Methods of weight loss tatyana malakhova. Make friends with your body! Tatyana Malakhova's diet for weight loss: a menu with a detailed nutritional plan, reviews

Tatyana Malakhova, whose weight loss technique has become incredibly popular only in last years, developed her own nutrition system only because she herself suffered from excess weight and diseases. Having tried many diets up to starvation, Tatyana created own diet Thanks to which she now weighs 60 kg (for comparison, at the age of 10 Tatyana weighed 64 kg!).

Tatyana Malakhova says that, in principle, it doesn’t matter what method a person uses for losing weight, let it be the diet of Margarita Koroleva or Kim Protasov, the main thing is a balanced and rational diet, combined with physical activity.

Tatyana Malakhova's weight loss technique is primarily based on ridding a person of food addiction. Which of you does not know the feeling - yes, I am full, but if I eat that little piece over there, nothing will happen to me? And it is this last piece, which you did not need, because you were not hungry, is deposited on the body in the form of fat.

Addiction can manifest itself to various harmful products, no matter what it is - pastries, sweets or greasy sausage. Tatyana Malakhova believes that a person who cannot refuse sweets resembles a smoker or an alcoholic who cannot say “no” to a bad habit.

A person can try to part with extra pounds for many years, try everything that modern dietology and plastic surgery offers, up to gastric resection or non-surgical liposuction. However, with food addiction, a person will never be able to resist eating harmful, superfluous and unnecessary. In this case, he will never be able to maintain the result if he lost weight at the cost of some incredible effort, and he will never be able to lose weight if he does not get rid of the food addiction.

Read the book Be Slim. Tatyana Malakhova's weight loss technique will allow you to get rid of food addiction in just two weeks. You will calmly walk past foods that used to cause you to salivate violently. In this short period of time, you can completely change your taste preferences. It will not be difficult for you not only to replace harmful products with healthy ones, but also to get incredible pleasure from their use.

The leitmotif of the whole philosophy of Tatyana Malakhova, the main principle of her nutritional methodology is that you need to think about your future, about your health today, so that tomorrow is not too late.
In her book, Tatyana Malakhova gives answers to many questions that concern people with overweight:

Questions on Tatyana Malakhova's method

  • Easy digestibility of the product - is it a plus or a minus?
  • If you speed up your metabolism - is it good for weight loss?
  • Why fat people, having huge internal energy reserves, always feel hungry?

Tatyana Malakhova sincerely admits that her answers to these questions do not coincide with the traditional views of nutritionists, but her system, nevertheless, copes with being overweight very effectively.

What is Tatiana Malakhova's weight loss technique based on?

Surprisingly, it is a fact that Tatyana Vladimirovna Malakhova is a thermal power engineer by education. However, it was the principles of heat engineering that became the basis of her diet. After analyzing and trying numerous diets on herself, she came to the conclusion that fats are burned in the human body like fuel in an engine.

What can be eaten and what should be excluded

The use of foods with a high absorption rate will greatly affect the blood sugar content and adversely affect the figure. As a result, it is necessary to abandon junk food.

Under the strictest ban come:

  • dishes from potatoes and cereals;
  • canned foods;
  • dried fruits and pumpkin plants.

A means of providing the body with useful proteins is both chicken meat and low-fat fish or seafood.

It is necessary to include fermented milk products in the diet in order to improve the absorption of nutrients in the body.

As side dishes, you can eat cereals from buckwheat or wheat. Dishes are cooked only on steam and without salt addition. Bread is allowed to use only baked from whole grain flour.

Another name for Tatyana Malakhova's weight loss technique is the name, whose diet is based on three pillars: this is the correct selection of products, their compatibility, time and order of eating. In addition, Tatyana Malakhova claims that it is much more correct in the process of losing weight to keep track not of calories, but of the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Malakhova's diet does not require a drastic change in diet. According to the reviews and advice of people who have tried the technique on themselves, you can do this gradually and still lose weight. If you wish, you can treat yourself to a glass of semi-dry red wine, eat chocolate, but only black, with a cocoa content of at least 70%. Sweets are completely replaced by fruits.

The technique works gradually and in six months, on average, you can lose weight by 10-15 kg. Constantly following the nutrition system of Tatiana Malakhova will never again worry about being overweight. Therefore, such a diet for weight loss receives a lot of positive reviews.

The nutrition system of Tatyana Malakhova is not just a diet, it is a lifestyle that will allow you to stay slim and maintain your weight, it is vigor and youthfulness of the body, it is good health that does not require radical restrictions. The very title of the book sounds like a message - "Be slim"!

The original method of losing weight - the diet of Tatyana Malakhova, which can be found in detail on her website "Be Slim" is officially registered in Russia as an invention. And even there was such a thing as a negative calorie content of dishes. What does a heating engineer have to do with the fight against overweight people? As it turns out, the most direct.

Malakhova's diet first attracted everyone's attention ten years ago after the participation of an engineer-writer in the popular TV show "Let them talk." And it was not an easy story.

Everyone saw the old shots of the filming with her very large-scale figure before the start of the process of losing weight in a new way invented by her, and a beautiful slender lady who tested her diet for herself. Who among those who wear dozens of extra pounds does not sigh for such an amazing result for years? Many have already lost all hope, either tormented for days on a hungry menu, or comforting their darling with another violent feast.

So what is the secret of Tatyana Malakhova's diet, which today is called the "diet of friendship"? Most likely, the fact that its author found a way not to force his nature with starvation and severe restrictions on the menu, but to meet her halfway, taking into account all the features of a healthy and rational diet.

According to Tatyana Vladimirovna, this is not a lack of health, but accumulated energy reserves that are not used. This means that the energy received in the form of calories from a delicious cutlet or pie is deposited in the increasing folds on the stomach.

If it is timely and usefully spent, then the problem will melt away, revealing the presence of a waist and a natural physique in the owner. And this is weight loss without painful abstinence and discomfort in full mutual understanding with your own body. Hence the name of this weight loss method. The menu must include all the products necessary for life, a complete set of vitamins and trace elements.

The technique also provides for a lifestyle with different options burning calories from long walks to the introduction of foods in the diet, the digestion of which takes more calories than they contain. You don't have to wait for a quick weight loss. But also to recover in violation of the diet body fat will be noticeably slower.

Grocery list

At the same time, in Malakhova's diet on her website great importance has a list of must-have products recommended on the menu for a balanced diet. Special restrictions are indicated, for example, for ordinary table salt. Although it is generally accepted that without it, the menu will be insipid and tasteless.

No wonder salt is sometimes called white death. If salt is not controlled and accumulated more than necessary, it will retain fluid in the body. Edema may appear, which greatly interferes with the process of weight loss. Together with salt, various harmful substances are retained and accumulated: toxins, carcinogens, poisons. If they can be removed, this can ensure the removal of up to two extra pounds.

Even if we refuse pure salt, we can get salt in industrial ketchups, dressings, marinades. Not counting canned food and pickles. Like semi-finished products, fast food and chips. They also contain carcinogens and various unhealthy additives. Instead of salt to improve the taste, Malakhova advises using various natural seasonings like lemon, cinnamon, pepper, and garlic in creating new recipes for healthy and tasty food.

Malakhova calls to exclude various sweets from her menu - sweets, cakes, desserts. Pleasure is short. But the sugar that has turned into fat will linger in the body for a long time.

Of course, it is also harmful to completely deny yourself such pleasures. Therefore, a slice of dark dark chocolate, a spoonful of honey in tea, berries, fruits, dried fruits, jelly and marmalade can solve the problem. It is also better to avoid in your menu the usual products on our table, like potatoes in any form, pies, White rice. They have a high .

Among drinks, alcohol is considered harmful, which exacerbates appetite and any sweet high-calorie drinks. Although, sometimes a couple of glasses of Georgian wine are still worth it. But without smoked meats for a snack.

What foods must be on the menu with the Friendship Diet?

  • Ordinary vegetables, herbs, mushrooms;
  • Peas, legumes, soy products;
  • Fresh berries and fruits;
  • Milk, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese. Better without fat;
  • Seafood, lean fish;
  • Pure meat and poultry;
  • Porridge from buckwheat, brown rice, oatmeal;
  • Nuts and seeds.

Every day, the menu should contain one gram of protein per kilogram of losing weight, up to 50 grams of fat and almost a pound of fruit.

Menu for every day

All foods should be evenly distributed among the four meal options. For example with these recipes:

  • For breakfast, whole grain porridge is required;
  • For a snack, a few fruits;
  • For lunch, animal proteins with vegetables;
  • For a light dinner, a freshly chopped salad of vegetables and proteins (you can use egg without yolk).

Before and after meals, you can and should drink your choice of squeezed vegetable and fruit juices, compotes, teas, including herbal, ginger mixtures and fruit drinks, decoctions, mineral water and whole grain coffee.

Practice has shown that if Tatyana Malakhova’s “friendship diet” is applied correctly and without interruption, you can get up to three kilograms of weight loss per week.

On the one hand, we can only dream about it. On the other hand, too fast weight loss hard to fasten and move on comfortable and stable healthy lifestyle life. It is better to get used to new habits gradually, having learned to enjoy them. Malakhova herself and hundreds of people who have joined her diet succeed.

Here, for example, is one of my favorite menus with recipes for the week and for every day:

  • For breakfast cereal on the water;
  • For a snack - "Sybarite" from low-fat cottage cheese, kiwi, quarters and halves, finely chopped and whipped with a blender. Adding bifidoc for flavor will complete it to perfection;
  • For lunch, a salad of carrots and walnuts seasoned. Plus proteins: some boiled chicken breast or fish;
  • In the evening, again a salad of half a carrot, celery, a third of a grapefruit, lemon juice and sesame seeds. Plus a hard boiled egg and a piece of low-fat cheese.

The daily calorie content of the diet according to this recipe should be 1600-1800 kilocalories per day with unloading after a festive overeating.

For those who are accustomed to absorbing food unmeasured, the diet menu may seem ridiculous and ridiculous. But does it make more sense to be a walking fat factory? Maybe you should listen to your body?

By the way, the process of leaving Malakhova's diet is not even specifically specified. After all, this is a normal, active lifestyle without starvation and unnecessary suffering. Unless sometimes, when you reach a comfortable weight, you can afford some bread, sweets and light wine.

Details of entry into the "Diet of Friendship" by Tatyana Malakhova, helpful tips and advice can be obtained regularly on her website called "Be Slim".

Here, her system of engineering meaningful energy balance of the human body is painted to the smallest detail and is constantly supplemented with interesting experience. New recipes appear, which are shared on the site by many participants who believe in the system of losing weight and normalizing weight by Tatyana Malakhova and who have learned to enjoy a healthy, balanced life in every sense.


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"BE Slender!" Author's technique from Tatyana Malakhova.

three whales

the principles of our nutrition are based on "three pillars"

1. right choice products,
2. Mutual combination of products
3. time and sequence of eating foods

the essence of the food system "diet of friendship" comes down to ten commandments, each of which is equally important.

ten commandments of a successful diet
1. The energy value of food eaten per day has no right to be lower than the body's energy consumption for basal metabolism.

2. Always have breakfast and never skip meals.

3. four (possibly three) meals per day with equal intervals, without snacks, approximately equal in satiating capacity and energy value.

4. Desirable night break between dinner and breakfast - 14 hours, dinner no later than 18 hours, in extreme cases - 4 hours before sleep.

5. chew food thoroughly (this is unlikely to help society, but digestion - no doubt!).

6. Eating should take at least 20 minutes and belong exclusively to the meal.

7. drink at least 1.5 liters of water evenly per day in small portions 15-20 minutes before meals and not earlier than 40-60 minutes after meals.

8. use sparing types of culinary processing, if possible, consume products in their natural (or close to natural) state.

9. observe the principle of compatibility of products and the order of their use during the day, constantly diversify the diet.

10. eliminate or reduce to an absolute minimum carbohydrates with a GI above 50, industrial foods and drinks, processed foods, industrial seasonings, alcohol, salt, caffeinated drinks.

what to control when losing weight

1. the amount of fat (35-50 g per day), vegetable and fish fats are preferred.
2. the amount of proteins (1-1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight per day), including due to vegetable proteins (legumes, cereals, nuts).
3. the amount of fruit (up to 400 g per day, and not at night), if your diet is not vegetarian, ideal as a separate meal and in no case after a meal.
4. Recommended serving size: at least 360-400 grams. if most of the portion falls on a salad of raw vegetables, then the portion can and is even desirable to be increased to 500 or more grams.
5. even distribution of daily calories between meals.
6. eating raw vegetables before the main course.
7. the amount of liquid consumed (at least 1.5 liters of water per day, excluding other drinks).

if these recommendations are followed, there is no risk of “eating up” extra calories, since they can only enter the body through foods that lead to fat loss. as a result, there is a decrease in fat mass without loss and even with an increase in muscle mass, with simultaneous "cleansing" of the body from previously unremoved toxins and toxins accumulated in the gastrointestinal tract and its general recovery.

a list of animal proteins that promote weight loss (in descending order of effectiveness) looks something like this:

1. oily sea ​​fish
2. low-fat sea fish
3. egg white
4. cottage cheese 0% (up to 100 grams per day)
5. river fish
6. sailors
7. turkey breast (no skin)
8. chicken breast (no skin)

neutral (not affecting weight) products: the leanest meat, offal (only without fat!), Whole egg. here - vegetable proteins (mushrooms).

everything that is not included in this list does not help to lose weight, but hinders. including cutlets, meatballs and other culinary masterpieces using meat or poultry in the form of minced meat or in sauces (beef stroganoff, goulash, etc.).

for information: "10 commandments" and the basic principles of the diet of friendship were developed by Tatyana Malakhova and first posted on the Internet at:

t.malakhova, p.236 - recommendations for people with diseases of the digestive system
1. Start your morning meal with fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, acidofelin, natural yogurt.
2. Hercules is preferred from cereals.
3. raw vegetables are partially replaced by vegetable juices with good tolerability of the latter. First dilute with water 1:1
4. avoid onions, radishes, radishes, celery, daikon, raw cabbage, raw beets.
5. We try to cook "warm" salads with a partial replacement of raw vegetables with lightly boiled, blanched, heated in a double boiler, in extreme cases, baked. in the oven (boiled cabbage or cauliflower, broccoli, baked onions, etc.)
6. in raw form, we prefer leaf lettuce different types, greens, peeled cucumbers, soy sprouts, beans, sunflowers.
7. In the most difficult cases, instead of a salad before eating, drink a glass of fruit-vegetable diluted with water. juice or a cocktail of juice and kefir. after drinking, start a meal after 15 minutes.

the right choice of products
everyone knows that it is necessary to limit fatty, sweet, starchy foods, to consume more vegetables and fruits, to avoid fried, smoked, etc... and which of these do we put into practice? Yes, almost nothing, and if we use it, it is accidental and unsystematic.
so at the heart of a balanced system healthy eating certainly lies the right choice of products, which, no less important, must combine correctly between themselves! Please note that "separate meals" have nothing to do with it

1. milk:

4. lunch:

mon - stomach. squirrels
Tue - rast. squirrels/fish
Wed - belly.
thu - rast.\fish

5. dinner:

2) refills:

Sample menu for one day

the menu is compiled without taking into account water during the day. The 1st glass of water (preferably 1.5-2 glasses) is drunk immediately after waking up. in the future - no later than 20 minutes. before meals and not earlier than 40 minutes. after them. Keep a bottle of water handy between meals and drink as soon as your eye falls on it. in just a day you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water (other drinks are not included in this figure). when drinking coffee or green/black tea, each cup of these drinks should be offset by an additional glass of water.

1st option
1. breakfast at 8-00
homemade "muesli": steamed oatmeal (3-4 tablespoons) + dried apricots (30 g) + cottage cheese 0% (80-100 g)
after 40 minutes you can drink coffee or tea. but best of all - a glass of clean water.
2. afternoon snack at 12-00
1 glass of kefir 0-1%, after 20 minutes - 2 tangerines, 1 apple
3. lunch at 15-00
fresh tomato, grilled chicken breast, garnished with steamed vegetable mix, seasoned with 1 tsp. olive oil
4. dinner at 18-00
iceberg salad, sweet pepper, cucumber, avocado, onion, greens, hard-boiled egg, shrimp, seasoned with lemon juice and 1 tsp. olive oil
an hour after dinner, you can drink a cup of green tea.

2nd option
1. breakfast
cottage cheese 0% 150 gr + 1 grated carrot + 3 pcs. dried apricots
2. lunch
tomato, cucumber and sweet pepper salad (150 gr)
thick vegetable soup with beans without potatoes and carrots (200 g)
buckwheat(150 g) with herbs and onions.
3. afternoon tea
fruit and vegetable salad with sesame seeds (2-3 tsp)
(apple, pear, orange, sweet pepper, cucumber, grapes, cabbage - only 350 gr).
4. dinner
fish baked in yogurt with dill, garlic 150 g
garnish of raw vegetables to your taste - 250 g

3rd option
1. breakfast
1/2 grapefruit > wait 20-30 min. >
3 art. l oatmeal + 1 tbsp. l. wheat germ + 100 g soft cottage cheese 0% + strawberries
2. 2nd breakfast
a glass of kefir 1% > wait 20-30 minutes. >
apple (you can add more fruit)
3. lunch
salad of red cabbage, cucumber, tomato, radish, herbs, dressed with linseed oil and lemon juice + 100 g tuna + 50 g tofu + 1 slice of whole grain bread
4. dinner
cottage cheese soft 0% 150 g + 1 finely chopped cucumber + wheat germ 1-2 tbsp. l. + herbs and garlic to taste

4th option
1. breakfast
carrot salad; cottage cheese 1% (100 g), mixed in a blender with prunes; oatmeal (3 tablespoons) with 3 pcs. figs
2. 2nd breakfast
kefir 1% > wait 20-30 min. >
apple, pear, 1/3 mango
3. lunch
lettuce: cucumber, tomato, red pepper, iceberg lettuce, leek, parsley, seeds and cedar. nuts; turkey breast carcasses. (100 g), green beans stew.; yogurt nat. (125 g)
4. dinner
cabbage, carrot and seaweed salad; 2 egg omelette in the microwave, 1/2 tomato; yogurt nat.

"advanced" menu option for those who are interested in optimizing the process of losing weight or want to get rid of "wrong" eating habits at once

1. breakfast
- salad: 3 slices of grapefruit, 1 stalk of celery, 1/2 carrot, you can sprinkle with sesame seeds.
- immediately after it: 3 tbsp. l. oatmeal soaked overnight in kefir 0-1% (preferably 0%) + 70-80 g cottage cheese 0% + 10 nuts (eg 7 almonds and 3 walnut halves). instead of oatmeal, you can take buckwheat (100 g of the finished product).

2. 2nd breakfast
- cocktail a la "sybarite": dilute 80-100 g of cottage cheese 0% with kefir 0-1% until the density of low-fat sour cream, add approx. 170-180 g finely chopped fruit (for example 1/4 grapefruit + 1/2 green apple + 1 kiwi). or mix all the ingredients (except kiwi) in a blender.

3. lunch
- vegetable salad 200 g (add fresh carrots / beets in an amount of no more than 30-40 g) with 3 tsp. olive oils.
- fish (110-130 g, fatty red is better) + boiled / stewed vegetables 100 g.

4. dinner
- vegetable salad 300 g (fresh carrots / beets add in an amount of no more than 30-40 g), dressed at home. cheese (60-70 g).
- lean. poultry / meat (up to 100 g) or 1 egg + 1 egg white.

fundamentally important points:
1. diversify the menu. prepare different salads for lunch or dinner. avoid repetition of protein dishes and vegetable side dishes on neighboring days, alternate cereals for breakfast.
2. Avoid sweet fruits with relatively high GI (bananas, pineapples, persimmons, red apples).
3. drink at least 2 liters of water per day and exclude other drinks.
4. This option is focused on an active lifestyle. in the absence of additional physical activity from the indicated amount of protein, a smaller value should be taken.

1. milk:
a) Avoid milk as much as possible.
b) kefir in combination with fruits only 0%, well, 1% - at worst. if it is added to a salad for lunch, which has a slight fat deficit, then 5% is fine. but it is better to avoid kefir with fat% above 1.
c) cottage cheese - let's say cottage cheese yes, if there is a choice of what to buy - kefir or cottage cheese, preference should definitely be given to cottage cheese! it does not have such a high water content, so the harm to gastric juice is minimal. what are we doing on dd? right, we help the pancreas to work at 100%, and do not cripple it (this is just one of the reasons why cottage cheese wins over kefir). besides, it can be eaten with fruits, it's so delicious! as well as with cereals or even with salad. but curd should be 0%. 1% - on kraynyak, but not welcome. about more fat content - just forget it.
d) yogurt is a neutral option. I buy it when cottage cheese is out of reach. it can be eaten directly with fruits, porridge, etc. the same thing about % fat - 0% or 1% - kraynyak.

2. oatmeal \ hercules - a flight of fancy - you can add anything you like according to dd. I love sweeteners (dried fruits) and junk (bran, flaxseed, sesame, etc.). sweet tooth can cocoa.
you can add nuts, but then you can’t have fruits (fruits = sugar with fat no-no) or chocolate (it turns out a bad mixture of animal fats with vegetable fats. plus, there is sugar in chocolate, and sugar with fat no-no).
salads for breakfast are welcome. with or without oatmeal/hercules.

3. fruits - any with GI 50 or less. of course, the same bite with cottage cheese or yogurt. or after kefir, after 20 minutes. total weight of fruit per day - 400g. including dried fruits, which are counted to 1:3 - 1g. dried fruit for 3g. "live and wet" fruit.
fruit after 15-16h is not recommended. better to finish them in the morning.

4. lunch:
a) fresh vegetable salad - eaten first. before you put the meat in your mouth, you need at least half of the salad, at least, to be eaten.
1) vegetables are welcome with a high fiber content, but you can salad and "dilute" with watery vegetables (tomato, cucumber, etc.).
2) refueling - in fact, everything is simple -
- if there is animal protein - meat / poultry / eggs for lunch, vegetable (olive, sesame, almond, etc.) oil is not recommended. because the diet contains animal fats. and mixing live + rast fats is not desirable because of the different mechanisms of fat breakdown in the body: for animal fats - one scheme, for vegetable fats - completely different. what is our goal for dd? right! do not interfere with the body to carry out its pure work, do not complicate already difficult processes, and it will answer in the same and in the same place - it will give beauty, harmony, health
in general, in this case we use lemon juice or kefir / yogurt 0%, or something else useful.
- if there is vegetable protein - cereals / legumes or fish for lunch, feel free to add oil to the salad or lemon juice, or kefir / yogurt 0%, or something else useful. and with that, with and that it is possible, in short.
per day of vegetable proteins / fish, you can add nuts to the salad
These 2 types of meals are ideal to alternate. for example lunch:
mon - stomach. squirrels
Tue - rast. squirrels/fish
Wed - belly.
thu - rast.\fish
3) be sure to add steamed vegetables / boiled / stewed (but not boiled!). this will allow us not to pounce on carbohydrates in the evening and will not want something like that
girls, we somehow ignore such vegetables for some reason

5. dinner:
- no steamed/boiled/stewed vegetables for dinner!
-no grains/legumes for dinner (because of the high carbohydrate content! dinner is the time to save carbohydrates)!
- extremely careful with fats (fatty things settle on the sides and stomachs at night = no seeds, nuts at night)!
only salad + protein, poultry or fish is better - they saturate better. plus, protein melts fat when you sleep
a) a salad of fresh vegetables (preferably hard vegetables - cabbage, daikon, radish, cucumbers, etc. avoid sweet vegetables (beets, carrots)!) - eaten first. before you put the meat in your mouth, you need at least half of the salad, at least, to be eaten.
1) Vegetables are welcome high in fiber.
2) refills:
- with poultry: lemon juice or kefir\yogurt 0%;
- with fish: oil, or lemon juice, or kefir / yogurt 0%, or something else useful.
b) chickens. the breast is welcomed as lean as possible, the fish, on the contrary, is fatter (fish oil is not deposited on the sides and stomach because it is good)

Tatyana Malakhova, as the author of a special weight loss technique, gained incredible popularity after Andrey Malakhov invited her to participate in his program. Like many similar methods designed to reduce weight and gain health, Tatyana Malakhova's weight loss diet was suffered by her throughout her life. From childhood, Tatyana was haunted by various diseases, a long way to get rid of ailments - and all this against the backdrop of heavy weight, usually not inherent in a child. At the age of 10, Tatyana weighed 64 kilograms!

As she got older, Tatyana tried many diets, starved herself to lose weight, and exhausted herself. physical training- but did not achieve the desired result, the weight went away and returned again. And then she naturally came to the decision to create her own method of losing weight.

Tatyana Malakhova's diet is based on Kim Protasov's nutrition system, which is maximally adapted to the individual characteristics of a person. But after her, she began to adhere to her own weight loss system, where the main thing was the right attitude to nutrition. She wrote about them in her book, which was published in 2010.

Tatyana Malakhova's method once received the working title "Friendship Diet", and today this term has become so firmly established in the everyday life of everyone who is guided in their nutrition by the principles of Malakhova that there is no point in changing it.

Tatyana Malakhova, a thermal power engineer by education, while working on herself and her weight, managed to formulate her postulates for achieving harmony from the heat engineering side. She analyzed and tried on herself many different and contradictory diets. As a result of several years of searching, I managed to develop my own weight loss system “Be slim” - a diet based on heat engineering (it was based on the laws of heat engineering and the burning of products, i.e. fuel, in the human body).

Nutrition on the Malakhova diet is based on three rules:

  1. Smart selection of products.
  2. Combination of products.
  3. Time and order of the use of products.

Tatyana Malakhova is of the opinion that it is more correct to count not calories, but proteins, fats and carbohydrates that a person needs.

The basic rules of the Friendship diet

  • the calorie content of the daily diet should be at least 1200 kcal;
  • the number of meals per day is three to four, it is recommended to make the intervals the same, snacks are excluded. Meals should be equal in volume and caloric content of servings;
  • the break between dinner and breakfast is 14 hours. The last meal should be taken 3-4 hours before bedtime;
  • you need to eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly. You should try to enjoy food. You can not eat in conditions that are not adapted for food, i.e. on the run, in bed, in front of the TV;
  • The diet should be rich in complete proteins and polyunsaturated fats. The norm of fat is 30-35 g per day, complete protein - 1-1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight;
  • the compatibility of products should be taken into account and the order of their use during the day should be observed; it is better not to cook the products, if this is not possible, its gentle types are used;
  • before meals, you should always eat salads or fresh vegetables and fruits - vegetables should be present on the menu daily;
  • You should drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Tatyana Malakhova recommends drinking a glass of water 30 minutes before a meal or an hour after it. You can't drink while eating. Immediately after waking up, you need to drink a glass of purified or spring water;
  • drinks should not be consumed with meals, only some time after it. For every cup of coffee or tea you drink, you need to drink two glasses of pure non-carbonated water in excess of the norm;
  • Before meals, you should always eat salads or fresh vegetables and fruits.

Prohibited foods of Tatyana Malakhova's diet

  • First of all, foods with a high glycemic index and a lot of sugar. These are refined rice, potatoes, wheat bread, corn, confectionery products containing complex carbohydrates.
  • Refined products and products of deep processing. As you might guess, these are sausages, preservation, frozen semi-finished meat products, smoked meats.
  • Ketchups, mayonnaises, industrial spices of complex composition.
  • Salt. This product is in large quantities is able to retain water in the body and stimulates increased appetite.
  • Strong alcoholic drinks and beer. It is permissible to drink a glass of red wine only if there is no alcohol dependence.
  • All fried foods.

Reviews about the diet of Tatyana Malakhova suggest that you can gradually exclude harmful foods, and then the body itself will refuse everything that will not bring benefits.

Useful diet products for Tatyana Malakhova

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables. Besides the fact that they contain fiber for weight loss, these products allow you to diversify the menu.
  • Dried fruits without sugar. It is an excellent substitute for cakes and sweets.
  • Natural fermented milk products, preferably with a low fat content. Cheeses of low-fat and unsalted varieties are acceptable.
  • Seafood. In addition to being a supplier of pure protein and fatty acids, seafood lowers cholesterol and has a beneficial effect on blood vessels.
  • Whole grains that contain healthy alimentary fiber and carbohydrates. These include wild rice, peas, soybeans, lentils, and beans.
  • All kinds of seeds and nuts, but in limited quantities, as they are very high in calories and difficult to digest.
  • Only natural spices and seasonings. This is lemon juice, black ground pepper, garlic, spices.
  • Bitter chocolate with at least 70% cocoa content. This product has a beneficial effect on brain activity.

How to make a menu for the day according to the principles of Tatyana Malakhova


According to Malakhova, a proper breakfast should consist of carbohydrate foods with a glycemic index of 35–50, which should be supplemented with lean proteins. The purpose of this meal is to provide the body with energy. Cereals and legumes are great for this. You can also eat fruits, choosing those that have the lowest GI. For example, green apples, grapefruits, apricots. Alternatively, berries.

But fruit juice, which advertising often offers us as an excellent invigorating drink for breakfast, is not worth drinking. Juice has a much higher GI than fruit. A fruit breakfast is acceptable only if your menu does not include animal products or starchy foods.

A good option for a morning meal is a small portion of vegetable salad. It is desirable to add carrots, beets, celery to it. And, of course, you can not do without whole grain porridge. Her GI is already low, but it can be lowered. Add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil or a couple of tablespoons of nuts or seeds to a plate of cereals. Fat will slow down the flow of glucose into the blood, which means that the feeling of satiety will last. In order to reduce the glycemic index, carbohydrates can be supplemented with low-fat protein - cottage cheese and kefir with the addition of dried apricots, prunes or figs.


Like lunch, this is a daily meal. A meal at such a time can be built according to several principles.

  1. Proteins plus fats and carbohydrates with low GI (up to 25).
  2. Carbohydrates with an average GI (up to 40), supplemented with a small amount of fat.
  3. Fruit as a separate meal.

If you really like fruits or want to diversify your diet, take your chance - this is perfect time them. The absorption rate of such fruits is average, the carbohydrates received can definitely be “worked out” by the end of the day, and they also have a lot of tryptophan - you will be both cheerful and cheerful.

True, it happens that after fruit an appetite is played out. If you feel like immediately eating something more substantial, then the GI of fruits needs to be reduced. Eat them not separately, but in combination with low-fat sour-milk products, raw vegetables (in the form of a salad, which should be seasoned with vegetable oil, nuts or seeds) or nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts).


The main dish in this meal is a large portion of vegetable salad. That's where lunch should start. And if the vegetables can be any to your taste, then dressing is not so simple. Tatyana Malakhova adheres to the idea that unsaturated fats should not be consumed along with saturated fats. Therefore, if you have meat, eggs, offal or poultry for lunch, add yogurt or kefir to the salad. If you are going to eat fish, supplement vegetables with vegetable oil. Another option is to completely abandon the fat, and season the salad with lemon juice.

For those with a sweet tooth, Tatyana has another lunch option. Malakhova recommends them to eat more carbohydrates 2-4 times a week for lunch, namely, legumes, which contain both "coals" and vegetable protein. Beans, lentils and soy eaten for lunch will reduce sugar cravings.


In the evening, it is best to eat lean animal protein, supplementing it with raw vegetables with the lowest glycemic index and a minimum of starch. The main component of your menu should be protein. It takes a long time to digest, and a third of the energy received in the process of assimilation is spent on the process itself. It turns out that the more protein, the more benefit for the figure.

It is for this reason that carbohydrates are undesirable in the evening menu: at night, the body almost does not consume energy, and everything obtained from porridge or potatoes will be deposited at the waist. But one piece of fish or a serving of cottage cheese is hard to eat. This is where vegetable salad comes in handy. You can eat as much as you like, and the more the better. Start your dinner with a salad, and start eating protein when you have eaten at least half of the vegetables.

Sample menu for the week


  • In the morning, eat a salad of celery, carrot halves, grapefruit slices. You can sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  • For lunch, serve 100 g of cottage cheese with fruit. For example, you can cut one kiwi or half an apple.
  • For lunch, prepare a vegetable salad of carrots and boiled beets, which should be seasoned with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. Serve with red fish.
  • Dine on boiled chicken breast.


  • In the morning, eat oatmeal on the water with dried apricots and cottage cheese.
  • Have a snack with an apple and a glass of kefir.
  • For lunch, cook grilled chicken breast and vegetable salad with tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs.
  • The last meal is a salad with boiled shrimp, avocado, lettuce and bell pepper, which can be seasoned with olive oil and the juice of half a lemon.


  • In the morning, eat cottage cheese with carrots, grated on a fine grater, as well as 2-3 dried fruits.
  • For lunch, serve a fruit salad with apple and pear, lightly sprinkled with sesame seeds.
  • For lunch, eat three dishes: bean soup, vegetable salad with cherry tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper and herbs, buckwheat porridge (4-5 tablespoons).
  • For dinner, eat fish fillet, pre-baked in foil with natural yogurt dressing, and fresh vegetables.


  • In the morning, eat oatmeal on the water with strawberries and wheat germ, as well as cottage cheese and 0.5 grapefruit.
  • Have a snack with a pear and a glass of kefir.
  • For lunch, eat seafood with a salad of radish, white cabbage and cucumber. It can be seasoned with linseed oil and the juice of half a lemon. You can also eat 1 loaf with a slice of hard cheese.
  • For dinner, prepare the curd mass, to which add the chopped cucumber, chopped green onion and passed through the press one clove of garlic.


  • In the morning, prepare sugar-free muesli with nuts and berries, seasoned with natural yogurt.
  • Snack on an orange.
  • For lunch, stew the turkey fillet, steam the green beans and serve with fresh green vegetables.
  • For dinner, make a two-egg omelette and serve with steamed tomatoes and a salad of carrots, beets and cabbage.


  • After waking up, eat oatmeal with cottage cheese.
  • Eat a tangerine for lunch.
  • Perfect for lunch: chicken skewers, steamed vegetables, and creamy broccoli soup.
  • For dinner, you can serve bell peppers stuffed with minced chicken, onions and carrots.


  • Serve cottage cheese with almonds or seeds in the morning.
  • As a snack - a baked apple with cinnamon.
  • For lunch, bake fish and prepare a salad with beets and carrots.
  • Boil peas for dinner, serve with 2-3 cucumbers and tomatoes.

This menu is presented as an option. You can always create your own menu based on your own preferences.

Tatyana Malakhova became famous after participating in the transfer of her star namesake. The program “Let them talk” made many people famous, because several million of our compatriots watch it every day, eagerly absorbing every word. Why did Tatyana Malakhova, a heating engineer by education, suddenly decide to retrain as a dietitian? The site site team found out all the details for our readers, and here's what we managed to find out.

It turns out that Tatyana Malakhova herself suffered from excess weight for many years. I tried many diets, first of all, the Kim Protasov diet, then switched to the Dukan, Montignac diet, tried to lose weight in a sanatorium, used curative fasting, Herbalife. But nothing helped her, and as a result, her weight reached 74 kg with a height of 160 cm.

As a result, she combined with each other all the best that she learned from the many tried diets. This formed the basis of the author's technique from Tatyana Malakhova. It is because of the generalization of the best principles proper nutrition, her diet became known as "Friendship".

Tatyana Malakhova's book "Be slim"

Many people try to download this power system for free. What makes it so desirable and popular.

Here are the most effective ways to lose weight. As Tatyana herself emphasizes, the main thing is not which diet to choose for weight loss, what matters is the inner attitude, motivation, conviction of success and everyday work.

The basic principles of the diet are no restrictions on food, the main thing is to follow some rules. Here they are:

  1. On an empty stomach, barely waking up, drink a glass of clean water.
  2. Eat at least four times a day
  3. Before each meal (10-20 minutes before) drink a glass of water.
  4. Chew each bite thoroughly and enjoy.
  5. Eat your last meal 3-4 hours before bed. Evening eating is nothing more than a bad habit, the author of the technique believes.
  6. Eat a vegetable salad or fresh vegetables before the main course.
  7. Be sure to have breakfast! This will make it possible to control appetite during the day, avoiding a strong feeling of hunger in the evening.

The composition of the diet of Tatyana Malakhova

Tatyana Malakhova also compiled a list of healthy foods that should be preferred in the diet. These are, first of all, vegetables, fruits, sour-milk low fat foods, low-fat cheeses, seafood, cereals, nuts, seeds, dried fruits. Seasonings should be used only natural, without additives. As a dessert, it is allowed to use bitter chocolate and red wine in an amount not exceeding two glasses a day.

As you can see, the rules are quite simple and easy to follow.

List of harmful products by Tatyana Malakhova

But the products that should be abandoned, according to Tatyana Malakhova:

  1. 1. Eliminate all foods with a high glycemic index: sugar, white flour, sweets, white rice, corn, potatoes. This condition is reflected in the well-known Dukan diet.
  2. 2. Do not eat processed foods: sausages, smoked meats, canned food, pickles, marinades, etc. They contain too much a large number of preservatives, stabilizers, enhancers and substitutes. Give preference to natural products.
  3. 3. Give up alcoholic beverages, they are very high in calories and cause increased appetite. (This paragraph contradicts the previous permission to drink 1-2 glasses of wine per day)
  4. 4. Avoid fried foods
  5. 5. Do not use industrial sauces: mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces.
  6. 6. Give up salt, which contributes to salt retention in the body, disrupts the balance between potassium and sodium, increases appetite .. A complete rejection of salt is not considered appropriate.