What is the best cap for swimming in the pool? How to put on a cap for swimming in the pool: tips for choosing and putting on for long hair Choosing a cap for swimming.

How to choose a cap for swimming in the pool, choose the right material and size, and wear it correctly. The best brands of swimming caps manufacturers. Do you want to know? Read.


One of the main items of equipment for an experienced athlete, a beginner swimmer, a child who is just learning to swim, is a cap for training in the pool.
The need for this accessory is associated with the functions that it performs:

  • protects hair from the aquatic environment of the pool with a high content of chloride compounds
  • protects the swimmer's ears from moisture
  • reduces the removal of heat from the body through the head
  • prevents hair from getting into the face and eyes during exercise
  • ensures the streamlining of the forms of the athlete in competitions and training
  • prevents hair from getting into the water, which prolongs the life of the cleaning filters

How to choose a swimming cap: types, sizes

Using simple tips to choose swimming cap pretty easy.
An important criterion for the right choice is the material from which the product is made.


  • Latex is an elastic rubber. Items of equipment from it are widely available and the least expensive. The main disadvantages are low strength, discomfort when putting on, taking off, limited service life.
  • Advice: Sprinkle the latex with talc after your workout to keep it from sticking together.
  • Textile. Suitable for water aerobics or therapeutic therapy. Made of soft breathable fabric (polyester, lycra, polyamide), such models prevent the occurrence of "sweating head" syndrome during intense physical activity. They are loose fitting and hold hair securely while still being stretchy enough to be comfortable.
  • Advice: Textile caps allow water to pass through, but do not lose their qualities in the event of the appearance of small holes from hairpins.
  • Silicone is a soft, durable, highly stretchable material. Molded silicone products easily adapt to a large number hair, do not cling to them, are convenient to use, provide an elastic crimping of the head. Due to their dynamic properties, they effectively reduce resistance, which contributes to increased athletic performance. Silicone has anti-allergic properties and is characterized by a wide range of design solutions in terms of shape, color and texture.
  • Important: this model does not tolerate sharp objects, so when pinning long strands, refuse to use hairpins and hairpins.
  • Combination of materials. These models organically combine the reliability of silicone (top layer) and the comfort of textiles (inner layer). The hair in it is not electrified, it is convenient to put on and take off the cap, it is easy to care for it. The main disadvantage is the high price

We select the size

Main criterion right choice the size of the swimming cap - the convenience of its location on the head. There are models for children and adults, they differ in their volume. You can distinguish products for men and women only by their external design.
Well-known brands offer customers products in three size categories:
  • small for children
  • medium or universal
  • large
To avoid incorrect selection, each model must be tried on. A well-chosen hat tightly fits the head, at the same time does not squeeze it much, does not cause discomfort during the training.

How to wear a hat

For beginner swimmers, the question of how to put on a swimming cap is fraught with certain difficulties. This is especially true for products made from latex. In fact, the process of dressing is simple, with sufficient skill it happens automatically.
It includes the following steps:
  • prepare your hair - lightly moisten your head with water, collect long strands in a bun closer to the crown, fix them with an elastic band
  • putting on a hat on the hands, stretch it
  • put your head between your palms, pull the cap over your head, lowering your hands along your temples
  • pull the edges of the cap over the back of the head, forehead, ears, straighten the folds with smooth movements of the palms
  • gently pulling the edges with one hand, with the other, straighten the fallen hair
Advice: at the end of the lesson, rinse the cap in clean, running water, and dry it at room temperature.

Overview of the best swimming caps

Reliability, quality and comfort depend on the chosen manufacturer of equipment for training water sports. The best swimming caps are made under the following brands:


Silicone and textile fashy hats for children and adults are presented in bright colors and various shapes. Suitable for professional water aerobics, water therapy, recreation and everyday training. They are of high quality, emphasize individuality.


The speedo swimming cap is a product of a brand that specializes in the production of swimming products. On the swimming lanes of the pools where world-class competitions are held, the logo of this brand is always present. Minimalism in design helps the athlete to concentrate on achieving high results. High level comfort is achieved through thoughtful cut, high quality materials.


The arena swimming cap is positioned as a product for professionals and athletes starting their careers. Models are available in silicone, textile and latex, as well as combined caps. Keep well on the head, do not slip, increase the sliding effect due to the special aerodynamic shape.


Caps for swimming joss products of the Italian company. Differ in bright design, various scale of flowers. Models made in conservative, classic, trendy styles are offered. The company's products are somewhat inferior in quality to competitors, but compare favorably with affordable prices.
As for obscure goods trademarks often they are short-lived, hard to dress.

Swimming cap for babies: video

Hats are needed or not needed is a moot point. But if you are considering buying it, you need to know the following things.

Pool caps

If you are going to go to the pool, you will definitely be asked to buy a cap for the child. A hat is needed for several reasons.

Do not irritate the child in the water with extraneous movements. When hair climbs into the eyes or interferes with swimming, the child quickly gets bored with activities. Children, especially younger ones, will not push their hair out of their eyes. Or they will rub their eyes hard, which, combined with the chemistry that the pool is treated with, will lead to reddening of the eyes.

Reduce water resistance. When the hair is under the cap, the water resistance is reduced and it is easier for the child to swim. Children under 2.5 years old swim underwater, because the structural features and development of muscles do not allow them to keep their heads above the water. The cap will help the child to swim further.

Reduce heat dissipation. The child gives off the most heat through the head, since it is this part of the body that is in contact with the air. The faster the child gives off heat, the faster he begins to freeze. Parents use not only caps, but also wetsuits to make the child feel comfortable in the pool.

Keep water clean. When we swim without a cap, we lose our hair. Hair loss is a natural process that occurs in all people. Hair gets into the pool filters and clogs them, so the water is cleaned much worse.

Expert comment

Julia Splash About

In a poorly fitting hat, hair gets into the water. Even if you don't think about pool filters clogged with hair, this is bad for another reason. Small children in the pool swallow water. Hair gets into the mouth with water and provokes a gag reflex, because children are sensitive to foreign objects in their mouths. After that, the whole group leaves the pool and it is closed for disinfection, and the next classes are canceled. It's a shame when a badly matched hat becomes the reason for everything.

In any cap, the hair is likely to get wet, so do not look for a cap that tightly protects the child's head. The water in the pool is treated with modern disinfectants, so visiting the pool several times a week will not harm the hair. An incorrectly chosen cap presses the head and interferes with swimming. Young children may react negatively to swimming because they associate swimming with being uncomfortable with a cap.

In order not to receive such emotions, choose the right hat. Mom's review from the baby.ru blog

Caps for trips to the sea

Think that a cap is not needed at sea is a mistake. Sea water is an aggressive medium for hair. When the hair dries out, especially in direct sunlight, the sun's rays, along with the salt, corrode the hair. They become porous, brittle and dry.

Each person's hair contains melanin - it is responsible for hair color, strengthens their structure and makes them strong. Under the action of the sun, the melanin in the hair breaks down, so the hair loses its natural shade and becomes whitish. In children, this process happens very quickly.

It is inconvenient for a child to swim in panama - it gets wet and interferes with swimming. Swimming without a hat is dangerous, in addition to burning your hair, you can get sunstroke. If the child goes through several cycles of "swim-play on the shore-swim", it is convenient to put on a special cap for the sea and not worry.

Why is a hat more comfortable than panama

  • does not fall off the head, so you do not have to correct it if the wind blew or the child plays too actively with other children;
  • protects from sunlight and wind;
  • invisible to the child - the child does not feel the correctly selected cap, and therefore does not pull it off the head;
  • reduces heat transfer, so the child is less cold on land and in water;
  • does not lose its appearance from sea water, it is enough to rinse it in the evening and dry it;
  • although it sits tightly - it lets air through, so the head does not sweat.
The child does not feel a light cap, which means that he does not pull it off his head. Photo courtesy of Splash About

Hats for babies

Babies are very sensitive to little things. It is enough to put on a cap unsuccessfully once and the child will remember that this is connected with the pool. If he still has unsuccessful associations, he may refuse to go to the pool at all. Therefore, for babies, it is better to choose a hat that is easy to put on. This is a nylon and lycra fabric cap.

The cap should be selected according to the circumference of the head. If it is large, it will fall off when diving. If the elastic is too tight, the child will uncomfortable

Expert comment

Julia , has been picking hats for children for 6 years, director of Splash About

Based on the experience of my children and many years of experience at work, I always advise young children to buy only cloth hats. They put on easily and quickly. Silicone caps, on the other hand, cling to the hair very strongly, so children have negative associations of “hurt-pool”. If you are instilling a love of water, think about these little things in advance.
The fabric cap has another indisputable plus - it helps to put on swimming goggles painlessly. Children often refuse glasses because the rubber rims catch and pull on their hair painfully. It is more convenient and safer to swim in goggles, especially if the child's eyes turn red after swimming. A fabric cap solves this problem.

Hats for preschool children

If the child does not have discomfort that the hair is constantly in contact with water, also take cloth hats. If there is discomfort or long hair, be guided by the following.

Latex hats. Suitable for boys with short hair. Since they are very cheap, they can be changed often and it is not a pity if the child loses. They are inconvenient to pull on, as they cling to the hair and cause discomfort. Easily torn and sticky. From 100 ₽.

silicone caps. Suitable for girls with long hair. Easy to stretch and do not tear. Do not frown and do not shake your head. Some hats have a thickening around the ears. It minimizes water intrusion into the ears and improves the fit. For long hair, take a hat for an adult, otherwise the usual children's hat will fly off. Also look at the processing of the edge. If a thickening is made at the edge, the cap will fit better.

There is an opinion that seamless beanies fit better than beanies with a seam. Everyone is different, so it's best to measure. From 400 ₽.

Combined hats. Suitable for everyone. These are caps, silicone or polyurethane on the outside and cloth on the inside. Doesn't tear or tangle hair. They are comfortable to wear and almost do not let water through. From 800 ₽.

Combination beanies usually have 2 seams and a thick bottom elastic band.

How to choose the size of a swimming cap for a child

Try on.If this is not possible, measure the circumference of the child's head and divide in half. Take a centimeter to the store (or ask the seller for a ruler), measure the side of the cap and multiply by 1.7-1.8. Usually caps stretch almost twice, but in practice it is more convenient to take a little looser for a child.

There are two sizes of hats - children's and adult. But if the child has a large head or long hair, the baby hat may be small. Ask the seller for the smallest adult hat, even among hats there are small and large sizes.

Beanie size 18m+ on 8 year old child. If you take a neutral color, this hat will suit your mother too. Photo Splash About

How to put on a hat to sit tight

There are many instructions on how to stretch the cap and pull it over your head. But when you put a cap on a child and then he dives into the pool, it slips a little. This is due to the fact that air remains in it and when immersed, it collects at the top.

To prevent this from happening, professional athletes put on a hat like this: they pour water into it and stick their head in a bucket of water. When the athlete unbends, water flows out and caps. But there is no air bubble in the cap.

For a child, it is better to put on a cap on wet hair, slightly slamming the resulting bubble. So the cap will not slide off the head in the water.

12 12.15

I recently went to the pool and my hair was completely soaked. This is not the first time this has happened to me, my hat is very old, but my hands never got around to changing it. Everything would be fine, only bleach has a negative effect on the hair. Therefore, I figured out how to choose a cap for swimming in the pool and even had my eye on one very nice option. Now I am happy to share my knowledge with you.

Why do you need a cap in the pool

An individual swimming cap is one of the basic rules for visiting any pool. It is necessary in order to:

  1. Avoid clogging of the pool cleaning filters from hair that has fallen into the water. The main and important reason for the need for this accessory.
  2. Protect your hair from the harmful effects of chlorinated water. Otherwise, problems with hair loss, brittleness and dull hair color may occur.
  3. Protect your ears from possible ingress of liquid into the auditory canal.
  4. Reduce the resistance that occurs while swimming. This is achieved due to the smoothness of the material used to create this product.
  5. Protect hair from getting wet. Of course, in the region of the edge of the cap, they can still get wet, but the bulk of the hair will remain dry.
  6. Prevent curls from getting into the eyes and tangling swimming goggles. While swimming, nothing should be distracting, including hair.
  7. Reduce heat dissipation. Cooling of the body occurs faster through wet hair.
  8. Emphasize your individuality, especially if you follow fashion and want to look stylish.

Swimming headwear options

Swimming caps are made from different materials. All of them have different qualities, which must be considered when choosing this accessory.

Latex (rubber) option

The positive qualities of this headdress is cheapness. But he has a lot of shortcomings:

  • short-lived
  • cause difficulty putting on and taking off
  • cause discomfort due to sticking to the hair,
  • require additional treatment with talc after use to avoid sticking,
  • are highly allergenic.

silicone caps

The most popular pool headwear. Distinctive properties are:

  • Elasticity,
  • Hypoallergenic,
  • Ease of operation and maintenance,
  • Strength,
  • Large range of colors and beautiful drawings
  • Affordable price.

The disadvantages include the fact that it seems “soapy” to the touch.

Caps made of textile (fabric)

They are made from synthetic materials such as lycra or polyester. In this one, I, just, swam a few recent years.


  • No head pressure
  • Easy putting on and taking off
  • Good hair hold
  • Not electrified
  • Not expensive in cost

The negative aspects of such a headdress:

  • Moisture permeability, the hair remains unprotected from the adverse effects of water
  • High drag coefficient while swimming.

Textile garments are most often used in aqua aerobics, but not in swimming.

Combination headwear for swimming

This is a textile cap with a silicone coating on top. The disadvantage of the combined option is the rather high price.

The positives include:

  • Comfort,
  • Elasticity,
  • Care for hair
  • Ease of putting on and taking off
  • Ease of care
  • Strength,
  • waterproof,
  • Practicality,
  • Ease of wearing.

If you are satisfied with the cost of this product, then it will be the best option for training in the pool.

Professional hats

These are specially designed models with high hydrodynamic properties. Designed for fast swimming, anatomically shaped to the head, ideal for professional swimmers or those who consider themselves to be such.

Option for long hair

These models are designed specifically to protect long hair, due to the additional volume of the product at the back (see right)

For children

They produce colorful models, with a smaller volume, for a good fit of the child's head and reduced squeezing.


Swimming caps in size range differentiate between children and adults. Not so long ago, options for teenagers began to be produced. The sizes of women's and men's hats are also standard. Therefore, choosing your size is not difficult.

How to choose

Since there will be no problems with choosing the size, the main points that you need to pay attention to are:

  1. The material from which the hat is made
  2. Price range
  3. Color scheme or other design solutions

Modern products are very beautiful, they can be with flowers and voluminous details. There are collections in which hats are produced together with swimsuits in the same range.

For babies visiting the pool, swimming procedures can be carried out without a cap. After swimming, to prevent hypothermia, you should immediately put on a cap.

Dressing rules

Dear readers, who knows the rule to put on - put on? Please tell us about it in the comments. I get confused all the time.

Having purchased a suitable headdress, you need to know how to properly pull it on :) There is a special small instruction:

  • Dry and clean hair is recommended to be slightly moistened before putting on the product, this will reduce the electrification of curls.
  • You must use rubber bands to collect hair, as hairpins can damage the headdress.
  • Fix the hairstyle preferably above the back of the head.
  • For convenience, you need to slightly tilt your head forward.
  • Hands and fingers must be free from jewelry, otherwise the product may be damaged.
  • It is required to place the palms in the hat, gently stretching the rounded fingers.
  • It is necessary to put it on the head, smoothly lowering it from the palms, starting from the crown.
  • Carefully cover the ears.
  • Spread the veil from the top of the head all over the head with the palms of your hands.
  • If necessary, carefully remove the curls under the edge of the cap, gently lifting it with your fingers.
  • For maximum comfort, it is necessary to “smooth” the product with light movements for a couple of seconds.

Remove the cap, gently pulling it off the head. Remember, after exercising in the pool, you need to regularly care for the product.

How to take care of your hat

In order for the hat to serve you for a long time certain activities need to be carried out.

  1. Be sure to wash the cap with cold, clean water after each use.
  2. Dry the product in a straightened form away from sources of heat and open sun.
  3. Be sure to treat the latex headdress with talcum powder.
  4. Do not allow the cap to come into contact with sharp objects: hairpins, hairpins, earrings.

Take care of your health, choose the right swimwear and enjoy visiting the pool!

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In the pool are considered: a swimsuit for women, or special swimming trunks for men, goggles (optional) and, of course, a high-quality swimming cap. All professional swimmers are sure that the choice of a cap should be approached responsibly, since it depends on the choice how well the hair will be protected from the harmful effects of bleach on the hair, whether it will pass water or not, and how long it will be worn.

A cheap cap that is not the right size will not protect against chemistry, it will quickly break through and will not provide the necessary ergonomics.

Types of swimming caps

Caps for swimming are classified depending on the material of their manufacture. The following types are divided:


The first swimming caps were made of latex, but they are rapidly losing popularity and are almost not used anymore. This is due to the fact that they are made from a thin and unpleasant material to the skin. They are difficult to put on, but even more difficult to remove without damaging the hair. They also often cause allergies. Their only plus is low cost (within 1-3 dollars). Arena Soft Latex is considered the most popular model of latex caps.


The best choice for professionals and amateurs will be a new generation of silicone caps. They have a dense, pleasant texture. Such an accessory can be easily removed and put on without causing any harm to the hair. Their distinctive plus is absolute hypoallergenicity. Silicone hats are available in different variations and colors. A wide range allows you to choose a stylish accessory that is well suited for a swimsuit or swimming trunks. top models silicone caps according to consumers and experts were recognized:


Another option for swimming caps is fabric. It is easy to put on, does not cause any discomfort, but has a significant disadvantage - it quickly passes water, so it is not suitable for those who prefer the attribute not to pass chlorinated water. As the material of manufacture, lycra, polyamide and others are mainly used. Great examples of a cloth pool cap are Arena Unix and Mad Wave Adult Lycra.


The last type is combined, they combine two materials at once, for example, silicone on the outside and soft fabric on the inside. They are ideal for those who care about their health, safety and comfort even in the process of playing sports. Their advantages: imperceptible to wear, easy to put on and take off, they do not cause allergies, protect hair and skin from water and bleach. best example- Speedo Pace Cap. Worthy competition to it is the Arena Light Sensation model.

The type of hat for purchase is determined by the preferences of the owner. If the owner values ​​comfort and hypoallergenicity above all, then he should pay attention to textile accessories. But if he prioritizes hair protection from bleach and convenience, you need to choose combined or rubber models.

How to choose a swimming cap

The choice of a hat depends on the purposes for which it will be used (sports or amateur visits to the pool), so the choice should be based on the following points:

  1. A good pool cap should cover your ears to keep water out.
  2. For professional swimmers, ergonomics is a priority, so the best option is an accessory that will help reduce water friction during movement.
  3. Those who care about the health of their hair should choose an attribute that will protect them from the harmful effects of bleach and, accordingly, from water. Swimming should bring!
  4. Also, ALL hair on the head should fall under the cap. Firstly, this is a mandatory rule of hygiene in the pool, and secondly, they will not interfere while swimming, and thirdly, it will help not to freeze, because loose wet hair stimulates rapid heat loss.

Based on these factors, you can make your own rating of pool caps and rely on it to make a choice. And we will offer several options that you may be interested in.

The best swimming caps

According to the reviews of experts and buyers, the best hats were recognized as:

Adidas PU CT CP 1PC

Adidas “PU CT CP 1PC” swim cap (value ~$20). Such an attribute is made of high-quality and dense material, resistant to wear and tear. It does not press down the head, it is removed and put on without problems. Suitable for those who want to look stylish and feel comfortable at the same time. Among the shortcomings: it does not completely cover the ears of the owners of long and thick hair.

Speedo Fastskin3

Speedo Fastskin3 (cost ~$40). Fastskin3 is a line of three accessories: swim cap, goggles and suit. Each of which is as close as possible to perfection. This is the result of the company's fundamental research, which involved specialists in hydrodynamics, optics, physiology, coaches and professional swimmers. The disadvantages include the very tangible cost of a cap for the pool.

Arena 3D Ultra

Arena 3D Ultra (cost ~$15). Silicone cap, excellent streamlining. It has a special cutout at the back in the neck area for better fit.

Suodunbaoluo HW0101

Suodunbaoluo HW0101 (only ~$3). The material of this accessory is smooth, durable and pleasant to the touch. Does not damage hair and does not cause allergies. Available in 12 different colors, each one looks beautiful and stylish. Ease of care will be an undeniable advantage. After use, it is enough to rinse it under cold running water and dry well. Among the shortcomings, one can single out the lack of a company logo on some models.


VIEW TS V31 NBL (Aliexpress price ~$3-5). Another worthy representative conquered buyers with its shape. Elongated "ears" fit snugly to the head, preventing moisture from penetrating under the material. High elasticity and hypoallergenicity of the material allow adults and children to use the cap. The only downside is that it takes some getting used to. For the first time, it is rather inconvenient to put on.

Banfei 1135

Banfei 1135 (average price of which is ~$5). This combination cap combines the best qualities: polyester provides comfort and convenience to wear, and high-quality silicone protects against moisture. It sits tightly on the head and reduces the friction of the water, so it will be a good companion for professional swimmers. The only negative that buyers found was the smell of rubber. However, it wears off after a couple of uses.

comparison table

Material pros Minuses Price
Adidas “PU CT CP 1PC” Silicone High-quality, dense and wear-resistant material, comfortable to wear Not suitable for those with thick or long hair ~ 20$
Speedo Fastskin3 Silicone Silicone highest quality. Fine streamlining and ergonomics, convenient in operation and donning. High price ~ 40$
Arena 3D Ultra Silicone No wrinkles or folds. Special cutout at the neck for a snug fit. Not many colors. ~ 15$
Suodunbaoluo HW0101 Silicone Thick and smooth material, hypoallergenic, hair protection, easy care Lack of company logo on some models ~ 3$
VIEW TS V31 NBL Silicone Elongated lugs for moisture protection, hypoallergenic, elastic Uncomfortable to put on ~ 3-5$
Banfei 1135 Combined Comfort, convenience, hair protection, reduces water friction Strong rubber smell ~ 5$

How to choose the size

By size, pool accessories are divided into children's and adults. Many models are suitable for all age categories, thanks to the elastic material. Before buying, it must be tried on. If it will press when trying on, then in the process of subsequent wear due to high pressure headaches and discomfort may occur.

How to put on a swim cap

There is a simple algorithm for how to put on swimming caps easily and without problems, even for those who do it for the first time. To do this, you need to insert two palms into the cap with the back side, stretch it across the width, tilt your head slightly and begin to gradually pull it over your head, starting from the top of your head to the neck. For owners (or owners) of long hair, it is advisable to first make a tight bun, and only after that put on an accessory.

A swim cap is a must, especially if you are going to swim regularly. When choosing hats, many questions arise: which hat to choose, which one is better, what is their difference, why is it needed at all. We will try to answer all questions so that you know exactly what you need and approach the purchase with knowledge of the matter.

Why swim caps are needed

Some wonder why swimming caps are needed at all, especially if you have short hair. In addition, often even under a cap, the hair becomes wet. But a cap is a necessary accessory for both men and women, and, of course, for children.

1 Pool water is most often disinfected with chlorine. Such water is very harmful for any type of hair. It is noted that with frequent contact of hair with water from the pool, the hair may begin to fall out, become duller and brittle. Thin children's hairs are especially susceptible to the harmful effects of water with bleach.

2 Beanies still keep the hair relatively dry. Usually only a little hair gets wet closer to the edges of the cap. Drying wet hair is easy.

3 If you do not use a cap, then hair will definitely get into the pool water. This disrupts the fine filters in pools.

4 Thanks to the cap, you do not freeze. Through wet hair, heat leaves the body much faster.

5 When swimming against the clock, the cap reduces the resistance of the water and you can move faster. Therefore, at competitions, all athletes have hats.

6 You are not disturbed by the hair that falls on your forehead and eyes. In addition, if you use goggles, they can get tangled in your hair that is not covered by a cap.

7 Cap is fashionable and stylish. Thanks to this accessory, it becomes clear to everyone that you are a real athlete. There are even special collections of caps that are produced together with sports swimsuits - they are made with the same patterns and in the same color scheme.

Where to buy a pool cap

Pool caps can be bought at any sporting goods store. You can also buy other paraphernalia for this sport there: a sports swimsuit, glasses, etc. A consultant in the store will help you understand the types of hats and their prices.

What are swimming caps?

There are several types of pool caps. The cheapest of all - latex. Perhaps the price is their only advantage. They do not stretch well, they are difficult to pull on the head, they are difficult to remove, since hair sticks well to them, they can cause allergies. In addition, they are very short-lived, quite easily torn. Latex hats are hard to care for. After drying, it must be treated with talc.

The most popular type of hats are silicone. They cost a little more than latex, but they have a number of advantages. They do not cause allergies, stretch well, are easy to remove, easy to care for. After visiting the pool, it is enough to rinse the cap in cool water and dry it, avoiding direct sunlight, and away from the battery. Such hats can be suture and seamless. It is believed that seamless beanies are better, as they do not tear. But it is very difficult to tear the caps with a seam. The choice of colors, models, designs, inscriptions - all this undoubtedly attracts and allows you to choose what you want. For children there are special silicone hats with children's prints, bright colors.

There are also fabric caps. They cost more than the rest, and let water through. Their advantage is that they are easy to put on and take off. But they get completely wet. Therefore, what is the essence of such a hat is not entirely clear.

Combined hats for swimming is the most expensive option. Outside, these caps are covered with silicone, and inside with fabric. This option is the most convenient and practical, and if you are satisfied with the price of such an accessory, then choose it. The cap is worn excellently, easy to care for, easy to put on and take off, almost does not get wet.

What are the sizes of caps for the pool

Hat sizes are generally standard. They are divided, as a rule, only into adults and children. Children, of course, have a smaller volume and better fit the head of the child. But hats from different manufacturers may have slight differences in volume. Therefore, it is better to choose a hat for yourself or with your child - if the hat is bought for him. In this case, you can immediately try on and compare to find out which cap is most comfortable.

How to put on a hat

Many beginners wonder how to put on a swimming cap in order to experience the minimum amount of discomfort. For many children, putting on and taking off a hat is also a whole problem, and few toddlers enjoy this process.

If you have long hair, it is recommended to collect it first in a bun or braid your hair so that the neck remains open. To fix the hair, use only ordinary hair ties, without any jewelry and rhinestones. Do not pin your hair with hairpins and hairpins, it is also better to remove sharp and long earrings. It is advisable to remove jewelry from your hands before putting on a hat. For example, rings can tear a hat.

Some wonder how to position the seam in relation to the head on the cap right: from ear to ear, or from the forehead to the back of the head. Most often, a hat is placed with a seam from the forehead to the back of the head, that is, along the head. But there is no fundamental difference, it does not affect the process of swimming. So you can dress her up however you like.

So, to put on a hat, you should put both hands inside, so that the back of the hand touches the hat. The fingers themselves should not be spread out, round them so that they form a rounding. Now gently pull on the hat, starting from the crown. Hair and bangs that have fallen out from under the cap can be easily tucked under the cap. Taking off a hat is easier than putting it on. It is enough to bend its edges a little and carefully remove it.

But what kind of hat was invented specifically for those who have long hair:

And here is a joke video on how to easily put on a swimming cap: