Exercises for a healthy spine from Katsuzo Nishi. Niche Japanese Gymnastics

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One of the wellness techniques that is gaining popularity today is the Nishi gymnastics, developed by the Japanese healer Katsuzo. In his opinion, only one's own strength can restore and maintain health.

Gymnastics Gogulan and Katsuzo for beginners

Doctors gave Katsuzo a disappointing diagnosis, according to which he would live only to the age of twenty, but he lived long enough, and even developed his own method of healing.

Philosophy of Katsuzo Nishi

Nishi's healing technique first became known only in 1927. It gained wide popularity thanks to scientific publications. Having no medical education, Nishi invented an unusual system for improving the spine.

Philosophy of Katsuzo Nishi

In the course of studying the philosophy, as well as the culture of most countries, Nishi came to the conclusion that it is impossible to consider each human organ separately, because the body is a single whole.

By itself, the human body is a complex mechanism, violations of which are associated with moral and psychological state.

When finding harmony, as well as coherence in the work of the body, you can get rid of almost all types of diseases, while ensuring a healthy and long life. Thus, Nishu gymnastics, developed by Katsuzo, has become so famous that it is used in many countries of the world.

Most children, especially in adolescence, suffer from scoliosis, resulting in a stoop, because the ligaments, as well as the spinal muscles, weaken. Basically, office workers who spend all day in a sitting position experience back pain, including fatigue. This condition leads to displacement of the vertebrae.

The Benefits of Exercise

Wellness gymnastics Katsuzo allows you to form the correct and good posture thanks to special exercises. In addition, you need to eat right, swim, and sleep and rest on a hard surface.

Gymnastics allows the spine to become flexible, and allows you to strengthen it. A proper diet should contain foods containing calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. In addition to organic substances, vitamins A, C and D should be taken.

According to Katsuzo, any pathology is due to a malfunction of the capillaries. Nishi proposes to perform simple and easy to renew vessels. At the heart of his gymnastics are also vibration and air baths. Thus, gymnastics Nishu video lessons which represent a number of simple exercises, allows you to stay healthy for a long time.

  1. hard bed

Basically, Katsuzo Nishi gymnastics consists of 6 main rules. It is always necessary to keep the spine healthy. Even slight curvature can disrupt the work of various organs, so correct posture is extremely important.

Katsuzo's Golden Rules for Healing

Try to pull the crown up more often. This elementary rule will not allow the spine to bend. If in a sitting position you begin to cringe or in a standing position - stoop, then this negatively affects the functioning of the internal organs. So, if you always keep your back straight, and also look forward, you can achieve that:

  • the spine does not feel overload;
  • growth increases by 2 cm;
  • internal organs function correctly;
  • thyroid function improves, and blood circulation normalizes.

However, to achieve these results, you need to sleep on a hard surface. In a soft bed, the spine is bent and is in a tense state.

  1. Hard pillow or roller

Instead of a soft pillow, use a hard one. Thus, the cervical vertebrae will be in the correct position. This simple gymnastics A niche that is also suitable for beginners, as it improves well-being when performed.

Hard pillow or roller

Good sleep contributes not only to a beautiful, but also to a smooth gait. At the same time, breathing improves, dizziness is eliminated, as well as irritability. Use a hard roller or pad.

  1. "Gold fish"

To perform it, you should lie either face up or down. After that, pull your toes towards you, and cross your arms and place them under your neck. While in this position, you need to vibrate, as well as squirm, as if repeating the movements of the fish. It is necessary to perform it 1-2 minutes.

This exercise can cure scoliosis, as well as relieve tension from the spine, correct its curvature. This Nisha gymnastics for beginners is quite simple, there are also video lessons with examples of exercises.

  1. Gymnastics for capillaries

During its implementation, you should lie on your back, and your head should be on a hard surface. Then stretch the handles, legs up, and then begin to vibrate.

This exercise provides a load to the capillaries, as a result of which the blood circulation of the whole organism is normalized, the lymphatic fluid is renewed. It needs to be done for a couple of minutes twice a day.

  1. Closing hands and feet

You need to lie on your back, and your head should be on a hard surface. Handles on the chest. Next, open your palms, connect the pads of your fingers, then press them and relax. Do it several times.

Then make movements with your hands, first forward, then back. Then close your hands over your chest. Raise your legs above your body, and close your knees and feet.

Permanent author of "BUSINESS Online", osteopathic doctor Alexander Ivanov continues the story of well-known healing practices, which are based on a holistic approach that considers a person as single system, not as a set of organs. Today we will talk about the Japanese healing system of Dr. Katsuzo Nishi.

If you have many diseases, Nishi said, treat your spine
Photo: pixabay.com

WHO IS Katsuzo Nishi

Katsuzo Nishi(1884-1959) - famous Japanese doctor who created a system of healing. At its core - proper nutrition and maintaining spinal health. If you have many diseases, Nishi said, treat your spine.

Nishi was a weak and sickly child, and the doctors gave a disappointing prognosis: it is unlikely that he will be able to live to 20 years. But thanks to the search and practice of healing techniques, Nishi was able to cope with the disease and lived a long and happy life. The author of the method died at the age of 75, but not from old age, but from radiation sickness, which developed against the background of increased radiation in Japan.

1. Practice only in a good mood, with good intentions!

2. Start with a small number of repetitions, do the exercises slowly, monitor the quality of the exercises, do everything with pleasure!

3. It is better to practice outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.

4. You can not exercise immediately after eating or on an empty stomach. It is better to do exercises an hour after eating.

5. Breathing during exercise is normal.


We spend about a third of our lives in bed, so it should be as comfortable and physiological for the spine as possible. Sleeping on a soft bed leads to spinal deformity, scoliosis and poor posture, while a flat bed allows you to relax all the muscles and release the spinal nerves. It is important, Dr. Nishi said, that the bed warms our body during sleep, so he recommended properly organizing the bed and not sleeping, for example, on the floor or just plywood.


Dr. Nishi advised using a hard pillow or roll under the neck while sleeping. There is a physiological bend in the cervical spine - lordosis, under which the doctor recommended making a lining in the form of a roller. Sleeping on a low or soft pillow, Nishi said, eventually leads to neck pain, numbness in the arms, and poor posture.

Dr. Nishi warns that sleeping on a hard pillow or bolster can be uncomfortable at first, as the body gets used to the "wrong" soft pillow, but over time, the discomfort should go away.


Starting position: lying on your back, you can do it on a bed or other hard surface. We start stretching the body, for this we pull the heel of the right leg away from us, and the arms in the opposite direction, then we do the same with the left leg. Next, we put our hands under the neck and, without lifting the body from the floor (the heels, hips and spine are pressed to the floor!), We make wave-like movements with the whole body like a “fish” from left to right (but not up and down - this is an important condition!) for 1 -2 minutes.


Capillaries are microscopic blood vessels that feed the cells themselves, their diameter is so small that even red blood cells (erythrocytes) are deformed when passing through them. The role of capillaries is difficult to overestimate - without them, the cell dies. Nishi offers an exercise that improves the flow of blood through the capillaries and therefore the nutrition of the cells.

Starting position: lying on your back, put a roller under your neck. We raise our legs up, feet parallel to the floor, we also raise our hands up. In this position, we perform active shaking with our arms and legs for 1-3 minutes.


The exercise involves the main respiratory muscle- diaphragm, which improves blood circulation in the internal organs. Exercise is especially useful for pregnant women, as it also has a beneficial effect on the fetus.

Preparatory part of the exercise

Starting position: lying on your back, on a hard flat surface, a roller under the neck. We close the feet and palms, as shown in the figure.

In this position, we will perform several different movements, each 10 times.

1. Without changing the position of the arms, legs and torso, we simply press each other with the fingertips.

2. We begin to press each other with the fingertips and continue pressing with the whole palm.

3. Firmly squeeze the entire surface of the palms.

4. Extend the closed hands as far as possible behind the head and draw a line from the position from behind the head to the waist, while the fingers do not change position and look towards the head, keep the palms as close to the body as possible.

5. Turn the fingers of both hands so that they look at the feet, and move them from the groin to the stomach.

6. We make movements similar to paragraph 4, but now we do not hold our hands close to the body, but we do it at the maximum distance from the body, as if cutting through the air.

7. Stretch your arms up, return back, try to make the movement to the maximum length.

8. Hands remain closed over solar plexus, and the feet move back and forth without opening the stop.

9. We combine movements, moving the legs, as indicated in paragraph 8, we add movements with the palms in the same order.

The main part of the exercise is performed after paragraph 9, the palms are closed over the solar plexus, the feet are closed, the knees are spread apart, we close our eyes and, without changing the position of the legs and arms, lie down for 10-15 minutes.


Starting position: sitting on the floor, we lower the pelvis on the heels, while the back is even, the hands are on the knees. All manipulations are performed 10 times.

Intermediate exercise

After each main element, we perform intermediate actions - we stretch our arms in front of us, then we look back and to the left, as if trying to see our sacrum, then we slowly mentally look from the sacrum to the neck. We do the same on the opposite side. Then we perform the same actions, only the arms are extended upwards.

1. The first element - raise and lower the shoulders + intermediate exercise

2. Tilt your head to the right and left + intermediate exercise

3. Tilt your head forward and backward + intermediate exercise

4. Combine points 2 and 3: tilt your head to the right and back, then to the left and back + intermediate exercise

5. We tilt our head to the shoulder, then slowly roll it over, touching the back of the head with the back + intermediate exercise

6. We raise our hands from our knees, bending them in elbow joints and, forming a right angle, we firmly squeeze our palms, tilt our head back slightly, look at the ceiling and spread our elbows to the sides, trying to connect them behind our back, at this time the chin stretches up + intermediate exercise

The main part of the exercise. Starting position: sitting on the floor, we lower the pelvis on the heels, while the back is even, the hands are on the knees.

At the beginning of the exercise, you should relax, and then tighten your stomach, straighten your back and make pendulum movements with your body, swinging left and right, while moving your stomach back and forth. You should perform the exercise for 10 minutes.


There are many videos of exercises on the Nishi system posted on the Internet. For those who find it difficult to understand the technique with the help of text and pictures, I recommend to look.

Be healthy!

Yours sincerely,
Ivanov Alexander Alexandrovich- candidate medical sciences, osteopathic doctor, neurologist, naturopath,
member of the Russian osteopathic association, popularizer healthy lifestyle life and a conscious approach to health.

The wellness program of the famous Japanese healer Katsuzo Nishi has become popular due to its high efficiency and ease of execution. gymnastic exercises. His Basic Health Rules is a time-tested path to health that allows you to boost your immune system, strengthen your body and give you vitality. When performing exercises, a person is in complete harmony with nature. In addition, the health system of the Japanese healer has deep oriental wisdom.

Benefits of a wellness system

With regular implementation of the complex, you can achieve the following:

  • Improve blood circulation.
  • Normalize work of cardio-vascular system.
  • Get rid of constant constipation and other problems with the intestines.
  • Remove toxins and various toxins.
  • Normalize the work of the kidneys and liver.
  • Fight chronic migraines.
  • Improve rumple.
  • Improve the activity of the respiratory system.

Gymnastics is an excellent prevention of colds, pathologies of the teeth and ears.

Important! Each exercise of the system must be given 1 hour and no less, only in this case it will be useful.

Basic rules of the health program

The Katsuzo Nishi healer system consists of 6 basic rules and 4 exercises for the spine of Katsuzo Nishi, which must be observed from the very beginning:

  • Sleep only on a hard mattress.
  • Sleep should be only on a hard pillow.
  • Exercise " willow branch».
  • Charging "Flexible vines".
  • Element "Bowstring".
  • Gymnastics for the abdomen and back.

Regular exercise will keep your spine healthy for years to come.

All of the above rules must be observed, they should simply become part of your day, for the best effect, you need to do exercises in the morning and in the evening.

Important! You need to start doing gymnastics only in good mood, in a cozy dark room, and best of all, weather permitting, outdoors.

Exercise for the abdomen and back

This exercise normalizes the blood circulation of the brain, improves posture, eliminates the clamps of the blood vessels of the vertebrae.

Performing the exercise:

  1. You need to lie on your back and relax, do gymnastics on the floor, and now just imagine that you have an emptiness inside, and from this you soar in the air.
  2. Then you need to bend your knees, while pressing your heels to your buttocks as close as possible, without lifting them off the floor.
  3. Raise your head off the floor without lifting your spine, and stretch your palms to your knees.
  4. As soon as the fingertips touch the knees, stay in this position for one minute, then return to the starting position and, if desired, repeat the exercise again.

"Willow Branch"

Charging will help improve the condition of the spine, make it more mobile, improve heart function and eliminate pain in the back.

Performing the exercise:

  1. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, put your hands on your belt.
  2. Hands should be exactly on the kidney area, the exercise must be performed in a relaxed state.
  3. Close your eyes and feel the emptiness inside.
  4. Gently tilt your head back and bend.
  5. When obtaining maximum flexibility of the back, lower the arms down, thereby the body begins to swing like a willow.
  6. Lock in this position for 1-2 minutes, then return to the starting position.

Such exercises develop the flexibility of the spine and the plasticity of the muscles.

It is very important when performing the exercise to maintain a smooth deflection and relaxation and avoid strong fractures of the body.


Charging will help to remove a large number of salts, especially in the cervical spine, will significantly improve the blood circulation of the spine and its adjacent soft tissues.

Performing the exercise:

  1. Standing on your knees, with arms along the torso.
  2. The body must be brought into a slight gentle deflection, while the hands should be brought behind the back.
  3. In this position, grab the ankles with your palms and take this position for 5-10 seconds.
  4. You need to perform this exercise three times in a row, and each time increase the number of repetitions by one, you also need to gradually increase the time of fixing the position.

When performing the exercise, you need to imagine how the living force enters your body. It will be useful when doing gymnastics to breathe correctly and rhythmically, you can not throw your head back.

"Flexible Vine"

Exercise heals the spine and, in addition, prevents the occurrence of pathologies of the spinal column.

Performing the exercise:

  1. Stand on a flat surface, feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt.
  2. Start doing a light massage of the lower back, while you need to imagine how lumbar the spine becomes flexible.
  3. After the massage, lean forward as much as possible to reach your feet with your fingertips.
  4. Then you need to straighten up, return your hands to their original position and do inclinations in different directions.

When doing the bends, the legs should be straight, but at the same time relaxed. Tilts in different directions must be done quickly, while maintaining balance and smoothness.

Everything is currently more people become victims of civilization. Violation of the connection between man and nature leads to moral exhaustion. In addition, many people are accustomed to lead a sedentary lifestyle, which provokes problems in the functioning of all organs and systems. The spine is especially susceptible to negative effects. To restore his work and improve the body, you can use Nisha's gymnastics.

Description of Katsuzo Nishi Health Systems

The healing technique of the Japanese Katsuzo Nishi is becoming more and more popular today. Although this man did not have a medical education, the state of his own health prompted him to look for methods that would help to cope not only with the symptoms of the disease, but also eliminate its causes.

Having studied philosophical teachings many countries, Nishi concluded that human organs should be considered in close relationship with each other. This system does not recognize the use of drugs.

The value of this technique lies in the combination of a solid systematic approach to the treatment of many diseases with affordable wellness procedures that are quite suitable for the elderly and children.

Nishi considers problems in the spine to be the main cause of pathologies. Therefore, to normalize the state of the body, you should perform gymnastics for the spine. Moreover, this system helps to eliminate most problems, including intervertebral hernia.

Great importance in the technique is given to peripheral blood circulation. The Japanese believes that the basis of any pathology are violations in the work of capillaries. The doctor suggests simple ways vascular renewal. This will help vibration exercises, as well as air baths.

An important component health system is proper nutrition, because it is it that should give energy to the cells. Breathing exercises are also important.

Also, the cause of chronic pathologies is the decline of mental strength. In a depressed state, a person experiences fatigue and emptiness, as a result, interest in life disappears.

Golden Rules of Health by Nishi and Exercise

The Japanese technique is based on six rules. Exercise should be done naked. Thanks to this, skin respiration is stimulated, and the body is cleansed of toxins.

Hard bed. As the body ages muscle, which holds the vertebrae, loses its tone. As a result, blood vessels and nerves are compressed, blood circulation is disturbed. Sleeping on a firm bed helps to properly distribute body weight. Thanks to this, it is possible to relax the muscles and eliminate the curvature.

Firm pillow. The use of a soft pillow provokes a dislocation of the vertebrae, which causes inflammation in the joints. As a result, the neck loses its mobility, as well as pain in the back of the head.
A solid pillow normalizes the condition of the spine, with its help it is possible to restore the functioning of the nasal septum, to ensure normal cerebral circulation, which is the prevention of atherosclerosis. It is recommended to choose a pillow-roller.

"Gold fish". It should be done daily - in the mornings and evenings. Thanks to this, it will be possible to improve posture and cope with curvatures of the spine, improve the functioning of the intestines, and stabilize the condition. nervous system, improve blood circulation.

To do the exercise, you need:

  1. lie down, it is important that the surface is firm;
  2. straighten the limbs, feet should be on the heel;
  3. stretch out to stretch the spine in all directions;
  4. place the palms under the neck, connect the legs, and pull their fingers to the face as much as possible, and then vibrate with the whole torso.

Exercise for capillaries.

Thanks to this, it will be possible to improve the functioning of capillaries and provide tissues with nutrients. To do this, lie on your back, place the roller under your neck; raise the limbs up, the feet should be parallel to the floor; Shake your limbs for one to three minutes.

This exercise can replace jogging, but it eliminates the stress on the joints and the heart, and it is these contraindications that many people have.

Closing of hands and feet. Contributes to the normalization of coordination of movements and a significant improvement in the condition of the spine:

  1. lie on your back, place a roller under your neck, connect your feet and palms, and spread your knees to the sides;
  2. press the fingertips, then do it with the palms;
  3. put outstretched hands behind the head and hold or to the waist, place the fingers in the direction of the head;
  4. turn your hands to the feet and make a movement in the direction from the groin to the navel;
  5. extend the joined hands far and hold them over the body;
  6. put your hands over the solar plexus;
  7. move forward and backward with your palms.

Gymnastics for the abdomen and back.

With its help, you can improve the functioning of the intestines and stabilize the nervous system. First you need to kneel down, place the pelvis on your heels, straighten your back and make such movements - raise and lower your shoulders, tilt your head in all directions. Then tilt your head to the right side, and then gradually, stretching your neck, as if to roll it to the spine. Raise your arms, then bend them, and clench your hands into a fist. Tilt your head back, then take your elbows back, and stretch your chin to the ceiling.

Gymnastics Nishi is a real way to improve your body and cope with the pathologies of internal organs. The main thing is to clearly follow all the recommendations and systematically do the exercises.

Video: niche gymnastics for beginners from Maya Gogulan

Maya Gogulan shares her own experience of getting rid of cancer with the help of Nishi's gymnastics. Regular exercise and compliance with the rules of this technique will significantly improve your health. How to properly perform exercises and improve your body, look at the video:

Video: Nishi's Japanese gymnastics according to Sholokhov

Vladimir Sholokhov describes in detail the rules for performing Nishi Japanese gymnastics, which can radically change your life. Exercises are recommended to be performed in the morning at dawn. If you can only do gymnastics in the evenings, this should be done sparingly. To understand how to properly engage in this system, watch the video.

Friends, there is such a wonderful book - Golden Rules of Health, by Katsuzo Nishi. I recommend everyone to read it, as this book contains a lot of useful knowledge about maintaining and restoring our health. Well, in this article you will read about the 6 golden rules of health that Nishi brought out in this book. The rules of Katsuzo Nishi are a system simple exercises, following which will allow you to maintain health and youth. Light but amazing effective gymnastics. Read detailed description+ watch exercise videos online!

The six rules of health are component system of recovery Katsuzo Nishi (1884-1959), which he brought out, including for himself.

However, Katsuzo was able to change everything thanks to work and perseverance. He read a huge amount of literature about health and tested much of what he read in practice. Thereby Nishi revealed the most effective and effective exercises and healing methods.

Contrary to the verdict of doctors, the author lived to be 75 years old (not 20). Moreover, Katsuzo Nishi died in a car accident, so it remains to be seen how long he would have lived if not for this tragic accident. In other words, the effectiveness of the health system he developed was confirmed by the author himself.

For the first time, Katsuzo Nishi shared his knowledge with the world in 1927, and in 1936 his first book was published.

Despite the fact that Nishi is no longer alive, his golden rules of health are finding more and more followers in our time. Indeed, with many of us leading, such gymnastics is simply necessary.

As they say, everything ingenious is simple. Yes, in fact there is nothing new in Katsuzo Nishi's book. The merit of the author, first of all, is that he chose the most important and necessary, simple and ingenious from a huge amount of information. And not just chose, but combined into a complete system.

The Nishi Golden Rules of Health exercise system can be used by everyone, regardless of gender and age.

The exercises described below are only part of the Nishi system. An extremely effective piece. In other words, before you is a squeeze from the book "Golden Rules of Health". The book itself contains much more useful information. I recommend that you read it in its entirety. In the meantime, let me introduce you to the six exercises of Katsuzo Nishi, which have restored health to many people. Video from Maya Golulan - an amazing woman, author of the popular books "You Can't Get Sick", "Say Goodbye to Disease", "Laws of Health". Read descriptions and watch videos, and you will definitely learn this unique system of exercises to restore health.

1⃣ Hard bed. If a person has many diseases, then the cause is most likely a violation in the functioning of the spine. The spine is the foundation of life. Any, even seemingly insignificant curvature of the spine leads to disruption of the activity of various internal organs, and the rest of the body suffers.

Therefore, for the general improvement of the body according to the Katsuzo Nishi system, it is necessary first of all to cure the spine. About the fact that it is not necessary to slouch, we will not talk. Everyone knows this. But how to sleep, we will analyze in detail.

So, we spend one third of our lives on. Katsuzo Nishi advises at this time to correct posture and normalize the functioning of the spine.

The first rule of health is: the bed should be flat and firm. A hard bed is the ideal way to save correct posture during the day. It will also correct the violations that have arisen in the spinal column during the period of wakefulness.

Of course, it is very pleasant to fall asleep in a cozy soft bed. But you can’t even imagine how your spine suffers during sleep in this case. Instead of finally straightening up and taking the correct position (at least for a while), he curves more and more. In addition, a soft bed preserves all the disturbances that have arisen during the day. Thus, when sleeping on a soft bed, the spine does not rest, but is in tension and in the wrong position.

To avoid such abuse of your spine, sleep on a firm and even surface. You can sleep on the floor (this is how many Japanese sleep) or put a board or a piece of plywood on the bed. Naturally, you can put something on a hard surface for your comfort.

What will sleep on a hard bed give us? A lot, and this is not an exaggeration. After all, then the vertebrae will be in a very favorable position, which, in turn, has a positive effect on both the spine itself and the organs of your body. Improves the functioning of the digestive and excretory organs. Normalizes blood circulation in the body and the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Eyes, teeth, throat, nose, ears, face, neck, spleen, diaphragm, lungs, adrenal glands, liver, heart - all this to one degree or another depends on the condition of your spine, says Katsuzo Nishi.

It is worth noting that you need to gradually accustom yourself to sleep on a hard bed. At the beginning, it may be uncomfortable or even painful. This indicates that you already have disorders in the spine. But it also means that you have a great opportunity for recovery.

So, friends, sleep on a solid one - this will be a significant contribution to your health.

2⃣ Second Golden Rule health. Hard pillow or cushion. The second rule of health is a continuation of the first. If you mock yourself, then mock yourself to the fullest =) This is called a systematic approach. Since we decided to sleep on a hard bed, we should also get rid of the usual large down pillow. After all, the neck is an extension of the spine. And this means that we should not allow it to be distorted for the reasons described above.

The Japanese say: "A crooked neck is a sign of a short life." Now, when we sit for a long time at the tables, leaning forward, caring for the neck is more important than ever.

A firm pillow has a beneficial effect on the cervical spine. Symptoms of the disease cervical- sharp and dull pains in the back of the head, eyes and ears, in the area of ​​​​the shoulder girdle.

What helps to cure a hard pillow? Asthma, diseases of the genital organs, endocrine system, parathyroid and thymus glands, fibroids, tension of the heart artery, urinary incontinence, pain during menstruation, enteritis, constipation, weakening of the diaphragm, hay fever, diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach, ears, and irritability, restlessness, dizziness. All these deviations and diseases depend on the state of the nasal septum, and sleeping on a hard pillow has a positive effect on this septum, which, in turn, eliminates disturbances in the internal organs. And a solid pillow stimulates cerebral circulation, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Of course, a firm pillow is not a panacea, but it can really help with many diseases, not to mention their prevention.

Katsuzo Nishi warns that pains appear out of habit, the back of the head numbs. But it's important to keep using hard pillow until these negative feelings disappear. In order for these temporary inconveniences to pass sooner, the author of the book recommends performing the third exercise, which is called "Goldfish".

3⃣ Exercise "Goldfish". The third rule of health continues to correct posture and eliminate disorders in the spine. After all, as we have already seen, our health as a whole directly depends on the health of the spine. Now we are starting a full-fledged, but very simple gymnastics according to the Katsuzo Nishi system.

Starting position: lie on your back (required on a flat hard surface). Extend your arms behind your head. Stretch your legs to their full length, let the toes of the legs stretch in the direction of the body. Your heels and hips should be pressed against the surface on which you are lying.

Stretch, as if stretching the spine in different directions. First, stretch your left foot down, and your arms up. Then repeat the same with the right foot. Well, after that, cross your palms behind your neck and vibrate with your whole body. Like a fish wriggling in the water (hence the name of the exercise).

Such vibrations should be performed for 1-2 minutes every day, preferably in the morning and evening.

Watch the video of Katsuzo Nishi "Goldfish":

With this exercise, you correct the curvature of the vertebrae, which has a positive effect on the entire body. Blood circulation improves, the work of the nervous system, intestines, liver, kidneys, skin, brain and heart normalizes.

Friends, observe the behavior of animals, for example, our pets: cats and dogs. After all, they clearly follow all three golden rules of health: they sleep on solid ground, lay their heads on their paws, and when they wake up, they first of all arrange stretch marks. That is, nature itself gives us tips on how to be healthy!

4⃣ Exercise for capillaries. The fourth exercise (like the third) basically has vibration.

You need to lie on your back (on a hard and even surface), raise your arms and legs vertically and shake them. Perform the exercise for 1-3 minutes.

Just? Yes! Effective? Still would!

Judge for yourself: you are pumping blood through the body, which has a beneficial effect on almost all organs. The body is in good shape!

And time and effort is wasted just nothing.

Video Katsuzo Nishi "Exercise for capillaries":

Surprisingly, this exercise completely replaces jogging in terms of efficiency, but at the same time, any load on the heart and joints is excluded.

5⃣ Exercise "Closing the palms and feet." The first part of the exercise will seem a little confusing to you, but in fact there is nothing complicated there. You need to lie on your back on a flat hard surface, put a hard pillow or roller under your neck. Close your palms (as in prayer) and soles of your feet, spreading your knees to the sides.

- Press the fingertips of both hands against each other 10 times.
- Then repeat, but in addition to pressing with the pads of your fingers, press the palms of your hands against each other (10 times).
- And finally, squeeze your closed palms (10 times).
- Stretch your closed hands to full length, throw them behind your head and slowly move them over your face to the waist (10 times). The fingers of the palms should be directed towards the head.
- Turn the fingers of both hands towards the feet and move them from the groin to the navel (10 times).
- Stretch your arms as far as possible with closed palms and draw them over the body (10 times).
- Stretch your arms with closed palms up and down (10 times).
- Place your hands with closed palms over the solar plexus and move your closed feet forward and backward, trying to open them (10 times).
- Simultaneously move your closed palms and feet back and forth, trying to stretch the vertebrae as much as possible (10-60 times).

This was the first part of the fifth exercise of Katsuzo Nishi, and now let's deal with the second part. You can rest, you won't have to move anymore. You just need to close your hands and feet, close your eyes and stay in this position for 10-15 minutes.

Here is a video of Katsuzo Nishi "The Fifth Rule of Health":

The fifth rule of health Katsuzo Nishi is designed to help the forces of the spirit and body to achieve balance. This is a very powerful exercise! Performing the fifth exercise, we coordinate the functions of the muscles, nerves and blood vessels of the right and left sides of the body, as well as in the groin, abdomen and thighs. In other words, this health rule of Katsuzo Nishi has a beneficial effect mainly on our internal organs and limbs.

It is impossible not to note the benefits of this exercise during pregnancy. Its implementation contributes to the normal growth of the child in the womb and is even able to correct its incorrect position there.

6⃣ Exercise for the back and abdomen. The sixth exercise of Katsuzo Nishi leads to the improvement of the whole organism as a whole. Starting position: sit on the floor on your knees, lower your pelvis on your heels, straighten your spine, keeping your balance on your tailbone. Or you can sit in Turkish.

After each exercise, it is recommended to do an intermediate exercise: turn your head back, while your arms should be extended forward, and you should try to see the tailbone. Perform an intermediate exercise 1 time in each direction after each of the six preparatory exercises below.

Preparatory part:
- Raise and lower your shoulders (10 times).
- Tilt your head left and right (10 times).
- Tilt your head back and forth (10 times).
- Tilt your head to the right-back and left-back (10 times in one direction, 10 times in the other).
- Tilt your head to the right, then slowly, stretching your neck, move your head towards the spine. Then the same thing, only to the left (10 times to each shoulder).
Tilt your head back so that your chin is pointing at the ceiling. Bend your arms, clench your hands into a fist and bring them behind your back so that they are also directed upwards. Stretch your chin to the ceiling and try to bring your elbows behind your back, stretching your arms as far back as possible (10 times).

Main part. Relax after doing the preparation part. Return to starting position. Swing to the right and to the left, at the same time making movements of the stomach back and forth. Do this exercise for 10 minutes. about how your health is getting better and better, how every cell of your body is charged with health and happiness.

What is the sixth rule of health for? Katsuzo Nishi believes that this exercise helps to establish an acid-base balance in the body, normalize bowel activity, and also create a spiritual force that directs the body to health and longevity.

Katsuzo Nishi claims that if you believe that you will be healthy, that you will conquer diseases, that you will live happily ever after, then so be it. SIZZH fully agrees with this. Be happy and healthy, friends!

And here is a video with the 6th exercise of Katsuzo Nishi:


The six golden rules of Katsuzo Nishi are a system of exercises that allows you to normalize the state of each of your cells, each organ. The purpose of gymnastics is awakening healing powers body, health and longevity. Daily Execution golden rules eliminates violations in the body and mobilizes its defenses.

Here is such a gymnastics by Katsuzo Nishi - simple and effective. Perhaps the last two exercises scared you of having to memorize a lot of actions. But don't worry, in practice you will memorize them the first time.

So, now you know the 6 golden rules of Katsuzo Nishi's health. The author writes that his exercises are easy to do, you just need to start, overcome the reluctance to act and make the first efforts, and then everything will go like clockwork. The main thing is your intention to be a healthy and happy person.