How to build back muscles at home without exercise equipment. if you are ripe for self-development, you are ready to work on your body and health with perseverance and diligence

Keep fit and you can have good muscles without going to the gym. The most important thing is to be able to regularly use the muscles of the whole body.

Very often, it is simulators and dumbbells that we associate with strong muscles. However, muscle mass can be developed without the gym. There are many simple exercises that can be done at home.

So, you yourself will be able to develop a comprehensive lesson plan that will help you keep fit. The secret is simple - regular home workouts, healthy eating and good habits.

Today we would like to talk in detail about 6 exercises that help develop strong muscles without taking food additives and the need to go to the gym.

How to keep fit without the gym

1. Walking and running

Depending on the position of the body, lifting the legs allows you to develop the muscles of the hands.

What should be done?

  • Lie on your back and stretch your legs. Raise one leg, trying not to strain the muscles of the back and arms.
  • Hold your leg up for 8-10 seconds and then lower.
  • Do the exercise with the other leg. In total, it is recommended to do 12 repetitions with each leg.
  • If you want to develop the muscles of the arms in parallel, then straighten them along the body or take them to the sides at an angle of ninety degrees.

5. Abs exercise

This exercise will help develop the muscles of the waist and abdomen. and increase physical endurance in general.

The press exercise is also good for the lower back and.

What should be done?

  • Lie down on a sports mat with your arms extended along your body.
  • Raise both legs at a right angle and immediately begin to slowly lower them towards the floor, without touching the floor.
  • Hold your legs above the floor for 8 seconds, then rest for another 8 seconds and continue.
  • To begin with, it is recommended to repeat the exercise 4-8 times. Gradually increase the number of lifts.

6. Exercise based on opposite forces

The main thing in it is the ability of our muscles to do opposite actions: contraction and relaxation.

Exists a large number of such exercises. We recommend starting from the very beginning simple option leaning against the surface of the wall.

What should be done?

  • Place your palms on the wall so that they are at chest height. Straighten your arms as much as possible.
  • Bend one leg forward while stretching the other back.
  • Tighten your muscles as if you are trying to move a wall. Hold this position for 10-12 seconds.
  • Repeat the exercise 4 times.

As you can see, the exercises we offer are quite simple, do not require any special devices and help to keep fit.

Give them time every day and soon you will notice that your muscles have become stronger, and you are more enduring.

There are many ways to quickly and effectively get your body in shape without resorting to the services of specialists and without going to the gym. If you yourself do not know how to pump up your legs at home, you should consult with a trainer who will select the necessary exercises.

Individually selected complex of simple exercises for thin legs or for weight loss that do not require additional equipment, will allow you to quickly pump up your legs or reset excess weight at home.

Important! Any sports training should start with a warm-up. It allows you to preheat muscle tissue and increase its blood supply. Muscles become more elastic.


You can quickly pump up your legs with the help of various variations of squats. Increasing the number of repetitions with each workout and reaching 100 squats, it is recommended to perform them with weight.

To do this, you can use dumbbells or a barbell. To pump up your legs at home, you can use plastic containers of various sizes filled with sand or water as additional weight.

It is important to follow the rules of execution. The body must be kept straight, the back straight. While squatting, your thighs should be parallel to the floor. You can not squat to push your knees further than the location of the socks.


Lunges with legs forward, backward and to the side perfectly work out all the muscles of the legs. When performing a step, make it as wide as possible. When lunging forward or backward, the heel of the leg should be in line with the knee of the other leg bent to the floor. To return to the starting position, straighten the leg in front with force.

For weighting when performing lunges, it is more convenient to use dumbbells. They are held in their arms at their sides. The load is determined individually, usually do 2-3 sets of 15-20 times for each leg.

Mahi legs

A full pumping of muscles should include leg swings. Standing take the leg as high as possible back to the side. In the lying position on the side or on all fours, swing the legs up, to the side, alternately changing legs. At home, you can increase the load by stretching a circle of elastic band when abducting the leg.

The intensity and duration of classes depends on whether you want to pump up your legs or lose weight. You should review your diet and balance your diet. Leg exercises at home are no less effective than classes in gym. Although it may take more time to achieve the desired result.

You will need two things: desire and imagination. With desire, everything is clear, there is nothing to say here, but the fantasy must be strained. When you work out in the gym, dozens of simulators are at your service, choose, I don’t want to.

Let's be creative at home.

Gotta come up with a program.

Precisely to invent, I would even say to invent. It is necessary to choose such a set of exercises in order to load the main muscles with the help of improvised means, observing the cycle - one muscle is laid out in full once a week.

Horizontal bar and bed - the main simulators

These are the two main trainers that are in almost every home, bed at least. What exercises do they give us?

Horizontal bar: pull-ups narrow grip, pull-ups wide grip, lifting legs on the press, you can twist.

Bed: we put our legs under the bed and do sit-ups, short, full, twists.

There are plenty of options here. Perhaps this is the only muscle group with which you can fully work without professional equipment. If you roll over on your stomach and do backbends, you get an exercise on.

Workout at home with dumbbells

If you have dumbbells in your arsenal, then you can pick up a lot of exercises. However, their absence is not catastrophic. You need comfortable items that will act as free weights.

One client, who was forced to live in a remote village for almost a year, said that he successfully dealt with an old battery register. Iron pipe trimmings are also suitable, and plastic bottles with water or coins.

We use weights at home

There are exercises in which more serious weights are needed, for example, squats. All the same client at one time squatted with the TV until he dropped it. So it's not the best option. You need an object that you can comfortably hold and properly distribute the load.

As a way out, I can offer a backpack. They put all the good in it, put it on and go. You should not use pets, especially dogs, as weighting agents, they can be categorically against it.

Home exercise program

Jokes aside, in the hands of a piece of paper and a pen, we solve the question of how to swing at home without exercise equipment. I recommend exercising three days a week.

The first day:

1. Push-ups from the floor with a wide setting of hands - 4 sets.

2. Push-ups from the floor with a narrow setting of hands - 3 sets.
The number of repetitions in the approaches must be selected so that you do not fall off after the first one, but you have enough strength for everything.

3. Extension of the arms from behind the head with free weight - 4 sets

4. The body is inclined parallel to the floor, extension of the arm at the elbow with free weight - 3 sets.


5. Short lifts - 3 sets.

6. Medium lifts - 3 sets.

Second day:

1. Shoulder-width squats - 4 sets.

2. Sumo squats - 3 sets.

3. Pull-ups with a wide grip - 4 sets.

4. Pull-ups with a narrow grip - 3 sets.


5. Twisting - 3 sets.

6. Body raises knees bent to the side on the floor - 3 sets.

Day three:

1. Backbends - 4 sets.

2. Mahi free weight in front of you - 4 sets.

3. Traction free weight to the chin - 3 approaches.

4. Free weight shrugs or own weight- 4 approaches. With your own weight, you can do an exercise in a sports corner, and in its absence, in a sitting position, hang between two chairs.

5. Bench free weight from behind the head.


6. Lifting the legs, hanging on the crossbar.

7. Side bends with free weights.

Now for the sad

Do you want to start at home? Please. But the chances that you will continue is not so much. When there is no need to go to the gym, it is easier to skip the class, you have no one to compete with, no one sees you and, accordingly, will not give good advice. Therefore, I think that working out at home is extremely difficult from a psychological point of view.

This is a good option to prepare for more intense training. So to speak, a warm-up before going to the gym.

There is one more minus. You will need to constantly increase the weight. And how to do it at home? It is possible, but extremely difficult. Even with prefabricated dumbbells, sooner or later you will be faced with the fact that their limit has been exhausted, and the backpack will begin to burst at the seams.

Everyone chooses what he likes. But my advice, a couple of months at home to swing without exercise equipment and go to the gym.

author: bodybuilding coach Maxim Kandratyuk, for the site

Workout without equipment

Ready chart
weekly workouts

We have already said that it is possible to train productively at home, especially if you are an introvert and do not want to be with anyone. But even if you love talking to strangers and standing in line for the machine, there are times when it is not possible to go to a fitness club. Sometimes you need to stay at home and not be away for a long time. Sometimes you are horrified to find that your hotel on a tropical island has only a buffet, but no buffet. Sometimes you are preparing for a bench press record, and the authorities send you on a business trip to a polar station where there is no barbell or even a bench. Finally, sometimes parents drive them to the countryside for the whole summer, crossing out dreams of pumping biceps by September 1st. Do not despair - in any of these situations, you can continue training with a minimum of equipment.

Fitness - acquisition

and maintenance

good shape

A rep is one complete exercise. For example, raising and lowering the arm means doing one rep. Raising and lowering your arm ten times means doing ten repetitions. If you did the exercise five times, and then rested and did it five more times, then you did two times (circles, sets) for five repetitions.

To improve the figure and improve the cardiovascular and respiratory system, the hall is not needed at all, just your own body is enough. The simplest and effective method- circuit training, when you perform several exercises in a row that load different muscle groups. First, test your condition: do one approach in different exercises, performing a maximum of clean, high-quality repetitions in each; then divide the resulting numbers by two - this is your starting point.

For example, if you can do ten push-ups, 20 crunches, 25 squats and glute bridges, and 30 calf raises, the program circuit training will look like this:

1) push-ups - 5;

2) twisting - 10;

3) squats - 12;

4) bridges - 12;

5) rises on socks - 15.

Pauses between exercises are minimal, after completion - rest for one minute and the whole circle again. You can start at the first workout with a couple of circles and gradually bring it up to five, then add repetitions. The basic rule: first, the most laborious movements are performed, in which the load is large and the repetitions are less, then lighter and more repetitive ones. Although this set of exercises without devices is enough to improve the form, they do not cover the upper and middle of the back. For health and good posture, it is advisable to get at least a rubber expander (harness) and add vertical and horizontal traction, fixing it to something. Train every other day by swimming, running or just walking on your rest days.

Strength - weight gain

in certain movements

When you are already training for strength, but temporarily lose your native barbell, it is possible to maintain some results without equipment. Of the three basic strength movements (bench press, squat, and deadlift), only the pull requires a weight, while the press and squat can be done with bodyweight. The intensity is increased by increasing the speed of movement (power) and transferring more load to the working muscles.

The program must include a general warm-up for the whole body, including light push-ups and squats, then a power (power) block with long rest intervals (1–2 minutes or more).

Workout #1 (Monday)

1) Dynamic push-ups with cotton - 5-6 sets of 1-5 reps.

Descend smoothly, pause at the bottom, and push off the floor, trying to rise as high as possible.

2) Jump Squats - 5-6 sets of 1-5 reps.

Just as smoothly lower, pause and jump as high as possible.

Workout #2 (Wednesday)

1) Push-ups on one hand from the floor or from an elevation - 4-5 sets of 3-6 repetitions with each hand.

To begin with, you can do push-ups from the table and chair, gradually increasing the intensity.

2) Squats on one leg from the bottom point - 4-5 sets of 3-6 repetitions with each leg.

Climb to a selected elevation or pause at a low point.

Workout #3 (Friday)

1) Push-ups on two hands with legs elevated - 3-4 sets of 6-8 repetitions.

Put your feet up on a chair, table, or even against a wall to make your reps hard but clean.

2) Squats on one leg - 3-4 sets of 6-8 repetitions with each leg.

Pick up the depth so that each rep is heavy enough, but technical.

A little rest from the deadlift and holding the heavy bar on your shoulders will do you good, but if your stay in the room, on the island or the polar station is prolonged, you should already collect some shells. It can be water canisters or food bags, bundles of coconuts or stones, in the end, a home bar and racks. Muscles of the back, buttocks and rear surface hips have a great power potential and require additional load.

Bodybuilding - muscle building

For hypertrophy (increase) of muscles, they must be loaded for a sufficiently long time with an average and high number of repetitions. If you are severely underweight and muscle mass is difficult to type, it is better to switch to a split program in which individual workouts are dedicated to their muscle groups or types of exercises. This way you will be able to concentrate as much as possible and give your all in different movements, giving more stimulus and then more rest for growth.

Still do a thorough warm-up for the whole body, then work on specific parts.

Chest, shoulders, triceps workout (Monday)

1) Push-ups on one hand from the floor or from an elevation - 3-5 sets of 6-8 repetitions with each hand.

Choose a hand height so that the last rep in the approach is almost to failure (but do not bring it to it).

2) Push-ups with legs elevated - 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

Choose a leg height that is also close to failure.

3) Regular push-ups - 1-2 sets with a maximum of quality repetitions to complete. glutes, hamstrings (Friday)

Here you already need an expander (harness) and a horizontal bar (tree branch), nothing can be done.

1) Pull-ups reverse grip- 3-5 sets of 6-8 reps (or as many as you can without failure).

2) Pull-ups on a low bar (with feet on the floor) - 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions (or how many you get without failure).

Or horizontal thrust expander - 3-4 sets with a maximum of repetitions.

3) Deadlift on one leg with an expander (harness) - 3-4 sets of 8-10 repetitions on each leg.

Stand with one foot in the middle of the expander, bend over with a straight back, raising the other leg back; grasp the expander with your hands at such a distance that it is slightly stretched already at the bottom point.

4) Glute Bridge on one leg - 3-4 sets to failure on each leg.

Ways of development

These were examples of minimalist programs that can be trained in almost any conditions. Of course, not all the exercises from the gym will be repeated this way, but there is always the opportunity to continue loading and even return to the fitness club with new achievements. If you want to spend your whole life quietly exercising at home, then slowly add training equipment and shells, expanding the arsenal of exercises and progressing in strength and mass. Usually people are limited by the lack of knowledge about training, and not at all by opportunities. The main thing is to always follow good technique, dose the load correctly and listen to your body, choosing the right exercises.

Throughout its life, mankind has sought to increase the comfort of its own existence. And - cheers! - now we have obesity, hemorrhoids and fitness equipment. When isolating certain muscles, you make movements that are absolutely unnatural for ordinary life, which over time can result in injury to the joints and spine. If you don't like this prospect, switch to alternative sources of muscle.

Vern Gambetta, trainer with 38 years of experience, author of Athletic Development: The Art and Science of Athletic Training.

Dr. Nicholas Dinubile, orthopedic surgeon, author of Working on Yourself: 7 Steps to Healthy Muscles, Bones, and Joints.



Danger Doing the extensions will make you much stronger in the extensions themselves, but otherwise... The machine is not capable of facilitating and / or making even normal walking more effective! But you will get load stress on the ligaments and tendons surrounding the kneecap.

Alternative Squats on one leg

Stand on a bench or step platform. Stretch one leg forward, bend the other (supporting) leg slightly at the knee. Pulling the pelvis strongly back and without lifting the heel of the supporting leg from the bench / platform, sit down and return to the starting position. You can lower your free leg just below the level of the bench. Is it difficult to keep balance? Throw a towel over the fixed horizontal part of the nearest simulator and grab onto it (preferably with one hand).


Abdominal muscles with emphasis on obliques

Danger When doing this exercise, your pelvis rotates separately from the movement. chest, which is not only unnatural, but also extremely dangerous for the lower back.

Alternative Lumberjacks on the top block

Stand with your right side to the block device. Grasp the rope handle previously attached to the block with both hands, slightly bend your knees and tighten your core muscles, fixing your lower back. Pull the handle to the side and down to your left knee. Return to starting position and repeat. Do 12-15 repetitions for each side.

3. HIGH abduction on the machine

Gluteal muscles

Danger Regularly performing such a movement under load can result in injury to the back or hip joints.

Alternative club lunges

Wrap a rubber band around your ankles, pull it tight, and begin side stepping. This exercise is not as easy as it seems at first glance.


Muscles of the shoulder girdle

Danger Your body likes it better when you lift something heavy over your head, helping yourself with your whole body. BUT this exercise turns off the thigh muscles and the cortex from work, which puts it at risk shoulder joints.

Alternative Medball throws

Stand a meter from the wall, lift the ball to your chest and throw it up so that it hits the wall at a point that is slightly more than a meter above you. Catch the ball, sit down a little and, straightening your legs, repeat the movement. In this variation, the shock-absorbing movement of the hips will reduce the load on the shoulder joints.


leg muscles

Danger On this simulator, the bar is not free, which means it is merciless to the knee ligaments, shoulder joints and lower back. This is because instead of a naturally curved trajectory, the Smith machine makes the weight move in a straight line.

Alternative Front squat with barbell

Put the bar on the front deltas and, putting your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, squat. The hardest part is keeping your balance, so don't lean forward and keep your elbows up. Difficult, but absolutely safe for the lower back.


Muscles of the thigh and leg

Danger This exercise can force you to bend at the back without the participation of the muscles responsible for its stabilization - those that, like Atlanteans, hold your lumbar, chest, and even cervical region spine.

Alternative Squats

Put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and squat as deep as possible without rounding your back. Start with 15-20 repetitions in each set, as you can increase this number.


Hip flexors and abdominal muscles

Danger The sit-ups stress your lower back exactly when it is in its most vulnerable, rounded position.

Alternative front bar

Stand on your forearms, straightening your body and hips in one line. Draw in your stomach and tighten your buttocks. Freeze for 30 seconds. Your "abs" will begin to beg for mercy on the 20th second.


Muscles of the back and shoulders

Danger Vertical thrust it is difficult to perform correctly, it is very comfortable and it is very easy to make a mistake with the weight in it. As a result, people with insufficient developed flexibility(almost all beginners) - various injuries of the shoulder joints occur.

Alternative Pull-ups on the low bar

Attach the bar in a power rack or on a Smith machine at waist level (or a little higher if you're new to training). Grasp the bar with a wide grip and, climbing under it, hang with your feet far forward and straighten your body in line with your legs. Pull yourself up, spreading your elbows to the sides and trying to touch the bar to the lower part of the chest.


Spinal extensors

Danger Spinal extension under load? Hmm... Maybe you could just ask someone to break your neck?

Alternative Martin

Get on all fours, stretch forward right hand and back left leg. Hold for 7 seconds and repeat. Do 10 repetitions for each leg. This will provide you with a steel lower back without health risks.


pectoral muscles

Danger This machine puts your shoulder joints in a very unstable position and in terms of usefulness is not too far from the crucifix so popular 2000 years ago.

Alternative Push-ups upside down

Take an emphasis lying down, putting your feet on the bench. Push up, trying to do 10-15 repetitions in the approach. If this task seems too easy for you, do plyometric push-ups: returning to straight arms, accelerate so that the palms leave the ground on each repetition.