Upper body exercises for men. Upper back exercises

It's no secret that some exercises work muscles more effectively than others. But when visiting sports club It can be quite difficult to navigate the abundance of simulators and training options, especially for people who still have little experience in playing sports. Therefore, the best way out is to prepare for the loads in advance, writing down the main components of the upcoming workouts point by point in a notebook and watching a video demonstrating the correct execution techniques. Consider the most effective exercises for the upper body from the point of view of classical bodybuilding.

Standing barbell curl

This is the "golden" exercise for the formation of beautiful hands. At one time, he was singled out from among the others by Arnold Schwarzenegger, and he really achieved outstanding results! Basically, the biceps work here.

Before starting the exercise, take a barbell (can be replaced with dumbbells) with a grip from below so that the neck is located at the level of the groin. Then follow the instructions:

  1. Straighten up, straighten your shoulders and slightly flatten your shoulder blades. At the same time, the legs are slightly bent and spaced slightly wider than the shoulders, and the head looks straight ahead.
  2. Begin to bend your elbows, lifting the weight to chest level, and then lower it back to the starting position.

Try not to swing the body, helping yourself with the force of inertia. A narrow setting of the hands guarantees the study, for the most part, of the outer head of the biceps, and a wide one - of the inner one.

Good light exercise do not happen, but pull-ups reverse grip can be called unrealistically heavy. If this is too much load for you, use the gravitron simulator. Gradually add pounds until you reach your own body weight.

During fitness, use the placement of hands at shoulder level. Rise and fall smoothly, until the very end.

French bench press - "iron" base for triceps

Consider the basic variation (if you wish, you can find a lot of others). The presented exercise for the hands is performed standing or sitting. It all depends on how healthy and strong the athlete's back is.

  1. Take a dumbbell in one hand and lift it up, then grab it just below the elbow with the other hand. Your task is to keep this area motionless.
  2. Start moving your head up and down.

Try to raise and lower the dumbbell emphatically slowly, without lingering for a long time at one point.

Mahi are performed as follows:

  1. Grab the dumbbells, bend your legs slightly and lean your body forward a little. At the same time, the hands are lowered, and the palms “look” towards each other.
  2. Raise your slightly bent arms up to shoulder level.
  3. Lower and raise your arms, bringing them out to the sides and giving your fist a little forward.

Exercise should not be like flapping wings. Movements must be performed smoothly and slowly. Do not forget to breathe correctly: you should inhale the air on each rise of the hands, and exhale on the descent.

Building an Athletic Body: Horizontal Block Rows

This is a great exercise for training the latissimus dorsi, round and rhomboid muscles, as well as the rear delt and biceps.

  1. Set the weight on the simulator so that you can do 15-20 sets.
  2. Sit on a bench, bend your legs slightly and rest them on the supports in front of you. Take a position so that your back is tense and even, with a natural deflection, and only your hands work at the peak point.
  3. Take the handles of the simulator with outstretched arms and move your shoulders forward.
  4. Start the movement "from the shoulder blades"; bringing your elbows back, pull the handle towards you, while slightly tilting the body back and bringing the shoulder blades together.

Try to include your arms as little as possible to work your back more effectively.

Breeding dumbbells in a prone position - “pumping” the chest

Fitness is never 100% safe. Every movement must be controlled. Divorces with dumbbells lying down are potentially traumatic if not followed. correct technique, but the load falls entirely on the chest.

  1. Sit on the end of the bench, after placing the dumbbells on the floor in front of your feet (the weight should be light).
  2. Take dumbbells in both hands and lie on the bench, slightly pushing off your feet from the floor and slightly tossing your hips up.
  3. Lower your feet to the floor and make sure that they rest securely and do not slip.
  4. Slightly bend at the waist and straighten the chest.
  5. Raise your hands with the load above you, slightly bending them at the elbows (palms pointing towards each other).
  6. Start breeding dumbbells to the sides without changing the angles of the bends in elbow joints. When breeding, do not lower your hands deep down (it is advisable to start them no lower than shoulder level).
  7. Open at the bottom chest as hard as possible, then return your hands to their original position and continue to work until the end of the circle.

Perform each movement smoothly in a wide arc and make sure that the elbows are pointing down at the bottom of the trajectory, and the hands are fixed in one position.

Fitness includes a variety of exercises with own weight. Push-ups can be practiced anytime, anywhere. There are many varieties and levels of difficulty. Here are some easy options:

  • Push-ups from the knees

Such push-ups are ideal for you if you have just set foot on the road of sports. Get on your knees and place your hands on the floor wider than your shoulders. Keep your upper body straight and push up.

  • Classic push ups

Lie on your stomach, put your hands wide and rise on them, exhaling at the top. Then, while inhaling, lower yourself to the starting position and continue training. It is important that during execution the whole body is even, and the socks rest on the floor.

  • Push-ups with stands

Pancakes or any other supports 5 cm high will do. Put your palms on them and try to go lower with each movement - along with this, the effectiveness of the exercise increases.

  • Push-ups with arms and legs

A footrest is added to the previous option, which shifts the center of gravity and complicates the action.

The presented exercises are useful for working out the muscles of the whole body, especially for the muscles of the chest and core.

Plank exercise - fast and effective

In the last ten years, the “bar” has been recognized by the entire sports world: from yogis to boxers. Indeed, it is difficult to argue with the effectiveness static exercise, which in a few minutes is able to connect and bring the whole body to a peak of tension!

To do this, lie on your stomach and lift yourself up on your elbows. The legs are straightened and slightly apart; point of emphasis - socks. The whole body should be a straight line. Make sure your elbows are exactly under shoulder joint(this will help avoid injury). Fix this position and do the “bar” for as long as possible.

Please note that some exercises will require additional items. You may need a stable, wide chair or a water canister that is comfortable to hold in your hand.

However, most exercises do not require additional items. If something is needed, it is not special sport equipment, and household items that can be found in every home.

Four basic rules

When training, remember four important rules.

1. Remember to breathe

It seems obvious, but you may forget to breathe while doing the exercises. Most of the time, you exhale on effort and inhale during the easier part of the exercise. For example, when doing push-ups, you inhale as you lower yourself, and exhale as you push yourself up.

This method of breathing is the most common, although it is not suitable in 100% of cases.

2. Do the right exercises

If you forget about the technique, you will not achieve the desired results and may get injured. Make sure you are doing the exercises correctly before starting your workout. To get started, ask friends and relatives (ideally, a fitness trainer) to watch you from the side - they will tell you what you are doing wrong.

3. Take your time

With the exception of cardio, most exercises are best done slowly. This does not mean that you need to take long pauses between each push-up or squat, just do not try to complete them as quickly as possible. Slow exercises will positively affect muscle growth and make you stronger.

4. Give your best

If you can’t complete any more repetitions, then the training was a success. Of course, you should not drive yourself into injury, but as long as you follow the correct technique and keep yourself in shape, this will not happen. Don't worry about the number of reps, just focus on getting the most out of each exercise.

More pushups won't make you stronger. The bottom line is to work at the maximum with the level of energy that you have now.

cardio training


Cardio exercises have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and other body systems, speed up metabolism and strengthen muscles.

Even though cardio is good for the whole body, many people avoid working out because they don't like to run. But there are different cardio exercises, performing which you will not have to suffer. They will take no more than 20-30 minutes 2-3 times a week.

Interval training

Some people don't like running because it takes a lot of effort. This is true if you are an endurance run. Great alternative - interval training, during which you put more effort in a short period of time.

There are many options for interval running training, both outdoors and outdoors. Here is one of them:

  • Easy running for 2-5 minutes.
  • Run at high speed - a minute, then another minute - at low speed. Repeat 5-10 times (depending on your preparation).
  • Light running as a hitch - 5 minutes.

You don't need to maintain a high pace for a long time, so immediately after one minute at maximum speed, switch to a slow recovery run. Instead of jogging for 30-60 minutes, you should endure only short bursts of high-intensity cardio. Some people like these runs better.

You can set different duration and sequence of periods of maximum intensity. Some interval workouts have a pyramid structure: you start with a low load, max out in the middle, and taper off towards the end. There are other options, for example, a technique by which segments with different intensities are not determined in advance, but are selected during the training process.

For some people, interval training may seem like hell, but if you've never been able to long distance, intervals will become an alternative to long endurance runs.

Climbing stairs

This is a simple exercise that is especially effective when stepping over a step.

How do you need to climb stairs to make it an exercise? Just follow these tips:

  1. Go up and down the stairs as many times as you can. If possible, skip steps. Stop when you are so tired that you cannot continue. When you get to this state, you will most likely be in the middle of the ascent. If you reach the end of the stairs, you will surely have the strength to start a new climb.
  2. Take total climbs to the end of the stairs and divide in half. If you climbed the stairs 20 times, your number will be 10.
  3. The next time you climb the stairs, run up and down 10 times (or half your maximum).
  4. Rest 60-90 seconds, then climb the stairs again at least 10 times (or half of your maximum)
  5. Another 60-90 seconds of rest, then again 10 lifts (or half of your maximum). If you can do more, please. Your goal is to race yourself up the stairs until you're so tired that you can't keep going.
  6. Gradually increase the number of lifts in one set. Constantly force yourself to work hard.

If you don't feel like exercising outside or in public places, just make climbing stairs a regular part of your life.

Upper body workout

Exercises to develop the muscles of the shoulders, arms and chest are the simplest and most effective, because you see results quickly. However, in order to progress quickly, you need to take the time to master the correct technique, otherwise you will be wasting your energy.

Another important point: Decide how many times to do each exercise. There is a method to help find this out. Let's look at the example of push-ups:

  • Do as many push-ups without rest as you can. Stop when you can't physically do any more push-ups.
  • Take the total number of push-ups you can do and divide by two. If you can do 30 pushups, your reps are 15.
  • Next time, do three sets of 15 reps with 60-90 seconds rest in between. If you feel like you can do more push-ups on your last set, keep going.
  • Over time, increase the number of repetitions in each approach. If you notice that the exercise has become too easy for you, just add 2-5 repetitions to each set.

Push ups

Push-ups are effective exercises that work several muscle groups, including pecs, deltoids, and triceps.

It may seem like a simple exercise, so you don't have to worry about technique. But many allow when doing push-ups.

  • Take an emphasis lying down, put your hands shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, palms are under your shoulders.
  • As you inhale, bend your elbows and lower your body closer to the ground. At the same time, tighten your abs and try to keep your body straight. Do not raise your shoulders, do not pull your head in.
  • Exhale as you straighten your arms, lifting your body off the ground.
  • Lift your body weight with your hands, do not try to engage your buttocks or lower body.
  • To maintain correct body position, imagine a straight line running from your head to your ankles.

You can try the 100 pushups workout plan, which will help you pump muscles faster and become stronger. If you are not yet ready for such ambitious goals, use the method described earlier and find out how many push-ups you need to do in one set.

And for those who already know how to do push-ups and want to diversify their workouts, they will come in handy with additional equipment or without it.

Reverse push-ups

This is a great upper body exercise that can be done with a chair or bench. The exercise increases the strength of the same muscles as regular push-ups, but loads a little more. rhomboid muscles back.

Correct exercise technique:

  • Stand with your back to a chair or bench. Make sure the chair is stable and will support your body weight.
  • Bend your legs and place your hands on the seat of the chair, fingers pointing towards your body.
  • Slowly extend your legs forward so that most of your body weight is transferred to your arms.
  • Inhale and slowly bend your elbows. Lower your body until your shoulders are parallel to the floor.
  • Hold for a second, then exhale as you straighten your arms.

If you want to diversify your workouts, you can start doing the 150 Reverse Pushups program.

Biceps exercise

It is impossible to build biceps without lifting free weights, because your body weight is not enough to get sculpted arms.

If it is important for you to pump up your biceps and you want to do it at home, it is best to buy dumbbells and do exercises with them. The right weight for dumbbells depends on your size and muscle mass. It is better to start with lighter ones and gradually increase the load.

If you don’t want to buy anything and agree to use only what is at home, any heavy object that is comfortable to hold can be a good substitute. One option is a backpack, if you can evenly distribute the weight in it, without shifting down. Another option is a large canister with a handle filled with liquid.

When you find a projectile, you can begin exercises for the biceps. If you have two objects of the same weight or dumbbells, you can do the exercises with both hands at the same time. If not, in order.

Correct exercise technique:

  • Take the weight in your hands and freely lower them along the body, palms facing forward or towards each other, elbows slightly bent.
  • As you exhale, slowly raise the dumbbells up to your shoulder. Lock your elbows at one point, do not raise the dumbbells above your shoulder and do not press them to your chest.
  • Lower the dumbbells with an inhale. Do not straighten your elbows to the end - at the extreme point they should be slightly bent.
  • The movement must be slow. If you do it in jerks, you can get injured.

Videos from detailed analysis exercise techniques, different execution options and basic mistakes will help in training.

Try starting with three sets of 12 reps. The last approach can be increased if there is strength left. If you can't do 12 reps, then you've lifted too much weight.

Don't get frustrated if you have to start with light weights or fail to finish three sets. Over time, you will find that you can add weight every 2-3 weeks.

Core workout

The core muscles are a complex of muscles responsible for stabilizing the spine, pelvis and hips. This group includes not only the abdominal muscles, but also the muscles of the back, hips, buttocks and other muscles.

Suitable for core muscle training different variants twisting on the press. Although the standard twist is good exercise, different variations will help you work more muscles.

Several variations of crunches require nothing more than your body (and maybe a mat or towel for comfort). Let's take a look at some of them.

Slow twists

Slow crunches are similar to regular ab exercises, but with a few differences. Firstly, they are performed much more slowly, which allows you to better work out the muscles of the press. Secondly, more attention is paid to breathing - it is important to correctly alternate inhalations and exhalations during execution.

Correct exercise technique:

  • Lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body.
  • Raise your hands in front of you with an inhale.
  • With an exhalation, slowly raise the body. The back should come off the floor vertebra by vertebra, gradually twisting forward.
  • When you have reached a sitting position, continue moving the body forward, towards the legs. At the same time, do not lower your arms, stretch forward, not down, do not straighten your back - it remains rounded. Breathe in.
  • With an exhalation, start moving back. The back sinks to the floor as slowly as it came up.
  • Lower your arms along the body.

Twisting down

This exercise perfectly complements the usual twisting on the press.

Correct exercise technique:

  • Lie on the floor, bend your legs at an angle of 45 degrees, feet are on the floor.
  • To return to the starting position, place your hands on your hips and lift your torso, keeping yourself in a sitting position.
  • You can keep your hands on your hips throughout the exercise, but if you want to work your abs better, stretch them out in front of you.
  • In the starting position, inhale, then slowly lower your back towards the floor as you exhale.
  • Lower yourself until your shoulder blades touch the surface. Do not lower your back too low - the body must remain on weight all the time.
  • Inhale, and then as you exhale, return to the starting position. At the extreme point, the back is slightly rounded.

You can try a different number of approaches, but you should not do more than 15 repetitions at a time.

A hundred

This difficult exercise, so it's okay if you fail to complete it the first time.

Correct exercise technique:

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees at a 45-degree angle, and place your feet flat on the floor. The hands are on the floor, palms down. The back does not press against the floor, but does not arch.
  • Lower your chin slightly and begin to lift yourself up, tensing your abs. When you have reached the desired position, raise your arms off the floor and stretch forward on either side of the body.
  • In some variations of the exercise, the legs are raised so that the shins are held parallel to the floor, and the angle at the knee is 90 degrees. If this is too difficult for you, you can do the exercise without lifting your legs.
  • Keeping your arms extended, begin to quickly move them up and down with a small amplitude. Up and down movement counts as one time.
  • Inhale and exhale alternate every five times. For example, you inhale on the first repetition, then on the tenth, then the twentieth, and exhale on the fifteenth, twenty-fifth, and so on.
  • Do the exercise 100 times. If you can't do 100 reps right away, rest on the fiftieth and then continue.

Main bar

This is a simple exercise that engages all the muscles in your core. It may take practice to learn how to perform the plank, but once you find the correct position, all that remains is to hold it.

Correct exercise technique:

  • Lie on your stomach, elbows close to your body, palms on the floor.
  • Brace your abs and slowly lift your torso off the floor, engaging your abs, glutes, and legs.
  • Avoid arching your lower back or high hips, and don't strain your neck.
  • Continue breathing while holding your body in a plank position for 15 seconds.
  • The goal for beginners is three sets of 6-12 reps.

Other Core Exercises

Once you've mastered these exercises, you'll likely want to add variety to your workouts. Here's more, to work out the press, back and buttocks and which will help runners develop core muscles.

Lower Body Workout

After cardio, upper body and core exercises, it may seem superfluous to work with the lower body as well. After all, the muscles of the legs and buttocks were already tensed during other exercises. However, exercises aimed at working out the legs and buttocks allow you to pump all the muscles of the lower body, including those that are not loaded sufficiently during cardio loads.


Squats are a simple exercise that helps to pump legs, buttocks, hips and strengthen bones. If squats, they engage most of the muscles in the lower body.

Correct exercise technique:

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider.
  • To do the straight back exercise, find an object at eye level and focus on it as you squat.
  • Inhale as you bend your knees and lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • While squatting, tighten your abs, stretch your arms in front of you.
  • The knees are turned outward - they should not turn inward either during the squat or at the moment of exit from it.
  • Exhale as you return to the starting position and repeat.

To start, try doing three sets of 20 reps. In the last approach, you can increase the number of times. Gradually increase the number of squats. You won't make progress if you don't force yourself to continually improve.

Walking up the hill

Like climbing stairs, stepping up pumps the lower body. The key point is that the exercise must be performed with a hill just below the level of your knee.

If the knee rises above the hip while walking, the surface is too high, you need to find something lower.

In the gym, you can use a regular barbell bench, at home, a wide chair is suitable for exercise, and on the street, benches in the park. Make sure the furniture you choose can support your weight.

Correct exercise technique:

  • Work with the legs in turn - first approach on one leg, then on the other. Start with the left foot.
  • Place your foot on the bench, using the strength of that leg, rather than pushing with the supporting leg, lift yourself up and substitute your right foot.
  • Get off the bench and repeat the exercise.
  • When lifting, watch the knee of the working leg - in no case should it be wrapped inward, this is fraught with injuries and falls. Turn your knee outward, watch this, especially at the moment of effort, when you transfer the weight of the body to the working leg and lift yourself to a hill.
  • To begin, repeat the exercise 10-12 times for each leg, rest 60-90 seconds and repeat. Do three sets in total.

When the exercise becomes too easy, it is not necessary to increase the number of repetitions. Instead, you can increase the weight by picking it up or hanging it from your feet. In the latter case, you will have to buy goods.

If you decide to take the weight in your hands, dumbbells or canisters of liquid will do. Just make sure that the weight in both hands is the same, otherwise it can throw you off balance and lead to a fall and injury.

Walk slowly, avoid sudden movements. You can easily get injured doing a snatch exercise or turning your knee in instead of out.

Overall workout

Here rough plan workout above:

1. Cardio loads are separate from strength training. 20-30 minutes of interval running or climbing stairs 2-3 times a week will be enough. Before cardio, it is advisable to do a simple joint warm-up and dynamic stretching, after - a thorough static stretching.

2. Power training:

  • Joint workout.
  • Cardio exercises at an easy pace - 5 minutes.
  • Three sets of 15 push-ups.
  • Three sets of 15 reverse push-ups.
  • Three sets of 10 slow crunches.
  • Three sets of 10 twists down.
  • "A hundred". You can rest after 50 times.
  • 6-12 plank reps for 15 seconds.
  • Three sets of 12 squats.
  • Three sets of 10-12 steps on a hill for each leg.
  • Stretching.

Try this workout and share your impressions in the comments.

This exercise is a "classic" in the training of the back muscles. Most often it is referred to as basic exercises. Upper pull...

show exercise technique

  1. set the weight in the simulator at which you can perform the exercise without distorting the technique
  2. sit on the seat and fix your feet under the support roller (its height can be adjusted
  3. grab the handle with a straight grip, placing your hands slightly wider than your shoulders
  4. while exhaling, slowly pull the handle to the middle of the chest, while the shoulders should be lowered, the elbows pointing down and the natural deflection in the lumbar region should be maintained
  5. during the movement, it is necessary to slightly bend the chest forward, and at the end to bring the shoulder blades together
  6. release the handle slowly and in a controlled manner, controlling its movement
  7. make sure that the gaze is directed forward, and the movements are performed slowly and without jerks
  8. repeat the required number of times
3 sets of 15 reps

Exercise #2

Unlike the barbell press, the dumbbell press allows you to perform a greater range of motion, which involves not only more...

show exercise technique

  1. sit on a bench without leaning on your back, pick up dumbbells and only after that lie on your back
  2. bend your arms to a right angle at the elbow
  3. Spread your arms out to the sides so that your elbows are in line with your shoulders and your palms are facing forward (away from your face)
  4. as you exhale, push your arms up
  5. at the top, bring your hands together above your head
  6. hold for a couple of seconds at the top
  7. lower your hands along the same path a little below shoulder level and immediately start doing the exercise again
  8. repeat dumbbell bench press incline bench required number of times
3 sets of 15 reps

Exercise #3

One-arm dumbbell row is one of the “classic” isolation exercises that focuses on the latissimus dorsi...

show exercise technique

  1. select the required weight of the dumbbell and place it near the bench
  2. rest on the bench with your right hand and right foot as shown in the video
  3. the left leg is almost straight and stands to the left of the bench
  4. the body should be parallel to the floor, and a natural deflection should be maintained in the lower back
  5. grab a dumbbell left hand and as you exhale begin to pull up and back a little (so that the elbow is pointing towards the waist)
  6. try to keep your hand as close to the body as possible
  7. raise your arm as high as possible, but so that the opposite shoulder remains motionless
  8. ideally, at the end point of the movement, the elbow should be slightly above shoulder level
  9. lower your hand along the path down and forward a little, feeling a stretch in your back, and repeat the exercise again as many times as necessary
  10. at the bottom of the movement, the elbow should remain slightly bent
  11. for the right hand, the exercise is performed similarly and involves changing the supporting leg
  12. repeat the dumbbell row to the belt as many times as necessary
3 sets of 15 reps

Exercise number 4

Standing dumbbell alternate press allows you to strengthen the front and middle delta. Performing a bench press with one hand connects the muscles of the stabilizers ...

show exercise technique

  1. take the dumbbells and stand up straight with your knees slightly bent
  2. raise your arms so that the elbows are at shoulder level, the palms are facing forward, and the angle at the elbow is straight
  3. as you exhale, raise your right hand above you so that the dumbbell is above your head
  4. at the top, do not fully extend the elbow
  5. slowly lower your right arm down along the same path so that the elbow is slightly below shoulder level
  6. immediately do the exercise with your left hand in the same way
  7. repeat alternate dumbbell shoulder press as many times as needed
3 sets of 15 reps

Exercise number 5

The dumbbell incline raise allows you to form a more rounded shape of the upper region of the pectoral muscles. Also it...

show exercise technique

  1. set the angle of the bench back to 35-45 degrees in relation to the floor
  2. lift the lower part of the bench (it is usually adjustable) up too - so you will not “slip”
  3. sit on a bench, pick up dumbbells and only after that lie down and fix your position, resting your feet on the floor
  4. raise your arms up above your chest so that your palms are facing each other and bend your elbows slightly
  5. from this position, spread your arms down in an arcuate path so low that you can feel the stretch of the pectoral muscles well
  6. as you exhale, bring your hands along the same trajectory
  7. it is very important that the angle at the elbow remains unchanged
  8. do the required number of times
3 sets of 15 reps

Exercise number 6

In my opinion, the extension on the upper block is one of the most effective exercises for triceps, allowing high-quality ...

show exercise technique

  1. face the machine and grasp the rope handle so that the palms are facing each other
  2. bend your legs slightly, move your pelvis back and tilt your body forward
  3. press your elbows to the body and make sure that they are motionless
  4. while exhaling, extend the arms until the triceps are fully contracted and, in the lower position, slightly spread the hands on the hips
  5. then put your hands up again
  6. the lower back should maintain a natural deflection, and the shoulders should be straightened back
  7. perform the exercise only due to the strength of the triceps and do not allow strong swinging of the body
  8. repeat the extension of the arms on the upper block the required number of times
3 sets of 15 reps

From Dr. Mercola

Most of the time in the gym is often devoted to areas of the body that are more valued, such as the abs, buttocks and biceps. Among men, there is even an expression "training for girls."

But most fitness trainers and chiropractors know the secret: a strong upper body and back is the best defense against injury, bad posture, and back pain. In the past five years, a new problem has arisen with top back because of the time spent on smartphones.

  • Choose a weight that you can lift at least 8 times, but not more than 12, using this technique. You may have to experiment at the very beginning of a couple of workouts to determine what weight is right.
  • The Super Slow Workout can be done with free weights or power simulator. If you haven't used free weights before, start with a machine that guides weight placement.

    This will allow you to concentrate more fully on the effort, not paying attention to the movement.

  • If you are using free weights, it is important to use excellent technique and a spotter who can watch. correct technique. Usage free weight increases the risk of injury in the event of an imbalance, and the insurer will help prevent it.
  • The movement of the weight must not stop at the top or bottom of the lift. The idea is to move the weight continuously at a slow pace. If you are using a machine, the weight should not stop until you are done with the set.
  • Lift the weight as slowly and gradually as possible. It should take up to 2 seconds for the first 5-10 centimeters so that you do not bring it up due to inertia.
  • The movement during muscle contraction and again during stretching should last 7-10 seconds. You can try to take 4-5 seconds to move, but in any case, at least 4 seconds.

    In other words, if you are doing a bench press, pushing the weight forward should take 7-10 seconds. Then, without pause, you reverse the movement and return the weight back to your chest in another 7-10 seconds.

  • Work out the muscles until they are completely tired, i.e. you have to get to the point where you just can't move the weight any further. At this stage, you should continue to contract the muscles for a full 7 seconds to get the most benefit from the workout.

This slow movement keeps your muscles under constant stress, so fatigue builds up quickly. The emphasis is on muscle contraction rather than weight transfer, which reduces the risk of injury.

And the best part is that when you slow down your strength training to this point, it becomes high intensity workout .

The best workout for strengthening and shaping the upper body

two the best exercises for the upper body and back are pull-ups and bench press. If you are unable to perform a pull-up, then the lateral pull on the strength machine will help achieve similar results. Add a few more exercises, you can fully work out the muscles of the upper body and back.

1. Pull-ups (and pull-ups to the level of the chin)

(only in English)

Pulling up is an intermediate gymnastic movement that can subdue even the most courageous men and women. However, through certain time and a few workouts you will be able to overcome the bar and acquire strong muscles of the chest and back.

While there is some disagreement about the differences between pull-ups and chin-ups, the end result is essentially the same. The only difference is that when pulling up to the level of the chin, a reverse grip is used (palms facing you on the bar) and the biceps and pectoral muscles.

At first, it may seem overwhelming that while hanging from the bar, you need to lift your entire body weight using only your arms and shoulders. Until you are able to perform this movement, it is best to perform side pulls on a weight machine, as described below. Here is a program you can use to incorporate pull-ups and chin-ups into your regular workout.

  • Start by simply hanging from the bar in a controlled manner, activating your shoulder muscles. This will help stretch any tight muscles in your upper body. Tight muscles can increase the risk of injury.
  • Increase your time on the bar to build shoulder stability and grip strength. But don't sacrifice form. You can use gloves to protect your hands and improve your grip on the bar.
  • Incorporate side pulls into your workout (as described below) to increase muscle strength for pull-ups. Do not try to do too much and too fast, so as not to increase the risk of injury.

    As you build strength on the weight machine, continue to increase your time on the bar while focusing on technique.

  • As you build up your pulling power, try rope climbing, which requires you to keep your body still and hang on the rope while pushing up with your feet. To effectively climb a rope, you just need to keep your body upright.
  • By consistently working on bar time and side pulls, in a couple of weeks or a month you will be able to start pulling up on the bar.
  • Resist the temptation to use momentum to perform more pull-ups because this dynamically loads the shoulder muscles, transfers more force to the muscles, and increases the risk of injury.

By mastering pull-ups, you will see an improvement in strength in the following muscles:

2. Side pulls

(only in English)

The lateral pull is an exercise that is performed on a strength machine that allows you to build strength in the muscles listed above. It prepares you for pull-ups and can be done with the super slow workout method to get more benefit from exercise. Basically, if you prefer the side pull machine, you don't need pull-ups.

  • Adjust the weight on the machine as described in the Super Slow Workout above.
  • Sit facing the scale and adjust the knee brace to your height. It will stabilize you when you work with the weight.
  • The width of the grip will affect the muscles you will train. If you work your muscles to fatigue as described above, you can change the grip every workout, alternating between wide, medium, and close grips.

A wide grip should be wider than shoulder width, but still comfortable to use, medium grip- at the width of the shoulders, and narrow - less than at the width of the shoulders.

  • Grab the bar with your palms facing away from you.
  • Holding on to the bar, lean your torso back 30 degrees and arch your lower back for stability.
  • Slowly lower the bar, touching your chest as you exhale. Only hands work.
  • On an inhale, slowly return your arms to the starting position.
  • This is one repetition.

3. Bench press

(only in English)

The bench press is a classic strength exercise, which primarily activates the pectoralis major (chest muscle) and triceps. Secondary muscles involved include the posterior deltoids, rotators, and rhomboids.

Your position during the bench press affects the efficiency of the movement and the possibility of injury. In addition, the position of the hands also affects the involvement of the muscles.

When doing a bench press, when the elbows are closer to the body, the pectoral muscles are less involved and the triceps are more involved. Excessively abducted elbows put a lot of stress on the shoulder capsule. When the elbows are at a 45-degree angle, this allows you to apply more force and reduce the load on the shoulder.

Using a bench press machine helps you position your elbows properly and reduce the risk of injury.

  • Select a weight based on the criteria described above.
  • Lie down on a bench and place your hands on the bar.
  • Place your feet firmly on the floor. During this exercise, you will need to rest your feet on the floor.
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades together under your back and slowly lift the weight.
  • Do not straighten your elbows completely - when the elbows are bent 10-15 degrees, stop and return the weight to its original position.


  • Try not to keep your back straight - there should be a slight deflection.
  • Make sure your feet are under the bench and rest on the floor.
  • Shoulders should be brought together.
  • Try not to take your hips off the bench - rest your feet on the floor. Don't push off the floor to lift the weight - use the floor only to stabilize your body.

(only in English)

The dumbbell press develops the lats, trapezius, and rhomboids to help maintain your posture and stabilize your spine. Strengthening the back muscles, which are often overworked due to poor posture, will help reduce upper back pain and increase the definition of these muscles.

Start with a weight that you can do 10 reps with.

  • Starting position: take dumbbells in each hand, feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Tighten your buttocks and pull back, bending a little in the lower back. This will protect your lower back.
  • Squat down and lower your head to stretch your back muscles. Do not straighten your legs completely - let your knees be bent approximately 30-40 degrees.
  • Keep your hands in front of your knees and your weights parallel to the ground.
  • Raise your arms and head up, pulling the weight to your sides, and turn your hands with your palms to your sides. Pull your shoulders back.
  • Inhale before pulling the weight, and exhale as you lift the weight up.

5. planks

(only in English)

This is another simple exercise that works the muscles of the shoulders, back and core. Plank increases group flexibility back muscles and strengthens the muscles needed to develop strong posture.

  • Keep your elbows directly under your shoulders and your wrists in line with your elbows.
  • Push your upper back into your core, pressing your chin into your neck (as if you were holding an egg between your chin and neck).
  • In this position, prepare the muscles abdominals- squeeze them as if you are expecting a blow to the stomach, squeeze the buttocks (coccyx) and thigh muscles, continuing to breathe normally.
  • Hold the plank for at least 20-30 seconds. (If you use the right technique, no more time is needed.) Rest for about a minute and repeat the exercise three to five more times.
  • Once you've mastered this technique, start doing a plank on your elbows and toes (don't be afraid to kneel if you have to) and work your way up to a high plank.

Upper body program is a complex system for improving the proportions between the legs and the top, which is necessary in the case when an athlete has a genetic muscle composition big amount muscle motor units in the legs. The key points here are the words system and ul-uch-she-nie, because, firstly, the athlete must approach the issue of or-ga-ni-za-tsi tre-ni-ro-voch-no- th process, and, secondly, to be aware of the fact that for the ul-uch-she-niya of proportions, their presence is not-about-ho-di-mo. Somehow you don’t need to do bone carving! It so happens that beginners weighing 70 kg begin to bother with the volume of individual parts of the body, which is extremely irrational, so we don’t re-commen-d-eat you so without a gift -but waste time. First dial the general muscle mass and, perhaps, proportions of st-uch-shat-sya sa-mi so-fight, and if not, then proceed to the program tre-ni-ro-wok to the top of the te-la!

The upper body training system consists of several stages, thanks to which it is possible to maximize your own potential. The first phase of the system is power, po-z-la-y-shchaya to-work the total muscle volumes, so it is aimed at training large muscle masses basic exercises. The second phase allows you to re-a-li-zo-vat the power-howl according to the ten-qi-al developed in the first phase, so the number of approaches and repetitions changes -Xia, the athlete connects split and formative exercises. The third phase of the program is a pumping that allows you to build up a capillary network, restore large muscle masses and work out small muscle groups. Accordingly, during the first phase of carbohydrates, you need to eat a lot, in the second phase, gradually reduce their number, and in the third phase, pay more attention ma-niya bel-kam, og-ra-ni-chi-vaya coal-le-vo-dy exclusively complex and fibrous.

I phase upper body workout

Deadlift – 6 sets of 6 reps
Bench press - 6 sets of 6 reps
Bent Over Row – 6 sets of 6 reps
Military bench press - 6 sets of 6 reps
Leg Press - 6 sets of 6 reps

Notes* the “pyramid” principle is used, and the “failed” repetition is only the last in the last approach; rest between sets 1-2 minutes; at the end of the tre-ni-ditch-ki re-ko-men-du-et-sya for 30-40 minutes, spin the exercise bike for heart training ; the duration of the phase is 12-16 tre-no-ro-wok, 3 workouts per week; if the athlete does not have time to recover, then it is necessary to add microperiodization, alternating training with 100% working weight and 75% weight from the worker.

II phase upper body programs

Workout #1
Deadlift – 8 sets of 8 reps
Bench press - 6 sets of 6 reps
Leg Press - 8 sets of 8 reps

Workout #2
Bent Over Row – 6 sets of 6 reps
Upper pulldown - 6 sets of 8 reps
Lying barbell row - 6 sets of 8 reps
Dumbbell swings - 3 sets of 8 reps
Barbell curls - 4 sets of 6 reps

Workout #3
Bench press - 4 sets of 6 reps and 2 sets of 2 reps
Incline Press - 6 sets of 6 reps
Military bench press - 4 sets of 8 reps
Barbell row to the chin - 4 sets of 8 reps
Hanging Leg Raises – 4 sets of max reps

Notes* the pyramid principle is also used; rest between sets in the basic exercises is 2-3 minutes, and in the formative one minute; it is recommended to use cardio workout on rest days, and at the end strength training spin the wheel for 10-15 minutes; duration of phase 24 of training; mi-cro-pe-ri-o-di-za-tion not pre-us-mo-tre-na.

III phase upper body systems

Workout #1

Barbell Squat – 3 sets of 20 reps
Bench press - 4 sets of 8 reps