Do-it-yourself pavilions for the pool. How to make a pool pavilion with your own hands, types of pavilions for pools, useful tips

What are the benefits of pavilions for the pool?

Pavilions for swimming pools from the official manufacturer in Moscow

Pavilion for the pool - a design from a metal framework and polycarbonate. Ideal for extending the bathing season - polycarbonate does not let ultraviolet rays inside and retains heat even in the dark.

On the brightest sunny day. The pavilion for the pool creates a quality shade inside for a comfortable stay in the pool during the day. And if you add lighting inside, you can swim around the clock!

We produce pavilions sliding and monolithic (more often monolithic). In any case, we can create the design that you need!

Monolithic pavilions for the pool are a partially collapsible structure with opening or swinging doors. Possibility of installation a large number air vents for a comfortable stay in the hottest weather.

Polycarbonate is available in a wide color palette (most often blue polycarbonate is used for the pavilion - a cozy and warm room is created inside).

We will deliver, unload and assemble on a turnkey basis on our own!

pool pavilion- This is a transparent design, made of fairly light materials. It is being built solely to protect the pool itself, as well as its occupancy.

Benefits of pavilions for the pool

  1. Having built a pavilion, you can be in it at any time of the year and in any weather, thus making the bathing process round-the-clock and all-weather.
  2. Thanks to this design, you will save money on heating the pool, as the cooling time of the water will be significantly reduced.
  3. Much less water evaporation.
  4. The pavilion will always be able to secure small children and prevent them from falling into the water.
  5. In the event that the canopy is located over the entire bowl, this will maximize the protection of water from debris and dirt entering it.
  6. A correct and high-quality design will protect the liquid from the development of algae and phytoplankton in it, that is, it will prevent its flowering.
  7. Also, importantly, with such protection, you will reduce the amount of necessary chemicals needed to purify the water and keep it in good condition. As a result, you can save a significant amount of your money.
  8. Passing through the surface of the canopy, the refracted sun's rays cause much less damage to the materials from which the pool is made, preventing them from fading, drying out and destruction.

Types of pavilions for the pool

Before you build a pavilion for the pool, you need to choose one that will satisfy all your needs. Of the existing canopies today distinguish several types:

  • stationary;
  • mobile;
  • sliding.

Consider each variety in more detail and determine all the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.


Stationary pavilions for the pool are made, as a rule, completely closed and have one or more entrances. In some cases, windows are mounted in polycarbonate, which improves ventilation in a covered room. The described pavilions allow a person to be in the pool throughout the year. In addition, the hinged design allows you to relax near the water.

Quite often, a stationary pavilion is attached very close to the house, which allows you to arrange winter Garden. When choosing doors to enter the canopy, you can, of course, limit yourself to ordinary doors, but if you want to do appearance canopy even more original, use sliding doors or vinyl walls, which can always be easily rolled in any direction.

Advantages of stationary pavilions:

  1. They are constructed from polycarbonate, which, being at the same time a very light material, is able to withstand heavy loads in the form of snow and rain, as well as withstand strong gusts of wind.
  2. For the frame, special profiles are used. When installing them near the pool, as a rule, several sections are left lifting, which allows air to circulate better around the pool area and ventilate the entire covered area. Also, when a large number of polycarbonate panels of the pavilion are raised, access to the reservoir becomes almost unlimited.
  3. A good plus of the whole design is that its total cost is relatively inexpensive and affordable for most buyers.

Disadvantages of stationary canopies:

  1. Such pavilions are always bulky in appearance.
  2. Very often used as part of the frame different kinds metals. So, the frame can consist of both aluminum and iron. In this case, with constant evaporation of moisture, the metal will certainly oxidize or corrode. To protect the metal from wear as much as possible, it is recommended to cover it with special paints or protective agents that prevent their destruction.
  3. If you choose the cheapest option for a stationary canopy for your pool, then from an aesthetic point of view it will be very similar to a barn or a greenhouse.
  4. The considered canopies of foreign manufacturers have a very high cost.


This type of pavilion differs relatively low cost and low weight. It allows not only to protect water from external factors, but also provides an opportunity to swim in the pool during bad weather (unfortunately, here we are talking on the use of the mobile pavilion only during the warm period).

You can install mobile pavilions for all types of pools: over frame, polypropylene, composite, stationary, concrete, prefabricated and plastic. Their great advantage is simple installation and ease of use. If desired, without outside help, such a pavilion can be removed and swimming already in the open air.

Despite the fact that mobile pavilions are very light, they are made from quality materials able to withstand heavy loads and all changes in weather conditions.

The video shows an example of a mobile pavilion for a round pool.

As a result of the fact that the analyzed canopies are made of fully movable sections of an arcuate or almost arcuate shape, they can be opened from any side. This makes the pavilion even more versatile. The frame is made only of aluminum, which allows you to bend it in the right direction, giving the overall structure the necessary stability and rigidity.

Sliding pavilions

This the most practical from all types of pavilions for outdoor pools. Sliding pavilions for pools can very easily turn an artificial pond into a closed or open one. The whole structure is a very mobile system of rails, freely moving in any direction and entering one another.

This video shows the process of installing a sliding pavilion.

In some cases, when the pool is very close to the house, the extreme sections of the sliding canopy on one side can be attached directly to the wall. The remaining segments are equipped with convenient rollers that move along a rail fixed on the entire wall of the house.

Pavilion forms

Depending on the type of the pool itself, as well as the requirements of each individual person all pavilions can be divided into:

  • high;
  • low;
  • medium;
  • canopies for SPA pools;
  • combined.

Concerning forms protective canopies, they are round, square, rectangular, non-standard.

To date, owners round pools canopy manufacturers can offer a unique domed design of identical segments made of stainless mirror steel.

If you want to make your yard really unusual, order yourself asymmetric pavilion, the walls of which have different heights and shapes.

Do-it-yourself construction of a pavilion for a polycarbonate pool

In the event that you still decide to install a pavilion over your pool, you must, first of all, choose material from which it will be made.

The most popular, affordable and easy to install models are polycarbonate.

The only drawback of polycarbonate is that a canopy made from this material cannot be use in cold season.

How to make a do-it-yourself polycarbonate pavilion for frame and other types of pools? When deciding to create a do-it-yourself carbonate cover for an above-ground pool (to save money and make it even more unique), it is better to opt for plastic translucent plastic, the thickness of which will not exceed 8 mm. The advantages of this material are that:

  • it blocks ultraviolet rays;
  • retains heat very well, because it has a honeycomb structure;
  • with proper use and care, this flexible plastic can last up to 10 years, while remaining as transparent and shiny as in the first years after purchase.

let's consider step-by-step actions to create a high-quality and durable polycarbonate pavilion:

  1. The first step is to take care of creating a good foundation for installing the entire canopy structure on it.
  2. The width of the base must be at least 6 cm wider than the thickness of the structure.

  3. The recommended depth of the ditch for the foundation is from 50 cm to 60 cm. Before pouring it with concrete, install double reinforcement with 20x20 cm cells in the ditch. This strength is very important in order to withstand the weight of the pavilion, which in some cases can exceed several tons .
  4. Depending on the number of sections in the canopy, the width of the base will change up or down. If the design will have 4 sections - 380 mm, 5 sections - 500 mm.
  5. Before direct installation of the frame, care must be taken to properly protect the foundation. It is easy to strengthen the concrete from the outside with ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware with your own hands, which will prevent moisture from entering the base of the canopy. If you are not a professional builder, such a practical cladding can also hide all the irregularities and other flaws in the foundation, as well as give it an attractive appearance.
  6. The frame is made of wide pipes, the length of which will be approximately 2 m. In this case, the width of the pool will also need to be taken into account.
  7. We bend the pipes of the shape that you like best. For this place of the future bend, we cut it with a grinder, bend the metal, and weld the resulting cuts. Grinding joints will help to give an aesthetic appearance to the structure.
  8. The base of the canopy is bolted to the foundation.
  9. To the main metal profile, with the help of bolts and nuts, the arcs of the pavilion are fastened with a gap of one meter.
  10. In the intervals between the arcs, 2-3 stiffeners are installed.
  11. The finished structure is coated with anti-corrosion agents and painted with the color you like.
  12. To connect polycarbonate sheets and a metal frame, you will need ordinary self-tapping screws and a screwdriver, which will further speed up the assembly process. To increase the reliability of installation, a washer is placed under the self-tapping screw (preferably from galvanized stainless steel). To prevent moisture from entering the joints, they should be treated with a special sealant.
  13. Along the perimeter of the translucent plastic, it is also necessary to fix strips of galvanized iron, which will first be bent up.
  14. Silicone sealant will protect the structure of the polycarbonate. For these purposes, you can also use a special tape.

Thus, it is not difficult to make a pavilion for a polycarbonate pool, if you take into account all the above recommendations, and also do not disassemble the resulting structure every year (if you did not weld it to the base), which will increase its shelf life.

Photo of polycarbonate pool pavilions that you can build with your own hands.

Also remember that the canopy can last much longer if there is appropriate care is taken.

As far as the stationary pool is beautiful and useful in terms of recovery, it is just as difficult to maintain. Water must be constantly cleaned, filtered, rid of flying debris. But if the building is covered from above with a transparent pavilion structure, as if hovering above the water, then care becomes easier. Even those owners who mounted the bowl open, over time, complete the pavilions for pools over it with their own hands.

  • Water will evaporate less from the surface.
  • Significantly reduced heat loss, and hence the cost of heating water. In addition, it will lengthen the swimming season.
  • Dirty precipitation and wind-blown dust, debris, leaves will not get into the pool, and the owner will save on filtering and purifying water with chemicals (if the pavilion is closed).
  • Ultraviolet rays will collide with the barrier and enter the pool already refracted. This means that their destructive effect on the walls and bottom will become weaker, which will lead to an increase in the service life of the pool materials.
  • In winter frosts, the temperature under the pavilion is higher than outside, which means that the structures will not have to be tested at too low temperatures, which may cause some materials and the water supply system to become unusable.

The material on how to filter water in the pool will also be useful:

Rules for choosing a pavilion design

To build a pavilion for the pool with your own hands, you need to decide on its design.

low pavilions

If the pool is used periodically, and the rest of the time is idle, then the cheapest option would be a low pavilion with a height of no more than a meter. It will perform the most important function - protecting water from the sun, precipitation and debris. And if the owners do not plan to dive from the sides, then it is enough to make a sliding section and get into the water through it.

Low pavilions are convenient if the pool is used only in the summer season

There are also structures with a height of about two meters. In them, for ease of use, a door is mounted at the end. This version of the pavilion is made according to the principle of a conventional greenhouse using a metal profile and polycarbonate sheets. You can, of course, instead of polycarbonate, stretch a plastic film, but the aesthetic appearance will suffer from this, and the wear resistance of the film coating is weak.

high pavilions

High pavilions are about three meters high and are used not only to protect the pool, but also serve as an excellent recreation area for the owners. The greenhouse climate allows you to arrange flower arrangements around the perimeter of the bowl, put or rocking chairs for relaxation. But this is the case if the boundaries of the pavilion are much wider than the size of the bowl.

High pavilions replace traditional gazebos for owners, because they have enough space for relaxation and are warm enough even in winter

A more economical option is a pavilion, which is built along the perimeter of the bowl, protruding a dozen centimeters. It can be completely closed or semi-closed. The semi-closed version protects the bowl either only on one side (often from the side where the wind blows), or from the ends, leaving the middle open, or from the sides, leaving the ends open. Such a pavilion will not provide maximum protection, but it will create a barrier to wind and debris, and the owners will receive a shady area in which they can hide from the scorching sun.

A semi-enclosed pavilion protects only part of the pool, and it is better to mount it from the side of the wind or from green spaces

Sliding structures

In any height of the pavilion, the system of sliding sections increases the level of comfort. Their base is a system of rails (as in cabinets-commanders), along which sections can move and enter one after another. By sliding them to one end, the owners get an awning to create shade, and in case of precipitation they can quickly insulate the bowl.

Sliding or telescopic pavilions move along the rail system and can be completely removed from the water area of ​​the pool

The choice of the shape of the pavilion depends on the bowl of the pool itself. For round bowls, dome-shaped models are used, for rectangular ones - in the form of the letter “P” or a hemisphere. The most difficult are pools of irregular shapes. For them create asymmetric "canopies".

For round bowls, the dome is considered the most successful form of pavilion.

Do-it-yourself pavilion creation technology

From an economic point of view, the creation of pavilions on your own is justified, but if you do not have experience, then the installation of a tall structure can take a couple of weeks. True, some summer residents simply have no choice, because it is not always possible to find the appropriate “roof” for a non-standard bowl. So, you have to buy materials yourself and build a pavilion. Consider how to do this using the example of a semi-closed polycarbonate structure.

Deciding on materials and shape

A polycarbonate pavilion is assembled according to the principle of a conventional greenhouse

For the coating we will use polycarbonate, which is usually covered with greenhouses. And we will make a profile pipe as a frame.

To minimize costs and simplify installation, we will make the structure open at the ends, put it on the foundation of the pool or its finish, and leave it to be disassembled for the winter.

Material on the conservation of the pool for the winter will also be useful:

For swimming high altitude not necessary, so a two-meter pavilion is enough.

We fill the foundation

With all the seeming lightness, polycarbonate and metal profiles have a considerable weight, so the base for the pavilion must be reliable. If a recreation area has already been created around the pool and tiles have been laid, then you can mount it directly on it.

From the construction of the pavilion, the foundation should protrude another 7 cm forward in order to securely hold the entire load

The rest of the owners will have to fill in a foundation half a meter thick, the width of which should protrude from the base of the frame by about 7 cm to the sides. Concrete must be reinforced by laying out square cells with a side of 20 cm.

The foundation for the pavilion must be thick and strong, because the weight of the entire structure can reach a ton or more.

Create a frame

For the main arcs of the frame, a wide pipe is needed, on which it will be possible to fix two edges of adjacent polycarbonate sheets. Its length is 1 height (2 m) + the width of the pool.

Pipes must be bent with arches. It is better to entrust this to specialists, and those who have welding can do it themselves. We cut the part of the pipe that should bend from three sides with a circular saw, carefully bend it, fixing the edges in a vice, and then weld all the cuts. We grind the welding points.

We fix the base of the frame to the foundation using bolts.

We attach the base of the frame to the foundation or finish of the pool using bolts.

We put the arcs, also fixing with bolts and nuts (If the option is non-separable, you can weld it). Distance between arcs - meter.

All arcs are attached to the base with bolts.

Between the arcs we fix the stiffeners, alternating now 2 ribs, then 3 per span.

We take arcs on double bolts for reliability

The finished frame is treated with anti-corrosion agents and painted in the desired color.

We sheathe with polycarbonate

We mark on the polycarbonate sheets (the color and thickness of which you choose yourself) the places where they will be attached to the pipes, and drill holes. They should be slightly larger than the thickness of the self-tapping screws, because polycarbonate “plays” in the heat, and there must be a margin for expansion.

We sheathe the finished frame with polycarbonate sheets. Sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws, and metal (galvanized!) Washers must be placed under the caps to close the holes.

Sheets of carbonate should lie on the profile pipe end-to-end

From the inside, we coat all the places of fastenings and connections with sealant.

Lubricate all joints and fasteners with sealant

The concrete base must be insulated on both sides from water and precipitation using decorative finishes with porcelain stoneware, tiles, etc.

It should be borne in mind that the more often you disassemble the structure, the faster it will wear out. So think about whether it makes sense to rent a pavilion before every winter. This is justified if winter period the dacha will be empty, and no one will clean the snow from the pavilion in case of heavy snowfalls.

The pool pavilion is a lightweight and in most cases transparent structure designed to protect the pool tank and water from contamination. The protective structure for the pool can have any shape and color, so if you decide to protect your artificial pond in this way, then there are plenty to choose from. For a long time a pavilion for a pool in a country or suburban area was perceived as a waste of money. But in Lately attitude towards these protective structures has changed dramatically.

Why do you need a pavilion for the pool

  • Thanks to the protective cover, heat loss is significantly reduced.
  • Much less water evaporates from the pool tank.
  • The pavilion prevents all sorts of debris from entering the water, prevents the penetration of harmful ultraviolet rays.
  • Pavilion winter type allows you to use the pool all year round.
  • Ensures the safety of swimmers.
  • Allows you to save on pool care products.

Pool pavilion. Types and characteristics

Manufacturers of protective structures for swimming pools sell the following types of products:

  • low pavilion.
  • Pavilion of medium height.

  • High pavilion.

  • Combined pavilion.

In addition, you can choose a sliding, closed or semi-open pavilion.

indoor pavilion for the pool

This is a capital structure with a frame on which the cover is attached. Usually attached to the building, but can stand alone. There can be one or more entrances to the pavilion. Such a pavilion, as a rule, is equipped with everything necessary in order to have the most pleasant vacation.

It is a structure made of metal with a covering attached to it. The pavilion partially covers the pool so that bathers can protect themselves from bad weather or from direct sunlight.

sliding, mobile pavilion for the pool

The most practical option. Sliding pavilions for the pool can be easily transformed, thus turning them into fully closed or semi-open.

Varieties of pavilions in form and style

The most popular option is a horizontal half-cylinder, divided into sections.

Trapezoidal and asymmetric designs are quite popular, which combine arcuate and rectilinear elements.

A rectangular arc-shaped cover is considered the most practical design, in which all the usable space is used to the maximum. In addition, snow does not accumulate on the arc-shaped pavilion in winter.

For a pond that has a round shape, canopies-spheres with several sliding panels are excellent. The dome of such a pavilion is easy to ventilate, it is convenient to place the necessary furniture in it.

Due to the use of metal and plastic materials, high-tech pavilions are very popular. Despite the simplicity of the design, the structure looks quite impressive due to the brilliance of the water surface, and the mobility of individual sections gives dynamism to the entire building.

Pavilions for swimming pools. Manufacturers

More recently, the products of domestic and foreign manufacturers differed significantly in terms of quality. Recently, you can choose a quality product, regardless of where it was produced. The modern market offers the widest selection of pavilions from Russian manufacturers, as well as from Germany and China.

How to choose a pool pavilion

Choose suitable design easy for your pool. You just need to know exactly what you need and how much you are willing to spend. When choosing a pavilion, you can be guided by the following algorithm:

  • Shape: round, square, rectangular, irregular shape.
  • Frame type: stationary mobile, sliding, portable.
  • Construction type: closed, partially closed, sliding.
  • Cover material: glass roof, soft roof, plastic roof, polycarbonate cover.
  • And other secondary parameters: color, transparency, optional equipment, etc.

Do-it-yourself pool pavilion

This type of construction can be very expensive, and not everyone can afford to spend a large amount on a pavilion. But if, as they say, your hands grow from the right place, you have the time and desire, you can build a pavilion for the pool yourself.

However, to be frank, doing such a design on your own does not always make sense. Of course, you will save a certain amount of money, but it will take a lot of time and effort. It will be much easier to buy a ready-made inexpensive economy class pavilion, and not spend free time with welding machine and grinder. The production of pavilions has long been put on stream, and if you need a structure of a standard size, simple shape, covered with inexpensive material, then it is better to buy it.

But if we are talking about some kind of non-standard pavilion, then it makes sense to arm yourself with an instrument and sweat a little.

what is needed to build a pavilion?

Tools and materials:

  • Pipe-profile of rectangular or square shape.
  • Electric welding.
  • Polycarbonate. It can be replaced with a thick plastic film to save money.
  • fastener elements.
  • Drill or screwdriver.
  • Electric jigsaw.

To begin with, we determine the shape, dimensions, frame, covering material and other parameters. After the project is ready and the materials are purchased, we get to work. We determine the maximum practicality and design parameters in order to slightly reduce the cost of the process. For example, take a pavilion for relatively small swimming pool for a summer cottage with a size of 9-12 sq.m.

Practicality of the pavilion: we will build a semi-open structure, without ends, semicircular. If there is a recreation area around the pool, finished with tiles or stone, the pavilion can be installed on it. Otherwise, you will have to build a separate foundation. The finished foundation should protrude 7-10 centimeters beyond the structure - this will allow it to reliably take on the considerable weight of the finished pavilion.

To minimize cash costs, we will build a pavilion of medium height, the frame will have a slight bend. Material - metal profile and polycarbonate. For example, you can take the project of any pavilion for a polycarbonate pool - there are enough of them on the network, and focus on it.

The profile pipe must be bent with an arc. You cannot do this on your own, you need to entrust this work to specialists. But if you masterfully own a welding machine, you can try to bend the profile into an arc yourself. To do this, in the places of bending, it is necessary to make several cuts, clamp the pipe in a vise and gently bend it. The places of the cuts are carefully welded and cleaned with a grinder. Pipes must be fixed to the foundation with bolts at a distance of about a meter from each other. We install stiffeners between the arcs. The loops for the bolts for fastening the stiffeners can be welded by electric welding. The ribs can be installed solid, or, if you want to save money, in a checkerboard pattern: the first span - 2 ribs, the second - 3, the third, 2 again. For a small pavilion, this will be more than enough to fix polycarbonate sheets.

An important point: the profile pipe must be wide enough so that the two edges of the polycarbonate sheets can fit on the surface, approximately in the middle. Next, we install polycarbonate sheets of the required thickness, color and strength on the arcs from the profile. From the inside, the joints must be treated with silicone for tightness. The frame of the pavilion, before installing polycarbonate, must be cleaned and painted.

In general, the design of the pool is very similar to the most ordinary greenhouse. If you have ever been engaged in such an arrangement of a summer cottage, then there will be no problems. It should be noted that although we are building a collapsible structure, it is not worth dismantling and transporting it somewhere every year. The pavilion will fall into disrepair much faster. In a stationary form, your structure can last at least 10 years. It will only be necessary to occasionally make minor repairs and carry out preventive maintenance.

That, in principle, is all, you have built another important structure on your summer cottage or personal plot with your own hands. Of course, you can not bother yourself, and buy a pool with a ready-made pavilion, if the reservoir is only in the plans, and you don’t need to cover the finished one. At the same time, focus on high-quality and practical models, but if you are running out of money, and there is a great desire to do something worthwhile on your own, we hope that our small publication will help you with this.

How to care for a polycarbonate pavilion

The process of caring for such a pavilion is simple and does not require much effort. Polycarbonate has a protective coating that prevents stains and streaks from appearing on the surface of the material. In winter, the roof of the pavilion must be regularly cleared of snow.

In addition, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the metal frame and prevent corrosion. Rust, if not removed in time, can cause significant damage to the frame of the pavilion. Therefore, when traces of corrosion appear, urgent action must be taken.

All work is carried out in several stages:

The damaged area is carefully cleaned manually or using an electric drill equipped with an appropriate nozzle. After that, the damaged area is treated with a primer and painted.

If the damage is serious, then the rusted section of the structure must be carefully cut out with a grinder, and a new metal element welded in its place.

A pool in a summer cottage or garden plot is a great place for summer holidays, an opportunity to cool off in the heat, swim and play, and besides, this is an excellent design solution. But besides the obvious advantages, the owners stationary pools they also face problems: this is regular cleaning of water from debris, leaves and insects, and the need for artificial heating on cool days, and strong evaporation in the heat. In addition, it is dangerous to have an open pond for families with kids.

Swimming pool in the country

But all these problems will help to solve pavilions for pools. These are special designs that completely or partially cover the water surface, protecting the pool from littering and evaporation, blocking uncontrolled access to water for small children. And with a large area, pavilions for pools even allow you to significantly lengthen the bathing period, keeping warm even on cool September days.
Advantages of pavilions:

  1. The volume of evaporating water is reduced, it will not need to be topped up often.
  2. Pool pavilions protect the water surface from debris and foliage, which saves on cleaning and filtration.
  3. Water retains heat longer, which reduces the cost of heating the pool and prolongs the swimming season.
  4. The cover of the pavilion is a good barrier to ultraviolet solar radiation, which adversely affects the material of the pool mold.
  5. Pavilions for pools can significantly extend the life of the reservoir. Due to the greenhouse effect, the temperature inside the closed structure is much higher than the surrounding one, so the materials of the walls and bottom of the pool are protected from frost.

Consider what pavilions for pools are:


  • Low - ideal for rarely used water bodies. They are cheap and compact. Low pavilions have a height of no more than one meter and tightly close the water surface, protecting it from debris and sunlight. To go down to the water with this design, sliding sections are made in the wall of the pavilion.

pool pavilion

  • Pavilions for pools of medium height can reach two meters. As a rule, sliding doors are placed on one side of the structure. In appearance, this type of shelter is similar to greenhouses. The most popular materials for such structures are metal profiles and polycarbonate sheets. In rare exceptions, plastic film is used, but in this case the appearance will be lost, and the service life of the film is a couple of years.
  • Tall designs. Pavilions for pools with a height of more than 3 meters not only perform all the necessary protective functions, but also provide an opportunity to organize a comfortable area for relaxation. If the design has big size and there is free space around the pool, then it can be used to place sun loungers, chairs and garden tables, decorating the resulting room with flowers in flowerpots. The greenhouse effect inside the structure will allow you to enjoy swimming even on cool days, and the translucent roof allows you to sunbathe in the sun without the risk of getting burned.

Pavilions can also be divided by type:

  • Closed

Closed - protect the pool around the perimeter, access to the water is provided by sliding sections or doors.

  • semi-closed

Semi-closed pavilions are a more economical option, covering the water surface from just a few sides, mainly from the side of constant winds. So garbage does not get into the water, but the design cannot perform a full set of protective functions. But it is cheaper to manufacture, and the owners of the pool receive an additional light awning from the sun's rays.

  • Sliding

Sliding - sections of the structure are fixed on rails, similar to wardrobe mounts. Thanks to this, individual parts of the pavilion move to the side, opening up access to the water. By sliding them to one end, you can get a comfortable canopy from the sun, and in bad weather, quickly cover the water surface from precipitation and debris.

  • Temporary

If desired, you can make a collapsible structure and install it only for a warm time. For the winter, after draining the pool, the canopy unwinds and assembles, waiting for the next warm season in a compact form. Such a mobile pavilion for the pool is very convenient for small areas without taking up space during the cold season.

Types of pavilions for the pool

Depending on the shape of the pool, the pavilions are also divided into:

  1. Round - dome-shaped shelters for rounded ponds.
  2. In the form of a hemisphere or U-shaped, they are used for square and rectangular pools.
  3. Pavilions of complex shapes are built for asymmetric reservoirs, their manufacture is the most difficult and time-consuming.

You can divide the pavilions and the material used, they are:

  • wood with film coating;
  • glass;
  • from polycarbonate;
  • elastic with a frame made of light aluminum.

Do-it-yourself pool pavilion

Now it’s quite easy to buy a ready-made structure for sheltering a reservoir, because the price of a standard and simple cover made of inexpensive available materials is quite tolerable. There are many manufacturers of such products on the market now, production has been put on stream, which made the purchase of a pavilion affordable for almost everyone.

Construction of the pavilion

But the owners of asymmetric reservoirs will have a harder time, because the usual covers of standard shapes and sizes will not suit them, and the creation of an individual project and the work of professionals will cost a pretty penny. It is much cheaper and quite easy to make a pool pavilion with your own hands. This takes time, materials and skills to work with welding and grinders.

Consider the main points of building a pavilion for the pool:

  1. Planning and drawing

First you need to choose the size of the pavilion, its height, shape and design. This will create a preliminary drawing and calculate the amount of material needed. Most often, pool covers are made of polycarbonate, and the frame is made of a metal profile. After acquiring the required amount of building materials, you can begin to manufacture the cover.

When considering the construction plan, it is worth designing the entrance to the pavilion in advance. As a rule, this function is performed by sliding sections or doors, and you need to immediately consider their size, placement and method of fastening. Purchasing a rail for them also needs to be included in the shopping list.

  1. Foundation construction

Like any structure, a canopy needs a strong foundation. If the area near the pool is already covered with good tiles, then you can mount the pavilion on it. In another case, it is necessary to create a good half-meter concrete foundation, it must be strengthened with reinforcement with a density of 20 centimeters. When calculating the size of the foundation, it must be taken into account that it should protrude beyond the edges of the future canopy by 7-10 centimeters.

  1. Frame assembly

Next, we mount a metal frame on the foundation. For the main supports, it is recommended to use strong pipes or a profile, they must be bent into arcs to form a round arched vault. This process should be carried out by people with experience in working with metal and a welding machine, it can be either the owner himself or a hired worker. When creating arcs, the profile is cut from the inside with the help of a grinder, bent, and then the cut places are welded and polished.

Pool pavilion plan

The arcs are attached to the foundation with strong bolts at a distance of about a meter. Next, horizontal struts are screwed to them. After the assembly is completed, the frame should be treated with an anti-corrosion compound and painted in the desired color.

  1. pavilion cladding

After assembling the frame, it is sheathed with polycarbonate. To do this, polycarbonate sheets of the selected thickness and color are marked out, highlighting the future attachment points to the profile, they need to carefully drill holes a couple of millimeters larger in diameter than the thickness of the self-tapping screws. These conditions must be met due to the fact that polycarbonate sheets tend to expand when heated.

Next, polycarbonate sheets are alternately attached to the profile, gradually covering the entire structure. Polycarbonate is fixed with self-tapping screws, laying galvanized washers between them and the material to seal the holes. The entire plane of the structure is covered with polycarbonate, and sliding doors are also sheathed with it, if they are planned.

Do-it-yourself pool pavilion construction video

After finishing work from the inside, the junction of polycarbonate sheets with the profile must be sealed with sealant. In conclusion, it is recommended to overlay the foundation with tiles or other decorative materials to extend the service life and protect it from moisture, frost and sun. With the technology of building a canopy, a photo will help you figure it out. From the foregoing, it became clear that building a pavilion for a pool in your summer cottage is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Polycarbonate pavilion

Pavilions for the pool greatly facilitate the care of the reservoir, and with a large area they even make it possible to swim in the cool season. At the request of the owner, it can be round, rectangular, square, and even completely non-standard, since modern materials make it possible to quickly and easily manufacture structures of any height and shape. A well-made pavilion will not only keep the pool from debris, sun and cold, but will also become an unusual decoration for a summer cottage or garden plot.