How to choose the attachment of telescopic poles. Innovative trekking pole designs

Trekking poles - what are they and where do they come from?

What are they for and is it possible without them? Quite a bit of history.

Overview of the main designs, a short analysis of the advantages and disadvantages. Used materials of sticks, handles, tips. Temlyak. Antishock. Two or one?

What else do you need to know? Use cases.

Features and criteria for choosing trekking poles

From afar. Since ancient times, people have traveled a lot. In addition, in the early era of the absence of Uber, low-cost and trams, you had to walk a lot. The classic image of a wanderer is a bearded man in a raincoat and with a staff, wandering towards a goal known only to him. That is, holding a certain club in hand to facilitate camping life is quite organic for Homo sapiens, we can even call it a historical trend. Experiencing a long evolution, walking to the ends of the earth evolved (or degraded) to trekking, and the staff, in turn, to a trekking stick. Let's try to define such a popular type of equipment for a modern tourist-trekker-alpinist.

Definition. Currently, a trekking pole is understood as a folding (usually telescopic) pole similar to a ski pole, capable of changing its length in most designs, with a sharp tip made of steel or hard alloy, a comfortable handle equipped with an adjustable lanyard and restrictive rings of various diameters, often , with the possibility of replacement.

A bit of history. Back in the middle of the last century, trekking poles in their modern form were not invented. Climbers were mostly content with ice axes, replacing them with wooden sticks with metal fittings, and tourists with ordinary sticks made of wood or ski poles. With the popularization of hiking and mountaineering, it became clear that an ice ax in technically simple areas is inconvenient, just like ski and ordinary (made of wood) sticks for tourists. There was a demand for a stick that would provide compact dimensions when folded for transportation, would have the ability to adjust the length, reliable construction and low weight.

Back in 1974, Leki launched the first model of trekking poles on the market. They consisted of three sections, screw internal locks and had a telescopic design, with the ability to adjust the length and folding. The design has become a classic and is still produced with some changes. Since then, the market for trekking poles has increased tenfold, they have become the “default” tourist equipment. The sight of people walking with such sticks even without snow and skis has long ceased to shock the locals. Let's see how justified the use of this equipment. It is no secret that even now a significant number of tourists consider sticks to be an excess and do without them. For greater convenience, let's divide the application conditions into two groups.

Read all articles about equipment:


By way of folding

The vast majority of modern trekking poles are sectional, that is, they consist of several sections for easy folding and adjustment.

Telescopic design. It is the most common among most manufacturers. The design is based on the fact that each subsequent section is thinner than the previous one, and when folded, it is removed into its middle. The number of sections is from 2 to 4. The design of three sections is optimal in terms of the balance of characteristics that suit the majority of users. This is an excellent compromise between compactness when folded, ease of adjustment, use, strength and manufacturability. It is easy to choose such sticks, as they occupy the lion's share of the market.

"Breaking", folding design. The stick is laid out into separate sections, connected by a strong cord like a probe for the blind or a frame for a tent. This design is distinguished by its low weight and exceptional compactness when folded. Therefore, they are most widely used among “light-walkers” and skyrunners. The disadvantages of this design are less strength and reliability, the inability to adjust in length. For this reason, as a rule, each model is available in several lengths and you must choose the size that suits you when buying.

Combined design. This is a symbiosis of a “breaking” stick with one telescopic knee. Thus, such a stick, being compact, can also be adjusted in length, however, within rather small limits (usually about 15-20 cm). Being a compromise, this design has not only advantages, but also disadvantages of the two previous options. In terms of weight, approaching telescopic sticks, it has a slightly lower strength and reliability of “breaking” ones. In addition, this option is usually very expensive.

By locking mechanism in the unfolded position

The functionality of a trekking pole primarily depends on the reliability and convenience of the fixing lock used in this model. While only two market-leading designs have achieved the greatest popularity to date, manufacturers are constantly striving to improve them by patenting their additions that increase the functionality of the lock.

The main criteria for user evaluation of fixation mechanisms

Ease of use, reliability. The mechanism should allow you to change the length of the stick in any weather conditions, despite high humidity, frost, heat. Manipulating the lock (opening, closing, adjusting, disassembling/assembling) should be easy for any user. The possibility of basic manipulations with one hand, in protective gloves, is highly desirable.

The strength and security of the castle. The lock should fix the stick in the unfolded form as securely as possible, prevent the stick from folding under vertical load. This may affect the safety of the user. The lock should have the simplest and most reliable design and be protected from mechanical influences (bumps, falls).

Currently, the following fixation mechanisms are most widely used:

Collet (internal, screw) clamp. The locking mechanism is located inside the stick, fixing and opening the lock occur by twisting and unscrewing the sections relative to each other. This mechanism is maximally protected from damage and is quite reliable. It also practically does not increase the dimensions of the stick and looks as concise as possible. However, this design is rapidly losing its once monopoly position in the market due to significant shortcomings. So, the fixation strength of such a design directly depends on the force with which the stick is “twisted”. Spontaneous folding of such sticks under load is often observed. It should be noted that a properly adjusted stick of a good manufacturer with an internal clamp wins in the reliability of fixation with lever locks. Why, then, are these clips gradually being squeezed out of the market? First, they are more labor-intensive (expensive) to manufacture. Secondly, ergonomics, that is, ease of use, loses significantly. A heavily twisted stick can be very difficult to unscrew. It is also inconvenient to manipulate such a lock with gloves on. If moisture gets into the middle of the stick, it can freeze in the cold and the lock will temporarily become unusable.

Lever (external, eccentric) clamp. It is becoming more and more widespread, gradually replacing the screw clamp. Ultimately simple design with easy adjustment, it has increased reliability and in most cases perfectly keeps the spread out stick from arbitrary folding under vertical load. Some leading manufacturers are developing their own versions of this lock, further increasing its reliability and ease of use (Black Diamond - flick lock, Leki - speed lock). The eccentric lock is convenient to use with gloves, it is not afraid of freezing. The main disadvantage of this design is that it is very vulnerable to external influences(shocks, falls), the possibility of uncontrolled opening of the lock upon contact with solid objects. However, in models of top brands, this problem is almost completely eliminated. Also, while the fixation force of the outer clamp is inferior to the inner one. Nevertheless, now on most models it is quite satisfactory, on others it is excellent.

Combined designs. Some companies, for example, the Italian company Gable, duplicate locks on their sticks for greater reliability. Inside the tube there is a screw clamp, outside - an eccentric. It is possible to use both or any of them. Such reinsurance may be justified in some cases.

American firm MSR - famous player on the outdoor market, decided to rid the trackstick of one of its main drawbacks - the inconvenience of adjustment and invented a revolutionary mechanism for regulating the length of the stick "without releasing the handle." That is, you can adjust the stick directly in the process of movement without releasing the handle from your hand. The mechanism is mass-produced on the company's models and is patented under the name positive-locking. Despite the correction of shortcomings in the next generations, the design has not yet received much distribution.

In the budget segment, in particular by Quechua, several models of sticks are produced with a fixed length adjustment using spring-loaded buttons that fall into the corresponding grooves on the stick. In terms of functionality, such sticks seriously lose to the designs discussed above and over time sometimes get a serious backlash, therefore they are also not very common. Previously, a similar method of fixing sticks but with one available position - up to the maximum length, was often used for the lower knee. The adjustment of the stick along the length was carried out exclusively in the upper connection. Over time, this design began to be abandoned.

According to the materials used

The most common, reliable and inexpensive material. Sticks from it are strong, light, plastic, maintainable. But, as they say, aluminum is different aluminum. The top aluminum grade for poles is 7005, known to cyclists as good material for frames. Not all manufacturers use this brand of metal. As a rule, the top models of the line are made from it with a fairly high price. The rest of the sticks are made from more "simple" varieties, respectively, losing in weight and strength. There are practically no drawbacks to high-quality aluminum. For a reliable trekking stick used in serious conditions (mountains, difficult routes, heavy backpacks and "heavy" users), this is perhaps the best option. In terms of weight and specific strength, it is only slightly inferior to more expensive materials.

light alloys. First of all, the titan. It is an alloy of titanium and aluminum. Even lighter and stronger than aluminum, but not much. However, it is significantly more expensive. The number of models produced from this material is very limited.

The material, unprecedented in strength, is used on the most expensive models of trekking and ski poles from some well-known manufacturers. Allows you to significantly reduce the weight of the product, but significantly raises its cost. It has a number of significant drawbacks. Requires a very careful attitude, intolerant of sharp impact loads and impact interaction with hard, sharp surfaces. Unlike aluminum, under heavy loads it does not deform, but immediately collapses. Therefore, sticks made of this material are not recommended for use in difficult and extreme conditions, as well as for people with a large body weight and wearing very heavy backpacks.

Important parts of trekking poles

Antishock. In fact, this is a spring (rarely elastomeric) shock absorber located inside one of the stick sections (usually the top one). Anti-shock is designed to reduce the shock load when walking with sticks on the joints of the hands. The need for anti-shock is still a controversial topic, since neither the destructive effect of the use of sticks on these joints, nor, accordingly, the prevention of this action using this design, has been fully proven. What is known for certain is that anti-shock adds weight and adds complexity and cost to the design. Also, not everyone likes the feeling when using it. This is also why it is often turned off. For me personally, the justification for the use of antishock by a healthy tourist is doubtful. On the other hand, it can be useful for overweight people and joint diseases.

The design and materials of trekking pole handles

The second most important part of the stick, which characterizes its convenience / inconvenience, is, of course, the handle. It would seem - a pen and a pen, what is special there. Nevertheless, manufacturers managed to create many variations of such a seemingly simple item. What should a newbie pay attention to?

Material. The most common are rubber / plastic, cork, plastic-based neoprene. The first option is usually presented on budget models and is particularly suitable for warm climates. In cold conditions, on such a handle, your hands will be desperately cold. It has significant weight and therefore is not used in lightweight models. Plastic is also slippery, especially when wet or when wearing gloves. The noprene, porous handle is most comfortable, especially in the cold season. But it is more “gentle”, gets dirty more easily and is harder to wash. The functional gap is somewhere in the middle. It keeps your hands less cold than rubber, it is more durable and washes better than neoprene, it is slippery when you are wearing gloves or with wet hands. Choose what suits you.

Construction and form. Some handles have a rounded top shape, they are convenient to take with an overhand grip, like a cane. This is useful on steep descents. If you like low sticks, pay attention to models with handles inclined in relation to the tube itself. In this case, your wrist will be in a comfortable position. It is good when there is a developed anatomical protrusion on the handle below, which prevents the hand from “sliding” down under heavy load. A certain exotic are the handles "like on a cane", T-shaped. They have not received much distribution.

A very useful option in my opinion. It is an elongated handle, which makes it possible to intercept the stick below with convenience. Thus, you "shorten" the stick without changing its settings. This comes in very handy on rough terrain when you don't have to endlessly change the length of the stick with a clamp. I recommend.

Temlyak. Lanyard/strap attached to the handle. Has the ability to adjust in length. The lanyard not only “insures” the stick against loss on difficult terrain, but also, with the right grip and adjustment, seriously unloads the muscles of the hand, allowing you to relax your fingers and transfer the load directly to the wrist. Very handy on long journeys. It is advisable to choose a stick with a comfortable anatomically shaped lanyard, made of soft material, with simple and understandable adjustment.

restrictive rings. Located at the bottom of the lower link of the trekking pole, directly above the bayonet. There are different diameters, removable and non-removable. The rings act as a limiter that prevents the stick from sinking deep into the snow, falling into deep cracks in the stones (which can lead to jamming and breakage). If you intend to use the stick at different times of the year, it is better to choose a model with removable rings. Then in summer you can use small diameter rings, in winter - wide ones, it's convenient. Do not use a stick with rings removed - this increases the risk of breakage.

The tip of the stick (tip, bayonet). When buying, make sure that it is not made of steel / aluminum, but of tungsten carbide hard alloy. It is fundamentally. The carbide tip will allow the stick to be securely fixed on hard surfaces - stones, ice and will last more than one season. In most models, worn tips can be replaced with new ones.

Protective caps. Protect sticks during transport. More precisely, they protect people and property from your sticks. There are also rubber tips in the form of a sole or simply with a developed ribbed end, for using sticks on asphalt. Protective caps, as a rule, are suitable for any models of sticks, freely sold.

What else do you need to know? Use cases

For what else, besides support while walking, can trekking poles be suitable?

Tripod. A photographic tripod is an extra burden on a hike. Sometimes a trekking stick can be used as a mono tripod for photo and video shooting. Leiki is also known for the fact that on a number of models of its sticks it installs a classic screw socket for shooting equipment in the handle. Using adapters, it will not be difficult to attach a connector for an action camera, which is deprived of its connector for a tripod socket (some models), there.

Shelter frame. With the help of track sticks, it is convenient to stretch the awning, strengthen the frame of the tent on a windy night (only do it seriously), make the basis for a stretcher in case of emergency. They can be used as a flagpole, an emergency element of a kayak or raft frame. They are also perfect for fixing (stretching) the tent in the snow. By the way, for this, the stick can be disassembled into its component parts (telescopic) and you will have a lot of snow pegs. In general, why not use trekking poles and their individual parts! It's all about your wit and ingenuity.

Stick care. Do not be afraid, it is minimal, but still necessary if you want the sticks to serve you for a long time and without fail. From time to time check the adjustment of your poles - the locking mechanism should work "like a clock". After the hike, take apart your sticks, dry them well. Store for a long time unassembled in a special case. Or at least with loose locks.

Features of use and selection criteria for trekking poles.

Two or one? Most use sticks in pairs. Walking with one stick is not so convenient, and in the case of a heavy backpack on difficult terrain, it is completely inconvenient. The use of sticks one at a time is justified, in my opinion, in the following cases:

  • You move on simple terrain with or without a light backpack and you only need additional support from time to time. That is, you take a stick "just in case."
  • You've never used tracksticks before and want to give it a try. At the same time, the thought of having two busy hands at once is unbearable to you.
  • You have an injury to one of your hands.
  • You often shoot handheld while moving and need to always have a free hand for the camera.
  • You shared one of your sticks with someone in the group.

It should be noted that most trekking poles are sold in pairs, and you still won’t be able to buy just one pole.

Before the purchase make up the criteria for choosing trekking poles that are important for you. Start with the ones that are most important to you. Type of lock, strength, weight, price, brand, dimensions in folded/unfolded position.

If you are a short, light girl, then obviously it makes no sense to buy a stick that expands up to 145-150 cm, 125 is enough for you. If your weight is about one hundred kilograms and you are going to hike with a heavy backpack, do not purchase lightweight models of sticks from tubes of reduced diameter .

The length of the trekking pole in the unfolded position should be at least enough for your hand holding the pole by the handle to form a right angle in the elbow joint. But it is desirable that there would still be a small margin for descents. Remember that on the descents you need to lengthen the sticks, and on the ascents, on the contrary, shorten them. When laying out the stick, pay attention to the restrictive STOP icon. They should not be neglected. For your convenience, most trekking poles have "rulers" in centimeters (or inches). Thanks to this marking, you can easily adjust your sticks to the length you need. Just remember that to unfold the stick to a length of, say, 130 cm, you need to adjust each knee to this size, there are markings on each of the retractable sections.

I do not recommend choosing sticks for yourself, the price of which causes significant damage to the budget. Although the stick can serve for many years, first of all it is your assistant, who takes on some of the difficulties in the campaign. From a certain point of view, a trekking stick is a consumable item, and a breakdown should not lead the owner to thoughts of suicide. Try, if possible, to purchase a product of a well-known brand in your region - it will be easier with accessories and spare parts.

Good luck with your choice and beautiful roads!

trekking poles ( trekking fields) are special sticks that facilitate movement in mountainous and hilly landscapes. 20 years ago they replaced alpenstocks, which were actively used in mountain climbing.

By removing the load from the legs, they prevent possible bruises and injuries. During the passage of rocky terrain, trekking poles will help to remove the partial load from the legs and give more balance and stability to the hiker. Let's figure out how to choose trekking poles so that they help during the trip, and not create difficulties.

As additional equipment, trekking poles should definitely be chosen for any mountain climbs, because the rapidly changing terrain and different stride rates load the muscles of the legs much faster than when walking on flat terrain.

Check out a separate post about . And now we'll talk about specifications, manufacturers and decide how to make the right choice so that the sticks “walk” for a long time and please their owner with durability and benefits.

How to choose trekking poles?

Considering specific models, it is necessary to build on the following factors:

  • The type of terrain and terrain in which hiking takes place.
  • Traveler's maximum weight;
  • Height.

The maximum benefit from the use of hiking poles is achieved only with correct technique walking when the back is straight. If during walking the body is tilted forward, and a heavy backpack is still hanging on the back, pain in the lower back may appear, the state of health will worsen and endurance will drop.

When choosing sticks, you should be careful about names like ultralight (Ultralite), etc. Weight reduction is achieved by reducing the characteristics in other important areas - the thickness of the shaft, the size of the handle, the lanyard. Ultra-lightness can be achieved by designers by reducing the maximum length of the telescopic stick, up to 125 cm. This length will not be enough for tourists with a height of 180 cm, especially during the descent from the mountains.

The ideal length of poles for hiking on level ground should create a 90-degree angle at the elbow. If translated into numbers, then such an angle is selected multiplying growth by a factor of 0.7.

During descents, the length of trekking poles must be increased, and during ascents, respectively, reduced. How many centimeters? Everything is individual and depends on the angle of inclination and the type of terrain. The main criterion is that the walking process should be comfortable and there should be a real unloading of the legs.

For the correct selection of length, use our.

Trekking poles are divided into two subspecies according to the type of construction, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages:

Telescopic design

It consists of several sections of tubes of different diameters (most often 3 sections with a diameter of 14/16/18 mm), folding into each other. When folding, all parts are securely fixed with a latch - a locking mechanism. The main advantage of telescopic sticks is that the length can be easily adjusted from 60 to 145 cm.

Thanks to this possibility, telescopic models of trekking poles have gained wide popularity among tourists. However, there is a minus: the weight reaches 300-500 grams. In difficult mountain conditions, this can be extremely inconvenient. Another drawback is the folded length of 60 cm, which is quite a lot compared to another popular design - corded.

Folding design (string)

Leki Micro Vario Titanium with folding design

Sections are folded using a special cord or plastic tube. The advantages of this design are in low weight (from 250 to 350 grams) and small assembled dimensions (35-40 cm). However, they have proven themselves poorly in the tourist community, since a number of models cannot change their length and adapt to the terrain.
Not all folding sticks are fixed length! For example, the Micro Vario model (pictured above) changes the length from 110 to 130 cm.

Any design deserves the right to exist and there is no point in belittling the dignity of one or praising another. All modern trekking poles are of good quality and absolutely any design can be used at the amateur level. But, in professional mountaineering, telescopic models are preferred.

We have translated short video with an overview of all the main features (be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel):

Differences in trekking poles by type of locking mechanism (latches)

Collet (Twist Lock)

The principle of operation is very simple - at the junction of two sections there is a collet sleeve, which, due to the rotation of the tube sections in different directions, unclenches or vice versa compresses the latch.

A popular clamp used by almost all world manufacturers. One drawback - in cold weather, you have to take off your gloves to disassemble / assemble the sticks, since the mechanism is inside the tube and the surface is flat outside.

Many manufacturers are trying in every possible way to improve this mechanism. For example, so that it works from half a turn (this function is present in expensive models) and does not freeze in cold weather. Today, the collet clamp is popular among amateurs and beginner hikers, but the following clamp enjoys great prestige among the old guard.

When using a collet clamp, be careful about excessive turning of the mechanism. If overtightened, the latch may break.

Collet clamp (Twist Lock), outside view

lever clamp

Sections of the stick are fixed with a special lever. He is outside, and this makes him vulnerable to all sorts of damage.

If you strongly lean on a stick and create an additional lateral load, and even the owner is more than 90 kilograms, then cheap Chinese samples may break. But, this is the situation with any equipment. Everything loves moderate power and careful operation!

Flick Lock

Ease of use is that you can adjust the trekking poles with levers even with gloves on. They do not freeze in winter unlike the collet system. A simpler clamp design reduces the cost of the stick itself.

For the first time, such a locking mechanism was introduced by Black Diamond Equipment.

Picking up trekking poles in the store...

Often sellers, wanting to make more money, sell this product with a whole range of useful and useless accessories. Therefore, before buying, it is important to find out what elements the stick consists of and which of them are really needed on a hike.


Much depends on its shape. When choosing a stick, be sure to grab it firmly by the handle and feel how it lies in your hand. Pay attention that the palms do not slip off. The material also plays a big role. Great options are natural cork and synthetic rubber (neoprene). The second is a little cheaper, but the quality is not inferior to the first. Before buying, check if there are any extra seams, cuts and other manufacturing flaws on the handle.


This is a special belt (lace) that allows the hand not to jump off the handle. Teplyak helps to hold the stick, relieves tension from the hand. However, if you fall, if you do not have time to remove the hand, there is a chance of dislocating or breaking your arm.

Please note that the fabric is dense, does not stretch, fits well to the skin. All modern manufacturers have almost the same lanyards, so this attribute is not particularly important, like the material of the tube itself and the handle.


They are selected depending on the type of terrain where the expedition or hike takes place. There is one fundamental rule: the tip must be made of tungsten carbide or other hard alloy which will not break under heavy loads.

For tips, there are rubber pads: round (for walking on stones) and in the form of a shoe (for asphalt). Similar pads are also available for, they allow you to keep the tip from deformation after hitting stones, asphalt and other hard surfaces.


The size and shape of the ring are selected depending on the time of year and the type of landscape. It is customary to conditionally divide into "summer" and "winter". The first ones (with a small diameter) are suitable for hard and relatively soft soil (clay, sand). The second ones (with a large diameter) are needed in winter hiking in deep snow.

Anti-shock system

We will separately describe the shock-absorbing mechanism, which reduces the shock load on the hands. To date, there is no conclusive evidence that this system actually works and is useful. But the price for such an option can rise significantly. However, people suffering overweight and diseases of the joints, they noted that the anti-shock makes walking a little easier.

Anti-shock will be useful during descents, but for climbing it is highly not recommended, since it will be necessary to spend additional energy on compressing the stick springs.

Models with anti-shock cost 2-3 thousand rubles more similar analogues, but without shock absorbers.

Overview of anti-shock system on leki khumbu sticks:

Additional accessories affect the cost. For example, a removable ice ax is attached to the handle, which helps with climbing. For those who like to take pictures, the ends of trekking poles can be equipped with a special mount that allows them to be used as. On some copies there are devices that make it possible to build a stretcher or a frame for.

In order to choose the right accessory for trekking poles, you need to take into account the circumstances of the future trip - what difficulties you may encounter, how long it will be, and how much you want to pay in the end for a set of equipment.

Construction length and material of manufacture

The first difficulty that novice hikers face when choosing the right trekking poles is their size, depending on their height. Below is a summary table to help calculate the length of poles for hiking on flat terrain:

Another important nuance- used metal or carbon fiber for the manufacture of tubes.

Aluminum is the most popular material and cheaper than carbon. Unlike Scandinavian poles, strength is important for trekking poles, and not the best vibration absorption rates that carbon demonstrates.

Popular models and manufacturers

Another important question- "Which manufacturer should be preferred"? There are enough good manufacturers today. We have collected the most popular world brands and their models.

  • Leki. German company specializing in the production tourist equipment. The products are convenient and safe to use. The Micro Series line is in demand. It was Leki that produced the first hiking poles in 1974. Price: 7000-15000 rubles.
  • Masters (Italy). The company occupies a leading position in the world ranking. Popular series: light pro calu tech, hiking, expert antishock. Most of the trekking pole line is made from 7075 aircraft grade aluminum with cork and rubber handles. Prices - from 5 thousand rubles.
  • Komperdell (Austria). Recommended models: carbon ultralite vario 4, carbon trailstick compact, explorer contour power lock, elevation titanal. Prices reach 3-4 thousand rubles.
  • Black Diamond (USA). A brand that has proven itself among professional tourists. Famous models: Alpine Carbon Z, Alpine Ergo Cork, Distance Carbon Z. Most of the products are equipped with anti-shock systems. Prices range from 4 to 12 thousand rubles.
  • TSL outdoor. The telescopic poles of this are usually made of aluminium, with 2 or 3 sections. Worthy models: argentera, mercantour, aravis, lapaz, semnoz. Prices reach 9000 rubles.
  • Chinook (Canada). The following models are presented: Gravity, Venture, Trekking, Walkabout, Rockhopper (all made of aluminum). Cost from 5000 rubles;
  • Outventure outdoor. Popular cheap sticks, the brand works through SportMaster stores. Prices start from 999 rubles;
  • Alloy. Domestic manufacturer providing these models: Oceana Pro Carbon, Element Alu, Mountain Alu, Hiking Hard Alu. Goods are distinguished by low cost - only 2-3 thousand rubles. True, there are sometimes disputes about quality.

Popular questions

Are trekking poles suitable for nordic walking?

Nordic walking requires special poles! Not to be confused with skiing. This is a different equipment, which has a different specialization for the specific specifics of classes.

The main thing is the shape and size of the lanyard, which is responsible for the walking technique, as well as the telescopic design of the shaft. While for Nordic walking, sticks of a fixed length are preferred.


Telescopic poles have become an essential piece of equipment for many hobbyists. active rest- from backpackers and climbers, to trail runners and simple outdoor enthusiasts. Their demand for such a wide range of users has given rise to the variety of models existing on the market today. We wrote about how to understand the breadth of this range and choose the perfect pair of trekking poles in a separate article. And today we have made a selection of the “most-most” models that are suitable for any task and wallet!

Our review includes the following models:

The best combination of price and quality - Black Diamond Trail Sport

The entire Trail series in the Black Diamond trekking pole collection stands out for its affordability at very high level execution. But the Sport model is the most affordable, while maintaining the key advantages inherent in the Trail line - strength, ergonomics and versatility in use.

Three-knee sticks are easily adjustable in length and are fixed with a pair of branded lever clips Black Diamond Flick Lock which have proven their exceptional reliability over many years of rigorous testing. The knees are made of very durable aluminum alloy- they are difficult to bend and even more so to break.

No matter how hard the designers tried to keep the maximum advantages from the older models of the series, creating Trail Sport sticks, they still went for a number of reductions in price. These are the heaviest sticks in the entire line, although they are deprived of many nice additions that increase their ergonomics. Long-grip cork and EVA foam handles, which are typical of more expensive models, have been replaced with heavier and less comfortable rubber ones, and wide lanyards have been changed to simple narrow nylon straps. Nevertheless, the signature shape of the Black Diamond handles is preserved - the top is made quite wide and flat. So it is more convenient to lean on it with the hand (" upper grip”) when necessary, e.g. on a gentle slope.

Those who want to fit into a relatively modest budget and get not only strong, but also ergonomic trekking poles should pay attention to the Black Diamond Trail Back model - this model was even awarded the "Best Buy" ("Best Buy" award) by the testers of the well-known Internet resource OutdoorGearLab .

Life hack from Clattermusen! A long interception on the handles of sticks is a useful thing! Thanks to him, you can not adjust their length in short sections of steeper terrain. If it is not on your sticks "by default" - it does not matter. You can replace it with a winding tape for bicycle handlebar, tennis racket or hockey stick. In extreme cases, even electrical tape or a climbing patch will do - as long as the material does not slip in your hand.

Trail Sport trekking poles are also distinguished by their wide range of applications, which allows you to save additional money by not purchasing other models for various needs. They are used in hiking trips of very different complexity and length - from multi-day expeditions with a heavy backpack to weekend trips light and walks along mountain paths. They will also be appropriate for simple climbing, snowshoeing and ski touring.

In addition to the classic three-knee model for tourism, the Trail Sport is also available in a two-knee version. They are cheaper, quicker to adjust and slightly lighter, but less compact when folded. But if you attach them to big backpack this difference is not fundamental.

The most versatile and indestructible sticks - Black Diamond Expedition

There are not many models of trekking poles in the world that have acquired a truly cult status. And Black Diamond Expedition is the most famous of them. Their first prototype appeared in the already distant 1993. These were the first trekking poles to use a lever mechanism for fixing the knees.

It is noteworthy that Expedition owes its origin not to tourists at all, but to lovers of ski touring and off-piste skiing, who in the United States of the early 1990s were much more willing to use telescopic poles.

Black Diamond Expedition sticks have earned their reputation for exceptional reliability and versatility in use. They are actively used throughout the year in ski touring, freeride, mountaineering and hiking of varying difficulty.

Ultralight trekking poles - Leki Black Series Speedlock 2

In this model, the Germans have collected almost all their best practices - ergonomic Aergon handles made of EVA foam, light, rigid and durable carbon knees, as well as reliable Speedlock 2 lever locks. Carbon provided weightless weight and excellent support rigidity, the handles do not rub the skin of the palms and prevent fatigue of the hands, and the locks are protected from accidental opening and breakage due to metal construction and compact design. The result is ultra-light and comfortable three-knee trekking poles that can be quickly adjusted over a wide range. The Leki Black Series Speedlock 2 has enviable versatility, it is convenient to use them not only for hiking and traveling, but also for mountain running. At the same time, one cannot fail to note a very stylish black and white design, which emphasizes the technological advancement of this model.

Leki Black Series Speedlock 2

Of course, the high class of workmanship and advanced materials played a role - Leki Black Series Speedlock 2 sticks are the most expensive sticks in our review. However, their price is justified by exceptional performance and the already mentioned versatility in use.

Trekking poles for a limited budget - Robens Keswick T6

Of course, not all outdoor enthusiasts storm glaciers and mountain peaks, go on multi-day hikes with a heavy backpack, or, conversely, literally run a multi-kilometer route with a minimum of equipment. Many people prefer leisurely walks along mountain trails or short, technically easy routes that can be traveled lightly.

Keswick T6 trekking poles from the German company Robens are designed just for such tasks. They are equipped with a simple but fairly reliable collet knee locking mechanism, comfortable EVA foam handles with comfortable wide straps. The fact that the Keswick T6 is designed for easy routes is also clearly hinted at by carbon steel tips. Of course, they will last more than one season, but still they are not characterized by the strength and durability of carbide.

Despite the very low price, trekking poles are well made and even come with a nice bonus - a storage and carrying case! Beyond light hiking, the Keswick T6 can serve as an affordable alternative to specialized Nordic walking poles by simply equipping them with special rubber tips.

The most affordable carbon trekking poles - Camp Backcountry Carbon

Carbon telescopic poles offer an excellent balance between weight and strength. Most often, the word "carbon" in the name of the model is associated with a considerable price, which is very tangible for most wallets. However, Camp Backcountry Carbon is an interesting exception to this rule. The Italian brand has long been famous not only for its mountaineering hardware, but also for its ultra-light equipment at relatively affordable prices.

All Backcountry Carbon knees are made from carbon fiber. At the same time, all the elements that make their use quite comfortable and safe were collected in sticks. all year round Comfortable EVA foam handles with wide lanyards, exceptionally durable carbide tips, and a simple yet secure collet knee locking mechanism. And, despite such equipment, the sticks are sold at a very competitive price!

The original purpose of Camp Backcountry Carbon poles is ski touring, ski trips and freeride. They are supplied with interchangeable wide "snow" rings with a diameter of 50 and 90 mm. However, their real scope is not limited to winter sports- they are successfully used in hiking trips of various lengths and are quite popular with light walkers and trail runners. They are not suitable except for difficult climbing and multi-day autonomous expeditions - where the lightness of carbon gives way to the reliability and maintainability of aluminum.

Model Weight (per pair), g Folded length, cm Lever Elbow material Number of knees Knee fixation system price, rub.

There are also fans of collet clamps among manufacturers. One of these is the Italian company Masters, which confidently competes with such industry giants as Leki and Black Diamond and is very popular among European tourists. Scout trekking poles are one of the most popular models in its range. Users love them for a very good combination of price, reliability and weight. Relatively light sticks are assembled from three segments of rather large diameter - 18, 16 and 14 mm - just like the famous Black Diamond Expedition, which gives them the necessary strength. The plastic parts of the collets and ferrules are made by DuPont and are highly durable even under very intensive use. The mechanism itself perfectly holds the folding load. Initially, the sticks are equipped with a carbon steel tip, which can be replaced with a carbide one immediately or as it wears out.

Model Weight (per pair), g Length adjustment range, cm Folded length, cm Lever Elbow material Number of knees Knee fixation system price, rub.
Leki Photosystem Carbon 648 69-170 69 Carbon 4 Lever Speedlock 13,000 (per pair)
Leki Black Series Speedlock 2 398 67-135 67 Carbon 3 Lever clamp Speedlock 2 11 700
Black Diamond Distance FLZ 345 95-110 34 Ergonomic EVA handle with wide straps and long grip Aluminum 3 FlickLock lever clamp + 2 folding segments 9 690
355 105-125 37
365 120-140 40
Black Diamond Expedition 3 445/520 57-125/62-140 57/62 Aluminum 3 FlickLock Lever Clamp 9 590
Black Diamond Expedition 2 487 95-145/105-155 95/105 Long grip EVA foam handle. The shape of the stops is adapted to work in mittens, gloves or with a bare hand 2 FlickLock Lever Clamp 8 390
Leki Corklite Speedlock 2 510 67-135 67 Rubber with cork inserts. The shape of the stops is well adapted to work in mittens, gloves or with a bare hand Aluminum 3 Lever clamp Speedlock 2 394 66-110 66 Non-grip rubber grip with thin nylon lanyard Aluminum 2 FlickLock Lever Clamp 4 090
Robens Keswick T6 505 68-135 68 Ergonomic EVA handle with wide straps Aluminum 3 Collet clamp 2 570

Of course, our range of trekking poles is not limited to only 10 models - we are sure that among its variety you will find an option to your liking. In addition, in the Sport-Marathon store you can get dressed and equipped with equipment for any tourist route, and our experts will help you with this. We are waiting for a visit.

Flawstrekking poles

  • excess weight;
  • deterioration in coordination of movements due to addiction, which is felt in difficult areas where they cannot be used;
  • if you have weak arm muscles, they can get sick from unusual loads;
  • are ineffective as a means of self-retention on snowy slopes during a fall.

How to care for track sticks?

After use in wet conditions, trekking poles must be dried and preferably lubricated. While trekking poles do not rust, aluminum can oxidize, which can shorten the life of the poles.

How to choose trekking poles?

When choosing sticks, pay attention to the length - they should fit your height. If you are much taller than average, make sure the sticks are not too short. The handle should be comfortable for your hand, try adjusting the hinges. The poles should not be too heavy, but if your weight is over 90kg then the ultra-light poles won't work as they are too heavy. they can break under load. Carbide tips are preferred over steel or plastic. Check the operation of the locking mechanisms. A metal ring will be more durable than a plastic one.

For winter hiking, the appropriate oversized attachment rings should be available.

Do not take too cheap sticks - most likely their quality leaves much to be desired. The most recognized stick manufacturers are Leki, Black Diamond, Komperdell, Masters. The cost of fairly reliable telescopic poles for not very difficult hikes is in the range of $ 60-80. High-quality trekking poles will last a long time, and you will not regret the money spent.


Increasingly, in the mountains of the Carpathians, the Crimea, the Caucasus, you can meet tourists with "telescopes", and in the Alps it will rather be even more difficult to see someone without them. This means that more and more more people begin to recognize the usefulness and convenience of trekking poles. Many novice tourists, returning from a hike, feeling their benefits, advise everyone to take sticks with them.

When hiking in the mountains, it is quite possible to use ordinary ski poles, but they are not convenient to transport and the length cannot be adjusted. The easiest and free option is to find a wooden staff in the forest, but this is not so convenient and not reliable.

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Igor Belov
Posts: 2

Re: Hiking with trekking poles
Reply #2 on: Mon March 16, 2015, 11:08:45 AM

Trekking is a journey on foot. The trekking route runs through rough terrain, mountains, river valleys, taiga wilds and ordinary settlements. Hiking involves the availability of special equipment, one of them is trekking poles. This is a modernized, modern version of the staff that helped travelers in ancient times. When moving over rough terrain, a hiking stick helps to unload the spine and knees, and maintain balance. However, incorrectly chosen sticks can create trouble in the form of a violation of blood circulation in upper limbs and hypothermia at low air temperature.

Before choosing trekking poles, you need to familiarize yourself with existing species this inventory:

  1. telescopic
Telescopic trekking pole

The design of a telescopic trekking pole includes two, three or four segments, each of which is wider than the other in diameter. Top part while the widest, and the bottom - the narrowest. A thinner segment extends from a wider one, being fixed in the knees with a special locking mechanism. The length of the sticks can be adjusted, and this range is from 60 to 140 cm. Some models are adjustable in length only at the knees, others only at the top or bottom with the possibility of fixing the required length with a special side button. The advantage of the telescopic design is convenience, versatility, strength. But it has an impressive folded weight (up to 700 gr.), As well as a length (up to 68 cm folded for a three-segment stick).

  1. folding

Foldable trekking pole

The folding design of the trekking pole unfolds like a tent frame. When unfolded, the segments are held together by the tension of a strong cord running through the middle of the structure. Some models can be adjusted in length in the upper segment, others are not, but there is a wide selection of sticks of different lengths for purchase by people of different heights. The purpose of folding trekking poles is not associated with heavy hiking in the mountains, but rather with light hiking, since the low weight (350 g on average) and dimensions do not give this type of poles special strength. The real advantage of folding poles over telescopic poles is their shorter folded length (34 cm), other qualities indicate less reliability, versatility, and ease of use.

IN Lately trekking pole manufacturers are modernizing the design, trying to create an innovative inventory, devoid of the most common drawbacks - inconvenience to rapid change length and structural instability to lateral loads. Some of the latest models are sticks with a button for adjusting the length on the handle and models with an elliptical section shape instead of a round one. The disadvantage of new models is their high cost, but for a really high-quality product this is justified.

The type of mechanical constipation of track sticks can be different. The first type is a screw or collet mechanism. The screw clamp is located in the middle of the stick, i.e. inside it, locking is carried out by rotating the sections relative to each other. This is a reliable mechanism that provides a large resistance to the folding load, compared to the second type of clamp - eccentric. It is located on the outside of the track stick, which makes it vulnerable. However, it is more convenient to use, and is also resistant to freezing and moisture, while the internal locking mechanism is able to freeze at low temperatures, especially in combination with high humidity.

There are many materials for trekking poles.

The material for making track sticks can be different. Most often they are made from aluminum, or rather, from its alloys. More expensive models are made of carbon fiber, the so-called carbon fiber. More durable are track sticks made of titanal - an aluminum alloy with the addition of a small amount of titanium.

How to choose poles for hiking

Trekking poles for hiking

We choose track sticks based on many factors: the time of year for hiking, the specifics of the terrain and terrain for the hike, the height of a person, his weight and the weight of general equipment. In addition, there are additional elements that are equipped with track sticks, the choice of which is also important.

Tracksticks are used in pairs. However, if you are hiking on light, rough terrain without a heavy backpack, you can use a single track stick. The same choice is justified when there is a need to free one hand for constant shooting or other actions. If you need one stick, it will be difficult to find it on sale, since they are usually sold in pairs.

If the total weight of a person with a backpack is more than one hundred kilograms, you should not choose a lightweight model of a small diameter track stick.

It is best to opt for a robust telescopic model. For hiking in the mountains, you should pay attention to the track stick with an elliptical section.

There are models with a rubber handle or with a polymer (cork). When choosing the right model, you need to consider that the rubber handle is heavier and cheaper than cork, and your hand sweats from it. If you plan to do trekking with gloves, you can choose it, but cork is more comfortable and lighter in weight. Trenchers with a screw locking mechanism are more durable and cheaper. However, if you need to adjust the length frequently during a hike, such a mechanism will complicate this task. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention that inside the frame there is a rod made of metal, and not made of plastic, which is very fragile. If a large load on the trackstick is planned, it is necessary to choose a model with a winning tip. For traveling on flat terrain, it is better to choose a design equipped with a shock absorber to adjust the load on the brush. When hiking in the mountains, it is better to use a regular hard handle, but equipped with a belt to hold the brush.

There are different types of trekking poles.

To make it more convenient to carry a trekking stick in a backpack, it should consist of at least three sections in order to occupy no more than 38 cm when folded. Equipping the track stick with additional elements is selected individually. For example, if you plan to take a lot of photos or shoot videos while traveling, you can choose a model that combines a selfie stick or has a camcorder mount on the handle. The handle can also have a built-in flashlight.

How to choose trekking poles by height

It is important to choose sticks for height

An important criterion when choosing tracksticks is the height of a person. It is very important to choose equipment according to height, because it is difficult for a person with a height of 150 cm to comfortably control a stick 145 cm long, which, moreover, will distribute the load incorrectly.

The length of the unfolded broom should be such that the hand placed on the handle forms a right angle at the elbow. To this length, you must add a margin for descents. To simplify the choice of a track stick by height, you can remember a simple rule: its length, for traveling on a flat terrain, should be 5-8 cm below the level of the axillary zone. To adjust the length of the stick, you need to use the STOP icon, which serves as a limiter.