very important thing - to run away! Recognize the danger, and retire in time - after all, not always a baby can resist an adult.
In our courses, the kid will learn a lot. Great attention is paid to physical development child, his speed, reaction, coordination, vestibular apparatus. Also, the baby learns punches and kicks, and protection from them. And with each new level of training, there are more and more blows. It's the same with applied wrestling - creases, grabs, throws - all this is studied systematically, without haste, every movement is practiced. In parallel with all this, the child will learn to fall from any position, somersault, roll - quickly and deftly.

In the training program:
- Falls, insurance, somersaults
- Development of agility and coordination
- Combat stance, movement
- Protection from captures, ways to escape
- Punches and kicks, street and sports. Protection from them
- Bundles (combinations) of punches and kicks
- Applied wrestling - trips, sweeps, throws, and protection from them
- Parterre. Combat, in the prone position - defense and attack
- Countering multiple opponents
- Countering older and stronger opponents
- Participation in competitions (optional)
- Certification for belts

- Mikhail Redin
- Max Konyaev

Basic course of hand-to-hand combat(middle group)

This group is a logical continuation of the main self-defense course. In this course, much more attention is paid to the development of combat elements of hand-to-hand combat, including the use of weapons. Since it doesn’t take much time to explain the basics, students have time to get much more practical knowledge and work it out in practice. In particular, applied (street) methods of struggle, liberation from captures with the help of civilian weapons are being studied.
physical activity, as in junior group, increase gradually, but inexorably, and you will feel a very noticeable effect. Strong and trained muscles are the key to your health and the ability to stand up for yourself, so the development of GPP is a very important part of training.
Everything that is practiced by students is accompanied by legal and life comments, so that students understand all the realities of Russian legislation, and are fully aware of the degree of possible responsibility for applying the knowledge gained in training in real life.

Training program:
- Additional types of punches and kicks, protection from them
- Complex combinations consisting of combinations of punches and kicks
- Fraudulent blows, methods and principles of their application
- Various throws of the enemy from a standing position (both separately and in bundles) with hard finishing on vulnerabilities body
- Falls with somersaults and exit to the rack
- Sparring on the ground. Real training of the duel in the prone position + applied elements of wrestling
- Teaching how to use a baton against an armed opponent. Applied techniques and tricks of disarming and neutralizing the enemy.
- Defeat of pain zones and points on the enemy's body with the use of the surprise factor. Learn how to make yawara on your own.
- Double, triple and fake knife attacks
- Fights against multiple armed opponents, with and without weapons
- Study of Aiki-Jutsu techniques: release from grips with the transition to a counterattack. Twisting the opponent's joints, street meanness and tricks.

The first lesson is free!

In-depth study of street hand-to-hand combat, self-defense techniques, possession of weapons(Senior group)

The senior group is a place where the techniques of martial and applied martial arts are studied at a fairly high level. In addition to complex and tricky combinations of punches, many throws, sweeps, trips are being studied, which are prohibited in any ring, and are very useful in street combat. We study the psychological characteristics of people behaving aggressively, ways to extinguish the conflict in the bud, preventing its development. In this group, they learn to turn into a weapon everything that can fall under your hand - any item at hand. A duel against several opponents is studied in depth and trained in a special way. Serious work is being done on the reaction speed and intelligence of the fighters. An in-depth study of the methods of handling piercing and cutting weapons. We learn to choose a weapon for ourselves, to carry it with us correctly, to hide and snatch it in time.
Fights are getting more and more varied. In reality, it is absolutely impossible to predict and predict under what conditions (God forbid, of course) a street fight will take place, and how to more surprises will be prepared for our fighters, the easier it will be for them in life. Everything is as in the saying: - "It is hard to learn, easy to fight"
OFP in senior group pretty serious. Those who came to study in depth understand very well the need and importance of the strength and endurance of the body, and improving themselves is a natural and inseparable part of the training process.

Training program:
- Complex and unusual punches and kicks, from different positions, in different situations and conditions
- Long and complex combinations (bundles) of blows aimed at the complex defeat of the enemy (with a guarantee that he will not soon get up after your blows)
- Sophisticated and tricky feints. Applied techniques for their application
- A variety of throws, including traumatic ones. Applied use of throws. Hard finishing off a fallen enemy. Painful techniques
- Falls with somersaults and aggressive attack
- Tough and dynamic sparring, as close as possible to real fights on the street. Sparring against several (2-3-4) opponents, including with the use of weapons.
- Fencing techniques (may come in handy in a car conflict, when almost every driver has a baseball bat, or a mount, or in nature, when a stick, a shovel handle, an ax, etc. may be nearby), knocking weapons out of the enemy’s hands. Neutralization and defeat of the enemy with long weapons.
- Striking with yawara in vital places, painful techniques, using yawara.
- Complex elements of knife handling. Fraudulent blows, insidious ligaments, inflicting varying degrees of damage to the enemy. Defeat the enemy with a karambit - a sickle-shaped knife, adapted not for fencing, but for quick and cold-blooded reprisals.
- Sparring against a group of attackers, using improvised means (civilian weapons)
- In-depth study of Aiki-Jutsu. Applied elements of the detention of a criminal, used in special forces.

The first lesson is free!

Gulenkov Sergey (self-defense instructor, hand-to-hand and knife fighting)
- Mikhail Gulenkov (Brazilian jiu-jitsu instructor)
- Evgeniy Grachev (Muay Thai instructor)

- Sensei (Aiki-jutsu, knife fighting)

Women's self-defense

On a self-defense course for women, you will learn how to learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones in any conflict, dangerous or even extreme situation, using your own hands, feet, maybe even teeth, and of course the simplest means at hand (civilian weapons).
In the self-defense course for beginners, you will learn many techniques to prevent and repel an attack by one or more opponents. It includes the necessary physical exercises, including those aimed at increasing dexterity and reaction speed, a complex for preparing the psyche for a real collision, practicing strikes and wrestling techniques, methods for using civilian weapons, as well as legal comments on the use of self-defense and civilian weapons.

The first lesson is free!
- Sergey Gulenkov (self-defense, hand-to-hand and knife fighting instructor)
- Mikhail Gulenkov (Brazilian jiu-jitsu instructor)
- Evgeniy Grachev (Muay Thai instructor)
- Maksim Konyaev (panantukan instructor)
- Sensei (Aiki-jutsu, knife fighting)

Individual training

We value the desire for development and understand that an hour of personal communication with an instructor can be much more productive than an hour of training with a group.

For those who want to develop their own style, overcome individual barriers and gain momentum towards further improvement, we offer individual training, as well as classes in groups of 2-4 people.

Instructor - Gulenkov Sergey Sergeevich (born in 1987)
He started martial arts at the age of 10. At the age of 13 he won his first victory ( Golden medal) at the Open Championship of the Moscow region (Moscow and the Moscow region) in contact karate.
He has been engaged in combat (all-style) karate for 10 years under the guidance of the master of sports of Russia, holder of 6 dan (black belt) in contact karate, 6 dan (black belt) in aiki-jutsu, 3 dan (black belt) in traditional karate, instructor in aiki karate -jutsu, hand-to-hand combat, Soloviev Andrey Alexandrovich.
He is the owner of a black belt (1 Dan) in contact karate and aiki-jutsu.
During the period of participation in competitions in various types In contact martial arts, he won 4 gold medals, 6 silver, 1 bronze medal in various categories of participants, including in the category 18+ "super heavyweights" - over 120 kg. At the same time, victories were mainly won by knockout or for a clear advantage over opponents.
Favorite fighting style is a piercing attack. The main direction is applied combat systems ("street" duel without rules and restrictions), the use of weapons and improvised means.
From the age of 18, he took part in refereeing competitions in contact karate, karate and aiki-jutsu. He has experience as a side judge and referee (degree of judge of the national category).
Multiple participant of seminars and open training various schools of applied and martial arts.
In 2014 he was awarded by the Association of Combat Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops of Russia with the medal "For Achievements in Sports".
Hobbies: Eastern philosophy, poetry and painting, edged weapons, historical fencing, photography, wood burning (pyrography), history of religions.

All details are discussed in individually with everyone who wants to.