Scheme of installation of the pool water treatment system. Plumbing options

A swimming pool on the site, in the courtyard of your own house, is far from uncommon today. Artificial reservoirs are a great place for family recreation, and if special equipment is installed, it can also be a complex for healing the whole body, fitness classes and fun children's entertainment. The installation of technical equipment allows maintaining the proper purity of water, maintaining the set temperature, and making the bathing process more comfortable.

What types of equipment will be required to equip the pool

To make your pool as convenient as possible, you will need to install additional equipment, conditionally the equipment can be divided into several groups:

  1. Mandatory, which include stairs, as well as nozzles, a filtration system, skimmers, with the help of which the water in the pool will be cleaned.
  2. Providing the proper level of comfort: lighting, devices for heating water, dispensers of chemicals, coatings, pavilions, vacuum cleaners.
  3. Aqua fitness, water park, aqua therapy designed to enhance the functionality of the pool.

Since the owners of the pool will have to decide the priority of installing additional equipment, it is first advisable to study the purpose and principle of operation of each type in more detail.

Which pool equipment to buy first

The answer to this question is unequivocal - mandatory, it will ensure the normal state of the water in the pool. First of all - water purification systems.

how to buy pool equipment - choose comfortable stairs

The comfortable use of an artificial reservoir and even your health may ultimately depend on how well the staircase is chosen. The choice of stairs should be made during the design of the pool. It is recommended to choose models whose steps are covered with an anti-slip coating. If it is assumed that children will swim in the pool, it will be necessary to install an additional, children's ladder. Great importance has high-quality staircase lighting.

One of the frequently used options is the construction of a Roman staircase, the design of which is integrated into the bottom of the pool. It is bookmarked during construction. Such a ladder is very easy to use, its steps do not slip, safe descent is ensured by the presence of comfortable handrails. If a pool already in operation is required to be supplemented with a ladder, then you can:

  • purchase a stainless steel ladder and attach it to the side,
  • buy a finished Roman staircase made of polymer materials, models of different colors and sizes are on sale. If the pool has a non-standard shape, you will need to purchase additional interface elements.

Swimming in a frame pool not equipped with a ladder is unlikely to be possible - such models of pools are not buried. The shape of the stairs for such pools are similar to ladders and do not differ in particular variety. This type of ladder is used for inflatable pools. When buying a pool ladder, you should:

  • take into account the thickness of the sides of the pool and its depth,
  • check if there is a special protection for the bottom of the pool on the ladder racks,
  • make sure that the steps have an anti-slip coating.

passages into concrete and nozzles

Nozzles - equipment designed to supply water to the pool and mix the purified water. They are made from plastic and metal. For skimmer pools, wall nozzles are used, for overflow pools - bottom nozzles.

Nozzles are classified:

  • by appointment,
  • production material,
  • according to the material of manufacture and decoration of the pool bowl.

pool pumps - what to consider when choosing

Pumps are among the important equipment for swimming pools. The choice of the pump requires special attention - after all, it will have to serve for many years, possibly throughout the entire period of use of the pool.

Pumping systems for swimming pools are divided into:

  • self-priming, installed above the water surface, the design of which allows lifting water to a height of up to 3 m;
  • filters that pre-purify water from large particles, when buying them, you should make sure that the performance of the filter unit does not exceed the performance of the pump itself, otherwise the quality of cleaning will decrease, there is a threat of a quick failure of the system;
  • normally suction, used in the arrangement of waterfalls and attractions.

When purchasing a pump with a filter, it is desirable to make sure that the device has a capacity sufficient to service the existing volume of liquid.

With the same volume of the pool for a closed reservoir, a pump of less power will be required - the water in the indoor pool is polluted more slowly.


These devices also belong to filtration systems and are designed to clean the upper layer of water from all kinds of debris, grease stains, etc. If giving up these is enough simple devices, then eventually stagnation zones with a high concentration of chemicals used in the pool are formed in the reservoir, the water in such places will deteriorate faster

Most simple design skimmer is a tank with a filter. Water enters the device through a hole in the side wall, is filtered and heated back into the pool. It is quite difficult to make a skimmer yourself, it is best to buy a skimmer in a specialized store and install it yourself. Some skimmers are equipped with additional coarse filters, most models have one filtration system.

Skimmers are:

  1. Mounted, they are mounted directly on the side of the pool, embedding them into the filtration system is not required, they are used more often in inflatable and frame pools. Uninterrupted operation of the skimmer is ensured by installing a return tube. install mounted skimmer in an open pool it follows from the windward side, in which case fallen leaves, feathers, and various small debris driven by the wind will fall into it. In conditions indoor swimming pool skimmers are recommended to be installed around the entire perimeter. The number of devices is calculated according to the following formula: the total area of ​​the pool is divided by 25. If there are significant depths in the pool, it is recommended to install additional bottom skimmers made of polypropylene alloys.
  2. Built-in, their installation is carried out during the construction of the pool, directly into the walls. Naturally, the purchase of built-in skimmers should be made even before construction begins. In pools with a large volume of water, just such models should be installed - they have high efficiency and high productivity, water purification in the pool with the help of such devices will be complete.

pool filter

Water filtration is essential in order to eliminate chemical oxidation and pollution. It is also worth correctly calculating the hydraulics in the pool - it will contribute to better removal of suspensions and mixing of water.

Sand-based filters are most often used to filter pools. The composition of such equipment includes: a pump, a filtration tank made of steel or polyester, valves with several functions for adjusting operating modes and a filtration material (quartz gravel or sand).

The cost of installation of this kind is not the same and depends on the power, the materials used and the manufacturer. The disadvantages of sand filters include the need to clean the tanks by washing them with plenty of water. If the use of water is limited, then such filters are not recommended. In addition to sand filters, there are also cartridge filters and diatomaceous earth filters. The cost of such filter systems is higher than sand ones. Diatom filters are equipped with special cartridges coated with plankton powder.

The efficiency of water purification in their application is quite high, they are able to retain particles of the order of 3-5 microns. Such filters need systematic cleaning and replacement of the diatom mixture. In addition, the replaced grids will need to be disposed of in a certain way, as they may be hazardous to the human body.

Cartridge filters are a construction of several cylindrical polyester cartridges. As long as the filter is not dirty, it is able to retain the smallest particles in the water. To clean the cartridges, you just need to rinse them with warm water and detergents. In case of need in any store that sells equipment for swimming pools.

Comfort equipment

After installing the mandatory equipment, you can move on to choosing a comfortable one, you can constantly improve your pool.

pool covers

A cover is a kind of coating that is designed to reduce the amount of water evaporation from a mirror surface and to prevent a decrease in the temperature of the water in the pool. Ready-made floating bedspreads are available for sale. Their sizes are standard and suitable for covering collapsible oval and round pools.

For a rectangular pool, the cover will have to be cut out. The required size should be calculated based on the standard width (5.9 m) of a roll of cover material. The process of unwinding and winding the product will become more convenient and easier if you attach to the bedspread special rollers. Tarpaulin cover. Most often used in winter period, as well as to protect the pool from large debris during periods of extended non-use.

pool vacuum cleaners

Ideal for cleaning the walls and bottom of the pool from debris and dirt. Simple and easy to use. In specialized stores, this product is presented in two types: manual and automatic (robot). Before starting work, a handheld vacuum cleaner is connected to a special hole in the installed water filtration system.

When using a robotic vacuum cleaner, no connections need to be made. Its system is equipped with both a filter and a pump. On the robot, you need to install the desired program, connect it to the power system, and immerse it in water. After a certain time, you can accept the work. All debris and dirt, both from the walls and from the bottom of the pool, the robot will remove on its own.

heat exchangers

  • heat exchangers,
  • flow heaters,
  • solar collectors.

The heater model is selected depending on the volume of water. Naturally, the heating system from solar collectors is more economical - it does not require electricity consumption.

The system consists of modules, each of which can heat up to 30 cubic meters of water, but, unfortunately, is completely dependent on weather conditions.

How to make a solar collector with your own hands, look at the video:

The advantages of heat exchangers include the possibility of uninterrupted heating of water in the pool bowl, the option is especially beneficial if the country house is heated by natural gas. Heat exchangers are connected to the heating system of the house, the water is heated by a working gas boiler.

The release of heat coming from the boiler room occurs through a coil passing through the structure in the heat exchanger. filled with colder pool water. The process of heating water and maintaining its temperature at a given level is carried out using a thermostat.

The use of an electric heater is advisable only in small pools, the calculation of the power of the heating system can be 3-18 kW.

water disinfection

Physical water purification is complemented by:

  • chemical - using special reagents,
  • ozone,
  • electrolysis,
  • by ultraviolet treatment.

The most commonly used method is water chlorination. The installation of special dispensers allows you to control the level of reagents in the water, the dosing mode is adjusted if necessary. Ionizers purify water by saturating it with silver and copper ions.

Ozonation is used quite recently, but has already become popular - the water after treatment becomes crystal clear.

The use of ultraviolet emitters allows you to get rid of all types of microorganisms, viruses, fungi, unicellular, even algae die from their exposure.

About water treatment chemicals in more detail:


Illumination of the pool is not only giving it special decorative qualities, but also increasing functionality - it will become possible to swim in the illuminated reservoir even at night. The water line is carried out by special underwater searchlights. For such conditions, it will be necessary to install luminaires with a waterproof system, they must be connected through step-down transformers and RCDs.

AT recent times LED sealed strips are gaining popularity, making it possible to translate original lighting projects into reality.

indoor pool climate

For indoor pools important point is the possibility of maintaining an optimal climate, i.e. temperature and humidity conditions. Balance can be achieved in two ways:

  • by installing supply and exhaust ventilation, the power of which allows the supply of a sufficient amount of heated fresh air,
  • installation of air drying systems, which is achieved by circulating it inside the room itself.

The use of supply and exhaust ventilation with the advent of cold weather becomes unprofitable - it will be required to heat the air a large number of gas or electricity, which will significantly increase operating costs.

Aqua fitness, water park, aqua therapy

It is these types of additional equipment for the pool that can make your stay in it more interesting and useful. Although embedded and mounted devices capable of turning regular swimming pool there are many fun attractions, the most popular is the countercurrent, which allows you to create an artificial river with a strong current. You can swim along such a river indefinitely, while remaining in place and not making tedious turns every couple of minutes. This is an excellent exercise machine for those who want to keep their muscles in good shape and maintain an optimal body weight.

An equally attractive moment will be the installation of massage nozzles, underwater geysers, waterfalls, slides and jumps. But when choosing equipment, one should take into account the type of pool, for example - it is impossible to install a springboard in a small, shallow frame pond, but it is quite possible to install various slides, fountains, children will really like these changes.

No matter how big and beautiful the pool is, it still has similar systems with small private tanks. In this article, we will analyze in detail how the pool works. And you will see that there is nothing complicated about it.

Components of the pool

So, all pools consist of several systems that provide you with cleanliness and comfort while swimming in the water.

The most important part of the pool, without which it cannot exist at all, is the bowl. It is in it that all the water is located. To ensure that the water is always clean, various cleaning and filtering facilities are attached to the bowl. And then for your comfort and aesthetic pleasure, pool heating, lighting, stairs and so on are installed.

Let's talk about each element in detail. And at the end of the article, a picture will be provided that clearly shows us how the pool works.


The bowl is something without which the pool simply cannot exist. The design and material of the bowl can be very different. If you are installing a fixed tank by digging a deep hole and laying the foundation, then you will most likely have a concrete bowl. There are more simple options, for example, a bowl made of plastic or PVC, but they have a shorter service life.

What to choose? Depends solely on your conditions and preferences. If you want to quickly install a pool for yourself and the children, then frame pools from PVC. If your desires are inclined towards durability, high cost and beauty, then your choice, of course, should fall on a stationary pool with a foundation and a concrete bowl.

cleaning equipment

Water is an excellent environment for the life of various bacteria, fungi and algae. It is also clogged with foliage, insects and dust. You need to somehow fight this, and purification facilities will help you with this.

Cleaning goes as follows. Water enters the cleaning system through a skimmer or a special intake hole. In the skimmer, water undergoes primary purification from large debris, and then a pump enters, which supplies water under pressure to the filter. At the outlet of the filter, the water is purified to the smallest particles, and is sent back to the bowl.

Nozzles through which water gets back, it is desirable to place in another part of the pool from the skimmer or intake holes. If this is not possible due to design features, then position the nozzles so that the pressure is directed in the opposite direction from the skimmer. So we get the effect of a counter flow, which helps to circulate and clean the entire volume.

Skimmer, pump and filter need regular cleaning. Remember to turn off the pump before unscrewing the filter element cap.

In addition, you can integrate a chlorine dispenser into the system itself. It will make it easier for you to purify water with chemicals, because with it it is easy to adjust the required doses with the help of a regulator. Also chlorine tablets can be added to the skimmer.

Adding a few chlorine tablets to the dispenser is not difficult, but also remember to turn off the pump. Otherwise, you will get burned or chemical poisoning.

You will also see how the pool works along with cleaning filters at the end of the article.

Heating equipment

In order to swim in the pool at least all day, the water must be at a comfortable temperature. For this, special heating equipment is used, which is built into the filter system as the last link.

That is, after the water is cleaned, it enters the heating element, and then it returns warm and clean back to the pool. We already wrote in another article "".


Another mandatory element of the pool device is lighting. Lighting is needed not only for beauty, but also for your safety. You must clearly see the edges of the pool and its bottom, even at night. In addition, it helps with pool maintenance.

Illumination is general and underwater. General lighting allows you to illuminate everything around the pool, such as walkways, pool edges, building walls. Underwater lighting provides illumination into the water column and highlights the bottom topography, stairs and other elements, thus making swimming safe and comfortable.

Underwater LEDs must be powered by a safe voltage of 12 volts. All wiring and connecting elements must be perfectly insulated from water. This must be treated with special attention. Also, the light should not brighten or, on the contrary, be too dim.

Elements for your convenience and entertainment

Now we list what is designed to diversify your vacation or make swimming more comfortable.

The ladder is one of the most important additional elements. Without it, elderly people simply will not be able to enter the water, and even more so to get out. For children, the absence of this element can also be a problem. Therefore, be sure to install a comfortable and durable ladder.

Your children will be delighted if you install a springboard or slides for them. But remember that these are quite traumatic elements, so before buying them, you need to calculate everything in detail. At a minimum, the size and depth should be sufficient for jumping and sliding down the hill.

Pool device diagram

As promised, a picture is attached at the end of the article with detailed diagram pool equipment. Here, a variant is drawn using a control unit that monitors all processes in the systems. It is designed to facilitate care, but this is a very costly purchase.

Now you know how the pool systems are arranged and how they interact with each other. We hope that the article was extremely useful for you. And if so, then you can read other articles on our website and learn a lot of useful things about pool care.

The presence of water in the pool is the main thing in its purpose. Without water, no swimmer will be able to show their ability to stay on the water, not to mention the records.
Chosen time for starting the pool in each case individually. A very responsible General Contractor wants to decide ahead of time on each site with its successful and timely delivery.
Therefore, the pool is launched even before the end of the fine finish. The negative aspects of such a premature surrender:
- building dirt gets into the pool bowl and if it is from finishing chemicals, it is absorbed into the grout of tiles, mosaics; not subsequently cleared;
- some types of equipment do not tolerate dust from the air, but there is enough of it at the construction site. For example, the ozone generator, the heart of the installation, may fail at the ozonator; In pump motors, dust can cause short circuits.
The optimal time for putting the pool into operation (start-up work) is when curtains are hung in the premises, furniture is placed and people are not allowed in outdoor shoes. Only in slippers, barefoot or shoe covers. The latter, of course, profanity, is effective only in clinics.

Pouring water into the pool

It is better to start filling the pool with water from the very early morning. So the pool bowl is filled under supervision and in parallel, preparatory work is being carried out for the start-up of the equipment. Precautionary measures
It happens that a self-confident pool builder refuses to hydrotesting . In this case, it is necessary to monitor the filling of water according to the levels of laying of mortgages, as in hydrotesting. First, make sure that all piping made and installed front parts .
Before opening the tap from the supplied water supply, it is necessary to sequentially go through the entire highway to the container being filled, closing unnecessary taps and opening the necessary ones. It will not be good if the pipeline towards the tank is closed, and open towards the sand filters. Filters designed for pressures up to 2 bar, or even less, may not withstand out of habit. And the pressure in the water supply system is 4 bar, and sometimes 6 bar. Wound filters have more power, all the rest have less. The issue that is always forgotten is the tightening of the taps, check valves PVC. different ways pipe gluing to taps leads to the fact that the nuts of the taps are not always tightened as they should. In addition, the installation of the hydraulic system is carried out at one temperature, and filling with water is done with a temperature of 7 degrees and 15 degrees Celsius. PVC has a large coefficient of expansion. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with a leak that appeared along the crimp nut of the valve. You just need to pull it up. Of course, before starting the hydraulic system into operation, all detachable connections should be tightened.
Required tool:
There are only two ways to fill the pool at start-up: 1. Filling the pool with water directly into the pool bowl. This method is acceptable only for private pools. It can be filled through the sweet clover, through the skimmer, through nozzles.
- the pool fills up quickly;
- for filling overflow pool you can not follow when water flows into the overflow tank, it means it is full;
- during filling, you can finish the little things, check the wiring diagrams, etc.
- for filling skimmer pool it is necessary to ensure that it does not overflow and flood the adjacent premises (a terrible dream of a pool attendant);
- with a large distribution of water through a pipe of large cross-section, the entire building, and even the entire surrounding area, sags in terms of pressure;
- with this filling, we clean the pipes practically from the "water pump" itself. All perennial deposits and rust will be in the pool. The transparency of the water will not be visible. This dirt can be absorbed into the grout.
The skimmer pool is filled slightly below the designated level, the rest of the water is topped up after adjusting the auto-topping.
2. Filling the pool through overflow tank .

According to SanPiN at the bay of the pool through the overflow tank - the only possible way for public pools.
- the pool will be filled automatically.
- circulation equipment (pumps, automation) must be checked, started and adjusted;
- pouring water through the system autofilling slow, because EMC auto-topping creates a large resistance to flow, and in private pools, the auto-topping pipe is also calculated for the top-up mode, and not for the complete filling of the pool;
- the process of filling the pool through the overflow tank requires monitoring of the pumps and level controller compensation tank water.

Equipment launch

We describe the start-up of equipment with a direct inlet of water into the pool bowl. The bay through the overflow tank is similar, however, it has a cyclical nature, consisting in a repeating process of filling the tank with water to the working level and pumping it into the pool to the dry running level of the circulation tank.pump . Checking the main electrical panel From the beginning of filling the pool with water, the installer begins to deal primarily with checking the completeness and correct installation of the electrical circuits of the main electrical panel. In most cases, the assembly and installation of electrical panels, the connection of terminal devices are carried out by the same installers who also installed the hydraulic system of the pool. However, in some swimming pool companies, special electricians are allocated for this, then both of them work at the start-up of the pools. Required tool:

You can get a better tester. Pools, saturated with automation, are equipped with custom-made shields from specialized companies. Accordingly, a representative from the shield manufacturer is involved in the launch work. Due to the high cost, such electrical panels are rare. Plus - great opportunities, minus - the price and demands on the qualifications of staff.
After the installer or electrician ran through all the wires and made sure that everything is connected correctly and corresponds to the project diagrams, it would be good to check the presence of 3 phases at the input of the shield - on the introductory machine. Things happen. It happens that there is no one phase or only one phase comes through two phase wires. It is worse if the connection is made on a temporary basis and is done by such electricians who are qualified only in pulling wires. The absence of "zero" and "ground" is also interesting in theory, but in practice it causes a delay in launch. To exclude any tricks in the power supply, it is necessary to invite higher-ranking electricians and invite them with a device that will show not only the presence of a voltage of 220 V per phase, but also 380 V interphase. It is even better to measure the voltage with a "voltage meter" and look at the arrow or at the numbers so that they do not differ much from the required ones, so that working welding does not sit on some phase or something else. It happens, because of something, according to the terms of reference, instead of a 5-core cable, 2 cables with a different number of cores are provided, and it’s good that the cross section is no less than necessary. How to be? The best solution is to ask the electrical boss to connect the shield with his own forces, and at the same time control the connection himself so that "zero" is applied to the RCD, and not to the bus. Even if you find out ahead of time which wire is phase and which is "earth" in the upper shield, it is not a fact that the electrician will connect correctly. If an electrician from the General Contractor connects incorrectly, it is his fault, if you connect it is yours. To eliminate losses in this case, when voltage is applied, all automata and other switching devices must be turned off. Only after checking the correct connection of the phase wires, "zero" and "ground", after checking the required voltage parameters, you can start to sequentially turn on and check the energized circuits. There was a case, an electrician from the general contractor, unauthorizedly connecting such 2 wires with three cores, connected the phase instead of "zero" due to the fact that the blue wire fell to the phase share, supplied 380 V power to single-phase devices. As a result, all automation, transformers, dosing station, searchlights burned down. It was at the end of hydrotesting and the general contractor wished to drain the water from the pool through the pump of the pool water treatment system. The shield was assembled, but those ill-fated two power wires were not wound up. The installer from the pool company, who was engaged in the electrical panel, was blamed.
Checking the connection of downstream electrical panels, control panels and all terminal devices - pantographs We check the fact of connecting the lead wires to the terminals of the terminal devices. For safety, we de-energize the main shield completely. To be sure, we use a regular probe. Supply voltage to circulation pumps. If single-phase pantographs are checked for operability simply, then three-phase pumps require additional verification - the correct rotation of the motor rotor. A counter-rotating pump is able to create a small flow of water in the pipes, but very small. Depending on the direction of the pump "snail", the pump can rotate both clockwise and counterclockwise. Typically, the direction of rotation of the motor rotor is indicated on the cooling fan shroud as a sticker with an arrow. In the absence of such, you will have to look in which direction the "snail" is twisting. When this very "snail" is not observed, one should turn to the accompanying documents, the Internet, in extreme cases - "call a friend." Incorrect rotation of the pump is easily determined by ear - the sound from a running pump is completely different than it should be. In this case, the pump must be filled with water, the operation of the pump without water is the same in one direction and in the other.
The pump notes the absence of one or two phases with a quiet "growl". It is not necessary to torment him with the absence of phases. Relieve stress and deal with nutrition.
Even a new pump, which has stood idle for a long time, dries up the lubricant in the bearings and even the presence of all three phases is not able to move the rotor. It would be good to turn the fan impeller through the casing before starting. If not, then only an autopsy will help.

Filling filters, circulation pumps with water from sweet clover When filling the pool, you can start the water exchange of the water treatment through bottom drain already at a water level of 30 cm. This will save us time for checking and starting the equipment. If the pool bottom level is higher than the equipment, then you can simply open the clover valve and fill the equipment by gravity; if the equipment is above the water level, filling the equipment with water can be done with a circulation pump. We sequentially fill all the equipment with water, while observing the appearance of leaks. How carefully the equipment is installed, it will be so easy to start the pool. sand filter . Fill with water by opening the air release valve, the handle 6 position tap (valve) set to "Filtration". When water appears from it - close the valve, the filter is filled.
Starting the swimming pool circulation system We fill the pipes, tighten the compression nuts of the ball valves and check valves , We control leaks. Heat exchanger start launch heat exchanger consists of filling it with pool water and heat carrier, turning on and checking the operation of thermal control automation. Filling the pool with water is not difficult, but in more detail about the coolant. The heat carrier enters the heat exchanger through the "supply" pipe from the heating unit (heating boiler) and goes back through the "return" pipe. It is good when these pipes were not mixed up and the fluid flow corresponded to the arrows on the solenoid valve and the heat exchanger circulation pump. With sufficiently long pipes remote heat point, there is an initial difficulty in filling them with coolant. The air in the pipes prevents the coolant from entering the heat exchanger. To release air in the upper sections of the line, air bypass valves are installed. On the heat exchanger circulation pump There is a slotted plug for air release. Periodic loosening will remove air from the system while the pump is running. Heat exchanger installation Errors in the installation of heat exchangers and their consequences
Launching rides The launch of attractions consists in filling the pumps with water, checking for leaks, checking the correct rotation of the pump, checking the operation of the pneumatic switch from the button, checking the inclusion from the touch or photo button.
Heating and shock chlorination
Launch of disinfection systems
- automatic chemical dosing station (ASDH);
- launch of the flocculant dispenser;
- launch of ultraviolet (UV);
- launch of the ozonator;
- launch of other disinfection equipment (chlorine salt generator, copper and silver ionizer).
Installation of additional pool equipment(children's slides, springboards, dividing ropes, finish panels, electronic scoreboards, etc.).
Cleaning the bottom of the pool bowl with an underwater vacuum cleaner , filter washing , cleaning hair traps of skimmers and circulation pumps.
Operations service briefing. And instruction operation service is carried out in accordance with the Pool Operation Manual with a practical demonstration of individual operations. Operating instructions for water treatment equipment from a pool company Lovibond pool user manual

Must be installed on a flat, level area, capable of carrying 450 - 700 kg (depending on model) per square meter. When installing in rooms with a fire-fighting spray system, make sure that the spa is out of the reach of the water spray heads, as prolonged exposure to water on the pool liner can damage both the body and the electrical equipment. It is not recommended to install a spa in the immediate vicinity of heating devices, as well as floor heating under the pool. If you plan to install a pool on a balcony, then it must be a solid structure, that is, built into the main wall.

It is very important to choose the right place for installation, taking into account the landscape, architecture and style. It should be borne in mind that moving the pool after installation and connection will be extremely difficult, and in most cases simply impossible. Given the extensive experience gained by our company, we can recommend you several possible installation options when buying a spa pool.

First option - the simplest and does not require any engineering solutions. You simply install the SPA pool in any place convenient for you. As a rule, in this case, the pool touches the wall on one side, or is located in a corner, or is surrounded by walls on three sides. It should be noted that the freer the access, the more convenient it is to use and maintain the pool.

Second option - the pool is partially deepened or recessed to the floor level. With this option, you get rid of the inconvenience associated with climbing stairs and stepping over the side. Since in this case the pool is immured into the floor, it must be taken into account that it is not possible to move it in the future.

Third option - the most successful from the point of view of designers and widely used in practice is the installation on the podium. In this case, it is desirable to provide the possibility of approaching the pool from two, and preferably from three sides.

Please note that regardless of the installation option you choose, it is necessary to provide access to the equipment compartment. The equipment compartment is usually located behind a removable wooden case panel, which is located under the control panel. The control panel is an electronic device with an LCD display, buttons and operation mode indicators. If the pool is installed in

U-shaped niche, when the equipment compartment is located on the side of the wall, be sure to provide access to it through a hole, hatch or hole in the wall.

It is extremely important in all cases to exclude the penetration of moisture under the pool bowl.


The pool is connected to a single-phase three-wire (phase, neutral, protective wire) 220 W AC mains, through a circuit breaker (automatic) with a rated current of 25 ... 30 A (or more, depending on the model) and a residual current device ( RCD) with a rated current of 25 ... 30, (40) A and a tripping current I equal to 30 mA using three wires with a cross section of at least 4 sq. mm. You can also use a differential machine (automatic + RCD in one case) with the same nominal parameters. The latter will simplify the connection scheme and allow you to switch the electric power supply of the pool with one key.

The electric cable, as a rule, is brought into the pool through the hole provided for this in the left side (if you stand facing the control panel). If this is not acceptable for any reason, then two other options are possible:

1. Since the SPA, as a rule, touches the wall with at least one side, it is convenient to make the cable connection through this side, having previously drilled a hole in it. After that, having removed the cladding, bring the cable to the equipment compartment with a margin of 2 meters and install the cladding back.

2. The cable is walled into the floor and led out under the pool in the area of ​​the equipment compartment with a margin of 2 meters.

The cable must be in a metal conduit (or in a plastic sleeve).

Reduced and / or unstable voltage in the network can lead to failure of electrical equipment. In the case of installing a pool in a country cottage, where the supply voltage is usually chronically low, we recommend installing a powerful stabilizer to ensure the normal operation of the SPA and other expensive electrical equipment.

If the pool is installed on outdoors provide a backup (autonomous) power supply to prevent freezing of water in the SPA (during the cold season) in case of emergency shutdown of the main source for a long time. You can also prevent this unpleasant situation by timely draining the water from the spa.

Standard wiring diagram


Water is poured into the pool through the top using a hose or through a wall-mounted faucet with a long spout. At the same time, you should pay attention to the fact that the mixer does not interfere with people in the pool. Do not install the faucet on board so that it does not interfere with the cover of the pool.

Drainage of the pool is carried out by gravity, for which the design provides a valve. It is located behind the pool deck. Fitting is screwed to the valve

(available in the scope of delivery). A suitable hose is connected to this fitting for draining water into the sewer.

At your request, the drain can be cut into the bottom of the pool (paid service). The drain insert should be discussed with the master installer in advance, prior to installation. It is possible to drain the pool using a submersible (pumping) pump. This will simplify and speed up the procedure for changing the water.

Plumbing options

Option 1

Option 2

After half an hour bathing one person in the pool, about 30,000 microorganisms are added to the water, plus particles of skin and hair. In outdoor pools, dust, leaves, and various small insects are also added. All this "compote" serves as excellent food for the development of microorganisms. Previously, the problem was solved either by a complete replacement of water, or by the settlement of living creatures that fed on microorganisms.

Today it is expensive to change water regularly, and few people want to swim with living creatures. There is only one way out - the organization of water circulation and its purification with the help of filter units. According to the method of water selection, pools are of two types: overflow and skimmer. In any of them, water for cleaning is taken from the top and from the bottom. The fence from the bottom is the same, but from the surface in different ways.

In overflow pools, the water splashed out of the bowl enters specially arranged drains, which direct it to the tank, and from there it is supplied for filtration. This is their feature: the water mirror is on the same level with the side. Since most of the pollution is in the upper layer, the most polluted part of it also enters the drain. But if there is no movement in the pool, there is no water flow, and therefore it cannot be cleaned. This scheme is suitable for stationary pools. It is not applicable to her.

In skimmer pools, special suction holes are located in the upper part of the walls. If the structure is not stationary, then the skimmers are hung on the side, immersed to a shallow depth. With this type of intake, the water mirror is 20-30 cm below the upper edge of the side. With this type of water withdrawal for purification, there are also disadvantages: pollution is poorly removed from the surface, since the suction nozzles are lower.

In any case, part of the pollution settles, precipitating at the bottom. To remove this sediment, water must also be taken from below, and then fed to the filter. To do this, at least one water intake hole is arranged at the bottom. The number of openings depends on the amount of water in the pool, the level of soiling and the intensity of use. In this case, the rule must be observed: 75% of water is supplied to the filter from the upper layers, 25% through the bottom water intake.

Additional function bottom holes- draining the water in the pool. Such a procedure is needed if it is preserved for the winter, major cleaning and disinfection is required.

Water from the pool enters the coarse pre-filter, then the circulation pump delivers it to the filter station, where it is more finely purified. Further, a device for heating water, as well as a bacterial purification device (chlorine generator or ozonizer) can be installed in the system. After all the manipulations, clean and warm, it falls into the bowl.

The location of the entry zones depends on the type of pool. When taken through the skimmers, purified water is supplied through the holes located on the opposite wall from the skimmers, and in the overflow - at the bottom. Such an arrangement of water injection zones contributes to the fact that water circulates evenly throughout the volume, which means it is better cleaned.

Pump power calculation

The efficiency of the cleaning system is provided by the pump: it drives the water in a circle. Their parameters are selected based on the volume of the pool, the number of swimmers and the time during which it will be included in the network.

In a small artificial reservoir for domestic use, the liquid should be pumped through the filters 3-5 times per day. Based on these parameters, you determine the required pump performance. Just keep in mind that the equipment will not work for 24 hours (this is not a public pool), but no more than 5-12 hours. So its power should be enough so that during this time the water is as good as possible large quantity once cleared.

Intex Filter Pump for pool water filtration. Supply voltage 220-240 volts. Productivity - 5678 liters per hour

For example, in a pool of 10 m 3 of water. The equipment will work for 4 hours. 10m 3 will be pumped four times during operation. It turns out that 40 cubic meters should be “pumped” in 4 hours. 40 m 3 / 4 hours \u003d 10 m 3 / hour. It turns out that to solve the problem, you need a pump and a filter that can process at least 10 cubic meters per hour. This is the required pump capacity for a given pool with this mode of operation.

Types of filters for swimming pools

Filters are used to purify the water in the pool. They are distinguished by the material used for filtering. They happen:

  • mechanical,
  • chemical,
  • combined,
  • electrophysical.

Mechanical filters

Sand is usually used as a filter element, a special membrane (woven or not), Activated carbon. Their principle of operation is simple: passing through a layer of sand, a membrane or a layer of coal, most of the pollution settles on them. At the outlet, we have water without most of the impurities, which is returned to the pool. This is an option for water purification without chemicals, but it is acceptable only for small volumes of water: no more than 10 m 3.

Depending on the material used for filtration, mechanical filters are:

Electrophysical filters for swimming pools

Electrophysical filters for swimming pools appeared not so long ago. They use ozone, ultraviolet radiation, copper and silver ions for purification.

Water purification in the pool with ozone- one of the most harmless and environmentally friendly ways. The process uses the powerful oxidizing power of ozone, which, passing through the water, destroys all bacteria without changing the composition of the water. During the reaction, ozone is released into the atmosphere.

Advantages of this method:

  • The high oxidizing activity of ozone destroys almost all harmful organisms.
  • When processed in water, the amount of oxygen increases, which leads to the absence of odors.

Not bad, but there are significant drawbacks:

  • Ozonation requires a special installation. She is expensive.
  • An overdose of ozone is harmful to the body. For the concentration to be safe, it should be no more than 0.03 mg / m3, that is, three and a half times less than chlorine. The situation is complicated by the fact that the effect of this substance on the body has not yet been fully explored, and what is known does not inspire optimism. In Germany, for example, the use of new installations is prohibited.

Way pool water purification with silver and copper based on the process of electrolysis. As a result, non-ferrous metal ions are released into the water, destroying bacteria and algae. Water at the same time does not change its composition, does not change color or smell. The disadvantage of this cleaning method is one - it cannot neutralize fungi.

The scheme for cleaning and disinfecting the pool in this case is simple: after the filter, a container is installed with electrodes made of the corresponding metal, to which direct current is supplied. The ions they knock out and disinfect the water.

Usage ultraviolet radiation- Another way to purify water in the pool without chemicals. Everyone knows the effectiveness of ultraviolet light, but this method will not work in cloudy or heavily polluted water. This processing method saves all beneficial features water, but the effect does not last long: microorganisms that have entered the water after treatment successfully multiply. Therefore, this method is recommended to be combined with any type of reagents.

Chemical treatment of water in the pool

Chemical filtration systems purify water using reagents and can carry out one or more operations at the same time (depending on the model). For high-quality cleaning of the pool, it is recommended to carry out a whole range of activities:

For primary water purification when using chemical filters, nets, nets, vacuum cleaners are used, which do a good job of cleaning large particles. Reagents handle the rest.

Combined Filtration Systems

Combined filtration systems contain both mechanical and chemical filters. Since this pleasure is expensive (and the equipment itself and filters / reagents), such systems are installed in large and public pools. If you put a sand filter, and after it, for example, an installation with ultraviolet, this will be a combined system. Since there are many devices, there can be many combinations. Below is a drawing of a water filtration and disinfection system in a large stationary pool. In addition to a sand or cartridge filter, there is:

  • heat exchanger, with which for;
  • circulation pump providing the required pressure;
  • ozonation systems (3), ultraviolet treatment (2) and chlorination (4).

Only such a multi-component treatment can guarantee the safety of water in public pools, and even then not 100%. But for a small pool in a bath, it is quite enough to use mechanical filters and periodically drain the water, carry out mechanical, and maybe chemical cleaning of the bottom and walls of the pool.

Types and manufacturers of pumps for water filtration

No pool water filtration system will work without a pump. In most cases, filters are already supplied with the pumps, since the parameters of their operation must be coordinated: if the filter cannot cope with the water flow supplied by the pump, it will work with overloads and will soon fail.

Pool pumps according to the type of action can be divided into:

  • Circulating. Installed in front of the filter. This is the option when you buy the filter separately and the pump separately.
  • Self-priming or submersible. This type of pump goes down into the pool and from there delivers water through a hose to the filter. This type is good for picking up dirt from the bottom. It can be used for temporary pools - frame and inflatable, since cleaning the bottom is difficult in them.
  • Filtering. This is a filter station - a set of filter and pump.

For swimming pools in the bath, it is advisable to use pumps with built-in filters. In them, the primary rough purification of water from the largest impurities takes place. Filter pumps of the latest generations are small in size and quite powerful devices. For example, one of the market leaders, Intex, offers filter pumps that can pump from 2 m 3 to 9.5 m 3 per hour.

Bestway manufactures filter pumps that pump 2 to 3 cubic meters of water per hour. For a small pool in the bath, only such equipment may well be enough. But keep in mind that they cannot pump water from the pool and remove pollution from the bottom. But two devices - filter + pump - will cost several times cheaper than steam - a pump and a filter station, and dirt and silt from the bottom can be removed with a vacuum cleaner, the drain system can be thought out so that it works without a pump. There is also another way - to take a more powerful pump so that the dirt does not have time to settle, but is picked up in the upper layers.

But for those who like to have all the auxiliary work carried out by automation, the filter station is great option. Dear, really. A filter station is a set of filter and pump, which may have several additional functions:

There are two types of filtering stations for swimming pools: mounted and ground. Mounted are simply hung on the side and plugged into a 220 V network, suitable for stationary and frame ones. Only ground variants can work with inflatables.

Mounted filters for stationary pools are good because there is no need to make holes in the walls for nozzles. This is a great way out if you forgot to install embedded parts and didn’t let down the water supply and drainage pipes. In this case, there is no need to break the bowl and embed the necessary fittings.

Powerful pool pump Kripsol Koral KS-150. Productivity - 21.9 m3 / h. The supply voltage is 220 volts.

Pumps for pools with a steel casing are almost never produced. This is due to the peculiarities of their use: steel actively comes into contact with oxygen, chlorine and many other cleaning agents. Therefore, they are produced mostly from plastic, if the models are made of copper. Steel housings can be seen in filter stations that purify water using only ultraviolet light without the use of any reagents.

DIY pool water filter

The filter itself is a simple device and there are several homemade options that will maintain the normal state of the water in a small pool.

Floating filter for a small pool in the bath

For such a device, you will need a piece of polypropylene pipe about 2.5-3 meters with a diameter of 50 mm, a corner of the same diameter, one or more cartridges that are used for water purification (their diameter is 50 mm, and therefore the diameter of the pipe is the same), a pump and a hairpin M12 with a thread of the desired length. How does such a filter work? At the bottom of the pipe, the pump pumps water, it passes through the filters and pours back into the pool through the corner.

Assembled pool water filtration system

We drill a hole in the cartridges and the corner, string them on a hairpin, insert them into the pipe. We bring the pin through the hole in the corner to the outside and then fix it with a nut. The pump is quite suitable from those used for aquariums. It is connected to the lower end of the pipe. Do-it-yourself pool filter assembled. To make it "floating" at the top and bottom, you can attach several pieces of high-density foam.

Not the most productive unit, but it is very simple, inexpensive and does not require connecting a bunch of hoses.

DIY sand filter for the pool

The design of the sand filter is simple and uncomplicated: a plastic or metal container is filled with various fractions of sand, on which polluting particles settle.

It is problematic to use metal for the filter housing: it is subject to corrosion, and if you use water purification preparations at least periodically, it will certainly react with them. So it is better to choose a plastic container. If you find it with an airtight closing lid, solve a lot of problems. Sand for the pool filter can be bought in specialized stores. You can, of course, try to use river sand, but definitely not quarry sand: it can clog the pump.

The photo below shows a cross section of a sand filter. This is one of the options. Water is supplied to upper part, passing through the sand, it is cleaned, and below through a system of thin tubes in which small holes are drilled, it is collected and discharged through the second branch pipe.

The design can be made even simpler. Then the supply pipe or hose is connected through the cover. Water withdrawal can also be only with a hose connected at the bottom of the tank. To prevent sand from being sucked in with water, it can be covered with a filter cloth in several layers. But such a system is not very effective: this piece of fabric will clog quickly. You can solve the problem if you make microscopic holes in the bottom, and install another container below, into which already filtered water will flow. In this case, the outlet pipeline is connected not at the very bottom, but a little higher, so that the grains of sand that still get into the tank settle, and clean water is supplied to the pool.

The pump can be placed either to pump water from the pool or to pump it out of the barrel. Both schemes work. Whichever one you think is more effective, use it. Two strong hoses will need to be connected to the barrel: through one, contaminated water will be supplied to the barrel, and through the other, purified water will be discharged. To ensure maximum cleaning, it is desirable to dilute them as far as possible. Ideally - in opposite corners of the pool. This will ensure good circulation.

Conclusions. Large pools are not only expensive to build, but also expensive to maintain. For small pools in the bathhouse or near it, it is quite enough to purchase a filter pump, a filter station with quartz sand (a more expensive option) or make a sand filter yourself.