Who is the strongest person on earth? Weight lifting The maximum weight that was lifted.

The strongest men are engaged. They are able to lift incredible weights that no one else can even budge.

Every year more and more new records are set, but there are also those that are very difficult and no one can beat them for decades. Consider the most incredible world records.


"Most strong man on the planet" - so it was called in its time. US athlete Paul Anderson, who was involved in weightlifting and competed more than 50 years ago, still has unbroken records in strength exercises.

In Las Vegas, he managed to squat with a weight of 526 kg three times in a row. He did this every day for several weeks and said that such a weight for him was the usual worker, and not the maximum. He did this without any athletic equipment, and barefoot. For example, the modern record was set by Doni Thompson, who squatted with a weight of 590 kg. And in 1975, without equipment, a record was set in the squat with a weight of 423.5 kg by Don Reinhodt - this record has not yet been broken by anyone.

Another amazing achievement of Anderson is lifting the weight of one right hand. He lifted 136 kg 11 times. He did such exercises with special dumbbells.

It is possible to tear off almost three tons of weight!

He set one of the most incredible world records in lifting weights from racks. Anderson was able to tear off 2844 kg of weight, which exceeded the records set before him by almost a ton.

Also incredible world records in weightlifting Andy Bolton, an English weightlifter, also put it on. He set three world records: squat with a weight of 550.5 kg, deadlift- 457.5 kg, total triathlon - 1273 kg. Andy became the first man on the planet to deadlift over 453.6 kg (1000 pounds).

In the deadlift, success should be noted In the spring of 2011 in the equipment, he set a world record in weightlifting and lifted a weight of 460 kg at the classic tournament.

As for that, it is impossible not to mention the achievement of the American athlete Ryan Kennelly. Without equipment, he squeezes 297 kg. A lot of? In equipment in 2008, Ryan squeezed 478.6 kg! So far, no one can beat this world record in weightlifting.

Iran ahead

In such an exercise as a snatch, in absolute weight class world records in weightlifting belong only to athletes from Iran. And it is noteworthy that the two most recent belong to the teacher with his student. So, in 2003, Hossein Reza Zadeh set a world record by making a snatch with a barbell weight of 213 kg. And in 2011, his student Bedhad Salimi surpassed his teacher and managed to make a breakthrough at the National Tournament, which was held in Iran, with a weight of 214 kg. At the same time, in the clean and jerk, the world record in Hossein's weightlifting remained unbeaten - no one managed to take a weight of more than 263 kg.

Despite the development of training systems, as well as sports supplements, which weightlifters use, so far no one has been able to surpass the result of a Soviet athlete who in 1988 submitted a weight in the clean and jerk of 266 kg. Then in the sum of the biathlon he gained 475 kg.

Also unsurpassed is the result of the Turkish athlete N. Suleymanoglu, who in the same 1988 was able to push a barbell weighing 190 kilograms, thereby setting a new world record in weightlifting. Does it seem a little? Your opinion will change when you find out in what category the athlete competed then - up to 60 kg. That is, the Turk was able to lift a weight that was more than three times his own!

Kettlebells are lighter than fluff for them

Let's touch a little and the World Champion in this sport Pavel Lesnykh, who lives in the Altai Territory, does not get tired of setting more and more new records. In 2007, Pavel set a world record by pushing a weight of 36 kilograms 1030 times. He did it in exactly an hour and a half.

And this is really a grandiose achievement, since the previous record, which was set by Vyacheslav Khoronenko, the “Belarusian king of kettlebells”, was 1020 jerks with a 32 kilogram kettlebell.

In addition, Pavel managed to push a 41 kg kettlebell 209 times, as well as hold a 52 kg kettlebell for 30 minutes on weight, thus setting new weightlifting world records.

No less world records were set by another Russian athlete - Ivan Denisov, the multiple champion of Russia and the world in kettlebell lifting. He set a world record in long cycle. Pushing a 32-kilogram weight in 2007, he managed to achieve a result of 109 points. And in 2005, Ivan was able to score in the biathlon, which consists of a push and a jerk, a result of 387 points. At the same time, he scored 175 points in the clean and jerk, and 220 points in the snatch.

What's next?

Many experts say that the new weightlifting world records being set by athletes are becoming less and less different from those already set. And this is despite new methods, nutrition and funding for athletes. All more people attribute this to the fact that they just got close to the possibilities physical strength human body, and therefore there can no longer be big gaps in the records. Like it or not, only time will tell. As they say, "wait and see."

There is such a photo circulating on the net, under which they usually write that it is the Kazakh wrestler Baluan Sholak holding a bull weighing 816 kg.

Of course, all this information has come down to us from legends, but maybe before people were really much stronger. Is it realistic with scientific point vision in general to a person to lift such a weight? I quickly "googled" and found out that there was one person who lifted a generally fantastic 2800 kg.

Don't believe? Let's go under the cat...

To begin with, let's decide that the photo is still not Baluan Sholak, but some kind of Mongol.

The photo is quite modern, and the bull in the photo weighs about 100-120 kg. But Baluan Sholak lived in the 19th century. Here is the information about him.

In 1864, a son was born in the Baimurza family from the Sambet clan. The baby was named Nurmagambet. It so happened that in childhood the child injured his hand, disfiguring his fingers. Since then, they called him Sholak - fingerless. Sholak spent his childhood and youth in Kokchetav, where his father made a living by making wooden handicrafts. The father worked tirelessly, and the family did not need anything. Young Sholak already then had a daring disposition, was in no way inferior to the older boys, selflessly fought and fought, was a ringleader in everything. Possessing extraordinary strength and agility, he had no equal in any competition.

Already in his youth, Sholak became famous as an invincible wrestler and was awarded the honorary title of Baluan. Baluan Sholak was not inferior to anyone in horse riding, demonstrating real circus tricks: he stood on a horse at full gallop, circling in the saddle, he could sit down on a horse’s belly without reins ... But the main hobby of the horse rider was singing, playing the dombra. He sings the songs of Birzhan and Akhan-Sere, so much so that they told about it all over the steppe. Baluan Sholak easily held a log with twenty horsemen on his shoulders, at the age of 35 he lifted weights of 51 pounds (816 kg) at fairs and, of course, fought well, justifying his nickname Baluan - a wrestler.

Already at the age of 14, the future strongman overcame 20-year-old boys. At competitions in Omsk, on the occasion of the arrival of the heir to Tsar Baluan, Sholak put the famous wrestler Sevres on his shoulder blades. At the age of 49, our hero at the Koyandinskaya fair accepted the challenge of the famous strongman Karon and during the duel broke his rib. They say that Haji Mukan himself wanted to measure his strength with Baluan Sholak, but, having got to know him better, he abandoned this idea. Even greater glory was brought to the hero by his songs. Having lived only 55 years, he left behind dozens of songs: "Galia", "September", "Taldy-Kul", "Saryn" and others. And this despite the fact that the work of akyn has not yet been sufficiently studied. Baluan Sholak traveled around the villages, gathered gifted youth around him, even organized an "ensemble". For the first time, the steppes hear familiar songs in choral performance, they are surprised at the well-coordinated playing of several dombras.

At twenty-six, Sholak already had a real troupe, which included dombra players, singers, storytellers, riders and wrestlers. Sholak himself sang songs and demonstrated his colossal strength - he broke horseshoes, fought with several horsemen at once, lifted incredible weights. Baluan Sholak had a special relationship with women: he was always fond of beauties and, as befits a poet, was amorous. Bright appearance, prowess, incredible power, powerful voice made akyn the most desirable man in the steppe. But only one woman left an indelible mark on his life. Her name was Galia. And she was the daughter of a wealthy Argyn merchant Tleu. The tall, fair-faced beauty, as a child, was betrothed to the wealthy but unloved Birzhan. She married him. And then Baluan Sholak met her. The lovers met in secret. Until the deceived husband found out about it. Severely beaten, wearing only a shirt, Galia returns to her parents' house. Baluan Sholak was ready to marry his beloved. But the offended husband, through the court of biys, demanded the return of the kalym.

Monument to Baluan Sholak in the village of Tole Bi, Shui district, Zhambyl region.

Not believing the judges, the batyr went to Kokchetav to collect the required amount of cattle. In Kokchetav, he was accused of stealing cattle, and he ended up in prison, while Galiya won the court case. Now she was free, but nothing is known about her beloved. Steppe rumors convey different things to her: Baluan Sholak fled, he is a polygamist, and now a convict, driven to Siberia forever ... Galia is in despair, at the behest of her father, she marries again. Now she is the second wife of a famous person in the city. And Baluan's friends agreed to transfer him to the prison of the city where Galiya lived. Akyn himself is not himself, waiting for a meeting with his beloved. It was then that the most famous song of Baluan Sholak was born - "Galia". But Sholak and Galiya never found family happiness. Baluan Sholak remained a favorite of fellow countrymen until the end of his life. He fought against injustice, and each of his noble deeds aroused admiration among the people. On the eve of the October Revolution, the batyr helped the Bolsheviks hide in the villages, supplied them with horses, helped them in every possible way.

Until the end of his life, Baluan Sholak was not afraid of anyone and always helped the weak and disadvantaged. His songs are often heard in concerts and on the radio today. About Baluan Sholak, singer, composer, famous wrestler, Sabit Mukanov wrote a story, and now the Sports Palace built in 1967 in Almaty is named after him.

Is it really possible to lift that much weight?

People who are seriously interested in bodybuilding most likely know what was the biggest weight lifted by a person, and who did it. It's about about the famous strongman Paul Anderson, who in the middle of the last century was considered the strongest man in the world and was called in the press "crane".

Paul Anderson was born in 1932, and started training with a barbell when he was 20 years old. The largest ever lifted by a man was recorded in 1957. It was a bar with "pancakes", the total mass of which was 2,844 kg. (during one of the speeches, he tore off his shoulders from the racks). And Anderson's record has not yet been beaten by any weightlifter.

In the early 50s. of the last century, the athlete began to perform in the professional arena. Moreover, a case is known when in one of the nightclubs in Las Vegas he squatted three times with a barbell, the weight of which was 526 kg. And for Anderson, this was not unusual - after all, squats with weights were his favorite exercise.

But the athlete did not like the bench press too much. However, this did not prevent him from achieving excellent results here as well. In particular, Paul could press 136 kg with his right hand 11 times, and do the same with his left hand 7 times.

At professional demonstrations of strength, Anderson managed to tear off the platform and lift 1600 kg to his knees. In addition, he performs an incomplete squat - “short squat” with a weight of 952.5 kg, walks with 700 kg on his chest and squats by all the rules with 590 kg.

After the Olympics, Anderson announced that he was leaving amateur sports, believing that tournaments were too exhausting physically and mentally. He began to give performances with numbers with a demonstration of strength in various US cities. In powerlifting, he showed the following results: squats with a weight of 544.5 kg, bench press - 284 kg and deadlift - 371 kg (with straps-453.5 kg), (without equipment and doping). Anderson also performed an incomplete squat with a weight of 952.5 kg, and during one of the performances, he tore off a weight of 2,844 kg with his shoulders from the racks. He could hold weights of 127 kg each with his little fingers outstretched. Squeezed out with one hand standing dumbbell weighing 172.5 kg.

There was also this famous person:

Let's then remember another famous strongman:

So how much can a person lift? Answer: 266 kilograms. Such is the record Olympic champion Leonid Taranenko in the clean and jerk (one of the two main lifting techniques), listed in the Guinness Book of Records. It was installed almost 30 years ago, but still has not been beaten by anyone.

And here is such an unusual topic, what do you think

About a third of the population in Europe and the United States suffer from excess weight. Doctors around the world are sounding the alarm, noting an increase in the number of obese patients, even among infants. Millions of people torture themselves with diets every day in the hope of losing weight.

In today's Top 10 hit heaviest people in the world, whose weight exceeded the unthinkable mark of 400 kg.

10. Manuel Uribe

Weight Limit Manuel was 597 kg, however, with the help of doctors and nutritionists, he managed to lose more than half of his heavy burden. Since February 2012, Uribe weighs 200 kg.

9. Walter Hudson

Hudson life years: 1944-1991. Its maximum weight was 543 kg. Walter holds the record for having the largest waist in the world with a girth of 300 cm. One of the heaviest people in the world ate 12 eggs, a loaf of bread, two chickens, 4 potatoes, a large sweet pie, 4 hamburgers and 17 liters of water per day.

8. Rosalie Bradford

Rosalie has two entries in the Guinness Book of Records. At first, she was listed there as the heaviest woman in the world, and then, as a woman who lost maximum amount fat. Already at the age of 14, Rosalie weighed 92 kg, by the age of 40 her weight had reached 544 kg. However, thanks to diets, Bradford managed to lose 416 kg.

7. Michael Hebranco

Michael managed to lose weight from 411 kg to 90, reducing his waist size from 290 to 91 cm. However, to keep more or less normal weight Hebranco couldn't. A few years later, he already weighed 500 kg.

6. Patrick Duel

The maximum weight of Patrick was 410 kg. For 12 months of enhanced dieting, Duel managed to lose 240 kg. He is one of the few who managed to keep his weight at the reached mark of 170 kg for a long time.

5. Robert Earl Hughes

Hughes' years of life: 1926 - 1958. At the age of 6, Robert weighed 92 kg, at 10 - already 171 kg. The maximum weight of a man was 486 kg. He died of acute renal failure.

4. Mary Rosales

The maximum weight of a woman was 470 kg. Obesity helped Mary avoid prison. She was accused of killing her mother and sister, however, the court considered that the woman was too fat to commit such acts.

3. Kenneth Brumley

Brumley's maximum weight was 468 kg. However, he managed to lose 76 kg in 40 days, following a diet in which the calorie content of the daily diet should not exceed 1200 Kcal.

2. Mills Darden

Darden's years of life: 1799-1857. Mills is considered to be one of the most heavy people in history. Its weight ranged from 450 to 500 kg. The height of the man was 2.3 meters, he would be envied by the world.

1. Carol Ann Yager

Carol was heaviest woman in history with a maximum weight of 550 kg with a height of 170 cm. During the three months of her stay in the clinic, the woman managed to lose 236 kg, but the weight quickly returned back. Carol died at the age of 34 from acute renal failure.


10 grams (0.01 kg)

If you build a scale of carrying capacity not in absolute, but in relative terms - relative to its own weight - far ahead of a man and an elephant. He can lift objects several times (up to 50!) heavier than himself.

True, and this is far from a record: it is believed that rhinoceros beetle capable of lifting up to 850 of its masses.

266 kilograms

This is the record of an Olympic champion Leonid Taranenko in the clean and jerk (one of the two main lifting techniques), listed in the Guinness Book of Records. It was installed 20 years ago, but still has not been beaten by anyone.

1 ton

Elephants are the largest land animals. Male African elephants can reach a height of 4 meters and a weight of 7 or even 10 tons.

How much can an elephant lift? There is no doubt that he is the biggest heavyweight (in absolute terms), but in relative terms he is far from not only an ant, but also a man: an elephant can lift no more than 20–25% of its weight.

No one holds official competitions between animals, reports about their capabilities in different sources are different and not always completely reliable: sometimes the abilities of animals are exaggerated, but more often they report not about maximum, but about ordinary loads. Since Indian elephants (smaller than African ones) are tamed and have long worked just as carrying heavy loads, more is known about them. An Indian elephant can lift 200–250 with its trunk kg; grasping the rope with his teeth, he can drag a load of up to 500 kg. Putting it on tusks and holding it with its trunk, an elephant can carry logs weighing up to 700–800 kilograms.

African elephants if necessary, they pick it up with a trunk and carry their cubs, which already at birth weigh about a centner. The maximum weight that they can "take", according to various sources, is from 1 to 2 tons.

10 tons

Greece, circa 5th century BC

Plutarch relates that in response to King Hiero's request to demonstrate how a heavy load could be moved by a small force, Archimedes "took a three-masted cargo ship, which many people had previously pulled ashore with great difficulty, put a lot of people on it and loaded it with ordinary cargo. After that, Archimedes sat down at a distance and began to effortlessly pull the rope thrown over the chain hoist, which is why the vessel easily and smoothly, as if on water, “floated” towards him.

Perhaps this story is fictional, but the ancient Greeks really widely used simple mechanisms for lifting weights - levers, blocks and chain hoists.

(from Greek poly many + spao to pull) - a load-lifting device, consisting of a system of movable and fixed blocks, enveloped by a rope or chain. The chain hoist gives a gain in strength by distributing the weight of the load over several branches of the rope, while reducing the speed of lifting the load and the distance it travels.

365 tons

The most powerful dump truck: Liebherr T282B(Germany, end of XX-beginning of XXI century). This machine weighs 220 tons, and can carry up to 365 tons - one and a half times its own weight. The height of the dump truck is 7.4 meters, and even its wheels are two human heights (3.5 meters in diameter). The dump truck is driven by two electric motors, the alternating current for which is generated by a diesel engine with a capacity of 3650 Horse power(2725 kilowatts). The same electric motors operating in generator mode are also used for braking.

Such machines are used in large quarries, they transport coal or ore from the mining site to the processing site. There are no technical obstacles to the creation of even more lifting machines, but so far there simply has not been an application for them.

1000 tons

Rosenkranz K10001(Germany, 1971). This is the first crane in the world that has surpassed the 1,000-ton lifting capacity (land cranes have already been built that can lift 3 times more). This crane exists in a single copy; he worked in construction Olympic Stadium in Munich, then built bridges, power plants, etc. in several European countries.

The crane is transported on a platform, but during operation it is installed motionless. The maximum height of the crane is 200 meters, however, it reaches a lifting capacity of 1000 tons only with a mast height of 97 meters.