Horizontal bar which muscles work with different grips. Types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar

    It's hard to imagine any sport in which athletes would not use pull-ups on the horizontal bar to build muscle mass and increase arm strength. This exercise is definitely included in the program. physical education even in educational institutions. This type of physical activity is so popular among athletes that it can be found even in the newest training systems, including CrossFit. We will talk about it in this article.

    The benefits of pull-ups

    The high popularity of this exercise is primarily due to the fact that it not only contributes to the development muscle strength and endurance, improves external physical form, but also strengthens the ligaments, has a beneficial effect on the athlete's spine. Different muscle groups are involved and these loads can be varied in many ways. The benefits of pull-ups on the horizontal bar are beyond doubt. Again, this does not require ingenious devices or special simulators. It is enough to have any solid crossbar, a body and a desire to improve it.

    What muscles are working?

    Before proceeding to consider the technical side of the exercise, let's figure out which muscles work the most when pulling up on the horizontal bar.

    Several groups of muscles of the back, chest, abdomen, shoulder girdle are involved at once, namely:

    • trapezius, round and rhomboid, latissimus dorsi, extensor muscles of the back;
    • small and large chest;
    • all types of abdominal muscles;
    • biceps, triceps;
    • brachial, posterior deltoid and numerous muscles of the forearm.

    A variety of methods and patterns of pull-ups on the horizontal bar allow you to change or enhance the effect on a particular muscle group.

    Types of pull-ups

    Types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar are classified by phase alternation, whether they are performed with weights or without it, but the most important criterion is the execution technique and how you hold on to the crossbar (grip). Grips, in turn, are classified according to two main features - distance and methods of capture.

    Types by distance between grips

    The distance between the grips is of the following types:

    • narrow grip- when the distance between the grips of the athlete's hands is less than the width of his shoulders;
    • medium grip - the distance between the hands is equal to the width of the shoulders, may be slightly wider;
    • wide grip - this is when the hands are placed at a distance greater than the width of the shoulders.

    Classification by way of gripping the crossbar

    Capture methods are as follows:

    • straight or upper grip - the athlete's palms are directed away from his face;
    • reverse or bottom grip- the crossbar is captured from below and the palms look into the face of the puller;
    • neutral or parallel grip - the hands are turned inward and the palms look at each other.

    By changing the way the horizontal bar grips, you can concentrate the load on different muscles. The load is distributed most evenly across all involved muscle groups with a classic straight grip with an average distance between the hands. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a wide grip load the back muscles. The reverse grip puts more strain on the biceps. A narrow straight line also puts a lot of stress on the shoulder muscles. Pulling up on the horizontal bar to the mass should be done with weights.

    Types by technique

    Pulling up on the horizontal bar is aimed at the functional development of all the muscles of the body, so it has firmly entered the CrossFit training system, becoming an integral component of them.

    In crossfit, along with the classic ones, the following types of this exercise are used:

    Their techniques are very similar and in most cases are performed due to inertial movements. If in the classic version of pulling up the exercise is performed with the lower limbs motionless and only due to the contraction of different muscle groups, then in kipping or butterfly the athlete makes swinging movements and by inertia lifts upper part bodies above the crossbar.

    According to reviews, kipping pull-ups, for example, are easier than classic ones, but with no correct technique more traumatic. More detailed information about the techniques for performing each of these exercises can be found on our website.

    Exercise technique

    You can perform pull-ups on the horizontal bar, both daily and a couple of times a week. You don’t need to do them to the point of exhaustion, a load of 70 percent is optimal. Performing 7-8 pull-ups contributes to the development of muscle strength, and subsequent repetitions of the exercise are aimed at developing endurance. When and how to increase the number of pull-ups on the horizontal bar is decided in the process of training individually.

    Before you start pull-ups, warm-up exercises, such as push-ups, will not be superfluous. The pull-up program on the horizontal bar depends on what you want to achieve: develop arm strength or increase muscle mass.

    The pull-up technique on the horizontal bar is as follows:

  1. Hang on the horizontal bar, choosing the width and grip method you need.
  2. Pull up while exhaling. Movement should be due to the movement of the shoulder blades. Do not try to pull yourself up with the strength of the biceps, since the latissimus dorsi is a much stronger muscle group. The same applies to various jerky movements of the pelvis and legs - this is not permissible in the classic version of pull-ups. Try to focus on the position of the elbows. You should "press" them down as you lift the body - so the load on the latissimus dorsi muscles will be maximum.
  3. The movement is best performed in full amplitude. At the top point, the chin should be located above the level of the horizontal bar, and the elbows should practically be pressed against the body.
  4. Slowly lower yourself down while inhaling. The descent must equal the ascent. At the bottom point, fully straighten your arms and relax your back muscles. pause for one second, then do another rep.

Pull-ups for beginners

And now a few tips for those who start pulling up on the horizontal bar from scratch, that is, they simply cannot pull themselves up even once. Don't get discouraged and just hang in there to get started. Do it regularly special exercises to strengthen the hands. This is a mandatory part of the training program, because without a strong grip, your hands will slip. Take your time - it is better to increase the result gradually than to be injured in a sharp impulse.

Pulling up on the horizontal bar for beginners has a number of special techniques that will help improve personal results in this exercise in a short time. Here are a few of them:

  1. negative reps. Performing as if you have already pulled yourself up on the horizontal bar. Your chin is over the bar, arms are bent. But you achieve this with the help of an auxiliary object - a chair or a bench. Get down as slowly as you can. Perform three to four sets of several exercise attempts. This complex is also good for those who have not trained for a long time and have just resumed training.
  2. Pull-ups with a partner. Hang on the horizontal bar, and your partner, grabbing you from behind, let him help you lift. Three approaches are performed with a decrease in the number of exercises. Remember that the main burden should lie on you.
  3. Half pull. Position a chair so that your arms are bent 90 degrees to the bar, as if you've done half a pull-up. Do the rest yourself. The number of sets and pull-ups performed is similar for other sets of exercises for beginners.
  4. Special simulator or elastic band. Many gyms have special machines to facilitate pull-ups, they are especially loved by girls. A full-fledged replacement can serve as an elastic band. Elastic bands for pulling up on the horizontal bar will not only reduce the load, but also regulate it with the help of a counterweight.

Pull-up program on the horizontal bar

To ensure personal progress in pull-ups, it is necessary not only to follow the correct technique for performing exercises, but also to adhere to a certain training scheme. The 30-week pull-up program has proven itself very well. Thanks to it, you can achieve high stable results. The program provides for 5 approaches to the horizontal bar at each workout with a weekly increase in load.

You can see a detailed diagram of how to increase pull-ups on the horizontal bar in the picture below. It is suitable for both men and women.

Injury risks

Pulling up on the horizontal bar, although technically not very difficult exercise, but everything can be fraught with injury or the appearance of discomfort after intense training.

  • The first thing to be wary of is the appearance of corns. They are formed when the skin of the palms is pinched or rubbed, and often not only in women, but also in men, they occur after the first workout. The best remedy special protection against them sport gloves that will help you stay on the crossbar.
  • When doing pull-ups, especially for beginners, there is a high risk of falling. This happens with insufficiently strong hands, weak grip, wet or slippery hands. Gloves or special talc will help get rid of wet palms, and to make the hands stronger, you need to additionally train the wrist muscles with a long hang on the horizontal bar and special sets of exercises for beginners.
  • With intensive training, especially at the initial stage, pain in the muscles, joints and ligaments of the upper half of the body cannot be avoided. To minimize these discomforts, follow the correct technique, warm up before pull-ups, increase the load gradually.

air squats. Duration 20 minutes. For beginners.

There are no traumatic sports, there is improper exercise. Be sure to include pull-ups on the horizontal bar in your training system and very soon you will be able to show off an amazingly beautiful torso and pumped up arm muscles. But do not forget about training the lower extremities. Then you will be absolutely irresistible.

Consider another variation that will help diversify the classic pull-ups on the horizontal bar, adjust the load and work out the target muscle groups more effectively. This time the subject of our analysis is pull-ups with a parallel grip. Strictly speaking, this is one of the varieties, which we will discuss below.

Parallel or, in other words, a neutral grip involves placing the palms in such a way that they are facing each other. This can be achieved on a special horizontal bar, which has special handles for such a grip (“bars” arranged in parallel). Such equipment can be easily found in gym or install at home. Modern stores sporting goods offer a wide selection.

Muscle work

Pull-ups neutral grip on the horizontal bar helps to shift the load on the lower region of the latissimus dorsi. The hands also work. Thus, the exercise loads the following main groups:

  • the latissimus dorsi muscle (emphasis on the lower sections);
  • biceps ( biceps shoulder);
  • shoulder muscle (brachialis).
Yes, girls do it too.

Deltas, serratus and teres major muscles additionally receive a certain load. As a result, we can conclude that the exercise is used primarily to work out the lower region of the widest and is most often used as an auxiliary one.

Exercise technique

The exercise is performed on a suitable horizontal bar, the starting position is hanging on straight outstretched arms:

  1. Hang from the horizontal bar by grasping the parallel bars. Such a grip can be considered quite narrow, since the distance between the bars usually varies and is 30-60 cm (depending on the model of the simulator). Take a deep breath.
  2. As you exhale, pull yourself up to the top point, try to imagine that you want to touch the crossbar top chest. In other words, try to maximize the range of motion.
  3. Having reached the top point, you can linger for a while, maintaining a short pause, then, while inhaling, smoothly, slowly and under control, lower yourself to the starting position. Complete the required number of repetitions.

You can use the exercise after pull-ups top grip. If your training program includes deadlifts in free weight bent over (dumbbells or barbells) or deadlift upper block, it is better to perform these exercises after pull-ups with a neutral grip.

Do about 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps. The number of repetitions can not be limited by performing the exercise in each approach, as they say, “to failure”.

Here are some useful practical advice and tips to help you get the most out of the exercise, make it more effective and avoid unpleasant consequences for the body. In many ways, these recommendations intersect with classic pull-ups, but repetition in this case is never superfluous.

  • Avoid swinging on the horizontal bar and sudden movements, as this will reduce some of the effort to nothing, and you will only waste your time. Move smoothly, under control and slowly, so you can achieve maximum results.
  • Try to exclude the biceps from work, concentrate more on the tension of the widest. Make movements with maximum amplitude, focusing on the work of the target muscles.
  • Remember that a narrow grip on the parallel bars makes the exercise more of an accessory exercise. If the primary goal of your workouts on the horizontal bar is to pump up a powerful back, first of all, you need the good old ones.
  • Try to reach for the bar exactly to the level of the chest (upper part), and not with your chin. Then target muscles(lower part of the widest) will receive a more effective load.
  • After completing the exercise, do not jump off the bar abruptly (especially from the top point). So you create an unwanted traumatic load on the spine.
  • Experienced athletes can use additional burden. Usually these are pancakes or other additional weight, which is attached to a special belt. On average, three sets of 5-8 reps with weight will help accelerate muscle growth. In this case, the exercise can be considered basic in the training program for the lats on the horizontal bar. If we consider it as an auxiliary, then it is better not to use weights and focus on maximum amount repetitions to the limit.

Greetings, readers of my blog! Alexander Bely is with you. Today we will discuss such an interesting topic as the horizontal bar. Even before the development of the sphere gyms in our country, the horizontal bar was a favorite pastime of many athletes. He even created a kind of cult around himself - "turnstiles", and this is no accident.

It is a universal trainer, and with its help you can develop strength indicators and even increase the percentage of muscle mass! In addition, in the classic version, this is also the most safe exercise. If you begin to hang on the horizontal bar often, you will not only benefit from pull-ups, but also stretch the top shoulder girdle and back, which is very good for the health of the upper body. Let's talk about which muscles work when pulling up on the horizontal bar and compare the variations in performing this exercise.

Muscles involved

Only with a simple crossbar will you be able to work out almost all the muscles of the upper body. It also depends on the way you do the exercise. Pull-ups include the work of the elbow and shoulder joints, so it can be classified as.

The following sections swing on the horizontal bar:

  • The latissimus dorsi;
  • Trapeze;
  • Triceps and biceps;
  • deltoid;
  • forearm;
  • Abdominal muscles (straight, oblique and transverse).

As you can see, this exercise should be performed not only for the sake of the “wings”. Just fixing on the horizontal bar engages and strengthens many muscles throughout the body. But you can focus on a particular area by changing the pull-up method.

In addition, frequent exercises with the crossbar will form your strong grip and fingers. Over time, the skin of the palms will adapt and become rougher. Thanks to this, it will become much easier for you to perform the exercise, compared to the first days.

Pull-up methods

You can pull up different ways, each of which has different involved areas. Pull-ups are of the following types:

1. Way of gripping the crossbar - direct or reverse;

2. The width of the girth of the horizontal bar - narrow, medium grip or wide;

3. According to the position at the top point - touching the chin, chest or back of the head.

Let's analyze in more detail what this or that variation of pull-ups develops.

Medium grip, reverse grip. This is the simplest technique and is best for beginners. Thus, the load is optimally distributed between the biceps and wings. Performing pull-ups, you need to take it so that your hands are at shoulder level, and your palms are turned to your face. The chin must be raised above the level of the crossbar. It is important to perform the exercise without swinging, raise the body due to the effort in the muscles of the arms, try not to connect the lats, then you will work the biceps as much as possible.

Narrow grip. Between the palms you need to make a distance of 10-15 centimeters. Reverse grip allows you to develop the biceps and latissimus dorsi. With a direct grip, you will focus on the lower chest, deltas, and also the serratus muscles.

Wide, straight grip. Grab your hands as wide as possible, and during execution, bend a little in the back. You need to touch the horizontal bar with the lower part of the chest. This exercise it helps to develop the lower part of the wings and paired round muscles.

Wide girth, performed behind the head. The main working muscles in this method are the middle section, trapezium and deltas. During execution, it is necessary to lower the chin and touch the crossbar with the back of the head.

There is also the "Australian pull-up" technique, which is best suited for beginners and girls. With it, you can prepare your muscles and body for more serious exercises. To perform it, you need a low horizontal bar, which will be below chest level. Grab the bar and plant your feet firmly on the floor. At starting position your body should be in a diagonal position. From this position, begin to pull the body to the crossbar, touching it with the chest part. In the peak phase, strain as much as possible trapezius muscles and force your shoulder blades together.

For more intense work, you need to perform angular pull-ups. To do this, you must straighten your legs during pull-ups so that the body creates the English letter "L" and hold the corner when lifting the body.

This is just a short list of those variations that you can train on. But, despite the presence of a huge selection of other exercises, it is these varieties that are effective for muscle growth and increasing strength.

As with any other exercise, you can not pull up when you feel like it. That is, of course, it is possible, but the effect of this will be very small. Here, the systematic and regularity of training, as well as a well-designed program, is important.

When you have reached this bar, you can proceed to the methods described above. Remember - the muscles should receive a regular load, but at the same time have time to recover. Perform 5-6 sets, for the maximum number of repetitions every three days. For more information on how to build muscle with pull-ups, you can see in other articles on my blog. On this note, I want to say goodbye to you, my dear readers! Subscribe, invite your friends, and wait for updates!

Pull-up exercises are invariably present in many training complexes. However, not everyone knows about the various variations of these exercises and how to perform them correctly, which will be discussed in today's article.

  • Back muscles: latissimus dorsi, trapezius, round, rhomboid, etc. small muscles back.
  • Muscles of the arms: biceps, brachioradialis, brachialis, flexors and extensors of the forearms, and other small muscles of the arms.
  • Abdominal muscles: rectus abdominis, obliques, transversus abdominis.
  • Rear deltas.
  • The pectoral muscles and triceps work as "helper muscles".

Exercise for the latissimus dorsi

Usually, a variety of exercises on the horizontal bar are used to train the latissimus dorsi, colloquially known as wings. The trapezoidal shape of the torso as a sign of an athletic physique is for the most part associated precisely with the developed "wings".

Pull-ups also help develop a range of muscles in the arms, chest, shoulder girdle, and trapezium. Some exercises also allow you to pump up the press.

Pull-up Variations

There are many options for pull-ups, but they are all divided into 2 types. The first type is the usual pull-ups with a traditional straight grip. The second involves a reverse grip. The fundamental difference between them is that in the latter case work more biceps, and not the back as in the first version.

35 types of pull-ups

How to learn to pull up

It's better to start with pull-ups. reverse grip, since in this case the main load falls on the biceps, which facilitates the exercise. When your lats and arms are strong enough, you can start full-fledged exercises on the horizontal bar using a regular grip.

Beginners do not always manage to cope with their own weight, and they cannot pull themselves up. In this case, it is advisable to start with a special simulator equipped with a counterweight (traction of the upper block). You can also ask another person to support you by bearing some of your weight until you can pull yourself up.

Pull-up technique

Starting position: grab the horizontal bar with both hands with one or another grip, and lift yourself up, trying to keep your elbows perpendicular to the floor, this should be done smoothly, without jerking.

Feel free to experiment with the grip if you like. Wide grip- You will train your back muscles more strongly, narrow grip - arm muscles.

Pull-up mistakes

The main mistake is incomplete exercise. By "full" is meant that, having reached the highest point, your collarbone will be at the level of the horizontal bar. In this case, you should not bend and throw your head back or tilt forward.

Having reached the bottom point, it is important to fully straighten your arms, then pause for a second and rush up again. Breathing is arbitrary, but at the highest point it is better to take a quick breath and immediately exhale.

Why is it important to go all the way down?

When doing pull-ups, we must not forget that the muscles of the arms always work, but the lats work only at the stage of lifting from the bottom position. If you limit the amplitude without fully working through all the stages of the exercise, the spinal muscles will hardly participate in the process, which means they will not train.

It is likely that at first you will not be able to pull yourself up at full strength. Then it is recommended to lower the horizontal bar lower and push off with your feet to help yourself reach the top point, and concentrate on very slow descent body down until the arms are extended.

Pull-up program on the horizontal bar

In the case of pull-ups, you should not chase quantity, since in this case it is better to do everything cleanly 3 times than to break the technique 10 times. If it doesn’t work out, do as described above or try first to exercise on a simulator equipped with a counterweight - this will strengthen your muscles.

Feeling an increase in your capabilities, try to start pulling up with a reverse grip, after which you can start pulling up in the traditional way, varying the width of the grip. In the future, exercises on the crossbar should be supplemented with a block pull on the simulator for greater training efficiency.

If you ask any fitness trainer to name 5 the best exercises which can be recommended to everyone healthy people, pull-ups are sure to be included in this list. This is not only a universal way to build muscle mass and strength of the back and arms, but also a test for general physical development.

If you want, then you need to know which muscles swing when pulling up on the horizontal bar.

Muscle groups involved in pull-ups

During lifting and lowering exercises, all muscle groups are tensed without exception. It's so total exercise stress that makes the whole body work. The muscles of the legs and buttocks, which, it would seem, are not involved in pulling up, also “wake up” and begin to work.

Some muscle groups are maximally involved when pulling up on the horizontal bar. It is about them that they say that they “swing” when performing this exercise. In the picture you can see in detail muscular system person and understand which muscles are involved when pulling up on the horizontal bar.

Rice. 1. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar - which muscles work are highlighted in turquoise (front view)

The following figure shows in more detail the dorsal and shoulder muscle groups when pulling up on the horizontal bar.

Rice. 2. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar - which muscles work are highlighted in turquoise (rear view)

What muscles swing when pulling up on the horizontal bar - does not depend on the grip

All the muscles whose names are highlighted in turquoise are involved in pulling up. Therefore, they all swing, no matter how grip we perform the exercise.

However, we can slightly redistribute the load from one to the other. To do this, we alternate the grip - forward and reverse - and the width of the grip.

Direct grip

Pull-ups with a direct grip are a classic version of the exercise, in which the load is distributed downward among the following muscles:

  • latissimus dorsi
  • Large round dorsal
  • Thoracic
  • deltoid
  • Trapezoidal
  • Rhomboid
  • Biceps
  • Triceps
  • brachioradialis
  • Straight belly
  • External oblique abdomen

What muscles are involved in pulling up on the horizontal bar: consider the most important ones.

The latissimus dorsi muscle is the main one, thanks to which the forearm moves towards the body, and we are able to pull something with our hand back towards us. Or move the body towards the fixed hand - which is what happens during pull-ups. It is a triangle, which is attached to the spine with its base. The upper side of the triangle is extended towards the forearm.

The latissimus dorsalis is one of the most developed in great apes, which use their hands to move along tree branches. At modern people there is no such need, therefore, without special strength exercises it doesn't develop.

The large round muscle of the back, together with the two next to it - the small round and infraspinatus - help the latissimus dorsi pull the arm towards itself. Both round muscles start from the angle of the scapula and end at humerus. Despite the fact that their size is not very large, their role in pull-ups is great. From above they are covered with a delta and a trapezium.

Big pectoral muscle is made up of numerous fibers. It attaches to the humerus on one side and connects it to the collarbone, ribs and rectus abdominis on the other. When pulling up, the pectoral muscle helps the dorsal muscles in pulling the arm to the body.

Delta, trapezoid and rhomboid muscle participate in the movement of the shoulder and the reduction of the shoulder blades.

Triceps is an extensor muscle, an antagonist of the biceps. Extends the elbow and shoulder joints. Triceps have a leading role in pulling up - in returning the body down.

Reverse grip

The biceps is a flexor muscle of the shoulder and elbow that runs from the shoulder blade to the radius. It comes to the fore with a reverse grip: pulling our body up to the bar. Thanks to it, the load is reduced, first of all, on the widest and round dorsal, as well as on others.

  • Biceps
  • latissimus dorsi
  • Large round dorsal
  • Thoracic
  • deltoid
  • Trapezoidal
  • Rhomboid
  • Triceps
  • brachioradialis
  • Straight belly
  • External oblique abdomen

The lifestyle of modern people, in which the sitting position of the body objectively prevails, makes muscle tissue back and shoulders poorly developed. At the same time, the biceps are not subjected to such severe degradation: every day we have to lift boxes, carry bags, and perform other everyday movements in which the biceps are involved.

In most people, the biceps are more developed than the rest of the muscles in the upper body. Therefore, pull-ups with a reverse grip, as a rule, are easier. For example, the average man who does not bother with training will be able to do 10 pull-ups with a reverse grip, and no more than 5-6 straight pull-ups.

Medical and household causes of hyperhidrosis.

Change your diet and make your lifestyle more active.

Children and adults: in order to lose weight, get rid of dermatological problems, for the circulatory system.

Grip Width

The grip width also redistributes the load in favor of the biceps. The narrower the grip, the more involved it is. Accordingly, the wider the grip, the more emphasis we place on the latissimus dorsi and other related muscles.

The width of the arms when pulling up, as well as the type of grip, does not significantly change the load on the muscles of the abdomen and chest.

In addition, the wider the grip, the more traumatic the pull-up is for the shoulders.

Very wide arm position significantly reduces the range of motion shoulder joint and increases the likelihood of shoulder injury.

The same applies to pulling up with a plant of the head over the crossbar.

What is the best way to pump muscles - direct or reverse grip?

The modern point of view on this issue does not give an advantage to one type of grip over another.

It is customary to say that if the direct grip is difficult, then it is better to practice the reverse. Over time, the back muscles, trapezius and deltoid muscle get stronger and make it possible to perform a direct grip.

When it comes to grip width, fitness instructors agree that the grip can be from narrow to medium with a preference for the second option.

Watch the following video, in which the famous fitness trainer D. Semenikhin talks about the muscles that swing when we pull ourselves up.