Exercises with a multifunctional expander. The most effective exercises with expanders for men and women - workouts at home

The first thing that Internet search engines still give out for the query "expander" is an old-fashioned spring piece of iron from the arsenal of the foremost workers of the TRP of the USSR, which was gathering dust on the same balcony as the cast-iron weights. Progress has stepped far forward, there are a great many varieties of this “for all time” simulator these days. Today we will focus on rubber shock absorber with handles.

“Actually, that old-school progenitor of expanders worked perfectly,” says Ekaterina Soboleva, fitness director of the Zupre sports club. - It's just that most of the time it was used incorrectly, they tried to build muscle. It is a mistake to expect pure muscle growth from a modern shock absorber. It will help to draw the muscles, make them more resilient. Pull the rubber after strength exercisesgood ending training, but growing biceps by 45 cm due to the expander alone will never work.

The advantage of a modern expander is its compactness. “You can put a shock absorber in your pocket and go on vacation with it without dragging a row of dumbbells from 1 to 10 kg behind you to do lunges, squats, exercises for hands, wrists, etc.,” comments Ekaterina Soboleva. — Mobility and versatility are its main advantages. With only one rubber, you can work out the entire body, varying the load for any level of training. The expander is great for both isolating (single-joint) exercises and functional ones. In today's workout, we'll be mixing both."

Expander exercises: general rules

1. Perform all exercises for 15 repetitions, swings - for 20-25 (they are simple and not energy-intensive). If you are a complete beginner, start with one approach. Track the degree of fatigue: if you feel good at the next workout, increase the number of approaches to two, if the muscles hurt, repeat the session unchanged.

2. Be sure to warm up before training, never exercise "cold". At the end - a basic stretch as a hitch, so that the pulse drops calmly, the muscles stretch. “We need to move from active execution exercises for the resting phase, - comments Ekaterina Soboleva. “The body can react ambiguously to sudden changes in motor activity, so you need to enter and exit the workout smoothly.”

3. Make sure that the rubber is always in tension, if it sags, you are not working. “If possible, perform leg exercises with a harder expander - it will be more effective,” says Ekaterina Soboleva.

Exercises with an expander: a complex for beginners

Leg exercises


Legs in a split - one foot one step behind the other. Lock the expander under the front leg, handles in the hands at shoulder level. Slowly bend both knees, keeping your hands on your shoulders. The knee of the supporting leg does not go beyond the line of the foot, the thigh is parallel to the floor, the lower back is slightly bent. Control the position of the hands, the standing leg behind is bent at the knee, try to keep the body straight, do not lean forward. Return to starting position. Perform 15 lunges and repeat for the other leg.


Sit on the floor, shock absorber in your hands. Wrap your feet around them and take a handle in each hand, elbows slightly bent, palms facing each other. The knees are also slightly bent, resting on the heels. The back is straight, keep the natural curve in the lower back. Bend your elbows so that they slide along the body and pull the shock absorber knobs to the lower ribs. Return to starting position and repeat. Do not straighten your knees completely: it is easier to keep the body in the correct position. Just twist the shock absorber around the feet, and not just throw it over them: this way it will not come off, it will be securely fixed and will not fall off.

Standing row, elbows to the side

For this exercise, the shock absorber must be attached to the external block. We used the Swedish wall. At home, it can be replaced, for example, with a massive table or cabinet. You can perform the exercise kneeling from the same point for the hands, the main thing is that alignment is observed.

Fix the shock absorber on the wall at a level elbow joint. Step back with your arms extended forward to the distance of a slight stretch of the rubber. One foot one step ahead of the other, shoulders and body slightly forward, chest straightened. As you exhale, pull the expander handles to your chest, spreading your elbows to the sides and connecting the shoulder blades. On an inhale, slowly return to the starting position. The upper shoulder girdle and the “top” of the back work.

chest exercises

One arm forward press

Grasp the middle of the expander, bend your arm behind your back. Both of his pens are in the second working hand. The elbow is parallel to the floor and is at the level of the shoulder joint. Task: straighten the arm and bring it straight to the sternum. The final point is at the level of the middle of the chest. Return to starting position and repeat. An added bonus of this exercise is that the shock absorber helps to test your shoulder joint for mobility: how easily can you clasp your hands behind your back? In this case, the rubber will stretch your arm, thereby increasing your flexibility.

Triceps curl from behind the head

Take a shock absorber handle in each hand and stand with your right foot pressing its center to the floor. Take the left back and put it on the toe. Press your elbows to the body, point your palms forward. Bending your elbows, pull your hands to your shoulders. Return to starting position and repeat. If the load is not enough, stand on the shock absorber with both feet. Still not enough? Set your feet wider.

One arm press up

Center the rubber by looping it around the right foot, both handles in the right hand, left hand on the belt. Legs shoulder width apart. From the starting position - leaning down and lowering the arm along the body for additional dynamics of the exercise - pull the rubber, leaning to the left until the maximum stretch. IN this exercise the muscle is worked out at the moment when it is most stretched and tense. Perform 15 tilts in one direction. Change tires. Repeat on the other side.

“Many are afraid of tilts, because they increase the oblique muscles in volume, due to which the waist does not become an aspen, but only grows,” says Ekaterina Soboleva. - If you do this exercise with dumbbells, then it will be so. The shock absorber works differently: the force vector is directed in a completely different direction, to the top point. Therefore, it is possible to influence the waist with rubber, it is not necessary to do this with a heavy dumbbell.

Exercises with an expander: safety precautions

1. Before starting each workout, carefully check the rubber, slightly stretching it, for hooks, cuts, microcracks and tears. Found at least one sign of violation of the integrity of the shock absorber - throw it away to avoid injury. “One non-obvious hole - and at the most inopportune moment the simulator can fly off, burst and injure,” warns Ekaterina Soboleva. - To avoid this, you need to carefully check the rubber before classes. Our club uses about 20-30 expanders per month, and this does not depend on the quality of the simulator itself.

This is how a working and damaged shock absorbers look in tension. If yours looks like the one above, throw it away immediately.

2. Make sure the expander is securely fastened and will not break when pulled. “A more reliable way to fix the simulator is the so-called exotic, twisting with a ring so that the tails hang less,” says Ekaterina Soboleva. - When winding, it is very important to center the rubber, especially if you are doing symmetrical exercises - so that the same tension is felt in the starting position. When making a ring around the foot, it is important that the length of the shock absorber handles is the same, and the load on the right and left sides is even.

3. When you press the rubber with your foot, make sure that the shock absorber is in its center. “This is the safest position, because sometimes the weight is involuntarily transferred to the heel or toes,” says Ekaterina Soboleva. “Fixing the expander under the fingers or the heel may not be so convenient and even painful, raising the foot in the center dampens the thickness of the shock absorber and fixes the rubber more securely.”

4. Don't exercise barefoot. “It is necessary to perform exercises with a shock absorber in shoes,” explains Ekaterina Soboleva. - By winding the rubber directly on the foot, even if it is in a sock, you will create unnecessary stress for it - this is practically a guarantee that the foot will be reduced. In addition, in sneakers you can be sure that the expander will not come off.

5. It is better to have several expanders. At least for the legs and arms. They are divided according to the degree of resistance: weak, medium, strong and ultra-strong. Weak resistance is suitable for children, adolescents, pregnant women, people of age, medium is the best option for an aerobic training regimen, strong will help women and women perform leg exercises. basic exercises men.

In a week we will show exercises with an expander for advanced. Stay tuned!

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


In the process of playing sports, not only health is strengthened, but muscles develop, strength and power of the hands increase. To do this, various simulators are used. The carpal expander is one of the main devices that strengthen the muscles, allow you to properly pump up the muscles. In terms of its importance, this projectile is not inferior to a barbell, dumbbells, but at the same time it has a very modest appearance and sizes.

What is a carpal expander

The strength of a person's hands depends on the grip. If he is weak, then working with heavy weight will be problematic. To increase the power ability of the hands, daily training with an expander is aimed. However, it is very important to use it correctly. The thing is that with incorrect or irregular exercises, the hand and fingers will remain weak, which will not allow any power projectile to be held in static position. All the muscles of the forearm will receive the wrong, as a result - insufficient load.

The carpal expander is a simulator with which you can increase the strength of the hand, strengthen the fingers. The device is produced in several versions: rubber ring, spring, adjustable, gyroscopic. Some types have different hardness. It is called a wrist projectile because in the process of training, the overall grip strength develops. An important advantage over other simulators of a similar direction is the ability to train anywhere, choose a convenient time.


The device has many positive aspects. The most important are:

  1. Strengthening the grip. During the training, the muscles of the hand and fingers, the tendons of the wrist are well worked out.
  2. Correction of muscle relief, body fat.
  3. Improvement of blood circulation. This is due to the fact that working with an expander is very similar to the work of a brush when taking blood. Such manipulations improve the condition of the skin and nails on the hands.

For preventive purposes, classes with an expander are useful. Lessons are recommended:

  1. With sprains and injuries. Developed muscles give correct load on the muscles, relieve pain and other sensations during training.
  2. With stress, neurosis. When compressed, there is an effect on the nerve endings and points, which leads to stress relief, relaxation. In contact with the palm, the expander relaxes the entire body, which is useful for nervous system and brain.
  3. During the prevention of arthrosis and arthritis. A measured load on the joints increases their activity, blood circulation in the hands.

The trainer does a great job with other tasks. The hand expander is useful:

  1. If muscle activity is restored after prolonged stagnation. Constant exercises immediately with a fist, then with an expander develop muscles atrophied after gypsum.
  2. With the development or restoration of joint mobility.
  3. While strengthening the cardiovascular system.
  4. With the development fine motor skills hands
  • osteochondrosis;
  • pain in the shoulders, arms, cervical region spine;
  • intervertebral hernia sections of the spine;
  • posture disorders, scoliosis;
  • acute and chronic pain in the back, lower back, joints;
  • coxarthrosis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • gout;
  • problems with knee, hip, elbow and shoulder joints;
  • osteoporosis.

The list of indications for the use of a carpal expander is wide. It is useful to perform exercises for such problems as:

  • early postoperative period on the spine or joints;
  • fractures of tubular bones up to the moment of their fusion;
  • traumatic rupture of muscles and tendons;
  • oncological diseases of the joints and spine;
  • regular dizziness, headaches.
  • acute pre-stroke or pre-infarction conditions;
  • open and closed hemorrhages.

What muscles does the carpal expander develop

It is a mistake to assume that when working with an expander, only the muscles are trained and the joints of the fingers are strengthened. If you regularly compress the simulator, correctly distribute the load, then the muscles of the forearm, biceps, triceps are worked out and used. The lack of constant training will lead to the fact that instead of a pumped-up body, a beginner will get bruises, sprains or a hernia. Classes with an expander contribute to the development of:

  • muscles of the shoulder part of the body;
  • finger flexors;
  • joints and muscles of the wrists;
  • hand muscles.


Exist different types expanders. All of them have differences in material, shape and type of load on the muscles. In the form of expanders, tape, tubular, spring are produced. The effectiveness of classes depends on what the simulator is made of. On sale there are shells made of elastic or elastic materials. Greater rigidity have simulators of such types as:

  • carpal;
  • butterfly;
  • chest;
  • tourniquet;
  • skier.

The load on muscle groups depends on the type of projectile. By way of influencing muscle mass expanders are:

  1. Carpal - training takes place by squeezing and unclenching the device.
  2. Shoulder - the work is based on stretching metal or rubber bands stretched between the handles, which can adjust the resistance force.
  3. Thoracic - train the chest, shaped like shoulder shells.
  4. Foot - in shape they resemble a skipping rope, strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

The expander for the hand is represented by several types. The most common are:

  1. Carpal rubber expander. Made in the form of a ring. Suitable for early training sessions. Durable, cheap, but there is no way to adjust the stiffness.
  2. Carpal spring expander. Feature in the increased level of rigidity, which makes training more effective.

Models of gyroscopic and adjustable simulators are considered more advanced. Their features are as follows:

  1. Gyroscopic. When exercising, you do not need to compress the simulator. The hand is held in a certain position, the projectile tilts the hand in different directions due to the energy of the gyroscope built into the device. The stronger the rotational movements, the greater the load.
  2. The expander for fingers is adjustable. The device is able to smoothly increase the load up to 170 kg. They are considered better models, analogues of conventional rubber ones.


In addition to the positive aspects, there are potential dangers that can cause serious harm to the body. All this is due to non-compliance with the load and ignoring the rules for working with the projectile. As a result, it is possible:

  1. Problems with veins and joints. There are non-compliance with the regimen of classes, uneven load.
  2. Getting injured. Occurs due to incorrect load distribution. It is necessary to concentrate on the work of the muscles, it is important to learn to feel them.
  3. Long workouts lead to pain and numbness of the muscles.

Strength training is considered a serious workout. It is necessary to take into account under what diseases it is impossible to conduct classes with an expander:

  • tendency to rupture of capillaries and blood vessels;
  • diabetes mellitus at any stage;
  • pressure;
  • recent heart disease;
  • infectious dermatological diseases;
  • open wounds on the skin;
  • diagnosed oncology.

How to use an expander

For every athlete, beginner or professional, the expander is an indispensable tool that guarantees an iron grip and Strong arms. For achievement maximum result it is necessary to carry out regular workouts. You can’t give yourself a rest, especially since you can always find 15 minutes for classes. A feature of the simulator is the ability to exercise anywhere. This mode will keep the whole body in good shape. To develop muscles faster, you need to practice several times a day for 15-20 minutes.

Proper occupation consists of two approaches. The first consists of a light warm-up, the second - performing compressions several times until exhaustion. At first, the load should be moderate. This is especially true for women who are just starting out in sports. Overzealousness will lead to muscle pain. Working 5 times a week 1-2 times for a month will give a noticeable effect, after one and a half you can count on the desired result.

There are several principles for working with a carpal expander. Main:

  1. Gradual and measured load. It all depends on the level physical training involved.
  2. Preliminary warm-up on a less rigid projectile.
  3. Maximum effect achieved on a simulator with greater rigidity.
  4. The number of repetitions is from 5 to 15.
  5. After a long workout, you need to give a break of 3 to 5 days to restore strength.

Training rules must be followed. When doing exercises, you must:

  1. Squeeze the projectile up to 100 times until it stops, but not more than 1.5 minutes. Next - rest for 3-4 minutes.
  2. keep your hand in compressed position at least 90 seconds.
  3. Squeeze and hold until the fingers themselves straighten.
  4. When working with the ring, it is important to squeeze each finger separately.


Classes with an expander for hands are performed using different techniques. The compression exercise followed by rest is done without interruption, for sequential compression of the projectile. At what speed to compress - it does not matter, the main thing is to do it all the way. The wrist, fingers and forearm muscles are involved. Technique:

  1. Take a comfortable posture.
  2. On a deep breath, squeeze the simulator.
  3. Perform 90-100 squeezes within 90 seconds. With the correct distribution of the load, the last movements will be worked out with difficulty.
  4. Break - 5-6 minutes.
  5. The number of approaches is 3-7.

The compression exercise followed by fixation is different in that, after compressing with short rhythmic pressures, the hand does not relax, but is immersed in static tension. Shoulder and wrist areas work. Order of execution:

  1. The expander is fixed with fingers.
  2. Do 100 contractions while inhaling and exhaling in one and a half minutes.
  3. Squeeze the projectile strongly, linger in this position for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Break - 5-7 minutes.
  5. The number of approaches is 3-7.

Fixation followed by compression first loads the joints, then the muscles. Everything is done with progressive movements. The muscles of the shoulder and hand work. Technique:

  1. Can be done in any position: standing, sitting, lying down.
  2. On a deep breath, squeeze the expander strongly until the fingers straighten involuntarily.
  3. Next, perform quick compression-unclenching while straining the muscles.
  4. Duration of execution - 2 minutes, gradually increasing the time.
  5. Break - 5-6 minutes.
  6. The number of approaches is 3-7.

How to choose

Depending on what goal is pursued before buying an expander, the type of projectile is selected. You need to pay attention to:

  1. Convenience and safety. You need to take it in your hand, do a couple of exercises.
  2. Rigidity. The main indicator is the level of physical fitness.
  3. Work with certain muscle groups.
  4. Manufacturing material. For beginners, shells made of more elastic materials are more suitable.


There are different types of carpal expanders on sale. Depending on the manufacturer, the cost of simulators in Moscow and St. Petersburg varies from 125 to 2000 rubles:

Cheaper models have a cost of up to 300 rubles. There are both spring and ring shells:

The sale is carried out by any convenient way. The projectile can be bought in a specialized or online store. Often there are discounts, sales are held. In this case, the purchase will not be very expensive. When making an online purchase, reliability and quality assurance are high. Delivery is carried out by mail, courier, self-delivery is possible.


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Carpal expander: benefits and exercises

An alternative to training with dumbbells and a barbell can be training with an expander. They do not create a load on the joints, but they load well target muscles. In addition, such inventory is inexpensive and practically does not take up space in the house. Eat different kinds expanders: chest, tape, tubular, carpal, "Eight", "Butterfly" and others. They allow you to load various muscle groups to a greater or lesser extent: legs, buttocks, back, arms, abs, etc.


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    The advantages of expanders

    Training with expanders can replace classes in gym.Compared to dumbbells and barbells, they have several advantages:

    • create a more uniform load throughout the exercise;
    • you can practice anywhere: at home, in the gym, on the street, etc.;
    • it is possible to choose the degree of resistance suitable for a specific level of training;
    • practically do not take up space during storage;
    • stress the muscles, not the joints.

    Such workouts are also suitable for beginners who have recently been involved, since to observe correct technique much easier in this case.

    With the help of these shells, men will be able to strengthen muscles and, if desired, even gain muscle mass. For women, classes are useful for losing weight, tightening the skin and getting rid of cellulite. According to reviews, training with expanders, you can lose 20 or even 30 kg per year.

    Types of expanders

    In shops sports equipment you can purchase various types of expanders: spring, tubular, tape and others.

    Some of them are suitable for working out individual muscle groups. Others are universal. With them, you can perform exercises for all muscle groups.


    The chest or shoulder expander is very popular with men. It is equipped with handles and metal springs that create resistance when stretched.

    Instead of springs, elastic rubber tubes can be installed.

    With manual expanders it is very convenient to perform exercises on the muscles of the back, chest and shoulder girdle. They provide a range of motion that cannot be achieved with dumbbells or barbells.


    Rubber bands are great for developing lower body muscles. They have different degrees of resistance and differ in color.

    With the help of such tapes, you can quickly pump up your legs and buttocks. In addition, you can perform exercises on the arms and shoulders.


    A variation of the tubular simulator is the "Eight". This name he received for the similarity with the figure. The projectile has handles on the sides, which makes it convenient to use.

    This expander is mainly used to strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks.


    The Butterfly simulator is a structure with a spring in the middle and two levers extending from it.

    With it, it is very convenient to perform exercises for the buttocks, thighs, arms and press.

    Skier expander

    For swimmers, skiers, and people recovering from an injury, rubber bands and handles are perfect.

    Such a simulator is often attached to a wall, door or crossbar. It allows you to perform exercises on almost all muscle groups.

    Expander Bubnovsky

    The Bubnovsky expander is considered universal. It is named after the doctor who invented this design for the rehabilitation of patients. Now the projectile is used not only for medicinal purposes, but also to improve physical form healthy people.

    The simulator is a rubber bands with varying degrees of resistance. For convenience, they can be equipped with handles, cuffs and carabiners, with which the projectile can be mounted on a wall or doorknob.


    To develop the muscles of the forearms, you can use carpal expander. This is usually a hard rubber bagel that needs to be squeezed with a brush. You can start with the lowest resistance, gradually increasing the load.

    Carpal expanders

    Such loads are necessary for athletes who lift heavy weights to strengthen their grip. In addition, classes will benefit people who write a lot (schoolchildren, students, office workers, etc.).

    To improve blood circulation and the condition of the body as a whole, you can use equipment with massage spikes.

    Massage expanders

    Carpal expanders can be made not only in the form of circles, but also in the form of pliers. In this case, the resistance will be due to the spring.

    Spring carpal expander

    Effective Exercises

    To lose weight and strengthen muscles, you need to perform exercises with expanders for all muscle groups. You should choose a projectile based on your goals and level of physical fitness.

    You can only achieve results if you practice regularly. For weight loss, it is worth exercising 3-4 times a week with high intensity and low resistance. To develop muscles, you will need to conduct 1-2 workouts per week for each muscle group.

    Legs and buttocks

    For many women, the main goal of training at home is to strengthen the legs and buttocks. You can make them slim and fit by doing exercises with expanders. For these purposes, tape and tube shells made of rubber, as well as "Butterfly", "Eight" and the Bubnovsky simulator are best suited.

    There are several most effective exercises that allow you to achieve results in the shortest possible time. short term.

    Squats with bands or tubular expanders

    The best exercise to strengthen the thighs and gluteal muscles are squats. At home, they can be performed with a mini rubber band that must be worn above the knees.

    Squatting, you should spread your knees to the sides, overcoming the resistance of the expander. The back should remain straight, and the body perpendicular to the floor. At the bottom point, the lower back should not “peck”, and the pelvis should not twist. It is also important to ensure that the knees do not go beyond the toes.

    You can also squat with a tubular expander equipped with handles. It should be long enough for comfortable exercise.

    Correct technique:

    • put your feet wider than your shoulders, spread your socks to the sides by about 45 degrees;
    • firmly press the rubber band to the floor with your feet;
    • grab the handles with your palms and raise them to shoulder level;
    • while inhaling, sit down, taking the pelvis back, to the parallel with the floor;
    • at the bottom point, tighten the buttocks and, exhaling, return to the starting position.

    On the rise, the muscles of the legs and priests will have to overcome the resistance of the rubber. In this case, the knee joints and lower back will not receive unnecessary stress.

    You need to select the level of resistance individually. At first, you can squat without additional equipment in order to learn the correct technique. Over time, you should increase the load using more rigid expanders.

    Mahi legs

    You can work out the gluteal muscles in isolation with the help of leg swings. Expanders will help create an additional load.

    With fitness tapes, you can do leg retraction from a standing position. In this case, the gluteus maximus will work. During execution, it is important to keep the body motionless so as not to make it easier for the target muscle groups to work.

    For the development of the gluteus medius muscle, it is necessary to do leg abductions to the sides. This exercise can be done standing or lying down. The pace of execution should be slow in order to feel the work of the gluteal muscles.

    With the Eight expander, you can perform leg swings in the knee-elbow position.

    Technique step by step:

    • stand in a knee-elbow position, resting your straight arms on the floor;
    • press one end of the expander with the knee of the left leg;
    • put the free handle on the foot of the right foot;
    • while exhaling, straighten the right leg back, straining the buttocks;
    • linger at the end point and return to the starting position, but do not lower the knee to the floor to maintain tension.

    Leg swing with "Eight"

    The same movement can be done using a tubular expander.

    Leg swing with rubber band

    Folding "Butterflies"

    To strengthen the inner surface of the legs, you can perform the reduction of the legs lying on your side with the Butterfly expander.


    • lie on your right side and bend your legs slightly;
    • install the expander between the knees so that the lock is directed towards the feet;
    • on exhalation, squeeze them with the effort of the left leg;
    • then slowly unclench your knees.

    The main thing is to perform the movement under control, feeling the tension of the muscles of the priests and the inner surface of the thigh.

    You can squeeze the "Butterfly" while lying on your back. In this case, the buttocks and muscles of the inner surface of the legs will also be involved.


    • lie on your back and bend your legs;
    • fix the expander between the knees with the lock towards you;
    • as you exhale, squeeze your legs as much as possible;
    • stay in this position for a couple of seconds;
    • then slowly return to the starting position.

    Only target muscles should work. You can not raise your head and upper back, straining the cervical region.


    It is important for both women and men to strengthen their back muscles. This will keep for a long time correct posture and protect against injury to the musculoskeletal system.

    Ribbons and tubular expanders are well suited for the development of back muscles.

    Belt pull

    To strengthen the muscles of the lower and middle sections of the back, you can perform traction to the belt while sitting. Expanders will help increase the effectiveness of the exercise.


    • sit on the floor and stretch your legs;
    • fasten the rubber cord on the feet;
    • grab the handles and straighten your arms;
    • while exhaling, bring the shoulder blades together and pull the expander to the stomach;
    • elbows should go along the body, and not to the sides;
    • at the end point, you need to linger and feel the tension of the back muscles;
    • then return to the starting position.

    You can replace the rubber band with an elastic band. In addition, you can use the Bubnovsky simulator attached to the wall or doorknob.

    To shift the load to the upper back, you need to do traction with the expander while standing. The execution technique will be similar. The main thing is to carry out the movement due to the effort of the back muscles, and not to pull the tourniquet with your hands.

    Pull-ups with an expander

    An effective exercise for strengthening the muscles of the back is pull-ups with a rubber band. Depending on the grip, you can work out various parts of it. If you take the horizontal bar wide, the latissimus dorsi will receive the load to a greater extent. Narrow parallel grip helps to shift the focus to the bottom and middle of the back.


    • fix the expander on the horizontal bar by tying a knot;
    • hang on the horizontal bar, bending your knees;
    • get them under the gum;
    • as you exhale, pull yourself up, and then slowly lower, overcoming resistance.

    To perform this exercise, you need to select a durable expander that can withstand the weight of the body.


    For the harmonious development of the body, you need to pay attention to the pectoral muscles.

    For women, this will help lift and tighten the breasts, and for men, emphasize muscle relief.

    Hand spread

    At home, you can do hand dilutions with a chest expander.


    • stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart;
    • pick up a chest expander with springs or rubber tubes;
    • straighten them in front of you at shoulder level;
    • as you exhale, spread your arms to the sides, feeling the stretching of the pectoral muscles;
    • then bring them together in a controlled manner.

    Instead of a shoulder expander, you can use the "Eight" or an elastic band.

    Expander push-ups

    Strengthen pectoral muscles You can use push-ups with a wide setting of hands. You can increase the load using the resistance of the expander.


    • stretch the tape or tube expander across the top of the back and press the ends to the floor with the palms of your hands;
    • take emphasis lying down;
    • while inhaling, bend your elbows, dropping down;
    • touching the floor with your chest, you need to return to the starting position.

    Throughout the movement, the body must remain straight. It is impossible to raise the pelvis and bend the lower back.


    You can pump up your arms and make them more fit with the help of exercises with an expander.

    The area on the front surface of the arms is occupied by the biceps, and on the back - by the triceps. In order for the body to be harmonious, attention should be paid to the development of both muscles.

    Curls for biceps

    Pumping up biceps is pretty easy. It is enough to do bending of the arms with a rubber band or a tubular expander.


    • press the expander to the floor with your feet;
    • grab the handles and lower your hands along the body;
    • on the exhale, bend them so that the forearms almost touch the biceps;
    • at the top point, make a peak contraction and then slowly straighten your arms.

    The elbows must remain motionless so that the biceps do all the work. In addition, you can not swing the body back and forth.

    Triceps extension

    As women age, the skin on the back of their arms begins to sag. You can cope with this with the help of extensions, which are aimed at developing the triceps.


    • stand up straight, press the expander with your feet to the floor;
    • bend over so that the back is almost parallel to the surface;
    • slightly bend your knees;
    • pick up the free ends of the expander and raise them to parallel with the floor;
    • on the exhale, fully extend the arms back with the effort of the triceps;
    • lingering at the top point, return to the starting position.

    In this case, you can not spread your elbows to the sides. You also need to make sure that your back remains straight.


    Expanders allow you to strengthen the abdominal muscles. With their help, you can pump up the press to cubes.

    But it should be understood that the relief will be noticeable only with a small fat layer. To do this, you need to follow a diet and do cardio.

    Leg raise with expander

    The lower part of the rectus abdominis muscle can be more strongly involved in the work by lifting the legs with a rubber band.


    • lie down on the mat, fix the projectile on the feet;
    • pick up the free ends, slightly raise the legs and upper back from the floor;
    • with the force of the press, raise straight legs 90 degrees, pulling the rubber.

    This exercise should be performed slowly, making sure that only the abdominal muscles are included in the work. The neck should not strain during execution.

    Number of sets and repetitions

    To make a complete training complex from the exercises presented, you need to decide on your goals.

    Women, in order to lose weight and tighten muscles, need to choose 1-2 exercises for each muscle group and perform each for 12-15 repetitions in 3-4 sets. Such training should be done 3 times a week. They will help you quickly excess weight and strengthen the muscles of the whole body.

    Men who want to achieve muscle relief should perform 8-10 repetitions in 3 sets. In addition, you can work out muscle groups on different days.

    And some secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    My weight especially bothered me. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought my stomach would come down after childbirth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to deal with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or rejuvenates a person as much as his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that fat girls called "WOMAN", and that "these sizes are not sewn." Then at the age of 29, a divorce from her husband and depression ...

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

    And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still very expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

And keep the body in good shape. Thanks to its compact size, you can even use it at home.

What it is

An expander is a simple object, the principle of which is based on elastic deformation. Depending on the structure, it can be twisted, squeezed, compressed and stretched. Thanks to durable materials, it always returns to its original position. Performing exercises with an expander, you use many muscle groups, from the arms to the buttocks. When we work out with an expander, we have a completely different load on the body than on others. sports equipment. The whole secret lies in the power of resistance. Our muscles respond to this by responding with an effective result.

Types of expanders

There are a huge number of expanders for women and for men, each of which can be purchased at any sports store at an inexpensive price. You can perform exercises with any proposed expander at home.

carpal expander

The carpal expander resembles a donut or is made in the form of pliers. It strengthens the hands well and is intended for people with circulatory disorders, with joint diseases and is suitable for hypertensive patients. A great simulator for schoolchildren or people who have to write a lot. A small expander easily tucks into your pocket, does not take up much space and weighs very little. You can take it with you and stretch your hands during breaks. 50-100 compressions on each hand are enough for a workout.

Chest expander (shoulder)

Sports equipment keeps the muscles of the body in good shape and is very useful for the back and shoulder girdle. The projectile is simple design from metal springs or rubber bands with comfortable handles. The chest expander gives a load to the muscles at angles that cannot be covered when working with a barbell or dumbbells. As the expander stretches, the load on the arms and back increases, and the power potential of the muscles increases as they contract.

Tape expander

This latex elastic band (rubber band) has a certain tensile strength. It differs not only in color, but also in width. It helps to stretch well, strengthens muscles and improves the mobility of our joints. Exercises with a tape expander for women help get rid of problem areas. The easy-to-use tape is good for developing flexibility and endurance. The only disadvantage of a durable tape expander is that it is impossible to change the load force during training.

Expander "Eight"

The figure eight expander is a rubber tube that is connected by a small part. On the sides of the expander there are handles for convenient use. Compact and very easy to use, the expander will become an indispensable tool for those who want to pump their legs and make them slim. He trains the muscles of the limbs well ( inner thigh, rear surface hips) and lower back.

Expander "Butterfly"

The outlines of the expander resemble the wings of a butterfly, from which it got its name. This is a good helper for working out the inner thighs, abs and gluteal muscles. It strengthens the muscles of the legs, trains the back, makes the arms beautiful and tightens the chest. With a comfortable and versatile simulator, you can practice at home.

Skier expander

The expanders of a skier, wrestler or swimmer will appeal to lovers of power loads. The simulator consists of several rubber bands at once that immediately activate a large number of muscles. Most often they are attached to the wall or to the crossbar. The projectile is often used in sports clubs. Designed for people who need to recover from injuries.

Multifunctional expander

The expander is made of rubber or has metal springs. It trains all muscle groups in our body. Suitable for abdominal, back and chest exercises. Strengthens the muscles of the arms and legs. Along with the simulator are special fixators for the limbs. They allow you to do more difficult exercises and increase loads.

Advantages and disadvantages

A simple expander has some pluses, the minuses of this simulator are practically absent. It is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance to the material from which it is made. It is worth noting a huge number of its positive aspects:

  • safe;
  • initially it has zero load, our body itself suggests the optimal amplitude for training;
  • does not require a lot of space for classes;
  • you can choose the optimal length for the height of a person;
  • compact and does not take up much space;
  • convenient to carry;
  • develops grip and punch strength;
  • stimulates blood circulation and puts in order the central nervous system;
  • increases endurance;
  • exercises with an expander helps to quickly recover from injuries;
  • strengthens the muscles of the spine and chest;
  • protects the spine from excessive load;
  • easily replaces dumbbells;
  • increases muscle mass;
  • acts as an anti-stress;
  • There are no age or weight restrictions.

When performing exercises with an expander at home, you need to remember a few rules:

  • it is recommended to exercise with an expander for 20-25 minutes every day regularly, without missing a workout;
  • exercises with an expander for women should be more directed to the lower body (thighs, buttocks), for men to the upper (back, arms);
  • do not overload yourself, the load must be increased gradually;
  • the number of approaches is selected individually;
  • at the end of the exercises, you should feel a strong load on the muscles and a burning sensation;
  • do not forget to do a little warm-up before training;
  • eat right and drink plenty of water.

How to choose the right expander

What is the best expander to train muscles in order to achieve the desired effect? There is a myth among trainers that you can’t pump up with an expander at home. This is due to the fact that only one tool with a fixed load is used at all times. Initially, the exercises are difficult, but then the person gets used to the loads, and the efficiency tends to zero.

First you need to decide which muscle group you need to pump. It is best to use several simulators at once. The most optimal is a rubber expander in the form of tapes or tubes. Now on the Internet you can buy a set of expanders of varying degrees of complexity. With the help of them, you can adjust the load, increase it and get the desired result in the end.

Tip: To shorten the expander, it is enough to tie a knot on a rubber tube or tape.

carpal expander
  • strengthens arms and hands;
  • antistress;
  • suitable for people who write a lot.
chest expander (shoulder)
  • maintains the tone of the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle;
  • tightens the chest and makes it beautiful.
tape expander
  • stretches and strengthens the muscles of the whole body;
  • band exercises promote weight loss;
  • improves joint mobility.
expander "Eight"
  • strengthens the muscles of the pleural girdle, back and chest;
  • trains biceps and triceps.
expander "Butterfly"
  • strengthens the muscles of the inner thighs;
  • cleans up excess fat from the back of the thigh and "ears";
  • trains the back and arms;
  • makes beautiful breasts.
expanders of a skier, wrestler, swimmer
  • helps to recover from injury;
  • suitable for power loads;
  • develops the strength of the arms and back;
  • is a good alternative to dumbbells.
multifunctional expander
  • helps to train legs, back and chest muscles;
  • convenient and multifunctional.

Expander exercises for women: basic rules

A set of exercises with an expander for women allows you to pump all muscle groups. Thanks to intensive physical activity your body will always be in good shape, and you will feel great. In each workout, you must fulfill several conditions:

  1. First, a light set is performed. This simple exercises for warm-up (each 15 times).
  2. Then come working sets (combined exercises that are repeated one after another in a circle). Each is performed 15 times and until fatigue appears.
  3. The break between sets should be 1 to 2 minutes.

Exercises with a leg expander

Excellent sport exercises with an expander for women are suitable for any age. They will help to pump the biceps of the thighs, pump up the legs and get rid of the "ears".

Lying leg curl

  1. Tie the expander to the barbell or to the crossbar of the simulator.
  2. Lie down on your stomach.

Tied feet

  1. Fold the expander in two or more times.
  2. Attach one end of the projectile to the left leg, the other to the right. The elastic between them should be well stretched.
  3. Lie on your back.
  4. Raise your legs up.
  5. Gradually spread and move your legs. When performing this technique, tension should be felt in the muscles of the limbs.

Exercises with an expander for the buttocks

A rubber band expander can replace a huge number of simulators. To achieve perfect curves and chic sports uniforms, it is not necessary to give a lot of money for trips to gym. Exercises with an expander for women will help you tighten your forms and make them perfect at home.

Sumo Squats

  1. Stand on the tube (tape) of the expander and spread your legs shoulder-width apart.
  2. Take the handles of the expander in your hands and arrange them to the sides.
  3. Start doing squats. It is important to keep your back straight.
  4. To load the gluteal muscles, it is necessary to push the pelvis back more, spread the legs wider and lean forward, as sumo wrestlers do.
  5. To complicate the task, hands can be brought together above the head.

For pumping the gluteal muscles

  1. Tie the expander to a simulator or barbell.
  2. Lie on your back on the floor.
  3. Grasp the handle of the projectile with your legs or tie it to your legs.
  4. Gradually raise and lower your legs, straining your buttocks.


  1. With one foot, fix the position of the expander on the floor.
  2. Take the handle in both hands.
  3. Spread your arms in different directions, pulling the elastic well.
  4. Put one leg back.
  5. Fix the position for a few seconds.

With the help of an expander, strength and muscle tone develop very well, as well as the upper body and shoulder joints. Classes with it can be combined into a separate training complex, or combined with other fitness exercises, or with morning exercises. The advantage of classes is that they can be performed at home without having any fitness skills.

Expander is sports equipment, which helps develop shoulder joints and arm muscles. It is a shock absorber with a rubber coating and special handles to make it comfortable to hold. The main advantage is that with the help of an expander exercise possible to work out the main muscle groups.

The expander is designed for high-quality and effective workouts. Moreover, this thing is quite compact and does not take up much space in the house. Therefore, you can easily take it with you, putting it in your bag, without interrupting your workouts.

With the help of the simulator, you can perform arms, backs and abs almost anywhere. The expander is used in kinesitherapy by a famous doctor medical sciences Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky. He is the author of a well-known technique for the rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system.

The Bubnovsky expander is an indispensable thing that ideally develops the muscles of the arms and shoulder joints at home. There is a special expander for Bubnovsky's kinesitherapy. Its length is 1.25 meters. The set of such an expander includes a harness, which can be of four versions depending on the load: red, yellow, blue and green. Also, for the Bubnovsky expander, a latch is provided for the door or wall.

Basic rules for performing exercises with an expander

  1. Each exercise with the Bubnovsky expander should be repeated at least fifteen sets of 20-25 times. The first workout can be started with one approach, increasing their number every day.
  2. Before starting the exercises, it is necessary to stretch the body in order to avoid unwanted injuries. Jerks and sudden movements should be avoided. After class, it is recommended to do a little stretching to restore the pulse.
  3. Rubber must be constantly in tension for effective training.

Bubnovsky's exercise with the upper fixation of the expander

  1. Initially, attach the expander to a reliable support just above the head. This can be done thanks to special fixative.
  2. Next, stand facing the support and pick up the expander. This must be done using an overhand grip.
  3. You need to stand on bent knees, tilt the body forward.
  4. On exhalation, carefully pull the expander to the hips, fix it in this position for about 5 seconds, and smoothly return to the starting position.
  5. The arms should remain straight.

Bubnovsky's exercises cover all the muscles of the back.

Bubnovsky's exercise with the lower fixation of the expander

  1. Initially, attach the expander to a reliable support at the level of the feet using a special retainer.
  2. Next, stand facing the support, holding the handles of the expander. This must be done using an overhand grip.
  3. Holding the handles, it is necessary to move away from the support, thereby creating a slight tension.
  4. Keep your back as straight as possible, chest should be straightened.
  5. On inspiration, you need to pull the expander to the lumbar part of the body. All movements are smooth and slow.
  6. Elbows should be pressed closer to the body.
  7. When the hands are as close to the stomach as possible, you should make a short pause, and then return to the starting position.
  8. There should be a slight deflection in the lower back, the body should be kept straight until the end of the exercise.

Bubnovsky's exercise in the "lying" position

  1. Initially, attach the expander to a secure support in the lower position using a special lock.
  2. Next, you need to lie on your back with your head to the support and wrap your arms around the expander so that a slight tension is created.
  3. Legs should be bent knee joints, press the feet to the floor and fix them in this position until the end of the exercise. In order to avoid injury and sprains, it is advisable to wear sports shoes.
  4. Bend your arms at the elbows.
  5. After that, slowly raise your hands up, and then forward and return to the starting position.
  6. To achieve the greatest effect of the exercise with the expander, you need to stretch your arms forward.

Ideal for both men and women. It is necessary to perform such exercises with an expander daily for the development of the vertebral and cervical regions.

Exercises for slim legs with an expander

Exercise 1

  1. Take a chair and stand facing it.
  2. One of the hands should lean on a chair, and an expander should be taken in the other.
  3. The opposite edge of the simulator must be hooked with the foot, after which this leg should be raised as high as possible.
  4. After a few minutes, repeat the exercise for the second leg.

Exercise 2

  1. Sit on the mat with your legs straight.
  2. Put the expander behind the feet.
  3. Bending your arms at the elbows, pull the expander to chest and take the starting position.

Leg exercises should be performed for men for 5 minutes per leg and for women for 3 minutes per leg.

Butterfly expander exercise

Butterfly exercise is simple and famous in the world. It is designed for both home workouts and fitness in the gym.

Exercise favorably affects the muscles of the back, hips, shoulders and arms. It can be done standing, sitting and lying down.

Expander exercises are useful and do not take much time. In order to perform exercises for the legs in the "sitting" position, you must:

  1. Take a chair and sit on it in such a way that your back is as straight as possible.
  2. Hold the “butterfly” between the knee joints so that the head of the simulator is at the bottom.
  3. Next, squeeze the expander with your hips.

Exercise with an expander in a standing position should be performed:

  1. With hands raised up, in which the expander is taken.
  2. It needs to be compressed and decompressed.
  3. The arms should be straight. In this situation, active shoulder part of the body.

To do leg exercises in the lying position, necessary:

  1. Lie face up on the mat.
  2. Raise your legs and bend at the knee joints, between which there is an expander.
  3. Next, you should squeeze and unclench it so that in the muscles of the abdomen and the press felt the tension.

Each type of exercise should be performed about 50-60 times, 2-3 sets for women and 3-5 sets for men.